SAP ABAP Table - Index W, page 2
Table - W
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
2 WDKQAPPLID Mapping of InfoSet Query POWL Types to APPLID's TRANSP E
3 WDKQDEVOBJ InfoSet Query POWL Type: related development objects TRANSP E
4 WDKQHELP Assignment of F4 help to POWL selcrits TRANSP E
5 WDKQLAYOUT InfoSet Query POWL: Layout infos TRANSP E
6 WDKQRADIO Radio Button Groups of Infoset Query Selcrits TRANSP E
8 WDKQSELCRITMAP InfoSet Query POWL: Mapping Table for Selcrit ID's TRANSP E
10 WDKSCRIPT Batch Input Data for Scripts TRANSP S
11 WDKSCRIPTBDC Definition of Action Script sequences TRANSP S
12 WDKSCRIPTMAP Mapping of Dynpro Fields for Actions / Action Script TRANSP S
13 WDKSNAPSHOTS Snapshops / Serialization TRANSP L
14 WDKSTATCOMPONENT Last update of statistical information TRANSP L
15 WDKSTATFIELDS Statistical information of component context nodes TRANSP L
17 WDKTOOLSRESOLU Possible Resolutions TRANSP S
18 WDKTOOLSRESOLUT Possible Resolutions TRANSP S
19 WDLCOPY Log Table for IDoc Copy Management TRANSP A
20 WDLCOPYLOG Error Log Table for IDoc Copy Management TRANSP A
21 WDLS POS outbound log: Status of data preparation TRANSP A
22 WDLSO POS outbound log: object with errors TRANSP A
23 WDLSP POS outbound log: IDoc (items) TRANSP A
24 WDRCSFCHECK Table for Web Dynpro CSF Strings for a Later Analysis TRANSP L
25 WDRD Delivery Relationships: Recipients per Plant and Material TRANSP A
27 WDRD_EXTWG Delivery Relationships: Recipients per Plant and Material TRANSP A
28 WDR_ACF_WL_AUTO Whitelist for File Extension (defines executable programs) TRANSP C
29 WDR_ACF_WL_CERT Whitelist: Certificate Storage TRANSP C
30 WDR_ACF_WL_CTRL IDs of Active Components for Whitelist TRANSP S
31 WDR_ACF_WL_DLOAD Whitelist for Uploads (from directories to servers) TRANSP C
32 WDR_ACF_WL_EXEC Whitelist for Executable Programs TRANSP C
33 WDR_ACF_WL_HEAD Whitelist of Active UI Elements TRANSP C
34 WDR_ACF_WL_HEADT Whitelist: Description TRANSP C
35 WDR_ACF_WL_PAR Whitelist: Parameters of Executable Programs TRANSP C
36 WDR_ACF_WL_PARVL Whitelist: Executable Programs TRANSP C
37 WDR_ACF_WL_ULOAD Whitelist for Downloads (from servers to directories) TRANSP C
38 WDR_ACF_WL_XSET Whitelist: General Extended Settings TRANSP C
39 WDR_ADAPTER_PROP Web Dynpro Runtime: Adapter Properties TRANSP W
40 WDR_ADP_AGGR_MP Web Dynpro Runtime: Aggregations of Adapter TRANSP W
41 WDR_ADP_AGR_P_MP Web Dynpro Runtime: Parameter of Adapter Aggregations TRANSP W
42 WDR_ADP_CHNGLOG Change Log of Web Dynpro Adapter Data TRANSP L
43 WDR_ADP_CONST_MP Web Dynpro Runtime: Const->Adapter Property TRANSP W
44 WDR_ADP_ENUM_MP Web Dynpro Runtime: Enum->Adapter Property TRANSP W
45 WDR_ADP_EVENT_MP Web Dynpro Runtime: Adapter Event TRANSP W
46 WDR_ADP_GET_MP Web Dynpro Runtime: Get->Property Mapping of Adapters TRANSP W
47 WDR_ADP_UR_EVENT Web Dynpro: UR Events TRANSP W
48 WDR_ADP_UR_EVPAR Web Dynpro: UR Event Parameter TRANSP W
49 WDR_ELEM_APT_MAP Web Dynpro Runtime: Mapping View Element to Adapter TRANSP W
50 WDR_ENUM_MP_DEF Web Dynpro Runtime: Enum->Adapter Property TRANSP W
51 WDR_ENUM_MP_ITEM Web Dynpro Runtime: Enum->Adapter Property TRANSP W
54 WDR_MIME_PCKG_DP MIME Package Deployment Information TRANSP L
55 WDR_REC_PLG_CND Web Dynpro: Recording Plug-Ins TRANSP W
56 WDR_REC_PLG_CNDT Web Dynpro: Condition of a Recording Plug-In TRANSP W
57 WDR_REC_PLUGIN Web Dynpro: Recording Plug-Ins TRANSP W
58 WDR_REC_PLUGINT Web Dynpro: Recording Plug-Ins TRANSP W
59 WDR_RR_LOAD Web Dynpro: Runtime Table for Component Metadata TRANSP L
61 WDR_TEST_DDSHLP Web Dynpro ABAP: Test der Dictionary Suchhilfen TRANSP A
63 WDR_TEST_MAPPING Assignment of WD ABAP Test Cases to Test Packages TRANSP S
64 WDR_TEST_PCKG Repository for Packages for WD ABAP Test Cases TRANSP S
66 WDR_TEST_RECORD Repository for WD ABAP Test Cases TRANSP S
67 WDR_TEST_RESULT Repository for WD ABAP Test Case Results TRANSP S
68 WDR_TEST_SCIRP7 City-Airport assignment TRANSP A
