SAP ABAP Message Class VHURL (Messages for Returnable Packaging Account Processing)
Basic Data
ECC-DIMP (Software Component) DIMP
   IS-A-RL (Application Component) Returnable Packaging Logistics
     ISAUTO_VHU_RL (Package) Returnable Packaging Logistics
Message class VHURL
Short Description Messages for Returnable Packaging Account Processing  
Changed On 20080716 
Last Changed At 153009 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 000 ---- Messages for FunctGrp VHURLCU/Customizing ---- Space: object requires documentation
2 001 Value update not permitted in RP account processing Space: object requires documentation
3 002 Enter reverse account posting type Space: object requires documentation
4 003 Account posting type & already assigned for reverse postings Space: object requires documentation
5 004 Enter offsetting account posting type Space: object requires documentation
6 005 Account posting type & already assigned for offsetting postings Space: object requires documentation
7 006 Account posting type and reverse posting type have the same +/- sign Space: object requires documentation
8 007 Account posting type and offsetting posting type have the same +/- sign Space: object requires documentation
9 030 ------------- General error texts --------------------------------------- Space: object requires documentation
10 031 & & & & Space: object requires documentation
11 032 Activity terminated Space: object requires documentation
12 090 ------------ Messages for Account Maintenance from here ----------------- Space: object requires documentation
13 098 Value of control indicator cannot be changed Space: object requires documentation
14 099 Returnable packaging account set for reorder point planning Space: object requires documentation
15 100 Returnable packaging account is intended for reorder point planning Space: object requires documentation
16 101 Number ranges not maintained for returnable packaging accounts Space: object requires documentation
17 102 RP account &1 cannot be assigned externally Space: object requires documentation
18 103 RP account &1 already exists Space: object requires documentation
19 104 Plant &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
20 105 Partner type "&1" not designated for RP account manager Space: object requires documentation
21 106 Partner type "&1" not designated for RP account holder Space: object requires documentation
22 107 Material type &1 of material &2 not marked for RP account processing Space: object requires documentation
23 108 Valid-from date missing Space: object requires documentation
24 109 No number range maintained for RP account postings Space: object requires documentation
25 110 RP account &1 is marked for deletion Space: object requires documentation
26 111 Please enter selection criteria Space: object requires documentation
27 112 RP account &1 created successfully Space: object requires documentation
28 113 RP account &1 changed successully Space: object requires documentation
29 114 The main relationship cannot be deleted Space: object requires documentation
30 115 Returnable packaging account &1 has status "Blocked" Space: object requires documentation
31 116 Select the appropriate partner relationship Space: object requires documentation
32 117 Detail display not supported for plants Space: object requires documentation
33 118 The selected outline contract is not valid for this account Space: object requires documentation
34 119 Position of cursor not permitted for this function Space: object requires documentation
35 120 Posting error (table &1, sy-subrc &2, sy-dbcnt &3, plnd-display &4) Space: object requires documentation
36 121 Posting collides with parallel account posting Space: object requires documentation
37 122 No changes made Space: object requires documentation
38 123 The selected partner relationship is not deleted Space: object requires documentation
39 124 Posting error: no changes carried out Space: object requires documentation
40 125 Postings exist: deletion only possible via deletion indicator Space: object requires documentation
41 126 returnable packaging account &1 created, partner descriptions changed Space: object requires documentation
42 127 Returnable packaging account &1 and partner descriptons changed Space: object requires documentation
43 128 Account balance does not equal zero: mark for deletion not permitted Space: object requires documentation
44 129 Company code &1 is not assigned to plant &2 Space: object requires documentation
45 130 The PO quantity should not be smaller than the reorder point quantity Space: object requires documentation
46 131 RP account &1 deleted successfully Space: object requires documentation
47 132 Function only supported for exchange partner of type customer or vendor Space: object requires documentation
48 133 Function only supported for location of type customer or vendor Space: object requires documentation
49 134 RP account &2 currently blocked by user &1 Space: object requires documentation
50 135 Relationship assignments &2/&3/&4 are currently blocked by user &1 Space: object requires documentation
51 136 Partner relationship &2 &3 is currently blocked by user &1 Space: object requires documentation
52 137 Output partner incomplete. Maintenance of partner names not possible. Space: object requires documentation
53 138 Firstly determine the partner type Space: object requires documentation
54 139 No search help available at present for partner type &1 Space: object requires documentation
55 140 The partner relationship is already assigned to this RP account Space: object requires documentation
56 141 Returnable packaging account is not intended for reorder point planning Space: object requires documentation
