SAP ABAP Table - Index C, page 24
Table - C
# | Table name | Short Description | Table Category | Delivery Class |
1 | CRMC_MOB_LEAD_U | CRM Mobile: Upload criteria for Lead Management | TRANSP | C |
2 | CRMC_MOB_OBJ_N | Customization Table for Product/Object Notes - CRM EHP1.0 | TRANSP | C |
3 | CRMC_MOB_OBJ_S | CRM Mobile: Download Filters Object Management - Status | TRANSP | C |
4 | CRMC_MOB_OPPT_D | CRM Mobile: Download Filters For Opportunity Management | TRANSP | C |
5 | CRMC_MOB_OPPT_N | CRM Mobile: Download Filters Oppt Management - Notes | TRANSP | C |
6 | CRMC_MOB_OPPT_O | CRM Mobile: Download Filters Opport Mgmnt - Organization | TRANSP | C |
7 | CRMC_MOB_OPPT_S | CRM Mobile: Download Filters Opportunity Management - Status | TRANSP | C |
8 | CRMC_MOB_OPPT_U | CRM Mobile: Upload criteria for Opportunity Management | TRANSP | C |
9 | CRMC_MOB_ORG | CRM Mobile: Download Filters - Organization | TRANSP | C |
10 | CRMC_MOB_SC_D | CRM Mobile:Download Filter for Service Contract Mgmt-Partner | TRANSP | C |
11 | CRMC_MOB_SC_N | CRM Mobile: Download Filters Service Contract Mgmnt - Notes | TRANSP | C |
12 | CRMC_MOB_SC_S | CRM Mobile: Download Filters Service Contract Mgmt - Status | TRANSP | C |
13 | CRMC_MOB_SO_U | CRM Mobile: Upload criteria for Sales Order Management | TRANSP | C |
14 | CRMC_MOB_SRVAS_S | Customization for Service Assignment Status | TRANSP | C |
15 | CRMC_MOB_SRVCN_D | Download Criteria for Service Confirmations - CRM Smartphone | TRANSP | C |
16 | CRMC_MOB_SRVCN_N | Customization Table for Service Confirmation Notes | TRANSP | C |
17 | CRMC_MOB_SRVCN_O | Customization Table for Service Confirm. Organization Data | TRANSP | C |
18 | CRMC_MOB_SRVCN_S | Customization for Service Confirmation Status - CRM EHP1.0 | TRANSP | C |
19 | CRMC_MOB_SRVOR_D | Download Criteria for Service Orders - CRM Smartphone | TRANSP | C |
20 | CRMC_MOB_SRVOR_N | Customization Table for Service Order Notes - CRM EHP1.0 | TRANSP | C |
21 | CRMC_MOB_SRVOR_O | Customization Table for Service Order - Organization Data | TRANSP | C |
22 | CRMC_MOB_SRVOR_S | Customization for Service Order Status - CRM EHP1.0 | TRANSP | C |
23 | CRMC_MOB_SRVO_DT | Customization Table for the Service Order Dates | TRANSP | C |
24 | CRMC_MOB_SRV_D | service Download | TRANSP | C |
25 | CRMC_MOB_SRV_DAT | CRM Mobile: Customization for Date Filter For Service | TRANSP | C |
26 | CRMC_MOB_SRV_DT | CRM Mobile: Service Scenario Dates Customization | TRANSP | C |
27 | CRMC_MOB_SRV_N | Service Notes | TRANSP | C |
28 | CRMC_MOB_SRV_O | services download | TRANSP | C |
29 | CRMC_MOB_SRV_S | Service Download | TRANSP | C |
30 | CRMC_MOB_SWCV | CRM Mobile: SWCV Customization | TRANSP | C |
31 | CRMC_MOB_TPLT | Description of templates for service type | TRANSP | S |
32 | CRMC_MODEL_BEAIL | Object Models (Relationships) of BEA Components | TRANSP | E |
33 | CRMC_MODEL_BUIL | Business Partner Interaction Layer Model | TRANSP | S |
34 | CRMC_MODEL_CIIL | BOL Model table for Channel Inventory | TRANSP | S |
35 | CRMC_MODEL_CLMIL | BOL Model table for Call List | TRANSP | S |
36 | CRMC_MODEL_CMG | Case Management: Interaction Layer Model | TRANSP | S |
37 | CRMC_MODEL_EDRIL | BOL Model table for EDR | TRANSP | S |
38 | CRMC_MODEL_FDT | Rule Builder Interaction Layer Model table | TRANSP | S |
39 | CRMC_MODEL_ICM | Case Management: Interaction Layer Model | TRANSP | S |
40 | CRMC_MODEL_LIREP | Listing Analysis Report model Table | TRANSP | S |
41 | CRMC_MODEL_MPIL | Model Table for Measuring Point Component | TRANSP | S |
42 | CRMC_MODEL_PRCIL | Pricing Interaction Layer Model | TRANSP | S |
43 | CRMC_MODEL_ROIL | Resale Order BOL Model | TRANSP | S |
44 | CRMC_MODEL_TTEIL | TTE Interaction Layer Model | TRANSP | S |
45 | CRMC_MODE_BTXAIL | Business Transaction Assignment Interaction Layer Model | TRANSP | E |
46 | CRMC_MODE_CLIL | Call List Interaction Layer Model | TRANSP | E |
47 | CRMC_MODE_C_BUIL | Business Partner Interaction Layer Model | TRANSP | C |
48 | CRMC_MODL_BTMFIL | Object Models (Relationships) of BTMF Components | TRANSP | E |
49 | CRMC_MODL_C_LMIL | Loyalty Management applications BOL Model (Customer table) | TRANSP | C |
50 | CRMC_MODL_C_ROIL | Resale Order BOL Model | TRANSP | C |
51 | CRMC_MODL_LMIL | Loyalty Management applications BOL Model | TRANSP | S |
52 | CRMC_MPK_ALV_LAY | Readings - ALV Layout Definition for SAP GUI | TRANSP | S |
53 | CRMC_MPK_APP | Application Table | TRANSP | S |
54 | CRMC_MPK_APPGRP | Application Group Table | TRANSP | S |
55 | CRMC_MPK_APPGRPT | Application Group Text | TRANSP | E |
56 | CRMC_MPK_APPLINK | Application / Application Group Link Table | TRANSP | S |
57 | CRMC_MPK_APPSCR | Measuring Point Administration Screen Control | TRANSP | E |
58 | CRMC_MPK_APP_T | Application Text | TRANSP | E |
