SAP ABAP Function Module - Index O, page 6
Function Module - O
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | OIG_TT_IDOCDATA_COMPMET_FILL | Fills Data concerning compartment meter into the Idoc table | |
2 | OIG_TT_IDOCDATA_DRIVER_FILL | Fills Data concerning driver into the Idoc table | |
3 | OIG_TT_IDOCDATA_RACKMET_FILL | Fills Data Concerning Rack Meter into Idoc table | |
4 | OIG_TT_IDOCDATA_SHIPMENT_FILL | Fills Data concerning shipment into Idoc Table | |
5 | OIG_TT_IDOCDATA_TR_UNIT_FILL | Fills Data concerning transport units into the Idoc table | |
6 | OIG_TT_IDOCDATA_VEHICLE_FILL | Fills Data concerning vehicles into the Idoc table | |
7 | OIG_TT_TD_IDOC_CREATE | Creates IDOCs from TD needed for TAS and TPI | |
8 | OIG_UPDATE_DRIVER | TD Driver update routine | |
9 | OIG_UPDATE_RACK_METER | TD Rack Meter update routine | |
10 | OIG_UPDATE_VEHICLE | Update DD Tables in the Master Data Vehicles Trans. (Is-Oil) | |
11 | OIG_UPDATE_VEHICLE_METER | Is-Oil TD Master Data Vehicle Meter Update | |
12 | OIG_VALUE_REQUEST_SHITEM | TD Value-request list for shitmes in a shipment | |
13 | OIG_VALUE_REQUEST_VEHICLE | TD Value-request list for vehicles in a shipment | |
14 | OIH01_CONVERT_TO_COND | Interface to Convert and Update OIH01 Records into Conditions | |
15 | OIH_CHECK_EDGRP_CHANGE | Convert Excise Tax Group into Product Tax Group | |
16 | OIH_CONVERT_BUKRS_TO_LAND | Convert Company Code into Country | |
17 | OIH_CONVERT_EDGRP_TO_PRODTXGR | Convert Excise Tax Group into Product Tax Group | |
18 | OIH_CONVERT_OIH01_TO_ETAX_COND | Convert OIH01 into Excise Tax Condition Record | |
19 | OIH_CONVERT_WERKS_TO_REGION | Convert Plant into Region | |
20 | OIH_DEF_OIINEX | Function to default pricing indicator | |
22 | OIH_GET_HANDLE_OIH_ED_VAL_DEF | Creating and read intance for BADI OIH_ED_VAL_DEF | |
23 | OIH_GET_ITEM_DATA_DELIVERY | Get TDP relevant information for delivery item | |
24 | OIH_GET_ITEM_DATA_MATDOC | Get TDP data from material document item | |
25 | OIH_GET_ITEM_DATA_ORDER | To get TDP information for production order item | |
26 | OIH_GET_ITEM_DATA_PO | Get the TDP information from PO Item | |
27 | OIH_GET_ITEM_DATA_RESERVATION | Get the relevant reservation item data | |
28 | OIH_GET_LICENSES | Selection of available licenses to Customer | |
29 | OIH_GET_OIHANTYP_TAXGRP | Selection of available licenses to Customer | |
30 | OIH_GET_TDP_VALUES | Communicate screen values to BADI | |
31 | OIH_HANTYPE_MODIFIED | Check whether handling type is modified in TDP screen | |
32 | OIH_J1B_CHECK_TXCOD_INVOICE | Brazil: Check if the tax code is valid in the Invoice Verification | |
33 | OIH_J1B_CHECK_TXCOD_PURCHASE | Brazil: Check if the tax code is valid in the Purchase Order | |
34 | OIH_J1B_CHECK_TXCOD_SALES | Brazil: Check if the tax code is valid in sales process | |
35 | OIH_J1B_CHECK_TXCOD_SH | Brazil: Check if the tax code is valid in shipment | |
36 | OIH_J1B_CHECK_TXCOD_TRANSF_IN | Brazil: Check if the tax code is valid in the Transfer Incoming | |
37 | OIH_J1B_CHECK_TXCOD_TRANSF_OUT | Brazil: Check if the tax code is valid in the Transfer Outgoing | |
38 | OIH_J1B_DEFAULT_TXCD_PURCHASE | Brazil: Propose a valid tax code in the Purchase Order | |
39 | OIH_J1B_DEFAULT_TXCD_SALES | Brazil: Propose a valid tax code in sales process | |
40 | OIH_J1B_DEFAULT_TXCD_SH_OUT | Brazil: Propose a valid tax code in the Transfer Outgoing | |
41 | OIH_J1B_DEFAULT_TXCD_TRANS_IN | Brazil: Propose a valid tax code in the Transfer Incoming | |
42 | OIH_J1B_DEFAULT_TXCD_TRANS_OUT | Brazil: Propose a valid tax code in the Transfer Outgoing | |
43 | OIH_J1B_FI_F4_MWSKZ | F4-Hilfe für MWSKZ - bei WiA mit PopUp für Land | |
44 | OIH_J1B_GET_REF_NF | Brazil: Check if the tax code is valid in the Purchase Order | |
45 | OIH_J1B_GET_TAXLAWS | Brazil: Check if the tax code is valid in sales process | |
46 | OIH_J1B_GET_TAXLAWS_TRANSFER | Brazil: Check if the tax code is valid in shipment | |
48 | OIH_J1B_IV_GET_PUR_DATA | Ermitteln der Bestellungsdaten | |
49 | OIH_J1B_IV_GET_REF_MSEG | Hole referenzierte MSEG für tax calc. in IV Brazil Oil | |
50 | OIH_J1B_MSEG_CLEAR_OIJ1BNFFIM | Clear MSEG-OIJ1BNFFIM based on entries of OIH_J_1BMSEG_NF | |
51 | OIH_J1B_MSEG_NF_DELETE | Delete records from OIH_J_1BMSEG_NF | |
52 | OIH_J1B_MSEG_NF_INSERT | Gains Losses - Nota Fiscal - Insert | |
53 | OIH_J1B_POST_EXC | Steuern: Externe Steuerberechnung | |
54 | OIH_J1B_REF_MSEG_SAV | Steuern: Externe Steuerberechnung | |
55 | OIH_J1B_REF_NF_SAV | Speichern der Daten des referenzierten Nota Fiscal (MBSU/835) | |
56 | OIH_LIPS_UPDATE | TDP Sales Function to change OITAXINV in LIPS in UPDATE TASK | |
58 | OIH_MEPO_BADI_DEFVAL_HTYPE | Defaulting in MEPO | |
65 | OIH_OIH01_TO_A419 | R | Fill Table A419 Using Batch Input (Call Transaction or BI Session) |
67 | OIH_POPULATE_ED_FIELDS | Function module to set displayable ED fields with value | |
68 | OIH_REFRESH_MIGO_DATA | Refresh all global data in the function group | |
69 | OIH_REQ_BADI_DEFVAL_HTYPE | Defaulting ED data in REQ | |
71 | OIH_TR_CHANGE | TR | |
72 | OIH_TR_POST | Posts Database Records for Price Changes | |
