SAP ABAP Table - Index R, page 8
Table - R
# | Table name | Short Description | Table Category | Delivery Class |
1 | RSOXMLIMPCONT | BW Repository: XML (CWM) Import: File Contents | TRANSP | L |
2 | RSOXMLIMPPROC | BW Metadata Repository: Import of XML (CWM) Data | TRANSP | L |
3 | RSO_CNT_STATE_A | TLOGO Framework Status of Active Content Objects | TRANSP | E |
4 | RSO_CNT_STATE_D | TLOGO Framework Status of Delivered Objects | TRANSP | L |
5 | RSO_MMR_MIMES | BI Metadata Repository: Documents Calculated in Background | TRANSP | A |
6 | RSO_RES_AUTHCUST | Authority Settings | TRANSP | E |
7 | RSO_TECH_CONTENT | Technical Content: Changeability... | TRANSP | E |
8 | RSPAKPOS | Process position of the InfoPackages in InfoPackage groups | TRANSP | E |
9 | RSPATTERNMAP | Pattern Assignment | TRANSP | C |
10 | RSPCABAPASYNC | Logging for ABAP Processes(Synchronously and Asynchronously) | TRANSP | A |
11 | RSPCACTIVECHECK | Results of Active Check with PC_ACTIVE Process Type | TRANSP | A |
12 | RSPCCATEGORY | Process Type Categories | TRANSP | E |
13 | RSPCCATEGORYT | Texts for Category | TRANSP | E |
14 | RSPCCHAIN | Process chain | TRANSP | E |
15 | RSPCCHAINATTR | Attributes for a Process Chain | TRANSP | E |
16 | RSPCCHAINEVENTS | Multiple Events with Process Chains | TRANSP | A |
17 | RSPCCHAINT | Texts for Chain | TRANSP | E |
18 | RSPCCHAIN_SKIP | Skipped processes | TRANSP | L |
19 | RSPCCOMMANDLOG | System Command Execution Logs (Process Chains) | TRANSP | A |
20 | RSPCCONTENTSTART | Process Chains To Be Scheduled Autom. When Content Activated | TRANSP | E |
21 | RSPCENQUEUE | Dummy Table for Runtime Locks of a Process | TRANSP | A |
22 | RSPCEXOR | Excluding Or: Log Table | TRANSP | A |
23 | RSPCINFO | Special Values for Communication between Processes | TRANSP | E |
24 | RSPCINFOT | Special Values for Communication between Processes | TRANSP | E |
25 | RSPCINSTANCE | Generic Instance Storage | TRANSP | A |
26 | RSPCINSTANCET | Texts for Generic Instance-Storage | TRANSP | A |
27 | RSPCINTERRUPT | Variants for the Trigger Processes | TRANSP | E |
28 | RSPCINTERRUPTLOG | Table for Interrupt Processes | TRANSP | A |
29 | RSPCINTERRUPTT | Texts for Interrupt Variants | TRANSP | E |
30 | RSPCKILL | Runs to be Terminated | TRANSP | A |
31 | RSPCLOGCHAIN | Cross-Table Log ID / Chain ID | TRANSP | A |
32 | RSPCLOGCROSS | Cross-Table Log ID Old / Log ID New | TRANSP | A |
33 | RSPCLOGS | Application Logs for the Process Chains (Generic Service) | TRANSP | A |
34 | RSPCLOGTIMECACHE | Cache for Runtime Statistics | TRANSP | A |
35 | RSPCPROCESSLOG | Logs for the Chain Runs | TRANSP | A |
36 | RSPCRUNVARIABLES | Variables for Process Chains for Runtime | TRANSP | A |
37 | RSPCSYNCLOCK | Dummy Table for Locks for Synchronous Execution | TRANSP | A |
38 | RSPCTRIGGER | Variants for the Trigger Processes | TRANSP | E |
39 | RSPCTRIGGERT | Texts for the Trigger Variants | TRANSP | E |
40 | RSPCTYPESDEP | Dependencies for Processes | TRANSP | E |
41 | RSPCTYPESPROC | Attributes of BW processes (RSSM) | TRANSP | E |
42 | RSPCVARIANT | Generic Variant Storage | TRANSP | E |
43 | RSPCVARIANTATTR | Attributes of a Process Variant | TRANSP | E |
44 | RSPCVARIANTT | Texts for Generic Variant Storage | TRANSP | E |
45 | RSPC_ALERT_CAT | Alert Categories for Process Types | TRANSP | G |
46 | RSPC_BUFFER | Shared Buffer for Processes (Esp. Customer Programs) | TRANSP | A |
47 | RSPC_MONITOR | Monitor individual process chains | TRANSP | A |
48 | RSPC_MONITOR_SET | User-Dependent Setting RSPCM | TRANSP | A |
50 | RSPERSHEAD | Header Information for BEx Personalization Data | TRANSP | S |
51 | RSPERS_BOD | Data for BEx Open Dialog (Core) | TRANSP | L |
52 | RSPERS_VAR | Data for Variable Values (Core) | TRANSP | L |
53 | RSPERS_WTE | Data for Web Templates (Core) | TRANSP | L |
54 | RSPLF_FDIR | Function Modules in Formulas | TRANSP | E |
55 | RSPLF_SRV | Planning Service | TRANSP | E |
56 | RSPLF_SRVT | Text Table for Planning Service | TRANSP | E |
57 | RSPLF_SRVTYPE | Definition of Planning Service Type | TRANSP | E |
58 | RSPLF_SRVTYPET | Text Table for Definition of Planning Service Type | TRANSP | E |
59 | RSPLF_SRVTYPE_D | Dialog Information | TRANSP | E |
60 | RSPLF_SRVTYPE_P | Parameter Definition for Planning Service Type | TRANSP | E |
61 | RSPLF_SRVTYPE_PT | Text Table for Parameter Definition | TRANSP | E |
62 | RSPLF_SRV_COND | Rule Condition in Planning Service | TRANSP | E |
