SAP ABAP Function Module - Index U, page 10
Function Module - U
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_PROCESS_EVENT | Planning Processor: PAI event handling | |
2 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_REFRESH | Planning Processor: Refresh the current instance of buffer | |
3 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_SAVE | Processor design: writing the data to the buffer | |
4 | UPP_PP_KERNEL_STOP | Planning Processor: destructor | |
5 | UPP_PP_LOG_SCR_FOR_HDCOMB | Planning processor: build the logical screen for head combination | |
6 | UPP_SCREEN_CONV_INPUT | Planning: convert to internal format | |
7 | UPP_SCREEN_CONV_OUTPUT | Planning: converting to external format | |
8 | UPP_SERV_COMMIT | Planning Manual: write data into buffer | |
9 | UPP_SERV_CONSTRUCTOR | Manual Planning and Services: Preparation / constructor | |
10 | UPP_SERV_DOCUMENT_GET | Manual Planning: Read the documents, prepare creating | |
11 | UPP_SERV_DOCUMENT_SET | Manual planning: setting document | |
12 | UPP_SERV_GETDATA_SPREADS | Manual planning: collect data for spreadsheet | |
13 | UPP_SERV_INSTANCE_FREE | Manual Planning: Clear Instance | |
14 | UPP_SERV_REFRESH | Manual planning: read from buffer | |
15 | UPP_SERV_SAVE | Manual planning: Save | |
16 | UPP_SERV_SETDATA_SPREADS | Manual planning: setting data from spreadsheet | |
17 | UPP_SERV_STOP | Manual Planning: Delete all instances | |
18 | UPP_SERV_TEMPLATE_PROVIDE | Manual planning: layout (template) | |
19 | UPP_SPREADS_F4_GET_MARK | Spread sheet front-end: Return of the markers for F4 | |
20 | UPP_SPREADS_F4_VALUE_PUT | Spread sheet front-end: Set of values ##by F4 | |
21 | UPP_SPREADS_GET_DATA | Read Data | |
22 | UPP_SPREADS_GET_ERR_POS | Position of value on the frontend in case of error | |
23 | UPP_SPREADS_GET_FORMAT | Reading the formatting properties | |
24 | UPP_SPREADS_GET_SINGLE_MARK | Spread sheet front-end: Return of the markers for F4 | |
25 | UPP_SPREADS_NOTIFY_CHANGED | Layout changes in layout builder | |
26 | UPP_SPREADS_PUT_DATA | Writing data to the frontend | |
27 | UPP_SPREADS_REFRESH | Refresh after deleting a layout | |
28 | UPP_SPREADS_SAVE | Spreadsheet frontend: save file for BDS | |
29 | UPP_SPREADS_SET_FIT_WIDEST | Set Flag "Fit Widest" in Spreadsheet Frontend | |
30 | UPP_SPREADS_SET_MARK | Setzen von Markierung und Focus | |
31 | UPP_SPREADS_SET_SINGLE_DOC | set document icon on single cell | |
32 | UPP_SPREADS_START | Starting Excel (Lotus 1-2-3) | |
33 | UPP_SPREADS_STOP | Stop Excel/1-2-3 etc. | |
34 | UPP_SSHEET_COMMIT | write to buffer | |
35 | UPP_SSHEET_CONSTRUCT | Constructor | |
36 | UPP_SSHEET_DOCUMENT_GET | provides document for cell | |
37 | UPP_SSHEET_DOCUMENT_SET | Sets changed document (also delete) | |
38 | UPP_SSHEET_INSTANCE_FREE | Release Instance | |
39 | UPP_SSHEET_PROV_F4 | Information for F4 help on the Web | |
40 | UPP_SSHEET_SAVE | Save | |
41 | UPP_SSHEET_SELECTION_GET | Determine selection from marker | |
42 | UPP_SSHEET_STOP | all (not FW) instances reject | |
43 | UPP_SSHEET_TAB_EX_IN_CONV | Set the read tables from Ssheet | |
44 | UPP_SSHEET_TAB_IN_EX_CONV | provides tables for transfer to a SSHEET | |
45 | UPP_XL_FRONTEND_COMMIT | Commit module for Excel frontend | |
46 | UPP_XL_FRONTEND_INIT | Initialization of the Excel front-end | |
47 | UPP_XL_FRONTEND_OK_CODE | Excel front-end handle ok_code | |
48 | UPP_XL_FRONTEND_STOP | Destructor for Excel front-end | |
49 | UPR1_DS_PROV_ALV_GRID | DataSource Provider Mapping | |
50 | UPRY_ACT_FISCPER | Aktuelle Geschäftsjahresperiode (sy-dat) | |
51 | UPRY_ACT_FISCPER3 | Aktuelle Buchungsperiode (sy-dat) | |
52 | UPRY_ACT_FISCYEAR | Aktuelles Geschäftsjahr (sy-dat) | |
53 | UPRY_LASTACT_FISCPER | Aktuelle Geschäftsjahresperiode (sy-dat) | |
54 | UPRY_PRED_FISCPER | Prognose: Vorhersage Geschäftsjahresperioden | |
55 | UPRY_PTG_FISCPER3 | Periods to go (0FISCPER3) | |
