SAP ABAP Function Module - Index J, page 6
Function Module - J
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | J_1BNFE_TRACE_CHK_EXIST | NF-e: Trace Existence-Check | |
2 | J_1BNFE_TRACE_DEL | NF-e: Delete Tracetables | |
3 | J_1BNFE_TRACE_INS | NF-e: Trace incoming XML Data | |
4 | J_1BNFE_TRACE_SAV | Save | |
5 | J_1BNFE_VALIDATE | R | Pre-check of incoming XML |
6 | J_1BNFE_VALIDATE_2 | R | Check Main items and components, convert to ERP UoM and Material |
7 | J_1BNFE_VALIDATE_COMPONENTS | R | Return of subcontracting components |
8 | J_1BNFTAX_4DEC_CHECK | Check, if 4dec rate (reporting) is ok for existing 2dec rate | |
9 | J_1BNFTEXTS_DANGERGOODS_APPEND | Appends NF messages (texts) for dangerous goods | |
10 | J_1BNFTEXT_DANGERGOODS_DETERM | Determines the NF text for dangerous goods w/o internal comments material | |
11 | J_1BNF_CFOP_NEEDED_FOR_SERVICE | Check, if CFOP is required for NF item that contains service | |
12 | J_1BNF_CHECK_BADI_TABLES | Check BAdI tables for duplicates and item references | |
13 | J_1BNF_DETERMINE_DUEDATE | Fill Operation Payment Form Indicator | |
14 | J_1BNF_FILL_ADDITIONAL_FIELDS | Fill the additional header fields, derived from NF Type | |
15 | J_1BNF_FILL_COD_SIT | Fill Document Status Code | |
16 | J_1BNF_FILL_HEADER_FROM_BUPLA | Fill the additional header fields, derived from NF Type | |
17 | J_1BNF_FILL_IEST_BUPLA | Fill IEST for Business Place | |
18 | J_1BNF_FILL_MODBC_MOTDESICMS | Fill NF line modBC, modBCST, motDesICMS | |
19 | J_1BNF_FILL_NATOP | Fill Operation Nature Description | |
20 | J_1BNF_GET_PRINT_CONF | Determination of the print configuration | |
21 | J_1BNF_MERGE_BADI_FIELDS | Move additional fields from BAdI to NF | |
22 | J_1BNF_TAX_DATA_GET | Brazil: Taxes: Get tax data for Nota Fiscal from global buffer | |
23 | J_1BNF_TAX_DATA_OFF | Brazil: Deactivate collection of Nota Fiscal tax data | |
24 | J_1BNF_TAX_DATA_ON | Brazil: Reset Tax data and activate collection of Nota Fiscal tax data | |
25 | J_1BNF_TAX_DATA_RESET | Brazil: Taxes: Reset tax data buffer for Nota Fiscal transfer | |
26 | J_1BNF_TAX_DATA_RESET_PART | Brazil: Taxes: Partial reset of tax data buffer for Nota Fiscal transfer | |
27 | J_1BPIS_GET_CUSTOMIZING_CFOP | Gets the information about CFOP for credit or revenue | |
28 | J_1BREAD_BANK_DATA | Separates bank group code, bank branch number and control digit | |
29 | J_1BREAD_BRANCH_DATA | Read branch data | |
30 | J_1BREAD_CGC_COMPANY | Read CGC company of a company | |
31 | J_1BREAD_PLANT_DATA | Read plant data | |
32 | J_1BSA_COMPONENT_ACTIVE | Component active check for South America - Company dependend | |
33 | J_1BSA_COMPONENT_ACTIVE_SHPP | Country-specific component active check for shipping points | |
34 | J_1BSA_COMPONENT_CHECK | Component Check (South America) | |
35 | J_1BSA_SCREEN_COMPONENT_ACTIVE | Check for available screen fields for country of supplied company code | |
36 | J_1BSDICA_READ | Buffered Read of SD Item Category | |
37 | J_1BSDIC_READ | Buffered Read of Nota Fiscal Relevance Table | |
38 | J_1BSET_TAX_APPLICATION | Brazil: Taxes: Set calling application for tax calculation | |
39 | J_1BSGTXTCHECK | Check reference in text field | |
40 | J_1BSPED_APPEND_RESULT | Append Lines to Buffer Table | |
41 | J_1BSPED_BUFFER_READ | Retrieve Data from Buffer | |
42 | J_1BSPED_CLUSTER_CLEAR | Clear Cluster | |
43 | J_1BSPED_CLUSTER_READ | Read Cluster Table to Buffer | |
44 | J_1BSPED_CLUSTER_SAVE | Save Buffer Table to Cluster | |
45 | J_1BSPED_COUNTER_INCREASE | Increase the counter of one register | |
46 | J_1BSPED_COUNTER_READ | Returns a table with all the register and its quantities | |
47 | J_1BSPED_GET_COD_CTA | Get Debited/credited analytical account code | |
48 | J_1BSPED_GET_COD_SIT | Get value of COD_SIT(status code of fiscal document) | |
49 | J_1BSPED_GET_IND_PGTO | Get NF Payment Indicator | |
50 | J_1BSPED_OUTPUT_INIT | Initialize Output Options | |
51 | J_1BSPED_OUTPUT_LIST | Output Listing | |
52 | J_1BSPED_OUTPUT_SAVE | Output Saving | |
53 | J_1BSPED_READ_FSV | SPED: Read Financial Statement Version | |
54 | J_1BSPED_RECORD_FORMAT_CREATE | PIS/COFINS: Formating routine to output file | |
55 | J_1BSPED_SET_REGSEQ | Set the registers order in the output dynamically | |
56 | J_1BSPLIT_CGC_FROM_BRANCH | Splits the Main CGC/CNPJ number from the Branch part | |
57 | J_1BTAXJUR_DETERMINE_NEW | Brazil: Taxes: Determination of tax jurisdiction | |
58 | J_1BTREGX_READ | Read Tax Region | |
59 | J_1BTXSDC_READ | Buffered Read of Brazilian SD Tax Code Table | |
60 | J_1B_APPEND_PO_CONDS | Hinzufügen PO-Konditionen | |
61 | J_1B_APPEND_TAXINPRICE | Append Line to Table With Tax Groups Included in Prices of Items | |
62 | J_1B_APPEND_TAX_FIELDS | Hinzufügen Bras. Steuerfelder während IV | |
63 | J_1B_BARCODE_CONTROLDIGIT | Calculates control digit for bar code required for bank file | |
