SAP ABAP Function Module - Index O, page 9
Function Module - O
# Function Module Mode Short Description
1 OIO_CM_CHECK_PLANT_SLOC OffLog: Determine supply process 
2 OIO_CM_DETERMINE_PROCESS OffLog: Determine supply process 
3 OIO_CM_GET_SHIP_TO_PARTY OffLog: Determine ship-to party 
4 OIO_CM_READ_PROCESS OffLog: Determine component item category 
6 OIO_CT_CHECK_VEKP OffLog: Check shipping unit header 
7 OIO_CT_DISPLAY OffLog: Display record from flexible container master 
8 OIO_CT_F4_CNTNR OffLog: Value request for external shipping unit ID 
9 OIO_CT_F4_EXIDV OffLog: Value request for external shipping unit ID 
10 OIO_CT_F4_EXIT Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe 
11 OIO_CT_F4_VHILM OffLog: Value request for external shipping unit ID 
12 OIO_CT_GET_TYPES OffLog: Get active container types 
13 OIO_CT_LOCK OffLog: Lock container (template) 
14 OIO_CT_READ OffLog: Read record from flexible container master 
15 OIO_CT_READ_GENERIC OffLog: Read record from flexible container master 
16 OIO_CT_SELECT offLog: Select records from flexible container master 
17 OIO_CT_SELECT_GENERIC offLog: Select records from flexible container master 
18 OIO_CT_UNLOCK OffLog: Unlock container (template) 
19 OIO_CT_USAGE OffLog: Check container usage 
20 OIO_CT_VALUE_REQUEST OffLog: Value request for flexible container master 
21 OIO_CT_VALUE_REQUEST_GENERIC OffLog: Value request for flexible container master 
22 OIO_CX_DISPLAY OffLog: Display container (template) 
23 OIO_CX_LOCK OffLog: Lock container (template) 
24 OIO_CX_READ OffLog: Read container (template) 
25 OIO_CX_SELECT OffLog: Select containers (template) 
26 OIO_CX_UNLOCK OffLog: Unlock container (template) 
27 OIO_CX_VALUE_REQUEST OffLog: Search help for container (template) 
29 OIO_DD_CHECK_VETVG OLM Check transport index for VL10 
30 OIO_DD_SET_LOGIC OLM Set processing logic for VL10 checks 
31 OIO_DISPLAY_PMORDER_COMPONENT Display plant maintenance order component 
32 OIO_DISPLAY_PMORDER_OPERATION Display plant maintenance order operation 
33 OIO_DISPLAY_PMORDER_PRT Display plant maintenance order PRT allocation 
34 OIO_DISPLAY_PSNETWORK_ACTIVITY Display project system network activity 
35 OIO_DISPLAY_PSNETWORK_MATERIAL Display project system network material 
36 OIO_DISPLAY_PSNETWORK_PRT Display project system network PRT allocation 
37 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_CHANGE Change document flow object 
38 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_COMPONENTS Get component values for object 
39 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_DECODE Offshore logistics: Decode document flow object id 
40 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_DISPLAY OffLog: Display document flow object 
41 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_ENCODE Encode document flow object id 
42 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_ICON OffLog: Display document flow object 
43 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_NAME RLM document flow object name 
44 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_NW01_CHANGE OffLog: Display the allocated Production Resource or Tool 
45 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_NW01_DISPLAY OffLog: Display the allocated Production Resource or Tool 
46 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_NW02_CHANGE OffLog: Display the allocated Production Resource or Tool 
47 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_NW02_DISPLAY OffLog: Display the allocated Production Resource or Tool 
48 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_PM01_CHANGE Change: plant maintenance order operation 
49 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_PM01_DISPLAY Display: plant maintenance order operation 
50 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_PM02_CHANGE Change: plant maintenance order component 
51 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_PM02_DISPLAY Display: plant maintenance order component 
52 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_PO01_CHANGE Change: purchase order item 
53 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_PO01_DISPLAY Display: purchase order item 
54 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_PP00_CHANGE Change: production resource or tool 
55 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_PP00_DISPLAY Display: production resource or tool 
