SAP ABAP Message Class Index V
Message Class - V
# | Message Class | Short Description | Package |
1 | V& | Document Management System Customizing | CV0C |
2 | V/ | Payment Cards | VFC |
3 | V0 | Screen sequence control messages | BZB |
4 | V03C | Delivery scheduling and transportation scheduling | VLTS |
5 | V1 | Sales Document Processing | VA |
6 | V10 | Messages for Authorization Check | VA |
7 | V2 | Copy functions for sales document processing | VA |
8 | V3 | Maintain Sales Activities | VCK |
9 | V4 | Sales messages (variable messages and EDI messages) | VA |
10 | V5 | Contract processing | VA |
11 | V50R | Extended Collective Processing for Delivery Creation | VL |
12 | V50T | Messages for Delivery Database Interface | VL |
13 | V6 | Interface to External Transportation Systems | VTRI |
14 | V7 | R/2-R/3 Link | VL |
15 | V9 | Application monitor messages | STUA |
16 | VA | Output for CAS Sales Activities | VCK |
17 | VACA | Messages for Development Class VACA | VACA |
18 | VACO | Sales-Controlling Interface | VACO |
19 | VAL | Treasury: Messages for General Valuation | FTR_VALUATION |
20 | VARCHI | Messages for Archiving (Insurance) | ISCDFUN |
21 | VB | Sales Documents: Logical Databases and Views | VZ |
22 | VBAI_APO | Batch Management Proportion/Product Units & APO | VBAI_APO |
23 | VBC_UI | Applicaton Management UI Message Class | VBC_USER_INTERFACE |
24 | VBC_WD | Visual Business messages for WebDynpro integration | VBC_WD_DRIVER |
25 | VBC_WD_GEOMAP_CHIP | Messages for GeoMap Chip | VBC_WD_GEOMAP_CHIP |
26 | VBDOCUBATCH | Documentary Batch | VBDOCUBATCH |
27 | VBDRV | Derivation of Batch Characteristics | VBDRV |
28 | VBF | Output for Basic Functions in Sales and Distribution | VTRC |
29 | VBI_CORE | Visual Business Core messages | VBI_CORE_IMPL |
30 | VBI_GUI_TEST | Message Class for VBI GUI Testprogram | VBI_SAMPLES |
31 | VBI_WD_GEOMAP_CHIP | Messages for GeoMap Chip | VBI_WD_SUPPORT |
32 | VBOB_MM_OB | Original Batch | VBOB |
33 | VBW | Distribution of Batches Along the Flow of Goods | VBW |
34 | VBX | Distribution of Selection Criteria: Batch Determination | VBX |
35 | VC | SD Customizing | VS0C |
36 | VC2HL_BO | VC2HL_BO | |
37 | VC2HL_SP | High Level Variant Configuration - Service Provider | VC2HL_SP |
38 | VC2HL_UI | High Level Variant Configuration - User Interface | VC2HL_UI |
39 | VC2OD_BO | Message Class for Object Dependency BO | VC2OD_BO |
40 | VC2OD_CPL_BO | Message Class for Characteristic Pool BO | VC2OD_BO |
41 | VC2OD_CPL_SP | Messages for Characteristic Pool | VC2OD_SP |
42 | VC2OD_DMT_ASSIST | Message Class for Dependency Maintenance Table | VC2OD_BO |
43 | VC2OD_DMT_SP | Dependency Maintenance Table - SP Messages | VC2OD_SP |
44 | VC2OD_SP | VC Dependency Editor Messages from SP level | VC2OD_SP |
45 | VC2OD_UI | VC2OD_UI | VC2OD_UI |
46 | VCASOM | Output - Opportunity Management | VCOM |
47 | VCMP | Billing: Complaint Management | CMP |
48 | VD | Date conversion | VA |
49 | VD_PDF | SD: Messages for Adobe Processing | VD_PDF |
