SAP ABAP Function Module - Index O, page 7
Function Module - O
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | OIJU_RD_GET_BOOK | R | OIL-TSW: Get SAP Book inventory for rundown object |
2 | OIJU_RD_GET_BTCH_VAL_FOR_LOCS | Get batches or val types for a set of loactions | |
3 | OIJU_RD_GET_DAY_LEVEL_PHYINV | Get physical inventory fro each day in a date range | |
4 | OIJU_RD_GET_FCCAL | OIL-TSW: Get rack forecast factory calndar | |
5 | OIJU_RD_GET_FCPRF | OIL-TSW: Get rack forecast profile | |
6 | OIJU_RD_GET_INVENTORY | OIL-TSW: Get all available inventory figures for RD object | |
7 | OIJU_RD_GET_LOC_TYPE_BUFFERED | OIL-TSW: Get location type for location | |
8 | OIJU_RD_GET_OIJRDNOM | R | OIL-TSW: Read view content V_OIJRDNOM |
9 | OIJU_RD_GET_PHY_INV | R | To get the physical inventory from OIJPHYINV |
10 | OIJU_RD_GET_START_PHYINV | Get starting physical inventory for Stock Projection | |
11 | OIJU_RD_INIT_RACK_SETTINGS | Initialize rack settings for rundown | |
12 | OIJU_RD_INVENTORY_CALC_FUTURE | R | OIL-TSW: Calculate future planned/base inventory figures in rundown |
13 | OIJU_RD_LINE_CALC | OIL-TSW: Re-calculate rundown | |
14 | OIJU_RD_LINE_CALC_INVENTORY | OIL-TSW: Calculate the rundown inventory by date | |
15 | OIJU_RD_MODIFY_PHY_INV | R | To insert / update physical inventory in OIJPHYINV |
16 | OIJU_RD_OUTPUT | R | Gives the (projected) inventory for a time period |
17 | OIJU_RD_PHYINV_UPDATE | R | To Update the physical inventory in the Phy Inv/ RD tables |
18 | OIJU_RD_RESTORE_HEEL | To restore( add) the heel quantity back to RD inventories | |
19 | OIJU_RD_RVP_CALC | RVP Calculation | |
20 | OIJU_RD_SELECT_SPTYPE | Select/Change Stock Projection type | |
21 | OIJU_RD_SUBTRACT_HEEL | To subtract the heel quantities from the RD inventories | |
22 | OIJU_RD_SUM_REPORTED | OIL-TSW: Loop over reported quantities for rundown | |
23 | OIJU_RD_SUM_WHATIF | Sum up the what-if's | |
24 | OIJU_RD_UNACC_NEG | To handle the unaccumulate negatives functionality | |
25 | OIJU_RD_UPDATE_OBJ_ENTRIES | OIL-TSW: Update all entries in rundown database for rundown objects | |
26 | OIJU_RD_WHIF_CALC | OIL-TSW: Consider what-if's in rundown calculation | |
27 | OIJU_READ_BATCH_RUNDOWN_LINE | OIL-TSW: Read rundown line item from database | |
28 | OIJU_READ_BATCH_RUNDOWN_TABLE | R | Read rundown table for selected date window |
29 | OIJU_READ_OIJBRDNOM | Read OIJBRDNOM / buffered | |
31 | OIJU_READ_OIJLOCMAT | OIL-TSW: Read table workarea OIJLOCMAT from database | |
32 | OIJU_READ_OIJRDIB | Read Issues from OIJRDNOM | |
33 | OIJU_READ_OIJRDIB_ARRAY_NOMTK | Read OIJRDIB from DB for range of Noms / buffered | |
34 | OIJU_READ_OIJRDNOM | Read OIJRDNOM / buffered | |
35 | OIJU_READ_OIJRDNOM_ARRAY_NOMTK | Read OIJRDNOM for an array of nominations / buffered | |
36 | OIJU_READ_OIJRDRB | Read Receipts from OIJRDNOM | |
37 | OIJU_READ_OIJRDRB_ARRAY_NOMTK | Read OIJRDRB from DB for range of Noms / buffered | |
38 | OIJU_READ_RDHEAD | R | OIL-TSW: Read Rundown header |
39 | OIJU_READ_RDHEAD_ARRAY | R | OIL-TSW: Read Rundown header |
40 | OIJU_READ_RUNDOWN_LINE | OIL-TSW: Read rundown line item from database | |
41 | OIJU_READ_RUNDOWN_TABLE | R | OIL-TSW: Read rundown table for selected date window |
42 | OIJU_REFRESH_OIJ_SCHED_BUFFER | Refresh buffer in OIJU_SP | |
43 | OIJU_REPORT_INTO_INVENTORY | OIL-TSW: Report into Inventory | |
44 | OIJU_REPORT_INVENTORY_INIT | OIL-TSW: Initialization module for reporting qty | |
45 | OIJU_REPORT_MULT_NOMI | OIL-TSW: Select nomination item | |
46 | OIJU_SAVE_EST_RACK_FC | R | To Update rack forecast estimates |
47 | OIJU_SAVE_RACK_FC_DATA | To Update rack forecast estimates | |
48 | OIJU_SET_REPORT_QTY | OIL-TSW: Set the reported qties in FG OIJU | |
50 | OIJU_SP_CHECK_ENTRY | Check if entry exist in OIJ_SCHED | |
51 | OIJU_SP_CHECK_QS | Checks if a QS for a contract item exists | |
52 | OIJU_SP_CONSUME_SDMM_ORDER | Calculate Consumtion of SD/MM order quantity | |
53 | OIJU_SP_FILTER_DOCS_FOR_LOC | To remove certain documents from location SP | |
54 | OIJU_SP_GET_ACT_TANKS_FOR_LOC | Get all active tanks for a business location | |
55 | OIJU_SP_GET_LDSCHED_DATA | Get the load/discharge scheduling data | |
56 | OIJU_SP_GET_ORIGINAL_DOC_QTY | Get the original document quantity from OIJ_EL_DOC_MOT | |
57 | OIJU_SP_GET_PARTNR_CONPAT | Determine the partners in OIJ_SCHED | |
58 | OIJU_SP_GET_PAST_AND_PERIOD | Get Past and SP period for different SP types | |
59 | OIJU_SP_GET_QS | Get quantity sched either from DB or reconcile with internal tables | |
60 | OIJU_SP_GET_RESERVATION_PLANT | Get sourcing plant in the reservation item | |
61 | OIJU_SP_GET_RESWK | Get RESWK for PREQ, STO, REServation | |
62 | OIJU_SP_GET_STO_PLANT | Get sourcing plant in the STO item | |
63 | OIJU_SP_SCENARIO_TO_CHARG | Determine charge from movement scenario | |
64 | OIJU_SP_SELECT_S021 | Select PP data from S021 | |
65 | OIJU_SP_SELECT_S022 | Select PP data from S022 | |
66 | OIJU_SP_SELECT_S076 | Select PP data from S076 | |