56 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_PP01_CHANGE Display: production resource or tool allocated to PM/PS order 
57 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_PP01_DISPLAY Display: production resource or tool allocated to PM/PS order 
58 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_RQ01_CHANGE Change: purchase requisition item 
59 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_RQ01_DISPLAY Display: purchase requisition item 
60 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_SV01_CHANGE Display: service line in purchasing document 
61 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_SV01_DISPLAY Change: service line in purchasing document 
62 OIO_DOCFLOW_OBJ_TEXTS Get texts for document flow object reference fields 
63 OIO_DOCFLOW_UPD_DELETE OffLog: Delete document flow records 
64 OIO_DOCFLOW_UPD_INSERT OffLog: Insert document flow records 
65 OIO_DOCFLOW_UPD_SD_DELIVERIES OLM Update document flow for SD deliveries 
66 OIO_FS_CHECK_INPUT Field status: check input of mandatory fields 
67 OIO_FS_GET_STATUS Get status for screen field 
68 OIO_FS_GET_STATUS_2 Get status for screen field using combined field name 
69 OIO_GD_CANCELLATION_CHECK OLM Cancellation of goods receipt - check routine 
70 OIO_GD_CANCELLATION_DIALOG OLM Cancellation of goods receipt - call dialog 
71 OIO_GD_CANCELLATION_POST OLM Cancellation of goods receipt - posting routine 
72 OIO_GD_INIT Initialise OLM X-Dock cancellation 
73 OIO_GD_MOBITEMSERVICES_GET RLM Get service lines referenced by the material documents (via mob. item) 
74 OIO_GD_XDOCK_GET OLM Get cross dock deliveries 
75 OIO_GD_XDOCK_LIST OLM List cross-dock deliveries (with delete option) 
76 OIO_GR_DELIVERY_CREATE Save deliveries for goods receipt 
77 OIO_GR_DELIVERY_INFORM Import goods movement details 
78 OIO_GR_DELIVERY_LIST List deliveries created for goods receipt 
79 OIO_GR_DELIVERY_PACKING Adjust packing on cross docked deliveries 
80 OIO_GR_DELIVERY_SIMULATE OffLog: Save deliveries for goods receipt 
81 OIO_GR_GET_FLOW Check goods receipt item for offshore supply 
82 OIO_GR_GET_MESSAGES Get cross-docking messages for goods receipt doc 
83 OIO_GR_INIT Goods receipt - initialise all work areas 
84 OIO_GR_ITEM_CHECK Check goods receipt item for offshore supply 
85 OIO_GR_ITEM_SCREEN_MODIF Screen modification for item in tableview row (MIGO) 
86 OIO_GR_LOAD Goods receipt - import data to work areas 
87 OIO_GR_RN_MOBILIZE Update mobilization status of rental items 
88 OIO_HD_CHECK Check hold updates 
89 OIO_HD_DELIVERY_CHECK Check hold status of deloivery 
90 OIO_HD_DELIVERY_HOLD Hold delivery 
91 OIO_HD_DELIVERY_RELEASE Release held delivery 
92 OIO_HD_DEQUEUE OLM dequeue objects of an order operation 
93 OIO_HD_INIT Initialise holding work area 
94 OIO_HD_OBJECT Load object into holding work area 
95 OIO_HD_OPERATION_GET OLM Get order operation and related documents for holding 
96 OIO_HD_OPERATION_HOLD OLM set hold flag on order operation 
97 OIO_HD_OPERATION_RELEASE OLM clear hold flag on order operation 
98 OIO_HD_UPDATE Update holding 
99 OIO_HU_OPERATION_UPDATE OLM update operation hold flag 
100 OIO_MM_MAP_DOCFLOW OLM field mapping 
101 OIO_MM_MAP_OBJECT OLM field mapping 
102 OIO_MM_MAP_OBJECT_FROM_ID Map an object from its object type and ID 
103 OIO_MM_READ_OBJECT_REFS Read the structures required to map an object 
104 OIO_MT_DISPLAY Display document flow using ALV tree 
105 OIO_MT_GET Get document flow data 
106 OIO_MT_OUTPUT Output document flow 
107 OIO_MT_PRELOAD Preload docflow data 
108 OIO_MT_STATUS_F4_EXIT Search help exit for requirements tracking status 
109 OIO_MU_CHANGE Change tracking extract 
110 OIO_MU_DELETE Delete extract 
111 OIO_MU_INSERT Insert tracking extract 
112 OIO_MX_DISPLAY Display tracking extract 
113 OIO_MX_READ Read extract 
114 OIO_MX_SAVE Save tracking extract 
115 OIO_NV_AFVC_TO_AFFH Tracking: order operation/activity to PRT allocations 
116 OIO_NV_AFVC_TO_AUFK Tracking: Order operation to owning order 
117 OIO_NV_AFVC_TO_AUFK_S Tracking: Order operation to sub-order 
118 OIO_NV_AFVC_TO_EBAN_P Tracking: PM order operation to purchase requisition item 
119 OIO_NV_AFVC_TO_EBAN_S Tracking: PM order operation to service requisition item 
120 OIO_NV_AFVC_TO_EBAN_T Tracking: PM order operation to transport requisition item 
121 OIO_NV_AFVC_TO_ESLL Tracking: order operation to service line 
122 OIO_NV_AFVC_TO_RESB Tracking: order operation to reservation 
