SAP ABAP Table - Index R, page 5
Table - R
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 RSBPCF_APSRV_DIR BPC File Service Application Server Directories Table TRANSP E
2 RSBPCF_CLUSTER BPC File Service Document Cluster Table TRANSP E
3 RSBPCF_DOC BPC File Service Document Master Table TRANSP E
4 RSBPCF_DOCMAP BPC File Service Document Directory Path Mapping Table TRANSP E
5 RSBPCF_DOCTREE BPC File Service Document Tree Table TRANSP E
6 RSBPCF_DOC_ACC BPC: File Service Security Check Table, on Sub Modulw Leve TRANSP E
7 RSBPCK_AO BPC IP Extension : Primary Object Table TRANSP E
8 RSBPCK_AOT BPC IP Extension: Workbook description TRANSP E
9 RSBPCK_AO_R BPC IP Extension: Workbook relationship TRANSP E
10 RSBPCPS_ALIAS BPC: Persistence reource alias TRANSP E
11 RSBPCPS_TEAM_RES BPC: Team Folder resource TRANSP E
12 RSBPCR_ACT_PROV BPC: Activity workspace action provider TRANSP S
13 RSBPCR_APPS_PROV BPC: Resource releated appset handler TRANSP S
14 RSBPCR_CNTXT_HDR BPC: Resource context header TRANSP E
15 RSBPCR_CNTXT_ITM BPC: Resource context item TRANSP E
17 RSBPCR_MODEL_DAO BPC: Model DAO configuration TRANSP S
18 RSBPCR_OWNER_PRV BPC: Owner authority provider TRANSP S
20 RSBPCR_RESOURCE BPC: Persistence Resource TRANSP E
21 RSBPCR_RES_PROVD BPC: Resource provider TRANSP S
22 RSBPCR_VIEW BPC: Persistence Resource View TRANSP E
23 RSBPCR_VIEWT BPC: Persistence Resource View Text TRANSP E
25 RSBPCR_VIEW_VALS BPC: Resource View Values TRANSP E
26 RSBPCU_DA_CTL BPC-PAK: Data Audit Control Table TRANSP C
27 RSBPCW_APP_STATU Application lock status cache TRANSP E
28 RSBPCW_EMAIL BPC Work Status - Email Setting Table TRANSP E
29 RSBPCW_EMAILT BPC Work Status - Email Setting Text Table TRANSP E
30 RSBPCW_EMAIL_CFG Work Status Email Confiuration TRANSP E
31 RSBPCW_LCK_DIM BPC Work Status - Lock Dimension Table TRANSP E
32 RSBPCW_MODTAB Model Table: Work Status TRANSP A
33 RSBPCW_STATCODE BPC Work Status - Status Code Table TRANSP E
34 RSBPCW_STATCODET BPC Work Status - Status Code Text Table TRANSP E
35 RSBPCW_STATCOMP BPC Work Status - Component Enablement Status for Work State TRANSP E
36 RSBPCW_UPD_LOG BPC Work Status - Locks Update Log Table TRANSP E
37 RSBPCW_WK_STATUS BPC Work Status: Meta Info for Work Status TRANSP E
39 RSBPC_EN_DEFPRE E&N Master User Preferences for Default Values TRANSP S
40 RSBPC_EN_EMAILPR E&N Email Preferences TRANSP C
41 RSBPC_EN_MYMSGPR POA SBC Event & NotificationMy Messages Preferences TRANSP C
42 RSBPC_EN_PREF_T E&N User Preferences Item Descriptions TRANSP S
43 RSBPC_EN_USRPRE E&N User Preferences TRANSP C
45 RSBPC_WEB_DISP BPC Web resource handler dispatch TRANSP S
46 RSBPC_WEB_UP BPC user preference TRANSP A
47 RSBPGMGEN Generated routines for data extraction for data marts. TRANSP L
48 RSBRATLOG BRAT logs from developers - XML form of contents for ITABs TRANSP C
49 RSBREQUESTDELTA Open Hub: Cross Reference Outbound/Inbound Requests TRANSP C
50 RSBREQUESTMESS Open Hub: Log for a Request TRANSP C
51 RSBREQUID Open Hub: Requests TRANSP L
52 RSBREQUID3RD Open Hub: Status of 3rd Party Requests TRANSP L
54 RSBREQUIDRUN Open Hub: Table with Status for a Request Run TRANSP L
55 RSBREQUIDSELSET Selection Options of a Request TRANSP L
56 RSBSERVERPROP Server Types for the Data Transfer Process: Source Objects TRANSP S
57 RSBSERVERPROPT Texts on Source Object Types for Data Transfer Process TRANSP E
58 RSBSOURCEPROP Server Types for the Data Transfer Process: Source Objects TRANSP E
59 RSBSOURCEPROPT Texts on Source Object Types for Data Transfer Process TRANSP E
60 RSBSPOKE InfoSpokes Directory TRANSP E
61 RSBSPOKEDELTA Requests for Delta Recording of an InfoSpoke TRANSP L
62 RSBSPOKEFIELDS Fields Directory of an InfoSpoke TRANSP E
64 RSBSPOKESTAT Status of Delta Recording of a Spoke TRANSP L
65 RSBSPOKET InfoSpokes Directory TRANSP E
66 RSBSPOKEV InfoSpoke Directory: Versions TRANSP E
