Function Group - F
# | Function Group | Package | Software Component | Short Description |
1 | FVF3 | FVVI | Option Rate Services | |
2 | FVF4 | FVVW | TR-TM-SE: F4 Help | |
3 | FVF4HLP | FVVI | RE: F4 Help for Real Estate | |
4 | FVF5 | FVVI | RE Application Log | |
5 | FVF6 | FVVI | Change of Cust. Main Ten. Reversal DP | |
6 | FVFA | FVVD | Financial Assets Mgmt-Loans | |
7 | FVFI | FVVI | RE: FI interface through AC* struct. | |
8 | FVFIBTE | FVVI | Txt Modules for RE BTE in FI(open FI) | |
9 | FVFIBTE1 | FVVI | Text Module for OPEN FI (Bank Selection) | |
10 | FVH1 | FVVI | Group for VIAK10 update | |
11 | FVH2 | FVVI | Flow type from condition type | |
12 | FVH7 | FVVI | Group for VIAK11-update (sttlm.result) | |
13 | FVH8 | FVVI | Group for VIAK08 update | |
14 | FVH9 | FVVI | Group for VIAK09 update (HC sttlmnt) | |
15 | FVHA | FVVI | Change STECHEM field rntl agrmnt | |
16 | FVHB | FVVI | Rental unit: Change STECHEM field | |
17 | FVHD | FTVV | Value_request_function modules | |
18 | FVHE | FVVI | Heating costs distrib. acc.to ETH key | |
19 | FVHK | FVVI | SAP_APPL | CHDO MV_HK => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
20 | FVHO | FVVI | Management costs settlement | |
21 | FVHT | FVVI | Real Estate: Heating days | |
22 | FVHZ | FVVI | Heating value days | |
23 | FVI0 | FVVI | Darwin REst.: Rntl per., autom. RA-NO | |
24 | FVI1 | FVVI | Darwin REst.: Retrieve active KOPO-rec. | |
25 | FVI2 | FVVI | Info.group(2) for RU and LO | |
26 | FVI3 | FVVI | Darwin Real estate: Update for VIMI21 | |
27 | FVI4 | FVVI | FVVI: Prepare transfer to fin.accounting | |
28 | FVI5 | FVVI | FVVI: Display RA's with surcharges | |
29 | FVI6 | FVVI | Calculate capping limit for rent adj. | |
30 | FVI7 | FVVI | Read Lease-Out for Rental Unit | |
31 | FVI8 | BFV | FVVI RE-relevant act assignmnts (K11) | |
32 | FVI9 | FVVI | FVVI account assignments RE objects | |
33 | FVIA | FVVI | RF-VV Real estate rent adjustment | |
34 | FVIB | FVVI | SAP_APPL | CHDO MIETV_AKT => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
35 | FVIC | FVVI | Update cash flow (VZZBEPP) | |
36 | FVID | FVVI | Real Estate: Workflow FMs | |
37 | FVIDFPLUS | FVVI | RE: Access Function LDB IDFPLUS | |
38 | FVIE | FVVI | Real Estate: Maintain owner | |
39 | FVIF | FVVI | Function group for VIMI08 update | |
40 | FVIG | FVVI | Update VIBEPP (real estate memo rec.) | |
41 | FVIH | FVVI | Check area totals for RU,building,prop. | |
42 | FVII | FVVI | General func. modules for real estate | |
43 | FVIJ | FVVI | Create zero cond. for new cond.header | |
44 | FVIK | FVVI | Darw.REst.: Cond.type plausib.checks | |
45 | FVIL | FVVI | Display of rntl agrmt for RU or SMIVE | |
46 | FVIM | FVVI | RFVV Real estate rent adjustment update | |
47 | FVIN | FVVI | Conversion exits IS-IS Real Estate | |
48 | FVIO | FVVI | IS-IS: Change documents | |
49 | FVIP | FVVI | Real estate application (update) | |
50 | FVIQ | FVVI | IS-IS: Dynamic sort fields | |
51 | FVIR | FVVI | SCS: Settlement unit settlement | |
52 | FVIS | FVVI | Rental agreement status conversion | |
53 | FVISB | FVVI | RE: Sales Settlement | |
54 | FVISETBEBASE | REIT | SAP_APPL | Funktionsbausteine Erzeugen Base-Sätze |
55 | FVIT | FVVI | Domain text display | |
56 | FVITXBA | FVVI | Text Module Modification | |
57 | FVITXED | FVVI | SAP Script Call | |
58 | FVIU | FVVI | Address module | |
59 | FVIV | FVVI | Update for activating lease-outs | |
60 | FVIW | FVVI | Cash flow date calculation | |