69 WDR_TEST_SCIRP8 City-Airport assignment TRANSP A
71 WDR_TEST_SPFLI3 Flight Schedule TRANSP A
74 WDR_THEME_C_INFO Web Dynpro ABAP Client Inspector: Theme Information TRANSP S
75 WDR_UIEL_ADAPTER Web Dynpro Runtime: Adapter for Elements of UI Libraries TRANSP W
76 WDR_USAGE_LOG Web Dynpro: Recording of Usage Log Data TRANSP L
77 WDYADT_VE_DEFS Web Dynpro UI element data TRANSP L
78 WDY_APPLICATION Web Dynpro: Application TRANSP W
79 WDY_APPLICATIONT Web Dynpro : Short Text of an Application TRANSP W
80 WDY_APP_PROPERTY Web Dynpro: Application Properties TRANSP W
81 WDY_APP_PROP_DEF Web Dynpro: Application Property Definition TRANSP S
82 WDY_APP_PROP_DFT Web Dynpro: Application Property Definition TRANSP S
83 WDY_CFG_CHANGES Temporary Changes to a Configuration TRANSP L
84 WDY_CFG_CMP_WUL Where-Used List for Component Configurations TRANSP W
85 WDY_CFG_CUSTCHG Temporary Changes to a Configuration Customizing TRANSP L
86 WDY_CFG_EMPTY WDA Configuration: List of Non-Existing Component Configs TRANSP L
87 WDY_CFG_ENH_HIDE Deactivation of Specific Configuration Enhancements TRANSP L
90 WDY_CHIP_PARAM Parameters of CHIP Port TRANSP W
91 WDY_CHIP_PARAMT Texts for Parameters of CHIP Ports TRANSP W
93 WDY_CHIP_PORTT Texts for Ports of a CHIP TRANSP W
94 WDY_CHIP_TAG Tags of CHIP Parameter TRANSP W
95 WDY_COMPONENT Web Dynpro: Component TRANSP W
96 WDY_COMPONENTT Web Dynpro : Short Text of a Component TRANSP W
97 WDY_COMPO_USAGE Web Dynpro : Component Usages TRANSP W
98 WDY_CONFIG_APPL Configuration Data for Web Dynpro Components TRANSP W
100 WDY_CONFIG_COMP Web Dynpro: Configuration: List of Special Processing TRANSP S
102 WDY_CONFIG_DATA Configuration Data for Web Dynpro Components TRANSP W
104 WDY_CONF_APPLU Customizing Data for Web Dynpro Applications TRANSP C
105 WDY_CONF_APPLUT Customizing Data for Web Dynpro Applications TRANSP C
106 WDY_CONF_DELA Configuration Delegation TRANSP W
107 WDY_CONF_DELC Configuration Delegation TRANSP W
108 WDY_CONF_UDEF Web Dynpro: Configuration Data for User TRANSP C
109 WDY_CONF_USER Web Dynpro: Configuration Data for User TRANSP C
110 WDY_CONF_USERT Web Dynpro: Configuration Data for User TRANSP C
111 WDY_CONF_USERT2 Web Dynpro: Configuration Data for User TRANSP C
112 WDY_CONTROLLER Web Dynpro: Controller TRANSP W
113 WDY_CONTROLLERT Web Dynpro : Short Text of a Controller TRANSP W
114 WDY_CTLR_COMPO Web Dynpro: Methods/Events of a Controller TRANSP W
115 WDY_CTLR_COMPOT Web Dynpro : Short Description Methods/Events TRANSP W
116 WDY_CTLR_EXC Web Dynpro: Custom Exceptions for Controller Methods TRANSP W
117 WDY_CTLR_EXCT Web Dynpro: Texts for Custom Exceptions TRANSP W
118 WDY_CTLR_PARAM Web Dynpro: Parameter of a Controller TRANSP W
119 WDY_CTLR_PARAMT Web Dynpro : Short Texts of Parameters TRANSP W
120 WDY_CTLR_TEXT Web Dynpro : Text Repository for Controller TRANSP W
121 WDY_CTLR_USAGE Web Dynpro : Controller Usages TRANSP W
122 WDY_CTX_ATTRIB Web Dynpro: Context Attributes of Controllers TRANSP W
123 WDY_CTX_ATT_USE Web Dynpro: Use of Context Attributes TRANSP W
124 WDY_CTX_CHANGED Web Dynpro: Table to Make Context Changes Persistent TRANSP S
125 WDY_CTX_MAPPING Web Dynpro: Context Mapping of Controllers TRANSP W
126 WDY_CTX_NODE Web Dynpro: Context Nodes of Controllers TRANSP W
127 WDY_DC_SETTINGS Stores selected DCs for each user (settings) TRANSP A
128 WDY_DEPR_OBJ_TXT Web Dynpro: deprecated object description TRANSP S
129 WDY_EXT_CTLR_USE Web Dynpro: Controller Usages for External Context Mapping TRANSP W
130 WDY_EXT_CTX_MAP Web Dynpro: External Context Mapping of Component Usage TRANSP W
131 WDY_FIELDGROUP Web Dynpro: Field Groups of Controllers TRANSP W
132 WDY_HISTORY Field History for Web Dynpro ABAP TRANSP L
133 WDY_IDE_INBOXES Inboxes of Authors (Store for IDE) TRANSP A
134 WDY_INTF_IMPLEM Web Dynpro : Component Interface Implementation TRANSP W
135 WDY_IOBOUND_PLGT Web Dynpro : Short Description of Inbound/Outbound Plugs TRANSP W
