SAP ABAP Function Module - Index U, page 9
Function Module - U
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | UPDATE_AKTYP_MG19 | Aktualisieren des AKTYP in FUGR MG19 | |
2 | UPDATE_ALL_CLIENTS | Update all users in all clients | |
3 | UPDATE_ASSIGNMENT | Update task group assignments | |
4 | UPDATE_ASSORTMENT_REFWERKS | Test, ob Referenzwerke für Sortimente existieren | |
5 | UPDATE_AUTHORIZATION | Obsolet! Aktualisiert Berechtigung von Benutzer im Sat.-System über Tem | |
7 | UPDATE_BDOC_TRANSID | To update the transid for a BDoc type - Condition BDOc types | |
8 | UPDATE_BLOCK_INFO | Update block info | |
9 | UPDATE_BUFFER | Update the payroll results | |
10 | UPDATE_BUFFER_WREFA | Ändern des WREFA Puffers | |
11 | UPDATE_CALENDAR_DATA | R | updata data in calendar database |
12 | UPDATE_CASH_CALL | Joint Venture - Update Task function module for Cash Call | |
13 | UPDATE_CASH_FLOW | Berechnet die Finanzströme zu einem Wertpapier in allen Depots neu | |
14 | UPDATE_CC_FLAG | Update of Cycle Counting | |
15 | UPDATE_CC_FLAG_WITH_CD | Update des Cycle-Counting Kennzeichen mit Änderungsbeleg | |
16 | UPDATE_CONFIGURATION_DATA | Aktualisiert Daten aus einer Konfiguration aufgrund von Merkmalsgleichheit | |
18 | UPDATE_COUNT_SIZE_IN_CACHE | Update the count and size in cache | |
19 | UPDATE_CREDITVECTOR | FI-Kreditvektor aktualisieren | |
20 | UPDATE_CUTBACK_JV_AMOUNT | Joint Venture - Update Task Cutback JV Amount Update | |
21 | UPDATE_DB_COMP_TABLES | Modifying MATNR in other tables | |
22 | UPDATE_DEFAULT_BINDING | R | Insert Default RT Values |
23 | UPDATE_DEFAULT_PRINTPARAMS | Changing Default Print Parameter of a User | |
24 | UPDATE_DOCUMENT | Dokumentenattribute aktualisieren | |
25 | UPDATE_DOI_HDR | update DOI header - Work Table | |
26 | UPDATE_DOI_HDRWK_TAB | Ownership: DOI Header Work Table | |
27 | UPDATE_DOI_ITEM | Ownership: DOI Items - Work Table | |
28 | UPDATE_DOI_ITEM_WKTAB | Ownership: DOI Items work table | |
29 | UPDATE_DOWNTIME_DIRECTLY | Downtime sichern | |
30 | UPDATE_DOWNTIME_SCHEMA | Downtime Schema auf DB schreiben | |
31 | UPDATE_EINE_FROM | Update EINE from a table | |
32 | UPDATE_EINE_WHERE | Update EINE where .... | |
33 | UPDATE_EPIC_CBC_ITEM | EPIC: Update cash budget assignment item | |
34 | UPDATE_EPIC_CBC_ITEM_MULTI | EPIC: Update cash budget assignment multi | |
35 | UPDATE_EQBS_BUF | Aktualisieren des Bestandsinformations Puffers (EQBS) | |
36 | UPDATE_EVENT_STATUS_REMOTE | R | Statusänderung |
37 | UPDATE_EXPD_REFERENCE_DATES | update reference dates for expediting events | |
38 | UPDATE_FEBEP_VB_STATUS | Setzen der Flags VB1OK/VB2OK | |
39 | UPDATE_FEBKO_VB_STATUS | Bankdatenspeicher: Update des Buchungsstatus auf Kopfebene (FEBKO) | |
40 | UPDATE_FIELD_CATALOG | Makes user specif setting for field display in the mass maintenance | |
41 | UPDATE_FKKVKP_FOR_TDTRANSMIT | Schattentabelleneinträge erzeugen und auf DB modifizieren | |
42 | UPDATE_FOR_REFKONT | FB der in die einzelnen Update Bausteine der Vertragsarten verzweigt | |
43 | UPDATE_GPSHADOW_FOR_RFKKGPSH | Schattentabelleneinträge erzeugen und auf DB modifizieren | |
45 | UPDATE_IBAN | Save IBAN From Local Memory in Database | |
46 | UPDATE_IDCN_ODN_TR | Update IDCN_ODN_TR for ODN with multiple print pages | |
47 | UPDATE_IDPL_TABLE | Update IDPL_DP table | |
48 | UPDATE_IM_DOKU_EXT | The function updates documentation with variables (insert/change var. | |
49 | UPDATE_INSERT_GLT3 | Array Insert, Update und Delete GLT3 | |
50 | UPDATE_ISPCFG | Update the ISPCFG Table with Mapbox Entries | |
51 | UPDATE_IT0001 | Update infotype 0001 | |
53 | UPDATE_JOB_MSQ | R | MS SQL server function to enable/disable the job |
54 | UPDATE_JVTO1 | JV Update of cutback amounts in table JVTO1 (Summary Ledger) | |
55 | UPDATE_KPEP_WL_O | Changes Object Data | |
56 | UPDATE_KPEP_WL_OS | Changes Data in KPEP_WL_OS | |
57 | UPDATE_LAST_MENU | Update last menu fields in table LRF_WKQU | |
58 | UPDATE_LAST_REVALUATION_DATE | Update of the Last Revaluation Date due to a Manual Inflation Revaluation | |
59 | UPDATE_LFM2_FROM | Update LFM2 from table | |
60 | UPDATE_LFM2_WHERE | Update LFM2 where... | |
61 | UPDATE_LTR_PRESEL_TAB | R | Updating the ltr presel tab in resepective system |