61 | FVIY | FVVI | Selection of partner data | |
62 | FVIZ | FVVI | Assign rental units to compar.accommod. | |
63 | FVI_BK | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
64 | FVI_MC | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
65 | FVJUMP | REBD | Direct Entry to Master Data Dialogs | |
66 | FVK1 | FVVI | RE Account Determination Key | |
67 | FVKB | FVVI | Real Estate: Virtual fields for corresp. | |
68 | FVKD | FVVI | RE Correspondence | |
69 | FVKDUNNING | FVVI | Real Estate management dunning print | |
70 | FVKD_CNZ | FVVICNZ | SAPscript Correspond. General Contract | |
71 | FVKE | FVVI | RE: Load texts for other fields | |
72 | FVKF | FVVI | Load texts for fields of SCS | |
73 | FVKG | FVVI | Load texts for fields of rntl agrmnt | |
74 | FVKH | FVVI | Load texts for fields for RE objects | |
75 | FVKI | FVVI | RE Correspondence | |
76 | FVKJ | FVVI | RE: Workflow After Create and Save | |
77 | FVKK | FVVI | VIKOKO update | |
78 | FVKL | FVVI | DMS link to real estate management | |
79 | FVKM | FVVW | Corporate actions | |
80 | FVKM0 | FVVW | Corporate Actions (Internal) | |
81 | FVKO | FVV | Print notice | |
82 | FVKOBA | FVVI | Acct Assignment Rules for Cond. Types | |
83 | FVKR | FVVI | Correspondence activities | |
84 | FVKU | FVVI | Group for lease-out tenant changeover | |
85 | FVKWG_MD | FTVV | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
86 | FVLC | FVVIIT | LIREM: Localiz. for Italy of REM - (ICI) | |
87 | FVLOGDBSETSPOPUP | FVVI | Logical Database - Sets - Dialog Boxes | |
88 | FVLR | FVVIIT | LIREM: Localiz. for Italy of REM - (IRE) | |
89 | FVMA | FVVI | Real estate matchcode via address | |
90 | FVMA00 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adjustment - Main Functions | |
91 | FVMA01 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adjustment - Detail Dialog Box | |
92 | FVMA02 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adj. Cond/Usage Type Amount | |
93 | FVMA03 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adj.- Maximum Rent Dialog Box | |
94 | FVMA04 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adj. - RA/RU Key Dialog Box | |
95 | FVMA05 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adj.- Sess./Activity Dialog Box | |
96 | FVMA06 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adjustment-User Interface (NEW) | |
97 | FVMA07 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adjustment-User Interface (OLD) | |
98 | FVMA08 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adjustment - RESERVED | |
99 | FVMA09 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adjustment - RESERVED | |
100 | FVMA10 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adjustment - Help Functions | |
101 | FVMA11 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adj. - Reminder for Approval | |
102 | FVMA12 | FVVI | RE: Entry Value Logging | |
103 | FVMA90 | FVVI | RE: Rent Adjustment - No Longer Used | |
104 | FVMAFC | FVVICNZ | RE: Rent Adjustment - Forecast Index LOs | |
105 | FVMB | FVVI | Additional screens for LO (e.g.print) | |
106 | FVMC | FVVD | Loans: General Matchcode Loans | |
107 | FVMD | FVVI | Rent adj.master data maintenance | |
108 | FVMDF4 | FVVI | Search Help Master Data Real Estate | |
109 | FVME | FVVI | ISIS Real Estate: Acct sheet func.grp | |
110 | FVMF | FVVI | Switzerland: Display of rent reserves | |
111 | FVMG | FVVI | Real Estate: Service charges settlement | |