64 | J_1B_BARCODE_CONTROLDIGIT_DDA | Composition of numerical Barcode for Brazil_DDA | |
65 | J_1B_BARCODE_CONVERT | Convert Barcode to Two ISR Number Fields | |
66 | J_1B_BARCODE_REVERT | Revert Barcode from ISR Nnumber Fields in BSEG | |
67 | J_1B_BRANCH_DETERMINE | Determine branch from organisational units | |
68 | J_1B_BRANCH_IPICONTRIBUTOR | Determination of IPI contributor | |
69 | J_1B_BRANCH_READ | Read branch data | |
70 | J_1B_BRTAX_CHECK_DIGIT | Verify Brazilian check digit using Module 11 | |
71 | J_1B_CALC_INTEREST_ON_ARREAS | calculates interests based on arreas considering various tolerances | |
72 | J_1B_CBT | Condition-Based Tax Calc. Brazil | |
73 | J_1B_CFOP_CHECK | Check CFOP Consistency | |
74 | J_1B_CFOP_CONVERT | Converts 5 digit CFOP to 10 digit CFOP if necessary | |
75 | J_1B_CFOP_GET_TEXT | Get CFOP Text (Versioned) | |
76 | J_1B_CFOP_GET_VERSION | Get Valid CFOP Version | |
77 | J_1B_CHECK_CBT_CALC | Check if Taxes are Calculated Condition-Based | |
78 | J_1B_CHECK_CONDITION_BASED_TAX | Check if condition-based tax calc. is active | |
79 | J_1B_CHECK_DATE_RANGES | Prüfen auf überlappende Gültigkeitszeiträume | |
80 | J_1B_CHECK_DYNAMIC_KEY | Check Dynamic Key Field of Brazilian Tax Records | |
81 | J_1B_CHECK_LPP_FOR_STO | Check / Get LPP for stock transfer orders | |
82 | J_1B_CHECK_NEW_PERIOD_CLOSING | Prüfung: Ab wann neuer Periodenverschieber | |
83 | J_1B_CHECK_NFE_NUMBER_RANGE | Check number range for NF-e | |
84 | J_1B_CHECK_SD_ACTIVE_TAX | Check the SD WHT taxes | |
85 | J_1B_CHECK_TAXGRP_IN_NET | Get Line From Table With Tax Groups Included in Prices of Items | |
86 | J_1B_CHECK_TAXINPRICE | Check: Tax groups inlcuded in basic-price condition | |
87 | J_1B_CHECK_WHT_ACTIVE | Check if the WHT taxes are active | |
88 | J_1B_CIAP_CREATE_CHANGE_DOC | Create Change Document | |
89 | J_1B_CIAP_INSERT | insert data to tables | |
93 | J_1B_CODE_SHEXIT | Search help exit for internal code of condition generation | |
94 | J_1B_COLLECTIVE_NF_CREATE | Add data for collective Nota fiscal | |
95 | J_1B_COMPANY_DETERMINE | Determine company from plant | |
96 | J_1B_COMPANY_READ | Read company code data | |
97 | J_1B_CONDITION_TABLE_UPDATE | Updates a condition table | |
98 | J_1B_CONVERT_BANK | removes bank control digit and non-digit characters | |
99 | J_1B_CONVERT_BANK_ACCOUNT | removes bank account control digit and non-digit characters | |
100 | J_1B_CONVERT_DATE | Converts date | |
101 | J_1B_CONVERT_DYNAMIC_KEY | Convert Dynamic Key Field of Brazilian Tax Records | |
102 | J_1B_CONVERT_DYNKEY | Convert dynamic key field | |
103 | J_1B_CONVERT_DYN_TAX_EXC | Change tax group assigned to dynamic tax exceptions | |
104 | J_1B_COPY_DYN_TAX_GROUP | Copy dynamic tax exception group to new one on database | |
105 | J_1B_COPY_NFE_IN_CONTINGENCY | Cancel and copy NF-e without cancelling the source doc. | |
106 | J_1B_COUNTRY_DATA_GET | Determination of country data (T005) for BUKRS | |
107 | J_1B_CTE_BAPIRET2_MAP_TO_LOG | Transfer BAPI Return to the Error Log | |
108 | J_1B_CTE_CONTING_ALLOWANCE | Check if contingecy is allowed | |
109 | J_1B_CTE_CREATE_EXT | Send CT-e | |
110 | J_1B_CTE_MAP_CTETYPE_TO_XML | Map internal CT-e type to XML-format | |
111 | J_1B_CTE_MAP_TO_XML | Map NF-date to XML Structures Model 57 | |
112 | J_1B_CTE_PARTNER_CHECK | Check Required CT-e Partners | |
113 | J_1B_CTE_READ_PAR_MAP | Find CTe-partner mapping | |
114 | J_1B_CTE_SD_COM_ITEM_CHANGE | CT-e: SD Change Communication in Pricing | |
115 | J_1B_CTE_SERV_TAKER_DETERMINE | CT-e: Service Taker Determine | |
116 | J_1B_CTE_XML_OUT | R | RFC call to XI for Conhecimento de Transporte Eletrônico |
117 | J_1B_CTE_XML_OUT_200 | R | RFC call to XI for Conhecimento de Transporte Eletrônico |
118 | J_1B_CT_MODEL_VERIFY | Conhecimento - verify if it is a valid model for Conhecimento | |
119 | J_1B_DISPLAY_IMG_DOCU | Display IMG documentation | |
120 | J_1B_DOCUMENT_SELECT_BY_USER | User Selection for multiple references (NF/NF-e) | |
121 | J_1B_EFD_CHECK_ACTIVE_SERVER | Check Active Server for Electronic Fiscal Document | |
122 | J_1B_EFD_GET_ACTIVE_SERVER | Get Active Server for Electronic Fiscal Document | |
123 | J_1B_EFD_SERVER_DETERMINATION | Determine Active Server for Electronic Fiscal Document | |
124 | J_1B_EXPORT_BLOCKS_I_L | R | Extract information for MANAD - blocks I and L |
125 | J_1B_EXTEND_ACC_SEQ | Extend Access Sequences by Tax Group | |
126 | J_1B_FBRA_POSTING_AUFRUFEN | Transaction calls FBRA and FB08 | |
127 | J_1B_FIFO_GENERATE | Prepare DB update for FIFO relevant movements | |
128 | J_1B_FIFO_QUANTITY_CHECKCANCEL | Check actual quantity = original for cancel | |
129 | J_1B_FILL_DYNAMIC_KEY | Fill Keys for Dynamic Exception Table Access | |
130 | J_1B_FILL_KOMV | Fill Komv for Pricing | |
131 | J_1B_FILL_TAX_INFO | Fill interface for external tax calculation from PO | |
