SAP ABAP Table - Index C, page 9
Table - C
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 CMW_MBA_NEWLIST Table containing all Groupware Relevant SMTP Addresses TRANSP A
3 CMW_MBFLOW MEP flow definitions TRANSP G
7 CMW_MBSCENAR Dataset and scenario TRANSP G
9 CMW_QTAB_BUPA_MA Table containing Queue Name for BUPA_MAIN download to GW TRANSP S
10 CMX_DA_REG Manufacturing Data Access: Registration Entries TRANSP L
11 CMX_ISE_EVTQUEUE Intersession Events:Event Queue (Cluster,Shared Memory Only) TRANSP L
12 CMX_ISE_REG Intersession Events: Registration Table TRANSP L
13 CMX_XSE_DB_PERS XSEditor: Personalization Data TRANSP L
14 CMX_XSE_DB_WIZ XSEditor: Wizards TRANSP E
15 CMX_XSE_DB_WIZT XSEditor: Descriptions for Wizards TRANSP E
16 CMX_XSE_DB_XPG XSEditor: External Plug-Ins TRANSP E
17 CMX_XSE_DB_XPGT XSEditor: Descriptions of External Plug-Ins TRANSP E
18 CMX_XSR_CT_SETS SXS Repository: Customizing Settings TRANSP C
19 CMX_XSR_DB_AUTH Standard Execution Step Repository: Authorization Group TRANSP C
20 CMX_XSR_DB_AUTXT SXS Repository: Texts for Authorization Group TRANSP C
21 CMX_XSR_DB_CLOG XSteps: Change Log TRANSP A
22 CMX_XSR_DB_FOLD Standard Execution Step Repository: Folder TRANSP A
23 CMX_XSR_DB_FOLDT Standard Execution Step Repository: Texts for Folder TRANSP A
24 CMX_XSR_DB_ITEM Standard Execution Step Repository: Items TRANSP A
25 CMX_XSR_DB_ITEMT Standard Execution Step Repository: Texts for Items TRANSP A
26 CMX_XSR_DB_VERS Standard Execution Step Repository: Versions TRANSP A
27 CMX_XSR_DS_META Metadata Table for Digital Signature for SXS Versions TRANSP A
28 CMX_XSR_VER_SIGN Metadata Table for Digital Signatures for SXS Versions TRANSP A
29 CMX_XS_CT_SETS SXS Repository: Cross-Plant Customizing TRANSP C
30 CMX_XS_C_TL_PIC XSteps: Translatable Process Instruction Characteristics TRANSP G
31 CMX_XS_DB_APP XSteps: Application TRANSP E
32 CMX_XS_DB_APPC XSteps: DB Table for Context Key of the Application TRANSP E
33 CMX_XS_DB_APPT XSteps: Decriptions of the Application TRANSP E
34 CMX_XS_DB_ARI XSteps: Property Index of the Applications TRANSP E
35 CMX_XS_DB_ARIT XSteps: Descriptions for Property Index of the Applications TRANSP E
36 CMX_XS_DB_ARP XSteps: Fields for Property Index of the Applications TRANSP E
37 CMX_XS_DB_HDEL XSteps: Historical Nodes with Deletion States (if Reorg.) TRANSP A
38 CMX_XS_DB_HIST XSteps: Historical Objects (Change Status) TRANSP A
39 CMX_XS_DB_HOBJ XSteps: Historical Objects (Status Table) TRANSP A
40 CMX_XS_DB_HREL XSteps: Links to Historical Objects (Relationships) TRANSP A
41 CMX_XS_DB_INSTR XSteps: Process Instructions Table TRANSP A
42 CMX_XS_DB_INSTRT XSteps: Texts for Process Instruction Table TRANSP A
43 CMX_XS_DB_META XSteps: Metadata TRANSP A
44 CMX_XS_DB_METAT XSteps: Texts for Metadata TRANSP A
45 CMX_XS_DB_NOBJ XSteps: Non-Historic Objects (Table of States) TRANSP A
46 CMX_XS_DB_NREL XSteps: Links to Non-Historic Objects (Relationships) TRANSP A
47 CMX_XS_DB_PRED XSteps: Predecessor TRANSP A
48 CMX_XS_DB_PREX XSteps: Predecessor before the Generation TRANSP A
49 CMX_XS_DB_PS XSteps: Parameter, Definition in DB Format SMALL TRANSP A
50 CMX_XS_DB_PSL XSteps: Parameter, LIVE Data in DB Format SMALL TRANSP A
51 CMX_XS_DB_PSLT XSteps: Texts for Parameters, LIVE Data in DB Format SMALL TRANSP A
52 CMX_XS_DB_PST XSteps: Texts for Parameters in DB Format SMALL TRANSP A
53 CMX_XS_DB_REF XSteps: Step References Table TRANSP A
54 CMX_XS_DB_REFT XSteps: Texts for Step Reference Table TRANSP A
55 CMX_XS_DB_ROOT XSteps: Step Root TRANSP A
56 CMX_XS_DB_ROOTT XSteps: Texts for Step Root TRANSP A
57 CMX_XS_DB_STEP XSteps: Step Table TRANSP A
58 CMX_XS_DB_STEPT XSteps: Text for Step Table TRANSP A
59 CMX_XS_DB_TREE XSteps: Tree Characteristics TRANSP A
60 CMX_XS_DB_VL XSteps: Values in DB Format LARGE TRANSP A
61 CMX_XS_DB_VLT XSteps: Texts for Values in DB Format LARGE TRANSP A
62 CMX_XS_DB_VM XSteps: Values in DB Format MEDIUM TRANSP A
63 CMX_XS_DB_VMT XSteps: Texts for Values in DB Format MEDIUM TRANSP A
64 CMX_XS_DB_VS XSteps: Values in DB Format SMALL TRANSP A
65 CMX_XS_DB_VST XSteps: Texts for Values in DB Format SMALL TRANSP A
66 CMX_XS_DB_XAV XSteps: BAdI Exits, Variants for BAdI Implementations TRANSP E
67 CMX_XS_DB_XAVD XSteps: BAdI Exits, Standard BAdI Variants TRANSP E
68 CMX_XS_DB_XAVT XSteps: BAdI Exits, Descriptions for Variants TRANSP E