73 | OIH_TR_PROPOSE | Pricing Proposal from Planned Prices | |
74 | OIH_TR_SELECT | Get Materials for Tax Revaluation | |
75 | OIH_UPDATE_ETAX_COND_REC | Update Excise Tax Condition Record | |
76 | OIH_UPDATE_LICENCE | IS-OIL TDP update licence master data | |
77 | OIH_VAL_DEF_HANTYP | Validation/Defaulting Handlingtype | |
78 | OIH_VBFA_READ | Function to get next sales document for a delivery from VBFA | |
79 | OIIC_CHECK_TANK_MATERIAL | Check, if a Material/plant/Stor.Loc comb. is tank manged | |
82 | OIIC_DIP_APPLOG_CREATE | Set line of APP LOG | |
86 | OIIC_DIP_APPLOG_REFRESH | Set line of APP LOG | |
87 | OIIC_DIP_CALC_TANK_DIP_ITEM | Calculate Volume and add.UoMs for a given tank dip | |
88 | OIIC_DIP_CREATE_TANKDIPS | Silo Management: Create tankdips | |
89 | OIIC_DIP_DISPLAY_GOODS_MOVEMTS | Display function for goods movements related to analyse lines | |
90 | OIIC_DIP_GET_FIRST_ANALYSIS_TS | Get timestamp of latest material movement | |
91 | OIIC_DIP_GET_GOODS_MOVEMENTS | Collect material movements between two tank dips | |
92 | OIIC_DIP_GET_LAST_ANALYSIS_TS | Get timestamp of latest material movement | |
93 | OIIC_DIP_GET_LAST_MOVEMENT_TS | Get timestamp of latest material movement | |
94 | OIIC_DIP_GET_MATERIAL_STOCKS | Derive material stocks from Tank material Assignment | |
95 | OIIC_DIP_POST_MAIN | Posting routine for application related tankdip data | |
96 | OIIC_DIP_POST_PARAM_QUAN | Posting routine for tank dip parameters and additional quantities | |
97 | OIIC_DIP_READ_ANALYSIS | Read Dip material movement analysis | |
98 | OIIC_DIP_READ_TANKDIPS | Read tank dips | |
99 | OIIC_DIP_SAVE_ANALYSIS | Read Dip material movement analysis | |
100 | OIIC_GET_TIMESTAMP | Calculate timestamp based on date time and plant | |
101 | OIIGMMK_ARRAY_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIIGMMK | |
102 | OIIGMMK_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIIGMMK | |
103 | OIIO_CHECK_INCOMPLETION | Check if incompletion log is necessary | |
104 | OIIO_CHECK_MATERIAL | Check material of tank against material of order | |
105 | OIIO_CREATE_DEFAULT | Creates the default value for the tank ID | |
106 | OIIO_DELETE_ITEM | Mark an oik37 entry for delete | |
107 | OIIO_DISPLAY_MESSAGES | Display error messages | |
108 | OIIO_ENTRIES_SHOW | Returns the tanks selected to the calling program | |
109 | OIIO_ENTRY_EXISTS | Shows if an entry in roik37x exists for a given item | |
110 | OIIO_REFRESH | Refresh all internal tables in OIIO | |
111 | OIIO_SAVE_TANK | Save tank ID in OIK37 | |
112 | OIIO_TRANSFER_DATA | transfer fcode from subscreen saploiio0100 | |
113 | OIISCPBL_SINGLE_READ | Single read function for OIISCPBL | |
114 | OIISCPSH_SINGLE_READ | Single read function for OIISCPSH | |
115 | OIISOCB1_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIISOCB1 | |
116 | OIISOCB2_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIISOCB2 | |
117 | OIISOCK_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIISOCK | |
118 | OIISOCO1_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIISOCO1 | |
119 | OII_ARCHIVE_CHECK_CUST_SUBOBJS | OIL-BDRP: Archiving: Check for customer sub-objects | |
120 | OII_CALC_DIFF_BT_TIMESTAMPS | OIL-BDRP: Calculate difference between two timestamps | |
121 | OII_CALC_FLTP_CORRELATE_2 | Calculates correlate of input variable from two pairs of hi/lo correlates | |
122 | OII_CALC_FLTP_LINEAR_2 | Calculates correlate of input variable from two pairs of hi/lo correlates | |
123 | OII_CALICALC_VOL_FROM_LIN | Outputs vol value as correlate of linear value + hi/lo ref correlates | |
124 | OII_CALI_DELETE_LVCC_FROM_SOC | Deletes SOC specific LVCC sets based on bulk segment data | |
125 | OII_CALI_MAIN_DIALOG | Maintain/display linear/volumetric conversion set dialog | |
126 | OII_CALL_USER_UPD_VLBEFU | OIL-BDRP: Call exit to update delivery note view for GI plant + sloc | |
127 | OII_CALL_USER_UPD_XIMSEG | OIL-BDRP: Call exit to update delivery note view for GI plant + sloc (40B) | |
128 | OII_CAL_GET_VOL_FOR_LIN_BY_LVC | Return volumetric for linear (dip) by specified lin/vol conversion set | |
129 | OII_CHECK_BDRP_OTWS_ACTIVE | OIL-BDRP: Check Operations Time Window Sets are active in this client | |
130 | OII_CHECK_BDRP_SHS_ACTIVE | OIL-BDRP: Check Sales Hours Sets are active in this client | |
131 | OII_CHECK_BDRP_STVSO_ACTIVE | OIL-BDRP: Check stock transfer via sales order is active in this client | |
132 | OII_CONVERT_TO_HISTORY_SET | Silo Mgmt. Convert Strapping set to history set. | |
133 | OII_CONV_DATE_TIME_TS | Converts the date and time fields into time stamp format | |
134 | OII_CONV_FACTCAL_WORKRESTDAYS | Convert factory cal to work and rest day flags (OIL-BDRP) | |
135 | OII_CONV_TS_DATE_TIME | Converts the date and time fields into time stamp format | |
136 | OII_COPY_CALI_SET | Provide calibration set | |
137 | OII_CREATE_INTERVAL | Creates automatically an internal number range for BDRP objects | |
138 | OII_CUSTOMER_MATERIALS_GET | R | Retrieve customer materials for replenishment |
139 | OII_CUSTOMER_SOC_GET_INDICES | R | Retrieve the storage object characteristic (SOC) segment indices per cust. |