63 | RSPLF_SRV_CU | Characteristic Usage | TRANSP | E |
64 | RSPLF_SRV_P | Parameter Value (Elementary Type) | TRANSP | E |
65 | RSPLF_SRV_PS | Parameter Value (Selection Type) | TRANSP | E |
66 | RSPLF_SRV_TI | Index: Associated TLOGO Objects in the Planning Service | TRANSP | E |
67 | RSPLPPM_ADD_SET | Indicators in PPM | TRANSP | S |
68 | RSPLPPM_LOCKT | Text Table for Characteristic 0RSPL_LOCK | TRANSP | S |
69 | RSPLPPM_MAILTT_C | Additional Text Table for RSLPPM_MAILTYP | TRANSP | C |
70 | RSPLPPM_MAILTYP | Status of Master Data Table in Planning Process Management | TRANSP | E |
72 | RSPLPPM_MAILT_C | Additional Attribute Table for RSPLPPM_MAILTYP | TRANSP | C |
73 | RSPLPPM_OPTTAB | Master Data Table PPM Selection Option | TRANSP | S |
81 | RSPLPPM_SET_CUST | Table with Customer-Specific System Settings PPM | TRANSP | C |
82 | RSPLPPM_SET_STD | Table with Standard System Settings PPM | TRANSP | S |
83 | RSPLPPM_SIGNTAB | Master Data Table PPM Selection Sign | TRANSP | S |
85 | RSPLPPM_SSE | Master Data Table Status Change Event | TRANSP | E |
86 | RSPLPPM_SSET | Text Table for RSPLPPM_SSE | TRANSP | E |
87 | RSPLPPM_SSET_C | Additional Text Table for RSPLPPM_SSE | TRANSP | C |
89 | RSPLPPM_STATTAB | Status of Master Data Table in Planning Process Management | TRANSP | E |
91 | RSPLPPM_STATT_C | Additional Text Table for RSPLPPM_STATTAB | TRANSP | C |
92 | RSPLPPM_SYSSET | System Settings for PPM | TRANSP | S |
94 | RSPLS_ALVL | Planning: Primary Table for Aggregation Levels | TRANSP | E |
95 | RSPLS_ALVLT | Planning: Text Table for Aggregation Levels | TRANSP | E |
96 | RSPLS_ALVL_IOBJ | Planning: Aggregation Levels for InfoObjects | TRANSP | E |
97 | RSPLS_AUDIT | In-Memory Planning - License Check | TRANSP | A |
98 | RSPLS_CHAS_LOCK | Planning: Lock-Relevant Characteristics per InfoProvider | TRANSP | C |
99 | RSPLS_CR_HEAD | Characteristic Relationships: Header Table | TRANSP | E |
100 | RSPLS_CR_PROP | Characteristic Relationships: Settings | TRANSP | E |
101 | RSPLS_CR_RANGE | Char.Relationship: Range (for example, for DataStore Object) | TRANSP | E |
102 | RSPLS_CR_ROLE | Characteristic Relationships: Roles of the Characteristics | TRANSP | E |
103 | RSPLS_CR_STEPS | Relationships Between Characteristics in Basic InfoProvider | TRANSP | E |
104 | RSPLS_DS | Data Slices | TRANSP | E |
105 | RSPLS_DST | Text Table: Data Slices | TRANSP | E |
106 | RSPLS_DS_FIELD | Data Slices: InfoObejcts with Restrictions | TRANSP | E |
107 | RSPLS_DS_HEAD | Data Slices: Header Table | TRANSP | E |
108 | RSPLS_DS_RANGE | Data Slices: Selection | TRANSP | E |
109 | RSPLS_ENQ_MASTER | Table of Master Locks | TRANSP | L |
110 | RSPLS_HDB_ACT | BW-IP: Activation of Deep HANA Integration | TRANSP | C |
111 | RSPLS_HDB_ACT_IP | BW-IP: Activation of Deep HANA Integration for Providers | TRANSP | C |
112 | RSPLS_J2EE_URL | Planning: J2EE Installation for the Modeler | TRANSP | C |
113 | RSPLS_LOCK_METHS | Active Lock Methods | TRANSP | L |
114 | RSPLS_LOG_REQ | Mapping save ID and InfoCube to corresponding request | TRANSP | L |
115 | RSPLS_PM_LOG | Planning Modeler: Log | TRANSP | A |
116 | RSPLS_PM_PARAMS | Planning Modeler: Parameters | TRANSP | A |
117 | RSPLS_RECOVERY | BW-IP Blobs for Recovery | TRANSP | A |
118 | RSPLS_REPCAT | Directory of Generated Reports | TRANSP | L |
120 | RSPLS_SEQUENCE | Planning Sequence | TRANSP | E |
121 | RSPLS_SEQUENCET | Texts for Planning Sequences | TRANSP | E |
122 | RSPLS_SEQUENCE_S | Planning Steps | TRANSP | E |
123 | RSPLS_SQLOG_HEAD | Parallel Execution: Log Table Header - Sequence Execution | TRANSP | L |
124 | RSPLS_SQLOG_STEP | Parallel Execution: Log Table - Step Overview | TRANSP | L |
125 | RSPLS_TST_COPY | Test Table for TREX_EXT_PE_COPY | TRANSP | L |
127 | RSPLS_USAGE_LOG | Usage log for BPC unified | TRANSP | A |
128 | RSPLW_IP | Temp. Table - Will Be Deleted Later | TRANSP | E |
129 | RSPL_IOSAMEFAC | Same Factors for All Key Figures | TRANSP | S |
130 | RSPL_IOSAMEFACT | Texts: Same Factor on Conversion | TRANSP | S |
131 | RSPMADMIN | RSPM: Administration | TRANSP | L |
132 | RSPMDATAPID | RSPM Data Package | TRANSP | L |
133 | RSPMDATATARGET | RSPM Process Variants | TRANSP | L |
134 | RSPMDTASELECTION | RSPM Data Target Selections | TRANSP | L |
135 | RSPMFILTERCMD | RSPM: Filter command IDs with class | TRANSP | S |
136 | RSPMLOG | RSPM Message Logs | TRANSP | L |
137 | RSPMPROCESS | RSPM Process Directory | TRANSP | L |