59 | CRMC_MPK_ATTD_H | Counter - Attributes Definition - Header | TRANSP | S |
60 | CRMC_MPK_ATTD_HT | Counters - Attributes Definition - Header - Text Table | TRANSP | S |
61 | CRMC_MPK_ATTD_I | Counter: Attributes Definition | TRANSP | S |
62 | CRMC_MPK_ATTR | Measuring Point Attributes | TRANSP | E |
63 | CRMC_MPK_ATTR_T | Measuring Point Attribute Text | TRANSP | E |
64 | CRMC_MPK_CAT | Measuring Point Category Customizing Table | TRANSP | E |
65 | CRMC_MPK_CAT_T | Measuring Point Category Text | TRANSP | E |
66 | CRMC_MPK_READ_DF | Readings Definition for Counter Application Group | TRANSP | S |
67 | CRMC_MPK_SCRPROF | screen profile for screen control | TRANSP | E |
68 | CRMC_MPK_SCRPROT | Screen Profile Descriptions | TRANSP | E |
69 | CRMC_MPK_UI_ALVF | Counter SAP GUI - ALV Available Function Code in ALV | TRANSP | S |
70 | CRMC_MPK_UI_CALL | Measuring Point/Reading SAP GUI - Caller Definition | TRANSP | S |
71 | CRMC_MPK_UI_FLTP | Readings - Floating Point (FLPT) Assignment for UI | TRANSP | S |
72 | CRMC_MPK_UI_FNC | Counter Callback Function Module for UI | TRANSP | S |
73 | CRMC_MPK_UI_ISH | Icon Set - Header Definition | TRANSP | S |
74 | CRMC_MPK_UI_ISI | Icon Set: Assignment of Values to Icons | TRANSP | S |
75 | CRMC_MPS_MONITOR | IS-M-MPS: Monitoring Control for Subscriptions | TRANSP | C |
76 | CRMC_MP_IO_SCORE | Score values for IO valuation | TRANSP | C |
77 | CRMC_MSAACTPARTN | Mapping which partner function to map to CRM Mobile | TRANSP | G |
78 | CRMC_MSGID | Work areas relevant for CRM_MESSAGES | TRANSP | S |
79 | CRMC_MULTIGRP | Multigroup Table | TRANSP | S |
80 | CRMC_MULTIGRPC | Multigroup Table (Cust) | TRANSP | C |
81 | CRMC_MULTIGRPE | Multigroup Entity Table | TRANSP | E |
82 | CRMC_MULTIGRPE_T | Text Table for Multigroup Entity Table | TRANSP | E |
83 | CRMC_MULTIVALUEC | Settings for advanced search feature | TRANSP | C |
84 | CRMC_NAVIGATION | Assignment of Field and Location of Field for Navigation | TRANSP | G |
85 | CRMC_NFDET | Sales Document Item Category table | TRANSP | C |
86 | CRMC_NF_ADMIN | Runtime Administration settings | TRANSP | C |
87 | CRMC_NF_BOR_HNDL | Customizing for Ref BOR objects | TRANSP | G |
88 | CRMC_NF_CHN_DEF | Customizing Channels for Simple Subscriptions | TRANSP | G |
89 | CRMC_NF_CHN_TYPE | Output Channels for Notification Framework | TRANSP | G |
90 | CRMC_NF_CN_TYP_T | Text table for Output Channel Types | TRANSP | G |
91 | CRMC_NF_FORM_DEF | Customizing Forms for Simple Subscriptions (Not Used) | TRANSP | G |
92 | CRMC_NF_MOD | Notification Framework: GENIL model table | TRANSP | S |
93 | CRMC_NF_OBJ | Notification Framework: GENIL object table | TRANSP | S |
94 | CRMC_NF_SEL_FLD | Notification Framework available UI filter fields | TRANSP | G |
95 | CRMC_NF_SEL_FL_T | Text Table for selection filters | TRANSP | G |
96 | CRMC_NF_SUBS_TYP | Subscriber Types for Notification Framework | TRANSP | G |
97 | CRMC_NF_SUB_TY_T | Text table for Output Channel Types | TRANSP | G |
98 | CRMC_NF_TXN_DEF | Customizing Transactions for Simple Subscriptions | TRANSP | G |
99 | CRMC_NIELSEN | Nielsen ID | TRANSP | C |
100 | CRMC_NIELSEN_T | Description: Nielsen ID | TRANSP | C |
101 | CRMC_NMIL_SUBMOD | Notification Manager Object Model | TRANSP | S |
102 | CRMC_NMIL_SUBOBJ | Notification Manager-Subscription - Objects | TRANSP | S |
103 | CRMC_NMMD_SUBMOD | Notification Manager Object Model | TRANSP | S |
104 | CRMC_NMMD_SUBOBJ | Notification Manager-Subscription - Objects | TRANSP | S |
105 | CRMC_NODE_MAP_CL | ESOA Node mapping class | TRANSP | G |
106 | CRMC_NOTIF | Notification Profile (Event-Based Notifications) | TRANSP | C |
107 | CRMC_NOTIF_EVENT | Notification Profile - Events | TRANSP | C |
108 | CRMC_NOTIF_T | Notification Profile - Text | TRANSP | C |
109 | CRMC_OBJECTS | Business Transaction - Component Type | TRANSP | E |
110 | CRMC_OBJECTS_GEN | Characteristics of Generic One Order Objects | TRANSP | E |
111 | CRMC_OBJECTS_T | Subobjects of CRM Document: Text Table | TRANSP | S |
112 | CRMC_OBJECT_ASSI | Transaction Object Type - Component Type - Assignment | TRANSP | E |
113 | CRMC_OBJECT_FUNC | Business Trans.: Assignment of Functions to Component Type | TRANSP | E |
114 | CRMC_OBJECT_TYPE | Table to store the Object Types | TRANSP | S |
115 | CRMC_OBJECT_TY_T | Object type names | TRANSP | S |
116 | CRMC_OBJGEN_BSP | Metadata for PC-UI Generation of View | TRANSP | E |
117 | CRMC_OBJIML_CLIL | Object Table for Gen. IL Sample Component - Impl. classes | TRANSP | E |
118 | CRMC_OBJIMP_ALIL | Object Table for Gen. IL alert Component - Impl. classes | TRANSP | E |
119 | CRMC_OBJIMP_BUIL | Object Table for Gen. IL Sample Component - Impl. classes | TRANSP | E |
120 | CRMC_OBJI_C_BUIL | Object Table for Gen. IL Sample Component - Impl. classes | TRANSP | C |