57 142 The RP account cannot be deleted Space: object requires documentation
58 143 Postings exist - RP account cannot be deleted Space: object requires documentation
59 144 Partnerrelationships supplemented automatically Space: object requires documentation
60 145 A further partner relationship is added automatically Space: object requires documentation
61 146 The automatic addition of partner relationship was reversed Space: object requires documentation
62 147 This partner relationship has no further use Space: object requires documentation
63 148 You are changing the account unit of measure from &1 to &2 Space: object requires documentation
64 149 Returnable packaging accoung &1 is flagged for archiving Space: object requires documentation
65 150 --------- Messages for manual account postings (part 1) ----------------- Space: object requires documentation
66 151 Only one row can be selected Space: object requires documentation
67 152 Enter posting date Space: object requires documentation
68 153 Enter item Space: object requires documentation
69 154 Enter account number Space: object requires documentation
70 155 Enter posting type Space: object requires documentation
71 156 Enter "+" or "-" Space: object requires documentation
72 157 Enter posting quantity Space: object requires documentation
73 158 Enter material document, year, and item Space: object requires documentation
74 159 Material document could not be found Space: object requires documentation
75 160 Material document has a different material Space: object requires documentation
76 161 Enter delivery note, date, quantity and unit of measure Space: object requires documentation
77 162 Enter reference posting, year and item Space: object requires documentation
78 163 Reference posting could not be found Space: object requires documentation
79 164 Reference posting belongs to another account Space: object requires documentation
80 165 No reference posting exists for reversal Space: object requires documentation
81 166 Account and offsetting account must have different posting types Space: object requires documentation
82 167 Account and offsetting account are identical Space: object requires documentation
83 168 The partner relationship does not belong to account &1 Space: object requires documentation
84 170 RP numbers for account &1 and offsetting account &2 do not match Space: object requires documentation
85 171 There are no postings to be saved Space: object requires documentation
86 172 Records were not saved Space: object requires documentation
87 173 No import values for search Space: object requires documentation
88 174 Search could not be carried out Space: object requires documentation
89 175 Posting type maintenance in Customizing incomplete Space: object requires documentation
90 176 Posting type not relevant for screen Space: object requires documentation
91 177 Account &1 is flagged for archiving Space: object requires documentation
92 178 Account &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
93 179 Account postings saved under number: &1 Space: object requires documentation
94 180 Returnable packaging account &1 has status "Blocked" Space: object requires documentation
95 181 Posting types for account and offsetting account do not match Space: object requires documentation
96 182 Reference posting can no longer be reversed Space: object requires documentation
97 183 Reference posting already reversed Space: object requires documentation
98 184 Posting type for manual posting not allowed Space: object requires documentation
99 185 Units of measure for account &1 and offsetting account &2 do not match Space: object requires documentation
100 186 Account statement &1 has been saved Space: object requires documentation
101 187 Account statements saved Space: object requires documentation
102 188 Partner relationship not valid for account &1 on the posting date Space: object requires documentation
103 189 Account &1 is marked for deletion Space: object requires documentation
104 190 Account statment &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
105 191 Account statement transaction cannot be deleted Space: object requires documentation
106 192 RP account posting &1 &2 &3 currently blocked by user &4 Space: object requires documentation
107 193 Account statement &1 cannot be deleted Space: object requires documentation
108 194 No account statement transactions selected Space: object requires documentation
109 195 No account postings selected Space: object requires documentation
110 196 The main relationship in account &1 is not valid for the posting date Space: object requires documentation
111 197 No account statements selected Space: object requires documentation
112 198 &2 RP accounts were found for &1 selected account statements Space: object requires documentation
113 199 Postings saved Space: object requires documentation
114 200 ------------- From here, messages for reports (part 1) ------------------ Space: object requires documentation
115 201 No RP accounts could be found for your selection Space: object requires documentation
116 202 No account postings could be found for your selection Space: object requires documentation
117 203 No account statements could be found for your selection Space: object requires documentation
118 204 Residence time &1/number of days &2/calculated key date &3 Space: object requires documentation
119 205 Posting date &1 is after the key date &2 Space: object requires documentation
120 206 Start of processing: &1 Space: object requires documentation
121 207 End of processing: &1 Space: object requires documentation