67 | OIJU_SP_SET_SCHED_STAT | Set the SCHED_STAT for contract QS items | |
68 | OIJU_SP_SET_SIGN_FOR_DOCS | Set Sign for SP documents ( for balancing scenarios) | |
69 | OIJU_SP_WHAT_IF_INIT | Initialize what-if data for SPW | |
70 | OIJU_SUM_UNSCHED_DOC_QTY | Sum all unscheduled qunatities for a day | |
71 | OIJU_TRANSF_RDDOC_TO_WHIF | Transfer internal RDDOC to SIM_SCHED on DB | |
72 | OIJU_UPDATE_INSERT_OIJBRD | Update or insert lines in batch Stock Projection DB table | |
73 | OIJU_UPDATE_INSERT_OIJRD | Update or insert lines in Stock Projection DB table | |
74 | OIJU_UPDATE_OIJRDHEAD | R | OIL-TSW: Modify rundown header on database |
75 | OIJU_UPDATE_REPORT_QUAN | OIL-TSW: Update reported quantities | |
76 | OIJU_VALIDATE_BATCH | IS-OIL TSW: Check Batch | |
77 | OIJWL_ARRAY_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJWL | |
78 | OIJWL_ARRAY_STORE | Buffered Read module for table OIJWL | |
79 | OIJW_ACTIVE_WLRC | OIL-TSW: Read all used worklist reason codes into internal table | |
80 | OIJW_APODP | APO DP reason codes | |
81 | OIJW_APODP_CHKPEG | Check pegged items | |
82 | OIJW_CHANGE_WL_ENTRY | OIL-TSW: Change worklist entry | |
83 | OIJW_CHECK_BALANCE | OIL-TSW: Check if a nomination is balanced by material | |
84 | OIJW_CHECK_BALANCE_NEW | OIL-TSW: Check if a nomination is balanced by material - new | |
85 | OIJW_CREATE_RDWL_ENTRY | IS-OIL TSW: Create rundown worklist entry | |
86 | OIJW_CREATE_WL_ENTRY | OIL-TSW: Create worklist entry | |
87 | OIJW_DELETE_WL_ENTRY | OIL-TSW: Delete worklist entry | |
88 | OIJW_DELETE_WL_PLAN | OIL-TSW :Mark planning-worklist entries in internal tables for deletion | |
89 | OIJW_DELETE_WL_PLAN_PAST | OIL-TSW : Deleting OIJPLANWL,OIJWL entries ere the planning date | |
92 | OIJW_GENERATE_NOMINATION_WL | OIL-TSW: Generate nomination worklist entries | |
93 | OIJW_GENERATE_NOMITEM_WL | OIL-TSW: Generate nomination worklist entries | |
94 | OIJW_GENERATE_RC_NOM | OIL-TSW: Generate worklist entry for nomination header | |
95 | OIJW_GENERATE_RC_NOMI | OIL-TSW: Generate nomination item worklist entries | |
96 | OIJW_GENERATE_RC_PLAN | OIL-TSW:Add planning Worklist entries to internal tables | |
97 | OIJW_GENERATE_RC_RUNDOWN | OIL-TSW: Generate worklist entry for rundown | |
98 | OIJW_GENERATE_WL_APODP_CIP | OIL-TSW: updates internal tables for APO DP reason codes | |
99 | OIJW_GENERATE_WL_LB_CIP | OIL-TSW: updates internal tables for LB reason codes | |
100 | OIJW_GENERATE_WL_NOMH_CIP | OIL-TSW: updates internal tables for nom header reason codes | |
101 | OIJW_GENERATE_WL_NOMI_CIP | OIL-TSW: updates internal tables for nom item reason codes | |
102 | OIJW_GENERATE_WL_NOM_SCHED_CIP | OIL-TSW: updates internal tables for nom item reason codes | |
103 | OIJW_GENERATE_WL_RD_CIP | To generate the rundown worklist for CIP | |
104 | OIJW_GET_COLORKEY_TO_DISPLAY | OIL-TSW: Get the color key to display | |
105 | OIJW_GET_REL_GROUP | TSW: Get relevant Worklist group & functions details | |
106 | OIJW_LB | Location balancing reason codes | |
107 | OIJW_LB_CONTCT_SCHEDQTY | Check if contract quantity < scheduled quantity | |
108 | OIJW_LB_SCHEDQTY_CHKTOL | Check if contract quantity < scheduled quantity & within tolerance | |
109 | OIJW_NOMI_ACT_TOL | Check if actuals are out of tolerance | |
110 | OIJW_NOMI_CHK_PLT | Check Plant/SLoc on order | |
111 | OIJW_NOMI_CHK_TOL_CONTRACT | Check if item quantity is out of document quantity tolerance | |
112 | OIJW_NOMI_CONSITEM | OIL-TSW:Check if bunker consumption item is generated for a nom . item | |
113 | OIJW_NOMI_CONSITEM_INCONS | OIL-TSW:Check if bunker consumption item contains updated data | |
114 | OIJW_NOMI_DOCITM_CHK | Check if the line item is incomplete | |
115 | OIJW_NOMI_ETA_EXP | Check if ETA is expected from vessel | |
116 | OIJW_NOMI_EXT_DET | Check if update of ext. details failed | |
117 | OIJW_NOMI_INCOMP_IND | Check if the line item is incomplete | |
118 | OIJW_NOMI_LOC_PTNR | Check if location partner specified | |
119 | OIJW_NOMI_PART_LOAD | Check if Item partially loaded/del. | |
120 | OIJW_NOMI_PLAN_LOC | Check if planning loc. referenced | |
121 | OIJW_NOMI_SCHEDLN_CHK | Check if the line item is incomplete | |
122 | OIJW_NOMI_TKT_ERR | Check if there is a ticket error | |
123 | OIJW_NOMI_TKT_EXP | Check if ticket expected | |
124 | OIJW_NOMI_UPDDOCIND_CHANGE_CHK | Check if the line item is incomplete | |
125 | OIJW_NOM_HD | Nomination header reason code checks | |
126 | OIJW_NOM_IMBAL | Check nomination balance | |
127 | OIJW_NOM_IT | Nomination item reason code checks | |
128 | OIJW_NOM_NO_VESSEL | Check if vessel name given | |
129 | OIJW_NOM_SEND_CARR | Check on sending to carrier in lead time | |
130 | OIJW_NOM_TEST | Testing | |
131 | OIJW_NOM_TRANSMIT | Check if nom. transmitted, not confirmed | |
132 | OIJW_PLANN | Planning engine reason cod | |
133 | OIJW_PL_MAX_SIZE | OIL-TSW: WL To check if source reached max batch size | |
134 | OIJW_PL_NO_SOURCE | OIL-TSW: To check if source identified | |
135 | OIJW_PL_PROP_ISS | Check to determine MRP issues worklist entry | |