136 WDY_IOBOUND_PLUG Web Dynpro: Inbound/Outbound Plugs of Views TRANSP W
137 WDY_LIBRARY_USE Web Dynpro : UI Library Usages TRANSP W
138 WDY_MODEL Web Dynpro: Model TRANSP W
139 WDY_MODEL_CLASS Web Dynpro: Model Class TRANSP W
140 WDY_MODEL_REL Web Dynpro: Relations of a Model TRANSP W
141 WDY_MODEL_RELROL Web Dynpro: Role of a Model Relation TRANSP W
142 WDY_NAV_LINK Web Dynpro: Navigation Link TRANSP W
143 WDY_NAV_TARGREF Web Dynpro: Navigation Targets TRANSP W
144 WDY_NEW_LS_OBJ Web Dynpro: new Lightspeed UI objects TRANSP S
145 WDY_PLUG_PARAM Web Dynpro : Plug Parameter TRANSP W
146 WDY_PLUG_PARAMT Web Dynpro : Short Texts of the Plug Parameters TRANSP W
147 WDY_SETTINGS Global Settings for Web Dynpro ABAP TRANSP C
148 WDY_TEXTFILE_REF Inbox Text File References (Author Buffer) TRANSP A
149 WDY_UI_AGGR_DEF Web Dynpro : Definition von Viewelementaggregationen TRANSP W
150 WDY_UI_AGGR_DEFT Web Dynpro: Definition of View Element Aggregations TRANSP W
151 WDY_UI_AGGR_LD Web Dynpro: Layout Data Definitionen zu Aggregation TRANSP S
152 WDY_UI_AP13N_DEF Web Dynpro : Definition von Viewelementaggregationen TRANSP W
153 WDY_UI_CTX_BIND Web Dynpro: Context Binding of UI Elements TRANSP W
154 WDY_UI_DDIC_BIND Web Dynpro : Dictionary Binding of View Elements TRANSP W
155 WDY_UI_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: UI Element TRANSP W
156 WDY_UI_ELEM_DEF Web Dynpro: UI Element Definition TRANSP W
157 WDY_UI_ELEM_DEFT Web Dynpro: UI Element Definition TRANSP W
158 WDY_UI_ELEM_DOC Web Dynpro : Dokumentation zu UI Elementen TRANSP S
159 WDY_UI_ENUM_DEF Enumerationen von View-Elementen TRANSP W
160 WDY_UI_ENUM_VAL Enumerationen von View-Elementen TRANSP W
161 WDY_UI_ENUM_VALT Enumerations of View Elements TRANSP W
162 WDY_UI_EVENT_DEF Web Dynpro : Eventdefinitionen TRANSP W
163 WDY_UI_EVPAR_DEF Web Dynpro : Eventparameterdefinitionen TRANSP W
164 WDY_UI_EVT_BIND Web Dynpro: Event Binding of UI Elements TRANSP W
165 WDY_UI_INTERFACE Web Dynpro : Marker Interface TRANSP W
166 WDY_UI_INTF_IMPL Web Dynpro : Markerinterface Implementierung TRANSP W
167 WDY_UI_LIBRARY Web Dynpro : UI-Element-Library Definition TRANSP W
168 WDY_UI_LIB_USAGE Web Dynpro : UI-Element-Library Verwendung TRANSP W
169 WDY_UI_PP13N_DEF Web Dynpro: UI Element Property Definition TRANSP W
170 WDY_UI_PP13N_TVA beschreibende Texte zur Personalisierung TRANSP W
171 WDY_UI_PROPERTY Web Dynpro: UI Element TRANSP W
172 WDY_UI_PROP_DEF Web Dynpro : UI-Element Property Definition TRANSP W
173 WDY_UI_PROP_DEFT Descriptions for Personalization TRANSP W
174 WDY_UI_PROP_RAL Web Dynpro : UI-Element Property Def. for ReadAccessLogging TRANSP W
175 WDY_URL_PROP_DEF Web Dynpro: URL Parameter for Web Dynpro ABAP Framework TRANSP S
176 WDY_VAREA_DEF Web Dynpro : View Area Definition TRANSP W
177 WDY_VD_CONTEXT Table of Context Entries in the Painting Area TRANSP S
178 WDY_VD_CTX_NEW Table of Context Entries in the Painting Area TRANSP S
179 WDY_VD_DESDEFT Web Dynpro Tools: View Designer Control Tab.: Texts TRANSP S
180 WDY_VD_DESIGNDEF WebDynpro ViewDesigner: Description of View Elements TRANSP S
181 WDY_VD_GUIDDELTA Table for Delta HTML Pages TRANSP L
182 WDY_VD_HTML Web Dynpro: Buffer for HTML Preview TRANSP L
183 WDY_VIEW Web Dynpro: View TRANSP W
184 WDY_VIEWT Web Dynpro : Short Description of a View TRANSP W
185 WDY_VIEW_CNTR Web Dynpro: View Container TRANSP W
186 WDY_VIEW_CNTRT Web Dynpro : Short Descriptions of View Containers TRANSP W
187 WDY_VIEW_TEXT Web Dynpro : Text Repository for Views TRANSP W
188 WDY_VSET_DEF Web Dynpro : View Set Definition TRANSP W
189 WDY_VSH_NODE Web Dynpro: Node in the View Set Hierarchy TRANSP W
190 WDY_VSH_PHOLDER Web Dynpro: Placeholder in the View Set Hierarchy TRANSP W
191 WDY_VS_PROPERTY Web Dynpro : View Set Property TRANSP W
192 WDY_VS_PROP_DEF Web Dynpro : View Set Definition TRANSP W
193 WDY_WB_C_TEMPL Web Dynpro: Table of All Custom Templates TRANSP L
194 WDY_WB_GENINFO WebDynpro: Generation Information TRANSP L