56 | UPRY_REF_FISCPER | Prognose: Referenz Geschäftsjahresperioden | |
57 | UPR_COST_PLAN_EXEC | Retraktion Kostenstellenplanung | |
58 | UPR_COST_PLAN_INIT | Retraktion Kostenstellenplanung init | |
59 | UPR_COST_PLAN_TEST | RFC test of 6026 functions | |
60 | UPR_FAGL_PLAN_EXEC | Retraction NewGL Execute | |
61 | UPR_FAGL_PLAN_INIT | Retraction NewGL Init | |
62 | UPR_FISLPLN_CHECKPOST | R | FISL Planung: Check and Post |
63 | UPR_FISL_PLAN_EXEC | Retraktion FI-SL | |
64 | UPR_FISL_PLAN_INIT | Retraktion FI-SL init | |
66 | UPR_PARAM_EXECUTE | Planning function to perform with parameter group | |
67 | UPR_PARAM_EXECUTE_INIT | Initialization of parameters prior to execution of a group | |
68 | UPR_PCA_PLAN_EXEC | Retraktion PCA | |
69 | UPR_PCA_PLAN_INIT | Retraktion PCA init | |
70 | UPR_SEM_FISL_GET | R | Retraktion Planung SEM FISL |
71 | UPR_SEM_R3 | R | Retraktion SEM |
72 | UPSAP_AUTOMATIC_PROCESSING | Automatishce Vorgangsprozessierung | |
73 | UPSCL_READ_DISPLAY | Display (in Full Screen) | |
75 | UPSCL_WRI_APPEND | Attach Message | |
76 | UPSCL_WRI_CREATE | Create | |
77 | UPSCL_WRI_SAVE | Save | |
80 | UPSCP_AUTHORITY_CHECK | PUB/INS : Berechtigungsprüfung | |
82 | UPSCP_CHANGE | PUB/INS : Paketdaten pflegen | |
83 | UPSCP_CHECK_PROCESS_ALLOWED | PUB/INS : Prüft, ob ein Vorgang für das Paket erlaubt ist | |
85 | UPSCP_CONSTRUCTOR | PUB/INS : Instanz initialisieren | |
86 | UPSCP_CREATE | PUB/INS : Paket anlegen | |
87 | UPSCP_DATA_PROVIDE_EXTERN | PUB/INS : Paketdaten in externer Darstellung ausgeben | |
88 | UPSCP_DATA_PROVIDE_INTERN | PUB/INS : Paketdaten in interner Darstellung ausgeben | |
89 | UPSCP_DB_CHANGED | PUB/INS : Aufgelaufene Änderungen für DB | |
90 | UPSCP_DELETE | PUB/INS : Paket löschen | |
91 | UPSCP_DEQUEUE | PUB/INS : Sperren löschen | |
92 | UPSCP_ENQUEUE | PUB/INS: Set Lock | |
93 | UPSCP_FREE | ||
95 | UPSCP_JOB_DELETE | PUB/INs: Job Scheduled for Packet (Send/Book In) | |
96 | UPSCP_JOB_SUBMIT | PUB/INs: Job Scheduled for Packet (Send/Book In) | |
98 | UPSCP_OBJECT_DISPLAY | PUB/STA : Anzeigen eines kontrollierten Objektes | |
99 | UPSCP_OBJECT_DISPLAY_APPLOG | PUB/STA: Display Last Log for Object | |
100 | UPSCP_OBJECT_KEY_MAINTAIN | PUB/STA : Objektschlüssel editieren | |
104 | UPSCP_SEND | PUB/INS : Paket senden | |
106 | UPSCP_SET_UPSSTS_APPROVED | PUB/INS : Paket-Status auf 'GENEHMIGT' setzen | |
107 | UPSCP_SET_UPSSTS_REJECTED | PUB/INS : Paket-Status auf 'ABGELEHNT' setzen | |
108 | UPSCP_SET_UPSSTS_RELEASED | PUB/INS : Paket-Status auf 'FREIGEGEBEN' setzen | |
112 | UPSCU_ALE_UPDATE | PUB/INS : Ermitteln der IDOC-Nummern der kontrollierten Objekte | |
113 | UPSCU_CHECK_PROCESS_ALLOWED | PUB/INS : Erlaubte Vorgänge zur Einheit / zum Paket | |
114 | UPSCU_CHECK_UPSSTS_PHASE | PUB/INS : Prüfen der Status-Phase | |
115 | UPSCU_CONSTRUCTOR | PUB/INS : Verteilungseinheit initialisieren | |
116 | UPSCU_DB_CHANGED | PUB/INS : Änderungen der DB aufgelaufen | |
117 | UPSCU_DEQUEUE | PUB/INS: Set Lock | |
118 | UPSCU_ENQUEUE | PUB/INS: Set Lock | |
119 | UPSCU_FREE | ||
120 | UPSCU_GET_CURRENT_INSTID | PUB/STA: Determine Current Instance | |
121 | UPSCU_JOB_DELETE | PUB/INS: Schedule Job for a Unit (Send/Book In) | |
122 | UPSCU_JOB_SUBMIT | PUB/INS: Schedule Job for a Unit (Send/Book In) | |
123 | UPSCU_PACKAGE_CHANGE | PUB/INS : Ändern eines Pakets | |
124 | UPSCU_PACKAGE_CREATE | PUB/INS : Anlegen eines neuen Pakets | |
125 | UPSCU_PACKAGE_DATA_PROVIDE | PUB/INS : Daten eines Pakets ausgeben | |
127 | UPSCU_PACKAGE_MAINTAIN | PUB/INS : Pflegen des aktuellen Pakets | |
128 | UPSCU_POST | PUB/INS : Objekt-IDOCs kontrolliert einbuchen | |
129 | UPSCU_POST_SUCCESSORS | Try to post successors of package | |
130 | UPSCU_POST_VIA_JOB | PUB/INS : Pakete per JOB verteilen | |
131 | UPSCU_PROVIDE_DATA | PUB/INS : Daten der Verteilungseinheit ausgeben | |
132 | UPSCU_SEND | PUB/INS : freigegebene Pakete verteilen | |