121 | CRMC_OBJLINKPF_D | Define SSC IC Object Linkage Profile | TRANSP | G |
122 | CRMC_OBJLINKPROF | Link SSC IC Object Linkage Profile to Object Linkage Types | TRANSP | G |
123 | CRMC_OBJLINKP_T | Text table for the table CRMC_OBJLINKPROF | TRANSP | G |
124 | CRMC_OBJLINKTYPE | Customizing table Object Linkage Type | TRANSP | G |
125 | CRMC_OBJLINKTY_D | Customizing table Object Linkage Type | TRANSP | G |
126 | CRMC_OBJLINKT_T | Translation Table for CRMC_OBJLINKTYPE | TRANSP | G |
127 | CRMC_OBJREF | Object Relationships - Customizing data | TRANSP | G |
128 | CRMC_OBJREF_PF | Object Relationship Profile IDs | TRANSP | G |
129 | CRMC_OBJREF_PF_T | Object Relationship Profiles and Texts | TRANSP | G |
130 | CRMC_OBJREF_S | Business Object Types allowed for relationship | TRANSP | S |
131 | CRMC_OBJREF_S_T | Text table for Objects allowed for relationships | TRANSP | S |
132 | CRMC_OBJREF_UI | Display of Relationships on the overview screen | TRANSP | G |
133 | CRMC_OBJS_MPIL | Object Table for Measuring Point Component | TRANSP | S |
134 | CRMC_OBJ_ACTJRNL | Activity Journals Interaction Layer Objects | TRANSP | S |
135 | CRMC_OBJ_ASSI_I | Transaction Item Object Type - Component Type - Assignment | TRANSP | E |
136 | CRMC_OBJ_ASSI_IC | Permitted Objects: EEW | TRANSP | E |
137 | CRMC_OBJ_AUIIL | Objects for AUI | TRANSP | S |
138 | CRMC_OBJ_BEAIL | Objects of BEA Components | TRANSP | E |
139 | CRMC_OBJ_BTIL | Objects | TRANSP | E |
140 | CRMC_OBJ_BTIL_C | Customer specific implementations for objects | TRANSP | C |
141 | CRMC_OBJ_BTMFIL | Objects of BTMF Components | TRANSP | E |
142 | CRMC_OBJ_BTXAIL | Business Transaction Assignment Interaction Layer Objects | TRANSP | E |
143 | CRMC_OBJ_CGENSIL | BOL Customizing Generic Simple | TRANSP | S |
144 | CRMC_OBJ_CIIL | BOL Object Table for Channel Inventory | TRANSP | S |
145 | CRMC_OBJ_CLIL | Call List Interaction Layer Objects | TRANSP | E |
146 | CRMC_OBJ_CLMIL | BOL Object Table for Call List | TRANSP | S |
147 | CRMC_OBJ_C_AM_IL | BOL Object Table Customizing Activity Management | TRANSP | S |
148 | CRMC_OBJ_C_LMIL | BOL Object Table for Loyalty Management applications ( Cust) | TRANSP | C |
149 | CRMC_OBJ_C_ROIL | BOL Object Table for RO | TRANSP | C |
150 | CRMC_OBJ_DESCR | Product Item Category | TRANSP | G |
151 | CRMC_OBJ_DESCR_T | Product Item Category - Texts | TRANSP | G |
152 | CRMC_OBJ_EDRIL | BOL Object Table for EDR | TRANSP | S |
153 | CRMC_OBJ_ERPIL | Objectmodel in genIL component ERP | TRANSP | E |
154 | CRMC_OBJ_FLD_GEN | Field Attributes of Generic One Order Objects | TRANSP | E |
155 | CRMC_OBJ_FUNC | Event Handler: Object Functions | TRANSP | E |
156 | CRMC_OBJ_FUNC_T | Business Trans.: Assignment of Functions to Component Type | TRANSP | E |
157 | CRMC_OBJ_IBIL | IBase Objects | TRANSP | S |
158 | CRMC_OBJ_JRNLTYP | Activity Journals Interaction Layer Objects (Template Types) | TRANSP | S |
159 | CRMC_OBJ_LIREP | Listing Analysis Report Object Table | TRANSP | S |
160 | CRMC_OBJ_LMIL | BOL Object Table for Loyalty Management applications | TRANSP | S |
161 | CRMC_OBJ_LOG | Customising Table for linking log profile to Business obj | TRANSP | C |
162 | CRMC_OBJ_PRCIL | Object Table for Generic Interaction Layer Pricing Component | TRANSP | S |
163 | CRMC_OBJ_PROFILE | CRMC Leasing Object Profile | TRANSP | G |
164 | CRMC_OBJ_ROIL | BOL Object Table for RO | TRANSP | S |
165 | CRMC_OBJ_SVYIL | GENIL Survey Objects | TRANSP | S |
166 | CRMC_OBJ_TPMIL | Case Management: Interaction Layer Objects | TRANSP | S |
167 | CRMC_OBJ_TTEIL | Object Table for Generic Interaction Layer TTE Component | TRANSP | S |
168 | CRMC_OBJ_TYPE | Useable Status Object Types in CRM Business Transaction | TRANSP | S |
169 | CRMC_OD_NM_MODEL | Notification Manager On-Demand Object Model | TRANSP | S |
170 | CRMC_OD_NM_OBJ | Notification Manager On-Demand - Objects | TRANSP | S |
171 | CRMC_OEM_MI_PT | Transaction Type for Integration of OEM Managed Inventory | TRANSP | C |
172 | CRMC_OFI_CONTROL | Control Table for Orgfinder | TRANSP | E |
173 | CRMC_OFI_CUST | Orgfinder Settings | TRANSP | C |
174 | CRMC_OIS_IB_REG | Object Information Sheet - Info Block: Registration | TRANSP | C |
175 | CRMC_OIS_IB_REGT | Object Information Sheet - Info Block: Text Table | TRANSP | C |
176 | CRMC_OIS_IB_VW | Object Information Sheet: Link Between View and Info Block | TRANSP | C |
177 | CRMC_OIS_RL_VW | Object Information Sheet: Link Between User Role and View | TRANSP | C |
178 | CRMC_OIS_TRIGGER | Object Information Sheet - Condition for Display | TRANSP | C |
179 | CRMC_OIS_VW_REG | Object Information Sheet - View: Registration | TRANSP | C |
180 | CRMC_OIS_VW_REGT | Object Information Sheet - View Text Table | TRANSP | C |