195 WDY_WB_GENINF_VS WebDynpro: Generation Information for Viewsets TRANSP L
196 WDY_WB_SOURCEMAP WebDynpro: Mapping WebDynpro Source <-> Gen. ABAP Code TRANSP L
197 WDY_WB_VD_ACCCHK Web Dynpro: Tab for UI Element-Based Accessibility Checks TRANSP S
198 WDY_WB_VD_ADD_F Contains Special Functions for UI Elements TRANSP S
199 WDY_WB_VD_CD Web Dynpro: Chart Designer Customizing TRANSP S
200 WDY_WB_VD_CHECK Contains UI Element Info and Error Info for View Checker TRANSP S
201 WDY_WB_VD_CTX Contains Language-Dependent Texts for VD Function Code TRANSP S
202 WDY_WB_VD_CTXPRO Web Dynpro Viewdesigner: Mapping UI Property -> Ctx Property TRANSP S
203 WDY_WB_VD_FAV Contains User-Specific Favorites for VD Toolbar TRANSP S
204 WDY_WB_VD_IDE Defines Relation Between UI Element Def. and IDE Class TRANSP S
205 WDY_WB_VD_IMPLIC Web Dynpro Tools View Designer: Implications During Creation TRANSP S
206 WDY_WB_VD_TXT Contains Language-Dependent Texts for VD Function Code TRANSP S
207 WDY_WINDOW Web Dynpro: Window of a Component TRANSP W
208 WDY_WINDOWT Web Dynpro : Short Description of a Window TRANSP W
209 WEBSERVICE_TAB Table for Web Service Access TRANSP A
212 WEB_REF Referrer TRANSP L
213 WEB_USERAG User Agent & Operating System TRANSP L
214 WECD_PERS_USER User Personalization TRANSP A
215 WEC_MAIL_TMP_MAP Mail template type and Mail Scenario mapping TRANSP C
216 WEC_SEC_QTN Web Channel Security Questions TRANSP G
217 WEC_SEC_QTNT Web Channel Security Questions Text TRANSP G
218 WEC_SOBJECT WEC Auth: Objects used in WEC Authorizations TRANSP E
219 WEC_SOBJECTT WEC Auth : Object Description TRANSP E
220 WEC_USER_SEC_QTN Web Channel user security question and answer TRANSP A
221 WELK Competitor: Price Entry Document (Header) TRANSP A
222 WELP Competitor: Price Entry Document (Item) TRANSP A
223 WER_ACT_C Customizing action types TRANSP C
224 WER_ACT_DBE_A Action database enrichment (Customers) TRANSP A
225 WER_ACT_DBE_S Action database enrichment TRANSP S
226 WER_ACT_GLOBAL_A Global action data (Customers) TRANSP A
227 WER_ACT_GLOBAL_S Global action data TRANSP S
228 WER_ACT_MC_A Action method call class and method (Customers) TRANSP A
229 WER_ACT_MC_S Action method call class and method TRANSP S
230 WER_ACT_PARAM_A Action method call parameters (Customers) TRANSP A
231 WER_ACT_PARAM_S Action method call parameters TRANSP S
232 WER_ACT_S Standard action types TRANSP S
233 WER_ACT_SM_A Action simple mapping TRANSP A
234 WER_ACT_SM_FLD_A Action simple mapping target structure fields TRANSP A
235 WER_ACT_SM_FLD_S Action simple mapping target structure fields TRANSP S
236 WER_ACT_SM_S Action simple mapping TRANSP S
237 WER_ACT_T_C Customizing action types (Text Table) TRANSP C
238 WER_ACT_T_S Standard action types (Text Table) TRANSP S
239 WER_APPL_A FDT applications created in Rule Engine (Customers) TRANSP A
240 WER_APPL_REQ_A Workbench Request Associated to each application TRANSP C
241 WER_APPL_S FDT applications created in Rule Engine TRANSP S
242 WER_CTX_MAP_A Mapping information between object data and item fields TRANSP A
243 WER_CTX_MAP_S Mapping information between object data and item fields TRANSP S
244 WER_DBE_FIELD_A Action database enrichment field assignment (Customers) TRANSP A
245 WER_DBE_FIELD_S Action database enrichment field assignment TRANSP S
246 WER_EVENT_A Rule Engine event TRANSP A
247 WER_EVENT_S Rule Engine event TRANSP S
248 WER_EVENT_T_A Rule Engine event TRANSP A
249 WER_EVENT_T_S Rule Engine event TRANSP S
250 WER_EXP_BOOL_A Table of boolean expressions - OBSOLETE TRANSP A
251 WER_EXP_BOOL_S Table of boolean expressions - OBSOLETE TRANSP S
252 WER_EXP_C Customizing expression types TRANSP C
253 WER_EXP_COMP_A Table of comparison expressions TRANSP A
254 WER_EXP_COMP_S Table of comparison expressions TRANSP S
255 WER_EXP_MC_A Expression method call class and method (Customers) TRANSP A
256 WER_EXP_MC_S Expression method call class and method TRANSP S
