SAP ABAP Function Module - Index L, page 4
Function Module - L
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | LINK_INCOME_EXPENSE_OLD_DOC | Merken der ursprünglichen Zusatzdaten für die Änderungsbelege | |
2 | LINK_INCOME_EXPENSE_POPUP | Popup zur Erfassung der Zusatzinfo zu den FI- und MR-Belegen | |
3 | LINK_INCOME_EXPENSE_RENUMBER | Ersetzt interne Nummer durch Belegkey des FI- bzw. des MR-Beleges | |
4 | LINK_INCOME_EXPENSE_VB | Verbuchungs-FB zur Belegerfassung der FI- und MR-Belege | |
5 | LINV_READ | Select from table LINV - 2nd layer | |
6 | LIPS_STATUS_MAINTAIN | Maintaining the status of a delivery item | |
7 | LISTE_ABC_ANALYSE | Listausgabe für ABC-Analyselisten zu 3.0 | |
8 | LISTE_KENNZAHLEN | Erstellen von Listen zu den Kennzahlen | |
9 | LISTICON_SHOW | Display and choose list icons | |
10 | LISTING_CHECK | Lesen von Sätzen aus WLK2 und Testen, ob Listungskondition in WLK1 ex. | |
11 | LISTING_CHECK_OLD | Lesen von Sätzen aus WLK2 und Testen, ob Listungskondition in WLK1 ex. | |
12 | LISTING_COND_MAINTAIN_DARK | Einbuchen Listungskonditionen aus IDOC | |
13 | LISTING_COND_MAINTAIN_DARK_RFC | R | Einbuchen Listungskonditionen aus IDOC |
14 | LISTING_GET | Lesen Listungs-Konditionen WWS für Verteilungs-Vorgänge | |
15 | LISTING_GET_ARTICLE | Lesen aller Listungskonditionen zu einem oder mehreren Artikeln | |
16 | LISTING_PARAMETER_SET | Setzen der Parameter zur Listungssteuerung | |
17 | LISTING_RANGES_CHECK | Analyse von Listungsänderungen | |
18 | LISTING_RULES_CHECK_DIALOG | Prüfen Listungsregeln und Dialog bei Fehlern | |
19 | LISTING_SALES_CHECK | Listung und Verkaufsprüfung | |
20 | LISTING_VIA_LAYOUT | Listung über Regalbausteine | |
21 | LISTING_VIA_LAYOUT_BATCH | Listung über Regalbausteine | |
22 | LISTSYMBOL_CHECK | Get information for a list symbol | |
23 | LISTSYMBOL_SHOW | Display and choose list symbols | |
24 | LISTUNG_FILIALE | Prüfen Listungszeitraum Filiale gültig ab/bis | |
25 | LISTUNG_ZENTRALE | Prüfen Listungszeitraum Zentrallager/Verteilzentrum gültig ab/bis | |
26 | LIST_ALLOW_SEQUENCE_OF_HYPHENS | Control of the character for which the ULINE automation is valid | |
27 | LIST_ARRAY_STACK | Ausgabe eines Stapels von Matrizen als Liste/Graphik | |
28 | LIST_COLUMN_HEADINGS | Pflege der Listueberschriften (Titel und Spaltenueberschriften) | |
29 | LIST_COMMAND | Bearbeitung der Listprozessor Funktionscodes (%...) | |
30 | LIST_CONVERT_NEW_TO_OLD_FORMAT | Konvertiere das Listobjekt in das alte Format | |
31 | LIST_CONVERT_TO_DAT | Converts an ABAP/4 list from internal format into DAT and downloads it | |
32 | LIST_CONVERT_TO_RTF | Converts an ABAP/4 list from internal format into RTF and downloads it | |
33 | LIST_CONVERT_TO_RTF_FROM_LIST | Converts an ABAP/4 list from internal format into RTF and downloads it | |
34 | LIST_DEPENDENT_LANGUAGES | Liste abhängiger Sprachen | |
35 | LIST_DOWNLOAD | ABAP list download | |
36 | LIST_DOWNLOAD_HTML | Download einer ABAP-Liste nach HTML-Konvertierung | |
37 | LIST_FILL_HYPERTAGS_TABLE | Füllen der Hypertags-Tabelle Tags mit den URL-Infos aus dem HIDE-Bereich | |
38 | LIST_FREE_MEMORY | Delete Last Saved List from Memory | |
39 | LIST_FROM_MEMORY | Prepared list import from memory | |
40 | LIST_GET_COLOR | Farbe bestimmen | |
41 | LIST_GET_PROPERTIES | Besorgen von Eigenschaften eines Listobjekts | |
42 | LIST_GET_QUICKINFOS_OF_LINE | Anzeige der Ikonen einer Liste mit Quickinfos | |
43 | LIST_GET_URL | Holen der URL, die an der Cursorposition im Listobjekt abgelegt wurde | |
44 | LIST_GET_URLS_OF_LINE | Holen der URLs, die zu einer Zeile eines Listobjekts abgelegt wurden | |
45 | LIST_HIDE_INFO | Ablegen eines Tag zu einem Zeilenbereich; bleibt im Listobjekt erhalten | |
46 | LIST_ICON_PREPARE_FOR_MODIFY | Preparing an icon for use with MODIFY | |
47 | LIST_INCOMING_ACTIVE_LINES | R | SAPphone: Liste der Durchwahlen pro Server |
