Function Group - F
# | Function Group | Package | Software Component | Short Description |
1 | FKK_CLRG_GEN6 | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
2 | FKK_CLRG_GEN7 | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3 | FKK_CLRG_PYGR | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Payment Run: Grouping of Open Items |
4 | FKK_CLRG_SAM | FKKB | Auto. Clearing, Template Function Module | |
5 | FKK_COLL_EVENTS | FKKB_DM | DUMMY_FICA | Events for Collection Case |
6 | FKK_COMMIT_WEIGHT | FKKCORR | Correspondence: Commit Control | |
7 | FKK_COPA | FKKB | Link to CO-PA | |
8 | FKK_CORRSPND_ADD | FKKCORR_ARCHIVING | ABA_PLUS | Functions Implemented Additionally |
13 | FKK_CORRSPND_GD | FKKCORR_ARCHIVING | ABA_PLUS | Generated Maint. Dialogs Object CORRSPND |
15 | FKK_CORRSPND_PBP | FKKCORR_ARCHIVING | ABA_PLUS | Functions for Package Formation |
17 | FKK_CORRSPND_RT | FKKCORR_ARCHIVING | ABA_PLUS | Residence Time Functions - Object CORRS |
19 | FKK_CORR_BALANOTE | FKKC | Balance Note for Contract Accounts | |
20 | FKK_CORR_GPARTBALA | FKKC | DUMMY_FICA | FI-CA Corresp.: Business Partner Statemt |
21 | FKK_CORR_LOG | FKKS | DUMMY_FICA | Application Log for Correction Reports |
22 | FKK_CORR_MASTERDATA | FKKC | DUMMY_FICA | Correspondence: Master Data Change |
23 | FKK_CORR_PAYFORM | FKKC | Correspondence Payment Form | |
24 | FKK_CORR_WRITEOFF | FKKC | DUMMY_FICA | Write-Off Correspondence |
25 | FKK_CREDIT_RATING | FKKB | Functions for creditworth. admin. | |
27 | FKK_CR_BPC | FKKCR | Changes to Business Partner Data | |
28 | FKK_CR_CREDIT_INFO | FKKCR | DUMMY_FICA | Provision of Payment Behavior Summary |
30 | FKK_CR_CUSTVIEWS | FKKCR | DUMMY_FICA | Customizing Views |
31 | FKK_CR_DB_SERVICE | FKKCR | DUMMY_FICA | Database Access Modules |
32 | FKK_CR_EVENTS | FKKCR | DUMMY_FICA | Sample Function Modules |
33 | FKK_CR_LIABILITY | FKKCR | DUMMY_FICA | Liability Mass Update |
34 | FKK_CR_PARTNER_INSERT | FKKCR | DUMMY_FICA | Credit Mgt Update on Creation of GPART |
35 | FKK_CR_PARTNER_MESSAGE | FKKCR | DUMMY_FICA | Management of Partner Messages |
36 | FKK_CUSTOMIZE_IT | FKK_ID_IT | DUMMY_FICA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
37 | FKK_DDAX | FKKB | Debit Memo Notification (GB) | |
38 | FKK_DM_CASEITEMS | FKKB_DM | DUMMY_FICA | Items in Cases |
39 | FKK_DM_COLL_CASE | FKKB_DM | DUMMY_FICA | Collection Case Integration |
40 | FKK_DM_COR | FKKB_DM | DUMMY_FICA | FI-CA Dispute Management: Correspondence |
41 | FKK_DM_CORR | FKKB_DM | DUMMY_FICA | Correspondence for Collection Case |
42 | FKK_DM_CUS | FKKB_DM | DUMMY_FICA | Dispute Management: Customizing |
43 | FKK_DM_INT | FKKB_DM | DUMMY_FICA | Dispute Management: Internal Services |
44 | FKK_DM_SERVICES_BD | FKKB_DM | DUMMY_FICA | FSCM-DM: Services for Biller Direct |
45 | FKK_DM_SRV | FKKB_DM | DUMMY_FICA | Dispute Management: Services |
46 | FKK_DM_UI | FKKB_DM | DUMMY_FICA | FICA-DM: Dispute Management User Interf. |
47 | FKK_DOCUMENT | FKKB | FI-CA | FI-CA Document (for Original Doc. Disp.) |
48 | FKK_DOC_EXTR | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
49 | FKK_DOC_EXTR_EXTR | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Short Extracts |
50 | FKK_DUEDOC | FKK_ORDER | DUMMY_FICA | Standing Requests: Documents |
51 | FKK_EBPP | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | FSCM: Biller Direct |
52 | FKK_EMMA_MA | FKKB | FI-CA | EMMA Mass Activities |
53 | FKK_EXT_DOC_CUST | FKKB | Customizing for Official Document Number | |
54 | FKK_EXT_DOC_NUM | FKKB | FI-CA External Document Numbering | |
55 | FKK_EXT_DOC_NUM_ | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
56 | FKK_EXT_DOC_NUM_AR | FKKB | Official Document Number for Argentina | |
57 | FKK_EXT_DOC_NUM_BR | FKKB | Nota Fiscal (IS-U Related) Number | |
58 | FKK_EXT_DOC_NUM_IT | FKK_ID_IT | DUMMY_FICA | Italy: Official Document Numbering |
59 | FKK_EXT_DOC_NUM_MEM | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Global Memory Official Document Number |