136 | OIJW_PL_PROP_REC | Check to determine MRP receipts worklist entry | |
137 | OIJW_POTENTIAL_DEM_H | Potential demurrage for voyage | |
138 | OIJW_POTENTIAL_DEM_I | Potential demurrage at item level | |
139 | OIJW_PRINT_OUTPUT | OIL-TSW: print the message on the screen. | |
140 | OIJW_PROTOCOL | OIL-TSW: Create worklist entry | |
141 | OIJW_RD | Rundown reason code checks | |
142 | OIJW_RD_MAX_FACILITY_USAGE | Worklist check for Maximum Facility usage | |
143 | OIJW_RD_MAX_INVENTORY | Worklist Check for Maximum Inventory | |
144 | OIJW_RD_MIN_FACILITY_USAGE | Worklist check for Minimum Facility usage | |
145 | OIJW_RD_MIN_INVENTORY | Worklist Check for Below Minimum Inventory | |
146 | OIJW_RD_OUT_OF_TARGET_TOL | Worklist Check for out of target tolerance | |
147 | OIJW_RD_UNSCHE_QUANT_ISSU | Worklist Check for Unscheduled quantity issues | |
148 | OIJW_RD_UNSCHE_QUANT_RECPT | Check to Determine Unschedule Quantity Receipt | |
149 | OIJW_READ_NOM_TABLES | TSW- Read nomination header and nomination item records | |
150 | OIJW_READ_OIJNOMHWL | OIL-TSW: Read table OIJNOMHWL from database | |
151 | OIJW_READ_OIJNOMIWL | OIL-TSW: Read table OIJNOMIWL from database | |
152 | OIJW_READ_OIJRDWL | OIL-TSW: Read OIJRDWL (Worklist entries by rundown object & date | |
153 | OIJW_READ_OIJSIMSCHEDWL | OIL-TSW: Read table OIJSIMSCHEDWL from database | |
154 | OIJW_READ_PL_WORKLIST_ENTRIES | OIL-TSW: Reads selected records of oijwl, oijplanwl into internal tables | |
155 | OIJW_READ_WORKLIST | OIL-TSW: Read worklist for selected key fields in selected date range | |
156 | OIJW_UPDATE_WL_LB | OIL-TSW: Update WL entries for LB reasons | |
157 | OIJW_UPDATE_WL_NOM_DBTABLES | OIL-TSW: Update Nomination related DB tables for the WL entries. | |
158 | OIJW_UPDATE_WL_RD_DBTABLES | OIL-TSW: Update rundown related DB tables for the WL entries. | |
159 | OIJW_UPDATE_WL_SIMSCHED_TABLES | OIL-TSW: Update SimSched related DB tables for the WL entries. | |
160 | OIJW_WL_UPDATE_PL_ENTRIES | OIL-TSW: Updates the OIJWL, OIJPLANWL tables for the current planning run | |
161 | OIJX_AUTH_CHECK_REPORT_GROUP | OIL-TSW : Routine carries out authorization check on authorization group | |
162 | OIJX_CALL_CIP_FUNC_VIA_REPORT | CALL CIP function module via SUBMIT | |
163 | OIJY_CATT_VALIDATION_CHECK | IS-OIL : TSW : Supports Variable setting for TSW CATT's | |
164 | OIJY_CATT_VALIDATION_CHECK_40B | IS-OIL : TSW : Supports Variable setting for TSW CATT's | |
165 | OIJY_COMMA_DETERMINE | OIL-TSW : Determine Comma output of user defaults | |
166 | OIJY_CONVERT_CHAR_TO_PACK | OIL-TSW: Convert character into packed | |
167 | OIJY_CONVERT_TO_UPPERCASE | OIL-TSW : Convert String to Upper Case | |
168 | OIJY_GET_BASE_DIMENSIONS | OIL-TSW: Read base dimension | |
169 | OIJY_ROUND_DECIMALS | OIL TSW : Round decimals places | |
170 | OIJ_3WP_ASSIGN_BOM | Assign supplies with BOM demand item | |
171 | OIJ_3WP_ASSIGN_ITEMS | Assign Items to a voyage (Carrier Nomination) | |
172 | OIJ_3WP_ASSIGN_ITEMS_WITH_DS | Assign Items to a voyage (Carrier Nomination) with Demand-Supply-Pegging | |
173 | OIJ_3WP_CONSIST_HEADER_FIELDS | Check for consistent header fields and default on items | |
174 | OIJ_3WP_DEFAULTING | Defaulting of 3WP distribution schedule values | |
175 | OIJ_3WP_DEFAULT_FIELDS | Defaulting of different 3WP specific fields | |
176 | OIJ_3WP_DELETE_OIJSCHEDR | Delete entries from OIJ_SCHED | |
177 | OIJ_3WP_FIRST_DISPLAY | Sets 3WP comments for first display | |
178 | OIJ_3WP_GET_BOM_EXPLOSION | Get BOM explosion for selection of supply materials | |
179 | OIJ_3WP_GET_DIST_SCHED | Selection of distribution schedule lines for 3WP function | |
181 | OIJ_3WP_GET_FCC_QUANTITY | Validate document for TSW movement scenarios | |
182 | OIJ_3WP_GET_ITEMID | Get Itemid for Demand and Supply Items | |
183 | OIJ_3WP_GET_PEGGED_MEMBERS | Get all pegged and not pegged members of a key | |
184 | OIJ_3WP_GET_REF_DOC | Validate document for TSW movement scenarios | |
185 | OIJ_3WP_GET_SELDATA | Get data for selection criteria | |
187 | OIJ_3WP_GET_SIMSCHEDLN_SPLIT | Get SIM_SCHED_LN for splitted lines | |
188 | OIJ_3WP_INFO_GET | Pass current 3WP infos | |
189 | OIJ_3WP_INIT_DUMMY_SIMSCHEDID | Initialize dummy SIM_SCHED_ID | |
190 | OIJ_3WP_LOGIC_FOR_OIJSCHED_UPD | 3WP logic to update OIJ_SCHED via SPW | |
191 | OIJ_3WP_MERGE_ITEMS | Merge Items to one voyage (Carrier Nomination) | |
192 | OIJ_3WP_MESSAGE_SHOW | Show messages | |
193 | OIJ_3WP_MESSAGE_STORE | Writing the application log and storing the messages | |
194 | OIJ_3WP_PEGGING_TO_STOCK | Calculations for Pegging to Stock in 3WP | |
195 | OIJ_3WP_PEG_AUTO | Peg Items | |
196 | OIJ_3WP_PEG_ITEMS | Peg Items | |
197 | OIJ_3WP_PROGRESS_INDICATOR | 3WP Progress Indicator | |
198 | OIJ_3WP_PUBLISH | Publish Lines to Nomination | |
199 | OIJ_3WP_SAVE | Save adapted 3WP data in table OIJ_SCHED | |
200 | OIJ_3WP_SCHEDR_UPD_FLAG | Prepare Update Flag for Save of OIJ_SCHEDR | |
201 | OIJ_3WP_SCR_LAYOUT_SAVE | Save screen settings for window layout to planning profile | |