48 | LIST_MATCHCODE_IDS | Outputs a list of all MC IDs to an MC object | |
50 | LIST_MODIFY_LINE_FORMAT | Modifizieren einer Listzeile gemäß Formatbeschreibungstabelle | |
51 | LIST_MODIFY_QUICKINFO | Modifizieren der Quickinfo zu einer Listausgabe | |
52 | LIST_OF_TRUSTED_TICKET_ISSUERS | R | Liste aller Systeme, deren Anmeldetickets das aktuelle System akzeptiert |
53 | LIST_REPAIR | Reparieren eines Listobjekts: Versionswechsel | |
55 | LIST_RESTORE_INFO | Holen der Tags, die zu einer Zeile eines Listobjekts abgelegt wurden | |
56 | LIST_SCAN | Suchen in Listen (Standardfunktion Listprozessor %SC) | |
57 | LIST_SCAN_NEXT_MATCH | Suche nach dem nächsten Treffer in einer Listanzeige | |
58 | LIST_SCROLL_COLUMN | Scroll a list display horizontally by column | |
59 | LIST_SCROLL_FOLLOWING_CURSOR | Blättern einer Listanzeige, damit der Cursor muß sichtbar wird | |
60 | LIST_SCROLL_LINE_TOPMOST | Scroll List Display: Selected Line Becomes First Line | |
61 | LIST_SET_QUICKINFO | (iterner Aufruf) Ablegen einer Quickinfo auf der Liste | |
62 | LIST_SET_URL | Ablegen einer URL zu einem Zeilenbereich; bleibt im Listobjekt erhalten | |
63 | LIST_SHOW_LISTLEVELSTACK | Anzeige des Listlevelstacks (interner Gebrauch) | |
64 | LIST_SOAP_APPLICATIONS | R | List of SOAP Applications |
65 | LIST_SO_VALUES | Printing the value set of a select option | |
66 | LIST_SPLIT_PATH | Obsolet: Splitten eines Pfadnamens für HTML-Download | |
67 | LIST_TABLE_INDICES | Lists all secondary indexes of a table and optionally also the prim. index | |
68 | LIST_TO_ASCI | Convert a (Saved) List Object to ASCI | |
69 | LIST_TO_DAT | Konvertiere Liste nach DAT-Format | |
70 | LIST_TO_MEMORY | Speichern aufbereiteter Liste im Memory | |
71 | LIST_TO_OFFICE | Listen im Office ablegen | |
72 | LIST_TO_TXT | Transformiere ALI-Liste nach TXT-Format | |
73 | LIST_USER_DATA | Listet Benutzer, Profile, Berechtigungen und Objekte | |
74 | LIST_USER_DATA_WITH_PARAM | Listet Benutzer, Profile oder Berecht. mit Vorgabeparametern | |
81 | LIS_CFG_CONFIGURE_CONTROLLER | Lis: Übernehme TMS+ Daten | |
91 | LIS_CFG_SAVE_CONTROLLER_DATA | LIS: Service - Absichern der Controller Daten | |
94 | LIS_CM_CONFIGURE_SERVER | LIS: Server konfigurieren | |
107 | LIS_CSV_READ_LISPROD | Lesen berechnete und gepflegte Produktversionen | |
108 | LIS_CSV_READ_LISSYSCOM | Lesen berechnete und gepflegte Produktversionen | |
110 | LIS_CSV_UPDATE_PARAM | Freie Parameter auf Datenbank speichern | |
113 | LIS_INF_GET_LANDSCAPE | System- und Produktinformation auslesen | |
118 | LIS_MGR_DISTRIBUTION_CHECK | LIS: Verteilstatus prüfen | |
123 | LIS_PAM_DELETE_PARAMETER | Delete parameters | |
124 | LIS_PAM_GET_PARAMETER | Parameter auslesen | |
126 | LIS_PAM_SET_PARAMETER | Set Parameters | |
127 | LIS_PAM_UPDATE_PARAM | intern: Parameter setzen/löschen | |
133 | LIS_SSV_DELETE_CONFIGURATION | LIS: Lösche Einträge der Konfiguration | |
136 | LIS_SSV_INT_MODIFY_LISPROD | Berechnete Produktversionen aufnehmen | |
148 | LIS_UI_CONFIGURE_SERVER | LIS: Server konfigurieren | |
150 | LIS_UI_DIST_CONFIRM | LIS: Benutzerentscheidung ob LIS-Konfiguration verteilt werden soll | |
152 | LIS_UI_DOCU_INTERFACE | Display TMS Documentation | |
153 | LIS_UI_F4_LOGOTYPE | ||
163 | LIS_UI_POPUP_SETTINGS | Display/Change User Settings | |
166 | LLTRM_OBJECTS_GET | Retrieve requests header via Monitor | |
167 | LMBEW_SET_SUB | Update Mat. Val. Rec. in Buffer After Change in a Subscreen | |
168 | LMBI_ACTIVITY_GET | Gets relevant activities | |
169 | LMBI_AUTHORIZATION_CHECK | Check authorization | |
170 | LMBI_BARCODE_TRANS | Translates bar code | |
171 | LMBI_BULKHU_VALIDATE | Validate bulk handling unit | |
172 | LMBI_CONVERSION_EXIT_INPUT | Conversion exit after input | |
173 | LMBI_CONVERSION_EXIT_OUTPUT | Conversion exit before output | |