62 | UPDATE_MASTER | Ändern der Mastersprache | |
63 | UPDATE_MATERIAL | Update function module material master | |
64 | UPDATE_MATERIAL_CLASSIFICATION | Update material from classification | |
65 | UPDATE_MATERIAL_LVORM | Update: material master - delete indicator | |
67 | UPDATE_MATERIAL_SPECIAL | Material master: update of the special stocks | |
69 | UPDATE_MDM_CHAR_PRIO_DATA | Update of MDM product master data with attributes | |
70 | UPDATE_MEMBER_ACTIVITIES | UPdate Member activities | |
71 | UPDATE_MODE_GET | Verbuchungmodus ermitteln | |
72 | UPDATE_NONOP_BILLING | Joint Venture Update Non Operated Billing Tables | |
73 | UPDATE_OBJECT_MASTERWARRANTY_A | Objekt-Mustergarantie-Zuordnung update (BGMKOBJ) | |
74 | UPDATE_ORG_STRUCTURE | Transfer infotype 0001 information to organizational structure PD | |
75 | UPDATE_P445G | Verbuchungsbaustein für Tabelle P445g | |
76 | UPDATE_PARAMETERS_TAB | R | Upload Parameters table |
78 | UPDATE_PROFITCENTER_BUKRS | Buchungskreiszuordnung von Profit Centern sichern | |
79 | UPDATE_PROGDIR | PROGDIR aktualisieren beim Aktivieren/Sichern | |
80 | UPDATE_PRS_CO_IO_MGM | Update the Update Management buffer | |
81 | UPDATE_QUESTION_FROM_EXTERNAL | Sichern und Sicherheitsabfrage | |
82 | UPDATE_REFKONT_BP_DSAVE | Buchung der Kontierungsreferenzänderung zum Geschäftspartner | |
83 | UPDATE_REPL_COST_PRICE | Update replacement cost price | |
85 | UPDATE_ROUTETAB_HOST_API | Update Host information | |
86 | UPDATE_RT_CONFIG | R | Modify RT Configuration |
87 | UPDATE_SAPPCEJVA_T8JV | Function to delete /SAPPCE/JVA_T8JV entries | |
88 | UPDATE_SAPPCE_JVAT8JV | Update/deletion function for /SAPPCE/JVA_T8JV | |
89 | UPDATE_SCRSTACK | Update screen stack | |
90 | UPDATE_SCRSTACK_USING | Update screen stack in both directions | |
91 | UPDATE_SDBAHSDB_SDB | R | SAP DB: update SDBAHSDB (DBA Protokollierung) |
92 | UPDATE_SDBAH_FOR_SYSID_SDB | Update Table sdbah on current server | |
93 | UPDATE_SEGM_REF | Update the segment reference of the BDoc type | |
95 | UPDATE_SINGLE_CLIENT | Update all users in a given client | |
96 | UPDATE_SLIDING_SCALE | Ownership : Update Sliding scale | |
97 | UPDATE_SM_HDR | update Scale Method header | |
98 | UPDATE_SM_ITEMS | update Scale Method items | |
99 | UPDATE_STATS | Refresh the optimizer statistics for a single database object | |
100 | UPDATE_STATS_ADA | SAP DB Update Optimizer statistics (C-Calls) | |
101 | UPDATE_STATS_DB2 | ||
102 | UPDATE_STATS_DBSTATC_ORA | Check und evtl. Update von Statistiken gemäß der DBSTATC | |
104 | UPDATE_STATS_INF | INFORMIX: Execute Update Statistics (sapdba) for 1 Table | |
105 | UPDATE_STATS_ORA | Update Statistics for a Single Oracle Table | |
106 | UPDATE_T006 | Table T006 update, update cannot be changed | |
107 | UPDATE_T006A | Table T006A update, update cannot be changed | |
108 | UPDATE_T006D | Table T006D update, update cannot be changed | |
109 | UPDATE_T006_OIB_QCI | Posting of Table T006_OIB, no Post-Run Update Possible | |
110 | UPDATE_T445C2_FUER_TP | Update Tabelle T445C2 | |
111 | UPDATE_T683 | Update eines Kalkulationsschemas (Tabellen T683, T683T) auf der DB | |
112 | UPDATE_T683S | Kalkulationsschema: Rumpfzeilen auf der DB ändern | |
113 | UPDATE_T685 | Update von Konditionsarten auf der DB (T685, T685A, T685T) | |
114 | UPDATE_T8J2C | Update function for T8J2C | |
115 | UPDATE_T8J3E | Update function for T8J3E | |
116 | UPDATE_T8J8D | Update function for T8J8D | |
117 | UPDATE_T8J8F | Update function for T8J8F | |
118 | UPDATE_T8J8H | Update function for T8J8H | |
119 | UPDATE_T8J8I | Update function for T8J8I | |
120 | UPDATE_T8J8J | Update function for T8J8J | |
121 | UPDATE_T8J9A | Update function for T8J9A, T8JF, T8J9B and T8JFT | |
122 | UPDATE_T8J9C | Update function for T8J9C | |
123 | UPDATE_T8JC | Update function for T8JC | |
124 | UPDATE_T8JC2 | Update function for T8JC | |
125 | UPDATE_T8JF | Update function for T8JF | |
126 | UPDATE_T8JFT | Update function for T8JFT | |
127 | UPDATE_T8JG | Update function for T8JG | |
128 | UPDATE_T8JI | Update function for T8JI | |
129 | UPDATE_T8JLP | Update function for T8JLP | |
130 | UPDATE_T8JOVRP | Update function for T8JOVRP | |