140 | OII_CUSTOMER_SOC_INDEX_DETAIL | R | Retrieve storage object characteristic (SOC) segment detail |
141 | OII_CUSTOMER_STOCKS_GET | R | Retrieve customer stocks - WRPT |
142 | OII_CUSTOMER_STOCKS_UPDATE | R | Update customer stocks - WRPT |
143 | OII_DIMENSION_CHECK | Verifies UoM dimension type from UoM and exponent configuration | |
144 | OII_DOC_SD_READ_OIISOCVB1 | OIL-BDRP: Read SD doc type storage object input customizing table | |
145 | OII_DOC_SD_READ_OIISOCVB2 | OIL-BDRP: Read SD doc. item cat. storage object input customizing table | |
146 | OII_DOC_SD_SOC_CHECK_DOC_TYPE | OIL-BDRP: Check SD document type is valid for SOC (tank ID) input | |
147 | OII_DOC_SD_SOC_CHECK_ITEM_CAT | OIL-BDRP: Check SD document item category is valid for SOC (tank ID) input | |
148 | OII_GET_AND_VALIDATE_PLANT | OIL-BDRP: Check and validate plant | |
149 | OII_GET_AND_VALIDATE_SLOC | OIL-BDRP: Check and validate storage location | |
150 | OII_GET_CALI_SET | Provide calibration set | |
151 | OII_GET_CONTROL_RECORD | OIL-BDRP: Get BDRP control record | |
152 | OII_GET_DEFAULT_LOOKUP_BL_PR | Get default (MRN) partner role for customer partner lookup | |
153 | OII_GET_DELIVERY_LOC_DATA_TPI | Get all TPI relevant data for sales location (OIL-BDRP) | |
154 | OII_GET_FACTORY_CALENDAR | Get factory calendar texts and data (OIL-BDRP) | |
155 | OII_GET_MRN_PTNR_ROLE_DFLT | OIL-BDRP: Check and validate MRN partner role info | |
156 | OII_GET_SOC_SEGMENT_AND_CLASS | get basic usage indicator for SOCNR | |
157 | OII_GET_SOE_DEFAULT_GRP_INFO | OIL-BDRP: Get SD sales area info for SOE default group | |
158 | OII_GET_SOLD_TO_FOR_SHIP_TO | OIL-BDRP: Get customer sold-to party for specified customer ship-to party | |
159 | OII_GET_SO_AND_SH_FOR_BL | OIL-BDRP: Derive ship-to and sold-to from MRN business location | |
160 | OII_GMM_CLOSE_FLOW | Close product flow | |
161 | OII_GMM_COUNTER_RESET | Counter reset | |
162 | OII_GMM_CUST_EXIST_CHECK | Check existence of general meter segments for customer | |
163 | OII_GMM_FLUSHING | Flushing event | |
164 | OII_GMM_NEW_MATERIAL | Enter new material | |
165 | OII_GMM_RECALIBRATION | Recalibration of meter | |
166 | OII_LOCATION_SOC_INDEX_DETAIL | R | Retrieve storage object characteristic (SOC) segment detail |
167 | OII_METERS_SAVE | Save workarea of SO maintenance function group to DB | |
168 | OII_METER_ASSIGNMENTS_BL | Maintain/Display meter assignments for a Location/BT | |
169 | OII_METER_ASSIGNMENTS_BL_ACCGR | Change access group meter assignments for a Location/BT | |
170 | OII_METER_ASSIGNMENTS_BL_GET | Derive the meter/materials for a bus. loc. | |
171 | OII_METER_ASSIGNMENTS_CU | Maintain/Display storage object assignments for a Customer | |
172 | OII_METER_ASSIGNMENTS_NO | Maintain/Display storage object characteristics segment | |
173 | OII_METER_CUSTOMER_INDEX_GET | Get all Storage object indices per customer | |
174 | OII_METER_DETAIL | Create/Maintain/Display meter assigned to a primary object | |
175 | OII_METER_GET | Get storage object characteristics of an object | |
176 | OII_METER_LOCATION_INDEX_GET | Get all Meter object indices per location | |
177 | OII_METER_LOCATION_INDEX_UPD | Update location meter index data from overview | |
178 | OII_METER_MARK_DEL | Create/Maintain/Display storage object characteristics of an object | |
179 | OII_METER_UPDATE | BDRP Meter assignments update processing | |
180 | OII_MOVE_UOMS_FROM_SAPLOIIS | Export of UoMs | |
181 | OII_MOVE_UOMS_TO_SAPLOIIS | Import of UoMs | |
182 | OII_MTR_DATALOSS_TRANSFER | Transfers the Dataloss flag from the SO function group | |
183 | OII_MTR_FCODE_TRANSFER | Transfers an Fcode to the SO function group | |
184 | OII_OTWS_CHECK_TIME_CUST | BDRP-OTWS: Check incoming time and data against time windows for customer | |
185 | OII_OTWS_CHECK_TIME_PLANT | BDRP-OTWS: Check incoming time and data against time windows for plant | |
186 | OII_OTWS_CONV_GENWIN_SPECWIN | BDRP-OTWS: Convert generic TWs to specific TWs (in terms of days of week) | |
187 | OII_OTWS_EXPORT_DIALOG_CNTRL_S | BDRP-OTWS: Export OTWS dialog control for subscreen case | |
188 | OII_OTWS_GET_REF_SET | BDRP-OTWS: Get all information for operations time window reference set | |
189 | OII_OTWS_GET_SET_TYPE | BDRP-OTWS: Get all information for an operations time window set type | |
190 | OII_OTWS_GET_TW_APPLIC | BDRP-OTWS: Get all information about an OTWS window applicability type | |
191 | OII_OTWS_GET_TW_SET_BUSLOC | BDRP-OTWS: Get all time window sets for a specified business location | |
192 | OII_OTWS_GET_TW_SET_CUSTOMER | BDRP-OTWS: Get all time window sets for a specified customer | |
193 | OII_OTWS_GET_TW_SET_PLANT | BDRP-OTWS: Get all time window sets for a specified plant | |
194 | OII_OTWS_IMPORT_DIALOG_CNTRL_S | BDRP-OTWS: Import OTWS dialog control for subscreen case | |
195 | OII_OTWS_IMPORT_FCODE | BDRP-OTWS: Import FCODE to OTWS pool from external application | |
196 | OII_OTWS_MAIN_DIALOG | BDRP-OTWS: Maintain/display specific operations time window set | |
197 | OII_OTWS_POPUP_POSS_TIME_WINS | Popup to display/select possible time windows (BDRP-OTWS) | |