174 | LMBI_DIFFERENCE_QTY_VALIDATE | Validate difference's quantity | |
175 | LMBI_MESSAGE_DISPLAY | Call to LMON_MESSAGE_DISPLAY via interfaces | |
176 | LMBI_MESSAGE_GET | Get message text | |
177 | LMBI_NEW_DEST_VALIDATE | Validate new destination of the task | |
178 | LMBI_PERSN_FIELDS_GET | Get personalization fields | |
179 | LMBI_PICKHU_VALIDATE | Validate Pick HU | |
180 | LMBI_PRDEV_MAINT_MTHD | Maintain presentation devices from TRM Monitor | |
181 | LMBI_PRESENTATION_DEVICES_GET | Get presentation devices | |
182 | LMBI_REASONS_GET | Get reasons | |
183 | LMBI_RESOURCE_BREAK | Deactivate or logoff the resource | |
184 | LMBI_RESOURCE_CAPACITY_CHECK | Check resource capacity | |
185 | LMBI_RESOURCE_CONNECT | Register the resource | |
186 | LMBI_RESOURCE_DEFAULTS_GET | Get logon defaults of the resource | |
187 | LMBI_RESOURCE_DEFINE | Define the resource | |
188 | LMBI_RESOURCE_DISCONNECT | Disconnect the resource | |
189 | LMBI_RESOURCE_LOCATION_SET | Set the resource location | |
190 | LMBI_RESOURCE_SWITCH_VALIDATE | Validate switched resource | |
191 | LMBI_RESOURCE_VALIDATE | Validate resource's input data | |
192 | LMBI_RSRCE_MESSAGE_GET | Get waiting message for resource | |
193 | LMBI_SWITCH_SAVE | Confirm resource switch | |
194 | LMBI_TASK_ACCEPT | Accept the tasks | |
195 | LMBI_TASK_CLUSTERING | Cluster the tasks | |
196 | LMBI_TASK_CONFIRM | Confirm the tasks | |
197 | LMBI_TASK_DATA_FETCH | Fetch task data | |
198 | LMBI_TASK_ENQUEUE | Enqueue tasks | |
199 | LMBI_TASK_MAKE_AVAILABLE | Make tasks available | |
200 | LMBI_TASK_RECOVERY | Recover tasks | |
201 | LMBI_TASK_SELECT | Select tasks | |
202 | LMBI_TASK_SKIP | Skip tasks | |
203 | LMBI_TRM_EXT_CALL_SET | Set LMOB parameter TRM_EXT_CALL | |
204 | LMBI_USER_SITE_GET | Get sites available for the user | |
205 | LMBPC_VIEW_EVENT_MAINTAIN | Checks view fields upon saving | |
206 | LMBPM_MESSAGE_DISPLAY | Call to LMON_MESSAGE_DISPLAY via interfaces | |
207 | LMBPM_PRDEV_MAINT_MTHD | Site maintenance from monitor | |
208 | LMBP_ACTIVITY_GROUP_GET | Get list of activity within a group | |
209 | LMBP_BCENTER_PROCESS | Process BCEnter function code | |
210 | LMBP_BULKHU_BUFF_CLEAR | Clear Bulk HU buffer | |
211 | LMBP_BULKHU_BUFF_READ | Read Bulk HU buffer | |
212 | LMBP_BULKHU_VALIDATE | Validate handling unit for bulk storage | |
213 | LMBP_BULK_REMAIN_CONFIRM | Confirm task with remaining quantity in bulk storage | |
214 | LMBP_COMPL_HU_ACTIVATE | Set on/off Complete HU check box | |
215 | LMBP_DEF_DISPLAY_PROFILE_GET | Get Default display presentation profile | |
216 | LMBP_DETAILS_INIT | Set the function code to Not Active | |
217 | LMBP_DIFF_BCENTER_PROCESS | Process BCEnter function code on step Differences | |
218 | LMBP_DIFF_CANCEL | Cancel differences exception | |
219 | LMBP_DIFF_CONFIRM | Save differences | |
220 | LMBP_DIFF_INIT | Initialize Difference step | |
221 | LMBP_DIFF_VALIDATE | Calculate the difference | |
222 | LMBP_DISPLAY_PROFILE_GET | Get display profile | |
223 | LMBP_DPROF_CHECK | Check display profile | |
224 | LMBP_EXT_TRANSACTION_EXECUTE | Execute external transaction | |
225 | LMBP_FORCE_CNFRM_CONFIRM | Force task confirmation | |
226 | LMBP_FORCE_CNFRM_INIT | Initialize Force Confirmation step | |
227 | LMBP_GET_MAPPED_STEP_TYPE | Return customized value of step type | |
228 | LMBP_LOGON_BCENTER_PROCESS | Register a resource and determine the display profile | |
229 | LMBP_LONG_TEXT_SPLIT | Prepare the message step | |
230 | LMBP_LPDVC_READ | Get presentation devices | |
231 | LMBP_LPDVC_UPDATE | Get presentation devices | |
232 | LMBP_LPRSNT_READ | Reads table LPRSN | |
233 | LMBP_LPRSN_READ | Reads table LPRSN | |
234 | LMBP_MENU_FORWARD | Next step when selecting a menu item | |
235 | LMBP_MENU_SELECT | Select the menu | |
236 | LMBP_MORE_INFO | get/set additional information during the all LP00 process | |