138 | RSPMREQUEST | RSPM Request Status | TRANSP | L |
139 | RSPMREQUESTPROP | RSPM Request Status | TRANSP | L |
140 | RSPMSTATICEVENT | RSPM: Registration of static "event" handlers (aka callback) | TRANSP | S |
141 | RSPMTRACE | RSPM: Trace | TRANSP | L |
142 | RSPMVARIANT | RSPM Process Variants | TRANSP | L |
143 | RSPMXREF | RSPM Request Cross Reference | TRANSP | L |
144 | RSPOR_T_FOLDER | KM Folder in Portal | TRANSP | C |
145 | RSPOR_T_PORTAL | Connected Portals | TRANSP | C |
146 | RSPO_SAMPLE_TEXT | Example Texts | TRANSP | S |
147 | RSPRECADMIN | Table for maintaining prec server workload | TRANSP | A |
148 | RSPRECALCADMIN | Table for maintaining prec server workload | TRANSP | A |
149 | RSPROCESSTYPES | Possible Process Types | TRANSP | E |
150 | RSPROCESSTYPEST | Descriptions of Possible Process Types | TRANSP | E |
151 | RSPSADEL | Delete PSA request in batch | TRANSP | L |
152 | RSPSP | Index: Reservations for WBS elements/Sales order items | TRANSP | A |
153 | RSPSPACE | Partner Namespace for BW Objects | TRANSP | E |
154 | RSQACCMODE | ACC Mode | TRANSP | A |
155 | RSQDIM | Dimensions in the InfoSet | TRANSP | E |
156 | RSQDIMT | Texts for Dimensions in the InfoSet | TRANSP | E |
157 | RSQFOBJ | Field Objects in the InfoSet | TRANSP | E |
158 | RSQFOBJT | Texts for Field Objects in the InfoSet | TRANSP | E |
159 | RSQIMPACT | Log for Impact-Analysis | TRANSP | L |
160 | RSQISET | Directory of all InfoSets | TRANSP | E |
161 | RSQISETLOC | Local Properties InfoSets | TRANSP | E |
162 | RSQISETT | Texts for InfoSets | TRANSP | E |
163 | RSQISETX | Directory of all InfoSets (Technical Enhancements) | TRANSP | E |
164 | RSQONCOND | ON Condition in InfoSet | TRANSP | E |
165 | RSQRDB | SAP Query: Runtime Objects for Query Reports | TRANSP | C |
166 | RSQTOBJ | Table Objects in the InfoSet | TRANSP | E |
167 | RSQTOBJT | Texts for Table Objects in the InfoSet | TRANSP | E |
168 | RSQWCOND | Standard WHERE Conditions in the InfoSet | TRANSP | E |
169 | RSRADIOMON | User-specific Settings (Radio Buttons) | TRANSP | A |
170 | RSRASSUSER | Assignment of users to user groups | TRANSP | C |
171 | RSRA_BB_LOG | Log-Table for the Batch Runs of the ResultSet Precalculation | TRANSP | E |
172 | RSRA_BB_PARAM | Parameter Table for Bucket Setting | TRANSP | E |
173 | RSRA_BB_PARAMT | Text Table for the BB Settings Parameters | TRANSP | E |
174 | RSRA_BC_AUTH | Display Auth. for Precalculated Templates by Redirect URL | TRANSP | L |
175 | RSRA_BC_LOG | Log Table for the Batch Runs for Precalculating Template | TRANSP | E |
176 | RSRA_BP | Global Settings for Batch Printing | TRANSP | E |
177 | RSRA_BP_OBJECTS | Parts of the Batch Printing Setting | TRANSP | E |
178 | RSRA_BP_OBJECTST | Batch Printing Setting Column Headers | TRANSP | E |
179 | RSRA_BP_RTXTF | Report Agent BP Transport Copy/Versioning of rtxth | TRANSP | E |
180 | RSRA_BP_RTXTH | Report Agent BP Transport Copy/Versioning of rtxth | TRANSP | E |
181 | RSRA_BP_RTXTL | Report Agent BP Transport Copy/Versioning of rtxtl | TRANSP | E |
182 | RSRA_BP_RTXTT | Report Agent BP Transport Copy Versioning of rtxtt | TRANSP | E |
183 | RSRA_BT_PARAM | General Parameter Table | TRANSP | E |
184 | RSRA_BT_PARAMS | Parameter Table for Template Setting | TRANSP | E |
185 | RSRA_BT_PARAMT | Text Table for Parameters of BT Settings | TRANSP | E |
186 | RSRA_ER_CAM_CONT | Parameter Container for Follow-Up Action SAP Alert Mgt. | TRANSP | E |
187 | RSRA_ER_DRILL | Drill Characteristics for the Exception Reporting Setting | TRANSP | E |
188 | RSRA_ER_FOLLOWUP | Follow-Up Actions for Reporting Agent Exception Reporting | TRANSP | E |
189 | RSRA_ER_LOG | Log Information for an RA Setting | TRANSP | E |
190 | RSRA_ER_LOGN | Log Table for Batch Runs of Exception Reporting | TRANSP | E |
191 | RSRA_ER_LOG_DATA | Table of Logged Data Cells | TRANSP | A |
192 | RSRA_ER_LOG_ENTR | Log Entries for every Exception | TRANSP | A |
193 | RSRA_ER_LOG_IX | BW: Cluster Table for Report Agent Exception Log | TRANSP | C |
194 | RSRA_ER_PARAM | Parameter Table for Exception Setting | TRANSP | E |
195 | RSRA_ER_PARAMT | Text Table for Parameters of ER SEttings | TRANSP | E |
196 | RSRA_ER_PROP | Details of Follow-up Actions | TRANSP | E |
197 | RSRA_IXDS | Cluster table for storing the key for the DataStore | TRANSP | C |
198 | RSRA_JOB | Directory of the Report Agent Jobs | TRANSP | C |
199 | RSRA_MESSAGE | Data for the Message Object | TRANSP | E |