60 | FKK_EXT_DOC_NUM_PT | FKKB | Official Doc.No. Portugal (IS-U spec.) | |
61 | FKK_EXT_DOC_SRV | FKKB | Service Modules Official Document No. | |
62 | FKK_FICA_CORR_SHLP | FKKC | DUMMY_FICA | FI-CA Correspondence Search Helps |
63 | FKK_FIND | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Search Tools |
64 | FKK_FORMCLASS | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | FI-CA Service Modules Form Classes |
65 | FKK_GL_DRILL_DOWN_LIST | FKKB | Lists for Drilling Down G/L Documents | |
66 | FKK_GRP_SELPLOCK | FKKLOCK | FI-CA | FGp "Locks According to Preselections" |
67 | FKK_ID_CH | FKK_ID_CH | FI-CA | ESR in Switzerland |
68 | FKK_ID_IT | FKK_ID_IT | DUMMY_FICA | Italy: function group for VAT reports |
69 | FKK_ID_MX | FKK_ID_MX | DUMMY_FICA | MX:Tax reporting tools |
71 | FKK_ID_RU | FKK_ID_RU | DUMMY_FICA | FI-CA: Tax report for Russia |
72 | FKK_ID_US | FKK_ID_US | DUMMY_FICA | FI-CA: withholding tax reporting |
73 | FKK_INCORR_BUFFER | FKKCORR | DUMMY_PWCP | Funct. GP for Inbound Corr. Data Transf. |
74 | FKK_INCORR_HIST | FKKC | DUMMY_FICA | Correspondence History - Incoming Corr. |
75 | FKK_INTEGR | FKKB | Integration with Other Applications | |
76 | FKK_IPSCA | FKKFMUPD | DUMMY_FICA | Integration IS-PS and IS-PS-CA |
77 | FKK_LIST_CREDIT_RATING | FKKB | Change/display BP creditworthiness | |
78 | FKK_LOCK_ENTRIES | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Handling of FI-CA Locks |
79 | FKK_MAP_PARTNER_VBUND | FKKB | Mapping CRM trading paterner with VBUND | |
80 | FKK_MSG | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | FI-CA: Message Handler |
81 | FKK_NOTE_ANALYZE | FKKB | Analysis of Note to Payee | |
82 | FKK_NOTE_MAINT | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
83 | FKK_OI_EVENTS | FKKOI | DUMMY_FICA | Sample Modules for Events |
84 | FKK_OI_GEN | FKKOI | DUMMY_FICA | Generated Objects of Outbound Interface |
85 | FKK_ORDER | FKK_ORDER | DUMMY_FICA | Requests |
86 | FKK_ORDERMASS | FKK_ORDER | DUMMY_FICA | Mass Activity: Post Requests |
87 | FKK_ORDER_CORR | FKK_ORDER | DUMMY_FICA | Requests: Correspondence/Printing |
88 | FKK_ORDER_GEN | FKK_ORDER | DUMMY_FICA | Requests: Generated Objects |
89 | FKK_ORDER_SAMPLE | FKK_ORDER | DUMMY_FICA | Sample Function Modules for Requests |
90 | FKK_ORDER_SERVICE | FKK_ORDER | DUMMY_FICA | Services for Request Object |
92 | FKK_PAY | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Payment Services |
93 | FKK_PAYMENTRELEA | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
94 | FKK_PAYMENTRELEASE | FKKB | Payment Release - Double Check | |
95 | FKK_PAYMO | FKKC | DUMMY_FICA | Payment Media Correspondence |
96 | FKK_PCARD | FKKB | Management of Payment Cards | |
97 | FKK_PROXY | FKKI | FI-CA | FI-CA: Proxy for External Calls |
98 | FKK_RARE_USED | FKKB | Rarely Used Functions | |
99 | FKK_RD1 | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | FI-CA Revenue Distribtuion (Services) |
100 | FKK_RD2 | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | FI-CA Revenue Distribution (Mass. Act.) |
101 | FKK_RECONCILIATION | FKKB | FI-CA Reconciliation | |
102 | FKK_REP1099 | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | 1099 Reporting |
105 | FKK_REQUEST_BOR | FKK_ORDER | DUMMY_FICA | BAPI: Process Requests |
107 | FKK_ROUNDING | FKKB | Rounding | |
108 | FKK_RZARELEASE | FKKB | Repayment Request Release - Double Check | |
109 | FKK_SAFTINV_EXT | FKK_ID_XX | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
110 | FKK_SAFTINV_RULE | FKK_ID_XX | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
111 | FKK_SAFT_PROCESS | FKK_ID_XX | Process for SAF-T | |
112 | FKK_SCHEDMAN | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Schedule Manager Connection |
113 | FKK_SEC | FKK_SECURITY | Security Deposit: Online | |
115 | FKK_SEC_DB | FKK_SECURITY | Security Deposit: Database Accesses | |
116 | FKK_SEGMENT | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Services for Segment in FI-CA |
117 | FKK_SELP | FKKB | Mass Selections from Master Data | |
118 | FKK_SELP_CUST | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