237 | LMBP_NEW_DESTINATION_CANCEL | Cancel a new destination | |
238 | LMBP_NEW_DESTINATION_CONFIRM | Confirmation of a new destination | |
239 | LMBP_NEW_DESTINATION_INIT | Initialize New Destination step | |
240 | LMBP_NEW_DESTINATION_VALIDATE | Validate new destination | |
241 | LMBP_NEW_DEST_BCENTER_PROCESS | Validate new destination | |
242 | LMBP_PERSN_FIELDS_GET | Get personalization fields | |
243 | LMBP_PICKHU_VALIDATE | Validate handling unit | |
244 | LMBP_PRESENTATION_DEVICES_GET | Get presentation devices | |
245 | LMBP_PROCESS_SET | Set external process | |
246 | LMBP_PROPERTIES_GET | Get presentation properties | |
247 | LMBP_PROPERTIES_SET | Set presentation properties | |
248 | LMBP_REASON_VALIDATE | Validate skip | |
249 | LMBP_REMAINING_QTY_CONFIRM | Confirm remaining quantity in stock | |
250 | LMBP_REMAINING_QTY_INIT | Initialize Remaining Quantity step | |
251 | LMBP_REMAINING_QTY_VALIDATE | Validate remaining quantity in stock | |
252 | LMBP_REM_QTY_BCENTER_PROCESS | Validate remaining quantity in stock | |
253 | LMBP_RESOURCE_CONFIRM | Confirm definition of the resource | |
254 | LMBP_RESOURCE_CONNECT | Register a resource and determine the display profile | |
255 | LMBP_RESOURCE_DEACTIVATE | Deactivate the resource | |
256 | LMBP_RESOURCE_DEFAULTS_GET | Set default parameters of the resource | |
257 | LMBP_RESOURCE_DEFINE | Define the resource | |
258 | LMBP_RESOURCE_DEFINITION_INIT | Set the function code to Not Active | |
259 | LMBP_RESOURCE_DISCONNECT | Disconnect the resource | |
260 | LMBP_RESOURCE_LOGOFF | Log off the resource | |
261 | LMBP_RESOURCE_RECONNECT | Register a resource and determine the display profile | |
262 | LMBP_RESOURCE_SITE_CONFIRM | Confirm site of the resource | |
263 | LMBP_RESOURCE_VALIDATE | Validate resource's input data | |
264 | LMBP_RSRCE_LOCATION_CONFIRM | Confirm resource location | |
265 | LMBP_RSRCE_LOCATION_INIT | Initialize resource location | |
266 | LMBP_RSRCE_LOCATION_VALIDATE | Check resource location | |
267 | LMBP_RSRCE_MESSAGE_GET | Get waiting message for resource | |
268 | LMBP_SAMPLE_MAP_STEP_TYPE | Return customized value of step type | |
269 | LMBP_SCREEN_DATA_SET | Get subscreen data | |
270 | LMBP_SELECT_HU_BCENTER_PROCESS | Verify handling unit and select corresponding task(s) | |
271 | LMBP_SEMISG_TRANS_INIT | Initialize semi system-guided selection | |
272 | LMBP_SKIP_BUNDLE_CONFIRM | Skip the tasks | |
273 | LMBP_SKIP_CONFIRM | Skip the task | |
274 | LMBP_SKIP_INIT | Initialize the Skip step | |
275 | LMBP_SKIP_TYPE_SET | Set type of skip (bundle or single task) | |
276 | LMBP_SKIP_VALIDATE | Validate skip | |
277 | LMBP_SPLIT_BCENTER_PROCESS | Process function code BCEnter for step Split | |
278 | LMBP_SPLIT_CANCEL | Cancel split exception | |
279 | LMBP_SPLIT_CONFIRM | Split the task | |
280 | LMBP_SPLIT_INIT | Initialize Split step | |
281 | LMBP_SPLIT_VALIDATE | Validate 'Split' step input | |
282 | LMBP_STEP_BACK | Return to the previous transaction step | |
283 | LMBP_STEP_DISPLAY | Display transaction step | |
284 | LMBP_STEP_EXECUTION_VALIDATE | Validate execution of the step before passing to the next step | |
285 | LMBP_STEP_FC_PROFILE_CREATE | Create function code profile of the transaction step | |
286 | LMBP_STEP_FETCH | Select next step of presentation device transaction | |
287 | LMBP_STEP_MESSAGE_DISPLAY | Display user's message | |
288 | LMBP_STEP_MESSAGE_PREPARE | Prepare the message step | |
289 | LMBP_STEP_MORE_FCODE_SET | Set on/off additional pushbuttons | |
290 | LMBP_STEP_NA_FCODE_SET | Set the function code to Not Active | |
291 | LMBP_STEP_PULL | Get transaction step from the presentation flow stack | |
292 | LMBP_STEP_PUSH | Append transaction step to the presentation flow stack | |
293 | LMBP_STEP_UPDATE | Update transaction step state in the presentation flow stack | |