200 | RSRA_MX_DATA | Data Store for Result Sets for MDX Precalculation | TRANSP | L |
201 | RSRA_MX_LOG | Log Table for the Batch Run of MDX Precalculation | TRANSP | E |
202 | RSRA_MX_PARAM | Parameter Table for MDX Setting | TRANSP | E |
203 | RSRA_MX_PARAMT | Text Table for Parameters of MDX Settings | TRANSP | E |
204 | RSRA_PACKAGE | Scheduling Packages for the Report Agent | TRANSP | E |
205 | RSRA_PACKAGET | Text Table for the Report Agent Packages | TRANSP | E |
206 | RSRA_PACKAGE_MEM | Parts of a Report Agent Job | TRANSP | E |
207 | RSRA_RA_PARAM | General Parameter Table | TRANSP | E |
208 | RSRA_SETTING | Settings for the Report Agent | TRANSP | E |
209 | RSRA_SETTINGT | Text Table for the Report Agent Settings | TRANSP | E |
210 | RSRA_SETTING_BB | RA Settings for Calculating Buckets | TRANSP | E |
211 | RSRA_SETTING_BT | RA Settings for Precalculating Templates | TRANSP | E |
212 | RSRA_SETTING_BTT | Text Table for Template RA Settings | TRANSP | E |
213 | RSRBATR | Attribute table for print settings | TRANSP | E |
214 | RSRBATRT | Attribute table for print settings | TRANSP | E |
215 | RSRBBW_LCC_REP | LCC Reconciliation Data | TRANSP | L |
216 | RSRBDIM | Dimension table including the print settings | TRANSP | E |
217 | RSRBDIMT | Dimension table including the print settings | TRANSP | E |
218 | RSRBMEM | Attribute table for print settings | TRANSP | E |
219 | RSRBMEMT | Attribute table for print settings | TRANSP | E |
220 | RSRBPRINTPROP | Global print settings for printing | TRANSP | E |
221 | RSRBPRINTPROPT | Global print settings for printing (texts) | TRANSP | E |
222 | RSRCURRDISP | Alternative Currency Display in BEx | TRANSP | C |
223 | RSRDELREPORTS | Table with deleted report programs | TRANSP | L |
224 | RSRDE_DOC | Documents for Broadcasting | TRANSP | L |
225 | RSRDE_DOC_ATTR | Documents for Broadcasting: Attributes | TRANSP | L |
226 | RSRDE_DOC_CONT | Documents for Broadcasting: Content | TRANSP | L |
227 | RSRD_ATTR | Broadcasting Framework: Producer/Distributor Attributes | TRANSP | E |
228 | RSRD_ATTRT | Broadcasting Framework: Texts for Attributes | TRANSP | E |
229 | RSRD_ATTR_DEP | Dependencies Between Attributes | TRANSP | E |
230 | RSRD_ATTR_GROUP | Broadcasting Framework: Attribute Groups of Classes | TRANSP | E |
231 | RSRD_ATTR_GROUPT | Broadcasting Framework: Attribute Groups of Classes -Texts | TRANSP | E |
232 | RSRD_ATTR_VALUE | Posible Values for Class Attributes in Broadcasting Framewk | TRANSP | E |
234 | RSRD_CREATYPE | --- obsolete --- | TRANSP | E |
235 | RSRD_CREATYPET | ---obsolete --- | TRANSP | E |
236 | RSRD_CREATYPE_CL | --- obsolete --- | TRANSP | E |
237 | RSRD_DISTTYPE | Document Types in Broadcasting Framework | TRANSP | E |
238 | RSRD_DISTTYPET | Text Table for Document Types | TRANSP | E |
239 | RSRD_DISTTYPE_OF | Possible Output Formats for This Distribution Type | TRANSP | E |
240 | RSRD_DOC_ATTR | Document Attributes Generated from a Class | TRANSP | E |
241 | RSRD_DOC_ATTRT | Broadcasting Framework: Texts for Document Attributes | TRANSP | E |
242 | RSRD_ER_DOCLAY | Exception Report: Definition of Layout (XML Conversion) | TRANSP | E |
243 | RSRD_ER_DOCLAYT | Texts for Layout in Exception Reporting | TRANSP | E |
244 | RSRD_ER_DOCTYPE | Exception Reporting Document Type | TRANSP | E |
246 | RSRD_HASHSTRING | Hash Strings of BI Data during Precalculations | TRANSP | A |
247 | RSRD_HASH_CNT | Frequency of Use of Broadcast Targets | TRANSP | A |
248 | RSRD_OBJTYPE | Object Types Supported in Broadcasting | TRANSP | E |
249 | RSRD_OBJTYPET | Object Types, Texts Supported in Broadcasting | TRANSP | E |
250 | RSRD_OUTFORM | Output Formats in Broadcast Framework | TRANSP | E |
251 | RSRD_OUTFORMT | Text Table for Output Formats | TRANSP | E |
252 | RSRD_OUTFORM_CL | ---obsolete --- | TRANSP | E |
253 | RSRD_OUTFORM_OT | Output Format per BW Object Type | TRANSP | E |
254 | RSRD_PERS_STRING | Personalization of Texts - Mapping Table for Hash Code | TRANSP | A |
255 | RSRD_REGISTRATN | Registration of Settings to Events (Broadcasting) | TRANSP | E |
256 | RSRD_REGISTR_USR | Permitted User for Registering Settings for Events | TRANSP | E |
257 | RSRD_SETTING | Broadcasting Settings | TRANSP | E |
258 | RSRD_SETTINGT | Texts for Settings in Broadcasting Framework | TRANSP | E |
259 | RSRD_SETT_NODE | Nodes from Broadcast Settings | TRANSP | E |
260 | RSRD_SETT_NODE_A | Attributes for Nodes from Broadcast Settings | TRANSP | E |