257 WER_EXP_PARAM_A Expression method call parameters (Customers) TRANSP A
258 WER_EXP_PARAM_S Expression method call parameters TRANSP S
259 WER_EXP_S Standard expression types TRANSP S
260 WER_EXP_T_C Customizing expression types (Text Table) TRANSP C
261 WER_EXP_T_S Standard expression types (Text Table) TRANSP S
262 WER_INT_TYPE_C Customizing table for type compatibility TRANSP G
263 WER_ITEM_A Work item TRANSP A
264 WER_ITEM_FIELD_A Information about the fields of an item TRANSP A
265 WER_ITEM_FIELD_S Information about the fields of an item TRANSP S
266 WER_ITEM_FIELD_T Item fields used for testing TRANSP S
267 WER_ITEM_S Work item TRANSP S
268 WER_RE_MAP_A Mapping btw data object and assigned rule element (Customer) TRANSP A
269 WER_RE_MAP_S Mapping between data object and assigned rule element TRANSP S
270 WER_RULE_A Rule (Customers) TRANSP A
272 WER_RULE_SET_A Ruke set assignement to events TRANSP A
273 WER_RULE_SET_S Function set assignement to events TRANSP S
275 WER_TEMPLATE_A List of template element of an application (Customers) TRANSP A
276 WER_TEMPLATE_S List of template element of an application TRANSP S
277 WER_TEST_ARTICLE Subset of articles used for testing TRANSP S
278 WER_TEST_MARA Subset of mara fields for testing TRANSP S
279 WER_TEST_PREDEF Test table for predefined types TRANSP S
280 WER_TEST_RESULT Subset of mara fields containing the result for testing TRANSP S
281 WER_TMPL_REF_A References to template elements: where-used list (Customers) TRANSP A
282 WER_TMPL_REF_S References to template elements: where-used list TRANSP S
283 WER_WI_USE_A Usage of workitems within applications TRANSP A
284 WER_WI_USE_S Usage of workitems within applications TRANSP S
285 WEST IS-R Labeling: Master Data for Control TRANSP C
286 WEWU EMU: Planning of currency conversions TRANSP A
287 WFAS Workflow: Process linking TRANSP S
288 WFCS_WRFT Movement Data for Store Forecasts TRANSP A
289 WFERR Workflow: Error in processes TRANSP S
290 WFF_DATA_CHKF SDOK: File name of last checkout TRANSP A
291 WFF_DATA_CHKO SDOK: Checkout data for physical information object TRANSP A
292 WFF_DATA_CONT1 KEN: Document Contents Table (Import/Export) TRANSP E
293 WFF_DATA_IDXSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP E
294 WFF_DATA_LOIO WFF Data: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
295 WFF_DATA_LOIOT WFF Data: Descriptions for Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
296 WFF_DATA_LOPR WFF Data: Attribute Values for Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
297 WFF_DATA_LORE WFF Data: Outgoing Relationships for Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
298 WFF_DATA_LORI WFF Data: Incoming Relationships for Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
299 WFF_DATA_PHF SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
300 WFF_DATA_PHHR SDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects TRANSP E
301 WFF_DATA_PHIO SDOK: Physical information object instances TRANSP E
302 WFF_DATA_PHNM SDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects TRANSP E
303 WFF_DATA_PHPR SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
304 WFF_DATA_PHRE SDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
305 WFF_DATA_PHRI SDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships TRANSP E
306 WFF_DEF_CHKF WFF Definition: Filename for Last Check-Out TRANSP A
307 WFF_DEF_CHKO WFF Definition: Check-Out Data for Physical Info Object TRANSP A
308 WFF_DEF_CONT1 KEN: Document Contents Table (Import/Export) TRANSP E
309 WFF_DEF_IDXSTA WFF Definition: Status Table for Indexing Documents TRANSP E
310 WFF_DEF_LOIO WFF Definition: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
311 WFF_DEF_LOIOT WFF Definition: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
312 WFF_DEF_LOPR WFF Definition: Attribute Values for Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
313 WFF_DEF_LORE WFF Definition: Outgoing Relationships for Logical Info Objs TRANSP E