69 CMX_XS_DB_XCC XSteps: BAdI Exits, Categories for Custom Node Types TRANSP E
70 CMX_XS_DB_XCCT XSteps: BAdI Exits, Descriptions for Custom Node Categories TRANSP E
71 CMX_XS_DB_XCT XSteps: BAdI Exits, Custom Node Types TRANSP E
72 CMX_XS_DB_XCTT XSteps: BAdI Exits, Descriptions for Custom Node Types TRANSP E
73 CMX_XS_DB_XDC XSteps: BAdI Exits, Data Categories TRANSP E
74 CMX_XS_DB_XDCT XSteps: BAdI Exits, Descriptions of Data Catagories TRANSP E
75 CMX_XS_DB_XDTY XSteps: BAdI Exits, Destination Types TRANSP E
76 CMX_XS_DB_XDTYT XSteps: BADI Exits, Descriptions of Destination Types TRANSP E
77 CMX_XS_DB_XGN XSteps: BAdI Exits, Scopes of Generation TRANSP E
78 CMX_XS_DB_XGNT XSteps: BAdI Exits, Descriptions for Scopes of Generation TRANSP E
79 CMX_XS_DB_XGR XSteps: BADI Exits, Use of Scopes of Generation TRANSP E
80 CMX_XS_DB_XGS XSteps: BAdI Exits, Source Fields for Scopes of Generation TRANSP E
81 CMX_XS_DB_XNS XSteps: BAdI Exits, Namespaces TRANSP E
82 CMX_XS_DB_XNSC XSteps: BAdI Exits, Release of Namespaces in Client TRANSP C
83 CMX_XS_DB_XNST XSteps: BADI Exits, Descriptions for Namespaces TRANSP E
84 CMX_XS_DB_XRP XSteps: BAdI Exits, Repositories TRANSP E
85 CMX_XS_DB_XRPT XSteps: BADI Exits, Descriptions for Repositories TRANSP E
86 CMX_XS_DB_XSY XSteps: BAdI Exits, Valuation Symbols TRANSP E
87 CMX_XS_DB_XSYT XSteps: BAdI Exits, Descriptions for Valuation Symbols TRANSP E
88 CNCCRMPRSAP00055 Regulierer Int.Verrechnung/Billing Unit/Product GUID TRANSP A
89 CNCCRMPRSAP00056 Regulierer Int.Verrechnung/Billing Unit TRANSP A
90 CNCCRMPRSAP00064 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Division/Hierarchy TRANSP A
91 CNCCRMPRSAP00065 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Division/Hier./Prod. TRANSP A
92 CNCCRMPRSAP00070 Lock Reason/Product for Provider Orders TRANSP A
94 CNCCRMPRSAP00081 Product GUID/Sold-to party/Point Type TRANSP A
95 CNCCRMPRSAP00082 Product GUID/Point Type TRANSP A
96 CNCCRMPRSAP00089 Contract header TRANSP A
97 CNCCRMPRSAP00090 Contract Item/Product TRANSP A
98 CNCCRMPRSAP00091 Contract Item/Product Group TRANSP A
99 CNCCRMPRSAP00098 Contract Item/SC Key TRANSP A
100 CNCCRMPRSAP00099 Contract Item TRANSP A
101 CNCCRMPRSAP004 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Product TRANSP A
102 CNCCRMPRSAP00419 Source/Dept.Country/TaxGroup/HandlingType/Dept.Region TRANSP A
103 CNCCRMPRSAP005 Sales Org./Distribution Channel/Sold-to Party/Product TRANSP A
104 CNCCRMPRSAP006 SORg/Dist. Chnl/Price List/Currency/Prod. TRANSP A
105 CNCCRMPRSAP007 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Division/Sold-to Pty TRANSP A
106 CNCCRMPRSAP009 Sales Organization ID/Distribution Channel TRANSP A
107 CNCCRMPRSAP01001 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Process/Product GUID TRANSP A
108 CNCCRMPRSAP01002 Sales Org./Dis. Chan./Prod. GUID/Lock Reaso TRANSP A
109 CNCCRMPRSAP01003 Sales Org./Dis. Chan./Dura/Time unit/Prod. GUID TRANSP A
110 CNCCRMPRSAP01004 Sales Org./Dis. Chan./Dura/Time unit/ GUID TRANSP A
111 CNCCRMPRSAP020 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Division/Price Grp TRANSP A
112 CNCCRMPRSAP029 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Product Group TRANSP A
113 CNCCRMPRSAP030 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Sold-to Party/ProdGr TRANSP A
114 CNCCRMPRSAP031 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Price Group/Product TRANSP A
115 CNCCRMPRSAP032 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Price Group/Product TRANSP A
116 CNCCRMPRSAP033 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Division/Incoterms TRANSP A
117 CNCCRMPRSAP034 SOrg/DChnl/Division/Inco. 1/Inco. 2 TRANSP A
118 CNCCRMPRSAP057 Sales Organization/Dist.Chnl/Product/SC Key TRANSP A
119 CNCCRMPRSAP0PCTA Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Category GUID TRANSP A
121 CNCCRMPRSAP100 SlsOrg/DChnl/Pr.Prd. HP/Product TRANSP A
122 CNCCRMPRSAP10001 Sales Org./Dis. Chan./Prod./Process/Main Prod/Score/SalesBdl TRANSP A
123 CNCCRMPRSAP100D Condition Table TRANSP A
124 CNCCRMPRSAP100DP Condition Table TRANSP A
125 CNCCRMPRSAP100U Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Prod. GUID/Price Vers TRANSP A
126 CNCCRMPRSAP100V Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./ GUID/Price Vers TRANSP A
127 CNCCRMPRSAP102 Sales Organization/Dist.Chnl/Prod.Gr.Main Item/Product TRANSP A
