SAP ABAP Package ISCDFUN (FS-CD: Collections/Disbursements Functionality)
Basic Data
Package | ISCDFUN | ||
Short Description | FS-CD: Collections/Disbursements Functionality | ||
Super package | FS-CD | FS-CD Structure Packet | |
Main package indicator | Development Package | ||
Created on/by | 00000000 | SAP |
Package Content
Table Name | Short Description | Table Category | Delivery Class |
DIMACOPAST | Reversal of Contracts in CO-PA | TRANSP | A |
DIMAPARPAY | IO: Alt. Payt Recipient for Ins. Obj.-Partner Relationship | TRANSP | A |
FSCD_TRI_DEFRAG | Trigger Table for Mass Activity: Clearing Oldest Debt | TRANSP | A |
INSCUSTENV | INS Information Cluster Builder: Parameters | TRANSP | E |
INSCUSTENVCLUB | Levels of the IS-U CIC Cluster Builder | TRANSP | S |
INSCUSTENVCLUBH | Hierarchy of the IS-U CIC Cluster Builder | TRANSP | S |
INSCUSTENVCLUBT | Levels of the IS-U CIC Cluster Builder (Text Table) | TRANSP | S |
SCR_LA | test zo | TRANSP | C |
TFSCD_COV_CLUB | FSCD: Levels Cluster Builder Business Partner Environment | TRANSP | S |
TFSCD_COV_CLUBH | FSCD: Hierarchy Cluster Builder Business Partner Environment | TRANSP | S |
TFSCD_COV_CLUBT | IS-PS-CA: Set Hierarchy Cluster Builder Business Part. Envir | TRANSP | S |
TFSCD_COV_PAR | Ins: Parameter Cluster Builder Business Partner Environment | TRANSP | E |
TINS_COV_PAR | IS-PS-CA: Parameter Cluster Builder Business Partner Environ | TRANSP | E |
TKKV007A | Insurance Tax Schedule | TRANSP | C |
TKKV007AT | Insurance Tax Determination Procedure (Texts) | TRANSP | C |
TKKV007B | Insurance Tax Determination Procedure (Assignment) | TRANSP | C |
TKKV007C | Customizing to Determine Insurance Tax Schedule | TRANSP | C |
TKKV007D | Insurance Tax Categories (Assignment) | TRANSP | C |
TKKV007DT | Insurance Tax Categories (Texts) | TRANSP | C |
TKKV007E | Assignment of Other Tax Codes to Tax Category | TRANSP | C |
TKKV007F | Tariff Groups Tax Reporting | TRANSP | C |
TKKV033C | Acct Determination: Modules | TRANSP | S |
TKKV033C_CUST | Account Determination: Control | TRANSP | S |
TKKV033C_CUST2 | Account Determination: Control | TRANSP | S |
TKKVABGRD | Cancellation Reason | TRANSP | C |
TKKVABGRDT | Cancellation Reason Texts | TRANSP | C |
TKKVAKTIV | Activities and/or Notes for the Clerk | TRANSP | C |
TKKVAUTH | RFC Functions with Auth. Protection | TRANSP | S |
TKKVAUTHT | RFC Funtions with Auth. Protection | TRANSP | S |
TKKVBAKT | Banks for Payment | TRANSP | C |
TKKVBASIC | FS-CD Basic Settings | TRANSP | C |
TKKVBL2TP | Conversion of Doc Type to Item Cat | TRANSP | C |
TKKVBLART | Document Type Control | TRANSP | C |
TKKVBLARTS | Field Status Control - Doc Type | TRANSP | C |
TKKVBLARTT | Text Table for Document Type Control | TRANSP | C |
TKKVBLERM | Conversion Table Data Medium Item in Doc Type | TRANSP | C |
TKKVBLTYP | Table for Doc Categories | TRANSP | S |
TKKVBLTYPT | Text Table for Doc Cats | TRANSP | S |
TKKVBUGRD | Posting Reasons | TRANSP | C |
TKKVBUGRDT | Posting Reason Texts | TRANSP | C |
TKKVCOPA | Field Assignment Table | TRANSP | C |
TKKVDTSTR | Control Table DME File Processing Austria | TRANSP | C |
TKKVFAART | Invoicing Types | TRANSP | C |
TKKVFAARTT | Invoicing Type Texts | TRANSP | C |
TKKVFAART_PYMET | Additional Payment Methods also for Invoice | TRANSP | C |
TKKVFOART | Receiv. Types | TRANSP | E |
TKKVFOARTT | Name of Receivable Type | TRANSP | E |
TKKVHVTV | FS-CD Transactions | TRANSP | C |
TKKVHVTVT | FS-CD Transactions: Texts | TRANSP | C |
TKKVIACT | Processing Contracts w. Acct Bal. Int. Calc. - Activities | TRANSP | C |
TKKVIACTDEF | Processing IO w. Acct Bal. Int. Calc. - Activity Definition | TRANSP | C |