133 | UPSCU_SEND_VIA_JOB | PUB/INS : Pakete per JOB verteilen | |
134 | UPSCU_SET_EDITMODE | PUB/INS : Bearbeitungsart festlegen | |
135 | UPSCU_SET_UPSSTS_APPROVED | PUB/INS : Status aller Pakete der Einheit 'GENEHMIGT' setzen | |
136 | UPSCU_SET_UPSSTS_POSTED | PUB/INS : Stats aller Pakete der Einheit auf 'EINGEBUCHT' setzen | |
137 | UPSCU_SET_UPSSTS_REJECTED | PUB/INS : Status aller Pakete der Einheit 'ABGELEHNT' setzen | |
138 | UPSCU_SET_UPSSTS_RELEASED | PUB/INS : Status aller Pakete der Einheit 'FREIGEGEBEN' setzen | |
139 | UPSCU_SET_UPSSTS_TO_ALL | PUB/INS : Setzt den Status aller Pakete der Einheit | |
140 | UPSDL_APPLOG_KEY | Determine Key for Application Log | |
141 | UPSDL_APPLY_SUBLEV | Serialization of Object Instances | |
142 | UPSDL_DISPLAY | Display Object | |
143 | UPSDL_KEY_MAINTAIN | Maintain Object Keys | |
144 | UPSDL_LAST_CHANGED | Determine Last Change to Object | |
145 | UPSDL_MASTER_IDOC_CREATE | Construct IDoc | |
146 | UPSDL_READ_DESCRIPTION | Read Object Description | |
147 | UPSDL_VERIFY_EXISTENCE | Check Object Existence | |
148 | UPSDL_VERIFY_OBJKEY | Check Object Key (and Complete If Necessary) | |
150 | UPSDY_F4_FOR_UPS_NAME | ||
151 | UPSDY_F4_FOR_UPS_TYPE_D | ||
152 | UPSDY_F4_FOR_UPS_UPSTYP | To be filled by FISCHER | |
153 | UPSDY_GET_EDITMODE | Read Processing Type for UPS | |
154 | UPSDY_INITIALIZE | Subscreen 1000 (SAPDSP) initialisieren | |
155 | UPSDY_SET_OK_CODE | Set OK Code | |
156 | UPSDY_SET_STATUS | Set Status | |
157 | UPSDY_SUBSCREEN_ACTIVE | DSP als Subscreen aktiv ? | |
158 | UPSIFMW_CALL_OBJECT_SEND_MSG | R | Aufruf von Service : Objekt senden |
159 | UPSIFMW_CALL_OBJECT_SEND_MSG_T | R | Aufruf von Service : Objektliste senden |
171 | UPSIFMW_SEND_RECEIPT | Senden eines Status-Quittierung | |
174 | UPSIF_CALL_GET_APPLOG_KEYS | R | Aufruf von Service : Applikations-Log Schlüssel ermitteln |
175 | UPSIF_CALL_OBJECT_DISPLAY | R | Aufruf von Service : Objekt anzeigen |
176 | UPSIF_CALL_OBJECT_KEY_MAINTAIN | R | Aufruf von Service : Objektschlüssel pflegen |
181 | UPSJB_PARAMETERS_GET | Job Parameters | |
183 | UPSPO_ACTIVITIES | Valid Activities | |
184 | UPSPO_COPY | ||
185 | UPSPO_DOC_ICONS | Status-Ikonen für Nachrichten | |
186 | UPSPO_FILTER | ||
187 | UPSPO_IMPORT | ||
189 | UPSPO_STATUS_ICONS | Status Icons | |
190 | UPSPO_SWITCH | ||
192 | UPSRP_DB_UPDATE | ||
197 | UPSRP_READ_CONTENT_SINGLE | Replikationstabelle : Objektliste auslesen | |
199 | UPSST_EXISTS_PREDECESSOR | Does a predecessor exist | |
200 | UPSST_EXISTS_SUCCESSOR | Does a successor exist | |
201 | UPSST_PULL | pull object from stack | |
202 | UPSST_PUSH | push object to stack | |
204 | UPSST_UPDATE | update stack data | |
205 | UPSVB_DB_UPDATE | Update Database | |
206 | UPSVB_POST_TO_DB | Verbucher aufrufen | |
208 | UPSX_SCENARIO_GET_PACKAGETYPE | Get Packet Type for Log. System and Scenario | |
209 | UPS_ALE_KEY_APPEND | Attach E1DSPKEY Segment to Object IDoc | |
210 | UPS_ALE_KEY_CHECK | Check IDoc Control | |
211 | UPS_ALE_RCP_QUEUE | Returns name of the Queue for IDOCs | |
212 | UPS_BUNDLE_EXECUTE | Copy of the identically named report to the synchronous execution | |
213 | UPS_CHANGELOG_GET_HISTORY | Read about the history of a combination | |
214 | UPS_CHANGELOG_GET_RECENT | get the most recent entries for a change log | |
215 | UPS_CHECK_ATTR_EXIST | Checks if attributs to subplan/session exist | |
216 | UPS_CHECK_HIER_EXIST | Checks if hierarchy to subplan imported into STS | |
217 | UPS_CHECK_INTERSECTIONS | Checks for 2selopts Intersections | |
218 | UPS_CHECK_LOCKS_IN_HIER | Search STS hierarchy after locking bottom-up or top-down | |
219 | UPS_CHECK_ONE_SELTAB | Check a sel. tab. of part plan against package | |
220 | UPS_CHECK_PACKAGE | Check package against locks in STS | |
221 | UPS_C_POPUPS_MESCOD_GET | Sets MESCOD for Modification on Subscreen | |
222 | UPS_C_POPUPS_MESCOD_SET | Sets MESCOD for Modification on Subscreen | |
