SAP ABAP Table - Index C, page 34
Table - C
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
2 CVLC14 VELO : Action Determination via External Status TRANSP C
3 CVLC15 VELO : External Status TRANSP C
4 CVLC15T VELO : Texts for CVLC15 TRANSP C
5 CVLC16 VELO : Assignment of Qualifiers to Actions TRANSP C
6 CVLC17 VELO : Assignment of Vehicle Attributes to Actions TRANSP G
7 CVLC18 VELO : Vehicle Search Area TRANSP C
9 CVLC18V VELO : Vehicle Search Area - Sales Organization TRANSP C
10 CVLC18W VELO : Vehicle Search Area - Plant TRANSP C
11 CVLC19 VELO : Define VMS Roles TRANSP C
12 CVLC19T VELO : Text for CVLC19 TRANSP C
13 CVLC20 VELO : Filter Definition iBASE => LiveCache TRANSP A
14 CVLC21 VELO : Assign Categories TRANSP C
15 CVLC22 VELO : Assign Message Determination Schema to Plant TRANSP C
16 CVLC23 VELO: Assign Organization Data to VMS Roles TRANSP A
17 CVLC24 VELO : Assign Vehicle Model to VMS Roles TRANSP A
18 CVLC25 VELO : Assign User to VMS Roles TRANSP A
19 CVLC26 VELO : Assign Own Dialog Messages TRANSP G
20 CVLC27 VELO : Access Authorization During Vehicle Search TRANSP C
21 CVLC27T VELO : Texts for CVLC27 TRANSP C
22 CVLC29 VELO: Search Views TRANSP C
23 CVLC29T VELO : Test for CVLC29 TRANSP C
24 CVLC30 VMS calculation sheet profile TRANSP C
25 CVLC30T Description of the VMS calculation sheet profile TRANSP C
26 CVLC31 Assignment of calculation sheet section to the VMS action TRANSP C
27 CVLC32 Actions that can modify calc.sheet step TRANSP C
28 CVLCQUA VELO : Define Qualifiers TRANSP C
30 CVLC_CHAR_LINK VELO : Assigning Class Characteristics to BW Characteristics TRANSP A
31 CVLC_TSTMP VELO : Time of Last BW Extraction TRANSP A
32 CVSE_APPL Application specific settings for SE document search TRANSP S
33 CVSE_APPLT Texts application specific settings for SE document search TRANSP S
34 CVSE_APPL_DOKOB Object assignments for each search application TRANSP S
37 CVSE_INDX User specific settings for document search TRANSP L
38 CVSE_INDX_FIELDS Index fields for search engine index TRANSP C
39 CVT1 Cluster VERI-Table CLUSTER L
40 CVT2 Clustertabelle für VERIs (SELECT mit Sonderz. und Blanks) CLUSTER L
41 CVT3 Cluster VERI-Table CLUSTER L
42 CWBCICATTR Attributes set by customer for correction instructions TRANSP W
43 CWBCICONFIRMLOC Correction Instruction: Confirmation Non-Transportable Act. TRANSP W
44 CWBCIDATA Compressed data on correction instructions TRANSP W
45 CWBCIDATAOBJ Compressed data on correction instructions TRANSP W
46 CWBCIDPNDC Dependencies of correction instructions TRANSP W
47 CWBCIFIXED Delivery event processed correction instructions TRANSP W
48 CWBCIHEAD Header data for correction instructions TRANSP W
49 CWBCIINVLD Release interval for which corr. instructions are invalid TRANSP W
50 CWBCIOBJ Object list of correction instructions with TADIR key TRANSP W
51 CWBCIVALID Validity table for correction instructions TRANSP W
52 CWBCMLAST Software component last update TRANSP W
53 CWBCMPNT Software components TRANSP W
54 CWBCMTEXT Software components short text TRANSP W
55 CWBDEEQUIV Equivalent delivery events (a is included in b) TRANSP W
56 CWBDEHEAD Delivery event (release/Support Package) TRANSP W
57 CWBDEPRDC Predecessor of a delivery event TRANSP W
58 CWBDETRACK Delivery track TRANSP W
59 CWBMODILOG Log of Customer Modifications to Dev. Env. Objects TRANSP W
60 CWBNTCI Assignment of Note to correction instructions TRANSP W
61 CWBNTCONT Data container for release data on the SAP Note TRANSP W
62 CWBNTCUST Customer attribute for Note TRANSP W
63 CWBNTDATA Compressed data for OSS Notes TRANSP W
64 CWBNTFIXED SAP Note completed by delivery event TRANSP W
65 CWBNTGATTR Table for Any Note Attributes TRANSP W
66 CWBNTHEAD Header table for OSS Notes in customer systems TRANSP W
67 CWBNTLOG Assignment to log file TRANSP W
68 CWBNTMSG SAP Notes Message Log TRANSP W
69 CWBNTSTATT Texts: Processing Status of SAP Notes TRANSP W
70 CWBNTSTATV Fixed Values for Processing Status TRANSP W
71 CWBNTSTXT Short text for a Note TRANSP W
72 CWBNTVALID Validity table for Notes TRANSP W
73 CWBPRSTATT Texts Implementation Status TRANSP W