198 | OII_OTWS_REF_SET_DIALOG | BDRP-OTWS: Maintain/display reference operations time window set | |
199 | OII_OTWS_SAVE | BDRP-OTWS: Prepare operations time window set data for update | |
200 | OII_OTWS_UPDATE | BDRP-OTWS: Update operations time window set | |
201 | OII_POPUP_WITH_POSSIBLE_SEQNR | Popup to display possible tank sequence numbers for customer (IS-Oil BDRP) | |
202 | OII_RCP_CUST_EXIST_CHECK | Check existence of replenishment control parameters for customer | |
203 | OII_READ_EQUI | Read equipment data | |
204 | OII_READ_IFLO | Read data of equipment which is installed at a functional location | |
205 | OII_READ_TABLES | Read in data to internal tables | |
206 | OII_RFC_GET_VOL_FOR_LIN | R | RFC for returning quantity for dip by storage object bulk segment |
207 | OII_SCP_CHANGE_POINTER_SET | Set change pointer for site control parameter object | |
208 | OII_SCP_CHECK_INHERIT_BL | Check inheritance of site control from business location to customer | |
209 | OII_SCP_CUSTOMER_GET_EXTERNAL | Return site control parameters for a specified customer | |
210 | OII_SCP_DATALOSS_TRANSFER | Transfers the Dataloss flag from the SO function group | |
211 | OII_SCP_DIALOG_BL | Maintain/Display site control parameters for a Business Location | |
212 | OII_SCP_DIALOG_CU | Maintain/Display site control parameters for a Customer | |
213 | OII_SCP_DIALOG_WK | Maintain/Display site control parameters for a plant | |
214 | OII_SCP_FCODE_TRANSFER | Transfers an Fcode to the SO function group | |
215 | OII_SCP_TPI_DIALOG_BL | Maintain/Display (SCP) Transport Planning Sys control for a Business Loc | |
216 | OII_SCP_TPI_DIALOG_CU | Maintain/Display (SCP) Transport Planning System control for a Customer | |
217 | OII_SCP_UPDATE_BL | Save workarea of Business Location SCP maintenance function group to DB | |
218 | OII_SCP_UPDATE_CU | Save workarea of customer SCP maintenance function group to DB | |
219 | OII_SCP_UPDATE_WK | Save workarea of Plant SCP maintenance function group to DB | |
220 | OII_SET_CALIHIST_VALFROM_VALTO | Set Valid from and to date for current Tank number | |
221 | OII_SET_GET_ROIISLVCKO_UOMS | Set UoMs for calibration header based on OIISOCK entries | |
222 | OII_SLV_CALC_VOL_FROM_LIN | Outputs vol value as correlate of linear value + hi/lo ref correlates | |
223 | OII_SLV_DELETE_LVCC_FROM_SOC | Deletes SOC specific LVCC sets based on bulk segment data | |
224 | OII_SLV_GET_CALI_SET_HEADER | Return linear/volumetric conversion set header for LVCC set number | |
225 | OII_SLV_GET_LVCC_SET_HEADER | Return linear/volumetric conversion set header for LVCC set number | |
226 | OII_SLV_GET_VOL_FOR_LIN_BY_LVC | Return volumetric for linear (dip) by specified lin/vol conversion set | |
227 | OII_SLV_MAIN_DIALOG | Maintain/display linear/volumetric conversion set dialog | |
228 | OII_SLV_REPLACE_TEMP_SLVNR | Replaces temporary LVCC set nos. issued by SOCSEG tool with real nos. | |
229 | OII_SLV_SAVE_LVCC_SET | Save workarea of LVCC set maintenance function group to DB | |
230 | OII_SOCSEGS_REFRESH | Refresh workarea of SO maintenance function group | |
231 | OII_SOCSEGS_SAVE | Save workarea of SO maintenance function group to DB | |
232 | OII_SOCSEG_CHANGE_POINTER_SET | Set change pointer for site control parameter object | |
233 | OII_SOCSEG_CHECK_INHERIT_CU_BL | Check inheritance of storage objects from business location to customer | |
234 | OII_SOCSEG_CUSTOMER_INDEX_GET | Get all Storage object indices per customer | |
235 | OII_SOCSEG_CUST_EXIST_CHECK | Check existence of storage object characteristic segments for customer | |
236 | OII_SOCSEG_CUST_GET_EXTERNAL | Get all storage object characteristics for a customer | |
237 | OII_SOCSEG_DETAIL | Create/Maintain/Display storage object characteristics of an object | |
238 | OII_SOCSEG_GET | Get storage object characteristics of an object | |
239 | OII_SOCSEG_GET_MANY_EXTERNAL | Get storage object characteristics for an external application call | |
240 | OII_SOCSEG_LGORT_INDEX_GET | Get all Storage object indices per storage location | |
241 | OII_SOCSEG_LOCATION_INDEX_GET | Get all Storage object indices per location | |
242 | OII_SOCSEG_MARK_DEL | Set storage object characteristic segment components for deletion | |
243 | OII_SOCSEG_MP_NR_INDEX_GET | Get all Storage object indices per storage location | |
244 | OII_SOCSEG_READ | Read reduced SOCSEG data (bulk/packaged) | |
245 | OII_SOC_ORDER_GET_CUST_TANK | Load data into subscreen saploiio 0100 | |
246 | OII_SO_ASSIGNMENTS_BL | Maintain/Display storage object assignments for a Business location | |
247 | OII_SO_ASSIGNMENTS_CU | Maintain/Display storage object assignments for a Customer | |
248 | OII_SO_ASSIGNMENTS_MP | Maintain/Display storage object assignments for a Customer | |
249 | OII_SO_ASSIGNMENTS_SG | Maintain/Display storage object characteristics segment | |
250 | OII_SO_ASSIGNMENTS_SL | Maintain/Display storage object assignments for a Customer | |
251 | OII_SO_ASSIGNMENTS_ST | Maintain/Display storage object type - segment data | |
252 | OII_SO_DATALOSS_TRANSFER | Transfers the Dataloss flag from the SO function group | |