202 | OIJ_3WP_SCR_LAYOUT_SET_DEFAULT | Set default screen settings for window layout | |
203 | OIJ_3WP_TXT_APPEND_ITEM | Append Item nodes to comment text table | |
204 | OIJ_3WP_TXT_DELETE_ITEM | Delete Item nodes from comment text table | |
205 | OIJ_3WP_UNASSIGN_ITEMS | Unassign Items from SIM_SCHED_ID | |
206 | OIJ_3WP_UNASSIGN_TRANS | Unassign Transportation Avails | |
207 | OIJ_3WP_UNPEG_ITEMS | Unpeg Items | |
208 | OIJ_3WP_WORKAREA_UPDATE | Update distribution schedule workarea | |
209 | OIJ_BERLOC_ARRAY_READ | Buffer read OIJBERLOC - Multiple rows | |
210 | OIJ_BERLOC_SINGLE_READ | Buffer read of OIJBERLOC - single row | |
211 | OIJ_BERMAT_ARRAY_READ | Array read of OIJBERMAT | |
212 | OIJ_BERMAT_SINGLE_READ | Buffer single row of OIJBERMAT | |
213 | OIJ_BERSOC_ARRAY_READ | Buffer read OIJBERSOC - Multiple rows | |
214 | OIJ_BERSOC_SINGLE_READ | Buffer read of OIJBERSOC - single row | |
215 | OIJ_BERTH_DISPLAY_BERTH_DETAIL | Display berth detail | |
216 | OIJ_BERTH_EXPORT_FROM_MAIN | Set global var. for locid with value from calling program | |
217 | OIJ_BERTH_GET_BERINFO | Get berth info from berth sub-tables | |
218 | OIJ_BERTH_GET_BER_ATLOC | Get berths at TSW location | |
219 | OIJ_BERTH_GET_MAT | Get berths connected to TSW tanks | |
220 | OIJ_BERTH_GET_SEQNO | Get seqno of soc(tank) from DB table | |
221 | OIJ_BERTH_GET_TANK | Get berths connected to TSW tanks | |
222 | OIJ_BERTH_INITIALIZE_SCR | Initialization of berth global tables for a given TSW location | |
223 | OIJ_BERTH_MULT_SCHEDULED | finds intersecting scheduling periods for a berth and sched. given | |
224 | OIJ_BERTH_PL_GET_FCODE | returns button pressed in berth planning board pop-up | |
225 | OIJ_BERTH_PL_GET_UPDATE_TABLE | gets update table for updating berth scheduling table | |
226 | OIJ_BERTH_PL_POPUP_INIT | initiliazes berth. pl. board pop_up screen | |
227 | OIJ_BERTH_PREPARE_SAVE | Prepare internal tables for saving berth data | |
228 | OIJ_BERTH_SAVE | Save berth master data | |
229 | OIJ_BER_ARRAY_READ | Buffer read OIJBER - Multiple rows | |
230 | OIJ_BER_SINGLE_READ | Buffer read of OIJBER - single row | |
231 | OIJ_BPB_GUI_DATA_GET | R | gets data for Berth Planning Board Table |
232 | OIJ_BPB_GUI_INITIALIZE | start the berth planning board | |
233 | OIJ_CALL_BPD | Call Berth Planning Board Transaction | |
234 | OIJ_CALL_MD_EVENT_DLG | Call Master Data Event Dialog | |
235 | OIJ_CALL_VEH_PERF | Call Vehicle Performance Screen | |
236 | OIJ_CHECK_AVAILABLE_MDS | Checks the Available of MDs | |
237 | OIJ_CHECK_FOR_DEMAND_SUPPLY | Sort nomination items into demand or supply | |
238 | OIJ_CHECK_TSW_ACTIVE | OIL-TSW: Check Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench is active in this client | |
239 | OIJ_CIF_NOM_DATA_MAPPING | TSW: Map nomination data to communication structures | |
240 | OIJ_CIF_NOM_SUBSCRIBER | Mappinng von APO Transporten zu LES Transporten | |
241 | OIJ_CKIT_CHRG | Check batch definition in nomination | |
242 | OIJ_CONVERT_QTY_TO_RATE | convert quantity into rate | |
243 | OIJ_CONVERT_RATE_TO_QTY | convert quantity into rate | |
244 | OIJ_CONV_BETWEEN_NOM_AND_SIM | Conversion between TSW Nomination and Simulation lines | |
245 | OIJ_CONV_BETW_NOMIO_3WPGRID | Conversion between ROIJNOMH/IIO and ROIJ_3WP_GRID | |
246 | OIJ_CONV_NOMH_ROLES_TO_INTTAB | OIL-TSW: Convert role assignments in nom. header to table format | |
247 | OIJ_CREATE_3WP_CONTROL | Creates a 3WP comments editor-tree control | |
248 | OIJ_CREATE_HEADER_CONTROL | TSW: Creates a header comments editor-tree control | |
249 | OIJ_CREATE_ITEM_CONTROL | TSW: Creates a item comments editor-tree control | |
250 | OIJ_CREATE_TSTOTS_TRANSFER | Create TS to TS transfers | |
251 | OIJ_DELETE_MD_EVENTS | Delete Master Data Events | |
252 | OIJ_DELETE_VEHICLE_EVENTS | Delete Vehicle Master Data Events | |
253 | OIJ_EBAN_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table EBAN | |
254 | OIJ_EL_A_READ_TICKETS | Read multiple tickets from DB | |
255 | OIJ_EL_A_READ_TICKETS_N | Read multiple tickets from DB | |
256 | OIJ_EL_A_TICKETS_MAINTAIN | Maintenance of ticket tables | |
257 | OIJ_EL_A_TICKETS_MAINTAIN_N | Maintenance of ticket tables | |
258 | OIJ_EL_A_TICKETS_UPDATE | Maintenance of ticket tables | |
259 | OIJ_EL_BADI_VIEW | TSW BADI implementation for item details screens | |
260 | OIJ_EL_B_CHECK_DOC_DETAILS_I | OIL TSW: Checks doc. details: TSW document details or external details | |
261 | OIJ_EL_B_CHECK_DOC_DETAILS_QTY | OIL TSW: Check for the scheduled quantity | |
262 | OIJ_EL_B_CHECK_PLANT_LOCATION | Check TSW location against plants | |
263 | OIJ_EL_B_CHECK_STO | Checks if a PO is actually an STO | |
264 | OIJ_EL_B_DOCIND_TO_VBTYP | OIL TSW: Converts Nomination Doc. Indicator to VBTYP | |
265 | OIJ_EL_B_GET_DOC_QTY | OIL TSW: Get order quantity | |
266 | OIJ_EL_B_GET_OIJTS_FOR_PLANT | Gets the TS for an in-transit plant | |
267 | OIJ_EL_B_MODIFY_MOT_I | OIL TSW: Modify MoT Details table | |
268 | OIJ_EL_B_READ_DOC_MOT | OIL TSW: Read table OIJ_EL_DOC_MOT | |
269 | OIJ_EL_B_REFRESH | OIL TSW: Refresh TSW data in OIJ_EL_B | |