119 | FKK_SELP_EXT | FKKB | Selections - External Interface | |
120 | FKK_SELP_OP | FKKB | FM Help for OI Report | |
121 | FKK_SEPA | FKKB | SEPA: Mandate Management | |
122 | FKK_SEPA_CRM | FKK_SEPA | SEPA: CRM Data Exchange | |
123 | FKK_SEPA_CUST | FKK_SEPA | SEPA: Customizing | |
124 | FKK_SEPA_DATES | FKK_SEPA | SEPA: Date Calculations | |
125 | FKK_SEPA_GENERATE | FKKB | SEPA: Mass Generation of Mandates | |
126 | FKK_SEPA_MNDT | FKK_SEPA | Print SEPA Mandates | |
127 | FKK_SEPA_PRENOT | FKK_SEPA | FI-CA: SEPA Pre-Notification | |
128 | FKK_SEPA_PRENOT_HISTORY | FKK_SEPA | Direct Debit Pre-Notifications: History | |
129 | FKK_SEPA_RFC | FKKB | RFC Modules for Mandate Management | |
130 | FKK_SEPA_SAMPLE | FKKB | SEPA: Mandate Mgmt - Sample Module | |
131 | FKK_SRTV | FKKB | Full Text Search | |
132 | FKK_TAX_APL | FKKB | Module for Acct Determination Tab. | |
133 | FKK_TAX_ARG | FKKB | Modules: Argentinian Taxes | |
134 | FKK_TRANSFER_POSTING | FKKB | Transfer Documents to Another Account | |
135 | FKK_TRANSFER_POSTING_DLG | FKKB | Transfer Docs to Other Account - Dialog | |
136 | FKK_TXINV | FKK_TAXINV | DUMMY_FICA | Tax Invoice Reporting |
137 | FKK_UMB_POS | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Trans. Post Open Items in Resp. Co. Code |
138 | FKK_UTILITIES_XX | FKK_ID_XX | Utility | |
139 | FKK_VBUND | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Adjustments after VBUND Change |
140 | FKK_VBUNDVIEW | FKKB | FI-CA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
141 | FKK_WORKFLOW | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Workflow - Dual Control Principle |
142 | FKK_WORKFLOW_WRITEOFF | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Workflow for Write-Off |
143 | FKK_XI_BILLIMAGE | FKKXI | FI-CA | XI Interface Bill Image Request |
144 | FKK_XI_EVENTS | FKKXI | DUMMY_FICA | Events during XI Processing |
145 | FKL0 | FKKS | FI-CA: Service Functions f. List Display | |
146 | FKL2 | FKKB | FI-CA: Posting totals | |
147 | FKL3 | FKKB | FI-CA: Utilities for List Display | |
148 | FKL8 | FKKB | FI-CA: Account Balance (Short Form) | |
149 | FKL9 | FKKB | FI-CA: Acct balance | |
150 | FKL9_BAL | FKKB | Balance Module for Account Balance | |
151 | FKLOCK | FKKLOCK | Processing Locks | |
152 | FKLO_CUST | FKKLOCK | Processing Locks - Customizing | |
153 | FKMA | FKKB | FI-CA dunning program | |
154 | FKMA_MESSAGE | FKKB | Processing Dunning Notice Message | |
155 | FKMB | FKKB | FI-CA: Automatic Dunning | |
156 | FKMB1 | FKKB | FI-CA Dunning: Activity Run | |
157 | FKMC | FKKB | FI-CA: Calculate Creditworthiness | |
158 | FKMD | FKKB | FI-CA dunning services | |
159 | FKME | FKKB | FICA: Dunning Checks | |
160 | FKML | FKKB | Sample function modules without code | |
161 | FKML0 | FKKI | FI-CA: Sample Function Module RWIN | |
162 | FKML1 | FKKB | Sample Function Modules Without Code | |
163 | FKML2 | FKKB | FI-CA | Sample Function Modules Without Code |
164 | FKML3 | FKKB | Sample Function Modules | |
165 | FKMOPZ | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Help Functions for Subitems |
166 | FKMP | FKKB | Sample Function Modules (FP Arithmetic) | |
167 | FKMT | FBAS | FI: Account Assignment Model Procedure | |
168 | FKMU | FKKB | Sample function modules with code | |
169 | FKMZ | FKKB | FI-CA Dunning/Payment - Common Functions | |
170 | FKN1 | FKKB | FI-CA Installment Plan | |
171 | FKN2 | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
172 | FKN3 | FKKB | Read Module for TFK060A and T | |
173 | FKN4 | FKKB | Configurable Table Controls for Items | |
174 | FKN5 | FKKB | BAPI Account Balances | |
175 | FKN6 | FKKB | Info Modules: Functions | |
176 | FKN7 | FKKB | BAPIs for Installment Plan | |
177 | FKN8 | FKKB | Customizing Views for Installment Plan | |
178 | FKN9 | FKKB | Installment Plan Customizing | |
179 | FKNA | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Account Determination: Navigation |
180 | FKNR | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | NOC Returns Lot |