122 208 Account posting (header) archived: &1 Space: object requires documentation
123 209 Account postings (item) archived: &1 Space: object requires documentation
124 210 Account posting is not or only partially compared Space: object requires documentation
125 211 Account posting locked Space: object requires documentation
126 212 Test run Space: object requires documentation
127 213 Productive Run Space: object requires documentation
128 214 Residence time &1 is either missing or incorrect Space: object requires documentation
129 215 Account statement locked Space: object requires documentation
130 216 Returnable packaging account &1 is locked Space: object requires documentation
131 217 Account statements (header) archived: &1 Space: object requires documentation
132 218 Account statements (transaction) archived: &1 Space: object requires documentation
133 219 Account posting exists Space: object requires documentation
134 220 Account statements exist Space: object requires documentation
135 221 The preceding account &1 is not yet archived Space: object requires documentation
136 222 Number of changed returnable packaging accounts: &1 Space: object requires documentation
137 223 Status of the returnable packaging account changed Space: object requires documentation
138 224 There are no returnable packaging account for archiving Space: object requires documentation
139 225 Returnable packaging account: &1 Space: object requires documentation
140 226 Partner relationship assignments archived: &1 Space: object requires documentation
141 227 Returnable packaging account and part. relationship assignments archived Space: object requires documentation
142 228 RP account locked Space: object requires documentation
143 229 No transmissions to archiving exist Space: object requires documentation
144 230 Transmission archived Space: object requires documentation
145 231 Transmissions archived: &1 Space: object requires documentation
146 232 Message type is not allowed Space: object requires documentation
147 233 The statement date &1 is after the key date &2 Space: object requires documentation
148 234 There are no comparison groups for archiving Space: object requires documentation
149 235 Comparison groups archived: &1 Space: object requires documentation
150 236 Comparison group archived Space: object requires documentation
151 237 Parts of the "Account status after posting" could not be calculated Space: object requires documentation
152 238 The status of IDOC &1 does not allow archiving Space: object requires documentation
153 249 &1 &2 &3 &4 Space: object requires documentation
154 250 ------ From here on, messages for admin. of ext. partner descriptions---- Space: object requires documentation
155 251 No external descriptions saved Space: object requires documentation
156 252 An external description is already assigned to plant &1 Space: object requires documentation
157 253 Select the external descriptions to be deleted Space: object requires documentation
158 254 External partner descriptions successfully saved Space: object requires documentation
159 255 Posting error: no changes carried out Space: object requires documentation
160 256 Select the column to be sorted Space: object requires documentation
161 257 There are no entries that could be sorted Space: object requires documentation
162 258 Returnable packaging account &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
163 259 External names of &2 &3 are currently blocked by user &1 Space: object requires documentation
164 260 An external name is already assigned to customer &1 Space: object requires documentation
165 261 An external name is already assigned to vendor &1 Space: object requires documentation
166 262 An external name is already assigned to RP account &1 Space: object requires documentation
167 263 No external description created or changed Space: object requires documentation
168 299 ------------- From here, messages for IDoc processing ------------------- Space: object requires documentation
169 300 Several IDocs transferred to processing program simultaneously Space: object requires documentation
170 301 The current transmission number already exists in the system Space: object requires documentation
171 302 The current transmission has no previous transmission Space: object requires documentation
172 303 Predecessor already has a successor transmission Space: object requires documentation
173 304 Format in IDoc field ' &' ( &) not permitted Space: object requires documentation
174 305 Account statements could not be created (exception) Space: object requires documentation
175 306 The IDoc field & ( &) has not been filled Space: object requires documentation
176 307 Old transmissin number has been filled Space: object requires documentation
177 308 Account statement &1 created from segment &2 Space: object requires documentation
178 309 No account found for statement &1 Space: object requires documentation
179 310 Messages were logged Space: object requires documentation
180 311 Statement &1 could not be read Space: object requires documentation
181 312 Processing was terminated in a customer function Space: object requires documentation
182 313 Log could not be read Space: object requires documentation
183 314 IDoc creation terminated Space: object requires documentation
184 315 IDoc processing continued despite incorrect external transmission numbers Space: object requires documentation
185 316 IDoc created Space: object requires documentation
186 317 Statement &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
187 318 Date of creation is incorrect/initial (segment &1 field &3) Space: object requires documentation