270 | OIJ_EL_B_UPDATE_DOC_MOT | Update TSW Details | |
271 | OIJ_EL_B_VBTYP_TO_DOCIND | Converts TSW VBTYP to Nomination Doc. Indicator | |
272 | OIJ_EL_B_VKTRA_TO_VEH_MODE | OIL TSW: Convert VKTRA to VEH_MODE & VEH_TYPE (Mode of transport fields) | |
273 | OIJ_EL_CHECK_ETS_PATCH | APO-TSW: Check the availability of ETS-Patch in the System | |
274 | OIJ_EL_CP_LAYT_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJ_EL_CP_LAYT buffered array read | |
275 | OIJ_EL_CP_LAYT_BY_DATE | Table OIJ_EL_CP_LAYT date range read into buffer | |
276 | OIJ_EL_CP_LAYT_RANGE_READ | Table OIJ_EL_CP_LAYT date range read into buffer | |
277 | OIJ_EL_CP_LAYT_SINGLE_READ | Table OIJ_EL_CP_LAYT buffered single read | |
278 | OIJ_EL_CP_LOC_READ | Read table OIJ_EL_CP_LOC | |
279 | OIJ_EL_CP_PROD_READ | Read table OIJ_EL_CP_LOC | |
280 | OIJ_EL_CREATE_NOMI_TO | APO-TSW: Create Tracking Object for Nomination in ETS | |
281 | OIJ_EL_C_CHECK_INCOMPLETION | Check incomplation setting | |
282 | OIJ_EL_C_CHECK_TSW_RELV | OIL TSW: Check for TSW relevance of an order | |
283 | OIJ_EL_C_COPY_TSW_DETAILS | Copy TSW details tables | |
284 | OIJ_EL_C_DELETE_TSW_DETAILS | To delete the TSw details tables | |
285 | OIJ_EL_C_DOC_EV_TEXT | Read texts for table OIJ_EL_DOC_EV | |
286 | OIJ_EL_C_EV_TEXT | Read event texts | |
287 | OIJ_EL_C_GET_EXT_DET_MOT | Function to save the TSW data | |
288 | OIJ_EL_C_GET_MOT_TEXT | OIL TSW: Get MOT text | |
289 | OIJ_EL_C_GET_M_MOT | OIL TSW: Get multiple MoTs from database | |
290 | OIJ_EL_C_GET_TSW_DETAILS | To transfer TSW data from the tabstrip | |
291 | OIJ_EL_C_LAYT_EV_TEXT | Read texts for table OIJ_EL_DOC_EV | |
292 | OIJ_EL_C_PREPARE_DELETE | Prepare delete of tables | |
293 | OIJ_EL_C_READ_TSW_DETAILS | Read contract related TSW tables | |
294 | OIJ_EL_C_SAVE_CP_LAYT | Update function module to store freight contract tables | |
295 | OIJ_EL_C_SET_TSW_DETAILS | To fill the TSW subscreen | |
296 | OIJ_EL_C_TSW_DATA_MAINTAIN | Function module for TSW data Dialog Box | |
297 | OIJ_EL_C_TSW_DATA_SAVE | Function to save the TSW data | |
298 | OIJ_EL_C_TSW_DATA_SAVE_TABLES | Function to save the TSW data | |
299 | OIJ_EL_C_UPDATE_M_MOT | OIL TSW: Update multiple MoTs | |
300 | OIJ_EL_C_VALIDATE_CP | Check current data against contract | |
301 | OIJ_EL_C_VTY_TEXT | Read vehicle type text | |
302 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_BATCH_TRANSFER_D | R | Material Transfer from tank storage export storage loc. |
303 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_BATCH_TRANSFER_O | R | Material Transfer from tank storage export storage loc. |
304 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CONFIRM_DELIVERY | R | Confirm delivery for a shipment |
305 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CONFIRM_DELIVRY_N | R | Confirm delivery for a shipment |
306 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_BILLING_DOC | R | Create billing document |
307 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_DELIVERY | R | Create outbound delivery (OLD) |
308 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_DELIVERY_N | R | Create outbound delivery |
309 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_DELIVERY_N1 | R | Create outbound delivery for BOM Tests |
310 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_GI | R | Post goods issue for delivery |
311 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_GI_TEST | R | Post goods issue for delivery |
312 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_GOODS_MVMT | R | Create Goods receipt |
313 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_GR | R | Create Goods receipt |
314 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_GR_N | R | Create Goods receipt |
315 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_INB_DELIVRY | R | Create inbound delivery |
316 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_MM_CALLOFF | R | create calloff from a MM-contract |
317 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_PO | R | Create purchase/stock transfer order |
318 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_PO_PR | R | Create purchase/stock transfer order from purchase requisition |
319 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_RESERVATION | R | Create a reservation |
320 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_SD_CALLOFF | R | Create calloff from SD-contract |
321 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_SHIP_NOTIF | Create shipping notification | |
322 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREATE_STO_DELIV | R | Create delivery for a stock transfer order |
323 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREAT_GOODS_MVMT_N | R | Create Goods receipt |
324 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CREAT_MM_CALLOFF_N | R | create calloff from a MM-contract |
325 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_CRE_CHA_SHIPMENT | R | Create or change shipment |
326 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_DELIVERY | R | Delete outbound delivery |