294 | LMBP_SWITCH_CONFIRM | Confirm resource switch | |
295 | LMBP_SWITCH_FR_BCENTER_PROCESS | Select switched tasks | |
296 | LMBP_SWITCH_INIT | Initialize the Difference step | |
297 | LMBP_SWITCH_SELECT | Select switched tasks | |
298 | LMBP_SWITCH_VALIDATE | Validate resource switch at both the source and destination steps | |
299 | LMBP_SYS_GUID_TRANSACTION_INIT | Initialize system-guided transaction | |
300 | LMBP_TASK_ACCEPT | Accept the tasks | |
301 | LMBP_TASK_CONFIRM | Confirm the tasks | |
302 | LMBP_TASK_CONF_CREATEASSIGN | Confirm the tasks | |
303 | LMBP_TASK_DATA_FETCH | Fetch tasks data | |
304 | LMBP_TASK_DEFINE | Set parameters of the tasks to be selected | |
305 | LMBP_TASK_MAKE_AVAILABLE | Release the tasks | |
306 | LMBP_TASK_POSITION_SET | Set task to be displayed | |
307 | LMBP_TASK_RECOVERY | Recover tasks | |
308 | LMBP_TASK_RESEQ_HU_CONFIRM | Resequence tasks by handling units | |
309 | LMBP_TASK_RESEQ_HU_VALIDATE | Verify handling unit and select corresponding task(s) | |
310 | LMBP_TASK_RESEQ_INIT | Initiate task resequencing | |
311 | LMBP_TASK_RESEQ_MAT_CONFIRM | Resequence tasks by materials | |
312 | LMBP_TASK_RESEQ_MAT_VALIDATE | Validate material during tasks resequencing | |
313 | LMBP_TASK_SELECT | Select tasks | |
314 | LMBP_TASK_SELECT_HU_START | Pass selection by HU tasks to the operation step | |
315 | LMBP_TASK_SELECT_HU_VALIDATE | Verify handling unit and select corresponding tasks | |
316 | LMBP_TASK_VALIDATE | Validate input of the task | |
317 | LMBP_TEMPLATE_CALL | Call template screens | |
318 | LMBP_TRANSACTION_CHECK | Check transaction code | |
319 | LMBP_TRANSACTION_GET | Gets transaction data | |
320 | LMBP_TRM2VAS_DETAILS_INIT | Check if VAS order is exists | |
321 | LMBP_TRM2VAS_VORID_DISP | Displays VAS order | |
322 | LMBP_TRM2VAS_VORID_DISP_NEXT | Displays next VAS order | |
323 | LMBP_TRM2VAS_VORID_DISP_PREV | Displays previous VAS order | |
324 | LMBP_USR_GUID_TRANSACTION_INIT | Initialize user-guided transaction | |
325 | LMBP_VARIABLEMESSAGE_GET | Get variable message Severity | |
326 | LMBP_VAS_ANALYZE | Check VAS existance for task | |
327 | LMBP_VERIFY | Verify barcode | |
328 | LMBP_ZRCHK_CANCEL | Cancel Zero Stock Check step | |
329 | LMBP_ZRCHK_CONFIRM | Confirm a zero stock quantity | |
330 | LMBT_DPROF_GET | Gets display profile | |
331 | LMBT_LOCAT_GET | Gets site/presentation profile | |
332 | LMBT_SCREEN_CONVERT | Creates and adjusts presentation screens | |
333 | LMDB_AUTH_OBJECT | Authority Values for Authority Object AI_LMDB_OB | |
334 | LMDB_AUTH_OBJECT_AD_F4 | Authority Values for Authority Object AI_LMDB_OB | |
335 | LMDB_AUTH_OBJECT_OB_F4 | Authority Values for Authority Object AI_LMDB_OB | |
336 | LMDB_CIM_PERS_CLEAN_DEL_NAMESP | R | Cleanup deleted namespaces (for background processing) |
337 | LMDB_CIM_STAT_INST_COUNT_INT | R | Execute Statistics Calculation for CIM Classes and Instances (INTERNAL!) |
338 | LMDB_CIM_STAT_INST_MODIFY_DB | R | Set statistics data to DB and commit changes |
339 | LMDB_CIM_STAT_INST_REFRESH_DB | R | Set statistics data to DB and commit changes |
340 | LMDB_CREATE_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE | R | Create active namespace |
341 | LMDB_EMPTY_UPDATE | Empty update module | |
342 | LMDB_GET_COMPONENT_VERSION | Liefert die Kopfdaten zu einer Komponentenversion | |
343 | LMDB_GET_DETAILS_TO_SW_COMP | Liefert Detailinformationen zu einer Softwarekomponente | |
344 | LMDB_GET_LOGICAL_PORT_SMSY | Reads logical port from LMDB | |
345 | LMDB_GET_LONG_SID | Holt eine long SID | |
346 | LMDB_GET_PRODUCT_TO_PRODVER | Liefert das Produkt einer Produktversion | |
347 | LMDB_GET_STEXT_TO_MAIN_INST | Liefert den sprachunabhängigen Text einer Produktinstanz | |
348 | LMDB_GET_STEXT_TO_PRODUCT | Liefert den Kurztext eines Produktes | |
349 | LMDB_GET_STEXT_TO_PRODVERS | Liefert den Kurztext einer Produktversion | |