128 CNCCRMPRSAP12000 GUID/Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/Prod. GUID TRANSP A
129 CNCCRMPRSAP12001 GUID/Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/Customer/Prod. Seg. TRANSP A
130 CNCCRMPRSAP12002 GUID/Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/Node GUID/Prod. Seg. TRANSP A
131 CNCCRMPRSAP12100 CGPL_GUID/Sold-to party/Product GUID TRANSP A
132 CNCCRMPRSAP12101 CGPL_GUID/Sold-to party/Category GUID TRANSP A
133 CNCCRMPRSAP12102 CGPL_GUID/Sold-to party/Product Group 1 TRANSP A
134 CNCCRMPRSAP12104 CGPL_GUID/Sold-to party/Main group/Group/Low group TRANSP A
137 CNCCRMPRSAP12112 CGPL_GUID//Product Group 1 TRANSP A
138 CNCCRMPRSAP12114 CGPL_GUID//Main group/Group/Low group TRANSP A
141 CNCCRMPRSAP12122 CGPL_GUID/Target Group GUID/Product Group 1 TRANSP A
142 CNCCRMPRSAP12124 CGPL_GUID/Target Group GUID/Main group/Group/Low group TRANSP A
144 CNCCRMPRSAP12131 ERP Product Category TRANSP A
145 CNCCRMPRSAP12132 Product Group 1 TRANSP A
146 CNCCRMPRSAP12202 Sales Org. ID/Distribution Channel/Customer/Product Group 1 TRANSP A
147 CNCCRMPRSAP12204 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Customer/PH1/PH2/PH3 TRANSP A
148 CNCCRMPRSAP12210 Sales Organization ID//Product GUID TRANSP A
149 CNCCRMPRSAP12212 Sales Organization ID//Product Group 1 TRANSP A
150 CNCCRMPRSAP12214 Sales Organization ID//Main group/Group/Low group TRANSP A
151 CNCCRMPRSAP12220 Sales Organization ID/Target Group GUID/Product GUID TRANSP A
152 CNCCRMPRSAP12222 Sales Organization ID/Target Group GUID/Product Group 1 TRANSP A
154 CNCCRMPRSAP13001 Sales Organization/Dist.Chnl/Sold-to Party/Prod./Serv. Type TRANSP A
155 CNCCRMPRSAP13002 Sales Organization/Dist.Chnl/Product/Service Type TRANSP A
156 CNCCRMPRSAP13003 Sales Organization/Dist.Chnl/Sold-to Party/Product/Eval. Typ TRANSP A
157 CNCCRMPRSAP13004 Sales Organization/Dist.Chnl/Product/Evaluation Type TRANSP A
158 CNCCRMPRSAP13005 Sales Organization/Dist.Channel/Product/Service Profile TRANSP A
159 CNCCRMPRSAP13006 Sales Organization/Dist.Channel/Product/Reaction Proc. TRANSP A
160 CNCCRMPRSAP13007 SalesOrg./Distr.Ch./SP/Product/Accounting Indicator TRANSP A
161 CNCCRMPRSAP13008 SalesOrg./Distr.Ch./Product/Accounting Indicator TRANSP A
162 CNCCRMPRSAP13110 PSL Discount in % TRANSP A
163 CNCCRMPRSAP15000 SlsOrg/ DistChan/ SalesPartner/ Sold-To Party/ Product TRANSP A
164 CNCCRMPRSAP15001 SlsOrg/ DistChan/ SalesPartner/ Product TRANSP A
165 CNCCRMPRSAP15002 SlsOrg/ DistChan/ Sold-To Party/ Product Group TRANSP A
166 CNCCRMPRSAP15003 SlsOrg/ DistChan/ Sales Partner/ Sold-To Party TRANSP A
167 CNCCRMPRSAP15004 SlsOrg/ DistChan/ Sales Partner/ Shipping Condition TRANSP A
168 CNCCRMPRSAP15005 SlsOrg/ DistChan/ Sales Partner/ Product Group TRANSP A
169 CNCCRMPRSAP15006 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Country/Rec. Reg./Ship.Cond. TRANSP A
170 CNCCRMPRSAP18001 Contract Item/Wholesaler TRANSP A
171 CNCCRMPRSAP18003 Incentive Program ID/Header GUID/Business Partner GUID TRANSP A
172 CNCCRMPRSAP18004 Incentive Program ID/Header GUID/Hierarchy Node GUID TRANSP A
173 CNCCRMPRSAP18005 Incentive Program ID/Item GUID/Product GUID TRANSP A
174 CNCCRMPRSAP18006 Incentive Program ID/Item GUID/Category GUID TRANSP A
175 CNCCRMPRSAP20103 Sales Org./Dis. Chan./Prod. GUID/Exp. Code TRANSP A
176 CNCCRMPRSAP20110 Sales Org./Dis. Chan./Prod. GUID/Decision Code/Error Code TRANSP A
177 CNCCRMPRSAP20150 Sales Org./Dis. Chan./Customer/Prod. GUID/Gbr.TeilKz TRANSP A
178 CNCCRMPRSAP26001 Reimbursement Rate: Prog ID, Campaign Type, Initiative Type TRANSP A
179 CNCCRMPRSAP26002 Reimbursement Rate: Prog ID, Initiative Type TRANSP A
180 CNCCRMPRSAP26003 MDF Program/Type/Channel Partner Type TRANSP A
181 CNCCRMPRSAP26004 MDF Program/Type/Channel Partner Program TRANSP A
182 CNCCRMPRSAP26005 Reimbursement Rate: Prog ID, Initiative Type, Expense Type TRANSP A
183 CNCCRMPRSAP26006 Reimbursement Rate: Prog ID, Prod Cat, Initiative Type, Ctry TRANSP A
184 CNCCRMPRSAP26021 Reimbursement Rate: Campaign ID TRANSP A
185 CNCCRMPRSAP26022 Reimbursement Rate: Campaign ID, Partner Type TRANSP A
186 CNCCRMPRSAP26023 Reimbursement Rate: Campaign ID, Partner Program TRANSP A
187 CNCCRMPRSAP26024 Reimbursement Rate: Camp. ID, Initiative Type, Expense Type TRANSP A