131 | UPDATE_T8JQ | Update function for T8JQ | |
132 | UPDATE_T8JSC | Update function for T8JSC | |
133 | UPDATE_T8JU | Update function for T8JU and T8JUT | |
134 | UPDATE_T8JV | Update function for T8JV and T8JVT | |
135 | UPDATE_T8JVBA | ||
136 | UPDATE_T8JVORP | Update function for T8JVORP | |
137 | UPDATE_TABSPACE_INFO | R | Neuen Tablespace in DDIC eintragen: alte Version |
138 | UPDATE_TECHN_PERIODEN | Datenbank update fuer generierte technische Periodizitaet | |
139 | UPDATE_TECHN_PERIODEN_ERWEIT | Generierte technische Geschäftsjahrvariante erweitern | |
140 | UPDATE_TEMPLATE_DATA | Verbuchung von Vorlagedaten | |
142 | UPDATE_TPVAR1 | Update von Transferpreisvarianten in Tabelle TPVAR1 auf der DB | |
143 | UPDATE_TPVAR2 | Transferpreisvarianten: Rumpfzeilen auf der DB ändern | |
144 | UPDATE_TRO_BG_HDR | Update bearer group header from transfer request | |
145 | UPDATE_TRO_HDR | update Transfer of Ownership header | |
146 | UPDATE_TRO_ITEMS | update Transfer of Ownership items | |
147 | UPDATE_TWD01 | Sichern der Tabelle TWD01 | |
148 | UPDATE_USERS | Update given users in the current client | |
149 | UPDATE_VBRK_AND_GENERATE_LOG | Update XBLNR in VBRK and generate log | |
150 | UPDATE_VEINEUA_FROM | Update EINE from a table | |
151 | UPDATE_VEINEUA_FRO_1 | Update EINE from a table | |
152 | UPDATE_VEINEUB_FROM | Update EINE from a table | |
153 | UPDATE_VERIFICATION_FIELD | Update verification field after bin change | |
154 | UPDATE_XBLNR_IN_LIKP | Externe Belegnummer für Rechnungskopf ändern | |
155 | UPDATE_XBLNR_IN_VBRK | Externe Belegnummer für Rechnungskopf ändern | |
156 | UPD_ADMINISTRATION | Administer Update | |
157 | UPD_CALL_SM13 | R | Call SM13 (for parameterized call of SM13, first screen in background) |
158 | UPD_CHECK_LOCAL_QUEUE | R | Check, ob Update-Requests vorhanden sind |
159 | UPD_CHECK_QUEUE | Check, ob Update-Requests vorhanden sind | |
160 | UPD_CHECK_REQUESTS | Test Update requests after release of sap locks | |
162 | UPD_DBCON_ENTRY_SDB | R | Update DBCON Entry |
163 | UPD_DEBITREQUEST_FROM_RESULT | Lastschriftanforderung aus Rückmeldung | |
164 | UPD_DEBITREQUEST_ORDEROBJECT | Lastschriftanforderung aus Rückmeldung für eine Auftragsposition | |
165 | UPD_DELETE_LOCAL_QUEUE | R | Verbuchungs-Queue loeschen |
166 | UPD_DELETE_QUEUE | Verbuchungs-Queue loeschen | |
168 | UPD_GET_KEY | Get transaction ID | |
169 | UPD_GET_REQUEST_INFO | Informationen zu einem Verbuchungsauftrag lesen | |
170 | UPD_GET_UPDATE_ERRORS | Informationen zu fehlerhaften Verbuchungen abrufen | |
171 | UPD_PLAF_IN_PLAFX | Einsatzplanung: Geänderte Planaufträge in int. Tab. PLAFX aktualisieren | |
172 | UPD_PLAF_SINGLE | Aktualisieren eines Planauftrags in der Puffer-Tabelle | |
173 | UPD_SAUF_IN_SAUFX | R | Manpower Planning II: update changed SOP orders in internal table SAUFX |
174 | UPD_TEST_HANDLER | R | Test update layer |
175 | UPD_XMLDP_TRANSFER | Update XMLDP_TRANSFER structure in database | |
176 | UPE_ABC_CHECK_EXISTING_PARAMS | Prüft, ob Parameterset schon existiert | |
177 | UPE_ABC_CHECK_LOCAL_OK_CODE | Check auf ok_code der ABC-Integration ohne control-events | |
178 | UPE_ABC_COMMIT | Planning Framework ABC-Commit | |
179 | UPE_ABC_COPY | Kopieren aller Parametergruppen SD | |
180 | UPE_ABC_DELETE | Löschen aller Simulationsparams aus dem BDS (Vormerkung) | |
181 | UPE_ABC_DESTROY | Planning Framework ABC:DESTROY | |
182 | UPE_ABC_INIT | Planning framework ABC-INIT | |
183 | UPE_ABC_OK_CODE | Planning Framework ABC-OK_CODE | |
184 | UPE_ABC_READ | Planning Framework ABC-READ | |
185 | UPE_ABC_RESERVE | Planning framework ABC-INIT | |
186 | UPE_ABC_SAVE | Planning Framework ABC-SAVE | |
187 | UPE_ABC_TRANSPORT | Transport Oros99-Files + Customizing Tabus | |
188 | UPE_ABC_UNLOCK | Sperren für Customizing zurücksetzen | |
189 | UPE_CHOOSE_DOCS | Planning: Doc. select from list | |
190 | UPE_CREATE_NEW_OBJECT | Create new object in Framework - common pop-up for create and copy | |
191 | UPE_C_GET_HIERARCHY_FOR_IOBJNM | Remoteaufruf BW-Hierachien für ein Infoobjekt | |
192 | UPE_C_GET_HIER_INFO | Hierarchie Metainformationen mit RFC lesen | |