181 | FKNRC | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | NOC: Extended Table Maintenance (Gen.) |
182 | FKNRCORR | FKKB | FI-CA | NRLOT: Create Correspondence |
183 | FKOP | FKKB | Key-Date Related Open Items | |
184 | FKP2 | FKKB | Service modules for document | |
185 | FKP3 | FKKB | Services for document posting | |
186 | FKP4 | FKKB | OI processing for document posting | |
187 | FKP5 | FKKB | Post/Change/Display Doc: Services | |
188 | FKP6 | FKKB | FI-CA Document: Extended Doc. Change | |
189 | FKPA | FKKB | Call View V_TFK042A (without update) | |
190 | FKPB | FKKB | Service routines for the payment proram | |
191 | FKPD | FKKB | Payment data | |
192 | FKPF | FKKB | Payment medium formats | |
193 | FKPG | FKKB | Payment Grouping | |
194 | FKPGV | FKKB | Payment Group Variants | |
195 | FKPH | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Where Used List for Origins |
196 | FKPI | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | FI-CA: BPartner Changes for Coll. Agency |
197 | FKPK | FKKB | Document: Corresp. Request/Printing | |
198 | FKPL | FKKB | Parameter maintenace activity log | |
199 | FKPM | FKKB | Select Payment Dataset | |
200 | FKPMASS | FKKB | Mass Activity Payment Run | |
201 | FKPNGB1 | FKK_ID_GB | ISUCEN | Prenotification (GB): master data change |
202 | FKPNGB2 | FKK_ID_GB | ISUCEN | Prenotification: AUDDIS |
203 | FKPNGB3 | FKK_ID_GB | ISUCEN | Prenotification: integration with paym. |
204 | FKPNUS1 | FKK_ID_US | DUMMY_FICA | US: Prenotification using ACH format |
205 | FKPNUS2 | FKK_ID_US | DUMMY_FICA | Prenotification (US): master data change |
206 | FKPP | FKKB | FI-CA Document: Post | |
207 | FKPR | FKKB | Repayment Requests | |
208 | FKPREP | FKKB | FI-CA: Payment Development | |
209 | FKPS | FKKB | FI-CA Document: Display and Change | |
210 | FKPSC | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Planned Document Changes |
211 | FKPT | FKKB | FI-CA Document: Tools | |
212 | FKPT_CUST | FKK_ID_PT_SIGN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
213 | FKPT_DOC | FKK_ID_PT_SIGN | Signing of billing documents | |
214 | FKPT_DS | FKK_ID_PT_SIGN | Digital Signatures | |
215 | FKPT_DS_UTILITY | FKK_ID_PT_SIGN | Utility functions | |
216 | FKPT_SAFT_UTILITY | FKK_ID_PT_SAFT | Portugal: SAF-T Utility | |
217 | FKPY | FKKB | FI-CA Payment Program | |
218 | FKPZ | FKKB | Payment method determination | |
219 | FKQ0 | FKKB | FI-CA: Withholding Tax Services | |
220 | FKQ1 | FKKB | FI-CA: Withholding Tax Reporting Data | |
221 | FKR0 | FKKI | FI-CA: FI/CO Interface SD->FI-CA | |
222 | FKR0AR | FKKI | FI-CA: SD/FI-CA - Local. Argentina | |
223 | FKR0BR | FKKI | DUMMY_FICA | FI-CA: SD/FI-CA - Local. Brazil |
224 | FKR0D | FKKI | FI-CA: SD/FI-CA - Database Functions | |
225 | FKR0DF | FKKI | FI-CA: SD/FI-CA - SD Doc Flow - Modific. | |
226 | FKR0DP | FKKI | FI-CA: SD/FI-CA - Down Payments | |
227 | FKR0IN | FKKI | FI-CA: SD/FI-CA - Call Bill. Doc. Modif. | |
228 | FKR0MD | FKKI | FI-CA: SD/FI-CA - Customer Master Modif. | |
229 | FKR0OR | FKKI | FI-CA: SD/FI-CA - Call Order Modif. | |
230 | FKR0RW | FKKI | FI-CA: SD/FI-CA - Accounting Modif. | |
231 | FKR0S | FKKI | FI-CA: SD/FI-CA - Various Functions | |
232 | FKR0V | FKKI | FI-CA: SD/FI-CA Interface Maint. Views | |
233 | FKR1 | FKKB | Sample Returns Modules | |
234 | FKR2 | FKKB | Returns 2000 | |
235 | FKR2AR | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Returns Lot: Archive Access |
236 | FKR2DLG | FKKB | Returns Dialog Processing/Editing | |
237 | FKR2UTL | FKKB | Returns: Utilities | |
238 | FKRD | FKKB | Rounding balance | |
239 | FKREPT | FKKB | Receipt Management | |
240 | FKREPT1 | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Receipt Management: Generated Objects |
241 | FKRV | FKKB | Receivable Valuation Transfer Postings | |
242 | FKRV2 | FKKB | Value Adjustment Acc. to Age Structure | |
243 | FKRV3 | FKKB | Services for Receivables Adjustment | |
244 | FKRV4 | FKKB | Views for Table Maintenance for FKRV2 | |
245 | FKS0 | FKKB | Services in FI-CA | |