314 WFF_DEF_LORI WFF Definition: Incoming Relationships for Logical Info Objs TRANSP E
315 WFF_DEF_PHF WFF Definition: Files for Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
316 WFF_DEF_PHHR WFF Definition: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects TRANSP E
317 WFF_DEF_PHIO WFF Definition: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
318 WFF_DEF_PHNM WFF Definition: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
319 WFF_DEF_PHPR WFF Definition: Attribute Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
320 WFF_DEF_PHRE WFF Definition: Incoming Relationships Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
321 WFF_DEF_PHRI WFF Definition: Incoming Relationships for Physical InfoObjs TRANSP E
322 WFIUT Workflow: Processes "in UPDATE TASK" TRANSP W
323 WFMCMSGENQ Special Handling for System Messages TRANSP C
324 WFPRC Workflow: Process object: Definition TRANSP S
325 WFQUE Workflow: Queue for background processing TRANSP W
326 WFSTO Workflow: Work list TRANSP W
327 WGMH_SRS Head for SRS PDC Goodsmovement TRANSP A
328 WGMP_SRS Items for SRS PDC Goodsmovement TRANSP A
329 WGRC_ACT Current Capacity Data for Doors or Staging Areas TRANSP A
330 WGRC_ACT_PO Assignment of Times to Door/Area Capacities TRANSP A
331 WGRC_ASS Vendors Door/Area Appointment TRANSP A
332 WGRC_ASS_ACT_PO Assignment of Times to Door/Area Capacities TRANSP A
333 WGRC_ASS_RASTER Resource Table Grid TRANSP A
334 WGRC_PO_REWORK Number of Incorrect Documents for Which Reworking Required TRANSP A
335 WGRC_RES_AREA Resources in a Staging Area TRANSP A
336 WGRC_RES_DOOR Door Resources for a Specific Period TRANSP A
337 WGRC_RES_RASTER Resource Table Grid TRANSP A
338 WGRC_TLOAD Load table for calculating workload TRANSP C
339 WGRC_TSETTINGS Customizing Settings for Goods Receipt Capacity Check TRANSP C
340 WIND Document Index: Conditions for Automatic Document Adjustment TRANSP A
341 WITH_CTNCL Numbering class for withholding tax certificate numbers TRANSP C
342 WITH_CTNCLT Numbering class text table for withholding tax certificate TRANSP C
343 WITH_CTNCO1 Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 1 TRANSP C
344 WITH_CTNCO2 Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 2 TRANSP C
345 WITH_CTNCO3 Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 3 TRANSP C
346 WITH_CTNCOKEY Withholding tax certificate numbering: Concepts TRANSP S
347 WITH_CTNCOKEYTXT Texts: Withholding tax certificate numbering concepts TRANSP S
348 WITH_CTNGR Numbering group for withholding tax certificate numbers TRANSP C
349 WITH_CTNGRT Numbering group text table for withholding tax certificate TRANSP C
350 WITH_CTNUM Allocation of numbering group to numbering class TRANSP C
351 WITH_EXCL_STR_HD Derivation Strategies for Exclusion of Lines in Withhold.Tax TRANSP C
352 WITH_EXCL_STR_T Derivation Strategies for Exclusion (Texts) TRANSP C
353 WITH_EXCL_WITHT Assignment to Withholding Tax Type TRANSP C
354 WITH_ITEM Witholding tax info per W/tax type and FI line item TRANSP A
355 WITH_ITEM_EXCL Withholding Tax Info per WTax Type (Exclusion) TRANSP A
356 WIZ_DEF Definition of Wizard Object TRANSP S
357 WIZ_MODUL Function Modules for the Wizard Tool TRANSP S
358 WIZ_STAT Wizard Status TRANSP C
359 WIZ_TEXT Definition of Wizard Object TRANSP S
360 WKBK Pricing document: header TRANSP A
361 WKBP Pricing document: item TRANSP A
362 WLBM Layout area item TRANSP A
363 WLC_OPTIONS Load Control/Ext. Parallel Processing: Options TRANSP C
364 WLC_PRESEL_CRIT Load Control/Ext. Paral. Proc.: Preselection Criteria TRANSP C
365 WLC_PRESEL_CRITT Load Control/Ext. Paral. Proc.: Preselection Criteria TRANSP C
366 WLC_SELOPT_ENTRY Load Control/Ext. Parallel Processing: Entries in SelectOpt. TRANSP S
367 WLFD_IVRHDR Agency Bus.: DB table for Invoice Request Header TRANSP A
368 WLFD_IVRHDRT Agency Bus. : DB table for Invoice Request Header Text TRANSP A
369 WLFD_IVRITM Agency Bus.: DB table for Invoice Request Item TRANSP A