223 | UPS_DELETE_COMMENTS | Delete Coments | |
224 | UPS_ENHANCE_URL | URL possibly enrich by address | |
225 | UPS_EXTEND_URL_BY_ORGVL | ORVL is hung on to URL | |
226 | UPS_FILL_BID_BOTH | Generate "old" Business ID for checking | |
227 | UPS_FRAMEWORK_FILL_BID | fill business-ID | |
228 | UPS_FRAMEWORK_FILL_VARIABLE | Fill variable from STS hierarchy | |
229 | UPS_FRAMEWORK_GET_SEL_FOR_PATH | Seltab from the current element to the root of type 2 | |
230 | UPS_FRAMEWORK_SELTAB_FOR_CHA | Get Seltab from chelement-nodecollection | |
231 | UPS_FRAMEWORK_SELTAB_FOR_NODE | Seltab for exactly one node | |
232 | UPS_GET_NODE_SELECTION | get node selection to ORGVL | |
233 | UPS_GET_ORGVL_FROM_REQUEST | read ORGVL out of the request | |
234 | UPS_GET_STATUS_CHANGE_ORGVL | returns orgvl for responsibility area | |
235 | UPS_GET_URL_INFO_2 | resolve address of web server | |
236 | UPS_GET_URL_PIECES | resolve address of web server | |
237 | UPS_MAINTAIN_ATTRIBUTS | Attributes to planning turns | |
238 | UPS_MESSAGEKEY_APPEND | Datenübergabe für angehängtes E1DSPKEY-Segment | |
239 | UPS_MESSAGEKEY_APPEND_SET | Datenübergabe für angehängtes E1DSPKEY-Segment | |
242 | UPS_METHOD_COMMIT | Planungsfunktionen: Edition in Puffer sichern | |
243 | UPS_METHOD_DELETE | Planungsfunktion mit abh. Objekten löschen | |
244 | UPS_METHOD_INIT | Planungsfunktion Edition starten | |
245 | UPS_METHOD_OK_CODE | Planungsfunktionen OK-Codes | |
246 | UPS_METHOD_SAVE | Planungsfunktion auf DB sichern | |
247 | UPS_OPTIONS_FOR_TEILPLAN | Head characters per sub plan | |
248 | UPS_PARAM_COMMIT | Bilanzplanung: Parametergruppe in Puffer sichern | |
249 | UPS_PARAM_EXECUTE | Planungsfunktion mit Parametergruppe ausführen | |
250 | UPS_PARAM_EXECUTE_INIT | Initialisierung vor Ausführung einer Parametergruppe | |
251 | UPS_PARAM_INIT | Bilanzplanung: Init Parametergruppe Editieren | |
252 | UPS_PARAM_OK_CODE | Bilanzplanung: OK-Codes für Parametergruppen behandeln | |
253 | UPS_PARAM_SAVE | Bilanzplanung: Planungsfunktionen auf DB sichern | |
254 | UPS_PLSEQNEW_EXECUTE | Copy of the identically named report to the synchronous execution | |
255 | UPS_READ_CHANGELOG_ALL | Read full changelog | |
256 | UPS_READ_CHANGELOG_ORGVL | Read full changelog | |
257 | UPS_READ_EVENTS_ALL | Read the current link-customizing | |
258 | UPS_READ_LINKS | Read UPS link list to Orgvalue | |
259 | UPS_READ_LINKS_ALL | Read the current link-customizing | |
260 | UPS_READ_LOCKS_ALL | Read the current link-customizing | |
261 | UPS_READ_STATUS | Status of master data table read | |
262 | UPS_READ_SUBSTITUTE_ALL | read the current substitutes | |
263 | UPS_READ_TEILPLAN | Read part plan | |
264 | UPS_READ_VERSION | Read Master Data UPS_VERSION | |
265 | UPS_RESET_VERSION | initialize / reset round | |
266 | UPS_SEND_NEW_MAIL | Broadcast-mail for re-set version | |
267 | UPS_SEND_START_MAIL | send start mail | |
268 | UPS_STS_CUSTOMIZING_GUI_CALL | Targeting GUI: Call | |
270 | UPS_STS_CUST_SET_GS_LINKS | sets the current value for gs_links | |
272 | UPS_STS_GET_NEW_PLSEQ | new planning sequences read with F4 | |
273 | UPS_STS_GET_NEW_PLSEQ_VARIANT | New planning sequence variants with F4 | |
274 | UPS_STS_GET_NEW_WEBAPPS | Get all web applications | |
275 | UPS_STS_GET_OLD_PLAPPL | Get "old" Planning Applications | |
276 | UPS_STS_GET_OLD_WEBREP | Get the "old" Web reports | |
278 | UPS_STS_NEW_PLSEQ_EXIST | Check to see if new planning sequence exists | |
279 | UPS_STS_NEW_PLSEQ_VARI_EXIST | check whether a variant exists for planning sequence | |
280 | UPS_STS_POPUP_URL | Pop up for the URLs | |
281 | UPS_STS_START_CUSTOMIZING | Start Customizing Hierarchien and dependent | |
282 | UPS_STS_TSTAMP_TO_DATE | Convert timestamp to date time | |
283 | UPS_UPDATE_CHANGELOG | Posting changed status Tunguska | |
284 | UPS_UPDATE_COMMENTS | Posting changed status Tunguska | |