181 | CRMC_OMIL_EMPMOD | Complete Business Transaction Object Model | TRANSP | S |
182 | CRMC_OMIL_EMPOBJ | Organizational Management - Objects | TRANSP | S |
183 | CRMC_OMIL_MODEL | Complete Business Transaction Object Model | TRANSP | S |
184 | CRMC_OMIL_OBJ | Organizational Management - Objects | TRANSP | S |
185 | CRMC_OPPIMPOR | Opportunity Priority / Lead Priority | TRANSP | C |
186 | CRMC_OPPIMPOR_T | Opportunity Priority / Lead Priority: Texts | TRANSP | C |
187 | CRMC_OPPORT_H | Transaction Type - Opportunity Control Parameter | TRANSP | G |
188 | CRMC_OPPT_OD | Customizing table for Transaction type in Opportunity OData | TRANSP | C |
189 | CRMC_OPPT_TYPE | Opportunity Type | TRANSP | C |
190 | CRMC_OPPT_TYPE_T | Opportunity Types: Texts | TRANSP | C |
191 | CRMC_ORALL_ERPIL | Customer-defined Object Relations in genIL component ERP | TRANSP | C |
192 | CRMC_ORDERBLOCK | Effective Order Lock Reasons per Trans. Type | TRANSP | C |
193 | CRMC_ORDER_ARC | Archiving Control CRM One-Order | TRANSP | G |
194 | CRMC_ORDER_DEDUP | Customizing Deduplication Classes | TRANSP | G |
195 | CRMC_ORDER_DISP | IS-T: Display Profile for Contract Display | TRANSP | C |
196 | CRMC_ORDER_VIEW | Identification of the View | TRANSP | E |
197 | CRMC_ORDER_VIEWT | Texts for Defined Views | TRANSP | E |
198 | CRMC_ORDPPR_I_2 | Customizing Object List Screen with Installation | TRANSP | C |
199 | CRMC_ORDPPR_LAM | Customizing Object List Screen with Installation | TRANSP | C |
200 | CRMC_ORGPROF | CRM ORGMAN: Organizational Data Profile | TRANSP | G |
201 | CRMC_ORGPROFT | CRM ORGMAN: Description of Organizational Data Profile | TRANSP | G |
202 | CRMC_ORLALL_BTIL | Customer-defined Object Relations | TRANSP | C |
203 | CRMC_ORLSTA_BTIL | SAP Standard Object Relations | TRANSP | S |
204 | CRMC_ORLST_ERPIL | SAP Standard Object Relations in genIL Component ERP | TRANSP | S |
205 | CRMC_ORLTXT_BTIL | Object Relation Texts | TRANSP | C |
206 | CRMC_OR_BWID_MAP | OLTP Reporting - Mapping of report ids to artificial guids | TRANSP | S |
207 | CRMC_OR_BWSOURCE | OLTP Reporting - Function module name for reading BW reports | TRANSP | C |
208 | CRMC_OR_BW_AREAS | OLTP Reporting - Copy of BW Report Areas | TRANSP | S |
209 | CRMC_OR_BW_REP | OLTP Reporting - Copy of BW Reports for Report Search | TRANSP | S |
210 | CRMC_OR_BW_REP_A | OLTP Reporting - Copy of BW Reports and Their Report Areas | TRANSP | S |
211 | CRMC_OR_BW_REP_D | OLTP Reporting - Copy of BW Reports and Their Descriptions | TRANSP | S |
212 | CRMC_OR_BW_REP_T | OLTP Reporting - Copy of BW Reports and Their Titles | TRANSP | S |
213 | CRMC_OR_CNODEUI | Define Component Controller Context Node Mapping | TRANSP | E |
214 | CRMC_OR_DDOWN | OLTP Reports | TRANSP | E |
215 | CRMC_OR_DESCR | OLTP Reporting - Report Descriptions | TRANSP | E |
216 | CRMC_OR_DT_ACTN | actions for wizard steps | TRANSP | E |
217 | CRMC_OR_DT_ACT_T | translation table for CRMC_OR_WIZ_ACTN. | TRANSP | E |
218 | CRMC_OR_DT_STEP | Steps for wizard. | TRANSP | E |
219 | CRMC_OR_DT_ST_T | translation table for CRMC_OR_WIZ_STEP. | TRANSP | E |
220 | CRMC_OR_DT_WIZ | Wizard profile | TRANSP | E |
221 | CRMC_OR_DT_WIZAC | actions for wizard profile | TRANSP | E |
222 | CRMC_OR_DT_WIZST | steps for wizard profile | TRANSP | E |
223 | CRMC_OR_DT_WIZ_T | translation table for CRMC_OR_WIZ_PROF. | TRANSP | E |
224 | CRMC_OR_DYNDATES | Dynamic Date Periods for Filtering with Date Fields | TRANSP | E |
225 | CRMC_OR_EMBUI | Define Components | TRANSP | E |
226 | CRMC_OR_EMBUI_T | Define Component Descriptions | TRANSP | E |
227 | CRMC_OR_ITYPE | OLTP Reporting - InfoTypes | TRANSP | E |
228 | CRMC_OR_ITYPET | OLTP Reporting - InfoTypes | TRANSP | E |
229 | CRMC_OR_LOG | Report Log | TRANSP | E |
230 | CRMC_OR_MAP_RFW | OLTP Reporting - Copy of BW Reports for Report Search | TRANSP | S |
231 | CRMC_OR_PROFILE | Interactive Report Profile | TRANSP | E |
232 | CRMC_OR_REPFLD | OLTP Reporting - Report Fields | TRANSP | E |
233 | CRMC_OR_REPFLDT | OLTP Reporting - Report Fields | TRANSP | E |
234 | CRMC_OR_REPORT | OLTP Reports | TRANSP | E |
235 | CRMC_OR_REPPRO | OLTP Report Profile | TRANSP | C |
236 | CRMC_OR_REPPRO_T | OLTP Reports Profile Text | TRANSP | C |
237 | CRMC_OR_REP_PUBL | OLTP report: customizing table for publish | TRANSP | A |
238 | CRMC_OR_REP_ROLE | OLTP reporting: customizing table for report and role | TRANSP | A |
239 | CRMC_OR_RPTSCHAL | GENIL objects for report search | TRANSP | S |
240 | CRMC_OR_RPTSCHIM | Object Implementation for report search | TRANSP | S |
241 | CRMC_OR_TEXT | OLTP Reporting - InfoTypes | TRANSP | E |
242 | CRMC_OR_USERPER | Storing End User Interactive or HANA Live Repot Data | TRANSP | L |
243 | CRMC_OR_VIEW | OLTP Reports | TRANSP | E |
244 | CRMC_OST_SRV_OBJ | Open Services Tool: Service Object | TRANSP | C |