327 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_DELIVERY_ITM | R | Delete item from outbound delivery |
328 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_DELIV_SHIPM | R | Delete delivery note from shipment |
329 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_MM_CALLOFF_ITM | R | Set delete indicator in MM calloff item |
330 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_RESER_SHIPM | R | Delete reservation from shipment |
331 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_SD_CALLOFF_ITM | R | Delete item from SD calloff |
332 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_SHNOT_SHIPM | R | Delete shipping notification from shipment |
333 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DEL_STO_ITM | R | Delete purchase/stock transfer order item |
334 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DOCFLOW_MM_CALLOF | R | Write the MM-Calloff to the DocFlow |
335 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_DOCFLOW_STO_DELIV | R | Write the STO delivery to the DocFlow |
336 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_LEFT_ON_VEHICLE | R | Left on vehicle quantity for a shipment |
337 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_LOAD_CONFIRM | R | Create load confirmation for a shipment |
338 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_LOAD_CONFIRM_N | R | Create load confirmation for a shipment |
339 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_MATERIAL_TRANSFER | R | Material Transfer from tank storage export storage loc. |
340 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_MT_LOC_TANK | R | Material Transfer from export storage loc to tank storage loc |
341 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_MT_TANK_LOC | R | Material Transfer from tank storage export storage loc. |
342 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_PRIOR_TO_LOAD | R | Create load confirmation for a shipment |
343 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_BATCH_TRNF | R | Reverse Batch transfer |
344 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_BATCH_TR_O | R | Material Transfer from tank storage export storage loc. |
345 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_BILL_DOC | R | Reverse billing document |
346 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_DELIVERY | R | Reverse delivery |
347 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_DELIVERY_N | R | Reverse outbound delivery |
348 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_DELI_CONF | R | Reverse delivery confirmation |
349 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_GI | R | Reverse goods issue |
350 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_GR | R | Reverse goods receipt |
351 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_INB_DELIV | R | Reverse inbound delivery |
352 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_LOAD_CONF | R | Reverse load confirmation |
353 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_MAT_TRANSF | R | Reverse material transfer |
354 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_MM_CALLOFF | R | Reverse MM Calloff |
355 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_SD_CALLOFF | R | Reverse SD Calloff |
356 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_STO | R | Reverse Stock Transfer Order (STO) |
357 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERSE_STO_DELIV | R | Reverse delivery for stock transfer order |
358 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERS_DELI_CONF_N | R | Reverse delivery confirmation |
359 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERS_LOAD_CONF_N | R | Reverse load confirmation |
360 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_REVERS_MM_CALLOF_N | R | Reverse MM Calloff |
361 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_UPDATE_NOMINATION | R | Update nomination after document generation |
362 | OIJ_EL_DOCG_UPDAT_NOMINATION_N | R | Update nomination after document generation |
363 | OIJ_EL_DOC_EV_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJNOMI buffered array read | |
364 | OIJ_EL_DOC_EXIST_CHK | Check if (ref.) document exists | |
365 | OIJ_EL_DOC_MM_READ | Read table OIJ_EL_CP_LOC | |
366 | OIJ_EL_DOC_MOT_ARRAY_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJ_EL_DOC_MOT | |
367 | OIJ_EL_DOC_MOT_INTERVAL_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJ_EL_DOC_MOT | |
368 | OIJ_EL_DOC_SD_READ | Read table OIJ_EL_CP_LOC | |
369 | OIJ_EL_D_CHECK_REALTIME_RD | Checks if real-time stock projection is active | |
370 | OIJ_EL_D_NOM_ON_TKT_END_DATE | To move the nomination to the ticket end date in realtime mode | |
371 | OIJ_EL_D_NOM_RD_UPDATE | Real-time update of Nomination from Stock Projection Worksheet | |
372 | OIJ_EL_D_RD_UPDATE | Function for real-time update of Stock Projection Worksheet | |
373 | OIJ_EL_GET_BWACTIVE_STATUS | APO-TSW : Retrieve global BW customizing | |
374 | OIJ_EL_GET_EMACTIVE_STATUS | APO-TSW : Retrieve global BW customizing | |