67 RSBSPOKEVFIELDS Fields Directory of an InfoSpoke TRANSP E
69 RSBSPOKEVT Directory for InfoSpoke Texts (Version-Dependent) TRANSP E
70 RSBSTEPIDLOG Open Hub: Data Package Log for a Request TRANSP C
71 RSBSTEPIDMESS Open Hub: Log for a Request TRANSP C
72 RSBSTRUCTURE Open Hub: Generated Structures and Tables TRANSP C
73 RSBTARGETPROP Server Types for Data Transfer Process: Target Objects TRANSP E
74 RSBTARGETPROPT Texts on Target Object Types for Data Transfer Process TRANSP E
75 RSBTRANSFIELD Target Structure InfoObjects for Open Hub Transformation TRANSP E
76 RSBWBEOTYP BW: Table of Backend Object Types for Generic InfoObjects TRANSP G
77 RSBWBEOTYPT BW: Texts of Backend Object Types for Generic InfoObjects TRANSP G
78 RSBWLA Dummy Table for TLOGO Object BWLA (Language Import) TRANSP S
79 RSC2QOUT Description of BW Outbound Queue TRANSP L
80 RSCAF_BEI CAF Entity service metadata TRANSP L
81 RSCDSLOCKTABLE Lock Table for Summarization (DB with Dirty Read) TRANSP L
82 RSCDSMVREFORA Control Table for Conversion of ICs with ncumtim = parttim TRANSP A
83 RSCDSREQDELTAB Administration of Requests to be Deleted When Compressing TRANSP L
85 RSCDSTC Contains Test Scenarios for Program RSDR_ARCH_CHECK TRANSP L
86 RSCDS_ACTIONLOG Actions that were triggered for the summarization TRANSP L
87 RSCDS_LOADLOG Table for load manager TRANSP L
88 RSCDS_SP_CONFIG Configuration of stored procedure TRANSP L
89 RSCHANGEINDT Before/After Indicator TRANSP S
90 RSCNVACTDATA Copy of the INDX for Converting ODS Objects TRANSP L
91 RSCNVCG Conversion Groups TRANSP E
92 RSCNVCGHEADER Remodeling Rule header TRANSP E
93 RSCNVCGT Remodeling Rule Texts TRANSP E
94 RSCNVCNVADMIN Administration table for running conversions TRANSP L
95 RSCNVCNVHD Runtime conversion header TRANSP C
96 RSCNVMON Table to store the general data for Monitor TRANSP A
97 RSCNVMONSTEPS Steps of any operation on a BW Object TRANSP A
98 RSCNVOPTYPES Operation type to class name mapping TRANSP S
99 RSCNVREQ Conversion Requests TRANSP A
100 RSCNVRRHD Remodeling rule header TRANSP C
101 RSCNVRROP Remodeling rule operations TRANSP C
102 RSCNVRROPVAL Remodeling rule operation values TRANSP S
103 RSCNVRRT Remodeling rule texts TRANSP S
104 RSCNVSTEP Steps for dimension conversion TRANSP C
105 RSCNVSTEPOP Operations assigned to each dimension conversion TRANSP C
106 RSCNVSTEPOPS Operations relevant for each step TRANSP A
107 RSCNVSTEPS Conversion Request Steps TRANSP A
108 RSCNVTST Remodeling Test TRANSP S
109 RSCNVTSTDATA Remodeling test data TRANSP S
110 RSCNV_BUFFER_CHA Buffer table for filling methods using mapping and constant TRANSP C
111 RSCNV_BUFFER_MAP Buffer table for filling methods using mapping and constant TRANSP C
112 RSCNV_BUFFER_MOV SID buffer table for MOVE operation TRANSP C
113 RSCNV_BUFFER_SID Buffer table for filling methods using mapping and constant TRANSP C
114 RSCNV_SID_BUFFER SID buffer table for session-independent handling TRANSP C
115 RSCOMPTLOGO Grouping Components for TLOGO Objects TRANSP E
116 RSCOMPTLOGOT Grouping Components for TLOGO Objects TRANSP E
117 RSCONREL Value table for content releases TRANSP C
118 RSCONTACT Status Overview of All BW TLOGO Content Objects TRANSP S
119 RSCONTACT_COL Mapping of Objects to Source Systems for Content Activator TRANSP C
120 RSCONTACT_CUBE Status Overview for All Objects That Belong to a Cube TRANSP S
122 RSCONTACT_SIZE Determination of Package Size for Activation TRANSP S
123 RSCONTACT_SOURCE Source System Assgnmnt. for Transfer Rules Content Activator TRANSP E
124 RSCONTACT_SOUR_2 Source System Assignment from RSCONTACT_SOURCE +Active Rules TRANSP L
125 RSCONTCHECKCROSS Status Tables of Cross System Checks for Content Objects TRANSP L
126 RSCONTCHECKPROP BI Content Checks Properties TRANSP S
127 RSCONTENTCHECK Status Tables of Consistence Checks for Content Objects TRANSP L
128 RSCONTENTCHECKMM Mapping Technical Error Messages to Help Message TRANSP E