132 | J_1B_FI_NETDUE | To calculate only net due (in contrast to J_1B_READDUEDATE | |
133 | J_1B_FORM_DETERMINE | Determine form parameters for a branch | |
134 | J_1B_GET_BARCODE_BADI | Get BAdI interface reference for barcode conversion | |
135 | J_1B_GET_CALCULATOR | Get or create reference of tax calculator | |
136 | J_1B_GET_COUNTRY_KALSM_MWSKZ | Get the country of the tax calc. proc. from J_1BMWSKZKALSM | |
137 | J_1B_GET_CTE_ACTIVE | Read CT-e active flag based on PO conditions | |
138 | J_1B_GET_DATE_RANGE_DDA | Get Dates from a Date Range | |
139 | J_1B_GET_DATE_SHELP_EXIT | Suchhilfeexit für invertierte Datumsfelder | |
140 | J_1B_GET_DISCOUNT | Discounts lesen | |
141 | J_1B_GET_DISCOUNT_TAX_FREE | Icms discount für Anzeige im NF Writer | |
142 | J_1B_GET_DYNAMIC_KEYS | To be deleted | |
143 | J_1B_GET_FREIGHT | Fracht lesen | |
144 | J_1B_GET_INTEREST_RATE_PER_DAY | Calculates interest rate per day (in Percent) from standard customizing | |
145 | J_1B_GET_ISS_WHT | Get ISS flag for withholding postings | |
146 | J_1B_GET_KALSM | Determine Pricing Procedure | |
147 | J_1B_GET_KALSM_MWSKZ_FROM_KONV | Ermitteln von Steuerschema und Kennzeichen | |
148 | J_1B_GET_KNUMH_WITH_DYN_VALUES | Get KNUMH for tax tables with dynamic key fields | |
149 | J_1B_GET_KOMV_OF_WITHT | Get Tax Lines That Modify Base of Specified WHT Type | |
150 | J_1B_GET_MANAD_BLOCKS_I_L | R | Extract information for MANAD - blocks I and L |
151 | J_1B_GET_MESSAGE_CONTROL | Determine Message Type | |
152 | J_1B_GET_NEW_TAXAMOUNTS | Get tax amounts for ISS, PIS; COFINS; WHT | |
153 | J_1B_GET_PIS_COFINS_BASE | Wert aus XML-tag vProd lesen | |
154 | J_1B_GET_POCOND | Flexibel Wert aus POCOND lesen | |
155 | J_1B_GET_REC_ACC | R | Gets Reconciliation Account Data |
156 | J_1B_GET_RELEVANT_WHT | Get WHT tax groups that are relevant | |
157 | J_1B_GET_SERVICE_TYPES | Get Official Service Types For Material / Generic Service Type | |
158 | J_1B_GET_STBASEMOD | S.T. Basismodifikation lesen | |
159 | J_1B_GET_TAXDATA | Get taxdata from condtax for APPL IV & IM | |
160 | J_1B_GET_TAXINNET_FOR_ITEM | Get tax inclusive flag for NF item from involved tax items | |
161 | J_1B_GET_TAXINPRICE | Get Line From Table With Tax Groups Included in Prices of Items | |
162 | J_1B_GET_TAX_FIELDS | Lesen Brasil. Steuerfelder | |
163 | J_1B_GET_TXJCD_SE_FROM_PO | Get Jurisdiction Code of Loc. Where Service is Provided From PO Item | |
164 | J_1B_GET_VAKE | Get VAKE stored in this function group | |
165 | J_1B_GET_VPROD | Wert aus XML-tag vProd lesen | |
166 | J_1B_GET_XML_IPI | Wert aus XML-tag vProd lesen | |
167 | J_1B_IM_CHECK_BRAZIL_MD | Check whether mat.doc. belongs to Brazil. comp.code | |
168 | J_1B_IM_MSEG | BR: Set value for issuing plant | |
169 | J_1B_IM_NFREL | BR: Check NF relevance for movement type of material document | |
170 | J_1B_IM_NF_CANCEL_TAXES | BR:MM-IM: Fill in manual adjusted tax data values from Nota Fiscal | |
171 | J_1B_IM_NF_CHECK_RETURN_MD | Check if mat. doc. belongs to a return of stock transfer | |
172 | J_1B_IM_NF_CHECK_RETURN_TF | Check if return of stock transfer process | |
173 | J_1B_IM_NF_COMPARISON_CLEAR | BR: Clear comparison data before creation of Nota Fiscal | |
174 | J_1B_IM_NF_DATA | NF document data | |
175 | J_1B_IM_NF_DOCUMENT_FUNCTION | BR: Function Nota Fiscal | |
176 | J_1B_IM_NF_DOCUMENT_FUNC_CHECK | BR: Check if Function Nota Fiscal is relevant | |
177 | J_1B_IM_NF_DOCUMENT_GENERATE | BR: Generate a Nota Fiscal | |
178 | J_1B_IM_NF_DOCUMENT_SAVE | BR: Save generated Nota Fiscal | |
179 | J_1B_IM_NF_EXBASE_CHECK | check exbase : mandatory | |
180 | J_1B_IM_NF_REFRESH | Initialisieren Nota Fiscal Handling IM Brasilien | |
181 | J_1B_IM_NF_SCREEN_RULES | BR: rules for screen control | |
182 | J_1B_IM_NF_SCREEN_RULES_TS | BR: rules for screen control | |
183 | J_1B_IM_NF_VALUES | BR: set MD docnum data | |
184 | J_1B_IM_STORE_RETDOC | Store Document Number and Year of Outgoing Return | |
185 | J_1B_IM_SWITCH_TAXCODE_IN_OUT | Steuerkennzeichen zw. ein-/ausgehend wechseln | |
186 | J_1B_IM_SWITCH_TAXCODE_MIGO | Switch tax code from outgoing to incoming | |
187 | J_1B_IM_TF_BWART_GI | ||
188 | J_1B_IM_TF_BWART_GI_REL | Check whether bwart is for GI - TF with STO | |
189 | J_1B_IM_TF_BWART_GR_REL | Check whether bwart is for GR - TF with STO | |
190 | J_1B_IM_TF_BWART_RELEVANT | Check movement type transfer relevant | |
191 | J_1B_IM_TF_CHECK | check entering PO or Delivery document transfer relevant | |
192 | J_1B_IM_TF_DETERMINE_MAT_PRICE | Determine mat price - Material master price or sales price | |
193 | J_1B_IM_TF_DLVR_CAN_CHECK | Check for cancellation delivery doc | |
194 | J_1B_IM_TF_GET_GI_TXCD | Get GI Tax code from giving dlvry | |
195 | J_1B_IM_TF_GET_GLOBAL_VAR | Get global var | |
196 | J_1B_IM_TF_GI_PROCESS | ||