193 | UPE_DOC_CHECK_LOCAL_OK_CODE | Check ok_code of SD-integration without control-events | |
194 | UPE_DOC_COMMIT | Planning Framework SD-Commit | |
195 | UPE_DOC_DELETE | Delete all simulation params from the BDS (reservation) | |
196 | UPE_DOC_DESTROY | Planning Framework SD: DESTROY | |
197 | UPE_DOC_HELP_VALUES_GET | F4 for characteristic values ##according to package / documented | |
198 | UPE_DOC_INFOPROV_EXIT | Template for planning function of type Exit | |
199 | UPE_DOC_INFOPROV_INIT | Template for planning function type Exit - initializing module | |
200 | UPE_DOC_INIT | Planning framework SD-INIT | |
201 | UPE_DOC_OK_CODE | Planning Framework SD-OK_CODE | |
202 | UPE_DOC_RESERVE | Planning framework SD-INIT | |
203 | UPE_DOC_SAVE | Planning Framework SD-SAVE | |
204 | UPE_HIER_INFO | R | Hierarchie Metainformationen mit RFC lesen |
205 | UPE_OPTIOS_CHECK | Plausibility check for input | |
206 | UPE_OPTIOS_CHECK_INTERSECT | Plausibility check for input | |
207 | UPE_SD_CHECK_EXISTING_PARAMS | Prüft, ob Parameterset schon existiert | |
208 | UPE_SD_CHECK_LOCAL_OK_CODE | Check auf ok_code der SD-Integration ohne control-events | |
209 | UPE_SD_COMMIT | Planning Framework SD-Commit | |
210 | UPE_SD_COPY | Kopieren aller Parametergruppen SD | |
211 | UPE_SD_DELETE | Löschen aller Simulationsparams aus dem BDS (Vormerkung) | |
212 | UPE_SD_DESTROY | Planning Framework SD: DESTROY | |
213 | UPE_SD_INIT | Planning framework SD-INIT | |
214 | UPE_SD_OK_CODE | Planning Framework SD-OK_CODE | |
215 | UPE_SD_READ | Planning Framework SD-READ | |
216 | UPE_SD_RESERVE | Planning framework SD-INIT | |
217 | UPE_SD_SAVE | Planning Framework SD-SAVE | |
218 | UPE_SD_TRANSPORT | transportiert alle SD-Modelle+Customizing-TABU's | |
219 | UPE_SD_UNLOCK | Sperren löschen/Buffer löschen | |
220 | UPE_SHOW_ASSIGNS | Create new object in Framework - common pop-up for create and copy | |
221 | UPF_ACT_PLANF_GET | Fetches the currently edited planning function | |
222 | UPF_AI_BUNDLE_CHECK | Check for the existence of the bundle | |
223 | UPF_AI_BUNDLE_CHECK_EXISTANCE | Check bundle for existence | |
224 | UPF_AI_BUNDLE_COMMIT | Cancel Edition | |
225 | UPF_AI_BUNDLE_INIT | Bundles call of maintenance | |
226 | UPF_AI_BUNDLE_OK_CODE | Ok codes for cross-bundle Care | |
227 | UPF_AI_BUNDLE_READ | Read area-independent bundles | |
228 | UPF_AI_BUNDLE_SAVE | Secure bundels of straddling planning areas | |
229 | UPF_AI_BUNDLE_TRANSPORT | Transport of cross planning area settings | |
230 | UPF_AI_BUNDLE_VALUES_GET | F4 on cross area bundling | |
231 | UPF_BSTEPS_GET | Steps of a bundle | |
232 | UPF_BUNDLE_COMMIT | save bundling in buffer | |
233 | UPF_BUNDLE_COPY | Copy bundle | |
234 | UPF_BUNDLE_DELETE | Delete bundle | |
235 | UPF_BUNDLE_DESTROY | Free budle ressources | |
236 | UPF_BUNDLE_INIT | Initialization of the Edition | |
237 | UPF_BUNDLE_OK_CODE | dispatch the ok-codes from the framework | |
238 | UPF_BUNDLE_READ | Read bundle | |
239 | UPF_BUNDLE_SAVE | Save bundles | |
240 | UPF_BUNDLE_TRANSPORT | Pooling of planning functions transport connection | |
241 | UPF_CALC_CRITERIA_GET | Read calculation characteristics of a method | |
242 | UPF_CURR_EDITOR | Edit Planning: Conversion modalities | |
243 | UPF_CURR_EDITOR_COMMANDS | OK code transfer | |
244 | UPF_CURR_INFO_CHECK | Check the currency information | |
245 | UPF_CURR_INFO_GET | read currency information | |
246 | UPF_DISTR_RATE_GET | determine distribution rate | |
247 | UPF_DOC_COPY_EXIT | Template for planning function of type Exit | |
248 | UPF_DOC_COPY_INIT | Template for planning function type Exit - initializing module | |
249 | UPF_DOC_DEL_EXIT | Template for planning function of type Exit | |
250 | UPF_DOC_DEL_INIT | Template for planning function type Exit - initializing module | |
251 | UPF_EXCEL_AFTER_DATA_PUT_01 | excel exit: example, to write data into the current Excel sheet | |
252 | UPF_EXCEL_COUNT_LINES_01 | excel exit: Bestimmt die aktuelle Anzahl der Datenzeilen | |
253 | UPF_EXCEL_REFERENCE_COL | exit excel: Reads Reference data and displays it in a data column | |
255 | UPF_EXIT_HELP_VALUES_GET | F4 help planning functions | |
256 | UPF_EXIT_INIT_EXAMPLE_01 | Exit function is called with a specific record determined in the Exit Init | |