350 | LMDB_SAVE_GUIDS_TO_DB | Update task for saving LMDB Guid | |
351 | LMDB_SCHEDULE_NOTIFICATION | R | Schedule Notifications |
352 | LMDB_SET_LOGICAL_PORT_SMSY | R | Sets logical port in LMDB |
353 | LMDB_SHLP_CIM_FIXVAL_EXIT | Technical Systems | |
354 | LMDB_SHLP_DOMA_EXIT_AUTH | Authority Values of Authority Field Domain | |
355 | LMDB_SHLP_HOST_EXIT | Computer Systems | |
356 | LMDB_SHLP_NMSP_EXIT_AUTH | Authority Values of Authority Field Namespace | |
357 | LMDB_SHLP_SUBTYPE_EXIT_AUTH | Authority Values of Authority Field Subtype (currently not used) | |
358 | LMDB_SHLP_TS_DBSYSTEM_EXIT | Technical Systems DBSYSTEM - Search Help Exit | |
359 | LMDB_SHLP_TS_EXIT | Technical Systems | |
360 | LMDB_UI_GENB_SHLP_CLASS_EXIT | CIm Class Name Selection | |
361 | LMEX_OK_CODE_SET | Set OK code | |
362 | LMEX_PARAMS_SET | Set subscreen data | |
363 | LMEX_SUBSCREEN_DATA_SET | Set subscreen data | |
364 | LMFO_GEN_AR_FLAG_TO_DYNPRO | Convert Database Field Value into Screen Value | |
365 | LMFO_GEN_COUNTRY_RISK_ADMIN | Enter Administration Data in Country Risk Fields | |
366 | LMFO_GEN_COUNTRY_RISK_DERIVE | Derive Country Risk Fields in Financial Object | |
367 | LMFO_GEN_CR_FLAG_TO_DYNPRO | Convert Database Field Value into Screen Value: Country Risk Indicator | |
368 | LMFO_GEN_DERITOOL_PROT_DISPLAY | Display Log of Derivation Process | |
369 | LMFO_GEN_DYNPRO_TO_AR_FLAG | Convert Screen Value into Database Field Value | |
370 | LMFO_GEN_DYNPRO_TO_CR_FLAG | Convert Screen Value into Database Field Value: Country Risk Indicator | |
371 | LMFO_GEN_GET_COUNTRY_RISK_STAT | Returns the status: Country risk tool is active/inactive | |
372 | LMFO_GEN_GET_DERITOOL_STATUS | Returns the status of the derivation tool | |
373 | LMFO_GEN_GET_FLAG_N_MODE | Gets information about the processing status of the limit part | |
374 | LMFO_GEN_GET_LIMITDATA | Gets the current date of the limit part | |
375 | LMFO_GEN_READ_CUSTOMIZING | Get Customizing Settings for the Application Specified | |
376 | LMFO_GEN_READ_LIMIT_DATA | Get FO Limit Part from Database | |
377 | LMFO_GEN_SAVE_LIMIT_DATA | Save FO Limit Part on Database | |
378 | LMFO_LO_ACTIVITY_GET | Returns the status: Is limit-part integration active? | |
379 | LMFO_LO_EVT_APPL_START | Initialization: Limit Part: Financial Object Integration in Loans Mgmt | |
380 | LMFO_LO_EVT_SAVE_CHECK | FO Integration for Loans: Analysis Parameter - Check Data Before Saving | |
381 | LMFO_LO_EVT_SAVE_READY | Save: Limit Part Financial Object Integration in Loans Management | |
382 | LMFO_LO_EVT_SAVE_REQ | Test: Was data changed? Limit Part for FO Integration in Loans Management | |
383 | LMFO_LO_GET_FLAG_N_MODE | Gets information about the processing status of the limit part | |
384 | LMFO_LO_GET_LIMITDATA | Gets the current date of the limit part | |
385 | LMFO_POS_ACTIVITY_GET | Returns the status: Is limit-part integration active? | |
386 | LMFO_POS_EVT_APPL_START | Initialization: Limit Part: FO Integration in TR Securities Position | |
387 | LMFO_POS_EVT_TRANS_SAVE_CHECK | Check Data Before Saving: Limit Part for FO Integration in TR Sec. Positn | |
388 | LMFO_POS_EVT_TRANS_SAVE_READY | Save Data: Limit Part Financial Object Integration in TR Securities Positn | |
389 | LMFO_POS_EVT_TRANS_SAVE_REQ | Test: Was data changed? Limit Part FO Integration in TR Sec. Position | |
390 | LMFO_TRTM_ACTIVITY_GET | Returns the status: Is limit-part integration active? | |
391 | LMFO_TRTM_EVT_APPL_FREE | Releasing Resources | |
392 | LMFO_TRTM_EVT_APPL_START | Initialization: Limit Part FO Integration in TR Transaction Management | |
393 | LMFO_TRTM_EVT_CHANGEPTR_REQ | Test: Daten geändert? Limit-Teil FO-Integration in TR-Geschäftsverwaltung | |
394 | LMFO_TRTM_EVT_TRANS_CHECK | Screen Checks: Limit Part FO Integration into TR Transaction Management | |