197 | J_1B_IM_TF_PREPARE_CAN | Update data before cancellation | |
198 | J_1B_IM_TF_SET_GLOBAL_VAR | Set global varialble | |
199 | J_1B_IM_TF_TO_ZF_TYPE | Type of transfer to ZF : with or without SubTrib | |
200 | J_1B_IM_TX_ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENT | BR: account assignment for tax posting strings | |
201 | J_1B_IM_TX_CALCULATE_INIT | BR: initialize the item before any taxes are calculated | |
202 | J_1B_IM_TX_CALCULATE_TAX | BR: calculate tax item for transfers | |
203 | J_1B_IM_TX_CALCULATE_TAX_NEW | BR: calculate tax item for transfers | |
204 | J_1B_IM_TX_MWSKZ_CHECK | Check tax code : mandatory | |
205 | J_1B_IM_TX_NBM_CODE_SAVE | BR: Save NBM code before any taxes are calculated | |
206 | J_1B_IM_TX_NF_TAX_DATA_READ | BR: Read the calculated tax data in NF format | |
207 | J_1B_IM_TX_REFRESH | BR: initialize the item before any taxes are calculated | |
208 | J_1B_IM_TX_SET_MD_DOCNUM | BR: set MD docnum data | |
209 | J_1B_IM_TX_TAX_BASE_GET | Lesen Steuerdaten Brasilien | |
210 | J_1B_IM_TX_TAX_BASE_SET | BR: set the tax base in tax posting items | |
211 | J_1B_IM_TX_TAX_CODE_CHECK | Check tax code : consistency | |
212 | J_1B_IM_TX_TAX_PROC_SET | Set tax procedure | |
213 | J_1B_IM_TX_YMSEG | BR: transfer ymseg to J1BN | |
214 | J_1B_IM_T_J_1BIM01 | J_1BIM01: MM-IM - Steuerbuchungsstrings für Bestandsführung Brasilien | |
215 | J_1B_IM_T_T156 | T156: Brasilianische Bewegungsarten | |
216 | J_1B_IM_T_T156B | T156B: Brasilianische Bewegungsarten - Bildauswahl | |
217 | J_1B_IM_T_T156N | T156N: Nächste Bewegungsart für brasilianische Bewegungsarten | |
218 | J_1B_IM_T_T156S | Access for table T156SC; T156SY | |
219 | J_1B_IM_T_T156T | Fill table T156T with Brazilian values | |
220 | J_1B_IM_T_T156W | T156W: Brasilianische Bewegungsarten - Buchungsstring Werte | |
221 | J_1B_IM_T_T156X | T156W: Brasilianische Bewegungsarten - Buchungsstring Werte | |
222 | J_1B_IM_T_T157H | T157H: Brasilianische Bewegungsarten - Hilfetexte | |
223 | J_1B_IM_T_T158B | T158B: Brasilianische Bewegungsarten - Prüftabelle zu Transaktionscode | |
224 | J_1B_INDX_SCREEN_CONTROL | Screen control for indexing | |
225 | J_1B_INT_ANA | calculates interests based on arreas considering various tolerances | |
226 | J_1B_IREC_SCREEN_CONTROL | Vendor/material infor record screen control | |
227 | J_1B_ISS_WHT_SWITCHES | Switch debit / credit and posting key for WHT | |
228 | J_1B_IV_SRV_DATA_CHECK | Check of service-relevant data in LIV | |
229 | J_1B_KALSM_CBT_OR_CLAS_SHEXIT | Search help exit for calculation procedure | |
230 | J_1B_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS | HR-D: Ermitteln letzten Tag des Monats | |
231 | J_1B_LOTM_SCREEN_CONTROL | Screen control for indexing | |
232 | J_1B_LPP_CALCULATE | Calculation of Last Purchase Price | |
233 | J_1B_LPP_CANCEL | Ermitteln der Preise vor Storno | |
234 | J_1B_LPP_CHECK | Check if LPP must be used | |
235 | J_1B_LPP_GET_PRICE | Get last purcharsing price | |
236 | J_1B_LPP_GET_PRICE_FOR_UPDATE | Get internal price table for update DB | |
237 | J_1B_LPP_UPDATE | Update LPP table | |
238 | J_1B_MAP_CONDITION_VALUES | Mapping of tkonv conditions into NF fields | |
239 | J_1B_MATERIAL_READ | Read material master hierarchy for material attributes | |
240 | J_1B_MATERIAL_READ_MAIN | Call for read Material for Brazilian specific fiels | |
241 | J_1B_MEPO_NBM_CHECK | NCM-Code Check for MEPO | |
242 | J_1B_MESSAGE_INSTALLMENT | Sets status for Bank account item | |
243 | J_1B_MM_TX_CANCEL | BR:MM: Fill the tax table for external tax calculation procedure | |
244 | J_1B_MM_TX_COMPARISON_CLEAR | BR:MM: Tax data comparison, clear all data | |
245 | J_1B_MM_TX_COMPARISON_GET | BR:MM: Tax data comparison, get comparison result for item | |
246 | J_1B_MM_TX_COMPARISON_INIT | BR:MM: Tax data comparison, save initial data | |
247 | J_1B_MM_TX_COMPARISON_START | BR:MM: Tax data comparison, compare with new data | |
248 | J_1B_NFE_ACCEPT_REJECTION | NF-e: Accept Rejection of Cancellation Request | |
249 | J_1B_NFE_BAPIRET2_MAP_TO_LOG1 | Transfer BAPI Return to the Error Log | |
250 | J_1B_NFE_BAPI_GET | NF-e: Read Data From BAPI Utility | |
251 | J_1B_NFE_BAPI_REFRESH | NF-e: Refresh Data in BAPI Utility | |
252 | J_1B_NFE_BAPI_SET | NF-e: Transfer Data to BAPI Utility | |
253 | J_1B_NFE_CANCEL | Cancel NFe based on teh source document | |
254 | J_1B_NFE_CANCELR_MODEL_CHECK | Check if contingency reason is valid for model | |
255 | J_1B_NFE_CANCEL_CONTINGENCY | Set cancel for contingency in active and history table | |
256 | J_1B_NFE_CANCEL_PRIOR_AUTH | Cancel NF-e prior to Authorization | |
257 | J_1B_NFE_CANCEL_REASON_TEXT | Read Texts: Reson for Contingency | |
258 | J_1B_NFE_CANCEL_W_UPDATE | Cancel NF-e source document and update ACTIVE table | |
259 | J_1B_NFE_CHECK_ACTIVE_SERVER | Check active server | |