123 OIO_NV_AFVC_TO_RESB_A Tracking: order operation to reservation (no direct procurement) 
124 OIO_NV_AFVC_TO_RESB_M Tracking: order operation to order component 
125 OIO_NV_ANY__TO_ORIG Tracking: Any object to original object 
126 OIO_NV_ANY__TO_RCTR Tracking: Any object to container return 
127 OIO_NV_ANY__TO_RMTL Tracking: Any object to material return 
128 OIO_NV_ANY__TO_VTTK_LIPS Tracking: Any object to shipment (following delivery) 
129 OIO_NV_AUFK_TO_AFVC Tracking: order to order component 
130 OIO_NV_AUFK_TO_AUFK Tracking: Order to owning order 
131 OIO_NV_AUFK_TO_EBAN_K Tracking: order to requisition using account assignment 
132 OIO_NV_AUFK_TO_PRPS Tracking: Order to WBS element 
133 OIO_NV_AUFK_TO_RESB Tracking: order to reservation 
134 OIO_NV_AUFK_TO_RESB_A Tracking: order to reservation (no direct procurement) 
135 OIO_NV_CNTR_TO_VTTK Tracking: Container to shipment 
136 OIO_NV_CTNR_TO_LIPS Tracking: Container to delivery item 
137 OIO_NV_CTNR_TO_VEKP Tracking: container to shipping unit 
138 OIO_NV_EBAN_TO_AFVC Tracking: Requisition to order operation 
139 OIO_NV_EBAN_TO_AUFK Tracking: Requisition to order 
140 OIO_NV_EBAN_TO_EBAN_P Tracking: stock transport requisition item to purchase requisition item 
141 OIO_NV_EBAN_TO_EBAN_T Tracking: purchase requisition item to transport requisition item 
142 OIO_NV_EBAN_TO_EBKO Tracking: Requisition item to requisition header 
143 OIO_NV_EBAN_TO_EKKO Tracking: requisition item to purchase order 
144 OIO_NV_EBAN_TO_RESB Tracking: Requisition item to reservation 
145 OIO_NV_EBAN_TO_RESB_M Tracking: Requisition item to order component 
146 OIO_NV_EBKN_TO_EBAN Tracking: requisition to requisition item 
147 OIO_NV_EBKN_TO_EBAN_P Tracking: purchase requisition to purchase requisition item 
148 OIO_NV_EBKN_TO_EBAN_T Tracking: stock transport requisition to stock transport requisition item 
149 OIO_NV_EBKO_TO_EBAN Tracking: requisition to requisition item 
150 OIO_NV_EBKO_TO_RESB Tracking: Requisition to reservation 
151 OIO_NV_EBKO_TO_RESB_M Tracking: Requisition to order component 
152 OIO_NV_EKKO_TO_EBAN Tracking: stock transport requisition item to purchase requisition item 
153 OIO_NV_EKKO_TO_EKPO Tracking: purchase order to purchase order item 
154 OIO_NV_EKPO_TO_EBAN Tracking: purchase order item to requisition item 
155 OIO_NV_EKPO_TO_ESLL Tracking: purchase order item to service items 
156 OIO_NV_EKPO_TO_LIPS_T Tracking: stock transport order item to delivery item 
157 OIO_NV_EKPO_TO_LIPS_T_X Tracking: stock transport order item to delivery item 
158 OIO_NV_EKPO_TO_MSEG_P Tracking: purchase order item to goods receipt item 
159 OIO_NV_EKPO_TO_MSEG_T Tracking: stock transfer order item to goods receipt item 
160 OIO_NV_ESLH_TO_EBAN_P Tracking: stock transport requisition item to purchase requisition item 
161 OIO_NV_ESLH_TO_EKPO Tracking: purchase order to purchase order item 
162 OIO_NV_ESLH_TO_ESLL Tracking: service package to service lines 
163 OIO_NV_ESLL_TO_AFFH Tracking: service line to production resource/tool allocation 
164 OIO_NV_ESLL_TO_EKPO Tracking: PO rental service line to PO mobilization item 
165 OIO_NV_LIKP_TO_LIPS Tracking: Delivery to delivery items 
166 OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_CTNR_L Tracking: delivery item to listed container 
167 OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_CTNR_U Tracking: delivery item to unlisted container 
168 OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_EKPO Tracking: stock transport requisition item to purchase requisition item 
169 OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_EKPO_T Tracking: delivey header/item to transport order 
170 OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_EKPO_T_X Tracking: delivey header/item to transport order when no x-dock grn 
171 OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_MSEG_GI Tracking: delivery item to goods issue 
172 OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_MSEG_GR Tracking: delivery item to goods receipt 
173 OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_MSEG_P Tracking: delivery item to x-dock goods receipt 
174 OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_MSEG_P_X Tracking: delivery header/item to x-dock goods receipt when no STO 
175 OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_RMTL Tracking: Return delivery to material return 
176 OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_VEKP Tracking: delivery item to shipping unit 