129 RSCONTENTCHECK_A Archiving Table for Object Status TRANSP L
130 RSCONTENTCHECK_C Customizing for Contentchecks TRANSP C
131 RSCONTENTCHECK_E Exceptions Table for Content Checks TRANSP C
132 RSCONTENTCHECK_M Messages from the Content Checkman TRANSP L
133 RSCONTENTCHECK_P Prioritization of Errors from the BI CONTENT ANALYZER TRANSP S
134 RSCONTENTCHECK_S Relevant Systems for Content Checkman TRANSP L
135 RSCONTENTCHECK_T Text Table for Check Category TRANSP E
136 RSCONTENTPACKAGE Packages used for BI Content Checks TRANSP C
137 RSCONTENTPROP Global System Properties for BIContent Checks TRANSP C
138 RSCONTIOBCHECK Reference table check incompatible changes of InfoObjects TRANSP L
139 RSCONTIOBCHECKAT Reference table for check incompatible changes Attributes TRANSP L
140 RSCONTIOBCHECKCM Reference table for check incompatible changes Compounding TRANSP L
141 RSCONTIOBJTMSP Initial Timestamp for check of incompatible changes TRANSP L
142 RSCONT_T_SYSSET System Settings TRANSP L
143 RSCOPY_FLD Mapping Between Original Fields and Target Fields TRANSP L
144 RSCOPY_MAP Mapping between original and copy TRANSP L
145 RSCOPY_OBJ Start Objects for a Copy Process TRANSP L
146 RSCOPY_RPL Replacements in object name for 1:N copy TRANSP L
147 RSCOPY_RUN Copy Process (Run for Copy Tool) TRANSP L
148 RSCRMALERTDEF Mapping of BW Exceptions to Basis Alerts TRANSP E
149 RSCRMALERTSTAT Release status of alert settings TRANSP C
150 RSCRMAT_COUNT_T Query Counter Table TRANSP A
152 RSCRMAT_TRAN_T Support Package Validation table TRANSP A
153 RSCRMAT_VAR_T Query Variable Table TRANSP A
154 RSCRMBATVAR RSCRM: Variable for batch processing TRANSP A
155 RSCRMC_EVENT_QRY Customizing table for defining the queries that have events TRANSP C
156 RSCRMC_IMP_EVENT Customizing table for defining event handlers in planning TRANSP C
157 RSCRMC_QUERY_T Text table for query descriptions TRANSP C
158 RSCRMC_TIME_AGGR Customizing table to enable multi time for aggregation level TRANSP C
159 RSCRMC_TIME_IPRO Customizing table to enable multi time for infoprovider TRANSP C
160 RSCRMC_TIME_TGT Customizing target time characteristics by infoprovider TRANSP C
161 RSCRMD_IMP_TRACE Trace results table TRANSP L
162 RSCRMEXCP RSCRM: Extract Fields (Cross Product) TRANSP A
164 RSCRMEXTERN External IDs for Business Partners (Settings) TRANSP C
165 RSCRMEXTRTXT RSCRM: Report table catalog TRANSP A
166 RSCRMHIFLAGT BW: Texts for Fixed InfoObject 0CRM_HIFLAG TRANSP C
167 RSCRMIDCAT External IDs for Business Partners (Settings) TRANSP E
168 RSCRMIS2INTERNAL Mapping Fields c70 in InfoSet to Internal IOBLNM c30/GUID TRANSP A
169 RSCRMISQREGISTER Customizing for Infoset Display TRANSP C
170 RSCRMI_EVENTS System table containing the events possible for planning TRANSP S
171 RSCRMI_EVENTS_T Text table for event types TRANSP S
172 RSCRMMON RSCRM: Monitoring for Batch TRANSP A
173 RSCRMMONERR RSCRM: Batch Error Messages TRANSP A
174 RSCRMOLDBDSKEY Query View: Links Old BDS Key with New View ID TRANSP L
178 RSCRMPACK_LOG Packaging log TRANSP L
180 RSCRMPARAMS RSCRM: Parameters for Report Interface TRANSP L
181 RSCRMREPTAB RSCRM: Report Table Catalog TRANSP A
182 RSCRMRTUPDDS Datasources supporting realtime update TRANSP S
185 RSCRMSYSTEM RFC Connection to CRM Systems TRANSP C
186 RSCRMTGEXTIDS External IDs in Target Groups TRANSP C
187 RSCRMTGLIST External IDs Still to be Attached to Target Group TRANSP C
188 RSCRMTGTODO External IDs Still to be Attached to Target Group TRANSP C
189 RSCRMTREECUSMON User-Specific Tree Display Monitor TRANSP C
190 RSCRMVIEWSTORE Repository for ISQ Views TRANSP A
191 RSCRM_IMP_TRACE Trace results table TRANSP L
192 RSCRTDONE CRT Packages Enhancements for Apollo TRANSP A
193 RSCRTMONDATA Copy of INDX for CRT Runtime Data TRANSP L
195 RSCRT_CTRL Control Information for Active (Near)-Real-Time InfoPackages TRANSP L
197 RSCRT_DEMONS Daemons for (Near)-Real-Time Data Transfer into BW TRANSP L