TKKVIACTDEFT | Curr. Chge Acct Bal. Int. Calc. - Def. of Activities (Texts) | TRANSP | C |
TKKVIHVOR | FS-CD Internal Transactions | TRANSP | S |
TKKVIHVORT | FS-CD Internal Transactions | TRANSP | S |
TKKVINTCURR | Contracts with Acct Bal. Int. Calc.: Permitted Curr. Change | TRANSP | C |
TKKVINVER | Dunning Information Procedure | TRANSP | C |
TKKVINVERT | Dunning Texts Information Procedure | TRANSP | C |
TKKVISUMA | Bal. Int. Calc.: Summarization Cat. Assignment to IO Cats | TRANSP | C |
TKKVISUMCAT | Bal. Int. Calc.: Summarization Cats for Interest Items | TRANSP | C |
TKKVISUMCATT | Summarization Balance Interest Calculation Texts | TRANSP | C |
TKKVISUMF | Balance Interest Calculation: Summarization Criteria | TRANSP | C |
TKKVITVOR | FS-CD Internal Subtransactions | TRANSP | S |
TKKVITVORT | Text Table Internal Subtransactions FS-CD | TRANSP | S |
TKKVIVV | Assign Internal Sub-Transactions to External Transactions | TRANSP | C |
TKKVKONTO | Account Control | TRANSP | C |
TKKVMAHNV | Dunning Proc. for Jurisdiction, Receivable, Product Group | TRANSP | C |
TKKVMAKT | Dunning Activities | TRANSP | C |
TKKVMVARI | Dunning Var. | TRANSP | C |
TKKVMVARIT | Dunning Var. Texts | TRANSP | C |
TKKVMZAHL | Validation Table for Automatic Payment | TRANSP | C |
TKKVNFAEL | Function Modules for Determining Later Due Dates | TRANSP | C |
TKKVPNTYP | Item Categories | TRANSP | C |
TKKVPNTYPT | Item Categ. Texts | TRANSP | C |
TKKVPOGRU | Scheduling Debit Entry: Open Item Grouping | TRANSP | E |
TKKVPOGRUFE | Debit Transfer Scheduling: Grouping Criteria | TRANSP | C |
TKKVPOGRUT | Item Grouping Texts | TRANSP | E |
TKKVPOVER | Scheduling Debit Entry: Item Summarization | TRANSP | E |
TKKVPOVERFE | Scheduling Debit Transfer: Summarization Criteria | TRANSP | C |
TKKVPOVERT | Item Summarization Texts | TRANSP | E |
TKKVPRGRP | Product Groups | TRANSP | C |
TKKVPYCORR | Customizing for Insufficient Deposit Coverage Correspondence | TRANSP | C |
TKKVRBART | Legal Rel. Type Check Table | TRANSP | C |
TKKVRBARTT | Legal Rel. Type Texts | TRANSP | C |
TKKVSLART | Selection Type for Clearing | TRANSP | C |
TKKVTELE010A | Ins. Dunning: Telephone Collections: STATUS Determination | TRANSP | C |
TKKVTELE010B | Ins. Dunning: Telephone Collections: STATUS Specification | TRANSP | C |
TKKVTELE010BT | Ins. Dunning: Tel. Collections: STATUS Texts Specification | TRANSP | C |
TKKVUVFRI | Clearing: Offsetting Intervals Prior to Due Date | TRANSP | C |
TKKVUVFRIT | Clearing: Clearing Deadline Variant Prior to Due Date (Text) | TRANSP | C |
TKKVUVORD | Clearing: Sorting Fields Priority | TRANSP | C |
TKKVUVSRT | Clearing: Sorting Variants | TRANSP | C |
TKKVUVSRTT | Clearing: Sorting Variants (Texts) | TRANSP | C |
TKKVUVVAR | Clearing Variants | TRANSP | C |
TKKVUVVART | Clearing Variant Texts | TRANSP | C |
TKKVVERD | Summarization Control of FI-CA Line Items | TRANSP | C |
TKKVVKKC | Control Table for Invoice Fields | TRANSP | S |
TKKVVKKM | Modif. No. for Invoice Fields | TRANSP | S |
TKKVVKKMT | Text Table for Modif. No. for Invoice Fields | TRANSP | S |
TKKVZAFRQ | Payment Frequencies | TRANSP | C |
TKKVZAFRQT | Payment Frequency Texts | TRANSP | C |
TKKV_CUST_VZK | Customizing Table VZK | TRANSP | C |
TKKV_ICOPA | Field Assignment Table | TRANSP | C |
TKKV_REPCL_IT | Money Laundering Law Reporting: Ins. Types Subj. to Rptg | TRANSP | C |
TKKV_REPCL_TA | Money Laundering Law Reporting: Transactions Subj. to Rptg | TRANSP | C |
TKKV_T1 | Test: Quantity of Customizing Tables | TRANSP | C |
TKKV_TEILART | Distribution Type Customizing | TRANSP | C |
TKKV_TEILARTT | Distribution Type Text Table | TRANSP | C |