112 | FVMH | FVVI | RE: SCS maintenance ID participation RUs | |
113 | FVMI | FVVI | Real Estate: Access to customiz.tables | |
114 | FVMIME | FVVI | RE: MIME Object Management | |
115 | FVMJ | FVVI | Maintenance of SU and dependent tables | |
116 | FVMK | FVVI | Real estate object cost center | |
117 | FVMKB | FVVI | RE: Tenant Account Sheet | |
118 | FVMM | FVVI | Rent adj. via repr.rent list by points | |
119 | FVMO | FVVI | Maintain option rates VVNOPT | |
120 | FVMOVE | FVVI | RE: FM for Direct Input | |
121 | FVMP | FVVI | Mass update for VIBEPP (memo records) | |
122 | FVMR | FVVI | CO settlement for Real Estate | |
123 | FVMS | FVVI | RE: Debit position interface | |
124 | FVMU | FVVI | Rent adjustment | |
125 | FVMV | FVVI | FMs for Lease-Out Processing | |
126 | FVMV01 | FVVI | RE: Tree Control for Index-Based Adj. | |
127 | FVMV02 | FVVI | Data for Current Lease-Outs | |
128 | FVMVKONHISPOP | FVVI | RA Conditions: Periodic Development | |
129 | FVMW | FVVI | SAP_APPL | CHDO MW_ABNAHME => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
130 | FVMX | FVVI | SAP_APPL | CHDO MW_KAUTION => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
131 | FVMZ | FVVI | Heating system reporting | |
132 | FVN_BUS_OPERATION | FVVD | Loans: Business Operation | |
133 | FVN_BUS_OPERATION_CONFIRM | FVVD | Business Operations: FMs for Cross-Call | |
134 | FVN_BUS_OPERATION_DETAILS | FVVD | Detail Screen for Bus.Operat. Bepp.Rec. | |
135 | FVN_BUS_OPERATION_INTERN | FVVD | Business Operation for Loans (Internal) | |
136 | FVN_BUS_OPERATION_REC_POST | FVVD | Loans: Planned Record Posting | |
137 | FVOA | FVVD | Clear | |
138 | FVOA01 | FVVICN | RE: Object in Portfolio (Frontend) | |
139 | FVOA02 | FVVICN | RE: Object in Portfolio (ADO Module) | |
140 | FVOA03 | FVVICN | SAP_APPL | CHDO RECN_IOIB => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
141 | FVOJ | FVVI | Real Estate set hierarchies | |
142 | FVOK | FVVI | Real estate cost element sets | |
143 | FVOR | FVVD | Read customer open items | |
144 | FVORDER | FVVI | Allocation of RE Objects to Orders | |
145 | FVOV | FVVI | Popup for assign. of RE obj. to std.obj. | |
146 | FVOZ | FVVI | RE instalment payments | |
147 | FVP0 | FVVD | Rollover: Select options | |
148 | FVP1 | FVVD | Rollover: File mgmt / SAP script | |
149 | FVP2 | FVVD | Rollover: Function callup utilities | |
150 | FVP3 | FVVD | Loan/New business: Variant selection | |
151 | FVP4 | FVVD | Rollover: Log utilities | |
152 | FVP5 | FVVD | Function modules for clerks | |
153 | FVP6 | FVVD | Rollover: VZZKOPO utilities | |
154 | FVP7 | FVVD | Rollover - VZZKOPO selection | |
155 | FVP8 | FVVD | Process management | |
156 | FVPA | FVVD | Display customer items for loan mgmt | |
157 | FVPC | FVVD | Display planned items for loan mgmt | |
158 | FVPE | FVVD | Loans performance functions | |
159 | FVPH | FVVZ | TR-LO: Payment Details - Administration | |
160 | FVPI | FVVI | Real Estate: Business partner access | |
161 | FVPL | FVVI | Object planning Real Estate objects | |
162 | FVPM | FVVI | Alloc.real est.objects to plant mainten. | |
163 | FVPMF4 | FVVI | Search Help for PM Link | |
164 | FVPQ | FVVZ | TR-LO: Payment Details | |
165 | FVPR | FBPAR | Business Partner: Input Help Partner | |
166 | FVPS | FVVI | PS to Real Estate link | |
167 | FVRA | FVVI | Linking RE Real Estate with LO | |
168 | FVRC | FVVI | Direct Import LO/Revising LO | |
169 | FVREAD_BUSENTITY | FVVI | Read Module for Business Entity-OBSOLET | |