198 RSCRT_DEMON_LOG Log Table for Daemon TRANSP L
199 RSCRT_DEMON_TRAC Storage for Performance/Trace Data for Real-Time Data Acqui. TRANSP L
200 RSCRT_DTA_DS_LG Lock Table for Near Real-Time in 3.X BW (Obsolete from 4.X) TRANSP C
201 RSCRT_ON_OFF Activate/Deactivate Schedule (Near)-Real-Time InfoPackage TRANSP L
202 RSCRT_RDA_ASSIGN Assigned Daemons for RDA TRANSP L
203 RSCRT_RDA_DEMON Daemons with Characterics and IPak Settings (_demons, _ctrl) TRANSP L
204 RSCRT_RDA_DEMOND Deleted Entries: Daemons with Characteristic and IPak Sett. TRANSP L
205 RSCRT_RDA_ERROR Error in Real-Time Data Acquisition TRANSP L
206 RSCRT_RDA_FUPC Subsequent Processes When Closing RDA Requests TRANSP L
207 RSCRT_RDA_IBC Information Broadcasting Triggered by RDA TRANSP L
208 RSCRT_RDA_LOG Effective Utilization of RDA Daemons TRANSP L
209 RSCRT_RDA_MONDAT Copy of INDX for CRT Runtime Data TRANSP L
210 RSCRT_RDA_REPAIR Repair Process Chain for a DTP for RDA TRANSP L
211 RSCRT_RDA_REQ Requests and Data Packages with Characteristics TRANSP L
212 RSCRT_RDA_TID Real-time: TIDs from the Upload TRANSP L
213 RSCRT_RDA_TRAC Store Performance Trace Data for Real-Time Data Acquisition TRANSP L
215 RSCR_PUBLISH Parameter for Publishing on Crystal Enterprise TRANSP C
216 RSCR_TEXTS CR: Table of Report Texts TRANSP E
217 RSCR_URLS CR: Table of URLs / Languages TRANSP E
218 RSCSTRU Help table for structure change TRANSP C
219 RSCSTRU2 Help table for structure change TRANSP C
220 RSCUBEDATA Data for InfoCube (flatfiles,...) TRANSP S
222 RSCURR Conversion Table for Euro Conversion TRANSP L
223 RSCURTRACE Trace: Currency Translation TRANSP L
224 RSCURTRT Currency Translation Types TRANSP E
225 RSCURTXT Texts for currency translation keys TRANSP E
226 RSCXP_AUTHIOBJ BI Metadata for CRM User Authorization TRANSP A
227 RSCXP_TXTPROG ABAP Programs used as Textpools in Webtemplates TRANSP A
228 RSCXP_TXT_MAP Mapping for Textpools in Webtemplates TRANSP A
229 RSCXP_USERIOBJ CRM Authorization Settings for Specific Users TRANSP A
230 RSD98 Testtabelle Dictionary mit direkter Typeingabe TRANSP W
231 RSD99 Dictionary Test Table with All Data Types (form. FLTP) TRANSP W
232 RSDAADDARCHIVE BW Archiving: Select Initial Loading for Archive TRANSP A
233 RSDAARCHREQ BW Archiving: Archiving Request TRANSP A
234 RSDAARCHREQCREF Assignment of Archiving Request to Source Request TRANSP A
235 RSDAARCHREQSEL BW Archiving: Absolute Selections of the Archive Request TRANSP A
236 RSDAARCHREQSPO BW Archiving: Assignment of Reload Request for PartProvider TRANSP A
237 RSDAARCHREQTSHFT BW Archiving: Absolute Selections of the Archive Request TRANSP A
238 RSDAARESREQ BW Archiving: Archiving Request TRANSP A
239 RSDADAP BW: Data Archiving Process Header Data TRANSP E
240 RSDADAPDOK BW Archiving: Data Object Key TRANSP E
241 RSDADAPIDX BW Archiving: Archive Index TRANSP E
242 RSDADAPIDXOBJ BW Archiving: Further Index Characteristics TRANSP E
243 RSDADAPLOC BW Archiving: Data Archiving Process (Local Properties) TRANSP E
244 RSDADAPPART BW Archiving: Data Archiving Process (Local Properties) TRANSP A
245 RSDADAPPID BW Archiving: Program ID TRANSP E
246 RSDADAPSEL BW Archiving: Selection Parameters TRANSP E
247 RSDADAPT BW: Data Archiving Process Header Data TRANSP E
248 RSDADAPTIMSHIFT BW Archiving: Timeshifts for Data Archiving Process TRANSP A
249 RSDANLCON BW Archiving: Connection to a Nearline Storage TRANSP C
250 RSDANLOBJ BW Archiving: Nearline Object TRANSP E
251 RSDANLREFTABL BW Nearline Interface: Template Table for Nearline Table TRANSP A
252 RSDANLREQ BW Archiving: Nearline Object TRANSP A
253 RSDANLREQDPAKSEG BW Archiving: Segment in Nearline Request Data Package TRANSP A
254 RSDANLSEG BW Archiving: Segment of a Nearline Object TRANSP E
255 RSDANLSEGI BW Archiving: Fields of a Segment Index TRANSP E
256 RSDANLSEGIF BW Archiving: Segment Index of a Nearline Object TRANSP E