253 | OII_SO_FCODE_TRANSFER | Transfers an Fcode to the SO function group | |
254 | OII_SO_INDICES_UNLOCK | BDRP Storage object assignments unlock indices | |
255 | OII_SO_UPDATE | BDRP Storage object assignments update processing | |
256 | OII_TANK_DIP_CALCULATOR | Function to calculate a material volume using strapping functionality | |
257 | OII_UPDATE_GMM | GMM update | |
258 | OII_UPDATE_LVCC_SET | BDRP Lin/vol conversion constant set update processing | |
259 | OII_UPDATE_SCP_BL | Business location site control parameter update processing | |
260 | OII_UPDATE_SCP_CU | Customer site control parameter update processing | |
261 | OII_UPDATE_SCP_WK | Business location site control parameter update processing | |
262 | OII_UPDATE_SOCSEG | BDRP Storage object segment update processing | |
263 | OII_UPDATE_WRPT | Customer stock levels update | |
264 | OII_WRPL_DATALOSS_TRANSFER | Transfers the Dataloss flag from the SO function group | |
265 | OII_WRPL_FCODE_TRANSFER | Transfers an Fcode to the SO function group | |
266 | OII_WRPL_PARAMETER | Maintain replenishment parameters per customer/material | |
267 | OII_WRPL_PARAMETER_SAVE | Verbuchung der WRPL-Parameter im Puffer | |
268 | OIJBRD_ARRAY_READ | Array read module for OIJBRD | |
269 | OIJBRD_ARRAY_STORE | Table OIJBRD overwrite buffer | |
270 | OIJBRD_INTERVAL_READ | Array read module for OIJBRD | |
271 | OIJB_CALCULATE_QUANTITIES | OIL-TSW: Calculate quantities (HPM calculation) | |
272 | OIJB_CHECK_STATFIELDS | Set Administration fields of TSW Structures | |
273 | OIJB_CLOSE_SHIPMENT | OIL-TSW: Close shipment | |
274 | OIJB_COLLECT_TSW_UOM | Identify and Collect the necessary UOM´s to be calculated within TSW | |
275 | OIJB_CONVERT_QUANTITIES | OIL-TSW: Convert quantities (Non HPM conversion) | |
276 | OIJB_DOMVALUE_CHECK | Check TSW Ticket Domain Values | |
277 | OIJB_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS | OIL-TSW: Create documents | |
278 | OIJB_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_N | OIL-TSW: Create documents | |
279 | OIJB_GET_NOMINATION_DATA | Read Nomination Data of TSW Tickets | |
280 | OIJB_GET_SCENARIO_NUMBER | OIL-TSW: Get number of product movement scenario | |
281 | OIJB_POSTING_DATE_CHECK | Oil-TSW: Validate Ticket Posting Date | |
282 | OIJB_REVERSAL_PREPARE | OIL-TSW: Prepare the reversal of a carrier ticket | |
283 | OIJB_REVERSAL_PREPARE_N | OIL-TSW: Prepare the reversal of a carrier ticket | |
284 | OIJB_SET_LOG_CALLBACK | Transfer Callback information from Transaction | |
285 | OIJB_TICKET_AUTHORIZE | Authorize ticket data access | |
286 | OIJB_TICKET_COMPLETE | OIL-TSW: Complete a correction/reversal ticket with the unchanged items | |
287 | OIJB_TICKET_DEFAULTING | Default ticket data (header & item) | |
288 | OIJB_TICKET_POSTING_DATE_CHECK | Oil-TSW: Validate Ticket Posting Date | |
289 | OIJB_TICKET_VALIDATE | Oil-TSW: Validate Carrier Ticket | |
290 | OIJB_TKT_QCI_INTERFACE | Send QCI data to the Ticket Screens | |
291 | OIJB_TKT_QCI_READ_ITEM | Send QCI data to the Ticket Screens | |
292 | OIJB_TKT_RCV_FROM_QCI_SCREEN | OIL-TSW: Receive QCI data from screen fro ticket item | |
293 | OIJB_VALIDATE_TICKET_EVENTS | OIL-TSW: validate TSW Ticket Events | |
294 | OIJB_VALIDATE_TICKET_HEADER | OIL-TSW: Validate TSW Ticket Header | |
295 | OIJB_VALIDATE_TICKET_ITEM | OIL-TSW: Validate TSW Ticket Item | |
296 | OIJB_VALIDATE_TICKET_ITM_QTY | OIL-TSW: Validate TSW Ticket Item Quantity vers. Nomination Item | |
297 | OIJB_VALIDATE_TICKET_ITM_UNITS | OIL-TSW: Validate TSW Ticket Item | |
298 | OIJB_VALIDATE_TICKET_MULTIPLE | OIL-TSW: Validate TSW Ticket Items (multiple) | |
299 | OIJC_AGGR_TANK_CONSTRAINTS | R | Aggregate Tank constraints into Location constraints |
300 | OIJC_CAL_TIMEDPT_TGT_SFT_STOCK | Calculate time dependent target / safety stock | |
301 | OIJC_CHECK_ARRIVED_TICKETS | OIL-TSW: Check for ticket presence in ticket table for a given nomination | |
302 | OIJC_CHECK_DOCNR_MVS_FOR_WKLT | OIL-TSW: Check if plant/SLoc on doc. is the same on nom line item | |
303 | OIJC_CHECK_MATERIAL_STLOCATION | OIL-TSW : Validation for Matrial , Plant and Storage Location | |
304 | OIJC_CHECK_PLANTS_FOR_MATERIAL | OIL-TSW: Check plants for one material on table MARC | |
305 | OIJC_CLOSE_TD_SHIPMENT | Close TD Shipment | |
306 | OIJC_FILL_EVENT_DATA | OIL-TSW: Fill event data into nomination | |
307 | OIJC_GET_ALL_TICKET | OIL-TSW: Get all Tickets for the given nomination line item | |
308 | OIJC_GET_BATCH_DEST | OIL-TSW : The Possible Values for Batch at Destination | |
309 | OIJC_GET_BATCH_ORIGIN | OIL-TSW : The Possible Values for Batch at Origin | |
310 | OIJC_GET_LOC_MAT_F4_HELP | OIL-TSW : Get Location Materials for F4 Help | |
311 | OIJC_GET_NOMINATION | OIL-TSW : Get the all the Nominations for a Given Nomination Number | |
312 | OIJC_GET_ROLE_TYPE | OIL-TSW : Get partner role function | |
313 | OIJC_GET_TIMEDPT_TGT_SFT_STOCK | Get time dependent target and safety stocks | |
314 | OIJC_GET_TS_MAT_F4_HELP | OIL-TSW : Get TS materials for F4 help | |
315 | OIJC_GET_UOM_F4_HELP | OIL-TSW: F4 value help on UoM within the TSW | |