188 CNCCRMPRSAP26025 Reimbursement Rate:Camp. ID, Prod Cat, Initiative Type, Ctry TRANSP A
189 CNCCRMPRSAP26050 MDF Program/Type/Expense Type/Accomodation/Breakfast TRANSP A
190 CNCCRMPRSAP26055 MDF Special Program/Type/Expense Type/Accomodation/Breakfast TRANSP A
191 CNCCRMPRSAP2900 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Level/Product TRANSP A
192 CNCCRMPRSAP29021 Sold-to party/Point Type/Product GUID TRANSP A
193 CNCCRMPRSAP29022 Product GUID/Point Type TRANSP A
194 CNCCRMPRSAP40004 Iss. WH/Rec. WH/Region/Tax Group 1/Product Tax Group TRANSP A
202 CNCCRMPRSAP40012 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Item Category TRANSP A
203 CNCCRMPRSAP40013 Sls Org/Distr. Channel/Itm Cat./Pricing Proc. TRANSP A
204 CNCCRMPRSAP40014 Sales Organization TRANSP A
205 CNCCRMPRSAP40015 Reference Interest Rate ID TRANSP A
208 CNCCRMPRSAP40200 CGPL_GUID/Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Prod. GUID TRANSP A
209 CNCCRMPRSAPDRM01 Third-Party Price Agreement Transaction TRANSP A
211 CNCTTEPRSAPE0011 Country/Tax Type/Supplier Partner ID/Business Partner ID TRANSP A
212 CNCTTEPRSAPE0012 Country/Tax Type/Supplier Partner ID/Business Partner ID/Par TRANSP A
213 CNCTTEPRSAPE0013 Country/Tax Type/Supplier Partner ID/Business Partner ID/Pro TRANSP A
214 CNCTTEPRSAPE0014 Country/Tax Type/Supplier Partner ID/Business Partner ID/Par TRANSP A
215 CNCTTEPRSAPE1001 Country/Tax Region/Tax Type TRANSP A
216 CNCTTEPRSAPE1003 Country/Tax Type/Business Partner ID/Business Partner ID/Pro TRANSP A
217 CNCTTEPRSAPTX001 Country/Tax Region/Product Tax Group TRANSP A
218 CNDB File to save selection versions (INDX) TRANSP L
219 CND_MAPC_CDB_UA Valid list of application/usage for replication to mobile TRANSP S
220 CND_MAPC_CNV_FL2 Conditions: Exchange: Assignment Ext. Field to Local Field TRANSP S
221 CND_MAPC_CNV_FLD Conditions: Exchange: Assignment Ext. Field to Local Field TRANSP S
222 CND_MAPC_CNV_FLM Conditions: Exchange: Assignment Ext. Field to Local Field TRANSP S
223 CND_MAPC_CNV_REL Conditions: Exchange: Assignment Convertable Release TRANSP S
224 CND_MAPC_CNV_TAB Conditions; Exchange: Assignment Ext. Table to Local Table TRANSP S
225 CND_MAPC_CNV_UA Conditions: Correction: Assignment application/usage TRANSP S
226 CND_MAPC_CONFIG Configuration Table (Data Exchange) TRANSP E
227 CND_MAPC_CRM_BBP Mapping of purch. contract cond. to sales order cond. TRANSP C
228 CND_MAPC_FIELD Condions Exchange: Convert Field Contents TRANSP S
229 CND_MAPC_FIL_UA Filter Table for Condition Usage and Application TRANSP S
230 CND_MAPC_INF_DNL Conditions: Exchange: Temporary Management Data TRANSP L
231 CND_MAPC_PASS_UA Filter Table for Condition Usage, Application and Cond. Type TRANSP C
232 CND_MAPC_T681 Meta Data for Condition Tables (Customizing Data Exchange) TRANSP E
233 CND_MAPC_T681E Condition table fields TRANSP E
234 CND_MAPC_T681T Generatable Condition Tables - Texts TRANSP E
235 CND_MAPC_T682Z Condition Access Characteristic (shadow table) TRANSP E
236 CND_MAPM_CNV_AGM Conversion Information Object_ID (KNUMA etc.) R/3 <> CRM TRANSP A
237 CND_MAPM_CNV_FL2 Conditions: Exchange: Assignment Ext. Field to Local Field TRANSP C
238 CND_MAPM_CNV_FLM Conditions: Exchange: Assignment Ext. Field to Local Field TRANSP C
240 CND_MAPM_FIELD Condions Exchange: Convert Field Contents TRANSP C
241 CND_MAP_CONTR_ID Mapping of ERP purchasing contracts for CRM Ext. Products TRANSP A
243 CND_MEM_INF_UPL Lock Table for Initial Load TRANSP L
244 CND_MEM_INITIAL Conditions: Buffer for Initial Upload TRANSP L
246 CND_USAGE_PREFIX Prefix for Every Usage TRANSP S
251 CNFOWACT_CI_TAB Customer Include for Activity TRANSP A
252 CNFOWWBS_CI_TAB Customer Table for WBS TRANSP A
253 CNFOW_TAB Customizing Table for Forecast Workbench TRANSP C
254 CNLCRMPRSCALEDEF Scale Table - Fixed Part of a Scale TRANSP A
255 CNLCRMPRSCALEDIM Scale Table - Scale Dimensions TRANSP A
256 CNLCRMPRSCALEEVL Scale Table - Fixed Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
257 CNLCRMPRSCALEV01 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
258 CNLCRMPRSCALEV02 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
259 CNLCRMPRSCB__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
260 CNLCRMPRSCC__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
261 CNLCRMPRSCD__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
262 CNLCRMPRSCE__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