177 OIO_NV_LIPS_TO_VTTK Tracking: delivery item to shipment 
178 OIO_NV_MKPF_TO_MSEG_GR Tracking: goods receipt to goods receipt item 
179 OIO_NV_MSEG_TO_EKPO Tracking: goods receipt item to purchase orde item 
180 OIO_NV_MSEG_TO_LIPS_GR Tracking: goods reecipt item to delivery item 
181 OIO_NV_MSEG_TO_LIPS_GR_X Tracking: goods receipt item to delivery item when no link via STO 
182 OIO_NV_MSEG_TO_RESB_GI Tracking: goods issue to reservation 
183 OIO_NV_PROJ_TO_PRPS Tracking: Project definition to WBS element 
184 OIO_NV_PRPS_TO_AFVC Tracking: WBS element to order operation 
185 OIO_NV_PRPS_TO_AUFK Tracking: WBS element to order 
186 OIO_NV_PRPS_TO_PRHI Tracking: WBS element to superior WBS or Project 
187 OIO_NV_PRPS_TO_PROJ Tracking: WBS Element to Project definition 
188 OIO_NV_PRPS_TO_PRPS Tracking: WBS Element to WBS Sub-Elements 
189 OIO_NV_RCTR_TO_LIPS Tracking: container return to delivery item 
190 OIO_NV_RCTR_TO_RDOC Tracking: Container return to return document header 
191 OIO_NV_RDOC_TO_RCTR Tracking: Return document header to container return item 
192 OIO_NV_RDOC_TO_RMTL Tracking: Return document header to material return item 
193 OIO_NV_REF__TO_RMTL Tracking: Reference object to material return 
194 OIO_NV_RESB_TO_AFVC Tracking: Reservation to owning order operation 
195 OIO_NV_RESB_TO_AUFK Tracking: Reservation to owning order 
196 OIO_NV_RESB_TO_EBAN_P Tracking: reservation to purchase requisition item 
197 OIO_NV_RESB_TO_EBAN_T Tracking: reservation to stock transport requisition item 
198 OIO_NV_RESB_TO_EBNK_P Tracking: reservation to purchase requisition 
199 OIO_NV_RESB_TO_EBNK_T Tracking: reservation to stock transport requisition 
200 OIO_NV_RESB_TO_MSEG_GI Tracking: reservation to goods issue 
201 OIO_NV_RESB_TO_RESB_A Tracking: repeat reservation (without direct procurement) 
202 OIO_NV_RITM_TO_ANY Tracking: Any return item to any object linked via document flow 
203 OIO_NV_RITM_TO_LIPS Tracking: return item to delivery item 
204 OIO_NV_RITM_TO_RDOC Tracking: Any return item to return document header 
205 OIO_NV_RMTL_TO_EBAN_P Tracking: material return to purchase requisition items 
206 OIO_NV_RMTL_TO_EBAN_T Tracking: material return to transport requisition items 
207 OIO_NV_RMTL_TO_EKKO_P Tracking: Material return to purchase order item 
208 OIO_NV_RMTL_TO_EKPO_P Tracking: Material return to purchase order item 
209 OIO_NV_RMTL_TO_EKPO_T Tracking: Material return to transport order item 
210 OIO_NV_RMTL_TO_LIPS Tracking: Material return to delivery item 
211 OIO_NV_RMTL_TO_MSEG Tracking: material return to material movement 
212 OIO_NV_RMTL_TO_RDOC Tracking: Material return to return document header 
213 OIO_NV_RMTL_TO_RESBD Tracking: Material return to purchase order item 
214 OIO_NV_TEMPLATE Tracking: Template for tracking functions 
215 OIO_NV_VEKP_TO_LIPS Tracking: shipping unit to delivery item 
216 OIO_NV_VEKP_TO_VEKP Tracking: shipping unit to shipping unit 
217 OIO_NV_VTTK_TO_CTNR_L Tracking: shipment to listed container 
218 OIO_NV_VTTK_TO_CTNR_U Tracking: shipment to unlisted container 
219 OIO_NV_VTTK_TO_VEKP Tracking: shipment to shipping unit 
220 OIO_OH_CHECK_OBJECT Check object exists 
221 OIO_OH_GET_OBJECT Prompt user for object with help 
222 OIO_OH_LOAD_OBJECT Derive object details 
223 OIO_OH_SELECT_CHILDREN Select child objects from OLM object flow 
224 OIO_PM_COMPLETE_RESB Complete RESB during insert of component 
225 OIO_PM_DEFAULT_AFVG Set default values for PM order operation 
226 OIO_PM_MOVE_EBAN_TO_RESBD Move data from requisition to reservation 
227 OIO_PM_MOVE_RESBD_TO_EBAN Move data from requisition to reservation 
228 OIO_RN_GET_SERVICE_ITEM Get service item for purchase order mobilization item 
229 OIO_RN_MOBILIZATIONITEMS_UPD Update module: maintain mobilization items for rentals in purchase order 
230 OIO_RS_CHECK Returns: check fields for material subsequent document 
231 OIO_RS_C_DELIVERY_WO_REF Returns: create delivery without reference for container returns 
232 OIO_RS_M_CREATE_CUSTOMER Returns: Create Purchase Order for material returns 
233 OIO_RS_M_CREATE_DELIVERY Returns: Create Outbound Delivery for material returns 
234 OIO_RS_M_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT Returns: Create Goods Movement for material returns 
235 OIO_RS_M_CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER Returns: Create Purchase Order for material returns 