260 | J_1B_NFE_CHECK_CANCEL_PR_AUTH | Checks if Cancellation Prior to Authorization is allowed | |
261 | J_1B_NFE_CHECK_CANCEL_STATUS | Check if NFe status allows cancellation | |
262 | J_1B_NFE_CHECK_DOCUMENT_FLOW | Check document flow for stock transfer | |
263 | J_1B_NFE_CHECK_NEXT_SCSSTATUS | Check if NFe status allows cancellation | |
264 | J_1B_NFE_CHECK_NEXT_STATUS | Check if NFe status allows cancellation | |
265 | J_1B_NFE_CHECK_RFC_DESTINATION | Check connection to RFC destination | |
266 | J_1B_NFE_CHECK_TPEMIS | Check issuing type and determine contingency flag | |
267 | J_1B_NFE_CONTINGENCY | Switch document to contingency | |
268 | J_1B_NFE_CONTINGENCY_CHECK | Function for checking the contingency status | |
269 | J_1B_NFE_CONTINGENCY_READ | R | NF-e: Contingency Mode ON/OFF? |
270 | J_1B_NFE_CONTINGENCY_RESET | NF-e: Reset Contingency for a switched NF-e | |
271 | J_1B_NFE_CONTINGENCY_SET | R | NF-e: Switch Contingency Mode On |
272 | J_1B_NFE_CONTINGENCY_UPDATE | NF-e: Update Contingency-Control Table | |
273 | J_1B_NFE_CONTINR_MODEL_CHECK | Check if contingency reason is valid for model | |
274 | J_1B_NFE_CONTIN_BUFFER_READ | Read buffered table J_1BNFE_CONTIN | |
275 | J_1B_NFE_CONTIN_REASON_READ | Read reason for contingency | |
276 | J_1B_NFE_CONTIN_REASON_TEXT | Read Texts: Reson for Contingency | |
277 | J_1B_NFE_CONTIN_TABLE_READ | Read table J_1BNFE_CONTIN | |
278 | J_1B_NFE_CREATE_CHECK_DIGIT | Create check digit for access key via modulo 11 | |
279 | J_1B_NFE_DATA_READ | NF-e: Read Data transfered to J_1B_NFE | |
280 | J_1B_NFE_DATA_TRANSFER | NF-e: Transfer Data to J_1B_NFE | |
281 | J_1B_NFE_ENQUEUE_VBRK_BKPF | Set NF-e number in XBLNR of Billing and FI-Documents | |
282 | J_1B_NFE_ERROR_PROTOKOLL | Writes error protokoll in standard routines | |
283 | J_1B_NFE_FILL_ACTTAB_FROM_BAPI | Fill Monitor Table From BAPI | |
284 | J_1B_NFE_FILL_BAPIRETTAB | Append message to table of BAPI Return Information | |
285 | J_1B_NFE_FILL_MONITOR_TABLE | Fill monitor table from header data | |
286 | J_1B_NFE_FILL_TEXT | Fill XML text field INFADPROD from NF text table | |
287 | J_1B_NFE_GET_ACTIVE_SERVER | Get acive server | |
288 | J_1B_NFE_GET_CANCEL_AUTHCODE | Get the authorization code for cancel NF-e | |
289 | J_1B_NFE_GET_CANCEL_DOCNUM | Get the document number to be cancelled | |
290 | J_1B_NFE_GET_IV_MODE | Is invoice simulation mode active yes/no? | |
291 | J_1B_NFE_GET_NEXT_STATUS | NF-e: Determine next internal status from message type | |
292 | J_1B_NFE_GET_SIMULATION_FLAG | Read the simulation flag for incoming NF-e | |
293 | J_1B_NFE_GET_TPEMIS | Access Key: Determine tpEmis | |
294 | J_1B_NFE_HISTORY_COUNT | Check how many entries for key exists in the History | |
295 | J_1B_NFE_IN_IS_ACTIVE | Check if NF-e incoming is active *** obsolete *** | |
296 | J_1B_NFE_MS_REQUESTS_DATA | R | NF-e: Messaging System Requests Data |
297 | J_1B_NFE_OUT_OK | Processed when NFE is OK -> calls update functions | |
298 | J_1B_NFE_OUT_OK_NORFC | Processed when NFE is OK -> calls update functions but not the RFC | |
299 | J_1B_NFE_PREPARE_SCAN | Prepare NF-e for sending to SCAN | |
300 | J_1B_NFE_PRINT_LASER | Print NFE contingency on security paper via laser printer | |
301 | J_1B_NFE_PROCESSING | NF-e related processing steps | |
302 | J_1B_NFE_PROCESS_OUTBOUND | Central outbound function for NFE | |
303 | J_1B_NFE_READ_ACTIVE_W_ACC_KEY | Read NF-e Active Table using the Access Key | |
304 | J_1B_NFE_READ_LATEST_HISTORY | Read latest entry in history tab for docnum | |
305 | J_1B_NFE_READ_REF_DOC_CONTING | Read the reference document no. for contingency | |
306 | J_1B_NFE_READ_STATUS_CODE | Red table with status codes | |
307 | J_1B_NFE_REFRESH_ACTIVE | Refresh active table from NF Writer | |
308 | J_1B_NFE_RESET_AUTO_SERVER | Reset global tables | |
309 | J_1B_NFE_RESET_REJECT_STATUS | Reset status REJECTED | |
310 | J_1B_NFE_RFCBATCH_DELETE | Delete table entries J_1BNFERFCBATCH | |
311 | J_1B_NFE_SEND_AUTO_CANCEL_REQ | R | Send automatic cancellation/skipping request |
312 | J_1B_NFE_SEND_C_NFE | NF-e: Send a NF-e posted under contingency | |
313 | J_1B_NFE_SEND_REQUESTS | Send requests depending on NFe status | |
314 | J_1B_NFE_SEND_REQUESTS_CHECK | Check if request can be send to government system | |
315 | J_1B_NFE_SET_ACTION_INDICATOR | NF-e: Set Action Indicator for NF-e Monitor | |
316 | J_1B_NFE_SET_CANCEL_SIMULATE | Set flag for simulate the cancellation | |
317 | J_1B_NFE_SET_DELIVERY_NUMBER | Set Delivery note number | |
318 | J_1B_NFE_SET_IV_MODE | Set invoice verification simulation mode yes/no | |
319 | J_1B_NFE_SET_NO_UPDATE | Prevent call of J_1B_NFE_UPDATE_ACTIVE | |
320 | J_1B_NFE_SET_NUMBER | NF-e: Determine NF-e number and send a NF-e | |
321 | J_1B_NFE_SET_SIMULATION_FLAG | Set the simulation flag for incoming NF-e | |