375 | OIJ_EL_GET_NOMI_APP_OBJ | APO-TSW: Get Tracking Server for Nomination | |
376 | OIJ_EL_ISOIL_ETS_TRANSPORT | APO-TSW: Checks the Existence of ETS-Transport | |
377 | OIJ_EL_LAYT_EV_READ | Read table OIJ_EL_CP_LOC | |
378 | OIJ_EL_LAYT_INF_READ | Read table OIJ_EL_CP_LOC | |
379 | OIJ_EL_MECOM1_TRSF_TSW_DETAILS | Übertragung von TSW Daten von MECOM1 nach MEGUI | |
380 | OIJ_EL_NOMI_CONTROL_PARAMS | Function template for setup of control parameters | |
381 | OIJ_EL_NOMI_EXP_EVENT | Event Manager: Prepares Milestone data for Nomination | |
382 | OIJ_EL_NOMI_INFO_PARAMS | Function template for setup of info parameters | |
383 | OIJ_EL_NOMI_TRACK_ID | Function template for setup of tracking IDs | |
384 | OIJ_EL_PD_PRODDATA_MAINTAIN | R | updates production data added, deleted or changed |
385 | OIJ_EL_PD_READ_PROD_DATA | R | reads production data from db table oij_el_prod_data |
386 | OIJ_EL_PD_UPDATE | updates changes made to production data | |
387 | OIJ_EL_REL_DETERMINE_PLANT | Determine plant for TSW scenarios | |
388 | OIJ_EL_REL_GET_SCENARIOS | Get customized scenarios | |
389 | OIJ_EL_REL_GET_SCENARIO_DETAIL | Get detailed information on the movement scenarios | |
390 | OIJ_EL_RFC_UPDATE_NOM_EVENTS | R | Update Nomination Events |
391 | OIJ_EL_TICKET_CREATE | Create Carrier Ticket | |
392 | OIJ_EL_TICKET_DEFAULT_DATA | Default ticket data from sources like nominations | |
393 | OIJ_EL_TICKET_DEFAULT_PLANTS | Default plants from documents into tickets | |
394 | OIJ_EL_TICKET_H_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJ_EL_TICKET_H | |
395 | OIJ_EL_TICKET_I_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJ_EL_TICKET_I | |
396 | OIJ_EL_TICKET_REFRESH | Refresh global ticket tables | |
397 | OIJ_EL_TSW_ETS_CDAT_NOMI | APO-TSW: TSW ETS Nomination Control Data | |
398 | OIJ_EL_UPDATE_NOM_EVENTS | R | RFC..Update Nomination Events |
399 | OIJ_EL_UPDATE_TKT_EVENTS | Updates the ticket Events | |
400 | OIJ_ERRORLOG_GET | IS-OIL TSW IDoc inb. proc. for Tickets --> Check Errorlog for similar T. | |
401 | OIJ_EXTDETS_CUSTOMER_EXIT | OIL-TSW: User exit for ext. details processing of non-TSW relevant fields | |
402 | OIJ_EXTDETS_EXPORT_DOCDATA | OIL-TSW: Export document data for external details processing | |
403 | OIJ_EXTDETS_POPUP_LOCATIONS | OIL-TSW: Location popup for external details | |
404 | OIJ_EXTDETS_SET_FIELD_SELECT | OIL-TSW: Set field selection for external details | |
405 | OIJ_EXTDET_TSW_USE | OIL-TSW: Check for TSW usage of external details | |
406 | OIJ_F4IF_BATCH | F4 Interface Reference Document SD + MM | |
407 | OIJ_F4IF_CONPAT_SD | F4 Interface Contract partner | |
408 | OIJ_F4IF_DOCNR | F4 Interface Reference Document SD + MM | |
409 | OIJ_F4IF_DOCNR_K | F4 Interface Reference Document Sales Order | |
410 | OIJ_F4IF_DOCNR_P | F4 Interface Reference Document Sales Order | |
411 | OIJ_F4IF_DOCNR_Q | F4 Interface Reference Document Sales Order | |
412 | OIJ_F4IF_DOCNR_S | F4 Interface Reference Document Sales Order | |
413 | OIJ_F4IF_DOCNR_T | F4 Interface Reference Document Sales Order | |
414 | OIJ_F4IF_DOCNR_X | F4 Interface Reference Document Sales Order | |
415 | OIJ_F4IF_MAT1 | F4 Interface Material | |
416 | OIJ_F4IF_MVSCEN | F4 Interface Units of Measure | |
417 | OIJ_F4IF_OIJLOCID | F4 Interface OIJTSLOC_R | |
418 | OIJ_F4IF_TSYST | F4 Interface Units of Measure | |
419 | OIJ_F4IF_UOM | F4 Interface Units of Measure | |
420 | OIJ_F4IF_UOM_LEN | F4 Interface Units of Measure | |
421 | OIJ_F4IF_UOM_MASS | F4 Interface Units of Measure | |
422 | OIJ_FILL_IREF_FOR_DOCMOT | Fill internal OIJ_EL_DOC_I_REF for table of DOCNRs | |
423 | OIJ_FILL_IREF_FOR_DOCNR | Fill internal OIJ_EL_DOC_I_REF for DOCNR | |
424 | OIJ_FILL_IREF_FOR_DOCSEL | Fill internal OIJ_EL_DOC_I_REF for a selection of documents | |
425 | OIJ_FILL_IREF_FOR_NOMTK | Fill internal OIJ_EL_DOC_I_REF for NOMTK | |
426 | OIJ_FILL_IREF_FOR_SPWOBJECT | Fill internal OIJ_EL_DOC_I_REF for an SPW object & date range | |
427 | OIJ_FIND_SUIT_BERTHS | finds suit. berths at a location acc. do physical atrrs. and matr. avail. | |
428 | OIJ_GAUGE_CALC | calculates quantity difference given a starting and ending gauge value | |
429 | OIJ_GAUGE_STOP_CALC | calculates closing reading given the opening reading qty | |
430 | OIJ_GET_BERTHMAINTPER | gets berths' out of service time from IS OIL MD events table | |
431 | OIJ_GET_CONTROL_RECORD | OIL-TSW: Get TSW control record | |
432 | OIJ_GET_DEFAULT_NOMTK_FOR_3WP | Get default NOMTK/NOMIT for 3WP distribution schedule | |
433 | OIJ_GET_EQUIPM_PMORDER | gets plant maintenance order malf. period for a berth from Plant Maint. | |
434 | OIJ_GET_LDS_DATA | gets lds data by nomtk and nomit for refreshing screen | |
435 | OIJ_GET_LIGHTLOCS | returns locations which have berths with light. flag set | |
436 | OIJ_GET_LOCATION_MASTER | OIL-TSW: Get single TSW location master data for location ID | |
437 | OIJ_GET_MD_EVTYPES | Get Master Data Event types | |
438 | OIJ_GET_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT | OIL-TSW: Read mode of transport record | |