188 350 ------------- From here, messages for authorization checks -------------- Space: object requires documentation
189 351 No auth. to display returnable packaging accounts for company code &1 Space: object requires documentation
190 352 No auth. to change returnable packaging accounts for company code &1 Space: object requires documentation
191 353 No auth. to delete returnable packaging accounts for company code &1 Space: object requires documentation
192 354 No auth. to create returnable packaging accounts for company code &1 Space: object requires documentation
193 355 No auth. to post returnable packaging accounts for company code &1 Space: object requires documentation
194 356 No authorization to display external partner descriptions Space: object requires documentation
195 357 No authorization to change external partner descriptions Space: object requires documentation
196 358 No authorization to create account postings &1 &2 Space: object requires documentation
197 359 No authorization to delete account postings &1 &2 Space: object requires documentation
198 360 No authorization to display incorrect account postings for &1 Space: object requires documentation
199 361 No authorization to change incorrect account postings for &1 Space: object requires documentation
200 362 You do not have authorization to create account statements Space: object requires documentation
201 363 You do not have authorization to display account statements Space: object requires documentation
202 364 You do not have authorization to change accounts statements Space: object requires documentation
203 365 You do not have authorization to delete account statements Space: object requires documentation
204 366 No authorization to display the change documents for account statements Space: object requires documentation
205 367 No authorization to carry out automatic matching Space: object requires documentation
206 368 No authorization to carry out manual matching Space: object requires documentation
207 369 You do not have authorization to display matching information Space: object requires documentation
208 370 No authorization to change messages Space: object requires documentation
209 371 No authorization to delete faulty account postings for &1 Space: object requires documentation
210 372 No authorization to order empties for company code &1 Space: object requires documentation
211 373 Not authorized to create bank statements for company code &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
212 400 --- Messages for Automatic Account Postings and Account Determination -- Space: object requires documentation
213 401 Partner relationship &2 &1 &4 &3 does not exist for RP accounts Space: object requires documentation
214 402 RP account &1 deleted (deletion indicator) Space: object requires documentation
215 403 Relationship &1, &2 for RP account &3 is marked for deletion Space: object requires documentation
216 404 No RP account could be determined (&2->&3, &1, &4) Space: object requires documentation
217 405 No reverayl posting type defined for &1 Space: object requires documentation
218 406 Account posting type &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
219 407 Returnable packaging account &1 has status "Blocked" Space: object requires documentation
220 408 No RP account could be determined Space: object requires documentation
221 409 Account determination cannot be carried out Space: object requires documentation
222 410 Account posting type &1 not designated for automatic postings Space: object requires documentation
223 411 No accounts were selected Space: object requires documentation
224 412 No external customer name entered for conversion for account &1 Space: object requires documentation
225 413 No vendor entered for account &1 for conversion Space: object requires documentation
226 414 The role of location has not been maintained for account &1 Space: object requires documentation
227 415 No partner type or partner are maintained for account &1 Space: object requires documentation
228 416 No conversion exists for an external name Space: object requires documentation
229 417 No RP account was selected Space: object requires documentation
230 418 Account determination carried out Space: object requires documentation
231 419 RP account &1 is flagged for archiving Space: object requires documentation
232 420 Account determination cannot be carried out Space: object requires documentation
233 421 Account determination cannot be carried out Space: object requires documentation
234 450 --- Messages for Account Statements and Matching------------------------- Space: object requires documentation
235 451 Account statement &1 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
236 452 Account statement &1 not yet assigned to an RP account Space: object requires documentation
237 453 Matching not possible for several RP accounts Space: object requires documentation
238 454 Conversion error for posting record &1 &2 &3, RP account &4 Space: object requires documentation
239 455 Conversion error for account statement &1 &2, RP account &3 Space: object requires documentation
240 456 The role of location in statement is not maintained Space: object requires documentation
241 457 Account statement &2 is currently blocked by user &1 Space: object requires documentation
242 458 RP account &2 is currently blocked for matching by user &1 Space: object requires documentation
243 459 Matching status cannot be changed Space: object requires documentation
244 460 Output can only be displayed or edited for an account statement Space: object requires documentation
245 461 Messages can only be displayed Space: object requires documentation