257 | UPF_FC_EDITOR | Prognosis: Maintenance Settings | |
258 | UPF_FC_EDITOR_COMMANDS | OK code transfer | |
259 | UPF_FC_SETTINGS_GET | get forecast Settings | |
260 | UPF_FORECAST_EXIT_EXECUTE | Forecast run | |
261 | UPF_FORECAST_EXIT_INIT | Forecast Initialization | |
262 | UPF_FORECAST_LOG_DISPLAY | log display dummy | |
264 | UPF_FORML_COPY | Copy formulas | |
265 | UPF_FORMULA_CHECK | Verify / Compile Formulas | |
266 | UPF_FORMULA_COMMANDS | Commands for formula editor | |
267 | UPF_FORMULA_EDIT | Planning functions: edit formulas | |
268 | UPF_FORMULA_GET | obtain Edited formulas | |
269 | UPF_FORMULA_KEYS_CHECK | Check characteristic values ##and read texts | |
270 | UPF_FORMULA_VARIABLES_CHECK | Function module for variable test | |
271 | UPF_HELP_VALUES_GET | F4 help planning functions | |
272 | UPF_INPUT_CONVERT | Planning functions: convert input | |
273 | UPF_KEYID_CHECK | Planning functions: Validation | |
274 | UPF_LISTCUBE_COMMIT | Planning functions: Save edition to buffer | |
275 | UPF_LISTCUBE_DESTROY | Delete Buffer | |
276 | UPF_LISTCUBE_INIT | Start planning function Edition | |
277 | UPF_LISTCUBE_OK_CODE | Planning functions OK code | |
278 | UPF_LISTCUBE_SAVE | Save Planning function to DB | |
279 | UPF_LISTCUBE_VIEW | generate REPORT with SELECTION-SCREEN for list-display of an InfoCube | |
280 | UPF_METHOD_CHECK_EXISTENCE | Planning: Layout Builder: Check whether Layout exists | |
281 | UPF_METHOD_COMMIT | Planning functions: Save edition to buffer | |
282 | UPF_METHOD_COPY | Copy and methods Parameter Groups | |
283 | UPF_METHOD_DELETE | delete Planning function with dep. objects | |
284 | UPF_METHOD_DESTROY | Delete Buffer | |
285 | UPF_METHOD_ENQUEUE | Lock Planning function | |
286 | UPF_METHOD_INIT | Start planning function Edition | |
287 | UPF_METHOD_OK_CODE | Planning functions OK code | |
288 | UPF_METHOD_READ | Planungsfunktionen: Planungsfunktionen einlesen | |
289 | UPF_METHOD_SAVE | Save Planning function to DB | |
290 | UPF_METHOD_TEXT_GET | Provides texts for planning functions | |
291 | UPF_METHOD_TRANSPORT | Transport planning function | |
292 | UPF_MODIFY_KEY_FIGURE | Changing a key figure value | |
293 | UPF_OPTIOS_PBO_SET | Screen display attributes set by options | |
294 | UPF_OPTIOS_TEXT_SET | Read texts to selection criteria | |
295 | UPF_OPTIOS_TO_FC_SETTINGS | transfer Options in FC_Settings | |
296 | UPF_OPTIOS_WRITE | Print Options | |
297 | UPF_OUTPUT_CONVERT | Planning functions: Conversion Output | |
298 | UPF_PACKAGE_GET_PER_USER | Read the package selection, user can also be passed | |
299 | UPF_PACKAGE_INTERSECTION_CHECK | Checks for intersection of package selections | |
300 | UPF_PARAM_CHECK_EXISTENCE | Planning: Layout Builder: Check whether Layout exists | |
301 | UPF_PARAM_COMMIT | Save parameter group in buffer | |
302 | UPF_PARAM_ENQUEUE | Lock parameter group | |
303 | UPF_PARAM_EXECUTE | Planning function to perform with parameter group | |
304 | UPF_PARAM_EXECUTE_CLOSE | Exit Processing | |
305 | UPF_PARAM_EXECUTE_INIT | Initialization of parameters prior to execution of a group | |
306 | UPF_PARAM_INFO_GET | read buffered information about the planning functions | |
307 | UPF_PARAM_INFO_SET | read buffered information about the planning functions | |
308 | UPF_PARAM_INIT | Start Edit Parametergroup | |
309 | UPF_PARAM_OK_CODE | Parameter group OK-codes | |
310 | UPF_PARAM_READ | Planning functions: Read parameters | |
311 | UPF_PARAM_SAVE | Save planning functions on DB | |
312 | UPF_PARAM_TEXT_GET | Texts to groups of parameters | |
313 | UPF_PARAM_TRANSPORT | Transport parameter group | |
314 | UPF_PLAN_FUNC_EDITOR_COMMANDS | Planning: command dispatching | |
315 | UPF_PLAN_FUNC_GENERATE | generate planning function | |
316 | UPF_PRICE | Example for price calculation | |
317 | UPF_PROGNOSE | Shell to for basis function module FORECAST | |
318 | UPF_QUOTA_PLANNING | Example rate planning like in CO-PA | |
319 | UPF_SET_DEFAULT | Set Default Values | |
320 | UPF_TIME_EXIT_FISC_CHECK | Merkmalskombinationen 0FISC... prüfen | |
321 | UPF_TIME_EXIT_FISC_CREATE | Merkmalskombinationen 0FISC... erzeugen | |