261 | RSRD_SETT_NODE_T | Language-Dependent Attributes for Nodes from Settings | TRANSP | E |
262 | RSREQARCH | Request Archiving | TRANSP | L |
263 | RSREQARCHCTRL | Archiving for Request Control Records | TRANSP | L |
264 | RSREQARCHDATA | Data for Hash Encryption | TRANSP | L |
265 | RSREQARCHDEL | Archiving for Request Control Records | TRANSP | L |
266 | RSREQARCHDISP | Request Archiving: Display of Tx RSREQARCH | TRANSP | L |
267 | RSREQARCHMON | Totals Record of Monitor Tables after Archiving | TRANSP | L |
268 | RSREQARCHREORG | Request Archiving | TRANSP | L |
269 | RSREQDONE | Monitor: Saving of the QM entries | TRANSP | S |
270 | RSREQDPTID | Note TID for Request and Data Package | TRANSP | L |
271 | RSREQHIER | Data Request Hierarchy | TRANSP | A |
272 | RSREQICODS | Monitor: Saving of the updated IC and ODS per request | TRANSP | S |
273 | RSREQICODS_SAVE | Requests Deleted from Administration Stored Here | TRANSP | S |
274 | RSREQICODS_SAVE2 | Monitor: Saving of the updated IC and ODS per request | TRANSP | S |
275 | RSREQMAP_SAVE2 | Monitor: Saving of the updated IC and ODS per request | TRANSP | A |
276 | RSREQMDEL_SAVE2 | Monitor: Saving of the updated IC and ODS per request | TRANSP | A |
277 | RSREQPROGS | Generated Programs for Each Request | TRANSP | L |
278 | RSREQREDUCE | Reduction of very large request lists in cubes and DSOs | TRANSP | L |
279 | RSREQSTORNO | Reversal of requests in IC | TRANSP | L |
280 | RSREQUESTSTEP | Open Hub: Substep for a Request | TRANSP | C |
281 | RSRFAVREPT | Text table for executable nodes in the favorites | TRANSP | E |
282 | RSRFEDOCUREL | Mapping Table for BEx Topic <-> LOI | TRANSP | S |
283 | RSRHIEDIR_OLAP | OLAP Relevant Information for the Hierarchies | TRANSP | C |
284 | RSRHIEDIR_SHORT | Structure for Appropriate Lock Object for Hierarchies | TRANSP | L |
285 | RSRHIEDIR_TIMDEP | Time Intervals with Time-Dependent Hierarchies | TRANSP | C |
286 | RSRHINTAB_OLAP | (obsolete) Hierarchy interval for the OLAP /XPRA -> 7.40 rel | TRANSP | A |
287 | RSRHINTAB_OLAP_S | Hierarchy interval for the OLAP processor | TRANSP | A |
288 | RSRNEWSIDS | (obsolete >= 7.4) SIDs, that are not in the inclusion tables | TRANSP | L |
289 | RSRNEWSIDS_740 | SIDs, that are not in the inclusion tables (>= BW 7.40) | TRANSP | L |
290 | RSRNR | Request table | TRANSP | S |
291 | RSROLEHIENM | List of available role hierarchies | TRANSP | S |
292 | RSROLEHIENMT | Texts for available role hierarchies | TRANSP | S |
293 | RSROLEHIERARCHY | Role hierarchy | TRANSP | S |
294 | RSROLENODES | Nodes for role hierarchy | TRANSP | S |
295 | RSROLENODEST | node texts for role hierarchy | TRANSP | S |
296 | RSRPARAMETRIZA | Parametrization for a query, workbook, webapplication, pla | TRANSP | S |
297 | RSRPARAMETRIZAT | Text of parametrizations | TRANSP | S |
298 | RSRPRVARGROUP | Variant groups for batch printing | TRANSP | E |
299 | RSRPRVARGROUPT | Text for the variant group (batch printing) | TRANSP | E |
300 | RSRPRVARGR_VAR | Assignment of variant group to variants for start in batch | TRANSP | E |
301 | RSRPRVARIANTS | Variants to variant groups (batch printing) | TRANSP | E |
302 | RSRQPROV_TST_FLD | Position Table: Test Runs | TRANSP | E |
303 | RSRQPROV_TST_HDR | Header Table: Test Runs | TRANSP | E |
304 | RSRRENDERER | Web Output Module Directory | TRANSP | E |
305 | RSRRENDERERATR | Web Output Module Attributes | TRANSP | E |
306 | RSRRENDERERDEP | Dependency Among Attributes / Attribute Values | TRANSP | E |
307 | RSRRENDERERT | Web Output Modules Texts and their Attributes | TRANSP | E |
308 | RSRREPDIR | Directory of all reports | TRANSP | E |
309 | RSRREPDIR_STAT | Generation Status for Non Client-Specific Queries | TRANSP | L |
310 | RSRREPDIR_STATUS | Status of Query Generation | TRANSP | L |
311 | RSRREPORT | Nodes with URLs, links, etc. | TRANSP | E |
312 | RSRREPORTT | Text table for links, URLs and other objects | TRANSP | E |
313 | RSRR_HRNP_SERVER | SAP Portals Unification Server for BW Source System | TRANSP | C |
314 | RSRTRACE | TRACE table for editing the favorites | TRANSP | A |
315 | RSRTRACEDESC | Contains the description of the individual trace steps | TRANSP | A |
316 | RSRTSDIRMETADATA | Directory of the implementations for transient meta data | TRANSP | S |
317 | RSRTS_R3IS_MAP | InfoSource Catalog (SAP Query) Customer | TRANSP | C |
318 | RSRT_BOOKMARK | Bookmark for RSRT BICS | TRANSP | L |