245 | CRMC_OUTBND_QRES | Loyalty Outbound Table For Storing the Residence Time | TRANSP | C |
246 | CRMC_PACK_TYPES | Utilities Package Types | TRANSP | C |
247 | CRMC_PARTNER_2CR | Mapping Table for R/3 Partner Roles to Partner Functions | TRANSP | G |
248 | CRMC_PARTNER_2R3 | Mapping Table for Partner Functions in R/3 | TRANSP | G |
249 | CRMC_PARTNER_AD | Table of Defined Access Sequences | TRANSP | G |
250 | CRMC_PARTNER_AS | Access Sequences | TRANSP | G |
251 | CRMC_PARTNER_AST | Description of Access Sequences | TRANSP | G |
252 | CRMC_PARTNER_CO | Business Partner from CRM | TRANSP | C |
253 | CRMC_PARTNER_DAD | default access sequences for partner determination | TRANSP | S |
254 | CRMC_PARTNER_FCT | Definition of Partner Functions | TRANSP | G |
255 | CRMC_PARTNER_FIL | Text Filter for Displaying Partner Data | TRANSP | S |
256 | CRMC_PARTNER_FIT | Filter for Displaying Partner Data | TRANSP | S |
257 | CRMC_PARTNER_FT | Description of Partner Functions | TRANSP | G |
258 | CRMC_PARTNER_FTT | Description of Partner Function Types | TRANSP | S |
259 | CRMC_PARTNER_MF | Master Data Required from a Partner Function Type | TRANSP | S |
260 | CRMC_PARTNER_OBJ | HR OBject Types in Partner Management | TRANSP | S |
261 | CRMC_PARTNER_PDA | Possible Partner Determination Procedure Applications | TRANSP | G |
262 | CRMC_PARTNER_PDD | Table of Defined partner Determination Procedures | TRANSP | G |
263 | CRMC_PARTNER_PDP | Partner Determination Procedure Definitions | TRANSP | G |
264 | CRMC_PARTNER_PDT | Description of Access Sequences | TRANSP | G |
265 | CRMC_PARTNER_PFA | Attribute Assignments of Partner Function Types | TRANSP | S |
266 | CRMC_PARTNER_PFR | Partner Function Category (settings) required in BOR Object | TRANSP | S |
267 | CRMC_PARTNER_PFT | Definition of Partner Function Types | TRANSP | S |
268 | CRMC_PARTNER_PS | Partner Function Sub-Categories | TRANSP | S |
269 | CRMC_PARTNER_PSA | Assignment between Partner Function Types and Subtypes | TRANSP | S |
270 | CRMC_PARTNER_PST | Description of Partner Function Types | TRANSP | S |
271 | CRMC_PARTNER_SET | Master Data Fragments Required for Function Types | TRANSP | S |
272 | CRMC_PARTY | Cancelling party | TRANSP | G |
273 | CRMC_PARTY_T | Description for cancelling party | TRANSP | G |
274 | CRMC_PAR_FCT_NAM | Corresponding names of partner functions | TRANSP | S |
275 | CRMC_PAYMFORM | When Due in Period | TRANSP | E |
276 | CRMC_PAYMFORM_T | Due Date in Period (Texts) | TRANSP | E |
277 | CRMC_PAYMSCHED | Payment Schedule Generation Method | TRANSP | G |
278 | CRMC_PAYMSCHED_T | Payment Schedule Generation Method (Texts) | TRANSP | G |
279 | CRMC_PAYM_DATA | Business Agreement: Profile for Payment Data | TRANSP | C |
280 | CRMC_PAYM_DATA_T | Text Table for CRMC_PAYM_DATA | TRANSP | C |
281 | CRMC_PAYM_METHOD | Payment Data Maintenance | TRANSP | C |
282 | CRMC_PAYM_PROFIL | FI-CA Payment Data Maintanance (obsolete) | TRANSP | G |
283 | CRMC_PCLDR_TRACE | Table for Controlling Trace Functionality in Calendar | TRANSP | S |
284 | CRMC_PDAY_SHIFT | Payment Date Adjustment | TRANSP | C |
285 | CRMC_PERF_SWITCH | Control Table for Performance-Relevant Functions | TRANSP | S |
286 | CRMC_PERI_COMPL | Customizing: Customer Interval for Returns | TRANSP | C |
287 | CRMC_PERSLST_EXT | Enhanced Personalization Data for Result List | TRANSP | A |
288 | CRMC_PERS_VIEW | Personalization specific to a view (config key) | TRANSP | A |
289 | CRMC_PER_TYPE | Period types | TRANSP | E |
290 | CRMC_PER_TYPE_T | Period Types: Texts | TRANSP | S |
291 | CRMC_PE_TYPE | Process Event Type | TRANSP | S |
292 | CRMC_PE_TYPE_T | Process Event Type Text | TRANSP | S |
293 | CRMC_PHASE | Opportunity Phase | TRANSP | C |
294 | CRMC_PHASE_T | Phase Texts | TRANSP | C |
295 | CRMC_PKGRL | Package Rule For Composite Transaction | TRANSP | E |
296 | CRMC_PKGRL_CP | Change Process Integration of Package Rules - CP | TRANSP | E |
297 | CRMC_PKGRL_CPFG | Change Process Integration of Package Rules - FG per CP | TRANSP | E |
298 | CRMC_PKGRL_FG | Field Group for Package Rules | TRANSP | E |
299 | CRMC_PLACJ_CUST | Planogram Activity Journal Customizing Table | TRANSP | G |
300 | CRMC_PLCUST | Planogram Customizing table | TRANSP | G |
301 | CRMC_PLGRPCUST | customizing table customer type / planning profile groups | TRANSP | C |
302 | CRMC_PLGRPPROD | Planning Profiles / Product Planning Basis Relation | TRANSP | C |
303 | CRMC_PLNK_KIND | Value Table for Domain CRM_PLNK_KIND | TRANSP | C |
304 | CRMC_PLNK_KIND_T | Text Table for CRMC_PLNK_KIND | TRANSP | C |
305 | CRMC_PLSRV | Relationship Types for Product Proposal Service | TRANSP | S |
306 | CRMC_PL_CATG | Planogram Activity Category Customizing Table | TRANSP | G |