322 | UPF_TIME_EXIT_FISC_DERIVE | Zeitmerkmale 0FISC... ableiten | |
323 | UPF_TRACE_ACTIVE | Trace active / inactive | |
324 | UPF_TRACE_CLOSE | Trace data is not written any more | |
325 | UPF_TRACE_INIT | Initialize Execution-Trace of planning functions | |
326 | UPF_TRACE_OK_CODE | OK code for Trace | |
327 | UPF_TRACE_SET_DATA | set trace data | |
328 | UPF_TRACE_SET_MESG | Save messages to a packet | |
329 | UPF_TRACE_SHOW | Display Trace | |
330 | UPF_UNIT_EDITOR | Edit Unit Conversion | |
331 | UPF_UNIT_EDITOR_COMMANDS | Ok-code unit conversion | |
332 | UPF_UNIT_INFO_CHECK | Unit conversion checking | |
333 | UPF_UNIT_INFO_GET | read exchange information | |
334 | UPF_VARIABLES_REPLACE | Replace Variables | |
335 | UPF_VARIABLE_USER_EXIT | An example of variables of type User-Exit | |
336 | UPF_VARIABLE_USER_EXIT_ATTR | Example of attribute variables of type User-Exit | |
337 | UPF_VARIABLE_USER_EXIT_CHAR | Example of characteristic variables of type User-Exit | |
338 | UPF_VARIABLE_USER_EXIT_HIER | Example of hierarchy variables of type User-Exit | |
339 | UPF_VARIABLE_USER_EXIT_NUM | Example for number-valued variables of type user-exit | |
340 | UPGI22_GET_ACTIVE_COMP_UPGRADE | Determine if a Basis Upgrade is Active - if Yes: Provide Information | |
341 | UPGI22_GET_COMPONENT_RELEASES | Read Component Releases | |
342 | UPGI22_GET_PAST_COMP_RELEASES | Determine Component Releases at a Particular Time | |
343 | UPGI22_GET_SINGLE_COMPREL | Cascaded Reading of a Component Release | |
344 | UPGI22_GET_SYSTEM_STATUS | Read Upgrade and Change Status for System | |
345 | UPGI22_GET_UPGRADE_INFO | Read Administration Information for Upgrades in System | |
346 | UPGI22_RELCMP_COMPONENT | Compare Two Releases of a Component | |
347 | UPGINT_IS_SHADOW_SYSTEM | Prüft, ob man sich im Schattensystem befindet | |
348 | UPGRADE_GET_PROFPARAM | R | Lese Profilparameter |
349 | UPGRADE_READ_TABLE_SIZES | R | Comversion of Output from PUT_READ_RSUPGTAS_DATA for the Upgrade |
350 | UPGRADE_SWITCH_DIR_PUT | R | Switch or read profile parameter DIR_PUT |
352 | UPGRUNT_CHECK_SHADOW_SYSTEM | Prüfung auf Schattensystemsbetrieb | |
353 | UPGRUNT_CHECK_ZDM_RUNNING | Check whether a ZDM procedure is in progress | |
357 | UPG_APPLSERVER_INFO | R | UPG: Application Server Info |
358 | UPG_BRI_GET_TABNAME | Get physical name of a table on the bridge system | |
359 | UPG_BUFFER_SYNC | R | Erzwinge Buffer-Synchronisierung |
360 | UPG_CHECK_NA_USER | R | Berechtigungsprüfung für Hinweiseinbau |
361 | UPG_CHECK_TABLES_SLT | check tables for SLT processing | |
362 | UPG_DDIF_DOMA_ACTIVATE | DD: Interface to activate a domain | |
363 | UPG_DDIF_DTEL_ACTIVATE | DD: Interface to activate a data element | |
364 | UPG_DDIF_INDX_ACTIVATE | DD: Interface to activate an index | |
365 | UPG_DDIF_OBJECT_DELETE | DD: Interface for Deleting an ABAP Dictionary Object | |
366 | UPG_DDIF_TABL_ACTIVATE | DD: Interface to activate a table | |
367 | UPG_DD_CREATE_INDEX | Read index from the Dictionary and create it in the database. | |
368 | UPG_DD_MASS_ACT | DD: Mass activation | |
369 | UPG_DD_MASS_ACT_C3 | DD: Mass activation | |
370 | UPG_DD_TABL_ACTIVATE | DD: Äußere Schnittstelle: Online-Aktivierung mit Abhängigen | |
372 | UPG_GET_ACTIVE_COMP_UPGRADE | Determining whether a component upgrade is active - if yes, supply info. | |
373 | UPG_GET_BUFFER | Read the current buffer in upgrade directory | |
374 | UPG_GET_COMPONENT_INFO | R | Upgrade-Info für Komponenten |
375 | UPG_GET_COMPONENT_INFO_EXT | R | Upgrade-Info für Komponenten (inkl. Umzüge) |
376 | UPG_GET_COMPONENT_RELEASES | Read Component Releases | |
380 | UPG_GET_NOTES_QUEUE | R | Hinweisqueue für Targetvektor ermitteln |
381 | UPG_GET_PAST_COMP_RELEASES | Determine Component Releases at a Particular Time | |
382 | UPG_GET_SINGLE_COMPREL | Reading a single component release | |
385 | UPG_GET_SYSTEM_STATUS | Read Upgrade and Change Status for System | |
386 | UPG_GET_TOOLIMPORT_FEATURE | R | Toolimport Eigenschaften |
387 | UPG_GET_TOOLIMP_DYNAMIC_FEAT | R | get dynamic (patchable) features of toolimport |
388 | UPG_GET_TOOLIMP_STATIC_FEATURE | R | get static (unpatchable) features of toolimport |