236 OIO_RS_M_CREATE_RESERVATION Create reservation for parts to be supplied to vendor 
237 OIO_RS_M_DELIVERY Returns: create delivery with reference to transport order 
238 OIO_RS_M_DELIVERY_2 Returns: create delivery with reference to transport order 
239 OIO_RS_M_DELIVERY_WO_REF Returns: create delivery without reference for material returns 
240 OIO_RS_M_GOODS_ISSUE Returns: post goods issue for material return 
241 OIO_RS_M_PACK_DELIVERY Returns: create delivery with reference to transport order 
242 OIO_RS_M_RECEIPT Returns: goods receipt for purchase order 
243 OIO_RS_M_SERVICE_REQ Returns: issue service requisition - first screen only 
244 OIO_RS_M_TRANSFER Returns: place material in stock 
245 OIO_RS_M_TRANSPORT_ORDER Returns: create transport order for material returns 
246 OIO_RS_RN_DEMOBILIZE Returns: demobilize rented materials 
248 OIO_RT_DELIVERY_CHECK Check returns delivery 
249 OIO_RT_DELIVERY_POST Check returns delivery 
250 OIO_RT_OUTPUT Generate output for returns document 
251 OIO_RT_PRINT_VIEW Get returns data for general output 
252 OIO_RT_UPDATE Update returns document 
253 OIO_RT_WORKLIST Call returns worklist 
254 OIO_SAPLOIO_CM_001 OffLog: Determine supply process enhancement 
255 OIO_SC_DETERMINE_ITEM_CATEGORY OffLog: Determine component item category 
256 OIO_SC_DETERMINE_SLOC_BOM Determine store location during BOM explosion 
257 OIO_SC_GET_DELIVERY_EBAN Get subsequent delivery for a requisition 
258 OIO_SC_GET_DELIVERY_RESB Get subsequent delivery for a reservation 
259 OIO_SC_GET_FLOW_DELIVERY Get previous reservations of a delivery 
260 OIO_SC_GET_SUPPLYING_PLANT OffLog: get default issuing plant 
261 OIO_SC_REQN_FOR_PM_ORDER OffLog: Amend purchase requisition for PM order 
262 OIO_SH_CHECK_VOYAGE Check voyage entry on shipment header 
263 OIO_SH_CREATE_HU_HEADER Amend handling unit header details for OLM 
264 OIO_SH_GET_PACKING Get packing details for shipment 
265 OIO_SH_GET_SHIPMENT_TYPE Get shipment type parameters for offshore logistics 
266 OIO_SH_GET_VOYAGE Get voyage for offshore logistics 
267 OIO_SP_CNTNR_ASSIGN Assign container to shipment 
268 OIO_SP_CNTNR_CHECK Check container activity 
269 OIO_SP_CNTNR_TRANSFER Transfer containers between shipments 
270 OIO_SP_CNTNR_UNASSIGN Unassign containers from shipment 
271 OIO_SP_DEFAULT_LD_AREA Get default loading area 
272 OIO_SP_DELIV_ASSIGN Assign container to shipment 
273 OIO_SP_DELIV_CHECK Check container activity 
274 OIO_SP_DELIV_TRANSFER Transfer containers between shipments 
275 OIO_SP_DELIV_UNASSIGN Unassign containers from shipment 
276 OIO_SP_EXTERNAL_CALL Pack deliveries into loading areas 
277 OIO_SP_INIT Initialise packing workarea for external calls 
278 OIO_SP_PACKING_UPDATE Update packing 
279 OIO_SP_PACK_DELIVERIES Pack deliveries into loading areas 
280 OIO_SP_UPDATE Write packing activity to database 
281 OIO_SU_ADD_CONTAINER OffLog: Add container to shipment 
282 OIO_SU_REMOVE_CONTAINER OffLog: Add container to shipment 
283 OIO_TX_TEXT_GET Get texts 
284 OIO_VG_UPD_INSERT OLM Insert voyage records 
285 OIO_VG_UPD_UPDATE OLM Update voyage records 
287 OIRAMATHANDGRP_SINGLE_READ Select single from OIRBPBLB with buffering 
288 OIRAPROCSTAT_SINGLE_READ Select single from OIRAPROCSTAT with buffering 
289 OIRA_AGGREGATE_TRANSACTIONS Aggregate transactions for document creation 
290 OIRA_ALV_SUBTOTALLINES_GET Retrieve ALV lines for which subtotal has been selected 
291 OIRA_ANALYSIS_CURRENCY_GET Get new analysis currency via pop-up dialog 
292 OIRA_APPLICATION_LOG_WRITE Write single message to application log 
293 OIRA_APPL_LOG_FILL_HEADER SSR Process Control - Fill application log header 
294 OIRA_APPL_LOG_WRITE_MULTI Write multible messages to application log 
295 OIRA_ARCHIVE_DTF_CHECKS test for archiving 
296 OIRA_AUTH_APPLOG_FILTERED_LOCS SSR Authorization: Write filtered locations into application log 
297 OIRA_AUTH_CHECK_LOCATIONS SSR Authorization: Filter auth. locations by Process ID 
298 OIRA_AUTH_DISP_FILTERED_LOCS SSR Authorization: Display filtered locations in Detail Pop-Up Window 
299 OIRA_AUTH_FILTER_LOCATIONS SSR Authorization: Filter auth. locations by Report ID 
300 OIRA_CHECK_AND_LOCK_LOC_STATUS Deselect locations with incorrect processing status 
301 OIRA_CHECK_IF_OPTIMIZE_ACTIV Check if process optimization is activated 
302 OIRA_CHECK_OBJECT_LIST Check selected objects for processing relevancy 