395 | LMFO_TRTM_EVT_TRANS_FCODE | Handling of FCODEs | |
396 | LMFO_TRTM_EVT_TRANS_SAVE_CHECK | Checks before Saving: Limit Part - FO Integration in TR Trans. Management | |
397 | LMFO_TRTM_EVT_TRANS_SAVE_READY | Save: Limit Part FO Integration in TR Transaction Management | |
398 | LMFO_TRTM_EVT_TRANS_SAVE_REQ | Test: Was data changed? Limit Part FO Integration in TR Trans. Management | |
399 | LMFO_TRTM_GET_FLAG_N_MODE | Gets information about the processing status of the limit part | |
400 | LMFO_TRTM_GET_LIMITDATA | Gets the current date of the limit part | |
401 | LMIF_OK_CODE_SET | Set OK code | |
402 | LMIF_PARAMS_SET | Set subscreen data | |
403 | LMIF_SUBSCREEN_DATA_SET | Set subscreen data | |
404 | LMONAL_ROOT_SELECTION_GET | Get user input from objects selection screen | |
405 | LMONC_VIEW_EVENT_MAINTAIN | Check IMG view fields | |
406 | LMON_ALERTS_GET | Get object classes and objects of next level in tree | |
407 | LMON_ALERT_CONFIG_MTHD | Alerts configuration | |
408 | LMON_ALERT_LALRT_READ | Read alert defined threshold from LALRT | |
409 | LMON_ALERT_OBJECTS_GET | Retrieve alerts objects | |
410 | LMON_ALERT_ROOT_GET | Returns Site ID | |
411 | LMON_ATTRIBUTES_SET | Show attributes of the object | |
412 | LMON_ATTR_NAMES_GET | Get attribute texts | |
413 | LMON_AUTHORITY_CHECK | Check authorization for monitor use | |
415 | LMON_ELIMINATION_EXECUTE | Hides rows in monitor object hierarchy tree and ALV table | |
416 | LMON_EXPAND_SELECTION_GET | Returns table of preselected object classes to be expanded | |
417 | LMON_LMOCH_READ | Reads table LMVRT | |
418 | LMON_LMVRT_MODIFY | Modifies table LRF_WKQU | |
419 | LMON_LMVRT_READ | Reads table LMVRT | |
420 | LMON_MEMORY_IMPORT | Imports table of WHERE clauses from SAP memory | |
421 | LMON_MENU_ENABLE_CHECK | Check if the given method should be enabled in the object context menu | |
422 | LMON_MESSAGE_DISPLAY | Display message | |
423 | LMON_METHODS_READ | Fill global table of services | |
424 | LMON_METHOD_EXECUTE | Execute method upon one or more objects | |
425 | LMON_METHOD_GET | Returns record containing data of requested method | |
426 | LMON_METHOD_MSG_DISPLAY | Displays appropriate message upon method execution | |
427 | LMON_METHOD_MSG_INIT | Creates table of messages to be displayed at method execution | |
428 | LMON_MULTIPLE_SELECTION_CHECK | Checks if multiple selection is allowed for requested movement | |
429 | LMON_NEXT_LEVEL_GET | Get object classes and objects of next level in Monitor tree | |
430 | LMON_OBCLS_ATCT_READ | Fills global table of attributes catalogue | |
431 | LMON_OBCLS_ATPR_READ | Fills global table of attributes to be displayed | |
432 | LMON_OBCLS_ATTM_READ | Fills global table of attribute-icon mapping | |
433 | LMON_OBCLS_DEF_GET | Get object class definitions from global table | |
434 | LMON_OBCLS_DEF_READ | Fill global table of object class definitions | |
435 | LMON_OBCLS_TREE_READ | Fills global table containing object class, parent class & tree level | |
436 | LMON_OBJECTS_DISPLAY | Display objects | |
437 | LMON_OBJECTS_SELECTION_GET | Gets object selection made on selection screen and manages selection data | |
438 | LMON_OBJKEYS_MAP | Copies object key values to structure defined for given object class | |
439 | LMON_RANGE_CREATE | Creates range of values in given column of given internal table | |
440 | LMON_ROOT_EXPORT | Export site ID to SAP memory for further reading by Alert Monitor | |
441 | LMON_ROOT_GET | Returns site ID | |
443 | LMON_ROOT_OBJECT_GET | Gets all available objects of given object class | |
444 | LMON_SELECTED_OBJECTS_GET | Returns range of preselected objects that belong to calling package | |
445 | LMON_SHLP_LOCAT | Get available locations for all possible root object classes | |
447 | LMOP_OK_CODE_SET | Set OK code | |
448 | LMOP_PARAMS_SET | Set subscreen data | |