316 | OIJC_MODIFY_OIJ_TGTSFTTIME | Insert/Update OIJ_TGTSFTTIME( time dependent safety/target stock) | |
317 | OIJC_NOMINATION_UPDATE | OIL-TSW : Nomination posting function | |
318 | OIJC_POPUP_TO_DISPLAY_BATCHERR | OIL-TSW: Popup to Display Internal Table for Batch err Log | |
319 | OIJC_TRANSPORT_SYSTEM_UPDATE | OIL-TSW : Transport system posting function | |
320 | OIJC_UPDATE_EXTERNAL_DETAILS | OIL-TSW: Update external details for nomination | |
321 | OIJC_VALIDATE_DOCNR_FOR_MVS | OIL-TSW: Validate document for TSW movement scenarios | |
322 | OIJC_VALIDATE_MATNR_FOR_PLANT | OIL-TSW : Validate material in table MARC for plant | |
323 | OIJC_VALIDATE_PARTNER_ROLE | OIL-TSW: Validate a plant or plant-sloc as partner role for TS/Loc | |
324 | OIJD_GET_LOC_DISTANCE | Get Distance between two locations | |
325 | OIJD_GET_NOMINATION_STATUS | OIL-TSW : routine to get the status of the nomination for a TD shipment | |
326 | OIJD_GET_OIJX | R | OIL-TSW: Read entries of OIJX |
327 | OIJD_READ_OIJLOC | OIL-TSW : Buffered read of location table (OIJLOC) | |
328 | OIJD_READ_OIJTS | OIL-TSW : Buffered read of transport system table (OIJTS) | |
329 | OIJGEN_CREATE_VALUE_VIEW | Generate a subscreen according to given DDIC-field | |
330 | OIJGEN_GET_VALUE | Get values entered in generic value views | |
331 | OIJLOCMAT_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJLOCMAT buffered array read | |
332 | OIJLOCMAT_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJLOCMAT | |
333 | OIJLOC_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJLOC buffered array read | |
334 | OIJLOC_SINGLE_READ | Table OIJLOC buffered single read | |
335 | OIJLOC_SINGLE_READ_BY_PBLNR | Table OIJLOC buffered single read | |
336 | OIJLT_ARRAY_READ | Buffer function module to read table OIJLT | |
337 | OIJNE_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJNE buffered array read | |
338 | OIJNE_ARRAY_STORE | Table OIJNE overwrite buffer | |
339 | OIJNOMCOMM_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJNOMCOMM buffered array read | |
340 | OIJNOMCOMM_ARRAY_STORE | Table OIJNOMCOMM overwrite buffer | |
341 | OIJNOMCOMM_MULT_READ | Table OIJNOMCOMM buffered array read | |
342 | OIJNOMCOMM_SINGLE_READ | Table OIJNOMCOMM buffered single read | |
343 | OIJNOMCOMM_SINGLE_READ_BY_CID | Table OIJNOMCOMM buffered single read by communication ID | |
344 | OIJNOMC_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJNOMC buffered array read | |
345 | OIJNOMHWL_ARRAY_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJNOMHWL | |
346 | OIJNOMHWL_ARRAY_STORE | Buffered Read module for table OIJNOMHWL | |
347 | OIJNOMH_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJNOMH buffered array read | |
348 | OIJNOMH_ARRAY_STORE | Table OIJNOMH overwrite buffer | |
349 | OIJNOMH_SINGLE_READ | Table OIJNOMH buffered single read | |
350 | OIJNOMIWL_ARRAY_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJNOMIWL | |
351 | OIJNOMIWL_ARRAY_STORE | Buffered Read module for table OIJNOMIWL | |
352 | OIJNOMI_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJNOMI buffered array read | |
353 | OIJNOMI_ARRAY_STORE | Table OIJNOMH overwrite buffer | |
354 | OIJNOMI_MULT_READ_BY_DOCNR | Table OIJNOMI buffered read by docnr | |
355 | OIJNOMI_SINGLE_READ | Table OIJNOMH buffered single read | |
356 | OIJNOMM_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJNOMM buffered array read | |
357 | OIJNOMM_ARRAY_STORE | Table OIJNOMM overwrite buffer | |
358 | OIJNOMR_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJNOMH buffered array read | |
359 | OIJNOMR_ARRAY_STORE | Table OIJNOMH overwrite buffer | |
360 | OIJNOMR_MULT_READ_BY_DOCNR | Table OIJNOMR buffered read by docnr | |
361 | OIJNOMR_SINGLE_READ | Table OIJNOMH buffered single read | |
362 | OIJNOMST_ARRAY_READ | Nomination status array read | |
363 | OIJPEG_ADD_ITEM_TO_GROUP | TSW: add items to an existing pegging group | |
364 | OIJPEG_GET_GROUP_MEMBERS | TSW: Get items by PegID (buffered read) | |
365 | OIJPEG_GET_PEGID | TSW: get PegID's and pegging data according to items | |
366 | OIJPEG_GET_PEGTYPE_SETTINGS | TSW: Get PegType Customizing and Texts | |
367 | OIJPEG_GROUPING_ARRAY_READ | TSW: Read module - Get PEGID by item (buffered array read) | |
368 | OIJPEG_GROUPING_ARRAY_STORE | TSW: Table OIJ_PEG array store | |
369 | OIJPEG_GROUPING_REFRESH | TSW: Refresh pegging runtime data | |
370 | OIJPEG_GROUPING_SAVE | TSW: Save pegging data | |
371 | OIJPEG_GROUPING_SINGLE_READ | TSW: Read module - Get PEGID by item | |
372 | OIJPEG_GROUPING_UPDATE | TSW: Update module - pegging data (do not call directly) | |
373 | OIJPEG_GROUPING_UPDATE_REQUEST | TSW: Request for Update - is a database update required ? | |
374 | OIJPEG_GROUP_AUTO | TSW: Call of an Auto-Pegging BAdI | |
375 | OIJPEG_GROUP_ITEMS | TSW: peg items to a new pegging group | |
376 | OIJPEG_GUI_REFRESH | TSW: Refresh Pegging GUI | |
377 | OIJPEG_GUI_SHOW | TSW: GUI for Pegging handling | |
378 | OIJPEG_REMOVE_ITEMS_FROM_GROUP | TSW: Remove items from group | |
379 | OIJPEG_REPLACE_TMP_DOCNO | TSW: Replace temporary document number | |