263 CNLCRMPRSCF__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
264 CNLCRMPRSCL__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
265 CNLCRMPRSCM__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
266 CNLCRMPRSCN__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
267 CNLCRMPRSCO__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
268 CNLCRMPRSCP__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
269 CNLCRMPRSCR__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
270 CNLCRMPRSCS__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
271 CNLCRMPRSCTC1LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
272 CNLDST_APPL Applications for Activating Language-Dependent Short Texts TRANSP S
273 CNLDST_APPLT Application Names TRANSP S
274 CNLDST_OBJ Objects for Activating Language-Dependent Short Texts TRANSP S
275 CNLDST_OBJS Appl.and Obj. with Activated Language-Dependent Short Texts TRANSP A
276 CNLDST_OBJT Object Type Names TRANSP S
277 CNLDST_SHORTTX Table of Language-Dependent Short Texts TRANSP A
278 CNLTAXPRSCALEDEF Scale Table - Fixed Part of a Scale TRANSP A
279 CNLTAXPRSCALEDIM Scale Table - Scale Dimensions TRANSP A
280 CNLTAXPRSCALEEVL Scale Table - Fixed Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
281 CNLTAXPRSCALEV01 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
282 CNLTAXPRSCALEV02 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
283 CNLTAXPRSCB__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
284 CNLTAXPRSCC__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
285 CNLTAXPRSCD__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
286 CNLTAXPRSCE__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
287 CNLTAXPRSCF__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
288 CNLTAXPRSCL__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
289 CNLTAXPRSCM__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
290 CNLTAXPRSCN__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
291 CNLTAXPRSCO__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
292 CNLTAXPRSCP__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
293 CNLTAXPRSCR__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
294 CNLTAXPRSCS__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
295 CNLTAXPRSCTC1LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
296 CNOCI_ORGU OCI Interface: Control Parameter Network TRANSP C
297 CNPB_INDX Preview for Project Builder TRANSP L
298 CNSCRMPRSAP00055 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
299 CNSCRMPRSAP00056 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
300 CNSCRMPRSAP00064 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
301 CNSCRMPRSAP00065 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
302 CNSCRMPRSAP00070 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
303 CNSCRMPRSAP00080 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
304 CNSCRMPRSAP00081 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
305 CNSCRMPRSAP00082 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
306 CNSCRMPRSAP00089 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
307 CNSCRMPRSAP00090 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
308 CNSCRMPRSAP00091 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
309 CNSCRMPRSAP00098 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
310 CNSCRMPRSAP00099 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
311 CNSCRMPRSAP004 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
312 CNSCRMPRSAP00419 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
313 CNSCRMPRSAP005 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
314 CNSCRMPRSAP006 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
315 CNSCRMPRSAP007 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
316 CNSCRMPRSAP009 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
317 CNSCRMPRSAP01001 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
318 CNSCRMPRSAP01002 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
319 CNSCRMPRSAP01003 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
320 CNSCRMPRSAP01004 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
321 CNSCRMPRSAP020 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
322 CNSCRMPRSAP029 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