389 | UPG_GET_UPGRADE_INFO | Read Administration Information for Upgrades in System | |
390 | UPG_IMPLEMENT_NOTES_QUEUE | Hinweisqueue einbauen | |
393 | UPG_INT_IS_BRIDGE_SYSTEM | R | Check whether this is a bridge system (ZDM) |
394 | UPG_IS_BRIDGE_SYSTEM | Check if the system is a bridge system (ZDM) | |
395 | UPG_IS_BYDESIGN_SYSTEM | R | Check for ByDesign Components |
397 | UPG_NAMETAB_GET | ||
398 | UPG_READ_ADD_ON_OBJECTS | Determining all the created and modified objects of an add-on | |
399 | UPG_READ_ADD_ON_PRODUCTS | Determining all the installed add-on products/versions | |
400 | UPG_READ_ADD_ON_UPDATES | Module for determining all the add-on products that are in the upgrade | |
401 | UPG_READ_SYS_ENVIRONMENT | R | Liest die für den Upgrade relevanten Umgebungsvariablen des Systems |
402 | UPG_RELCMP_COMPONENT | Compare Two Releases of a Component | |
404 | UPG_TABSIZE_ADA_ONLINE | ADABAS D: Table and Index Size Information | |
405 | UPG_UPDATE_ADD_ON | ||
406 | UPG_ZDM_PRELOCKALL | Alle Pre-Lock-Methoden des Systems ausführen | |
407 | UPK_METHOD_COMMIT | Planungsfunktionen: Edition in Puffer sichern | |
408 | UPK_METHOD_COPY | Methoden und Parametergruppen kopieren | |
409 | UPK_METHOD_DELETE | Parametergruppe mit abh. Objekten löschen | |
410 | UPK_METHOD_INIT | Planungsfunktion Edition starten | |
411 | UPK_METHOD_OK_CODE | Planungsfunktionen OK-Codes | |
412 | UPK_METHOD_SAVE | Planungsfunktion auf DB sichern | |
413 | UPK_METHOD_TRANSPORT | Transport von Einstellungen zu Gebiet und Ebene | |
414 | UPK_PARAM_COMMIT | Parametrisierung in Puffer sichern | |
415 | UPK_PARAM_COPY | Kopieren von Parametergruppen | |
416 | UPK_PARAM_EXECUTE | Planungsfunktion mit Parametergruppe ausführen | |
417 | UPK_PARAM_EXECUTE_CLOSE | Beenden der Parametergruppenausführung | |
418 | UPK_PARAM_EXECUTE_INIT | Initialisierung vor Ausführung einer Parametergruppe | |
419 | UPK_PARAM_INIT | Parametergruppe Edition starten | |
420 | UPK_PARAM_OK_CODE | Bilanzplanung: OK-Codes für Parametrisierungen behandeln | |
421 | UPK_PARAM_SAVE | Planungsfunktionen auf DB sichern | |
422 | UPLOAD | OBSOLETE: Transfer Presentation Server File to Internal Table with Length | |
423 | UPLOAD_FILES | File Transfer from PC or Appl. Server in Internal Table | |
424 | UPLOAD_INFOAPAR_FOR_PTF_CHECK | R | AS/400: Upload Infoapar from local harddisk |
425 | UPLOAD_SCE_DB_FLAT_FILES | Upload, mit SCE-Tabellen | |
426 | UPLOAD_SP_STOCK_REVALUATE | VK-Umbewertung aufgrund von POS-Upload-Daten | |
427 | UPLOAD_WEB_OBJECT | Upload a Web template | |
428 | UPLOAD_WEB_OBJECTS | Upload mehrerer Web Templates auf einmal | |
429 | UPLOAD_XLS_FILE_2_ITAB | Import einer xls-Datei in interne Tabelle | |
430 | UPP_ALV_CCP_SET_LINE_EDIT | Editability of a row in ALV Grid Set | |
431 | UPP_ALV_CCP_SET_TABLE | Set appropriate ALV-table | |
432 | UPP_ALV_COLOR_LIST_OF_CELLS | Coloring of certain cells | |
433 | UPP_ALV_CONSTRUCTOR | Instantiation ALV | |
434 | UPP_ALV_DESTROY | Trashing ALV instance | |
435 | UPP_ALV_FRONTEND_COMMIT | Commit-Module ALV-Grid | |
436 | UPP_ALV_FRONTEND_INIT | Init module ALV Grid | |
437 | UPP_ALV_FRONTEND_OK_CODE | ALV frontend ok-code | |
438 | UPP_ALV_GET_DATA | Reading ALV - LL output for planning processor | |
439 | UPP_ALV_GET_GRID_INSTANCE | ALV Grid output instances | |
440 | UPP_ALV_GET_LIST_OF_CONTAINERS | Output active container with ALV-handle | |
441 | UPP_ALV_PUT_DATA | Display Logical screen in ALV | |
442 | UPP_CHACOMB_CHOOSE | Planning Processor: Header Combination Selection | |
443 | UPP_CHARVAL_CHECK_UNIQUE | Planning: Check for overlapping values ##in selection | |
444 | UPP_GENERATE_TYPES | Generated types that are used in the API | |
445 | UPP_INTERVAL_CHECK | Planning: determining whether there is a real interval | |
446 | UPP_IS_NUMBER | Checks a string to see if it contains a number | |
447 | UPP_LB_CHECK_EXISTENCE | Planning: Layout Builder: Check whether layout exists | |
448 | UPP_LB_COMMIT | Planning: Layout Builder Commit | |
449 | UPP_LB_COPY | Planning: Layout Builder: Copy of Layouts | |
450 | UPP_LB_DELETE | Planning: Layout Builder: Deleting Layouts | |
451 | UPP_LB_DESTROY | Planning: Layout Builder controls break down (eg leaving the layout) | |