380 | OIJPEG_UNGROUP_ITEMS | TSW: Ungroup items, remove items from group | |
381 | OIJPLANLOC_HIERARCHY_READ | Table OIJTSMAT buffered array read | |
382 | OIJP_BUFFER_MKAL_FOR_LOCATION | IS-OIL TSW : Read DB-Table MKAL for a Location´s PWERK and PMATNR | |
384 | OIJP_BUFFER_OIJLOCMAT_PLAN_USD | R | IS-OIL TSW : Read DB-Table OIJLOCMAT for all LOC. as Demand in Plan. Sequ. |
387 | OIJP_BUFFER_OIJTSMAT_PLAN_USD | R | IS-OIL TSW : Read DB-Table OIJTSMAT for all TS. as Demand in Plan. Sequ. |
388 | OIJP_BUILD_SUPPL_CHAIN | R | IS-OIL TSW Sort Table to build up TSW Supply Chain for Planning Functions |
389 | OIJP_CALCULATE_INF | IS-OIL TSW: Calculates Inflation Ratio Using SD Ratio(Safety Stock) | |
390 | OIJP_CALC_ADDITIONAL_CALENTR | IS-OIL TSW : Calculate new entries in OIJPLCAL with CYCLE-steps | |
391 | OIJP_CHECK_HOLIDAY | IS-OIL TSW : Determines if a given date is a holiday or not | |
392 | OIJP_CHECK_PRODUCT_VERSIONS | IS-OIL TSW : Compare BOMMAT in Planning Seq. with Master Data Settings | |
393 | OIJP_CYCLE_DETECTION | OIL TSW: Cycle detection for planning locations | |
394 | OIJP_DELETE_PLAN_PROPOSALS | IS-OIL TSW: Deletes planning proposals and associated WL entries | |
395 | OIJP_DETERMINE_PLANNING_FUNC | IS-OIL TSW : Determine used Planning Function based on PLTYP/CALFLG | |
396 | OIJP_DETERMINE_SFTSTK_ROUTINE | IS-OIL TSW : Determine used safety stock calc. routine based on SFTTYPE | |
397 | OIJP_DETERMINE_TGTSTK_ROUTINE | IS-OIL TSW: Determine target stock calculation routine | |
398 | OIJP_FILL_PLANNING_TABLE | IS-OIL TSW : Fills the internal planning table | |
399 | OIJP_FILL_STANDARD_DAY_RATIO | IS OIL-TSW: Fills the standard day ratio according to the day no. passed | |
400 | OIJP_FIND_CIRCLE_SIMPLE | R | IS-OIL TSW : Checks,if a Loc. has TS as Source and TS has this Loc. as Src |
401 | OIJP_GET_CALENDAR_PROFILE | IS-OIL TSW : Reads calendar usage profile record from database | |
402 | OIJP_GET_PLANNING_CALENDAR | IS-OIL TSW : Read the Planning Calendar for a Planning Object | |
403 | OIJP_GET_SFTSTK_DATA | IS-OIL TSW : Update Safety Stock in OIJLOCMAT table | |
404 | OIJP_GET_TGTSTK_DATA | IS-OIL TSW: Get target stock data | |
405 | OIJP_INIT_SUPPL_CHAIN_TABLE | R | IS-OIL TSW : Build initial Supply Chain Table from OIJLOCMAT/OIJTSMAT |
406 | OIJP_INTERIM_CHECK | IS-OIL TSW - Interim Check Routine | |
407 | OIJP_PLANNING_CP | IS-OIL TSW - Planning proposal routine CP (Customer inventory planning) | |
408 | OIJP_PLANNING_MC | IS-OIL TSW - Planning proposal routine MC (Max. inventory with calendar) | |
409 | OIJP_PLANNING_MR | IS-OIL TSW - Planning proposal routine MR (Max. inventory Reorder ) | |
410 | OIJP_PLANNING_RC | IS-OIL TSW - Planning proposal routine RC (Rep. inventory with calendar) | |
411 | OIJP_PLANNING_RR | IS-OIL TSW - Planning proposal routine RR (Rep. inventory Reorder ) | |
412 | OIJP_PLANNING_TC | IS-OIL TSW - Planning proposal routine TC (Tgt. inventory with calendar) | |
413 | OIJP_PLANNING_TR | IS-OIL TSW - Planning proposal routine TR (Tgt. inventory Reorder ) | |
414 | OIJP_PVMAT_DRILL_DOWN | IS-OIL TSW : Read MKAL for Mat. Prod. Version --> Get matching BOM | |
415 | OIJP_READ_OIJRDPLAN | IS-OIL TSW - Read planning proposal table | |
416 | OIJP_READ_OIJRDPLAN_DATE_RANGE | IS-OIL TSW - Read planning table with date range | |
417 | OIJP_READ_RUNDOWNS | Read all SP tables into buffer | |
418 | OIJP_REFRESH_BASES | IS-OIL TSW - Refresh IBASE & Obase in internal planning table | |
419 | OIJP_REFRESH_IBASE | IS-OIL TSW - Refresh IBASE in internal planning table | |
420 | OIJP_REFRESH_OBASE | IS-OIL TSW - Refresh OBASE in internal planning table | |
421 | OIJP_REFRESH_SOURCE_IBASE | IS-OIL TSW - Update IBASE for source object | |
422 | OIJP_SAFETY_STOCK_CUSTOMER | IS-OIL TSW : Customer user-exit for dynamic safety stock routine | |
423 | OIJP_SAFETY_STOCK_ROUTINE | IS-OIL TSW : SAP supplied dynamic safety stock calculation routine | |
424 | OIJP_TARGET_STOCK_CUSTOMER | IS-OIL TSW : Customer exit for dynamic target stock routine | |
425 | OIJP_TARGET_STOCK_SAP | IS-OIL TSW: SAP TSW target stock calculation | |
426 | OIJP_TGT_CALCULATE_INF | OIL TSW: calculates inflation ratio using SD ratio(target stock) | |
427 | OIJP_TGT_FILL_STANDARD_DAY_RAT | OIL-TSW: Fills the standard day ratio according to the day no. passed | |
428 | OIJP_UPDATE_OIJPLCAL | IS-OIL TSW : Planning calendar definitions Update | |
429 | OIJP_UPDATE_OIJPLSEQ | R | IS-OIL TSW : Planning Sequence Table Update |
430 | OIJP_UPDATE_OIJRDPLAN | IS-OIL TSW - Update proposals drill-down table | |
431 | OIJP_UPDATE_OIJX_PLANNING_FLAG | R | IS-Oil TSW: update Table OIJX planning flag |
432 | OIJP_UPDATE_PV_OIJLOCMAT | To update PV fields in OIJLOCMAT from MKAL | |
433 | OIJP_UPDATE_RUNDOWN | IS-OIL TSW - Update rundown tables with planning proposals | |
434 | OIJP_UPDATE_RUNDOWNS | IS-OIL TSW: Update all rundowns & cross reference tables for planning | |
435 | OIJP_UPDATE_SAFETY_STOCK | IS-OIL TSW : Update Safety Stock in OIJLOCMAT table | |
436 | OIJP_UPDATE_SOURCE | IS-OIL TSW - Copy planning proposals to source object | |