246 | FKS1 | FKKB | Service in FI-CA: Job maintenance | |
247 | FKSO | FKKB | Convert Paid Stat Docs to Official Docs | |
248 | FKSS | FKKB | Debit Entry from Statistical Items | |
249 | FKST | FKKS | FI-CA structure reader | |
250 | FKSV | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
251 | FKTAX | FKKB | Tax Line Determination w/MaxTax (USA) | |
252 | FKTC | FKKB | FI-CA: Dynamic Table Control | |
253 | FKTR | FKKB | Data Transfer | |
254 | FKTX | FKKB | FI-CA: Taxes for External Systems | |
255 | FKTX_GEN | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
256 | FKTX_TAB | FKKB | Table Access (Max.Tax, Partial Taxes) | |
257 | FKU1 | FKKB | FI-CA: Transfer Open Items | |
258 | FKU2 | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
259 | FKU3 | FKKB | Transfer Open Items: Events | |
260 | FKV0 | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
261 | FKV1 | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
262 | FKV2 | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
263 | FKVC | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
264 | FKVJ | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
265 | FKVO | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
266 | FKVS | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
267 | FKVT | FKKB | Conversion of VERTRAG to VTREF | |
268 | FKV_SEC | FKK_SECURITY | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
269 | FKV_TFK001R | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
270 | FKW1 | FKKB | Create/edit repetition groups | |
271 | FKW2 | FKKB | Display/Change Repetition Groups | |
272 | FKY0 | FKKB | Payment medium: Sample function modules | |
273 | FKY1 | FKKB | Toolbox | |
274 | FKY2 | FKKB | General FMs for creating payment mediums | |
275 | FKY3 | FKKB | Payment medium: Utilities for FKPY2 | |
276 | FKY4 | FKKC | Correspondence: Payment Advice Notes | |
277 | FKY7 | FKKB | Payment Medium: Link to DMEE | |
278 | FKY9 | FKKB | Payment Medium: Utilities | |
279 | FKYAT | FKKB | Create Payment Medium for Austria | |
280 | FKYAT_V3 | FKKB | V3 Format for Austria | |
281 | FKYAU | FKKB | Payment Medium: Australia | |
282 | FKYBE | FKKB | Payment Medium: Belgium | |
283 | FKYBE1 | FKK_ID_BE | DUMMY_FICA | Payment Medium BEPDTA for Begium |
284 | FKYBR | FKK_ID_BR | DUMMY_FICA | Payment Medium: Brazil |
285 | FKYBR1 | FKK_ID_BR | DUMMY_FICA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
286 | FKYBR2 | FKK_ID_BR | Brazil : Table Maintenance for DFKKBRSEQ | |
287 | FKYBR3 | FKK_ID_BR | PreNotification : Events 1025 & 1052 | |
288 | FKYBR4 | FKK_ID_BR | Brazil : DME for Pre-Notification | |
289 | FKYBR5 | FKK_ID_BR | Prenotification: Brazil - Event 1072 | |
290 | FKYBR6 | FKK_ID_BR | Brazil: Payment Processing | |
291 | FKYCH | FKKB | Payment medium: Switzerland | |
292 | FKYCH1 | FKK_ID_CH | DUMMY_FICA | ESR and ASR in Switzerland |
293 | FKYCHK | FKKB | Payment Medium: Checks | |
294 | FKYCHK_GEN | FKKB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
295 | FKYDE | FKKB | Payment medium: Germany | |
296 | FKYDK | FKKB | Payment Medium for Denmark | |
297 | FKYDK1 | FKK_ID_DK | DUMMY_FICA | PBS: For master data |
298 | FKYDK2 | FKK_ID_DK | DUMMY_FICA | PBS: Pre. creation in PBS605 format |
299 | FKYDK3 | FKK_ID_DK | DUMMY_FICA | PBS: CPR / CVR No. Table Maintenance |
300 | FKYDK4 | FKK_ID_DK | DUMMY_FICA | Denmark Validation of ID |
301 | FKYES | FKKB | Payment Medium: Spain | |
302 | FKYFI | FKK_ID_FI | LM03: Payment Medium Finland | |
303 | FKYFI_DD | FKK_ID_FI | DUMMY_FICA | DD: Payment Medium Finnland |
304 | FKYFR | FKKB | Payment Medium France | |
305 | FKYGB | FKKB | Payment Medium: Great Britain | |
306 | FKYGEN | FKKB | Generated Maintenance Objects | |
307 | FKYIT | FKKB | Payment Medium: Italy | |
308 | FKYJP | FKK_ID_JP | Payment Medium: Japan | |
309 | FKYNL | FKKB | Payment Medium: Netherlands | |
310 | FKYNZ | FKKB | Payment medium: New Zealand | |
311 | FKYPC | FKKB | Payment Medium: Payment Cards | |
312 | FKYPT | FKKB | Payment Medium: Portugal | |