257 RSDANLSEGV BW Archiving: Errors for a Segment Version TRANSP E
258 RSDANLSEGVF BW Archiving: Segment Version of a Nearline Object TRANSP E
259 RSDANLSEGVI BW Archiving: Errors for a Segment Version TRANSP E
260 RSDANLTABLES BW Nearline Interface: Transl. of Structure Name -> DB Name TRANSP L
261 RSDAREA Directory of InfoAreas TRANSP E
262 RSDAREAT InfoArea texts TRANSP E
263 RSDAREFTAB Reference Table for Nearline Storage TRANSP S
264 RSDAREFTABDB2_OR DB2-z/OS HiPe NLS: Template for reqstate table TRANSP L
265 RSDAREFTABDB2_OU DB2-z/OS HiPe NLS: Template for version table TRANSP L
266 RSDAREFTABSDB_ON BW Archiving: Template for Request Management Table TRANSP L
267 RSDAREFTABSDB_OR BW Archiving: Template for Nearline Table for MaxDB TRANSP L
268 RSDAREQ BW Archiving: Archiving Request TRANSP A
269 RSDAREQDPAK BW Archiving: Archiving Request TRANSP A
270 RSDAREQSTATHIST BW Archiving: Log of Request Status Transitions TRANSP A
271 RSDAS Directory of Data Access Services TRANSP E
272 RSDASLOC Local Properties: Data Access Services TRANSP E
273 RSDASSERVPAR Service Parameter of the Data Access Service TRANSP E
274 RSDASSERVPART Descriptions for Service Parametesr of the DAS TRANSP E
275 RSDASSERVPARVAL Value of the Service Parameter of the Data Access Service TRANSP E
276 RSDAST Descriptions for Data Access Services TRANSP E
277 RSDASYBREFTAB_ON BW Archiving: Template for Request Management Table TRANSP L
278 RSDAS_PROV Data Access Service Provider by Object Type (Tlogo) TRANSP E
279 RSDAS_PROVT Text Table for the DAS Provider TRANSP E
280 RSDAS_PROV_VAR Variants for Data Access Service Provider TRANSP E
281 RSDAS_PROV_VART Texts for Variants of the Data Access Service Provider TRANSP E
282 RSDATRNAV Navigation Attributes TRANSP E
283 RSDATRNAVSID Assignment: Navigation attribute -> SID field name TRANSP E
284 RSDATRNAVT Navigation Attributes TRANSP E
285 RSDATRNAVT_TXV Navigation Attributes - Text Verticalization TRANSP W
286 RSDB Index of the RESB for the Direct Procurement Element TRANSP A
287 RSDB2A_ACCELPROP DB2 Accelerator: Accelerator properties TRANSP C
288 RSDB2A_CONTROL DB2 Accelerator: conrol center TOC TRANSP C
289 RSDB2A_CTRLTXT DB2 Accelerator: language dependent texts TRANSP C
290 RSDB2A_SETTINGS DB2 Accelerator: Settings TRANSP C
291 RSDB2A_STAT DB2 Accelerator: Load statistics TRANSP L
292 RSDB2A_STATUS DB2 Accelerator: current table data status in accelerator TRANSP C
293 RSDB2A_STA_FCT DB2 Accelerator: data status of fact tables TRANSP L
294 RSDB2A_STA_HIE DB2 Accelerator: hierarchy status table TRANSP C
295 RSDB2A_STA_STD DB2 Accelerator: current table data status in accelerator TRANSP C
296 RSDB2LOCKTABLE Lock Table for DB2-z/OS Tables TRANSP L
297 RSDB2NLS_CHKRSLT DB2-z/OS HiPe NLS: Check results TRANSP L
298 RSDB2NLS_CONTROL DB2-z/OS HiPe NLS: Table of Content TRANSP C
299 RSDB2NLS_QUEUE DB2-z/OS HiPe NLS: Partitions waiting for archiving TRANSP C
300 RSDBCHATR Master data attributes TRANSP E
301 RSDBCHATRXXL Master data XXL attributes TRANSP E
302 RSDBS Index of purchasing documents for individual customer stock TRANSP A
303 RSDBSESPAR LOCAL Database Parameters for BW that TRANSP S
304 RSDCHA Characteristic Catalog TRANSP E
305 RSDCHABAS Basic characteristics (for chars, XXL, time-chars and units) TRANSP E
306 RSDCHABASDEL artefact of the first concept of new MD del. no longer used TRANSP L
307 RSDCHABASDELCV artefact of the first concept of new MD del. no longer used TRANSP L
308 RSDCHABASDELLOG artefact of the first concept of new MD dele. nolonger used TRANSP S
309 RSDCHABASDELMSG likely artefact TRANSP L
310 RSDCHABASLOC Basic chars system-local properties (not transport.) TRANSP E
311 RSDCHATHJ Characteristics for Temporal Hierarchy Join TRANSP E
312 RSDCOBPROTSTMPL Time Stamp for Buffer Management Class CL_RSD_DTA TRANSP S
313 RSDCUBE Directory of InfoCubes / InfoProvider TRANSP E