307 | CRMC_PL_XML | Planogram -Product Attribute XML | TRANSP | G |
308 | CRMC_PMM_DIS_CON | Assignment of Price Conditions to Discounts | TRANSP | C |
309 | CRMC_PMM_DIS_T | Negotiable Additional Discounts Description | TRANSP | C |
310 | CRMC_PMM_DIS_TYP | Negotiable Discount Types | TRANSP | C |
311 | CRMC_PMM_PRC_CON | PMM map pricing elements to conditions | TRANSP | C |
312 | CRMC_PMM_PRICING | Assignment of price conditions to negotiable price/discount | TRANSP | C |
313 | CRMC_PMNTTRMS | Terms of Payment | TRANSP | C |
314 | CRMC_PMNTTRMS_T | Customers: Terms of Payment Texts | TRANSP | C |
315 | CRMC_PMNT_FAM | Payment Family | TRANSP | C |
316 | CRMC_PMNT_FAM_T | Payment Family Text db | TRANSP | C |
317 | CRMC_PNT_001 | Profile Assignment | TRANSP | C |
318 | CRMC_PNT_010 | Profile | TRANSP | C |
319 | CRMC_PNT_010_T | Profile: Text | TRANSP | C |
320 | CRMC_PNT_011 | Profile: Level | TRANSP | C |
321 | CRMC_PNT_020 | Activate Relationships by Transaction Type | TRANSP | C |
322 | CRMC_PNT_030 | Copying Type | TRANSP | C |
323 | CRMC_PNT_040 | Relnship Cat. | TRANSP | C |
324 | CRMC_PNT_040_T | Relationship Type: Text | TRANSP | C |
325 | CRMC_PNT_UI_001 | Display Variant Assignment: Header | TRANSP | C |
326 | CRMC_PNT_UI_001A | Display Variant Assignment: Navigation | TRANSP | C |
327 | CRMC_PNT_UI_002 | Display Variant Assignment: Item | TRANSP | C |
328 | CRMC_PNT_UI_010 | Layout | TRANSP | C |
329 | CRMC_PNT_UI_010T | Display Variant: Text | TRANSP | C |
330 | CRMC_PNT_UI_020 | Tree Variant | TRANSP | C |
331 | CRMC_PNT_UI_020T | Tree Variant: Text | TRANSP | C |
332 | CRMC_PNT_UI_021 | Tree Variant: Restrict Start Item Categories | TRANSP | C |
333 | CRMC_PNT_UI_022 | Tree Variant: Restrict Displayed Relations | TRANSP | C |
334 | CRMC_PNT_UI_023 | Tree Variant: Item Categories to Be Displayed at All Times | TRANSP | C |
335 | CRMC_PNT_UI_024 | Tree Variant: Restrict Displayed Subitems | TRANSP | C |
336 | CRMC_PNT_UI_030 | Display Variant: Filter Values for BAdI Implementations | TRANSP | E |
337 | CRMC_PNT_UI_030T | Display Variant: Filter Values for BAdI Impl. - Text | TRANSP | E |
338 | CRMC_PODCACTIV | Purchase Order Number Check: Activation | TRANSP | C |
339 | CRMC_PODCGROUP | Purchase Order Number Check: BP Group | TRANSP | C |
340 | CRMC_PODCGROUP_T | Purchase Order Number Check: BP Group (Texts) | TRANSP | C |
341 | CRMC_POINT_PROF | Point Profile | TRANSP | C |
342 | CRMC_POINT_PROFT | Loyalty Point type profile | TRANSP | C |
343 | CRMC_POOL_HEAD | Transaction Type - Pool Transaction Control Parameter | TRANSP | G |
344 | CRMC_POOL_ITEM | Transaction Type - Pool Contract Item Control Parameter | TRANSP | G |
345 | CRMC_POOL_LINK | CRM UBB: Dependencies: Item Categories and Transaction Types | TRANSP | G |
346 | CRMC_POOL_L_STYP | Assign Business Object to UBB Flow Category Usage | TRANSP | S |
347 | CRMC_POOL_TYPE | CRM BP Pool Type | TRANSP | C |
348 | CRMC_POOL_TYPE_T | Text Table CRM BP Pool Type | TRANSP | C |
349 | CRMC_POSCND | Map POS Condition Types to CRM Condition Types | TRANSP | C |
350 | CRMC_PPGROUP | Group of Business Appointment Categories | TRANSP | C |
351 | CRMC_PPGROUP_T | Text table 'Business Appointment Category Group' | TRANSP | C |
352 | CRMC_PPM_ALRT_SC | Scheduling table for alert execution | TRANSP | A |
353 | CRMC_PPM_FDMAP | Mapping between the PPM Filter Fields and OPP BOL Fields | TRANSP | S |
354 | CRMC_PPM_FISCVAR | Customizing table for PPM Fiscal Variants | TRANSP | C |
355 | CRMC_PPM_FOCUS | Customizing table for PPM "Focus of Selection" | TRANSP | C |
356 | CRMC_PPM_MODE | OBSOLETE - Contains flag for PPM application mode | TRANSP | C |
357 | CRMC_PPM_OPSPD | Opportunity Velocity | TRANSP | C |
358 | CRMC_PPM_OPSPD_T | Opportunity Velocity in sales cycle (texts) | TRANSP | C |
359 | CRMC_PPM_PAR_FCT | Queries for Partner Functions | TRANSP | S |
360 | CRMC_PPM_PCATE | CRM ORGMAN: Product Category Setup | TRANSP | C |
361 | CRMC_PPM_PCR | BW Customizing PCR | TRANSP | C |
362 | CRMC_PPM_QP_MOD | Model Table for PPM QP BOL | TRANSP | S |
363 | CRMC_PPM_QP_OBJ | Objects in PPM QP BOL/GENIL. | TRANSP | S |
364 | CRMC_PPM_VELRULE | Thresholds for Opportunity Velocity Rules | TRANSP | E |
365 | CRMC_PPORDER_MDL | Product Proposal Model | TRANSP | S |
366 | CRMC_PPORDER_OBJ | Product Proposal Properties | TRANSP | S |
367 | CRMC_PPROP_MDL | Product Proposal Model | TRANSP | S |
368 | CRMC_PPROP_OBJ | Product Proposal Properties | TRANSP | S |
369 | CRMC_PP_DP | product proposal view | TRANSP | C |
370 | CRMC_PP_DP_NM | Profile name | TRANSP | C |
371 | CRMC_PP_DP_NM_T | text table of Profile name | TRANSP | C |
372 | CRMC_PP_DP_T | text table of zliu_prof_vw | TRANSP | C |
373 | CRMC_PP_FILTER | Transaction Filter | TRANSP | C |
374 | CRMC_PP_FILT_ERP | Transaction Filter by ERP Sales Transactions | TRANSP | C |