170 | FVRN01 | FVVICN | Renewal - Frontend | |
171 | FVRN02 | FVVICN | Renewal (ADO Module) | |
172 | FVRN03 | FVVICN | SAP_APPL | Renewal: Help Functions |
173 | FVRO | FVVI | Function modules for room maintenance | |
174 | FVRS01 | FVVICN | Resubmission - Frontend | |
175 | FVRS02 | FVVICN | Resubmission | |
176 | FVRS03 | FVVICN | Resubmission - Rules and Evaluation | |
177 | FVRS04 | FVVICN | Resubmission - Parameterize Dialog Box | |
178 | FVRS05 | FVVICN | Resubmission-Deadline Status Dialog Box | |
179 | FVRS06 | FVVICN | Resubmission-Deadline Filter Dialog Box | |
180 | FVRU | FVVI | Rounding difference | |
181 | FVSC | FVVD | Service function modules/CATT | |
182 | FVSCHEDMAN | FVVI | Interface RE Schedule Manager | |
183 | FVSETSPOP01 | FVVI | Set Maintainance - Dialog 01 | |
184 | FVSETSPOP02 | FVVI | Set Maintenance - Dialog box-Head, TP, C | |
185 | FVSETS_UTILITIES | FVVI | Usable Function Modules for Sets | |
186 | FVSS | FTVV | FVV: Read position and flow data | |
187 | FVST | FVVI | IS-IS: Real Estate: Status management | |
188 | FVTB | FVVI | Text Modules | |
189 | FVTIV11 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
190 | FVTIVAR01 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
191 | FVTIVAR02 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
192 | FVTIVAR04 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
193 | FVTIVAR12 | REAO | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
194 | FVTIVCN04 | FVVICN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
195 | FVTIVCN05 | FVVICN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
196 | FVTIVG1 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
197 | FVTIVG2 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
198 | FVTIVM3 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
199 | FVTIVM4 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
200 | FVTIVM5 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
201 | FVTIVM6 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
202 | FVTIVM7 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
203 | FVTIVM8 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
204 | FVTIVO1 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
205 | FVTIVO2 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
206 | FVTIVWEB01 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
207 | FVTIVWEB02 | FVVI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
208 | FVTR | FTVV | General Treasury Auxiliary Modules | |
209 | FVTT | FVVI | RE: Modules for CATT - RE | |
210 | FVTY | FVVD | Other Treasury function modules | |
211 | FVUB | FVVD | Balance sheet transfers | |
212 | FVUFTMPL | FVVI | Templates for User Fields | |
213 | FVUM | FVVI | SAP_APPL | CHDO MIETV_UMSM => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
214 | FVUS | FVVI | SAP_APPL | CHDO VV_UV_HIST => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
215 | FVUV | FVVI | Sales-based lease-outs | |
216 | FVUZ | FVVD_DELETE | Func.mod.group for over and adv.pmnts | |
217 | FVV0 | FVVA | ||
218 | FVV1 | FVV | ISIS: Various functions | |
219 | FVV2 | FVVW | ISIS: Edit/Load flows | |
220 | FVV3 | FVV | ISIS: Suppress centrally | |
221 | FVV4 | FVVW | Auxiliary Functions | |
222 | FVV5 | FVVW | Auxiliary Functions | |
223 | FVV6 | FVVW | ISIS Coupon information | |
224 | FVV7 | FVVO | Rate/Price Transfer, STT Austria (FVVO) | |
225 | FVV9 | FVVD | Calculate interest on arrears | |