285 | UPS_UPDATE_EVENTS | DB update locks for "approved objects" | |
286 | UPS_UPDATE_LINKS_ALL | Posting links UPS Tunguska | |
287 | UPS_UPDATE_LINKS_DUEDATE | Posting links UPS Tunguska | |
288 | UPS_UPDATE_SPERREN | DB update locks for "approved objects" | |
289 | UPS_UPDATE_STATUS | process UPS_STATUS and text table | |
290 | UPS_UPDATE_SUBSTITUTE | Update Database table for substitutes | |
291 | UPS_UPDATE_TEILPLAN | Posting of a part plan | |
292 | UPS_UPDATE_VERSION | Master data update UPS version | |
293 | UPTR_GENERATE_TYPES | Generate Type Include from Structure | |
294 | UPT_CHAS_CHECK_COMBINATION | HR Integration: Merkmalsverprobung | |
295 | UPT_CHAS_CREATE_COMBINATIONS | HR Integration: Gültige Merkmalskombinationen | |
296 | UPT_CHAS_DERIVE | HR Integration: Merkmalsanreicherung | |
297 | UPT_CHAS_INIT | HR Integration: Initialisierung Merkmalsbeziehungen | |
298 | UPT_COPY_1001 | R | Transport hrp1001 remote |
299 | UPT_DOWNLOAD | down and up load upt | |
300 | UPT_GENERATE_TYPES | Generate Type Include from Structure | |
301 | UPT_HIER_GET | Hierarchy from 1001 | |
302 | UPT_METHOD_COMMIT | Bilanzplanung: Planungsfunktion in Puffer sichern | |
303 | UPT_METHOD_DELETE | Bilanzplanung: Planungsfunktion löschen | |
304 | UPT_METHOD_INIT | Bilanzplanung: Funktion definieren | |
305 | UPT_METHOD_OK_CODE | Bilanzplanung: OK-Codes für Planungsfunktionen behandeln | |
306 | UPT_METHOD_PRINT | Planung TL: Drucken Funktion | |
307 | UPT_METHOD_SAVE | Bilanzplanung: Planungsfunktion auf DB sichern | |
308 | UPT_PARAM_ALV_LIST | Bilanzplanung: Aufbereitung der Parametergr im ALV | |
309 | UPT_PARAM_COMMIT | Bilanzplanung: Parametergruppe in Puffer sichern | |
310 | UPT_PARAM_DELETE | Bilanzplanung: Parametrisierungen löschen | |
311 | UPT_PARAM_EXECUTE | Bilanzplanung: Planung ausführen | |
312 | UPT_PARAM_EXECUTE_2 | Bilanzplanung: Planung ausführen | |
313 | UPT_PARAM_EXECUTE_CLOSE | TL: Freigabe der globalen Daten | |
314 | UPT_PARAM_EXECUTE_INIT | Bilanzplanung: Planung Ausführen initialisieren | |
315 | UPT_PARAM_INIT | Bilanzplanung: Init Parametergruppe editieren | |
316 | UPT_PARAM_OK_CODE | Bilanzplanung: Ok Codes für Parametergruppen behandeln | |
317 | UPT_PARAM_PRINT | Planung TL: Drucken Parametergruppe | |
318 | UPT_PARAM_SAVE | Bilanzplanung: Planungsfunktionen auf DB sichern | |
319 | UPT_RH_READ_INFTY_1001 | HR Integration: hrp1001 lesen | |
320 | UPT_UP_DOWN | Upload/Download of Includes | |
321 | UPT_USER_GET | HR Integration: Verantwortlicher User | |
322 | UPT_VAR_EXIT | HR Integration: Variablenersetzung | |
323 | UPT_VAR_EXIT_EXT | HR Integration: Variablenersetzung erweitert | |
324 | UPUC_QP_COSTCENTER_DERIVE | Kostenstelle aus Vertriebsstruktur ableiten | |
325 | UPUC_QP_COST_DETERMINE | Plankostenermittlung (Exit) | |
326 | UPUC_QP_COST_DISTRIBUTE | Plankostenermittlung (Exit) | |
327 | UPUC_QP_COST_INIT | Exit-Funktion wird mit einem im Exit-Init bestimmten Datensatz aufgerufen | |
328 | UPWB_ADD_DEFAULTS_TO_PAGE | decorates a page with Messagetry, buttons, navigation | |
329 | UPWB_BUILDER_WIF_F4 | Returns all available BSP Applications | |
330 | UPWB_CREATE_WIF_FOR_A_LAYOUT | Create WEB Interface for a layout automatically | |
331 | UPWB_DEBUG | Puts debug msg into msglog and UPWB_DEBUG_LOG | |
332 | UPWB_DOM_TO_APPLICATION | Creates application hierarchy out of the DOM | |
333 | UPWB_EDIT_MIME | Edit mime object (F4) | |
334 | UPWB_EDIT_OTR_PACKAGES | Editor of additional OTR packages (F4) | |
335 | UPWB_EDIT_TEXT | Prompt for text input | |
336 | UPWB_GET_APPLICATION | Returns the root object of application hierarchy | |
337 | UPWB_GET_APPLICATIONS | R | Returns all available BSP Applications |
338 | UPWB_GET_APPLICATION_URL | Returns application URL | |
339 | UPWB_GET_CHA_VALUES | Value help | |
340 | UPWB_GET_COMPONENT | Create standalone component | |
341 | UPWB_GET_DOC_LIST | get Document List | |