437 | OIJP_UPDATE_TARGET_STOCK | IS-OIL TSW: Calculate target stock and update | |
438 | OIJRD_ARRAY_READ | Array read module for OIJRD | |
439 | OIJRD_ARRAY_STORE | Table OIJRD overwrite buffer | |
440 | OIJRD_INTERVAL_READ | Array read module for OIJRD | |
441 | OIJRRA_ARRAY_READ_TLO | Table OIJNOMH buffered array read | |
442 | OIJRRA_ARRAY_STORE | Array read function for table OIFSPBL | |
443 | OIJRRA_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJRRA | |
444 | OIJR_CHECK_PARTNER | Check partner role | |
445 | OIJR_CREATE_PARTNER_ROLE | Create new partner role entry in internal table OIJRRA_TAB | |
446 | OIJR_GET_POSSIBLE_ROLETYPES | Get possible Roletypes for F4-Help(used in TS and LOC: Master Data Trans.) | |
447 | OIJR_MAINTAIN_PARTNER | IS-OIL TSW : Maintenance of Partner Roles for Master Data Objects (TS/LOC) | |
448 | OIJSCHED_ARRAY_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJ_SCHED | |
449 | OIJTSLOC_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJTSLOC buffered array read | |
450 | OIJTSLOC_READ_TS_BY_LOC | Buffered Read module for table OIJTSLOC | |
451 | OIJTSLOC_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJTSLOC | |
452 | OIJTSMATSEQ_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJTSMAT buffered array read | |
453 | OIJTSMATSEQ_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJTSMAT | |
454 | OIJTSMAT_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJTSMAT buffered array read | |
455 | OIJTSMAT_SINGLE_READ | Buffered Read module for table OIJTSMAT | |
456 | OIJTS_ARRAY_READ | Table OIJTS buffered array read | |
457 | OIJTS_CD_INITIALIZE_DATA | Initialize the transport system change doc. data | |
458 | OIJTS_CD_POST_CHANGES | Post the change document for a transport system | |
459 | OIJTS_CD_SET_NEW_DATA | Store the new fields of a transp. system for change doc. processing | |
460 | OIJTS_CD_SET_OLD_DATA | Store old transp. system tables for change doc. processing | |
461 | OIJTS_SINGLE_READ | Table OIJTS buffered single read | |
462 | OIJT_GET_TICKET_NR | OIL-TSW: Get ticket number/status from nomination tk & nomination item | |
463 | OIJU_BRD_UPDATE_OBJ_ENTRIES | OIL-TSW: Update all entries in rundown database for rundown objects | |
464 | OIJU_CHECK_LOCATION_RD | R | OIL-TSW: Check if a location is a rundownable object with 1 plant attached |
465 | OIJU_CHECK_STATUS | Check status in what-if table | |
466 | OIJU_CHECK_TANK_RD | Validate tank | |
467 | OIJU_DOC_QTY_CONSUMPTION | Get unscheduled quantities for documents | |
468 | OIJU_GET_ALL_REPORT_QUAN | OIL-TSW: Get all reported quantities for a rundown | |
469 | OIJU_GET_ALL_SIM_SCHED | Get all what-if entries for SPW | |
470 | OIJU_GET_DOC_WHAT_IF | Get ERP documents from given what-if's | |
471 | OIJU_GET_DOC_WHAT_IF_OUTP | Get what-if's for filling SP tables ("Rundown output") | |
472 | OIJU_GET_LOCS_PLANTS_FROM_PL | OIL-TSW: Get locations/plants | |
473 | OIJU_GET_QS | Get quantity schedule | |
474 | OIJU_GET_QS_IREF | Get QS based on IREF table | |
475 | OIJU_GET_RD_OBJECT_TYPE | OIL-TSW: Get rundown object type | |
476 | OIJU_GET_REPORT_QUAN | OIL-TSW: Get reported quantities | |
477 | OIJU_GET_UNACTUALIZED_PAST_DAY | OIL-TSW: Rolled-up unactualized for days in past | |
478 | OIJU_GET_UNSCHED_DOC_QTY | Get unscheduled quantities for documents | |
479 | OIJU_GET_WERK_LGORT_FOR_ORDERS | Get plant and storage location for orders | |
480 | OIJU_LB_UPDATE_OPENINV_TAB | Update module for the opening inventory table of LB | |
481 | OIJU_OIJBRDNOM_ARRAY_STORE | Store array of OIJBRDNOM in global internal table | |
482 | OIJU_OIJRDNOM_ARRAY_STORE | Store array of OIJRDNOM in global internal table | |
483 | OIJU_RD_ACC_NEG | To handle the accumulate negatives functionality | |
484 | OIJU_RD_AV_CONS | OIL-TSW: Calculate average consumption per weekday | |
485 | OIJU_RD_CALCULATE_PERIOD | OIL TSW: Calculate SP Start and End dates depending on SP type | |
486 | OIJU_RD_CALC_PAST_DAYS_INV | Calculate past days inventory | |
487 | OIJU_RD_CALC_UNCOMM | OIL-TSW: Re-calculate rundown | |
488 | OIJU_RD_CALL_USER_FILTER_S034 | OIL-TSW: Make INVCO movement data available to user defined filter | |
489 | OIJU_RD_CALL_USER_FILTER_S076 | OIL-TSW: Make SOP planning data available to user defined filter process | |
490 | OIJU_RD_DELETE_COMPLETE_OBJECT | OIL-TSW: Delete RD object and all dependent entries | |
491 | OIJU_RD_DIVIDE_BY_RDCONV | OIL-TSW: Divide rundown items by conversion factor | |
492 | OIJU_RD_ENGINE | OIL-TSW : Execute Rundown Engine | |
493 | OIJU_RD_FC_ADAY | OIL-TSW: Generate rack forecast (average over days) | |
494 | OIJU_RD_FC_CAL | OIL-TSW: Rack issue calendar & profile filter | |
495 | OIJU_RD_FC_CAL_ICORR | OIL-TSW: Rack issue calendar & profile filter to be applied on ICORR field | |
496 | OIJU_RD_FC_CUST | OIL-TSW: Generate rack issue forecast - Customer exit | |
497 | OIJU_RD_FC_GEN | OI-TSW: Generate rack forecast with calendar & profile | |
498 | OIJU_RD_FC_WDAY | OIL-TSW: Generate rack forecast-average over week days | |
499 | OIJU_RD_FILL_RACK_FCAST_DATA | Fill rack forecast data | |
500 | OIJU_RD_FILL_RUNDOWN_HEADER | Fill rundown header |