246 462 Account statement &1 cannot be deleted Space: object requires documentation
247 463 The account statement may already have been sent Space: object requires documentation
248 464 No columns selected for sorting Space: object requires documentation
249 465 No data for sorting Space: object requires documentation
250 466 No data selected for this function Space: object requires documentation
251 467 No data selected to insert into a matching group Space: object requires documentation
252 468 No matching group selected Space: object requires documentation
253 469 Select only matching elements that are valid for this function Space: object requires documentation
254 470 It is not possible to drag and drop within the table Space: object requires documentation
255 471 Double-click not supported here Space: object requires documentation
256 472 Automatic account matching was carried out Space: object requires documentation
257 473 Output changes are saved when you save the account statements Space: object requires documentation
258 474 The processing type does not allow output processing for statement &1 Space: object requires documentation
259 475 The processing type does not allow account matching for statement &1 Space: object requires documentation
260 476 The processing type does not allow manual changing of the matching status Space: object requires documentation
261 477 It is not possible to create an account statement manually Space: object requires documentation
262 478 Account &1: Request for RP account statement was successful Space: object requires documentation
263 479 Request for RP account statement could not be carried out Space: object requires documentation
264 480 Account &1: Request not created (Error occurred during IDoc Creation) Space: object requires documentation
265 481 Account &1: Request not created (application error) Space: object requires documentation
266 482 Account &1: Account not relevant for statement request Space: object requires documentation
267 483 Account &1: Partner profile for partner &2 does not exist Space: object requires documentation
268 484 The account statements selected have been removed from the matching group The short text describes the object sufficiently
269 485 Function not possible for account statements that have not been matched The short text describes the object sufficiently
270 500 ------------- From here, messages for reports (part 2) ---------- Space: object requires documentation
271 501 Account postings (header) deleted: &1 Space: object requires documentation
272 502 Account postings (item): &1 Space: object requires documentation
273 503 Account statements (header) deleted: &1 Space: object requires documentation
274 504 Account statements (transaction) deleted: &1 Space: object requires documentation
275 505 RP accounts deleted: &1 Space: object requires documentation
276 506 Partner relationship assignments deleted: &1 Space: object requires documentation
277 507 Returnable packaging account and partner relationship assignments deleted Space: object requires documentation
278 508 Transmission deleted Space: object requires documentation
279 509 Transmissions deleted: &1 Space: object requires documentation
280 510 Matching groups deleted: &1 Space: object requires documentation
281 511 Comparison group deleted Space: object requires documentation
282 512 The material document display is possible only for automatic postings Space: object requires documentation
283 513 No data found for selection Space: object requires documentation
284 514 Restrict the selection further Space: object requires documentation
285 550 -------------- Messages for manual account postings (part 2) ------------ Space: object requires documentation
286 551 The lines were selected incorrectly, or are empty Space: object requires documentation
287 552 No lines available for selection Space: object requires documentation
288 553 No rows to add Space: object requires documentation
289 554 System cannot sort Space: object requires documentation
290 555 You have selected too many columns; sorting terminated Space: object requires documentation
291 556 No Columns Selected Space: object requires documentation
292 557 No columns to show; none were hidden Space: object requires documentation
293 558 Column cannot be hidden Space: object requires documentation
294 559 Column cannot be used for grouping Space: object requires documentation
295 560 Grouping set Space: object requires documentation
296 561 Groupings were deleted Space: object requires documentation
297 562 Column hidden Space: object requires documentation
298 563 Columns hidden Space: object requires documentation
299 564 User profile saved Space: object requires documentation
300 565 Sorting carried out Space: object requires documentation
301 566 There is no error log Space: object requires documentation
302 567 Error log closed Space: object requires documentation
303 568 Cannot delete grouping Space: object requires documentation
304 569 Reprocessing records deleted completely Space: object requires documentation
305 570 Column cannot be used for mass changes Space: object requires documentation
306 571 There are no rows to post the mass change Space: object requires documentation
307 572 Mass change was carried out Space: object requires documentation
308 573 Mass change could not be carried out Space: object requires documentation
309 574 Not all of the columns you have selected can be used for sorting Space: object requires documentation
310 600 --------------------- Message for business transactions ----------------- Space: object requires documentation
311 601 No external description could be determined for RP account &1 Space: object requires documentation