375 | CRMC_PP_FL_NM | Order Filter name | TRANSP | C |
376 | CRMC_PP_FL_NM_T | text table of Order Filter name | TRANSP | C |
377 | CRMC_PP_GLOBAL | General Settings for Product Proposals | TRANSP | C |
378 | CRMC_PP_HST_TRAN | Display profile table | TRANSP | C |
379 | CRMC_PP_IC_HST | Product Proposal Profile (IC Web Client) | TRANSP | C |
380 | CRMC_PP_IC_HST_T | Product Proposal profile - text table | TRANSP | C |
381 | CRMC_PP_PROD_MAP | Package Plan Mapping | TRANSP | A |
382 | CRMC_PRCALL | ABAP Functions for Condition Types | TRANSP | E |
383 | CRMC_PRCALL_EX | ABAP Functions for Condition Types: Cond. to Be Transferred | TRANSP | E |
384 | CRMC_PRCATCNDFRL | Assignment of Condition Fields / Pricing-Relevant Hierarchy | TRANSP | E |
385 | CRMC_PRCATCNDGRP | Group for Category Condition Maintenance | TRANSP | G |
386 | CRMC_PRCATCNDGRT | Text Table for Group for Condition Maintenance | TRANSP | G |
387 | CRMC_PRCATCNDREL | Linking of Category Hierarchy / Pricing-Relevant Hierarchy | TRANSP | C |
388 | CRMC_PRCATCNDSPT | Text Table of Supported Pricing-Relevant Hierarchies | TRANSP | E |
389 | CRMC_PRCATCNDSUP | Supported Pricing-Relevant Hierarchies | TRANSP | E |
390 | CRMC_PRCATIL_OBJ | Objekte des Interaction Layer Produktkategorien | TRANSP | C |
391 | CRMC_PRCATIL_REL | Relations Between Objects of IL Product Categories | TRANSP | C |
392 | CRMC_PRCPROC_DET | Business Transaction - Calculation Schema Determination | TRANSP | C |
393 | CRMC_PRCTYPE_DET | Determination of Pricing Type | TRANSP | G |
394 | CRMC_PRC_GRP1 | Product Group 1 | TRANSP | C |
395 | CRMC_PRC_GRP1_T | Product Group 1: Description | TRANSP | C |
396 | CRMC_PRC_GRP2 | Product Group 2 | TRANSP | C |
397 | CRMC_PRC_GRP2_T | Product Group 2: Description | TRANSP | C |
398 | CRMC_PRC_GRP3 | Product Group 3 | TRANSP | C |
399 | CRMC_PRC_GRP3_T | Product Group 3: Description | TRANSP | C |
400 | CRMC_PRC_GRP4 | Product Group 4 | TRANSP | C |
401 | CRMC_PRC_GRP4_T | Product Group 4: Description | TRANSP | C |
402 | CRMC_PRC_GRP5 | Product Group 5 | TRANSP | C |
403 | CRMC_PRC_GRP5_T | Product Group 5: Description | TRANSP | C |
404 | CRMC_PRC_PRGRP | Conditions: Groups for Products | TRANSP | C |
405 | CRMC_PRC_PRGRP_T | Conditions: Groups for Products: Texts | TRANSP | C |
406 | CRMC_PRDACT_STA | Activity Status | TRANSP | C |
407 | CRMC_PRDCLAS | Classification | TRANSP | C |
408 | CRMC_PRDXI_TRIGG | Trigger XI outbound for product/product relations | TRANSP | C |
409 | CRMC_PRD_CHANGE | Product Data Changeability Dependent on Log. System via BAdI | TRANSP | C |
410 | CRMC_PRD_OBJSTYP | Define Object Subtype Determination | TRANSP | C |
411 | CRMC_PRD_OBJTYPE | Define Object Type Determination | TRANSP | C |
412 | CRMC_PRD_PSOBF | Object Families for Contract Object | TRANSP | C |
413 | CRMC_PREFILL_RFC | Customizing table for the RFCs used in pre-filling of SRVQ | TRANSP | C |
414 | CRMC_PRICEGRP | Conditions: Groups for Customer Classifications | TRANSP | C |
415 | CRMC_PRICEGRP_T | Conditions: Groups for Customer Classes: Texts | TRANSP | C |
416 | CRMC_PRICELIST | Pricing: Price List Categories | TRANSP | C |
417 | CRMC_PRICELIST_T | Conditions: Price List Categories: Texts | TRANSP | C |
418 | CRMC_PRIL_COMP | Components assigned to product type | TRANSP | S |
419 | CRMC_PRIL_IL | Customizing Table for Relationship Type Interface | TRANSP | E |
420 | CRMC_PRIL_METHOD | Methods for Objects of Product Interaction Layer | TRANSP | E |
421 | CRMC_PRIL_OBCLAS | Assigning Handling Class to Object | TRANSP | S |
422 | CRMC_PRIL_OBJ | Assignment of Interaction Layer Objects to CRM Objects | TRANSP | E |
423 | CRMC_PRIL_OBJREL | Object Model with Dynamic Object Relationships | TRANSP | E |
424 | CRMC_PRIL_OBJTXT | Object Relations Description | TRANSP | E |
425 | CRMC_PRIL_STOREL | Definition of Static Object Relations | TRANSP | E |
426 | CRMC_PRIL_UIU | Overview Pages Assign. for Objects (Settype / Relation) | TRANSP | E |
427 | CRMC_PRMAP_001 | Condition Mapping Using Search Strategies | TRANSP | C |
428 | CRMC_PRN_CONTR2 | BP Print Control: objects | TRANSP | G |
429 | CRMC_PRN_CONTROL | Print Control Table for WebClient | TRANSP | G |
430 | CRMC_PROCAT_FIEL | Table of Process Indicators for Controlling C3Sales | TRANSP | C |
431 | CRMC_PROCAT_STAT | User Status-Dependent Transaction Control | TRANSP | C |
433 | CRMC_PROCESS_ATT | Characteristics of Installment Calculation Procedure | TRANSP | G |
435 | CRMC_PROCESS_FM | Installment Calculation Procedure | TRANSP | G |
436 | CRMC_PROCESS_FMR | Distrib.Chain-Dependent Properties of Install.Calc.Procedure | TRANSP | C |
437 | CRMC_PROCESS_FMT | Process Indicator for Financial Mathematics | TRANSP | G |
438 | CRMC_PROCESS_O1 | Sub-Pricing Process | TRANSP | G |