313 | FKYSE | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Payment Media for Sweden |
314 | FKYUS | FKKB | Payment Medium Creation USA | |
315 | FKY_IDOC | FKK_EDI | DUMMY_FICA | IDOC Payment Media Format |
316 | FKY_SEPA | FKKB | Payment Medium: SEPA | |
317 | FKZ0 | FKKB | Payment processing | |
318 | FKZ0AR | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Payment Lot: Archive Accesses |
319 | FKZ0GOS | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Generic Services for Payment Lot |
320 | FKZ0S | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Services for Payment Lot |
321 | FKZ1 | FKKB | Return payment requests | |
322 | FKZ1CHNG | FKKB | CHDO FKK_REPREQ => Gen. by RSSCD000 | |
323 | FKZ2 | FKKB | Service Functions for Payments | |
324 | FKZ3 | FKKB | Payment Form Number Administration | |
325 | FKZ4 | FKKB | Service Modules for Payment Lot | |
326 | FKZ5 | FKKB | Payment Orders | |
327 | FKZ6 | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Services for Payment Lot |
328 | FKZ7 | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Payment Notifications |
329 | FKZ8 | FKKB | Debit Memo Notification (England) | |
330 | FKZ9 | FKKB | DUMMY_FICA | Clarif. Proc. Payment Lot: Corresp. Bank |
331 | FKZN | FKKB | Check digit for payment form number | |
332 | FKZW | FKKB | Enter Doubtful/Make Indiv.Val.Adjustmts | |
333 | FK_DUNN_DB | FKKB | FI-CA Dunning: Database Access | |
334 | FK_INSTPLN_PRINT_MASS | FKKB | Mass Activity: Print Installm.Plan | |
336 | FLBPC_CUST | FLBPC | Business Partner: Vendor/Suppl.Customiz. | |
337 | FLBPC_CUST_READ | FLBPC | BP: Read Vendor Customizing | |
338 | FLBPC_LOVN | FLBPC | INSURANCE | SAP BP: Vendor/Suppl.Link; BDT Function |
339 | FLBPC_MAIN | FLBPC | Bus. Partner: Vendor/Supplier Control | |
340 | FLBPC_MAINTAIN | FLBPC | Business Partner: Save Vendor/Supplier | |
341 | FLBPD_CHECK | FLBPD | Business Partner: Deb/Cred. Checks | |
342 | FLBPD_CUST | FLBPD | Business Partner: Deb/Cred Customizing | |
343 | FLBPD_CUST_READ | FLBPD | Business Partner: Read Deb/Cred Customzg | |
344 | FLBPD_DARK | FLBPD | INSURANCE | Business Partner: Deb/Cred Bckgrnd Proc. |
345 | FLBPD_MAIN | FLBPD | Business Partner: Deb/Cred Control | |
346 | FLBPD_MAINTAIN | FLBPD | Business Partner: Save Debitor/Customer | |
347 | FLBPD_READ | FLBPD | Bus. Partner: Debitor/Cust. Read Access | |
348 | FLBP_ARCH | FTBP_ADDON | Business Partner: Archiving | |
349 | FLBP_CUST | FLBP | CVI: Customizing for Field Modification | |
350 | FLBP_DEPRECATED2005 | FLBP_DEPRECATED | SAP_APPL | Obsolet innerhalb ERP 2005 Release |
351 | FLBP_DEPRECATED2005_BDTC | FLBP_DEPRECATED | SAP_APPL | Obsolet innerhalb ERP 2005 (BDT - Kred) |
352 | FLBP_DEPRECATED2005_BDTD | FLBP_DEPRECATED | SAP_APPL | Obsolet innerhalb ERP 2005 (BDT -Debi) |
353 | FLBP_FMOD | FLBP | CVI: Field Modifications | |
354 | FLBP_IND_SECT | FS_BP_ECC | SAP_APPL | CVI: Maint. Modules for Industry Mapping |
355 | FLOC | FQST | Component Check for SA Localization | |
356 | FLQBIW | FFLQ | LQ: Connection to BW | |
357 | FLQCCR | FFLQ | SAP_APPL | LQ: Document Chains |
358 | FLQCCR_HDB_SERVICE | FFLQ | SAP_APPL | Functions for HANA Database |
359 | FLQEXT | FFLQ | SAP_APPL | LQ: Extended Account Assignment |
360 | FLQPO | FFLQ | LQ: Update | |
361 | FLQQR | FFLQ | LQ: Evaluation of Queries | |
362 | FLQQR_GEN | FFLQ | LQ: Generic Evaluation of Queries | |
363 | FLQRD | FFLQ | LQ: Read Modules | |
364 | FLQRW | FFLQ | LQ: Update From Accounting | |
365 | FLQRW_TP | FFLQ | SAP_APPL | Top Level Update |
366 | FLQSAMPLE | FFLQ | LQ: Sample for Assignment Exits | |
367 | FLQSERV | FFLQ | LQ: Service Modules | |
368 | FLQVIEW | FFLQ | LQ: Maintenance Views / Release-Dep. | |
369 | FLT01 | ITOBFLTCON | DI | Enhancements to Reference Object Screens |
370 | FLT02 | DI_FLT_STD | DI | PM/CS Order Operation Cost Determination |
371 | FLT03 | DI_FLT_STD | DI | Fleet Customer Exits |
372 | FLT_CAT | DI_FLT_ENH | DI | Code (VMRS) Catalog Support for Fleet M. |
373 | FLT_EXT | DI_FLT_ENH | DI | Fleet SDP: Customer Exit Support |