TKKV_VZK_DATA | Data Table Additional Account Assignment for Insurance | TRANSP | A |
TKKV_VZK_LINK | Link Table Document <> Additional Acct Assignment for Ins. | TRANSP | S |
TKKV_VZK_MAP | Distribution for Additional Account Assignment for Insurance | TRANSP | S |
TVKKS | Menu Description for FS-CD Office | TRANSP | S |
VKK0365 | Dunning for set incoming payment method | TRANSP | C |
VKKINTERESTHIST | Int. Calc. History for Deposit Acct | TRANSP | A |
VKKVK_PAY | Alternative Payment Recipient for Contract Account | TRANSP | A |
VVKKCFCLH | Clearing: Notes to Clerk for Clearing | TRANSP | A |
VVKKCFCSTEL | Insurance Dunning: Telephone Collections | TRANSP | A |
VVKKDEPOT | Deposit Int. Calc. Table | TRANSP | A |
VVKKDRKO | Dunning Printout:Header Items | TRANSP | A |
VVKKDRZE | Dunning Notice Output: Repetition Items | TRANSP | A |
VVKKERR | Incorrect Structure and Related Error Message(s) | TRANSP | L |
VVKKEXPTRIGGER | Trigger for Expiry Notes | TRANSP | A |
VVKKFAPOS | Invoicing Items in FS-CD | TRANSP | A |
VVKKFCSTR | Help Table for Posting Data Transfer | TRANSP | C |
VVKKFKO | Doc Header Posting Data Interface | TRANSP | A |
VVKKFKOT | Table for FS-CD Test Data of Structure vkkkfko | TRANSP | A |
VVKKFOP | Single Doc in Posting Data Interface | TRANSP | A |
VVKKFOPT | Table for FS-CD Test Data of Structure VKKKFOP | TRANSP | A |
VVKKFPRO | Log Tybel for Posting Data Interface | TRANSP | A |
VVKKFST | Control Table for Posting Data Transfer Program | TRANSP | A |
VVKKICLAR | Depost Int Calc: Clarif. Cases for Int Calc | TRANSP | A |
VVKKICLARIOB | Sec. Acct Int. Calc. Acc. to Ins. Obj.: Clarification Cases | TRANSP | A |
VVKKIHIST | Deposit Acct Interest Calc: History (Detail) | TRANSP | A |
VVKKIHISTIOB | Sec. Acct Int. Calc. Acc. to Ins. Obj.: History (Detail) | TRANSP | A |
VVKKISUMIOB | Bal. Interest Calc. Acc. to Ins. Obj.: Interest Total | TRANSP | A |
VVKKJOBGRP | Jobs and Job Groups for Function Group VKKO | TRANSP | A |
VVKKKDTRIG | Trigger for Cust. Field Check DME Media | TRANSP | A |
VVKKMAKT | Executed Dunning Activities | TRANSP | A |
VVKKMHIST | Contract-Related Dunning History | TRANSP | A |
VVKKPAYHX | Additional Specif. For Payment (Insurance-Related) | TRANSP | A |
VVKKREPCL | Money Laundering Clarification Worklist | TRANSP | A |
VVKKREPCL_REP | FS-CD: Money Laundering Law Reporting State | TRANSP | A |
VVKKREPNH | Coinsurance Reporting: Report Header OBSOLETE | TRANSP | A |
VVKKREPNP | Coinsurance Reporting: Report Item OBSOLETE | TRANSP | A |
VVKKREPPROG | Coinsurance Reporting: Generated Subprogram OBSOLETE | TRANSP | L |
VVKKREPRH | Coinsurance Reporting: Recording Header OBSOLETE | TRANSP | A |
VVKKREPRP | Coinsurance Reporting: Recording Item OBSOLETE | TRANSP | A |
VVKKRESETTAX | Italian Taxes - Trigger Table for Correction Run | TRANSP | A |
VVKKRESETTAXF | Italian Taxes - Subsequent Processing | TRANSP | C |
VVKKRESETTAXSC | Italian Taxes - Assignment of Old/New Payment Plan Items | TRANSP | A |
VVKKRKBEZ | Legal Relationships-Account | TRANSP | A |
VVKKSOLLC | Debit Entry - Control Records | TRANSP | A |
VVKKSORES | Reservation Table for Simultaneous Runs | TRANSP | A |
VVKKTAXCORR | Tax Reporting ITA: Correction Totals for On Account/Clarif. | TRANSP | A |
VVKKTAXREP | Tax Reporting ITA: Data for Tax Report | TRANSP | A |
VVKKTAXTRIG | Tax Reporting ITA: Trigger Table for Payment Documents | TRANSP | A |
VVKKTRIGG | VKK Trigger Table | TRANSP | A |
VVKKTRIMA | Trigger for Checking Dunning Status | TRANSP | A |
VVKKUMSAC | Open Item Clearing - Control Records | TRANSP | A |
VVKKVSNT | Trigger for FS-CD Interface to VTG (EA Generali) | TRANSP | L |