322 | J_1B_NFE_SET_STATUS | Update from XI of single NF-e Status | |
323 | J_1B_NFE_SET_STATUS_IN_BACKEND | R | xNFe sets NF-e Status in Backend |
324 | J_1B_NFE_SWITCH_CALLRFC | Switch CALLRFC in case of no NF-e numbering | |
325 | J_1B_NFE_SWITCH_MODEL | Contingency process - Model is switched | |
326 | J_1B_NFE_UPDATE_ACTIVE | Update history table | |
327 | J_1B_NFE_UPDATE_ACTIVE_W_LOCK | Update active table with lock | |
328 | J_1B_NFE_UPDATE_INVALID | NF-e: Store invalid status changes | |
329 | J_1B_NFE_UPDATE_XBLNR | Update XBLNR of Billing and FI-Documents | |
330 | J_1B_NFE_VERIFY_PRINTABLE | Checks if the document may be printed / Reprinted | |
331 | J_1B_NFE_XML_IN | R | Inbound XML - NFe |
332 | J_1B_NFE_XML_IN_TAB | R | Process XML inbound for multiple items |
333 | J_1B_NFE_XML_OUT | R | RFC call to XI for Nota Fiscal Electronica |
334 | J_1B_NFE_XML_RAED_ACTIVE_TAB | Read table with XML records to be processed | |
335 | J_1B_NFE_XML_READ | Read XML from Buffer | |
336 | J_1B_NFTYPE_READ | Read NF type | |
337 | J_1B_NFW_SEARCH_HELP_SCR_ELEM | Search Help NF Writer Screen Element | |
338 | J_1B_NF_AL_CONFIRM | Nota Fiscal System - Method 'confirm' for archive link | |
339 | J_1B_NF_BI_COND_FROM_PRICING | Read condition from billing document pricing | |
340 | J_1B_NF_BI_GET_SIMULATION | Get simulation mode | |
341 | J_1B_NF_BI_POSTING | SD Billing: NF posting | |
342 | J_1B_NF_BI_PREPOSTING | Application interface from SD Billing to NF | |
343 | J_1B_NF_BRANCH_READ | Nota Fiscal System - Read Business Place (use only in read partner) | |
344 | J_1B_NF_CANCEL_CHECK_PERIOD | Nota Fiscal System - Check posting period in case of cancel | |
345 | J_1B_NF_CFOP_1_DETERMINATION | Nota Fiscal System - CFOP determination for purchasing | |
346 | J_1B_NF_CFOP_2_DETERMINATION | Nota Fiscal System - CFOP determination for sales and distribution | |
347 | J_1B_NF_CFOP_DETERMINATION | Nota Fiscal System - CFOP determination utility | |
348 | J_1B_NF_CFOP_DETERMINATION_SRV | CFOP determination for services | |
349 | J_1B_NF_COND_DOCUMENT_READ | Nota Fiscal System - Conditional Read document | |
350 | J_1B_NF_CUSTOMER_READ | Nota Fiscal System - Read Customer (use only in read partner) | |
351 | J_1B_NF_DB_READ_J_1BAAT | Nota Fiscal System - Read table J_1BAAT | |
352 | J_1B_NF_DB_READ_J_1BAN | Nota Fiscal System - Read table J_1BAN | |
353 | J_1B_NF_DOCFLOW_UPDATE | BR:0008:SD: Check function for cancelling of bill.doc. without NF cancel | |
354 | J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_CANCEL | Nota Fiscal System - Cancel document | |
355 | J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_CANCEL_CHECK | Check if cancel for a Nota fiscal is allowed | |
356 | J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_DELETE | Nota Fiscal System - Delete document | |
357 | J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_INSERT | Nota Fiscal System - Insert document | |
358 | J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_LOCK | Nota Fiscal System - Lock document | |
359 | J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_NUMB_GET_NEXT | Nota Fiscal System - Get next document number | |
360 | J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_PRINT | Nota Fiscal System - Print document | |
361 | J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_READ | Nota Fiscal System - Read document | |
362 | J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_SELECT | Nota Fiscal System - Select document | |
363 | J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_SELECT_2 | Nota Fiscal System - Select document with printed number | |
364 | J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_UNLOCK | Nota Fiscal System - Unlock document | |
365 | J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_UPDATE | Nota Fiscal System - Update document | |
366 | J_1B_NF_DOC_AL_ASSIGN_ORG | Nota Fiscal System - Assign original for archive link | |
367 | J_1B_NF_DOC_AL_DISPLAY_ORG | Nota Fiscal System - display original from archive link | |
368 | J_1B_NF_DOC_ARCHIVE_LINK | Barcode Eingabe für Archive Link | |
369 | J_1B_NF_DOC_INSERT_FROM_OBJECT | Nota Fiscal System - Insert document from object | |
370 | J_1B_NF_DOC_READ_INTO_OBJECT | Nota Fiscal System - Read document into object | |
371 | J_1B_NF_DOC_UPDATE_FROM_OBJECT | Nota Fiscal System - Update document from object | |
372 | J_1B_NF_ERROR_LOG_CHECK | Error log checken auf vorhanden | |
373 | J_1B_NF_FORM_DETERMINATION | Nota Fiscal System - Form determination utility | |
374 | J_1B_NF_INVOICE | Application interface from Invoice verification | |
375 | J_1B_NF_ITEM_SELECT | Nota Fiscal System - Select item | |
376 | J_1B_NF_IV_CANCEL_LOCK | Lock Nota fiscal for cancel invoice | |
377 | J_1B_NF_IV_CANCEL_REFERENCE | Checks reference nota fiscais by cancel invoice | |