314 RSDCUBEIOBJ Objects per InfoCube (where-used list) TRANSP E
315 RSDCUBELOC Local Characteristics: InfoCubes (InfoProvider) TRANSP E
316 RSDCUBEMULTI InfoCubes concerned with MultiCube TRANSP E
317 RSDCUBET Texts for the InfoCubes TRANSP E
318 RSDCUBETMP Temporary Properties: InfoCubes (InfoProviders) TRANSP S
319 RSDCX Exceptions Table for Short Text Statistics POOL S
320 RSDDAGGR Status of the active aggregates in the InfoCube TRANSP A
321 RSDDAGGRCHECKDIR Management Table for the Aggregate Check TRANSP E
322 RSDDAGGRCHECKSEL Selection Options for the Aggregate Check TRANSP E
323 RSDDAGGRCHECKT Text Table for the Aggregate Check TRANSP E
324 RSDDAGGRCOMP Description of the aggregates TRANSP E
325 RSDDAGGRDIR Directory of the aggregates TRANSP E
326 RSDDAGGRDIR_M Directory of the aggregates TRANSP A
327 RSDDAGGRENQUEQUE Table to define lock argument TRANSP A
328 RSDDAGGRMODSTATE Status of change run for aggregates TRANSP L
329 RSDDAGGRT Aggregate texts TRANSP E
330 RSDDBICOBJS InfoObjects of BIA Index Type (Where-Used List) TRANSP A
331 RSDDBIDXSTAT Status Table of Index in BIA TRANSP A
332 RSDDBMDJOBPROT BIA Master Data Indexing Job Log TRANSP A
333 RSDDBMDJOBSTAT Master Data Indexing Job - Status TRANSP A
335 RSDDBOBJENQUEUE Table to define lock argument TRANSP A
336 RSDDBOBJPROP Properties of BWA InfoProviders TRANSP A
337 RSDDBOLDVERS XSTRING in the most recent version of the BWA object TRANSP A
339 RSDDB_WOPTIONS BWA Index-Specific Indexing Options TRANSP A
340 RSDDCHNGPROT Table with InfoObject whose master table has been changed TRANSP A
341 RSDDCOPR Composite Provider Directory TRANSP E
342 RSDDCOPRBASE Composite Provider Directory TRANSP E
343 RSDDCOPRT Texts for Composite Providers TRANSP E
344 RSDDCOPRXREF Composite Provider: Cross References TRANSP E
345 RSDDCVERREPAGGR Aggregates that should be refilled after correction TRANSP L
346 RSDDCVERREPHIER Aggregates that should be refilled after correction TRANSP L
347 RSDDCVERTESTS Checking InfoCubes: Description of the tests TRANSP A
348 RSDDG_POOL Proposed Values for Characteristics for Demo Data Generation TRANSP E
349 RSDDG_POOL_MAP Assignment Between Proposal Pool and InfoObjects TRANSP S
350 RSDDG_P_IDT Texts for Identifier TRANSP E
351 RSDDG_P_STYPET Texts of Characteristic Types TRANSP E
352 RSDDG_P_TYPET Texts of Proposal Types TRANSP E
353 RSDDICDTEL Generated structures for function mod. RSAR_POPUP_GET_VALUES TRANSP E
354 RSDDICREPARTREQ Parameter for a Repartitioning Request TRANSP A
355 RSDDICSTRUCT Generated structures for function mod. RSAR_POPUP_GET_VALUES TRANSP E
356 RSDDIM Directory of dimensions TRANSP E
357 RSDDIME Dimensions directory TRANSP E
358 RSDDIMEIOBJ InfoObjects per dimension (where-used list) TRANSP E
359 RSDDIMELOC Dimensions system-local properties (not transport.) TRANSP E
360 RSDDIMET Dimension Texts TRANSP E
361 RSDDINCTEMPL Temporary table for the results of a hierarchy query TRANSP L
362 RSDDKF Derived key figures TRANSP E
364 RSDDLTIPTREXCONN TREX Destinations for Analytical Indexes TRANSP C
365 RSDDMDCHANGES Change Zeit of Master Data per Characteristic TRANSP L
366 RSDDPA Data package characteristics TRANSP E
367 RSDDSTAT Statistics data BW for aggregate selection and accounting TRANSP A
368 RSDDSTATAGGR Statistics data BW for aggregate selection and accounting TRANSP A
369 RSDDSTATAGGRDEF Statistics data OLAP: Navigation step / aggregate definition TRANSP A
370 RSDDSTATBCACT BW Statistics: Activate Business Content TRANSP L
371 RSDDSTATBIAUSE Counter for BIA Usage per InfoProvider TRANSP L
372 RSDDSTATCOND BW Statistics: Data on Condensing Run InfoCube TRANSP A
373 RSDDSTATDATAUSE Filter vals during query execution for selected InfoObjects TRANSP A
374 RSDDSTATDELE BW Statistics: Data on Deletion of Data in InfoCube TRANSP A
375 RSDDSTATDETLEV OLAP Statistics: Detail Level TRANSP S
376 RSDDSTATDETLEVT OLAP Statistics: Detail Level, Texts TRANSP S