342 | UPWB_GET_MESSAGE_COMPONENT | Returns the reference to the message component | |
343 | UPWB_GET_MSG_LOG | Provides message log | |
344 | UPWB_GET_OTR_TEXT_FROM_ALIAS | Obsolete: Liefert zu einem Alias eines OTR-Textes den Text | |
345 | UPWB_GET_PARAM_GROUPS | Read Plan Structure | |
346 | UPWB_GET_STORAGE | Returns the reference to storage manager | |
347 | UPWB_GET_TEMPLATE | Template for generation of class, BSP,... | |
348 | UPWB_INIT_BUILDER | Initializes the builder | |
349 | UPWB_PREPARE_MESSAGES | Prepare messages (transforms upc_yt_mesg => upwb_yt_msg_tray) | |
350 | UPWB_SEND_REQUEST | Send HTTP Request | |
351 | UPWB_SET_RUNTIME | Setting of runtime environment for components | |
352 | UPWB_START_BUILDER | Start planning applications on the web with BSP | |
353 | UPWB_TEXT_SELECTION | Selection dialog, if OTR is desired, DESCR, etc | |
354 | UPWB_VBA_GET_GENERATOR | Create or get generator | |
355 | UPWB_WIF_GET_GENERATOR | Create or get generator | |
356 | UPWB_WIZZARD_EXECUTE | calls wizzard and returns the information | |
357 | UPW_READ_DATA_FOR_GRAPH | R | Read data (read-only) for graphics |
358 | UPW_SET_DATA_SHORT | R | stateful, commit to shortened etk_data structures |
359 | UPX_API_COMMIT | R | UPX ext. API: commit BPS buffers |
360 | UPX_API_DATA_GET | R | Read data object to a planning |
361 | UPX_API_DATA_SET | R | Write data of a planning object to the buffer |
362 | UPX_API_DONE | R | UPX: Final API after all work is done |
363 | UPX_API_FUNC_EXEC | R | API: Execute planning function |
364 | UPX_API_INIT | R | UPX: Initialize the communication with the engine |
365 | UPX_API_ITEM_ALL | R | UPX: Get launchpad items for given planning task |
366 | UPX_API_ITEM_DONE | R | UPX: Finish work with item |
367 | UPX_API_ITEM_EXEC | R | UPX: Accept the launchpad item & get planning book |
368 | UPX_API_MESSAGE_TEXT | R | Get long text for error message |
369 | UPX_API_REJECT | R | UPX ext. API: reject BPS buffers |
370 | UPX_API_RELEASE | R | UPX: Current release of the API |
371 | UPX_API_SEARCH_HELP | R | Show search help and return the value |
372 | UPX_API_SEMBPS_GETDATA | R | Read Planning Data |
373 | UPX_API_TASK_ALL | R | UPX: Get list of the planning tasks/books |
374 | UPX_API_TASK_DONE | R | UPX: Finish work with item |
375 | UPX_API_TASK_EXEC | R | UPX: Accept the launchpad item & get planning book |
376 | UPX_BWATR_RESOLVE | Resolve value of BW attributes | |
377 | UPX_CHANM_GET_TEXT | get advanced characteristic text | |
378 | UPX_CHANM_GROUPS_FACTORY | UPX: Get iobj's grouping factory | |
379 | UPX_CHARSEQ_CUST_STD_FACTORY | Factory to create BPSvar component | |
380 | UPX_CRM_CONVERSION_FACTOR | Determination of Quantity Conversion Factor in CRM | |
381 | UPX_CURRENT_YEAR_VARIABLE_FILL | Füllen der Variablen für die Zuständigkeiten | |
382 | UPX_CUST_MAIN_TABSTRIP_SCREEN | to create the tabstrip screen wrapper | |
383 | UPX_CUST_MAIN_TEXT_SUBSCREEN | to create the generic text subscreen | |
384 | UPX_CUST_PS_FACTORY_GENERAL | Factory to create BPSvar component | |
385 | UPX_CUST_PS_KEY_SELECTOR | The key selector factory | |
386 | UPX_CUST_PS_STEP_GENERAL | to get the step class for the general settings | |
387 | UPX_DATES_COMPLETE | Complete all possible date informations | |
388 | UPX_DATES_DERIVE | Derivation of Other Time Characteristics | |
389 | UPX_DSRC_BWHIE_FACTORIES | UPX: Get data sources factories | |
390 | UPX_EVAL_KPI_FACTORY | Get the root factory for responsibility sources | |
391 | UPX_EVAL_KPI_LIST | to get the list of customized KPIs | |
392 | UPX_EVAL_KPI_READ | to read the value & grade of the particular KPI | |
393 | UPX_EXEC_API_DHTML | One task via DHTML proxy | |
394 | UPX_EXEC_API_START | R | to start Sales Planning environment remotelly |
395 | UPX_EXEC_BUILD_TREE | to convert item table to the tree | |
396 | UPX_EXEC_CHECK_DUMMY | Dummy Check Exit for BPS Derivation | |