323 CNSCRMPRSAP030 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
324 CNSCRMPRSAP031 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
325 CNSCRMPRSAP032 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
326 CNSCRMPRSAP033 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
327 CNSCRMPRSAP034 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
328 CNSCRMPRSAP057 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
329 CNSCRMPRSAP0PCTA Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
330 CNSCRMPRSAP0PCTB Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
331 CNSCRMPRSAP100 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
332 CNSCRMPRSAP10001 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
333 CNSCRMPRSAP100D Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
334 CNSCRMPRSAP100DP Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
335 CNSCRMPRSAP100U Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
336 CNSCRMPRSAP100V Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
337 CNSCRMPRSAP102 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
338 CNSCRMPRSAP12000 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
339 CNSCRMPRSAP12001 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
340 CNSCRMPRSAP12002 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
341 CNSCRMPRSAP12100 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
342 CNSCRMPRSAP12101 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
343 CNSCRMPRSAP12102 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
344 CNSCRMPRSAP12104 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
345 CNSCRMPRSAP12110 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
346 CNSCRMPRSAP12111 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
347 CNSCRMPRSAP12112 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
348 CNSCRMPRSAP12114 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
349 CNSCRMPRSAP12120 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
350 CNSCRMPRSAP12121 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
351 CNSCRMPRSAP12122 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
352 CNSCRMPRSAP12124 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
353 CNSCRMPRSAP12130 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
354 CNSCRMPRSAP12131 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
355 CNSCRMPRSAP12132 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
356 CNSCRMPRSAP12202 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
357 CNSCRMPRSAP12204 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
358 CNSCRMPRSAP12210 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
359 CNSCRMPRSAP12212 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
360 CNSCRMPRSAP12214 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
361 CNSCRMPRSAP12220 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
362 CNSCRMPRSAP12222 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
363 CNSCRMPRSAP12224 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
364 CNSCRMPRSAP13001 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
365 CNSCRMPRSAP13002 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
366 CNSCRMPRSAP13003 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
367 CNSCRMPRSAP13004 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
368 CNSCRMPRSAP13005 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
369 CNSCRMPRSAP13006 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
370 CNSCRMPRSAP13007 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
371 CNSCRMPRSAP13008 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
372 CNSCRMPRSAP13110 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
373 CNSCRMPRSAP15000 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
374 CNSCRMPRSAP15001 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
375 CNSCRMPRSAP15002 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
376 CNSCRMPRSAP15003 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
377 CNSCRMPRSAP15004 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
378 CNSCRMPRSAP15005 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
379 CNSCRMPRSAP15006 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
380 CNSCRMPRSAP18001 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
381 CNSCRMPRSAP18003 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