374 | FLT_REP | DI_FLT_ENH | DI | Fleet SDP: Reporting Support |
375 | FM00 | FMBS | FIFM Customizing | |
376 | FM00_ADDON | FMBS_ADDON | EA-PS | Customizing FI-FM / Enhancements Addon |
377 | FM02 | FMMD | EA-PS | Active Account Assignment Elements FM |
378 | FM10 | FMBU | General Hierarchy-Related Data Entry | |
379 | FM11 | FMBU | Maintenance Views For Budgeting Tools | |
380 | FM12 | FMBU | Budget object definition with groups | |
381 | FM13 | FMBU | Budget Objects - Tools | |
382 | FM14 | FMBU | Automated Budget Integration | |
383 | FM15 | FMBU_CORE | Read budget values | |
384 | FM16 | FMBU_CORE | Budgeting Customizing | |
385 | FM17 | FMBU_CORE | Activate Budget Versions | |
386 | FM18 | FMBU_CORE | SAP_APPL | Interface with FYC Carryforward Rules |
387 | FM19 | FMBU | Interface for Budget Updates | |
388 | FM1A | FMBS | Master data: general tools | |
389 | FM20 | FMBU_CORE | Budgeting - Tools | |
390 | FM21 | FMBU | Budgeting in Euros Before the Changeover | |
391 | FM23 | KABP | Customizing Budgeting | |
392 | FM24 | FMBU | Interfaces for BTEs | |
393 | FM2A | FMBS | Funds center | |
394 | FM2B | FMBS | Maintain funds center | |
395 | FM2BL_FCT1 | FMFS_E | EA-PS | FM2BL - Pool of Functions |
396 | FM2BL_MV1 | FMFS_E | EA-PS | FM2BL Maintenance View |
397 | FM2R | FMMD | Read Funds Center | |
398 | FM3A | FMBS | Commitment item: DB operations | |
399 | FM3B | FMBS | Maintain Commitment Item | |
400 | FM3E | FMBS | Commitment Item: Conversion Routines | |
401 | FM3G | FMBU | Budget Structure Template | |
402 | FM3R | FMBS | Read Commitment Item | |
403 | FM4B | FMBU_CORE | FIFM: Budget / Plan Read Modules | |
404 | FM4C | FMBU | FIFM Hierarchy Structure | |
405 | FM4C_POPUP | FMMD | IS-PS | FM Master Data Hierarchy Popup |
406 | FM4D | FMBU_CORE | Budget Account Assignment Objects | |
407 | FM4E | FMBU | Header Screen and Format of BS Hierarchy | |
408 | FM52 | FMMD | Master Data: Fund | |
409 | FM5B | FMBS | CA Budgeting | |
410 | FM5R | FMMD | Read Fund | |
411 | FM5R_CORE | FMMD_CORE | FM: Fund core functionality | |
412 | FM5R_E | FMMD_E | Funds Management: Fund | |
413 | FM62 | FMMD | Master Data: Application of Funds | |
414 | FM6R | FMMD | Read Application of Funds | |
415 | FM71 | IWO2 | AccAssgnmt at Operation& Component Level | |
416 | FMAA | FMOV | Funds Managment Account Assignment | |
417 | FMAA_BLANK | KAFF | SAP_APPL | Allow BLANK as Value |
418 | FMAA_CHECK | KAFF | SAP_APPL | Derive + Check FM Account Assignment |
419 | FMAA_CHECK_ADDON | KAFF_ADDON | EA-PS | OC Controlling: Integr. of Fund/Function |
420 | FMAA_CHECK_TM | FMFS_E | EA-PS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
421 | FMAB | FMOV | Rule Maintenance for Cover Eligibility | |
422 | FMABP | FMFG_ABP_E | EA-PS | Automatic budget postings: Services |
423 | FMAC | FMOV | Availability Control Connections | |
424 | FMACC | FMFS_CORE | SAP_APPL | FM Usability |
425 | FMACC_E | FMFS_E | EA-PS | Completion of accounting documents |
426 | FMAD | FMOV | Rule Maintenance for Collective Expend. | |
427 | FMAE | FMOV | Cover Eligibility Checks | |
428 | FMAH | FMOV | Change Documents for Cover Eligibility | |
429 | FMAM | FMOV | Puffer Tables for RIB/CV/CE Rules | |
430 | FMAP | FFCBI | FIFM Update: Application-depdt access | |
431 | FMAR | FMAR | Funds Management Archiving | |
432 | FMAR_READ | FMRP | EA-PS | Read Access to Archive |
433 | FMAU | FMBS | FIFM: Authorizations | |
434 | FMAVC_ACO_INDEX_ACCESS | FMAVCA_E | EA-PS | Tools for accessing the index table, AVC |
435 | FMAVC_ALDNR_ENQUEUE_TOOLS | FMAVCA_E | EA-PS | Enqueue handling of control ledgers, FM |
436 | FMAVC_CHECK_LDGRSTAT | FMAVCA_E | IS-PS | AVC: activation status of ledger (FM) |
437 | FMAVC_CONTROL_OBJECT_TOOLS | FMAVCA_E | EA-PS | Tools for availability control objects |
438 | FMAVC_CUST_TOOLS | FMAVCA_E | IS-PS | FM AVC: Tools for Customizing |
439 | FMAVC_CUST_VIEWS | FMAVCA_E | IS-PS | Avail. control: maintenance views (FM) |
440 | FMAVC_DERI_TOOLS | FMAVCA_E | IS-PS | FM AVC: CO-PA derivation tool |