226 | FVVA | FTVV | Sec.prices(temporary) | |
227 | FVVB | FTVV | Valuation and price gain detemination | |
228 | FVVC | FTVV | ISIS: Currency problem | |
229 | FVVCL_FICO_CUST | FVVD_CONDITION_TABLE | EA-FINSERV | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
230 | FVVD | FVVD | Financial Assets Mgmt-Loans | |
231 | FVVDTRDC | FVVD | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
232 | FVVD_ACCRUAL_INTERFACE | FVVD | Loan Interface for Accrual/Deferral | |
233 | FVVD_BP_GLOBAL | FVVD | BANK/CFM | Checks relevant changes in BP for |
234 | FVVD_BSTR | FVVD | EA-FINSERV | Balance Sheet Transfer |
235 | FVVD_DEACTIVATE_SCRRENS | FVVD | Hide Tabstrips for Loan Master Data | |
236 | FVVD_DEBTRTAB | FVVD_DEBTTR | BANK/CFM | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
238 | FVVD_ENTER | FVVD | Loans initial screen | |
239 | FVVD_F4 | FVVD | Special F4 Selection Help in CML | |
240 | FVVD_LIMIT | FVVD | Link Loans component to limit mgmt | |
241 | FVVD_MATCH_KOPO_BPAR | FVVD | Compare Payer/ee Data Cond.It. + Partn. | |
242 | FVVD_OLD | FVVD_DELETE | EA-FINSERV | DO NOT USE: Zu löschende Funktionsbaust. |
243 | FVVF | FTVV | Screen functions | |
245 | FVVI | FVVI | Real Estate financial assets management | |
246 | FVVI_BANK_STMT | FVVI | SAP_APPL | Account Statement (Real Estate-Specific) |
247 | FVVI_FI_CAJO | FVVI | Integration of RE to FI Cash Journal | |
248 | FVVI_FV16 | FVVI | SAP_APPL | Posting Interface Real Estate-SAP-RF |
249 | FVVK | FTVV | ISIS: Cross-sec.acct adjustm./PrGL | |
250 | FVVL | FTAC | Customizing account assignment reference | |
251 | FVVM | FTVV | Determine acct assignment references | |
252 | FVVN | FVVD | Number assignment | |
253 | FVVO | FTVV | Overflow functions | |
254 | FVVQ | FVVW | Securities/Treasury - Update | |
255 | FVVU | FVV | Maintenance of user data | |
256 | FVVY | FVVW | Security class data checks | |
257 | FVVZ | VVSRG_CORE | Central Functions | |
258 | FVV_CUST | FVV | SAP_APPL | Customizing View (Generated) |
259 | FVW1 | FVVW | Security Price Maintenance | |
260 | FVW10 | FTBAS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
261 | FVW2 | FVVW | Security Prices (Object Oriented) | |
262 | FVW3 | FVVW | SEC master data (OO: central modules) | |
263 | FVW4 | FVVW | New security dialog | |
264 | FVW6 | FTBAS | Red. Schedules for Securities Class Data | |
265 | FVW6A | FTBAS | Drawing Factors | |
266 | FVW7 | FTBAS | Access to DB Functions for Redemptions | |
267 | FVW7A | FTBAS | Access to DB Functions for Red. Factors | |
268 | FVW8 | FT_PRICE_INDEX | Price Index | |
269 | FVW9 | FT_PRICE_INDEX | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
270 | FVWA | FVVW | Specify securities account position | |
271 | FVWD | FTVV | Acct determination, market values | |
272 | FVWE | FVVW | Ratios (period perform., duration) | |
273 | FVWG | FVVW | Format price trend graphically | |
274 | FVWH | FTVV | Functions for the list display | |
275 | FVWJ | FVVW | Position data for include screen | |
276 | FVWM | FVV | ||
277 | FVWO | FVV | ||
278 | FVWP | FVVW | TR-TM-SE: Restraint on Disposal+Sec.Acct | |
279 | FVWR | FVVW | Determine clerk for FAS deadline monit. | |
280 | FVWT | FTVV | Securities Deadline Monitoring | |
281 | FVW_SECURITY_ACCOUNT | FTR_SECURITY_ACCOUNT_MGT | Securities Account Master Data | |
282 | FVW_STORNO | FTBAS | EA-FINSERV | Reversal Branch Targets |
283 | FVW_VIEW | FVVW | EA-FINSERV | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