VVKKVTRG | Contract data | TRANSP | A |
VVKK_COINSH | Coinsurance Shares Header Table | TRANSP | A |
VVKK_COINSP | Coinsurance Shares Item Table | TRANSP | A |
VVKK_COINS_BASIC | Transactions Posting Coinsurance Shares | TRANSP | C |
VVKK_COINS_CUST | Coinsurer Specifications | TRANSP | A |
VVKK_COINS_INTGR | Integration with Other Functions that Transfer Shares | TRANSP | S |
VVKK_COINS_PROG | Coinsurance Reporting: Generated Subprograms | TRANSP | L |
VVKK_COINS_REV | Reversal Documents for Coinsurance Reporting | TRANSP | A |
VVKK_TAX_REPORTS | Tax Reporting for Italy: Data | TRANSP | A |
VVKK_TAX_TOTALS | Italian Tax Reporting: Totals | TRANSP | A |
VVKK_TRANSF_REF | Document References for FPU5 | TRANSP | A |
Transaction Code | Short Description | Program |
BAPIPPLAN | Test Tool for Payment Plan BAPIs | TEST_BAPIS_ZAHLPLAN |
CD | IMG for FS-CD | SAPRV122 |
FSCDEXPIRY1 | Create Expiry Notes | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
FVVOZ | Balance Interest Calc. Ins. Object | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
GSFNR | Document Display for a GSFNR | V_SHOW_ALL_DOCS_FOR_GSFNR |
RFSCD_COV | FSCD: Cluster Builder - Disp. Func. | RFSCD_COV |
SISIS | (empty) | MENUSISIS |
S_KK4_08000062 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000090 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000091 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000092 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000096 | S_KK4_08000096 | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000105 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000131 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000136 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000137 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000138 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000140 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000143 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000148 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000149 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000150 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000151 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000152 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000153 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000154 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000168 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000180 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000181 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000197 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000211 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000232 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000235 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000236 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000237 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000262 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000315 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000316 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000317 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000318 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000319 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000320 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000332 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000343 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000431 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000432 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000436 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000511 