439 | OIJ_GET_NOMFIELDS | Gets all fields customized to a specific nomination view. | |
440 | OIJ_GET_NOMINATION | OIL-TSW: Get nomination header + all items | |
441 | OIJ_GET_NOMVIEWS | TSW: Reads different nomination views from customizing table | |
442 | OIJ_GET_NOM_FOR_VEHS | Get Nominations for a list of vehicles | |
443 | OIJ_GET_PERMITTED_ROLETYPES | Get permitted Roletypes for Partners (Customer/Vendor/Plant/Stor.Loc) | |
444 | OIJ_GET_PREV_SSC_DATA | Get Previous SSC Data | |
445 | OIJ_GET_QUERY_VARIANTS | OIL-TSW: Retrieve Abap Query Report variants | |
446 | OIJ_GET_REM_CAPACITY | Get in 3WP remaining capacity for vehicle | |
447 | OIJ_GET_ROLES_FOR_OBJECT | Get TSW-Roles for Object (Customer/Vendor/Plant/Stor.Loc) | |
448 | OIJ_GET_ROLETYPE_TEXTS | Get Roletype texts for Roletypes from OIJRRTT | |
449 | OIJ_GET_SCHED_TYPE | Get active scheduling types | |
450 | OIJ_GET_SHIPSHORE_UPDATE_TABLE | gets changed data tables into nomination save functionality | |
451 | OIJ_GET_SLOC_FOR_TNKNR | Retrieve SLoc for Tank number | |
452 | OIJ_GET_SS_TICKET_DATA | gets lds data by nomtk and nomit for refreshing screen | |
453 | OIJ_GET_TEXTID | TSW: Retrieves Text-ids for Header / Item notes | |
454 | OIJ_GET_THE_ROLES_YOU_LOOK_FOR | Get TSW-Roles for all possible entries in all fields also generic (s.DOK.) | |
455 | OIJ_GET_TICKET | OIL-TSW: Get ticket record | |
456 | OIJ_GET_TIME_CONSTRAINTS | Select time dependent planning constraints from DB | |
457 | OIJ_GET_TOL_QTY | IS-OIL TSW IDoc inbound processing for Tickets --> Calculate Tolerance Qty | |
458 | OIJ_GET_TOTAL_TICKET_QTY | gets total actual qty. for nom. items in a pegid | |
459 | OIJ_GET_TRANSPORTSYSTEM_MASTER | OIL-TSW: Get single TSW Transport System master data for TSYST | |
460 | OIJ_GET_TSW_FLAG_FOR_MOT | OIL-TSW: Return TSW flag for SD Shipping mode of transport | |
461 | OIJ_GET_TS_FOR_PLANT | OIL-TSW: Get transport system assignment for plant + sloc | |
462 | OIJ_GET_TS_FOR_PLANT_LIS | OIL-TSW: Get transport system for plant + sloc for LIS interface | |
463 | OIJ_GET_UPDATE_TABLE | returns update internal table of ldsched | |
464 | OIJ_GET_VEHREL_FROM_DATE | Get Vehicle Relevance From Date | |
465 | OIJ_GET_VEH_PERF_DATA | Get Vehicle Performance Data | |
466 | OIJ_GET_VEH_TYPE | Get vehicle type - Buffered Function Module | |
467 | OIJ_HEADER_DEL_NODE | TSW: Delete header comment node | |
468 | OIJ_HEADER_FIRST_DISPLAY | TSW: Sets header comments for first display | |
469 | OIJ_HEADER_HIDE_ALL_COMMENTS | TSW: Deletes nodes / text from editor tree | |
470 | OIJ_HELP_VALUES_MEINS | F4 help for quantity units: check re commercial units of measure | |
471 | OIJ_IF_APO_PEG_OIJ_SCHED | Peg APO created and split STO autom. together | |
472 | OIJ_IF_CIF_ADC_TRANSMIT_TSWV | Template für Selektion/Konvertierung/Versendung von Objekten | |
473 | OIJ_IF_CIF_LOGSYS_GET | R | APO-TSW: Get name of logical system in OLTP system |
474 | OIJ_IF_CIF_TSWV_DATA_MAP | APO-TSW Data mapping for vehicle master data | |
475 | OIJ_IF_CIF_TSWV_DATA_SELECTION | APO-TSW vehicle master data selection | |
476 | OIJ_IF_CIF_TSWV_KEY_SELECTION | APO-TSW CIF Vehicle selection | |
477 | OIJ_IF_CIF_TSWV_SEND | R | CIF Send Data for Purchase Orders |
478 | OIJ_IF_CURRENT_CIFORDID_GET | Read the currently processed CIF ORDID | |
479 | OIJ_IF_CURRENT_CIFORDID_SET | Store the currently processed CIF ORDID | |
480 | OIJ_IF_FIND_TRANSPORTSYSTEM | TSW: Find the transport system given the intransit plant | |
481 | OIJ_IF_GET_CIFACTIVE_STATUS | APO-TSW: Check whether CIF related functionality is active. | |
482 | OIJ_IF_LOC_GET | Read TSW Locationdata from DB | |
483 | OIJ_IF_MAP_LOC_TO_R3 | TSW: Map APO locations to ERP locations | |
484 | OIJ_IF_NOM_MAINTAIN | TSW Nomination : Change TSW Nomination | |
485 | OIJ_IF_NOM_MAP_APO_TO_LES | TSW: Map APO communication structures to Nomination BAPI structures | |
486 | OIJ_IF_NOM_MAP_APO_TO_LES_2 | TSW: Map APO communication structures to Nomination BAPI structures | |
487 | OIJ_IF_PART_GET | Get TSW-Roles for all possible entries in all fields also generic (s.DOK.) | |
488 | OIJ_IF_SET_APO_ACTION | Set / reset the triggered from APO action indicator | |
490 | OIJ_IF_TS_GET | Read TSW Transportsystemdata from DB | |
491 | OIJ_IMPORT_TIME_CONSTRAINTS | R | Upload time constraints from external system |
492 | OIJ_IS_3WP_EDTREE_ALIVE | Check if 3WP editor-tree exists | |
493 | OIJ_IS_A_PLANLOCTYPE | OIL TSW: Verifies the location type for Planning Loc Type | |
494 | OIJ_IS_HEADER_EDTREE_ALIVE | TSW:Check if header edior-tree exists | |
495 | OIJ_IS_ITEM_EDTREE_ALIVE | TSW:Check if item edior-tree exists | |
496 | OIJ_ITEM_DEL_NODE | TSW: Delete item comment node | |
497 | OIJ_ITEM_FIRST_DISPLAY | TSW: Sets header comments for first display | |
498 | OIJ_ITEM_HIDE_ALL_COMMENTS | TSW: Deletes nodes / text from editor tree | |
499 | OIJ_LB_COPY_SCHEDS | Location Balancing copy schedules | |
500 | OIJ_LB_GET_BALANCE | Loc balancing get balancing |