319 | RSRULEDONE | ABAP Code for Scheduler Selections | TRANSP | E |
320 | RSRULEPARAM | Rule Parameters | TRANSP | E |
321 | RSRVAPPLLOGIX | Cluster Table for Detail Data from RSRV Application Log | TRANSP | L |
322 | RSRVARIANT | Variant Values | TRANSP | E |
323 | RSRVARIANTDIR | Directory of Variants for Queries and Selection Objects | TRANSP | E |
324 | RSRVARIANTTXT | Texts for Variants | TRANSP | E |
325 | RSRVCHECKLOG | Cross Table Check name/Log handle | TRANSP | A |
326 | RSRVPACKAGE | Directory of Contents of Test Packages of Test/Repair Tool | TRANSP | L |
327 | RSRVPACKAGEMEM | Components of a Test Package of Check and Repair Tool | TRANSP | L |
329 | RSRVPARAMETERSET | Parameter of Elementary Tests in Transaction RSRV | TRANSP | L |
330 | RSRVSETTING | Settings for Analysis and Repair Tools | TRANSP | L |
331 | RSRVTABLEDIR | Directory of all Tables for Variable Type Table | TRANSP | E |
332 | RSRVTABLEDIRT | Directory of all Tables for Variable Type Table | TRANSP | E |
333 | RSRVTABLE_TMPL | Template for Bucket | TRANSP | L |
334 | RSRVTESTHIER | Hierarchical Storage for Tests of RSRV | TRANSP | S |
335 | RSRVTESTHIERT | Text Table for RSRVTEST | TRANSP | S |
336 | RSRWBINDEX | List of binary large objects (Excel workbooks) | TRANSP | E |
337 | RSRWBINDEXT | Titles of binary objects (Excel workbooks) in InfoCatalog | TRANSP | E |
338 | RSRWBPERS | Assignment of Excel Workbooks to Personalized Versions | TRANSP | C |
339 | RSRWBSTORE | Storage for binary large objects (Excel workbooks) | TRANSP | E |
340 | RSRWBTEMPLATE | Assignment Excel workbooks as personal templates | TRANSP | C |
341 | RSRWORKBOOK | 'Where-used list' for reports in workbooks | TRANSP | E |
342 | RSRXLSTEST | Tests for Excel Analyzer | TRANSP | A |
343 | RSRXLSTESTB | Test | TRANSP | A |
344 | RSR_CACHE | OLAP: Table Lock Arguments | TRANSP | S |
345 | RSR_CACHE_ADMIN | Administration Parameters for OLAP Cache | TRANSP | C |
346 | RSR_CACHE_CLU | Cache Cluster Storage for Data | TRANSP | L |
347 | RSR_CACHE_DATA_B | BlOB Table: Data Store | TRANSP | C |
348 | RSR_CACHE_DATA_C | Cache, Cluster Table: Data Storage | TRANSP | C |
349 | RSR_CACHE_DAT_SH | Cache: Data Store, Pattern for Shared Memory and Buffer | TRANSP | S |
350 | RSR_CACHE_DBS_BL | BW: Blob Table Cache | TRANSP | C |
351 | RSR_CACHE_DBS_IX | BW: Cluster Table Cache | TRANSP | C |
352 | RSR_CACHE_DB_BL | BW: Blob Table Cache | TRANSP | C |
353 | RSR_CACHE_DB_IX | BW: Cluster Table Cache | TRANSP | C |
354 | RSR_CACHE_FFB | Cache, BLOB Tables: Storage for Selections | TRANSP | C |
355 | RSR_CACHE_IX | BW: Cluster Table Cache | TRANSP | C |
356 | RSR_CACHE_LOG | OLAP Cache Table for Saving Log Entries | TRANSP | L |
357 | RSR_CACHE_MSG | Table for Saving Messages | TRANSP | L |
358 | RSR_CACHE_QUERY | Cache: Storage for Query and Time of Creation | TRANSP | C |
359 | RSR_CACHE_S | OLAP: Table Lock Arguments | TRANSP | S |
360 | RSR_CACHE_SELFFB | Cache, BLOB Tables: Storage for Selections | TRANSP | L |
361 | RSR_CACHE_SHRINK | Table for Lock Object E_RSRCACHESHRINK (1 Deletion Job Only) | TRANSP | L |
362 | RSR_CACHE_STATS | Statistics for Cache Entries | TRANSP | C |
363 | RSR_CACHE_STATSH | Statistics for Cache Shrink Process | TRANSP | A |
364 | RSR_CACHE_STATSO | Statistics for Cache Entries for Shared Objects | TRANSP | C |
365 | RSR_CACHE_ST_SHO | Statistics for Cache Entries for Shared Objects | TRANSP | C |
366 | RSR_CACHE_VARSH | Cache Directory: Storage for Variables and Hierarchies | TRANSP | C |
367 | RSR_CACHE_VARSHB | Cache, BLOB Tables: Storage for Variables and Hierarchies | TRANSP | C |
368 | RSR_LKP_ATTR | Calculation with Attributes: Query Name <-> View Name Folder | TRANSP | L |
369 | RSR_MDX_UI_MODEL | MDX: Dialog: Store for Model | TRANSP | E |
370 | RSR_MDX_UI_STMT | MDX: Dialog: Store for Statements | TRANSP | E |
371 | RSR_MDX_UI_STMTT | MDX: Dialog: Store for Statements (Text Table) | TRANSP | E |
372 | RSR_PE_COPY | Test Table for TREX_EXT_PE_COPY | TRANSP | L |
373 | RSR_PE_LOG | Log for Planning Engine | TRANSP | L |
374 | RSR_PE_LOG_CS | Log for Planning Engine (Extract of Call Stack) | TRANSP | L |
375 | RSR_PE_LOOKUP | Test Table for TREX_EXT_PE_LOOKUP | TRANSP | L |
376 | RSR_PREC_LOGSYS | Management of Logical Systems for WB Precalculation | TRANSP | L |
377 | RSR_PREC_LOGSYST | Text Table for Precalculation Servers | TRANSP | L |
378 | RSR_PREC_QUEUE | Persistant Precalculation Queue | TRANSP | L |