441 | FMAVC_RECONSTRUCT | FMAVCA_E | EA-PS | FM AVC: Reconstruct tools |
442 | FMAVC_SELECT_TOOLS | FMAVCA_E | EA-PS | FM AVC: Modules for reading DB records |
443 | FMBAS_ADDRESS | FMBASA_E | EA-PS | Tools: Handling FM account assignments |
444 | FMBAS_CEFFYEAR | FMBASA_E | EA-PS | Tools for the Year of Cash Effectivity |
445 | FMBAS_DB_TOOLS | FMBASA_E | EA-PS | FM Specific Database Tools |
446 | FMBAS_IDX_WITH_ADDRESS | FMBASA_E | EA-PS | Read access to FMBASIDX with address |
447 | FMBAS_IDX_WITH_OBJNR | FMBASA_E | EA-PS | Tools for FM index table using OBJNR |
448 | FMBAS_LEDGER | FMBASA_E | EA-PS | Generic FM tools for ledgers |
449 | FMBAS_OBJNR_TOOLS | FMBASA_E | EA-PS | Administration of object numbers (FM) |
450 | FMBCFF | FMBPA_E | EA-PS | Budget for carried forward commitments |
451 | FMBCFF_CUSTOM | FMBPA_E | EA-PS | Budget for carried forward commitments |
452 | FMBCS_WF | FMBPA_E | EA-PS | Workflow Budget Control System |
453 | FMBD_DATABASE_ACCESS | FMBPA_E | IS-PS | Access to FI-SL tables FM budgeting |
454 | FMBE | FFCBI | Processing FMBE Balances | |
455 | FMBGA | FMBGA | Input Tax Adjustment Postings for BgA's | |
456 | FMBGSERV | FMBGA | Service Routines for BgA's | |
457 | FMBK | FMZE | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
458 | FMBL_CO_DERIVE | FMFG_BLCO_E | EA-PS | FM BL Colombia - Account derivation |
459 | FMBL_CO_TEST_E | FMFG_BLCO_E | EA-PS | FM BL Colombia - Test functions |
460 | FMBL_E | FMFS_E | Budgetary Ledger (BL) Processor | |
461 | FMBL_EXT_1 | FMBL_EXT_E | EA-PS | Budgetary Ledger for Extensions |
462 | FMBL_EXT_2 | FMBL_EXT_E | EA-PS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
463 | FMBL_EXT_READ | FMFG_BLEXT_E | EA-PS | Read Budget type accnt assignment |
464 | FMBL_FGBT_E | FMFG_E | US Federal Government account derivation | |
465 | FMBL_FG_CUSTOM_E | FMFG_E | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
466 | FMBL_LGBT_E | FMFS_E | US local government account derivation | |
467 | FMBL_REG_COSTUM | FMBL_EXT_E | EA-PS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
468 | FMBL_SERVICE_CORE | FMFS_CORE_E | SAP_APPL | Budgetary Ledger services for core |
472 | FMBS_CUST_TOOLS | FMBPA_E | EA-PS | Budget structure - customizing tools |
473 | FMBS_DB_ACCESS | FMBPA_E | EA-PS | Budget structure - database access tools |
474 | FMBS_TOOLS | FMBPA_E | EA-PS | Tools for Budget Structure |
475 | FMBT | FMOV | Interfaces for Business Trans. Events | |
476 | FMBTE | FMRP | IS-PS | FI-FM-IS: Business Transaction Events |
477 | FMBU | FMDL | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
478 | FMBUDCOMPONENT | KABP_ADDON | EA-PS | Budgeting Component Inquiry |
479 | FMBWB | FMBPA_E | IS-PS | Budgeting Workbench |
480 | FMBWB_LAYOUT | FMBPA_E | IS-PS | Layout management |
481 | FMBWB_SERVICES | FMBPA_E | IS-PS | FM Budgeting Workbench Services |
482 | FMBWCORE | FM_BW_CORE | IS-PS | BW: OLTP Function Modules in Core |
483 | FMBWISPS | FM_BW_IS_PS | Funds Management: BW | |
484 | FMC10_E | FMFS_E | CHDO FMCUS_DATE => Gen. by RSSCD000 | |
485 | FMC2 | FMBS_ADDON | TR-FM: FYC Transfer Rules | |
486 | FMC3 | FMBS_ADDON | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
487 | FMC5 | FMMD | CHDO FMPP => Gen. by RSSCD000 | |
488 | FMC6 | FMBS | CHDO FMCFRULE => Gen. by RSSCD000 | |
489 | FMC7 | FMMD | CHDO FMPG => Gen. by RSSCD000 | |
490 | FMC8 | FMMD | EA-PS | CHDO FMFCTR_NEW => von RSSCD000 gen. |
491 | FMC9_E | FMFS_E | EA-PS | CHDO FMIUR => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
492 | FMCABK | FMCJ | Payment at cash desk | |
493 | FMCADUTL | FMCAD | IS-PS-CA | Dunning Telephone List |
494 | FMCAINV_BILLBAPI | FMCA_INV | IS-PS-CA | Transfer BAPI Billing Documents |
495 | FMCANCELED_FUND | FMFG_E | EA-PS | Follow-On Posting. Canceled Fund |
497 | FMCA_AD | FMCAD | Account Determination | |
498 | FMCA_AD_CROSSREF | FMCAD | Posting Areas: Where-Used List | |
499 | FMCA_ALOT | FMCAD | Clarificatn Worklist ALOT for Write-Off | |
500 | FMCA_ARCH | FMCAD | IS-PS-CA | Archiving |