397 | UPX_EXEC_GET_OK_CODE | Get OK_CODE from the main screen | |
398 | UPX_EXEC_VALUES_EXPORT | Export variable values to the external memory | |
399 | UPX_EXEC_VALUES_IMPORT | Import the variable values from cluster table | |
400 | UPX_EXEC_VALUES_PREPARE | UPX: Upload values for BPS variables | |
401 | UPX_EXEC_VARIABLE_FILL | Fill Variables for Responsibilities | |
402 | UPX_EXIT_COMPLETE_TIME | BPS Exit for Standard Period Distribution | |
403 | UPX_EXIT_DERIVE_LOWEST_NODE | BPS Exit to Fill a Generic Characteristic from Characteristic Sequence | |
404 | UPX_EXIT_HIERARCHY_COMPLETE | BPS Exit for Derivation of Characteristics from Hierarchy | |
405 | UPX_EXIT_HIERARCHY_DERIVE | Derivation of Characteristics from Hierarchy | |
406 | UPX_EXIT_HIER_COMB_PROP_DUMMY | Dummy hierarchy derivation | |
407 | UPX_EXIT_REPORT_EXECUTE | BPS Exit to Execute a BW Report | |
408 | UPX_EXIT_UNIT_CONVERSION | BPS Exit for Quantity Conversion on the Basis of CRM Conversion Factor | |
409 | UPX_GET_OFFSET_TEXT | Retrieves/deletes descriptions for historical (offset) columns | |
410 | UPX_HIER_CUST_BWATTR_FACTORY | Factory to create BPSvar component | |
411 | UPX_HIER_CUST_BWEXT_FACTORY | Factory to create BPSvar component | |
412 | UPX_HIER_CUST_BWORG_FACTORY | Factory to create BPSvar component | |
413 | UPX_KFP_MKT_GET_BPHN | R | Derive BPHN of BP |
414 | UPX_KFP_MKT_SET_BP_LIST | Set list of business partners | |
415 | UPX_KFP_VARIABLE_SET | R | Extended Variable Set |
416 | UPX_KPI_ADD_BASE_UOM_CONV | Adds BUOM to requests and retrieves conversion factor | |
417 | UPX_KPI_API_ADD_MESSAGES | R | Set message to table gt_messages |
418 | UPX_KPI_API_CHECK_LAYOUT_CONFI | Checks layout compatability with the new render | |
419 | UPX_KPI_API_CONNECT | R | Initial connection from calling application |
420 | UPX_KPI_API_CREATE_DDIC_STRUCT | Create ddic stucture for the planning layout | |
421 | UPX_KPI_API_DATA_GET | R | to get the data from SEM to CRM |
422 | UPX_KPI_API_DATA_SET | R | to set the data fromCRM to SEM |
423 | UPX_KPI_API_DISCONNECT | R | to release BPS buffer and close the whole session |
424 | UPX_KPI_API_DOCUMENTS_GET | to get the documents for particular selection | |
425 | UPX_KPI_API_DOCUMENTS_SAVE | to commit all the documents' changes | |
426 | UPX_KPI_API_DOCUMENTS_SET | to upload the documents into BW | |
427 | UPX_KPI_API_EVAL_LIST | R | to read all the evaluation KPIs |
428 | UPX_KPI_API_EVAL_READ | R | to read the value for given KPI |
429 | UPX_KPI_API_FORECAST_PREPARE | R | to prepare forecasting UI |
430 | UPX_KPI_API_FORECAST_RESUME | R | to resume forecasting UI |
431 | UPX_KPI_API_FORECAST_UPDATE | R | to prepare forecasting UI |
432 | UPX_KPI_API_GET_MESSAGES | R | Get messages from gt_messages |
433 | UPX_KPI_API_GET_PROP_TIMELINE | Returns timeline in case of proportional distribution from CRM | |
434 | UPX_KPI_API_GET_RENDER | Get planning render object | |
435 | UPX_KPI_API_HIERARCHY_SYNC | R | to synchronize the BW external hierarchy |
436 | UPX_KPI_API_IS_FLEX_COMPATIBLE | R | FM to check if planning profile is Flex compatible |
437 | UPX_KPI_API_KYF_DEC | Extract decimal number based on combination | |
438 | UPX_KPI_API_KYF_DEC_EXTRACT | Extract least no of decimals used for a keyfigure to buffer | |
439 | UPX_KPI_API_LAYOUT_OFFLINE | to check the planning profile and provide some infos | |
440 | UPX_KPI_API_OBJECT_ENQUEUE | R | to enqueue the CRM object at SEM/BW side |
441 | UPX_KPI_API_OBJECT_SYNC | R | to synchronize the combinations from CRM |
442 | UPX_KPI_API_PACKAGE_INIT | to prepare ad-hoc packages | |
443 | UPX_KPI_API_PROFILE_CHECK | R | to check the planning profile and provide some infos |
444 | UPX_KPI_API_PROFILE_LIST | R | to get the list of profiles available in the SEM |
445 | UPX_KPI_API_SAVE | R | to save the BPS data on the CRM demand |
446 | UPX_KPI_API_SET_PROP_TIMELINE | R | Sets timeline in case of proportional distribution from CRM |