303 OIRA_CHECK_PROCESS_PBL Check if the process can be executed at the location 
304 OIRA_COMPANYCODE_GET Get the company code for a business location 
305 OIRA_COMPILE_WORKLIST Compile process checklist 
306 OIRA_CREATE_INTERVAL Create number range interval if none exists 
307 OIRA_CREATE_PRINT_DOCUMENT Create Print document 
308 OIRA_CREATE_PRINT_INDEX_ENTRY Create print grouping index entry 
309 OIRA_CUSTOMER_GET Get customer for partner role and location (IS-Oil SSR) 
310 OIRA_CUSTOMER_KEY_GET Get customer key for partner role and location (IS-Oil SSR) 
311 OIRA_DATE_UTC_CONVERT Calculate correct GMT data for one local date / time 
312 OIRA_DBT_END_PROCESSING Release logical locks and clear process indicators from the DBT 
313 OIRA_DBT_END_PROCESS_UPD Release logical locks and clear process indicators from the DBT 
314 OIRA_EXECUTE_PROCESS Checks the process and executes the selected program 
315 OIRA_FILL_DBT Fill DBT function 
316 OIRA_GET_CHOBJ_LIST Get list of locations to be processed 
317 OIRA_GET_LOCATION_LIST Get list of locations to be processed 
318 OIRA_GET_LOC_LIST Get list of locations to be processed 
319 OIRA_GET_OPTIMIZATION_SETTINGS Get optimization settings for process 
320 OIRA_GET_PCGP_CUSTOMISING Get all Process control group customising 
321 OIRA_GET_PROCESS_CUSTOMISING Get process related customising 
322 OIRA_GET_PROCESS_DEPENDENCIES Get process dependencies with corresponding check routines 
323 OIRA_GET_PROCESS_RNBT Get relevant business type for process 
324 OIRA_GET_PROCESS_ROUTINES Get all process routines 
325 OIRA_GET_SOURCE_DOC_DATE SSR - Get source document date 
326 OIRA_GET_TABLE_STATUS SSR - Get table process status 
327 OIRA_GET_TIME_ZONE_VALUES SSR - General functions 
328 OIRA_INSERT_PRNINDEX Insert print index entries 
329 OIRA_LOCATION_HEADER General location header display (IS-Oil SSR) 
330 OIRA_LOCATION_HEADER_GET_PBLNR Retrieve the location number from the general location header 
331 OIRA_LOCK_DBT Virtual locking function for the document base table 
332 OIRA_MATHANDGRP_GET Retrieve Material Handling Group by Location/Material 
333 OIRA_PARTNER_SELECT Popup to select a valid sales area for the customer 
334 OIRA_POPUP_RNBT Presents a popup for the Retail Network Business Type 
335 OIRA_PRN_DOC_PROCESSING R Location based 
336 OIRA_PROCESS_EXECUTION Process Control - Execute execution 
337 OIRA_PROCESS_PREREQ_CHECK Process Control - Execute prerequisite check 
338 OIRA_PROCESS_STATUS_UPDATE Process Control - Execute status update 
339 OIRA_PROC_EXE_CHECK SSR Process Control - check objects for execution 
340 OIRA_READ_DBT Read document base table 
341 OIRA_READ_DTLT Read DTLT function 
342 OIRA_READ_MREADS Get meter readings for a billing document 
343 OIRA_REBUILD_DBT_LINK Reset process id flag in DBT for reversals 
344 OIRA_REPCOL_INDICES_READ Read column indices and add subtotals 
345 OIRA_RESET_PROCID_FLAG Reset process id flag in DBT for reversals 
346 OIRA_SALES_AREA_SELECT Popup to select a valid sales area for the customer 
347 OIRA_SD_PARTNERS_SELECT Select Partners for a customer 
348 OIRA_STANDARD_PROCESSING Process Control - Standard processing 
349 OIRA_STATUS_RESET Reset status for reversed processed 
350 OIRA_STATUS_SAVE Saves the process status to Process Control 
351 OIRA_UNLOCK_DBT Unlocking function for the document base table 
352 OIRA_UNLOCK_LOC_STATUS Unlock status table 
353 OIRA_UPDATE_ARCH_STRUCTURE SSR - Update the SSR archiving structure for a list of tables 
355 OIRA_UPDATE_DTLT Update DTLT with new link number - document information 
356 OIRA_UPDATE_PRNINDEX Update print index entries 
357 OIRBPBLB_ARRAY_READ Array read function for table OIFSPBL 
358 OIRBPBLB_SINGLE_READ Select single from OIRBPBLB with buffering 
359 OIRB_CHECK_BUKRS_ACTIVE Check if status management is active 
360 OIRB_CHECK_OPENINGTIMES Check if workday using opening times 
361 OIRB_CHECK_OPENINGTIMES_ACTIVE Check if status management is active 
362 OIRB_CHECK_STATUS_ACTIVE Check if status management is active 
363 OIRB_GET_ACCESS_GROUP Get the processing customizing for a location/business type/Material 
364 OIRB_GET_CLUSTER_LOCATIONS Get the business locations linked to one cluster 
365 OIRB_GET_HANDGRP_MAT Get the materials for a location at the business type level 
366 OIRB_GET_LOCATION_BRAND Get the location brand 
367 OIRB_GET_LOC_VALUES Get the business location processing values 
368 OIRB_GET_PRICE_CUST Get the pricing customizing for a location/business type 