452 | UPP_LB_INIT | Planning: Layout Builder initialization | |
453 | UPP_LB_LAYOUT_GET_DETAIL | Planning: Layout Definition | |
454 | UPP_LB_LITE_CREATE | Creating the layout | |
455 | UPP_LB_OK_CODE | Planning: Layout Builder Ok_Code | |
456 | UPP_LB_PROVIDE_LALG | Planning: Layout Builder: Return of tables LA and LG | |
457 | UPP_LB_PROVIDE_LAYOUT | Planning: Layout Builder: Provide layout for frontend | |
458 | UPP_LB_PROVIDE_SSFORMAT | Planning: Layout Builder: Providing the formatting table | |
459 | UPP_LB_PROVIDE_SUM_HIE | Planning: Sum Hierarchy | |
460 | UPP_LB_READ | Planning: Layout Builder return the existing layout | |
461 | UPP_LB_SAVE | Planning: Layout Builder save the buffer | |
462 | UPP_LB_TRANSPORT | Planning: Transport Layout Builder | |
463 | UPP_MP_DOC_CHOOSE_DOC | Planning: Doc. select from list | |
464 | UPP_MP_DOC_GET_TYPE | Planning: Ask User for type and name | |
465 | UPP_MP_DOC_SHOW_AS_DOC | Planning: Starting an ASCII document | |
466 | UPP_MULTIPLY_CHAR_VAL | Create cartesian product of a set of characteristic values | |
467 | UPP_PLAN_ADD_GEN_CODING | Planning: Generated code to add | |
468 | UPP_PLAN_ATRVL_TEXT_GET | Text to read attribute value | |
469 | UPP_PLAN_ATTRIBUTES_FILL | Planning: Fill in the attributes | |
470 | UPP_PLAN_CHECK_CHAR_SINGLE | Planning: Checking a characteristic value | |
471 | UPP_PLAN_COMMIT | Planning: Commit of the detail application | |
472 | UPP_PLAN_COMMON_WORK | Read: Level, package and check permissions | |
473 | UPP_PLAN_COMPLETE_LAYOUT | Complete Layout with selection for key and head | |
474 | UPP_PLAN_DESTROY | Planung: Destructor of detail application | |
475 | UPP_PLAN_DIMENSIONS_FILL | Planning: Determination of the metadata | |
476 | UPP_PLAN_F4 | Planning: callback for F4-help | |
477 | UPP_PLAN_GET_CHAR_TEXT | Planning: Read the text for the characteristic value | |
478 | UPP_PLAN_GET_DISPL_HIERARCHIES | Get Display Hierarchies | |
479 | UPP_PLAN_GET_LAYOUT_FLAGS | R | Some settings in the planning layout |
480 | UPP_PLAN_GET_MESG_COLL | read Message log of the application | |
481 | UPP_PLAN_INIT | Planning: Initialization of the detail application | |
482 | UPP_PLAN_OK_CODE | Planning: ok_code module of the detail application | |
483 | UPP_PLAN_PP_INTERFACE_FILL | Fill he s-structure for planning processor | |
484 | UPP_PLAN_SAVE | Planning: Detail application callback for saving | |
485 | UPP_POPUP_CALENDAR | Popup for calendar | |
486 | UPP_PP_DICTIONARY_READ | Planning Processor: Read DDIC information | |
487 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_CONSTRUCTOR | Planning Processor: Constructor | |
488 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_F4 | Planning Processor: F4 framework | |
489 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_GET_APPL_INFO | Application information from generated report | |
490 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_GET_CUA_INFO | Planning Processor: Read the CUA information | |
491 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_GET_DOC_KEY | Planning Processor: provides key for document | |
492 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_GET_ERROR_MODE | Planning Processor: Error mode and message table | |
493 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_GET_LAYOUT | Planning processor: Layout Informationen | |
494 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_GET_LOG_SCREEN | Planning Processor: get logical screen | |
495 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_GET_MESG_COLL | Planning Processor: pick up messages from the kernel | |
496 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_GET_MESG_DETAIL | Planning Processor: Detailed information on messages | |
497 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_GET_META_INFO | Planning Processor features, attributes, DDIC | |
498 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_GET_SETTINGS | Planning Processor settings | |
499 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_INSTANCE_FREE | Planning processor: Release Instancew | |
500 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_PAI | Planning Processor: PAI processing |