382 CNSCRMPRSAP18004 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
383 CNSCRMPRSAP18005 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
384 CNSCRMPRSAP18006 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
385 CNSCRMPRSAP20103 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
386 CNSCRMPRSAP20110 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
387 CNSCRMPRSAP20150 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
388 CNSCRMPRSAP26001 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
389 CNSCRMPRSAP26002 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
390 CNSCRMPRSAP26003 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
391 CNSCRMPRSAP26004 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
392 CNSCRMPRSAP26005 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
393 CNSCRMPRSAP26006 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
394 CNSCRMPRSAP26021 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
395 CNSCRMPRSAP26022 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
396 CNSCRMPRSAP26023 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
397 CNSCRMPRSAP26024 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
398 CNSCRMPRSAP26025 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
399 CNSCRMPRSAP26050 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
400 CNSCRMPRSAP26055 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
401 CNSCRMPRSAP2900 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
402 CNSCRMPRSAP29021 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
403 CNSCRMPRSAP29022 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
404 CNSCRMPRSAP40004 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
405 CNSCRMPRSAP40005 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
406 CNSCRMPRSAP40006 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
407 CNSCRMPRSAP40007 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
408 CNSCRMPRSAP40008 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
409 CNSCRMPRSAP40009 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
410 CNSCRMPRSAP40010 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
411 CNSCRMPRSAP40011 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
412 CNSCRMPRSAP40012 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
413 CNSCRMPRSAP40013 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
414 CNSCRMPRSAP40014 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
415 CNSCRMPRSAP40015 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
416 CNSCRMPRSAP40016 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
417 CNSCRMPRSAP40118 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
418 CNSCRMPRSAP40200 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
419 CNSCRMPRSAPDRM01 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
420 CNSE_AFVG_PROT Log Table for NETWORK ACTIVITY Search Application TRANSP L
421 CNSE_PRJECT_PROT Log Table for PROJECT Search Application TRANSP L
422 CNSE_PRPS_PROT Log Table for WBS ELEMENT Search Application TRANSP L
424 CNSOI_NEW_LOGIC "New Logic" Used for PS Texts TRANSP S
426 CNSTTEPRSAPE0011 Country/Tax Type/Supplier Partner ID/Business Partner ID TRANSP A
427 CNSTTEPRSAPE0012 Country/Tax Type/Supplier Partner ID/Business Partner ID/Par TRANSP A
428 CNSTTEPRSAPE0013 Country/Tax Type/Supplier Partner ID/Business Partner ID/Pro TRANSP A
429 CNSTTEPRSAPE0014 Country/Tax Type/Supplier Partner ID/Business Partner ID/Par TRANSP A
430 CNSTTEPRSAPE1001 Country/Tax Region/Tax Type TRANSP A
431 CNSTTEPRSAPE1003 Country/Tax Type/Business Partner ID/Business Partner ID/Pro TRANSP A
432 CNSTTEPRSAPTX001 Country/Tax Region/Product Tax Group TRANSP A
433 CNS_CP CNS: Change Pointer TRANSP A
434 CNS_CP_IMG CNS: Change Pointer - Export Object Type in Image Format TRANSP A
435 CNS_CP_INFO CNS: Change Pointer Additional TRANSP A
436 CNS_HB_CONV CNS: Do the status entries for recipients have hash values? TRANSP L
437 CNS_RECV_STATUS CNS: Change Pointers - Recipient Worklist TRANSP A
438 CNS_RECV_STAT_P CNS: Change Pointers - Recipient Worklist History TRANSP A
439 CNTLREM remarks to controls --> see table CNTLWARN TRANSP A
440 CNTLSTRASC Administration of components, A-LOBS (Ascii Large OBjectS) TRANSP S
441 CNTLSTREAM Administration of components, BLOBS (Binary Large OBjectS) TRANSP S