369 OIRB_GET_PROFILE Get the processing customizing for a location/business type/Material 
371 OIRB_GET_STATUS Get the location status 
372 OIRB_MATHANDGRP_DISPLAY Display Material handling group (IS-Oil SSR) 
373 OIRB_PROCPROFILE_DISPLAY Display Processing profile (IS-Oil SSR) 
374 OIRB_STATUS_CREATE Create a new status for the business location 
375 OIRB_SYSTEM_REMOTE_LOGIN Remote logon with SPA/GPA Parameters 
376 OIRB_UPDATE_PBLB SSR Physical Business Location update processing 
377 OIRC_AGGMRH_SAVE Save meter readings history to aggregated 
378 OIRC_AGGMRH_STATISTICS Save meter readings history to aggregated 
381 OIRC_CHECKS_CUSTOMIZING SSR Pricing - Retrieve error check customizing 
382 OIRC_CHECK_BOM_MATERIAL check if material is BOM material (material handling group) 
383 OIRC_CHECK_LIST_VARIANT Check list variant: only material defined as column 
384 OIRC_DAY_PROCESS_SAVE Saves end day process results 
385 OIRC_DELETE_POPUP_WITH_TAB SSR Meters - Popup to confirm readings deletion 
386 OIRC_DIPCLEARING_SAVE Deletes dip readings from Dip history 
387 OIRC_DIPREADINGS_SAVE Saves dip readings to Dip history 
388 OIRC_DRH_EXEC_PC SSR Stocks - Execute process control 
389 OIRC_DRH_SAVE Save meter readings history to dip readings history 
390 OIRC_DR_CHECKS SSR Stocks - Readings checks 
391 OIRC_DR_EVENT_CHECK SSR Stocks - Event check 
392 OIRC_FIELD_SETTINGS_SET Influences the screen according to field selection stngs 
393 OIRC_GET_ACTIVE_ERROR SSR Fuels - Get the active indicator for the status code/process/location 
394 OIRC_GET_BADI_DESCRIPTION SSR - BADI description access 
395 OIRC_GET_BOM_SOC Get linked storage objects 
396 OIRC_GET_DR Get dip readings for material document 
397 OIRC_GET_LNKNR_MREADING SSR Meters - Select readings for link number 
398 OIRC_GET_LOCBT_METER SSR Meters - Select meters for a business location/business type 
399 OIRC_GET_LOCBT_METER_ARRAY SSR Meters - Select meters for a business location/business type 
400 OIRC_GET_LOCBT_MREADING SSR Meters - Select readings for location, business type,date and time 
401 OIRC_GET_LOCBT_MREAD_ARRAY SSR Meters - Select readings for location/business type in time interv 
402 OIRC_GET_LOCBT_MREAD_BEFORE SSR Meters - Select next readings for location/business type 
403 OIRC_GET_LOCBT_MREAD_FROM_TO SSR Meters - Select readings for location/business type in time interv 
404 OIRC_GET_LOCBT_PRICE SSR Fuels - Prices for a business location, business type, date and time 
405 OIRC_GET_LOCBT_PRICES_FROM_TO SSR Fuels - Prices for a business location, business type, timestamp int. 
406 OIRC_GET_LOCBT_SOC SSR Stocks - Select SOC materials for a business location/business type 
407 OIRC_GET_MATERIAL_STOCKS SSR Stocks - Get material stocks level (Tank material Assignment) 
408 OIRC_GET_MATERIAL_TEXT SSR Fuels - Prices for a business location, business type, date and time 
409 OIRC_GET_METER_EVENT SSR Meters - Get meter event data 
410 OIRC_GET_METER_LOCBT SSR Meters - Select a business location/business type for one meter 
411 OIRC_GET_MR_FSD SSR Meters - Select Field Screen Definition 
412 OIRC_GET_MR_LAST_READING SSR Meters - Get last meter meter reading 
413 OIRC_GET_PRCHHEAD SSR Fuels - Get price change document number attributes 
414 OIRC_GET_PREV_MR SSR Meters - Get Previous Meter Readings 
415 OIRC_GET_STATUS_CODE SSR Fuels - Get the block indicator and descrpition for the status code 
416 OIRC_GMMH_PR_NUMBER_GET_NEXT Get next process numbers 
417 OIRC_GMMH_PR_NUMBER_SAVE Save current process number 
418 OIRC_METERCLEARING_SAVE Clears meter readings from Meter history and DBT 
419 OIRC_METERREADINGS_SAVE Save meter readings to DBT and meter history 
421 OIRC_MM_CHECK_MAT_REL_MOVE Check material is relevant for movement 
422 OIRC_MM_DOC_PROCESSING R Material document creation 
423 OIRC_MM_FILL_COMM_STRUCT Fill material movement document creation structure 
424 OIRC_MM_MAT_SWITCH Material switch for material document 
425 OIRC_MM_OIL_QTY_CONVERSION Oil quantity conversion for SSR material document creation 
426 OIRC_MM_TARGET_QTY_CONVERSION Oil quantity conversion for SSR material document creation 
427 OIRC_MRHDEL_SAVE Save deleted meter readings to deleted history table 
428 OIRC_MRH_EXEC_PC SSR Meters - Execute process control 
429 OIRC_MRH_SAVE Save meter readings history 
430 OIRC_MR_CHECKS SSR Meters - Readings checks 
431 OIRC_MR_ERROR_POPUP_WITH_TAB SSR Meters - Popup to display readings errors 