370 WLF_C_AU2WRART Assign Payment Types to Returns Order Types TRANSP C
371 WLF_C_CHECKUSERT Description texts for IDOC editor TRANSP E
372 WLF_C_CHECK_USER Check Engine User TRANSP E
373 WLF_C_CHK_CL Assign Classes to a Check Group TRANSP E
374 WLF_C_CHK_GRP Check Group TRANSP E
375 WLF_C_CHK_GRPT Description texts Check Group TRANSP E
376 WLF_C_IDOC2STRUC Mapping From IDOC Segment To Maintenance Structure TRANSP C
377 WLF_C_IDOC2STRUT Description texts for IDOC editor TRANSP C
379 WLF_C_MSGID IDoc Monitor: Message ID (View cluster maintenance) TRANSP C
380 WLF_C_MSGID_TCOD IDoc Monitor: Determination Message to maintenance transact. TRANSP C
381 WLF_C_PROCTYPE Process Category TRANSP C
383 WLISTPROT Logging of listing activities TRANSP L
384 WLK1 Listing Conditions SAP Retail Assortments TRANSP A
385 WLK11 Listing Conditions SAP Retail / Folder per Distrib. Chain TRANSP A
386 WLK2 Article Master Data SAP Retail / Part POS Control Data TRANSP A
387 WLMT Texts for layout area item TRANSP A
388 WLMV Validity and Status of Layout Module Versions TRANSP C
389 WLOSITEREF Plant grouping for logistic data TRANSP A
390 WLVA Assignment Table for Layout Module Variants for Stores TRANSP A
391 WMD_ADJ_EXEC_PRO Adjust and Execute Distribution: Profiles TRANSP C
393 WMD_ADJ_EXEC_WM Adjust and Execute Distribution at WM Level TRANSP C
394 WMFF Markdown Planning - Stores TRANSP A
395 WMFH Markdown Planning - header data TRANSP A
396 WMFHT Description of a markdown plan TRANSP A
397 WMFL Markdown Planning - Price Lists TRANSP A
398 WMFP Markdown Planning - item data (materials) TRANSP A
399 WMFU Markdown planning - price phases per material/un TRANSP A
400 WMPK Markdown rule header TRANSP A
401 WMPR Markdown rule item TRANSP A
402 WMPRT Text table for markdown rules TRANSP C
403 WMQK Quota Scale: Header Data TRANSP A
404 WMQKT Quota Scale: Header Texts TRANSP A
405 WMQP Quota Scale: Item Data TRANSP A
406 WMWK Value Scale: Header Data TRANSP A
407 WMWKT Value Scale: Header Texts TRANSP A
408 WMWP Value Scale: Item Data TRANSP A
409 WORKAREA_TITLE Function profile for workarea title TRANSP C
410 WORKAREA_TITLE_T Description of function profile for workarea title TRANSP C
411 WOSA SAP Retail Store, Store Orders: Entities Table TRANSP A
412 WOSAV SAP Retail Store, Store Orders: Document Links TRANSP A
413 WOSCR_CBL_COCODE Cash Balancing: Settings for Each Company Code TRANSP C
414 WOSCR_CBL_VAL Add-In Filter Value Table: Postings in 'Cash Balancing' TRANSP E
415 WOSCR_CBL_VALT Add-In Filter Value Table: Postings in 'Cash Balancing' TRANSP E
416 WOSCR_EXI_001 SRS Conv. Retailing - Groups for Expense Invoice Accounts TRANSP C
417 WOSCR_EXI_001T Text Table - Groups for Expense Invoice Accounts TRANSP C
418 WOSCR_EXI_002 G/L Accounts for Expense Invoice TRANSP C
419 WOSCR_EXI_002T Text Table - G/L Accounts for Expense Invoice TRANSP C
420 WOSCR_EXI_003 Tax Code Lines for Expense Invoice TRANSP C
421 WOSCR_EXI_003T Text Table - Tax Code Lines for Expense Invoice TRANSP C
422 WOSCR_EXI_COCODE Vendor Invoice - Assignment for Each Company Code TRANSP C
423 WOSCR_EXI_CURR Currencies for Expense Invoice TRANSP C
424 WOSCR_EXI_SITE Expense Invoice - General Store Settings TRANSP A
425 WOSCR_EXI_ST_02 Vendor Invoice - Store Settings (FI/CO) TRANSP A
426 WOSCR_EXI_VAL Add-In Filter Value Talbe: Expense Invoice Postings TRANSP E
427 WOSCR_EXI_VALT Add-In Filter Value Talbe: Expense Invoice Postings TRANSP E
428 WOSCR_GRP_001 SRS Convenience Retailing - Grouping of Accounts TRANSP C
429 WOSCR_GRP_001T SRS Convenience Retailing - Grouping of Accounts/Texts TRANSP C
430 WOSCR_GRP_002 SRS Convenience Retailing - Subgrouping of Accounts TRANSP C
431 WOSCR_GRP_002T SRS Convenience Retailing - Subgrouping of Accounts TRANSP C
432 WOSCR_GRP_003 SRS Convenience Retailing - Account Lines TRANSP C
433 WOSCR_GRP_003T SRS Convenience Retailing - Account Lines TRANSP C
434 WOSCR_GRP_004 SRS Convenience Retailing - Breakdown of Accounts TRANSP C