379 | RSR_PREC_SETT | Stored Precalculation Server Broadcasting Settings | TRANSP | L |
380 | RSR_PREC_TIMEOUT | Timeout For Workbook Precalculation | TRANSP | C |
381 | RSR_PREC_WB_SET | Settings for a Workbook | TRANSP | C |
382 | RSR_REL_STATUS | Status of Generation of Time Relations | TRANSP | L |
383 | RSR_REL_TIME | Time Relations for Planning | TRANSP | L |
384 | RSR_REL_TIME_FIS | Time Relations for Planning | TRANSP | L |
385 | RSR_TIME_REL | Time Relations for Planning | TRANSP | L |
386 | RSR_TIME_REL_FIS | Time Relations for Planning | TRANSP | L |
387 | RSR_TIME_STATUS | Status of Generation of Time Relations | TRANSP | L |
388 | RSR_TRACE | OLAP Trace | TRANSP | L |
389 | RSR_TRACE_POS | OLAP Trace | TRANSP | L |
390 | RSR_TRACE_USER | OLAP: Trace User | TRANSP | L |
391 | RSR_TS_HEADER | Transient Sources for BEx | TRANSP | S |
392 | RSR_TS_HEADERT | Texts for Transient Source Engines | TRANSP | S |
393 | RSSAPIVERS | SAPI Version | TRANSP | S |
394 | RSSAUTHHIER | Definition of the Authorizations for Hierarchies | TRANSP | C |
395 | RSSAUTHHIERNODE | BW Reporting Authorizations: Hierarchy Nodes | TRANSP | E |
396 | RSSBAUTHGEN | BW Reporting Authorizations: Generating Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
397 | RSSBAUTHGENERATD | BW Reporting Authorizations: Generated Authorizations | TRANSP | E |
398 | RSSBAUTHTRACE | Authorization Trace BW Reporting | TRANSP | E |
399 | RSSBAUTHTRUSER | Authorization Check BW: Trace Active for User | TRANSP | E |
400 | RSSBAUTVAL | Authorization Check Reporting: Single Values in Authorizatn | TRANSP | A |
401 | RSSCM_BWAPO | System setting within SCM 4.0 system | TRANSP | C |
402 | RSSCM_BWCLNT | Client for BW extraction for SCM4.0 applications | TRANSP | C |
403 | RSSDBATCH | Table for batch run scheduler (new) | TRANSP | E |
404 | RSSDBATCHHIST | Table for Background Run of Scheduler - Changes/History | TRANSP | E |
405 | RSSDBATCHSH | Table for Batch Run Scheduler (New) | TRANSP | S |
406 | RSSDKCON | Description of SDK Connections | TRANSP | C |
407 | RSSDKGENMETA | Table Stores Generic UDConnect Mapping Info | TRANSP | A |
408 | RSSDKRA | Information on SDK Resource Adapters in BW | TRANSP | C |
409 | RSSDLCONVEXIT1 | Saving conversion exits in/output | TRANSP | L |
410 | RSSDLINIT | Last Valid Initializations to an OLTP Source | TRANSP | L |
411 | RSSDLINIT2MAP | Mapping-table for second init. from an ODS object | TRANSP | L |
412 | RSSDLINIT2ODS | Set receiver ODS to OK after second init. | TRANSP | L |
413 | RSSDLINITDEL | Last Valid Initializations to an OLTP Source | TRANSP | L |
414 | RSSDLINITSEL | Last Valid Initializations to an OLTP Source | TRANSP | L |
415 | RSSEARCHLOGS | Lock Table for Parallel Dev Trace Searching | TRANSP | L |
416 | RSSELDONE | Monitor: Selections for executed request | TRANSP | A |
417 | RSSELDTP | Selection Conditions for Output in Administration | TRANSP | L |
418 | RSSELMON | Monitor: Selection Variants | TRANSP | C |
419 | RSSELMONT | Reference to Selection Variant | TRANSP | C |
420 | RSSEM1000 | Generated Classes by InfoCube | TRANSP | L |
421 | RSSEM1001 | Generated Classes by Characteristic | TRANSP | L |
422 | RSSEM_REQUESTCOP | InfoCube Assignment | TRANSP | C |
423 | RSSEM_RFCPACK | Temporary Storage of Selected InfoProvider Data | TRANSP | L |
424 | RSSEM_RFC_MDF | Callback Destination to Dependent MDF/SEM-BCS/BA Clients | TRANSP | L |
425 | RSSEM_UCR0_IPD | SEM BCS Destination Registration For an InfoProvider | TRANSP | C |
426 | RSSFMSSGRP | MSS-relevant channel | TRANSP | A |
427 | RSSFMSSREP | MSS-relevant reports | TRANSP | A |
428 | RSSFMSSUSR | MSS User | TRANSP | A |
429 | RSSFMSSVAR | Variants for MSS users | TRANSP | A |
430 | RSSGTBID | Example of BW program generation:GUIDs for tables | TRANSP | L |
431 | RSSGTPCLA | BW Generation Tool: Program Class | TRANSP | W |
432 | RSSGTPCLAT | BW generation tool: Texts for program classes | TRANSP | W |
433 | RSSGTPDIR | BW generation tool: Directory of the generated programs | TRANSP | L |
434 | RSSGTPDIRSUB | BW Generation Tool: Time Stamp Management for Subtemplates | TRANSP | L |
435 | RSSHIPDVERS | After D Vers. of Shadow Packages, Rename and Note | TRANSP | L |
436 | RSSIMUDAT | Transfer table for simulation of IDocs | TRANSP | A |
437 | RSSMADAPPARAM | Parameter perisitence for dap generation | TRANSP | L |
438 | RSSMANAVSTEP | Naviagation step | TRANSP | L |