377 RSDDSTATDM Data Manager Query Statistic Records TRANSP L
378 RSDDSTATDM_CLUST Datamanager Query Statistic Records for Clustered Access TRANSP L
379 RSDDSTATDTASIZE Size of tables associated to a dta TRANSP L
380 RSDDSTATDTP Table for WHM Statistics. Details DTP TRANSP L
381 RSDDSTATDU_IO Query Filter Statistics: Monitored InfoObjects TRANSP A
382 RSDDSTATDU_IP InfoProvider for Query Filter Statistics TRANSP A
383 RSDDSTATEVDATA BW Statistics (OLAP), Key Figures for the Events TRANSP L
385 RSDDSTATEVENTST OLAP Statistics Events, Texts TRANSP S
386 RSDDSTATEXTRACT Extractor BW statistics: Time of last delta load TRANSP A
387 RSDDSTATHANDLTP OLAP Statistics:Handle Types (Runtime Objects) TRANSP S
388 RSDDSTATHANDLTPT OLAP Statistics: Handle Types (Runtime Objects), Texts TRANSP S
389 RSDDSTATHEADER BW Statistics (OLAP), Information by Runtime Object TRANSP L
390 RSDDSTATINFO BW Statistics (OLAP), Information by Navigation Step TRANSP L
391 RSDDSTATLOG BW statistics - Sequence of events for DEBUG user TRANSP L
392 RSDDSTATLOGGING Logging Table for OLAP Statistics TRANSP L
393 RSDDSTATLOGUSER User Names for which Logging in the OLAP Stats Is On TRANSP L
394 RSDDSTATOBJLEVEL Objects for Query Runtime and Their Statistic Properties TRANSP L
395 RSDDSTATPPLINK Link from SAPPASSPORTGUID to Query Runtime Statistics TRANSP L
396 RSDDSTATSLICE Selektionskriterien TRANSP L
397 RSDDSTATSLICECUS Custumizing of data slice statisitcs TRANSP W
399 RSDDSTATSTEPTP OLAP Statistics: (Navigation) Step Types TRANSP S
400 RSDDSTATSTEPTPT OLAP Statistics: (Navigation) Step Types, Texts TRANSP S
401 RSDDSTATTREX Statistic Data for Process for TREX Aggregates TRANSP A
402 RSDDSTATTREXQAPI Detailed Statistics from TREX Server During Query Calls TRANSP L
403 RSDDSTATTREXSERV Detailed Statistics for the TREX Server TRANSP A
404 RSDDSTATTREXS_MM TREX Statistics Table for DB Buffer (Detail) TRANSP A
405 RSDDSTATTREX_MM TREX Statistic Table for DB Buffer TRANSP A
406 RSDDSTATWHM Statistics Data: BW for Warehouse Management TRANSP A
407 RSDDSTAT_WRITE Statistics for InfoCube Write TRANSP A
408 RSDDTALOC Local directory of all InfoProviders TRANSP E
409 RSDDTMPPROGS Generated (Temporary) Programs from area RSDD TRANSP L
410 RSDDTPS Date and Language for Polestar TRANSP A
411 RSDDTPSFML Selected CKFs/RKFs for Providers TRANSP A
413 RSDDTPS_AUTH Authorized Users for Polestar TRANSP A
414 RSDDTPS_AUTHCLS List of Implementations for Authorizations TRANSP S
415 RSDDTPS_AUTHGRP User Groups for SBO Explorer TRANSP A
416 RSDDTPS_CONV Conversion Indices in Polestar TRANSP A
417 RSDDTPS_EXCLUDE MultiProvider for Polestar - Unused Objects TRANSP A
418 RSDDTPS_FILTER MultiProvider for Polestar - Filter TRANSP A
419 RSDDTPS_HIER_HNM Hierarchies for Use in Polestar TRANSP A
420 RSDDTPS_HIER_IDX Polestar Hierarchy Indexes TRANSP A
421 RSDDTPS_HIER_IP Assignment of Hiers to InfoProvider/InfoObject Combination TRANSP A
422 RSDDTPS_IOBJ Dependency of InfoProvider to Chabasnm TRANSP A
423 RSDDTPS_IPRO InfoProvider in Polestar and Batch Job TRANSP A
424 RSDDTPS_KYF Hidden Key Figures per Provider TRANSP A
425 RSDDTPS_PROVRQ MultiProvider Delta Criteria for Polestar TRANSP A
426 RSDDTREXADMIN Additional Settings for Indexing an HPA Index TRANSP C
427 RSDDTREXBVIP Virtual InfoProviders with BIA Cache and Class Name TRANSP A
428 RSDDTREXCHECKID Header for BIA Checks for Data Consistency TRANSP A
429 RSDDTREXCHECKSET Settings for BIA Monitor Check Set TRANSP A
430 RSDDTREXCHECK_A Settings for 'A' Check TRANSP A
431 RSDDTREXCHECK_K Settings for 'K' Check TRANSP A
432 RSDDTREXCHECK_K1 Settings for 'K' Check - Key Figure Selection TRANSP A
433 RSDDTREXCHECK_Q Settings for 'Q' Check TRANSP A
434 RSDDTREXCHECK_Q1 Settings for 'Q' Check - Key Figure Selection TRANSP A
435 RSDDTREXCHECK_R Settings for 'R' Check TRANSP A
436 RSDDTREXCHECK_Z Settings for 'Z' Check TRANSP A
437 RSDDTREXCRFIX InfoObjects for BIA Indexes Reindexed After Change Run TRANSP A