432 OIRC_MR_EVENT_CHECK SSR Meters - Event check 
433 OIRC_MR_EVENT_MODIFY SSR Meters - History Event Change 
434 OIRC_MR_EVENT_UPDATE SSR Meters - Readings checks 
435 OIRC_MR_GET_METER_VALUES SSR Meters - Meter values 
436 OIRC_MR_SUBSCREEN General location header display (IS-Oil SSR) 
437 OIRC_PASS_PRICING_TABS_FOR_UPD Übergabe Preisfindungstabellen für Update 
438 OIRC_PRC_EXEC_PC SSR Pricing - Execute process control 
439 OIRC_PRC_SAVE Save price check history 
440 OIRC_PRICECHECK_SAVE Save price check history 
441 OIRC_PRICECONDITIONS_SAVE Save (competitor) price condition records 
442 OIRC_PRICEGET_DIFFERENCES SSR Pricing - Get standard differences 
443 OIRC_PRICELOGCLEARING_SAVE Network and group update log clearing 
444 OIRC_PRICES_POPUP_MESSAGE SSR Pricing - Popup to display/print with text lines 
445 OIRC_PRICE_CALCULATE_POSTING Post SSR Price Condition Changes 
446 OIRC_PRICE_CHECKS SSR Pricing - Header and detail checks 
447 OIRC_PRICE_CONVERSION SSR Pricing - Convert price (currency, number of units, UoM) 
448 OIRC_PRICE_HEADER SSR Pricing - Standard header 
449 OIRC_QUANTITY_CONVERSION SSR Fuels - Quantity conversion 
450 OIRC_RELATED_STOCK SSR Stocks - Quantity difference target/current 
451 OIRC_SALES_PRICE_CALCULATE_01 Fuels Pricing Maintenance Function 
452 OIRC_SAVE_VIA_UPLOAD Save condition data via upload 
453 OIRC_SD_A360_SELECT SSR - Access to pricing records for table A360 
454 OIRC_SD_A361_SELECT SSR - Access to pricing records for table A360 
455 OIRC_SD_KONP_SELECT SSR - Access to pricing in a repetitive process 
456 OIRC_SOC_GET_HIER Get linked storage objects 
457 OIRC_SPLIT_BOM_MATERIAL split BOM materials 
458 OIRC_STANDARD_DIFFERENCES SSR Pricing - Standard differences calculation 
459 OIRC_STOCKS_REVIEW SSR Stocks - Review stock values 
460 OIRC_TANK_DIP_CALCULATOR SSR Fuels - Calculate quantity from length 
461 OIRC_UNLOCK_CONTROL SSR Fuels - Unlock control 
462 OIRC_UPDATE_LOCATION_INDEX GMM Location index update 
463 OIRECHBPA_MODIFY Delete clearing house partners 
464 OIRECH_SINGLE_READ Get Clearing House setings (cust. and appl.) 
465 OIREPBL_SINGLE_READ Select single from OIREPBL with buffering 
466 OIRE_BUKRS_GET_CCINS_SINGLE Get the PC data on company code level 
467 OIRE_CCINS_GET Determine the PC type 
468 OIRE_CCINS_SINGLE_READ Single read of the PC type 
469 OIRE_CCNUM_DETERMINE_CCINS Determine the PC type out of the PC number 
470 OIRE_CHECKS Standard checks for the payment card upload process 
471 OIRE_CH_DETERMINATION Clearing House determination 
472 OIRE_CH_PROCESSING CH processing (settlement/transmission) function 
473 OIRE_CONVERT_TIME_240000 Convert a 24:00:00 time to 00:00:00 and day +1 
474 OIRE_DBT Create entries in DBT 
476 OIRE_DCIND_DETERMINE Determine the D/C indicator 
477 OIRE_DETERMINE_SCREEN_NO Get subscreen number and program name 
478 OIRE_DTF_STATISTIC_UPDATE Statistical PC update 
479 OIRE_F4_SHLP_RECON_UPLNR Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe 
480 OIRE_GENERATE_ABAP Generation of ABAP 
481 OIRE_GENERATE_ARCHIVE Generation of the Logical Database PAK and the Archiving Program 
482 OIRE_GENERATE_REPORT Generation of a Report 
483 OIRE_GET_KALSM Determine the pricing procedure from the business location 
484 OIRE_GET_RECON_DATA Get data to be reconciled from database 
485 OIRE_INITIAL_STATUS Payment card transaction upload - Initial status update 
486 OIRE_INSERT_DTF Insert the SSR PC transactions in the DTF tables 
487 OIRE_INSERT_DTF_TO_DB Insert the PC transactions to the data base 
488 OIRE_INSERT_RECON_DATA_TO_DB Inserts the recon data to the data base 
489 OIRE_INSERT_RECON_PREPARE Reconciliation upload process prepare 
490 OIRE_MODIFY_S414_DTFH Modify DTFH STFLG and Delete S414 
491 OIRE_MODIFY_TADIR_ENTRY Anlegen/Ändern eines TADIR-Eintrages 
492 OIRE_PROCESS_RECON R SSR PC Reconciliation Logic for Matching Data 
493 OIRE_PROPOSE_RECON SSR PC Reconciliation Logic for Matching Data 
494 OIRE_READ_DTF PC: Read the DTF transaction 
495 OIRE_READ_RECON Read the reconciliation data 
496 OIRE_RECON_PROCESS_STATUS_SET Set the process control status for reconciliation 
497 OIRE_RECON_SCREEN_SEQ SSR PC Reconciliation Screen Sequence 
498 OIRE_SPLITTING Payment Card Splitting 
499 OIRE_SUBSEQUENT_DOC_DETERMINE Determine subsequent documents for DTF transactions 
500 OIRE_UPDATE_DBT_UPTASK Call OIRA_UPDATE_DBT handling all non-a messages