312 602 External description for RP account &1 adapted Space: object requires documentation
313 603 External description "&1" does not match RP account &2 Space: object requires documentation
314 604 Conversion for ext. description "&1" does not provide a unique account Space: object requires documentation
315 605 RP account adapted after the external description "&1" was changed Space: object requires documentation
316 609 Company code adjusted after change of location &1 Space: object requires documentation
317 610 The plant in location &1 does not belong in company code &2 Space: object requires documentation
318 611 No external description could be determined for partner &2 (&1) Space: object requires documentation
319 612 External description for partner &2 (&1) adapted Space: object requires documentation
320 613 External description "&1" does not match partner &3 (&2) Space: object requires documentation
321 614 Conversion for ext. description "&1" does not provide a unique partner Space: object requires documentation
322 615 Partner adapted after external description "&1" changed Space: object requires documentation
323 621 No external description could be determined for material &1 Space: object requires documentation
324 622 External description for material &1 adapted Space: object requires documentation
325 623 External description "&1" does not match material &2 Space: object requires documentation
326 624 Conversion for ext. description "&1" does not provide a unique material Space: object requires documentation
327 625 Material adapted after external description "&1" changed Space: object requires documentation
328 626 Conversion for material &1 does not provide a unique result Space: object requires documentation
329 627 Enter the material number of the returnable packaging Space: object requires documentation
330 630 Material copied from account master, after account &1 changed Space: object requires documentation
331 631 Returnable packaging account &1 does not match material &2 Space: object requires documentation
332 632 COmpany code taken over from account master after change of account &1 Space: object requires documentation
333 633 Returnable packaging account &1 does not belong in company code &2 Space: object requires documentation
334 635 Change of partner with role &1 copied to relationship Space: object requires documentation
335 636 Role given for role &1 does not agree with partner relationship Space: object requires documentation
336 637 Change to relationship copied to role &1 Space: object requires documentation
337 640 Customizing for account posting type &1 is inconsistent Space: object requires documentation
338 641 Enter an account posting type Space: object requires documentation
339 642 Account posting type &1 occurs more than once Space: object requires documentation
340 650 Posting items could not all be assigned Space: object requires documentation
341 651 Posting items that are not to be assigned were deleted Space: object requires documentation
342 655 Account number adjusted Space: object requires documentation
343 656 Account determination determines a different account &1 than that entered Space: object requires documentation
344 657 No account could be determined  
345 660 Enter a partner type and number for the location Space: object requires documentation
346 661 Enter a partner type and number for the exchange partner Space: object requires documentation
347 662 Specify a company code Space: object requires documentation
348 663 No reference document has been entered Space: object requires documentation
349 664 Enter a posting quantity Space: object requires documentation
350 665 Data is incomplete Space: object requires documentation
351 670 Enter a posting number, year and item group for the reverse posting Space: object requires documentation
352 671 Posting &1 &2 &3 not found: reverse posting not possible Space: object requires documentation
353 672 Automatic postings cannot be manually reversed Space: object requires documentation
354 680 Collision during editing of reprocessing records Space: object requires documentation
355 690 No returnable packaging account postings created Space: object requires documentation
356 691 &1 account postings created: &2 Space: object requires documentation
357 692 &1 reprocessing records created or processed Space: object requires documentation
358 693 &1 account postings and &2 reprocessing records created or processed Space: object requires documentation
359 700 ------- From here: messages for acct statement creation -------------- Space: object requires documentation
360 701 No statement-relevant accounts found for selection criteria Space: object requires documentation
361 702 Error in date/time conversion Space: object requires documentation
362 703 Account &1: message found Space: object requires documentation
363 704 Account &1: no output found. No statement created. Space: object requires documentation
364 705 Account &1: statement &2 created Space: object requires documentation
365 706 Account &1: no initial statement. No statement created. Space: object requires documentation
366 707 Account &1: initial statement created Space: object requires documentation
367 708 Account &1: initial statement creation terminated Space: object requires documentation
368 709 Account &1: no statement created - lock problem Space: object requires documentation
369 710 Account &1: statements exist up to &2. No statement created. Space: object requires documentation
370 711 Account &1: no postings in delimitation interval. No statement created. Space: object requires documentation