378 | J_1B_NF_IV_CANCEL_TAXES | Fill the tax table for external tax calculation procedure | |
379 | J_1B_NF_IV_CHANGED_TAXES | Brazil: Taxes: Get changed tax data for Nota Fiscal from global IV buffer | |
380 | J_1B_NF_IV_CHANGED_TAXLAWS | Transfer changed tax law into condition mapping | |
381 | J_1B_NF_IV_CHECK_BUZEI | Check Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document | |
382 | J_1B_NF_IV_CHECK_CHANGED_NFTYP | Geänderten Nota Fiscal Typ aus prüfen | |
383 | J_1B_NF_IV_CHECK_SELECT_ITEMS | Check selected items are changed | |
384 | J_1B_NF_IV_COMPARE_TABLES | Compare changes between invoice and nota fiscal (priority) | |
385 | J_1B_NF_IV_COMPARE_TABLES_SAVE | Compare changes between invoice and nota fiscal (priority) | |
386 | J_1B_NF_IV_COPY_TABLES | Copy lineitem and header for compare after changes in NF area | |
387 | J_1B_NF_IV_DATA_GET | Access material class for tax calculation | |
388 | J_1B_NF_IV_DELIVERY_COSTS | transfer delivery cost from invoice to Nota Fiscal | |
389 | J_1B_NF_IV_DOCUMENT_SELECT | Save documentnumber from selection screen (GR, delivery note) | |
390 | J_1B_NF_IV_GET_EXT_DATA | Get IV data from external application | |
391 | J_1B_NF_IV_MATKL_DETERMINE | Access material class for tax calculation | |
392 | J_1B_NF_IV_POSTING | Nota Fiscal posting in database via application interface | |
393 | J_1B_NF_IV_PROT_ANALYSE | Nota fiscal: Protocol analysis | |
394 | J_1B_NF_IV_REFERENCE | Reference number for Nota Fiscais | |
395 | J_1B_NF_IV_REFERENCE_NEW | Reference number for Nota Fiscais | |
396 | J_1B_NF_IV_REFRESH_CHANGED_TAX | Refresh of internal table with changed taxes | |
397 | J_1B_NF_IV_REFRESH_DEL_COSTS | Refresh internal table bnk for delivery costs | |
398 | J_1B_NF_IV_REFRESH_MAA_TAXES | Store man. changed taxes for later access in tax calc. | |
399 | J_1B_NF_IV_RESET_CHANGED_TAX | Reset change flag from invoice verification | |
400 | J_1B_NF_IV_SET_CHANGED_TAXES | Store man. changed taxes for later access in tax calc. | |
401 | J_1B_NF_IV_SET_EXT_DATA | Set IV data from external application | |
402 | J_1B_NF_IV_SET_IN_NFE | Interface to incoming Nf-e | |
403 | J_1B_NF_IV_SET_MWSKZ_CHANGED | Set flag when mwskz has been changed in IV for DROP object | |
404 | J_1B_NF_IV_SET_PFKEY | Activation of Nota fiscal functionality in IV | |
405 | J_1B_NF_IV_SUMMING | Summing Nota Fiscal values from lineitem and taxes into header | |
406 | J_1B_NF_IV_SUPPRESS_NF_CREATE | Setzt Indikator: Keine NF-Erzeugung | |
407 | J_1B_NF_IV_UNIQUE_FOR_VENDOR | Check unique Nota Fiscal for Vendor | |
408 | J_1B_NF_LONGTEXT_DELETE_ITEM | Delete texts of given item (after item itself has been deleted) | |
409 | J_1B_NF_LONGTEXT_INIT | Initialize NFE longtext (set NFe document / Item) | |
410 | J_1B_NF_LONGTEXT_SET | Write longtext to object | |
411 | J_1B_NF_MAP_TO_XML | Mapping NF data to XML Structures | |
412 | J_1B_NF_NEW_WRITER_ACTIVE | Nota Fiscal System - Check, if new writer is active | |
413 | J_1B_NF_NUMBER_CHECK | Check NF number consistency | |
414 | J_1B_NF_NUMBER_CONDENSE | Nota Fiscal System - Number Condense (NF number + Series) | |
415 | J_1B_NF_NUMBER_GET_NEXT | Nota Fiscal System - Get next Nota Fiscal number | |
416 | J_1B_NF_NUMBER_SEPARATE | Nota Fiscal System - Number Separate (NF number + Series) | |
417 | J_1B_NF_OBJECT_ADD | Nota Fiscal System - Add object | |
418 | J_1B_NF_OBJECT_CHANGE | Nota Fiscal System - Change object (with dialog) | |
419 | J_1B_NF_OBJECT_CHECK | Nota Fiscal System - Check object | |
420 | J_1B_NF_OBJECT_COPY | Nota Fiscal System - Copy object | |
421 | J_1B_NF_OBJECT_CREATE | Nota Fiscal System - Create object (with dialog) | |
422 | J_1B_NF_OBJECT_DISPLAY | Nota Fiscal System - Display object (with dialog) | |
423 | J_1B_NF_OBJECT_DROP | Nota Fiscal System - Drop object | |
424 | J_1B_NF_OBJECT_EDIT | Nota Fiscal System - Edit object (with dialog) | |
425 | J_1B_NF_OBJECT_EDIT_NEW | Nota Fiscal System - Edit object (with dialog) | |
426 | J_1B_NF_OBJECT_J1BB2_FOR_ERROR | Nota Fiscal System - Prepare J1BB2 for error processing | |
427 | J_1B_NF_OBJECT_READ | Nota Fiscal System - Read object | |
428 | J_1B_NF_OBJECT_UPDATE | Nota Fiscal System - Update object | |
429 | J_1B_NF_ONE_TIME_ACCOUNT_EDIT | One time account edit | |
430 | J_1B_NF_PARTNER_READ | Nota Fiscal System - Read partner utility | |
431 | J_1B_NF_PO_CONSUMPTION_TAX | Check of allowed tax codes for consumption | |
432 | J_1B_NF_PO_COPY_NON_MATERIAL | Copy Nota Fiscal data from internal table to Purchase order line item | |
433 | J_1B_NF_PO_DATA_GET | transfer nota fiscal relevant discounts from PO to calculation | |
434 | J_1B_NF_PO_DISCOUNTS | Determination of Nota Fiscal discount, insurance and other expenses | |
435 | J_1B_NF_PO_NON_MATERIAL_NBM | Selection of NCM code from material class for non-material items | |
436 | J_1B_NF_PO_REFRESH_DISCOUNT | Refresh discount table | |