50 | VE | Message ID for condition analysis | VF |
51 | VEG_MSG | Message class for Visual Enterrpise Generator | VISUAL_ENTERPRISE_GENERATOR |
52 | VEG_SRV_MESSAGES | Messages in VEG integration | CV_CNV_VEG |
53 | VELO | Vehicle Management System | ISAUTO_VLC |
54 | VELOWEB | Messages for the Web User(Dealer and Service Agents) | ISAUTO_VLC |
55 | VER_MESSAGES | Message Class for FP Examples | SAFP_AUTO_TESTS |
56 | VEVWR_MSG | Message class for Visual Enterrpise Viewer in SAP GUI | VISUAL_ENTERPRISE_VIEWER |
57 | VF | Billing | VF |
58 | VFKK | VFKK | |
59 | VFRR | SD revenue recognition | VFE |
60 | VF_MEV | Billing Period-End Valuation | VF |
61 | VF_PRC_CPF | ERP Pricing using CPF | VF_PRC_CPF |
62 | VG | EDI Messages in SD | VED |
63 | VH | SD pricing | VF_PRC_CORE |
64 | VHU01 | Message ID for Master Data Maintenance Packing Objects | ISAUTO_VHU_PACKOBJ |
65 | VHUAP | Messages for Packing Transaction Applications (FGrp VHUDIAL) | ISAUTO_VHU_PO |
66 | VHUCHG | Messages for Quantity Changes in HUs | ISAUTO_VHU_PO |
67 | VHUDLV | Messages for Creation of Deliveries via HUs | ISAUTO_VHU_PO |
68 | VHUMI | Messages for material identification | VHUMI |
69 | VHUMISC | Messages for General Function Modules for Packing Logistics | ISAUTO_VHU_PACKOBJ |
70 | VHUPD | Message ID for packaging dialog | ISAUTO_VHU_PACKOBJ |
71 | VHUREF | Messages for Reserving HUs for Documents | ISAUTO_VHU_PO |
72 | VHURL | Messages for Returnable Packaging Account Processing | ISAUTO_VHU_RL |
73 | VHURM | Messages for "Packing in Production (REM)" | MD04 |
75 | VHUWM | Messages for HU/WM Processing | ISAUTO_VHU_PO |
76 | VH_BAPI | Message Class for Pricing (BAPI) | VF_PRC_INTERFACE |
77 | VI | Sales Document Indices | VZ |
78 | VIEW_CUSTOMIZING | Message Class for View Customizing | VF_PRC_INTERFACE |
79 | VII | Application Output Shipment Output Inbox | VTRK |
80 | VIITRUCI | Messages and Check Programs | FVVI |
81 | VINFO | Information Container | VINTEG |
83 | VIRT | Virtualization Monitoring | SMOI |
84 | VJ | Output for ALE/IDOC from the SD Area | VKOA |
85 | VK | Maintenance and processing of conditions | VKOK |
86 | VK14 | FS-CD: Main and Subtransactions | ISCDFUN |
87 | VK20 | Messages for Reporting | ISCDFUN |
88 | VKKCPH | Policyholder Change | FSCDCPH |
89 | VKKS | IS-IS-CD Office Messages | ISCDFUN |
90 | VKKTAX | FS-CD: Messages for Insurance Tax | ISCDFUN |
91 | VKK_BAPI_PPLAN | Payment Plan Items BAPIs | ISCDFUN |
92 | VKK_CUST | Messages Within Customizing | ISCDFUN |
93 | VKK_KONTO | Master Data Account Messages | ISCDFUN |
94 | VK_A | Automatic Changes to Customizing for Pricing | VTOL |
95 | VL | VL | |
96 | VLA | General Output Class for Delivery | VLR |
97 | VLBAPI | Output Texts for Delivery BAPIs | VL |
98 | VLCU | Customizing in Shipping | VL |
99 | VLD | Printing Output | VLD |
100 | VLMOVE | LE Error Messages Goods Movements | VL |
101 | VLR | Output for Function Group V50B | VL |
102 | VLSC | Components for subcontractor's inbound delivery | VL |