449 | LMOP_SUBSCREEN_DATA_SET | Set subscreen data | |
450 | LMRC_FGDT_EVENT_DCHCK | LMRC: Check Data Before Saving | |
451 | LMRC_FGDT_EVENT_DLVE1 | LMRC: Initialize Current Memory | |
452 | LMRC_FGDT_EVENT_DSAVB | LMRC: Transfer Data to Tables of Application | |
453 | LMRC_FGDT_EVENT_FMOD2 | LMRC: Field Modifications for Field Groups | |
454 | LMRC_FGDT_EVENT_ISDST | LMRC: Get Data from Tables in Application | |
455 | LMRC_FGDT_EVENT_ISSTA | LMRC: Initializations | |
456 | LMRC_FGDT_EVENT_XCHNG | LMRC: Was data changed? | |
457 | LMRC_FGDT_PAI_LMRC01 | LMRC: PAI View LMRC01 | |
458 | LMRC_FGDT_PBC_LMRC01 | LMRC: PBC View LMRC01 | |
459 | LMSDC_BDT_ACTIVITY_GET | Returns the status of the integrated limit check | |
460 | LMSDC_BDT_CREATE_RC | Generate Risk Objects in Online Mode from Transaction Data | |
461 | LMSDC_BDT_EVENT_DCHCK | Event DCHK: Checks applied to data before saving (cross-view) | |
462 | LMSDC_BDT_EVENT_DCUAC | Callup Point DCUAC: Change Standard User Interface | |
463 | LMSDC_BDT_EVENT_DSAVE | Event DSAVE: Save Data | |
464 | LMSDC_BDT_EVENT_FCODE | Event FCODE: Handle Own OK Codes | |
465 | LMSDC_BDT_EVENT_ISDAT | Get Company Code of Risk Object from Database | |
466 | LMSDC_BDT_EVENT_ISSTA | Event ISTA: Initialize | |
467 | LMSDC_BDT_GET_FLAG_N_MODE | Gets information about the processing status of the limit part | |
468 | LMSDC_BDT_LIMIT_CHECK_RC | Limit Check for Risk Object | |
469 | LMSDC_BDT_PAI_DAP009 | Check: Integrated Limit Check in Current Company Code? | |
470 | LMSDC_GEN_ACTIVE | Get Customizing: Is integration of limit check active for the application? | |
471 | LMSDC_GEN_BKNZ_MODE | Returns the mode for the basic key figures in the single transaction check | |
472 | LMSDC_GEN_INIT_MARKET | Initialize Market Data Buffer | |
473 | LMSDC_GEN_INIT_RC_CREATION | General Initializations for Risk Object Generation | |
474 | LMSDC_GEN_LIMIT_CHECK | Calculation of Basic Key Figures | |
475 | LMSDC_GEN_MESSAGE_POPUP | Display of Transferred Message Table | |
476 | LMSDC_GEN_RESULT_MESSAGE | Generates short return message for limit check | |
477 | LMSDC_GEN_SEVERITY_FROM_RESULT | Check for whether there is a valid result from the limit check | |
478 | LMSDC_LO_ACTIVITY_GET | Returns the status of the integrated limit check | |
479 | LMSDC_LO_CREATE_RC | Generate Risk Objects in Online Mode from Transaction Data | |
480 | LMSDC_LO_EVT_APPL_START | Initialization: Limit Check in Loans Management | |
481 | LMSDC_LO_LIMIT_CHECK | Limit Check for Loans: Interface to Loans | |
482 | LMSDC_TRTM_ACTIVITY_GET | Returns the status of the integrated limit check | |
483 | LMSDC_TRTM_CREATE_RC | Generate Risk Objects in Online Mode from Transaction Data | |
484 | LMSDC_TRTM_EVT_APPL_FREE | Release of Global Proxy Resources | |
485 | LMSDC_TRTM_EVT_APPL_START | Initialization: Limit Check in Open TRTM | |
486 | LMSDC_TRTM_EVT_SAVE_CANCEL | Termination of Posting: Limit Check in Open TRTM | |
487 | LMSDC_TRTM_EVT_TRANS_FCODE | Handling of Own FCODEs | |
488 | LMSDC_TRTM_LIMIT_CHECK | Check Data Before Saving: Limit Check in Open TRTM | |
489 | LMSL_OK_CODE_SET | Set OK code | |
490 | LMSL_PARAMS_SET | Set subscreen data | |
491 | LMSL_SUBSCREEN_DATA_SET | Set subscreen data | |
492 | LMSV_OK_CODE_SET | Set OK code | |
493 | LMSV_PARAMS_SET | Set parameters of the subscreen | |
494 | LMSV_SUBSCREEN_DATA_SET | Set subscreen data | |
495 | LM_ARC_PM_QMEL_DELETE | Adon Archiving QMEL (Delete) | |
496 | LM_DPS_CHECK_FO_MAIN_PROCESS | Check Financial Objects (Mass Processing) | |
497 | LM_DPS_CHECK_INIT | Initialization of Check of Financial Objects (Mass Processing) | |
498 | LM_DPS_END | End for Financial Objects (Mass Processing) | |
499 | LM_DPS_ORIG_DATA_SELECT | Get Original Transaction for Financial Object | |
500 | LM_DPS_SAVE_FO_MAIN_PROCESS | Save Financial Objects (Mass Processing) |