437 | J_1B_NF_READ_HEADER | Nota Fiscal System - read header into internal table | |
438 | J_1B_NF_READ_ITEMS | Nota Fiscal System - read header into internal table | |
439 | J_1B_NF_REF_BE_DISPLAY | Nota Fiscal System - Billing Engine Document Display | |
440 | J_1B_NF_REF_BI_DISPLAY | Nota Fiscal System - Billing Display | |
441 | J_1B_NF_REF_DOCUMENT_DISPLAY | Nota Fiscal System - Display original document | |
442 | J_1B_NF_REF_EC_DISPLAY | Nota Fiscal System - EBP Document Display | |
443 | J_1B_NF_REF_IV_DISPLAY | Nota Fiscal System - Invoice Verification Display | |
444 | J_1B_NF_REF_LI_DISPLAY | Nota Fiscal System - Invoice Verification Display | |
445 | J_1B_NF_REF_MD_DISPLAY | Nota Fiscal System - Material Document Display | |
446 | J_1B_NF_UNIQUE_FOR_VENDOR | Check, if NF(e) number already exists for vendor with same date | |
447 | J_1B_NF_VALUE_DETERMINATION | Nota Fiscal Utilities - Determine add. values for Nota Fiscal | |
448 | J_1B_NF_VALUE_DETERMINATION_I | Nota Fiscal Utilities - Determine add. values for one Nota Fiscal item | |
449 | J_1B_NF_VENDOR_READ | Nota Fiscal System - Read Vendor (use only in read partner) | |
450 | J_1B_PARTNER_COMPARE | Compares two Partners by their Tax Numbers | |
451 | J_1B_PISCOF_BASE_CONFIG_READ | Read configuration for tax base for PIS/COFINS | |
452 | J_1B_PLANTS_SAME_BRANCH_READ | Lese Customizing: NF erstellen für zwei Werke des gleichen Geschäftsortes | |
454 | J_1B_PLANT_READ | Read plant data | |
455 | J_1B_POST_ICMS_CREDIT_FROM_MM | Buchen des ICMS Steuerbetrags aus MM | |
456 | J_1B_POS_DB_COUPONS_ADD | Add coupon data to POS database | |
457 | J_1B_POS_DB_COUPONS_POST | Post datas for POS-Database | |
458 | J_1B_POS_DB_REDUCTION_ADD | Add coupon data to POS database | |
459 | J_1B_POS_DB_REDUCTION_POST | Post datas for POS-Database | |
460 | J_1B_PO_SCREEN_CONTROL | Screen control for brazilian specific fields (material/country) | |
461 | J_1B_PO_SET_GRGI_FLAG | Set Goods receipt/goods issue related flag | |
462 | J_1B_PO_SRV_DATA_GET | Import of PO-service data to calculation | |
463 | J_1B_PO_SRV_DATA_TRANSFER | Export of PO-service data to calculation | |
464 | J_1B_PO_SRV_DATA_TRANSFER_CBT | Export of PO-service data to calculation - CBT | |
465 | J_1B_PRICING_SCREEN | Show analysis of pricing in cond.-based tax calc. | |
466 | J_1B_PROCESS_TKOMV | Trigger TKOMV process | |
467 | J_1B_READ_CUST_PIS_COF_4DEC | Read customizing for condition generation for PIS/COFINS 4 decimal places | |
468 | J_1B_READ_DUEDATE | Calculates due date and discount dates | |
469 | J_1B_READ_DYNAMIC_TABLE | Read Dynamic Tax Exception Table | |
470 | J_1B_READ_FROM_MEMORY_TO_PO | Reads tax conditions from global memory in pricing schema | |
471 | J_1B_READ_INFO_RECORD | Read purchase order info record for price determination | |
472 | J_1B_READ_J1BAJ | Read tax definition table | |
473 | J_1B_READ_J1BSDICA | Obsolete: use J_1BSDICA_READ | |
474 | J_1B_READ_MBEW_MBEWH | Lesen MBEW und MBEWH (Historie) | |
475 | J_1B_READ_MBEW_MBEWH_NEW | Lesen MBEW, EBEW und QBEW und Historie | |
476 | J_1B_READ_MKOL_MKOLH | Read Special Stocks from Vendor | |
477 | J_1B_READ_MKOL_MKOLH_OF_MBEW | Read historic Special Stocks from Vendor | |
478 | J_1B_READ_MSKU_MSKUH | Read historic Customer Consignment Stock | |
479 | J_1B_READ_MSKU_MSKUH_OF_MBEW | Read historic cust.cos.stock related to material/plant | |
480 | J_1B_READ_MSLB_MSLBH | Read historic Vendor Consignment Stock | |
481 | J_1B_READ_MSLB_MSLBH_OF_MBEW | Read vendor consignment history tables | |
482 | J_1B_READ_NET_PRESENT_VALUE | Reads net present value flag from parallel currency table T001A | |
483 | J_1B_READ_NET_PRESENT_VALUE_2 | Reads net present value flag from parallel currency table T001A | |
484 | J_1B_READ_TXIC1 | Read ICMS Rate Table | |
485 | J_1B_READ_TXIC2 | Read ICMS Exception Rate Table | |
486 | J_1B_READ_TXIP1 | Read IPI Rate Table | |
487 | J_1B_READ_TXIP2 | Read IPI Exception Rate Table | |
488 | J_1B_READ_WIP | Read work-in-process data | |
489 | J_1B_REFRESH_CHMAT | Refresh internal table gt_chmat for purchase order | |
490 | J_1B_REFRESH_NF_TAX_INFO | Refresh NF info for IV during cond.-based tax calc. | |
491 | J_1B_REFRESH_PO_CONDS | Löschen int. Tabelle mit PO-Konditionen | |
492 | J_1B_REFRESH_TAX_FIELDS | Refresh internal table w. tax fields | |
493 | J_1B_ROUNDING_SCALE_GET | Get scale required for rounding | |
494 | J_1B_ROUNDING_TAX_BASES | Rounding of tax bases | |
495 | J_1B_SAVE_PO_CONDS | Speichern PO-Konditionen | |
496 | J_1B_SAVE_TAX_FIELDS | Speichern Brasil. Steuerfelder | |
497 | J_1B_SA_TAXLAW | Retrieval of the Taxlaws determined in Pricing | |
498 | J_1B_SCALE_SET | Set Scale for rounding | |
499 | J_1B_SDKON0_SINGLE_READ | Get record of Table J_1BSDKON0 | |
500 | J_1B_SD_ADDRESS_READ | Read address of SD document partner |