284 | FVXX01 | FVVI | RE: General Help Functions | |
285 | FVZ0 | FVV | ISIS Customizing posting interface | |
286 | FVZ1 | FVVI | VV: Dialog box for displaying data | |
287 | FVZ2 | FVV | Delivers texts for field or data element | |
288 | FVZ3 | FTVV | VV: Central funct.management VZZKOPA | |
289 | FVZ4 | FTLC_CORE | Customizing cond.type flow type extra | |
290 | FVZ5 | FVVD | Determine acct assignment ref. changes | |
291 | FVZ6 | FVV | Special Functions Business Partner | |
292 | FVZ8 | FVV | Partner / Roles / Objects | |
293 | FVZ8SUB | FVVI | FVVI | |
294 | FVZ9 | FVV | Partner, address, role editing (new) | |
295 | FVZA | FVVI | VV: Process addresses | |
296 | FVZAV | FVVI | Object Addresses | |
297 | FVZB | VVSRG | BAV-transfers | |
298 | FVZC | FVVI | VV: Controlling screens | |
299 | FVZE | FVVD | VV: Partner / contracts | |
300 | FVZF | FVV | Interface FI <-> FI-VV | |
301 | FVZI | FVVI | Centra func.mod.interface FI --> ISIS | |
302 | FVZJ | FTVV | VV: Centr.funct., plaus.chcks KOKO/KOPO | |
303 | FVZK | FVVI | VV: Central functions, KOPO maintenance | |
304 | FVZK_ADDON | FVVD_LOAN | EA-FINSERV | VV KOPO Maintenance and Swiss Reqmnts |
305 | FVZL | FVVD | DARWIN release procedure: Cent.fun.mod. | |
306 | FVZLWF | FVVD | Release Loan Worflow | |
307 | FVZM | FVVD | Release flow data: Central func. module | |
308 | FVZN | FVV | VV: Central functions, memo book | |
309 | FVZO | FVVI | VV: Central mgmt: Open item assignment | |
310 | FVZR | FTVV | Condition header processing | |
311 | FVZS | FVV | Flow types/Flow categories | |
312 | FVZT | FVV | VV: Deadline processing | |
313 | FVZU | FVVI | Real Estate Object Hierarchy | |
314 | FVZV | FVVD | Purpose of loan analysis | |
315 | FVZW | FVVI | Resubmission | |
316 | FVZWT | FVVI | Modules for Payment Method Tool | |
317 | FVZX | FVVI | IS_RE: Text Modules for Controls | |
318 | FVZZ | FVV | VV: Central funct. table proc. (bef.3.0) | |
319 | FV_CALLBACK_AM | REIT | SAP_APPL | Callback-Bausteine Anlagenbuchhaltung |
320 | FV_CSPRD | FTVV | Credit Spread Loans - Gen. Maintenance | |
321 | FV_LEGACY_DATA_REIT | REIT | SAP_APPL | Input Tax Data Structure |
322 | FV_OBJECT_BROWSER | FVVI | SAP_APPL | RE Object Browser |
323 | FV_REIS_BTE | FVVI | SAP_APPL | User Exits for Information System |
324 | FV_RESC_AE | FVVI | SCS: FM for Settlement Units | |
325 | FV_RESC_BTE | FVVI | SCS: BTEs for Service Charge Settlement | |
326 | FV_RESR_BTE | RESR | BTE for Sales-Based Settlement | |
327 | FV_RESR_TOOLS | RESR | Tools For Sales-based Settlement | |
328 | FV_RETX_PARAM_GET | FVVI | Derive Flag from Parameter ID | |
329 | FV_SETS | FVVI | Sets Function Group | |
330 | FW01 | FVVW | Treasury: Authorization check Sec.acct | |
331 | FWAC | FVVW | Amortized cost | |
332 | FWBD | FVVW | Manage ID number in bank sec. account | |
333 | FWBU | FVVW | TRTMPM: Incoming payments and man.postng | |
334 | FWCO | FVVW | Order confirmation | |
335 | FWEL | FQST | SAP_APPL | Exclusion Logic for Base Calculation |
336 | FWEL_DRV | FQST | SAP_APPL | WT Functions used in the Derivation Tool |
337 | FWEL_SCREEN | FQST | SAP_APPL | Test Tool for Exclusions |
338 | FWEV | FVVW | Securities key date valuation | |
339 | FWEX | FTWS | Selection Modules Securities Objects | |
340 | FWF1 | FVVW | TR-TM-SE: Posting interface to FI | |
341 | FWF2 | FVVW | TR-TM-SE: Securities Posting Document | |
342 | FWF3 | FVVW | TR-TM-SE: Posting Interface Logs | |