439 | CRMC_PROCESS_O1T | Sub-Pricing Process - Text Table | TRANSP | G |
440 | CRMC_PROCESS_OP | Pricing Process | TRANSP | G |
441 | CRMC_PROCESS_OPR | Pricing Process (Assignment SalesOrg, DChan) | TRANSP | C |
442 | CRMC_PROCESS_OPT | Process Indicator | TRANSP | G |
443 | CRMC_PROCESS_PR | Installment Calculation Profile | TRANSP | G |
444 | CRMC_PROCESS_PRT | Installment Calculation Profile (Texts) | TRANSP | G |
445 | CRMC_PROCTYPE_T | Transaction Types: Texts | TRANSP | G |
446 | CRMC_PROC_CATTYP | Defines process type to category type | TRANSP | G |
447 | CRMC_PROC_DP_CTX | Dispatching Rule for Process Type | TRANSP | C |
448 | CRMC_PROC_LFRQ | Transaction Types in Simplified Quotation Entry | TRANSP | C |
449 | CRMC_PROC_MOD | ESSC: Generic Interface Layer Model for Process Search | TRANSP | S |
450 | CRMC_PROC_OBJ | ESSC: Generic Interface Layer Objects for Process Search | TRANSP | S |
451 | CRMC_PROC_TYPE | Business Transaction Type | TRANSP | G |
452 | CRMC_PROC_TYPE_T | Transaction Types: Texts | TRANSP | G |
453 | CRMC_PRODUCT_UI | Customizing for Product UI | TRANSP | C |
454 | CRMC_PROD_DEF | Product default date ranges | TRANSP | C |
455 | CRMC_PROD_PROP | Product proposal assignment | TRANSP | C |
456 | CRMC_PROD_PROP_T | Product proposal assignment | TRANSP | C |
457 | CRMC_PROD_P_ERP | Product proposal assignment to ERP Document Types | TRANSP | C |
458 | CRMC_PROF_ACT | FI-CA Action Profiles (Profile-Based) | TRANSP | G |
459 | CRMC_PROF_SPLI | FI-CA Action Profiles (obsolete) | TRANSP | G |
460 | CRMC_PROV_HIST | Customizing table of BRF events for contract history in IC | TRANSP | G |
461 | CRMC_PROV_LENITM | Stores Supported Provider Order Lean Items | TRANSP | G |
462 | CRMC_PROV_ORDER | Provider Order settings | TRANSP | G |
463 | CRMC_PROV_SC | Settings for Provider Order/Solution Configuration | TRANSP | G |
464 | CRMC_PRP_APPL | Applications for Partner/Product Ranges (PPRs) | TRANSP | S |
465 | CRMC_PRP_APPLT | Descriptions of Applications for Partner/Product Ranges | TRANSP | S |
466 | CRMC_PRP_BADICHK | BADI Definitions for Partner/Product Range (PPR) Checks | TRANSP | S |
467 | CRMC_PRP_CNDTK | PPR Org. Data Reference Types for PPR Types | TRANSP | E |
468 | CRMC_PRP_CTRL | Overall Control Table for Partner/Product Ranges (PPRs) | TRANSP | C |
469 | CRMC_PRP_FC | Partner/Product Range Field Check Attributes | TRANSP | S |
470 | CRMC_PRP_IF | Names of PPR User Interface Structures | TRANSP | S |
471 | CRMC_PRP_I_CAT | PPR Item Category Maintenance | TRANSP | E |
472 | CRMC_PRP_I_CATT | PRP Item Category Description | TRANSP | E |
473 | CRMC_PRP_LISTAPL | Define PPR Applications for Listing Maintenance | TRANSP | C |
474 | CRMC_PRP_LISTING | Define PPR Types relevant for a given Listing Type | TRANSP | C |
475 | CRMC_PRP_MAPPING | Mapping Entries of the PPR Interaction Layer | TRANSP | S |
476 | CRMC_PRP_OBJ | PPR Sub-Object Type | TRANSP | S |
477 | CRMC_PRP_OBJ_T | PPR Sub-Object Type Descriptions | TRANSP | S |
478 | CRMC_PRP_OC | Transaction Types Relevant for the PPR Check | TRANSP | C |
479 | CRMC_PRP_OC_APPL | Applications Relevant for the PPR Check | TRANSP | C |
480 | CRMC_PRP_OC_APRT | PPR Types Relevant for a PPR Check-Relevant Application | TRANSP | C |
481 | CRMC_PRP_OC_REFT | PPR Types Relevant for a PPR Check-Relevant Transaction Type | TRANSP | C |
482 | CRMC_PRP_PAR_I | PPR Rule Parameters | TRANSP | E |
483 | CRMC_PRP_PAR_IF | PPR Rule Parameter Objects (Tablename and Fieldname) | TRANSP | E |
484 | CRMC_PRP_PAR_IT | PPR Rule Parameter Descriptions | TRANSP | E |
485 | CRMC_PRP_RANK | Definition of Ranks for Partner/Product Ranges (PPRs) | TRANSP | C |
486 | CRMC_PRP_RANK_P | Definition of PPR Rank Profiles | TRANSP | C |
487 | CRMC_PRP_RANK_PR | PPR Rank Assignments for PPR Rank Profile | TRANSP | C |
488 | CRMC_PRP_RANK_PT | PPR Rank Profile Desscriptions | TRANSP | C |
489 | CRMC_PRP_RANK_T | PPR Rank Descriptions | TRANSP | C |
490 | CRMC_PRP_REFTYP | PPR Sub-Object Type - Reference Types | TRANSP | S |
491 | CRMC_PRP_REFTYPT | PPR Sub-Object Type - Reference Type Descriptions | TRANSP | S |
492 | CRMC_PRP_RPT | PPR Reference Types for PPR Types | TRANSP | E |
493 | CRMC_PRP_RULE_I | PPR Business Rules | TRANSP | E |
494 | CRMC_PRP_RULE_IT | PPR Business Rule Descriptions | TRANSP | E |
495 | CRMC_PRP_SET | PPR Set Type Attributes per Reference Type: UI Display Mode | TRANSP | E |
496 | CRMC_PRP_SETTYPE | SAP-delivered PPR Set Types | TRANSP | S |
497 | CRMC_PRP_SORT | PPR Sorting Routine Determination | TRANSP | E |
498 | CRMC_PRP_SORTT | PPR Sorting Routine Determination Descriptions | TRANSP | E |
499 | CRMC_PRP_TYPES | Definition of Partner/Product Range Types (PPR Types) | TRANSP | E |
500 | CRMC_PRP_TYPEST | PPR Type Descriptions | TRANSP | E |