447 | UPX_KPI_API_TIMELINE | Returns the current timeline information | |
448 | UPX_KPI_API_VAL_SID_CONVERT | R | SID Conversion |
449 | UPX_KPI_API_VIEW_HTML | R | to get the generated DHTML for the view |
450 | UPX_KPI_API_VIEW_INIT | to prepare forecasting UI | |
451 | UPX_KPI_API_VIEW_PREPARE | R | to prepare forecasting UI |
452 | UPX_KPI_API_VIEW_RESUME | R | to resume forecasting UI |
453 | UPX_KPI_API_VIEW_UPDATE | R | to update the DHTML view |
454 | UPX_KPI_API_VIEW_UPDATE2 | R | to update the DHTML view |
455 | UPX_KPI_API_XML | R | to connect planning services with XML layer |
456 | UPX_KPI_KF_DEMO_FUNCTION | Function Module for Use in Key Figure Scheme | |
457 | UPX_KPI_KF_MAP_CHNAME_4_L_READ | Map chname before reading external cube | |
458 | UPX_KPI_KF_MKT_BASELINE | to retrieve baseline for Marketing planner | |
459 | UPX_KPI_KF_MKT_BASELINE_INIT | to prepare retrieving of baseline | |
460 | UPX_KPI_KF_PLEVEL_READ | Read Key Figure from Other Planning Level | |
461 | UPX_KPI_KF_PLEVEL_READ2 | Read Key Figure from Other Planning Level | |
462 | UPX_KPI_KF_PREVIEW_DEMO | Demo function for preview | |
463 | UPX_KPI_MKT_FACTOR | Vorlage für Planungsfunktion vom Typ Exit | |
464 | UPX_KPI_MKT_PLEVEL_GETDETAIL | R | Read the full information for planning level |
465 | UPX_KPI_MKT_PREDICT | Vorlage für Planungsfunktion vom Typ Exit | |
466 | UPX_KYFNM_GET_TEXT | get advanced characteristic text | |
467 | UPX_LAYOUT_API_DETAILS | DHTML layouts generation | |
468 | UPX_LAYOUT_API_RENDER | DHTML layouts generation | |
469 | UPX_LAYOUT_API_SETTINGS | Read the setting for the particular layout | |
470 | UPX_LAYOUT_CUST_COMP_FACTORY | Factory to create BPSvar component | |
471 | UPX_LAYOUT_CUST_STEP_FACTORY | Layout step factory for customizing framework | |
472 | UPX_LAYOUT_FACTORY | UPX: Get iobj's grouping factory | |
473 | UPX_LAYOUT_GET_CUSTOM_XML | DHTML presentation layer callback helper function | |
474 | UPX_LAYOUT_GET_VERSION | Create new layout version if necessary | |
475 | UPX_LAYOUT_ICONLIST | to get the list of the icons from MIME repository | |
476 | UPX_LAYOUT_LB_COPY | Function to copy enhanced layouts | |
477 | UPX_LAYOUT_LB_SAVE | Save the copied layouts to the database | |
478 | UPX_MAIN_TRANSPORT | Transport | |
479 | UPX_MNTN_ADVANCED | UPX: Get data sources factories | |
480 | UPX_MNTN_GENERAL | UPX: Get data sources factories | |
481 | UPX_PAGINATION_API | UPX Pagination API | |
482 | UPX_RESP_CUST_BPSVAR_FACTORY | Factory to create BPSvar component | |
483 | UPX_RESP_CUST_HTTPREQ_FACTORY | Factory to create BPSvar component | |
484 | UPX_RESP_CUST_MANUAL_FACTORY | Factory to create manual responsibility | |
485 | UPX_RESP_SOURCES_FACTORY | Get the root factory for responsibility sources | |
486 | UPX_SP_API_ADD_COMBINATION | Add Combination | |
487 | UPX_TASK_PROXIES_FACTORY | UPX: Get data sources factories | |
488 | UPX_TEXTS_CREATE | UPX: Create text handler for GUID | |
489 | UPX_TIMEFRAME_CREATE | UPX: Create timeframe object | |
490 | UPX_TIME_EVALUATE | to evaluate allowed time characteristics | |
491 | UPX_UNITS_CM_HANDLER | UPX: Get iobj's grouping factory | |
492 | UPX_VAR_CHAR_API | BPS Variable Character Association API | |
493 | UPX_VERSIONS_FACTORY | UPX: Provide object factory for versions | |
494 | UPX_WEB_VALUE_HELP | Custom Exit Function for F4 Help | |
495 | UPY_CDI_DERIVE_CHK_EXAMPLE | Combined Check on Characteristics for Storing Change Information | |
496 | UPY_CDI_DERIVE_EXIT | Derive Characteristics for Storing Change Information | |
497 | UPY_CDI_DERIVE_EXIT_EXAMPLE | Derive Characteristics for Storing Change Information | |
498 | UPY_CDI_DERIVE_PRP_EXAMPLE | Combined Proposal of Characteristics for Storing Change Information | |
499 | UP_LOE_KBVM_KBVL | Update und Löschung der KDVM und KDVL | |
500 | UP_LOE_KDVM_KDVL | Update und Löschung der KDVM und KDVL |