103 | VLT | Schedule maintenance and scheduling | VLTM |
104 | VM | SD: Credit Limit Check | VKM |
105 | VMCDBG | Messages for VMC Debugger | SVMCRT_DEBUG |
106 | VMC_ADMIN | messages for VMC Administration and Monitoring | SVMCRT_ADMIN |
107 | VMC_DEPLOYMENT | Messages About Installation of VMC Applications | SVMCRT |
108 | VMC_PROFILING | Message Class for VMC Profiling UI | SVMCRT_ADMIN |
109 | VMD_API | Vendor APIs | VMD_INTERFACE |
110 | VMIRC | Messages for material identification and reconciliation | VMIRC |
111 | VMP_MSG | VMP Message Manager | VMP |
112 | VN | Output control | VN |
113 | VN2 | Output Class for RSNASTCK | VN |
114 | VO | W&S: Rough workload forecast + picking wave | VL |
115 | VP | Sales Document Partner(s) | VZ |
116 | VPD | Messages in SD Partner Processing | VPD |
117 | VPD_DETERM_LOG | Messages for Determination Log in SD Partner Processing | VPD |
118 | VPK1 | SPC Processor Messages | VPK |
119 | VPKGUI | Sales Pricing, Interface | VPK |
120 | VQ | SD Archiving and Product Allocation | VZ |
121 | VR | Output for SD Reporting | VARC |
122 | VS | SD Master data | VS |
123 | VSB | Self-Billing Procedure Messages | VASB |
124 | VSCAN | Virus Scan Interface | SVSCAN |
125 | VSCE | Messages for SCE | VSCE |
126 | VSH_APPL_LOG | Message Class for Error Logs in Customer Hierarchy | VSH |
127 | VSMI | Message for Development Class VSMI | VSMI |
128 | VT | SD Tables | VA0C |
129 | VT9T | Time Segment (only 4.5A, migration to T9T/EKls SZIT) | VLTS |
130 | VTBAPI | Output for Shipment Processing BAPIs | VTRK |
131 | VTX | Messages from tracking notification processing | VTRX |
132 | VU | Incompletion log | VA |
133 | VV | Requirements and availability | VA |
134 | VVKK_INT | Messages for internal purposes | ISCDTOOL |
135 | VVOZINS | Balance Interest Calculation for Insurance Objects | ISCDFUN |
137 | VVSCCHECK | Payment Plan: Checks | VVSC |
139 | VVSCDI | Messages for Transferring Scheduling Items | VVSC |
140 | VVSCITEMS | Messages for Processing Payment Plan Documents | VVSC |
142 | VVSCPAYMP | Messages: Scheduling Payment Plan | VVSC |
143 | VVSCSIM | Simulation of Payment Plans (New) | VVSC |
144 | VVSCSOLL | Debit Entry as Part of Payment Plan | ISCDFUN |
145 | VVSCTOOLS | Messages: Scheduling Tools | VVSC |
146 | VVSCTRANSFER | Payment Plan: Transfer | VVSC |
147 | VW | Shipment Processing Output | VTR |
148 | VWHUM | Messages for HUM in Transportation | VTR |
149 | VX | Text processing messages | VA |
150 | VY | Messages for freight processing | VTRA |
151 | VYSC | Output for Scale Processing | VFSC |
152 | VZ | CO/SD integration (resource-related billing) | KSDI |
153 | VZAR | Output from archiving program SD | VZ |
154 | VZK | FS-CD Additional Account Assignment for Insurance | ISCDFUN |
155 | V_LO_GEN_SE | Proxy Messages for generic services | LO_GEN_SE |
156 | V_O2C | Message Class for O2C | ERP_SALES_O2C_MAIN |
157 | V_OPS_SE_GEN_SC | Message class for ops_se_gen | OPS_SE_GEN |
158 | V_OPS_SE_SLS | Proxy Messages for SalesOrder Services | OPS_SE_SLS_XI_PROXY |