343 | FWFD | FVVW | Call SEC release | |
344 | FWFP | FVVW | FI Update and Update to Database | |
345 | FWOR | FVVW | Modules to read order data | |
346 | FWOS | FVVW | Currency translation for flows | |
347 | FWOT | FVVW | Display flow records | |
348 | FWOZ | FVVW | TR-TM-SE: Enter Other Flows | |
349 | FWPO | FVVW | TRTMPM: FM to update FI and SEC | |
350 | FWRL | FVVW | Remaining term statistics display | |
351 | FWSA | FVVW | Update VWPBUKR, VWPDEPO | |
352 | FWST | FVVW | Function group class master data | |
353 | FWTA | FQST | SAP_APPL | CHDO WITH_ITEM => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
354 | FWTC | FQST | Withholding tax calculation | |
355 | FWTD | FQST | Withholding tax functions for dialog | |
356 | FWTF | FQST | SAP_APPL | Withholding tax functions for FM request |
357 | FWTG | FQST | Withholding Tax: Global Data | |
358 | FWTH | FQST | Withholding Tax - General Handling | |
359 | FWTI | FQST | Withholding Tax: FI Interface | |
360 | FWTM_COCKPIT | FWTM | SAP_APPL | Utilities for Withholding Tax Migration |
361 | FWTQ | FQST | F110 withholding tax handling | |
362 | FWTR | FQST | With/Tax: Reading Function Modules | |
363 | FWTR_01 | FVVW | Securities Transaction Management | |
364 | FWTR_02 | FVVW | Securities Transaction Mgmt: Checks | |
365 | FWTR_03 | FVVW | Master/Customizing Data for SEC Trans. | |
366 | FWTR_04 | FVVW | SEC Transaction: Read Flow Data | |
367 | FWTR_05 | FVVW | Currency Translation for Flows | |
368 | FWTR_06 | FVVW | BANK/CFM | Maintain Default SecAcct(code-generated) |
369 | FWTR_07 | FVVW | BANK/CFM | Default Value for Securities Account |
370 | FWTR_09 | FVVW | EA-FINSERV | General Transaction Management |
371 | FWTR_DATA_CONV | FVVW | Conversion Routines for SEC Order | |
372 | FWTR_EVENT_EXAMPLE | FVVW | Examples for Event Management | |
373 | FWTR_FUTURES | FTT | BANK/CFM | Listed Options and Futures |
374 | FWTS | FQST | Withholding Tax: Archiving | |
375 | FWTT | FWTI | SAP_APPL | Withholding Tax Analysis Tool |
376 | FWTU | FQST | Update program for w/tax information | |
377 | FWTX | FVVW | TR-TM-SE: Tax Generation | |
378 | FWTZ | FQST | Withholding tax certificate numbering | |
379 | FWZE | FVVW | TRTMPM: Processing IP Flows | |
380 | FW_BALANCE_SHEET_TRANSFER | FVVW | TR-TM-SE: Balance Sheet Transfer | |
381 | FW_BESTAND | FTPM | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) | |
382 | FYTX | FYTX | Interface for External Tax Systems | |
383 | FYTX_B | FYTX/B | Library of basic functions | |
384 | FYTX_B_JUR | FYTX/B/JUR | jurisdiction code for master records | |
385 | FYTX_B_JUR_CAM | FYTX/B/JUR | jurisdiction code - interface for CAM | |
386 | FYTX_DBMP | FYTX/ETXDC | Functions for mapping data to database | |
387 | FYTX_MINIAPP | FYTX/TAXM | SAP_APPL | Mini apps for U.S. taxes |
388 | FYTX_RFC_DOC | FYTX/B/TAX | Dummy RFC function module interfaces | |
389 | FYTX_TAXD | FYTX/TAXD | Functions to handle tax per document. | |
390 | FYTX_TAXD_MTX | FYTX/TAXD/MTX | Functions to handle accumulated taxes. | |
391 | FYTX_TAXM | FYTX/TAXM | Tax manager for external system | |
392 | FYTX_USER | FYTX/ETXDC | All tax user exits | |
393 | FZKK | FVVD | Condition header plaus.check | |
394 | FZPS | FZNS | Project Interest Calculation | |
395 | F_RPCODE_G | FIBL_RPCODE | BANK/CFM | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
396 | F_TMOD_S_VIEWS | FBAS | SAP_APPL | Table Maint. (Gen.) for Field Sel. Ctrl. |