442 CNTLSTRINF Attributes of a stream TRANSP S
443 CNTLSTRLIS Control stream list TRANSP S
444 CNTLWARN Table containing information about control restrictions TRANSP A
445 CNVACTIVE Active conversion package TRANSP L
446 CNVACTIVE_HIST CNVACTIVE history , activation and phase change TRANSP L
447 CNVACTIVE_PHASES Conversion packages and their active phase TRANSP L
448 CNVA_00555_ACT Active Analysis Id for Run Time Estimation TRANSP A
449 CNVA_00555_ANA Analysis details for Run Time Estimation TRANSP A
450 CNVA_00555_HDR Header table for Run Time Estimation package TRANSP A
451 CNVA_00555_PACK LT Runtime Estimation: Table to store Conversion packages TRANSP A
452 CNVA_00555_RUNID Header Information of Run Time Estimation Id TRANSP A
453 CNVA_00555_SIM Conversion Cluster for Run Time Estimation TRANSP A
454 CNVA_00555_STATE State Table for Run Time Estimation TRANSP A
455 CNVA_00555_SYS System details for Run Time Estimation TRANSP A
456 CNVA_00555_TABLE 50 Largest tables for Run Time Estimation TRANSP A
457 CNVA_20290_CUST Exception table for analysis of additional customizing table TRANSP E
458 CNVA_APPLICATION SHC: Analysis application header TRANSP E
459 CNVA_APPLICT SHC Analysis appliction description TRANSP E
460 CNVA_APPLIC_SEL SHC: Analysis application step TRANSP E
461 CNVA_APPLIC_STEP SHC: Analysis application step TRANSP E
462 CNVA_CCD_ANA_ACT Active Analysis ID for CC Delete Analysis Package TRANSP L
463 CNVA_CCD_ANA_CA Contolling Area to be partially deleted TRANSP A
464 CNVA_CCD_ANA_CNT Count table for the scanned objects in CNVA_CCD_ANA packag TRANSP A
465 CNVA_CCD_ANA_DOM List of Domains supported by CNVA_CCD_ANA package TRANSP S
466 CNVA_CCD_ANA_HDR Header table for CC Deletion Analysis Package TRANSP A
467 CNVA_CCD_ANA_OBJ Scanned Objects relevant for deletion by CNVA_CCD_ANA TRANSP L
468 CNVA_CCD_ANA_PRE Preshipped Table Field Combinations for CC Delete Analysis TRANSP S
469 CNVA_CCD_ANA_RES Result table for CC deletion downtime Analysis TRANSP L
470 CNVA_CCD_ANA_SHD Header table for CC Deletion Analysis Package in SolMan TRANSP A
471 CNVA_CCD_ANA_STA State Table for CC Deletion Analysis Package TRANSP C
472 CNVA_CCD_ANA_TMP State Table Template for CC Deletion Analysis Package TRANSP S
473 CNVA_COA_CONV_CA Chart of Accounts to conversion analysis TRANSP A
474 CNVA_COA_CONV_CC CoA and Comp.Code to conversion analysis TRANSP A
475 CNVA_COA_CONV_VS Chart of Accounts to conversion analysis TRANSP A
476 CNVA_MD_CHK_MAP Table for module - check class mapping TRANSP E
477 CNVA_PCREA_AA_C PC Reorg Analysis: FI-AA Profit Center assignments TRANSP A
478 CNVA_PCREA_AA_O LT PC Reorg Analysis: Asset Reconciliation results (Level 2) TRANSP A
479 CNVA_PCREA_AA_P PC Reorg Analysis: Parameters for Fixed Asset Recon TRANSP A
480 CNVA_PCREA_AA_R LT PC Reorg Analysis: Asset Reconciliation results (Level 1) TRANSP A
481 CNVA_PCREA_GRIRO GR/IR Items - Results (Level 2) TRANSP L
482 CNVA_PCREA_GRIRP PC Reorg Analysis: Parameters for GRIR Recon TRANSP A
483 CNVA_PCREA_GRIRR GR/IR Header - Reconciliation results (Level 1) TRANSP L
484 CNVA_PCREA_MM_P PC Reorg Analysis: Parameters for MM Recon TRANSP A
485 CNVA_PCREA_MM_R LT PC Reorg Analysis: MM Reconciliation results Log TRANSP A
486 CNVA_PCREA_PARAM n LT PC Reorg Analysis: Parameters TRANSP A
487 CNVA_PCREA_RUNID Header Information of Profit Center Reorganization TRANSP A
488 CNVA_PCREA_WIP_O LT PC Reorg Analysis: WIP Reconciliation results (Level 2) TRANSP A
489 CNVA_PCREA_WIP_P PC Reorg Analysis: Parameters for WIP/SD Recon TRANSP A
490 CNVA_PCREA_WIP_R LT PC Reorg Analysis: WIP Reconciliation results (Level 1) TRANSP A
491 CNVA_TAB_DEF_CHR Maintain tables for which analysis of usage characteristics TRANSP E
492 CNVBACKUPTAB Tables to be saved in cluster cnv_backup_clu TRANSP L
494 CNVCDMCCA_BADIS CDMC : BADIs Implemented in the system TRANSP C
495 CNVCDMCCA_BTES CDMC : Active Customer BTEs in the system TRANSP C
496 CNVCDMCCA_COMP CDMC - Results from Remote comparision TRANSP C
497 CNVCDMCCA_DEVC Tab to store selectd Dev Classes in the Cntrl sys for Prj ID TRANSP C
498 CNVCDMCCA_ENHS CDMC: Reports associated with Implemented User Exits TRANSP C
499 CNVCDMCCA_EXITS CDMC : Customer exits Implemented in the system TRANSP C
500 CNVCDMCCA_OBJS CDMC : Customer Objects and SAP Mods for Clearing Analysis TRANSP C