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_VY_V131 | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000512 | IMG Activity: _ISISFICA_VY_V132 | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000530 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000531 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000552 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000562 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000581 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000642 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000643 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000658 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000659 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000660 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000661 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000662 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000663 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000664 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000665 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000666 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000677 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000678 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_KK4_08000747 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_SK4_11000001 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_SK4_11000002 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_SK4_11000050 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
S_SK4_11000052 | (empty) | SAPLS_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY |
TFSCD_ACTIVATE_OPORD | Classification Key and Direct Input | FSCD_ACTIVATE_OPORD |
TOM0 | Clearing | SAPLFKCC |
UY6O | Cust. posting area V100 | SAPRVV60 |
UY7O | Cust. posting area 1110 | SAPRVV60 |
UYM8 | Display Transfer Doc Data (new) | SAPRVV61 |
VAH1 | Display Invoicing Items | SAPRVV22 |
VAUGL_INFO | Forward Clearing Information | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VAZE | Credit Splitting (Multiple Payts) | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VCFCL | Clarif.Processing: Money Laundering | |
VITATAX | Correction Run for Italian Taxes | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VKK1 | IS-IS/PP Ins. Solution Customizing | MENUVKK1 |
VKK2_ALT | (empty) | MENUVKK2_ALT |
VKKM | Contract A/R + A/P | MENUVKKM |
VKTT | Test Partners DI/RFC | SAPRV105 |
VPVA | Dunning Proposal Insurance | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VPVB | Dunning Activities | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VPVC | Activities End Dunning Procedure | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VPVE | Individual Dunning Notice | SAPLVKKMA7 |
VRAA | Maintain Coinsurer Specifications | |
VRAB | Transactions Postings Coins. Shares | |
VRCN | Posting Coinsurance Shares | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VSC05 | Tax Specifications | |
VSIP | Contract Selection | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VULI | Unilife Incoming Payment | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VVO1 | Manage Contracts With AcctBalIntCalc | SAPLVVOZINS3 |
VVOC | Create Ins. Obj. Int. Bal. Letter | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VVOH | Bal. Int. Calc. History Ins. Obj. | RVVOZINS01 |
VVOSUM | Summarization for Bal. Int. Calc. | |
VVOSUMA | Bal. Int. Calc.: Summarization | |
VVOZ | Balance Interest Calc. Ins. Object | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VVOZACT | AcctBalIntCalcCurrChange: Activities | |
VVOZACTDEF | Currency Change: Define Activities | |