435 WOSCR_GRP_004T SRS Convenience Retailing - Breakdown of Accounts TRANSP C
436 WOSCR_RSN Reasons for Deviations (SRS Cash Balancing) TRANSP C
437 WOSCR_RSNT Reasons for Deviations (SRS Cash Balancing) TRANSP C
438 WOSCR_RSN_GRP Group for Reasons for Deviations TRANSP C
439 WOSCR_RSN_GRPT Group for Reasons for Deviations TRANSP C
440 WOSCR_SITE_GRP Cash Balancing: Settings for Each Group of Accounts TRANSP A
441 WP3ROLEAGR Portal Roles: Assignment to Authorization Roles TRANSP C
442 WP3ROLEDEF Portal Roles: Definition TRANSP C
443 WP3ROLEDEFLONG Long Portal Role Names TRANSP C
444 WP3ROLEDEFT Portal Roles: Short and Long Texts TRANSP C
445 WP3ROLEHIER Role Data Read from Child Systems for User Assignment TRANSP L
446 WP3ROLESRV Portal Roles: Services TRANSP C
448 WP3ROLESRVT Portal Roles: Services Short Texts TRANSP C
449 WP3ROLESYS Portal Roles: Responsibilities TRANSP C
450 WP3ROLEUSR Portal Roles: User Assignments TRANSP C
451 WP3ROLEUSRH Portal Roles: User Assignments Header TRANSP C
452 WP3ROLEUSRHLONG Long Portal Role Names for Role Assignment TRANSP C
453 WPAB Material Order Number (Dummy Table for Blocked Objects) TRANSP A
454 WPBHELP_URL URL Maintenance for context.html TRANSP A
455 WPFAM Family Pricing: Definition of Families TRANSP A
456 WPFAMT Family Pricing: Definition of Families (Texts) TRANSP A
457 WPFDO Family Pricing: Diff. Dist. Chain-Depnd. Price Relationships TRANSP A
458 WPFGA Family Pricing: Assignment of Articles to Family Groups TRANSP A
459 WPFGR Family Pricing: Defintion of Family Groups TRANSP A
460 WPFGRT Family Pricing: Definition of Family Groups (Texts) TRANSP A
461 WPLST POS interface: processing log TRANSP A
462 WPOSN_CSGMT Stock Determination Entries for Consignment Processing TRANSP A
463 WPPERSAPPL Personalization: Application Hierarchy TRANSP E
464 WPPERSINDX Personalization: Field Catalog TRANSP E
465 WPPERSPARM Personalization: User Settings TRANSP C
466 WPPERSSCRN Personalization: Maintenance Dialogs TRANSP E
467 WPPERSTABS Personalization: Tabs for Maintenance Dialog TRANSP E
468 WPPERSTABT Personalization: Texts for Tabs TRANSP E
469 WPSORR Conversion rules for work centers TRANSP A
470 WPTOTLIUSR User settings in global work process overview TRANSP L
471 WPTST POS interface: restart log for upload processing TRANSP A
472 WPXST POS interface: status external subsystems (error messages) TRANSP A
473 WRC_CUST Set Values for Recording Web Dynpro TRANSP C
474 WRC_DATA Definition Table for Recording Objects TRANSP E
475 WRC_DATUSR Definition Table for Recording Objects TRANSP E
476 WRC_DEFINE Definition Table for Recording Objects TRANSP E
477 WRC_DEFUSR Definition Table for Recording Objects TRANSP E
478 WRC_TEXTS Definition Table for Recording Objects TRANSP E
479 WRC_TXTUSR Definition Table for Recording Objects TRANSP E
480 WREFA Assigning Plants to Reference Plants TRANSP A
481 WRF1 Plant data TRANSP A
482 WRF12 Plant / receiving points TRANSP A
483 WRF3 Delivering plant, time-dependent TRANSP A
484 WRF4 Plant/ Departments TRANSP A
485 WRF5 Plant / Merchant ID of Credit Card Company TRANSP A
486 WRF6 Plant / material group TRANSP A
487 WRFC_TEXTL_CMP Textile Components TRANSP C
488 WRFC_TEXTL_CMP_T Text Table for Textile Components TRANSP C
489 WRFMATBSTAT Creation Status - Seasonal Procurement TRANSP C
490 WRFMATBSTATT Creation Status - Seasonal Procurement TRANSP C
491 WRFMATFGROUP Field Groups - Seasonal Procurement TRANSP G
492 WRFMATFGROUPT Field Group Names - Seasonal Procurement TRANSP G
493 WRFMATFIELD Permitted Fields - Seasonal Procurement TRANSP G
494 WRFMATTEMPLATE Reference Values: Core Material Master Data Maintenance TRANSP A
495 WRFST_DIM Assortment Dimensions TRANSP C
496 WRFST_DIMT Texts for Assortment Dimensions TRANSP C
497 WRFST_DIMVAL Permitted Values for Assortment Dimensions TRANSP C
498 WRFST_DIMVALT Texts for Values of Assortment Dimensions TRANSP C
499 WRFST_TYP Assortment Types TRANSP C
500 WRFST_TYPT Texts for Assortment Types TRANSP C