74 CWBPRSTATV Implementation Status of SAP Notes TRANSP W
75 CWBRFCCACH Cache for Request Data from Remote Systems TRANSP L
76 CWBRFCUSR Overwrite RFC Connection for Certain Users TRANSP L
77 CWBVDBSCFG Note Impl. Test: Configuration for Version Database System TRANSP W
78 CWB_HIST_D Correction Workbench: History Data TRANSP W
79 CWB_HIST_H Correction Workbench: History Header TRANSP W
80 CWB_HIST_O Correction Workbench: History Object Data TRANSP W
81 CWB_OPTIONS_DEF User-specific options for the Engineering Workbench TRANSP A
82 CWB_SEL_VARIANTS EWB: User-Specific Initial Variants TRANSP A
83 CWB_SEL_VAR_DEF EWB: User-defined settings for selection variants TRANSP A
84 CWB_SEL_VAR_ROOT EWB: All selection variants TRANSP A
85 CWB_SEL_VAR_TXT EWB: Descriptions (meanings) of selection variants in EWB TRANSP A
86 CWB_SP_WOV Support Package without Version TRANSP W
87 CWB_WORKAREA_DEF EWB: User-Dependent Initial Variants TRANSP A
88 CWD_CRD_SCALE Campaign Weighing Control Recipe Dest. to Scale mapping TRANSP C
89 CWD_EQUI_CLASS Campaign Weighing Equipment Class and Characteristics TRANSP C
90 CWD_MATERIAL Campaign Weighing Component Materials TRANSP C
91 CWTY000 General Settings for Warranty Processing TRANSP C
92 CWTY001 Claim Types Warranty Claim TRANSP G
93 CWTY001T Description Warranty Claim Type TRANSP G
94 CWTY002 Version Copy Control Warranty Claim TRANSP G
95 CWTY003 Decision Codes Warranty Claim TRANSP G
96 CWTY003M Assignment Table Reimbursing Party - Claimant Decision TRANSP G
97 CWTY003T Decision Codes Warranty Claim: Texts TRANSP G
98 CWTY004 Status for Parts that Have to Be Returned TRANSP G
99 CWTY004T Texts for Parts Statuses TRANSP C
100 CWTY005 Reference type TRANSP G
101 CWTY005T Reference Type Text TRANSP C
102 CWTY006 Warranty Claim Groups TRANSP C
103 CWTY006T Texts for Warranty Claim Groups TRANSP C
104 CWTY008 Characteristics for Warranty TRANSP G
105 CWTY009 Reference Objects TRANSP G
106 CWTY010 SubObjectType for Recall Campaigns TRANSP G
107 CWTY010T Subobject Types for Recall Campaigns - Texts TRANSP G
108 CWTY011 Item Types TRANSP G
109 CWTY011T Descriptions Item Type TRANSP C
110 CWTY012 Item Types Group TRANSP G
111 CWTY012T Description Item Types Group TRANSP C
112 CWTY012Z Assignment Item Type - Item Types Group TRANSP G
113 CWTY014 Condition Types for Auxiliary Account Assignment TRANSP G
114 CWTY020 Control Parameters for Master Warranty Check TRANSP C
115 CWTY07MS1 Definition of Message Grouping TRANSP G
116 CWTY07MS1T Text for Message Groups TRANSP G
117 CWTY07MS2 Determination of Popup Messages TRANSP G
118 CWTYA01 Definition of the Actions of the Warranty Claim TRANSP G
119 CWTYA01T Description of the Actions of the Warranty Claim TRANSP G
120 CWTYA02 Definition of Action Calls TRANSP G
121 CWTYA03 Definition of Action Control TRANSP G
122 CWTYA03T Description of Action Profiles TRANSP G
123 CWTYA04 Action Matrix TRANSP G
124 CWTYA05 Definition of Processing Status of Warranty Claim TRANSP G
125 CWTYA05T Description of Processing Status of Warranty Claim TRANSP G
126 CWTYA06 Manual Assignement of Function Code to Action Code TRANSP G
127 CWTYA08 Warranty: Button Profile TRANSP G
128 CWTYA08T Warranty: Button Profile Text Table TRANSP G
129 CWTYA09 Link Table Button Profile - Action Profile TRANSP G
130 CWTYA11 Warranty Claim: Keyboard Combinations TRANSP S
131 CWTYA12 Link Internal Functions with Profile TRANSP G
132 CWTYA12T Texts for Pushbutton Profile Functions TRANSP G
133 CWTYC01 Version Copy Control Warranty Claim TRANSP G
134 CWTYC02 Copy Profile for Warranty Claim TRANSP G
135 CWTYC02T Description of Copy Profile for Warranty Claim TRANSP G
136 CWTYC03 Copy Profile for Warranty Claim TRANSP G
137 CWTYR06 Connection Message - Decision - Processing Mode TRANSP G
138 CWTYVS Activation Table for Validation/Substitution TRANSP A
139 CXF_ATSP Attribute Spec. TRANSP A
140 CXM_ESCH EasySPEC Characteristic TRANSP A
142 CXM_ESCS EasySPEC Classification TRANSP A
143 CXM_ESIH EasySPEC Inheritance Hierarchy TRANSP A
144 CYOPR_MOVE Order-/operation data TRANSP L
145 CYTSTR_TAB Time stream keys TRANSP S