439 | RSSMA_BATCH_COMM | Communication interface between batch diag process | TRANSP | L |
440 | RSSMA_CUBE_FACT | helper table | TRANSP | A |
441 | RSSMA_CUBE_FACTS | helper table | TRANSP | A |
442 | RSSMA_REORG | Reorg plans | TRANSP | A |
443 | RSSMA_SMP | Split And Merge Package | TRANSP | W |
444 | RSSMA_SMR | Split Merge Rule | TRANSP | A |
445 | RSSMPARTSCRATCH1 | Temporary Data for Join | TRANSP | L |
446 | RSSMPCATTR | Process attributes | TRANSP | E |
447 | RSSMPCATTRT | Process attributes | TRANSP | E |
448 | RSSMSHAREACT | Actions | TRANSP | L |
449 | RSSMSHAREMD | Master Data | TRANSP | C |
450 | RSSMSHAREMDT | Master Data/Texts | TRANSP | C |
451 | RSSMSHARENR | Number | TRANSP | L |
452 | RSSMSLEEPDEBUG | Control table for rssm_sleep_debug | TRANSP | L |
453 | RSSMWPDPSAVE | Save work process and data packet ID for editing | TRANSP | L |
454 | RSSOBIDTCONFIG | SOBI Design Time: Configuration Table | TRANSP | C |
455 | RSSOURSYSIDT | Text of Source System ID | TRANSP | C |
456 | RSSOURSYSTEM | BW: Souce system IDs table | TRANSP | C |
457 | RSSRCCHK | Temporary Storge of Source System Check for Communication | TRANSP | A |
458 | RSSRCTYPE_ACCESS | Permitted Access Types by Source System Type | TRANSP | E |
459 | RSSRCTYPE_MAP | Behavior of Source System Types | TRANSP | S |
460 | RSSSY_SWCLA | System Classes and Releases | TRANSP | E |
461 | RSSSY_SWCLAT | System Classes and Releases, Texts | TRANSP | E |
462 | RSSTART | Admin.Workbench start table | TRANSP | S |
463 | RSSTATMANPART | Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration | TRANSP | A |
464 | RSSTATMANPARTT | Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration | TRANSP | A |
465 | RSSTATMANPSA | Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration | TRANSP | A |
466 | RSSTATMANPSAT | Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration | TRANSP | A |
467 | RSSTATMANREQMAP | Mapping of Higher- to Lower-Level Status Manager Request | TRANSP | A |
468 | RSSTATMANREQMDEL | Mapping of Higher- to Lower-Level Status Manager Request | TRANSP | A |
469 | RSSTATMANSTATDEL | Status Manager Table of Deleted Request Status | TRANSP | A |
470 | RSSTATMANSTATUS | Apollo Status Manager Management Table of Request Status | TRANSP | A |
471 | RSSTATMANT_SAVE2 | Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration | TRANSP | A |
472 | RSSTATMAN_SAVE2 | Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration | TRANSP | A |
473 | RSSTATREQDELREDU | Start Selections of Reduce/Delete Runs for critical DTAs | TRANSP | L |
474 | RSSTATREQDETAILS | Statistical information about Requests in a DTA | TRANSP | L |
475 | RSSTOBJDIR | Management Table for Authorization Objects | TRANSP | C |
476 | RSSTRUC | Enqueue for CL_RS_STRUC | TRANSP | E |
477 | RSSTYLES | Styles for themes | TRANSP | S |
478 | RSSUBSTEP2EVID | Mapping of DTP Command, Sub-step to Event IDs | TRANSP | S |
479 | RSSZTDIR | Directory of the customer master data table | TRANSP | E |
480 | RSTBBW_HEAD_DLTA | Delta Management Main Table | TRANSP | E |
481 | RSTBBW_MULTI_SIM | Simulation Data for a Multi User Test | TRANSP | L |
482 | RSTBBW_TAB_DELTA | Delta Management for D&E Analysis | TRANSP | E |
483 | RSTBBW_TALIM_CH | Total Transaction Limit Per Customer Group | TRANSP | C |
484 | RSTBBW_TALIM_CHT | Texts for Limit Categories | TRANSP | C |
485 | RSTCCADMIN | Admin Cockpit Settings | TRANSP | G |
486 | RSTCDATACONFIG | report data availability definition/configuration | TRANSP | G |
487 | RSTCIMPDIR | Database table for storing importances | TRANSP | C |
488 | RSTCMASTERLOAD | Master data: Time of Last Load | TRANSP | A |
489 | RSTCPDONE | Selection table for 3rd party; Scheduler | TRANSP | A |
490 | RSTCTEXTRACT | Customizing table for Step Category | TRANSP | G |
491 | RSTC_CALL_BIAC | URL to call the BI Adminstration Cockpit | TRANSP | G |
492 | RSTDDAT | Maintenance Areas for TREX Index | TRANSP | G |
493 | RSTHEMES | BEx Themes | TRANSP | S |
494 | RSTHEMEST | Text table for themes | TRANSP | S |
495 | RSTHIERNODE | Texts of Non-Postable Hierarchy Nodes | TRANSP | E |
496 | RSTHIX | Cluster Table for Hierarchy Interface | TRANSP | C |
497 | RSTLOGOHISTCUST | Automatic Historical TLOGO Versions | TRANSP | E |
498 | RSTLOGOPROP | BW TLOGO Objects Properties | TRANSP | S |
499 | RSTMETYPE | Texts for key figure types | TRANSP | S |
500 | RSTODIRD | Table for Storing the Results of Report RSTODIRD | TRANSP | W |