438 RSDDTREXDIR Administration of the TREX Aggregates TRANSP E
439 RSDDTREXDIRTABL No longer used as of BI 7.10; now for lock object only TRANSP A
440 RSDDTREXEMAIL E-Mail-Addresses = Recipient for Canceled HPA Queries TRANSP A
441 RSDDTREXENQUE Lock Table for HPA Aggregates TRANSP A
442 RSDDTREXHPAFAIL Error Recording for Queries on HPA TRANSP L
443 RSDDTREXIDXENQUE Lock Table for Indexes of HPA Aggregates TRANSP A
444 RSDDTREXLOADLOCK Load Jobs That Run During Activation of the HPA TRANSP A
446 RSDDTREXNEWDIMID New DIMIDs for Dimensions in HPA Aggregates TRANSP A
447 RSDDTREXNEWMD MD Upload: SIDs for InfoObjects in TREX Aggregates TRANSP A
448 RSDDTREXNEWSID New SIDs for InfoObjects in TREX Aggregates TRANSP A
449 RSDDTREXNEWSID_R SID Queue for Backup and Recovery TRANSP A
451 RSDDTREXNEWTEXT2 CHAVL of new Texts for BWA index (with long chavls) TRANSP A
452 RSDDTREXPS InfoProvider BIA Index also for Polestar TRANSP A
453 RSDDTREXRFCUSER RFC Destination for a User for Reading from TREX TRANSP A
455 RSDDTREXSNAPSTXT Text Table for BIA Data Snapshots TRANSP A
456 RSDDTREXTABLSTAT Status of Tables/Indexes in BIA TRANSP A
457 RSDDTREXZAACTRUN Actions Triggered from the HPA Monitor and Its Status TRANSP A
458 RSDDTREX_BICSTAT Get status (RNSID) of a BIA index during backup TRANSP A
459 RSDDTREX_BSSYSID R/3 System ID from Which BIA/TREX Statistics Are Read TRANSP A
460 RSDDTREX_CHKMSGS Messages from the BIA Index Check TRANSP A
462 RSDDTREX_ZA_ACTS HPA Adminstration Activities TRANSP S
463 RSDDTREX_ZA_MSGS Table for the Maintenance of Error Messages from HPA TRANSP S
464 RSDDTZA_ACTIONS BW Accelerator Monitor Actions TRANSP S
465 RSDDTZA_ACT_LOG Logging of BWA Admin Actions TRANSP A
466 RSDDTZA_ACT_RUN BWA Action Currently Executed from BWA Monitor TRANSP A
467 RSDDTZA_CHECKS BW Accelerator Monitor Checks TRANSP S
468 RSDDTZA_DETAILS BW Accelerator Monitor Detail Headings TRANSP S
469 RSDDTZA_LOCK Lock Table for BWA Actions TRANSP A
471 RSDD_DELTA_PKG Delta Package Management for InfoCube Delta Write TRANSP A
472 RSDD_MIGRAT_PART Table with Partitioning Information for the BW Migration TRANSP A
473 RSDD_PKG_ID Unique Delta Package ID for Each InfoCube TRANSP A
474 RSDD_TMPNM_ADM Administration table for persistent locks on temporary no. TRANSP L
475 RSDELDONE BW: Selection Table for Deletion with Full Update Scheduler TRANSP C
476 RSDELPART Aggregation management of the IC for the Monitor TRANSP L
477 RSDEVPROP Device Properties in BW Web Reporting TRANSP E
478 RSDEVREC Matching of UserAgentString to Device in BW Web Reporting TRANSP E
479 RSDEVREND Assignm. of Render (Device Class) to Device in BW Web Report TRANSP E
480 RSDFDMOD Directory of Data Flows TRANSP E
481 RSDFDMODDOCU Data flow description (string) TRANSP E
482 RSDFDMODT Texts for the Data Models TRANSP E
483 RSDFDMOD_LOCAL Local and version-dependent settings for data flows TRANSP E
484 RSDFLINKS Links in the Data Models TRANSP E
485 RSDFNODEATTR Attributes of a Node in Data Flow TRANSP E
486 RSDFNODEATTRLONG Attributes of a Node in Data Flow TRANSP E
487 RSDFNODEDOCU Description (string) of data flow node TRANSP E
488 RSDFNODES Nodes in the Data Models TRANSP E
489 RSDFNODEST Texts for the Data Models TRANSP E
490 RSDG_S_SBSC_NAME Help Table with InfoObject Maintenance Screen Fields TRANSP L
491 RSDHAMAP HANA Analysis Processes TRANSP E
492 RSDHAMAPT HANA Analysis Processes (Texts) TRANSP E
493 RSDHAOBJTYPE Types of Analysis Elements TRANSP E
494 RSDHAOBJTYPET Types of Analysis Elements (Texts) TRANSP E
495 RSDHARSTAT Runtime Statistics for HANA Analysis Processes TRANSP L
496 RSDHARUN Executions of HANA Analysis Processes TRANSP L
497 RSDHARUN_CHECK Checks During Executions of HANA Analysis Processes TRANSP L
498 RSDHAXREF Cross References TRANSP E
499 RSDHA_009 Fiscal Year Variants TRANSP C
500 RSDHA_009B Fiscal year variant periods TRANSP C