371 712 Account &1: last statement (&2) deleted Space: object requires documentation
372 713 Account &1: last statement (&2) could not be deleted Space: object requires documentation
373 714 No accounts to be deleted found for the selection criteria Space: object requires documentation
374 715 Account &1: last statement (&2) is blocked by user &3 Space: object requires documentation
375 716 Account &1: account statement &2 deleted Space: object requires documentation
376 717 Account &1: initial statement deleted Space: object requires documentation
377 718 Test run - no data is saved, internally assigned numbers are lost Space: object requires documentation
378 719 Delimitation date &1 Space: object requires documentation
379 720 Delimitation records for account &2, DelType &3 are locked by user &1 Space: object requires documentation
380 721 No messages found for the selection criteria Space: object requires documentation
381 722 Account &1: statement &2 was not created by you Space: object requires documentation
382 723 Account &1: no statement to be deleted found Space: object requires documentation
383 724 Account &1: internal delimitation record deleted Space: object requires documentation
384 725 Account &1: cannot determine customer material in statement Space: object requires documentation
385 726 Account &1: cannot determine customer material in statement Space: object requires documentation
386 727 Account &1: cannot determine vendor material in statement Space: object requires documentation
387 728 Account &1: cannot determine vendor material in statement Space: object requires documentation
388 729 Account &1: cannot determine a material Space: object requires documentation
389 730 Delimitation date &1 Space: object requires documentation
390 731 Account &1: no postings in delimitation interval. No statement created. Space: object requires documentation
391 732 No log type selected Space: object requires documentation
392 733 You are deleting all logs of one type in the system Space: object requires documentation
393 734 Account &1: partner conversion faulty Space: object requires documentation
394 735 Account &1: the original posting type is used for the transaction type Space: object requires documentation
395 736 Account &1: transaction type does not exist Space: object requires documentation
396 737 Account &1: posting type &2 does not exist in conversion profile &3 Space: object requires documentation
397 738 Account &1: output already created for statement &2 Space: object requires documentation
398 739 Cancelled by user Space: object requires documentation
399 740 Delimitation date for intial statement &1 Space: object requires documentation
400 741 Account &1: could not determine material type Space: object requires documentation
401 742 Account &1: conversion error with material &2 Space: object requires documentation
402 743 Acct &1: 'Account number at sender' field is not filled out Space: object requires documentation
403 744 Account &1: statement created Space: object requires documentation
404 745 Only one acct. statement request can be processed per IDoc (Seg. E1EDP40) Space: object requires documentation
405 746 No account for account statement request found Space: object requires documentation
406 747 Account &1: Account statements can only be created by external partner Space: object requires documentation
407 748 Account &1: Account statements cannot be created by external partner Space: object requires documentation
408 749 Notification not possible, but text has been saved Space: object requires documentation
409 750 ------- From here messages for reorder point planning ------- Space: object requires documentation
410 751 Account &1: Purchase order &2 with quantity &3 created Space: object requires documentation
411 752 Account &1: Returnable packaging account does not exist Space: object requires documentation
412 753 Account &1: Creation of purchase order not possible Space: object requires documentation
413 754 Account &1: The following errors occurred when PO was created: Space: object requires documentation
414 755 Account &1: Internal error in function module with error code &2 Space: object requires documentation
415 756 Account &1: Creation of a purchase order not necessary Space: object requires documentation
416 757 Returnable packaging account &1 is not active any more Space: object requires documentation
417 758 Error log could not be displayed Space: object requires documentation
418 759 Account &1: Purchase order with quantity &2 simulated in test run Space: object requires documentation
419 760 Account &1: The contract for the account is not valid any more Space: object requires documentation
420 761 Account &1: Account is not marked for automatic purchase order creation Space: object requires documentation
421 800 ---- From here: Messages for Creation/Deletion of Account Statements ---- Space: object requires documentation
422 801 Account &1: Only external partner can delete account statements Space: object requires documentation
423 802 Account &1: No message creation; output via Supplier Workplace Space: object requires documentation
424 803 Account &1: Message output via Supplier Workplace Space: object requires documentation
425 804 No accounts relevant for statements found (account status) Space: object requires documentation
426 805 Account statement request started successfully (request accepted) Space: object requires documentation
427 806 Account statement request has not been started (request rejected) Space: object requires documentation
428 807 Sending of account statement &1 triggered Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 20080716  SAP 
SAP Release Created in