VVOZCURR | Permitted Currency Change | |
VVOZCURRSW | CurrChangeContractsAcctBalIntCalc. | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VVSCPOGRU | Scheduling: Debit Entry: Item Groupg | |
VVSCPOVER | Scheduling: Debit Entry: Item Summrz | |
VVSCSTOR1 | Business Case Reversal | |
VVSCSTOR2 | Payment Plan Reversal | |
VVSCSTOR3 | Payment Plan Item Reversal | |
VVSCVERULI | Universal Life Clearing Control | |
VVVORG | Customize Transactions | MENUVVVORG |
VXC1 | Activation of Future Changes | BUSPCDACT |
VXF1 | Retransfer Posting Data | SAPRVV42 |
VXH1 | Transfer to general ledger | RFKKGL00 |
VY00 | (empty) | |
VY01 | Maintain account function modules | |
VY04 | Start Excel with test data | SAPRVV04 |
VY05 | List documents | SAPRVV20 |
VY08 | String search in source code | SAPRVV19 |
VY13 | DME processing | SAPRVV70 |
VY21 | List RFC errors | SAPRVV21 |
VY22 | Maintain account function modules | |
VY23 | Maintain account function modules | |
VY40 | Delete contract data | SAPRVV40 |
VY41 | Delete dunning history w/VVKKMHIST | MAHNHISX |
VY6A | Clearing Customiz.: Deadline variant | |
VY6B | Clearing Customizing: Ordinality | |
VY6C | Clearing Customizing: Sort. variants | |
VY6D | Clearing Customiz: Min amt variants | |
VY6E | Clearing Customizing: Variants | |
VY6F | Clearing Customizing: Item cats | |
VY6G | Clearing Customiz: DocType->ItmCat | |
VY6H | Acct Det. Reconc. Acct | SAPRVV60 |
VY6I | Revenue acct: acct determination | SAPRVV60 |
VY6J | Adv. pyt post reasons: acct determ. | |
VY6K | Acct Det. Reconc. Acct | |
VY6M | Acct det: Automatic clearing | |
VY6N | Cust. posting area V100 | |
VY6O | Cust. posting area 1110 | SAPRVV60 |
VY6P | Cust. Bank Clrg / Clarif. Acct - DME | |
VY6Q | Acct Determination: Coll. Invoices | |
VY6S | Transactions For Simulated Items | |
VY6T | Assign Transactions To Interest Keys | |
VY6U | Parameters for Currency Change | |
VY6V | G/L Accounts for Currency Change | |
VY6W | Parameters for Transfer Postings | |
VY6X | Closing Parameters | |
VY6Y | Customizing Acct Default Vals | |
VY7C | Customizing: Dunning amt limits | |
VY7D | Customizing: Dunning charges | |
VY7F | Customizing: Dunning grouping | |
VY7G | Dunning proc. det. posting area:V201 | |
VY7H | Det DP Post Area V200 (old in V2.2) | |
VY7I | Det. Posting Area Dep Acct Interest | |
VY7J | Det. Dunning Proc. Postg Area V500 | |
VY7K | Acct Det.: Revenue/Contract Acct | |
VY7L | CD Customizing Basic Settings | |
VY7M | Parameters for Open Account Clearing | |
VY7S | Customizing: Dunning block reasons | |
VY7T | Dunn. Determ. Posting Area: V202 | |
VY8A | Account Determination | SAPRVVKF |
VYAAS | Doc. Type for Clearing Oldest Debt | |
VYAC0 | Bill Scheduling Archiving | |
VYAC1 | Maintain General Scheduling Runtime | |
VYAC2 | Archiving Business Case Reversal PP | |
VYAC21 | Coinsurance Reporting Archiv. | |
VYAC22 | Maintain General Coins. Runtime | |
VYAC23 | Activate AS for Coinsurance | |
VYAC3 | Durations Bus. Case Reversal PP | |
VYAC4 | Activate AS for Bill Scheduling | |
VYAC5 | Activate AS Bus. Case Reversal PPlan | |
VYAF | Invoicing History Archiving | |
VYAF0 | Define General Invoicing Runtime | |
VYAF1 | Define Runtime for Invoicing Types | |
VYAG0 | Archiving Money Laundering Laws | |
VYAG1 | Maintain Money Laundering Runtime | |
VYAM0 | Archiving of Broker Reports | |
VYAM1 | Maintain Gen. Broker Report Runtime | |
VYAR | FS-CD: Posting Data Archiving | |
VYAS01 | Display ISCD Broker Report Info Str. | |
VYAS21 | Activate AS for Broker Report Arch. | |
VYAS31 | Activate AS for invoicing history | |
VYAS41 | Bal. Int. Calc. Hist. Archive | |
VYAS42 | Maintain Gen. AcctBalIntCalcRuntime | |
VYAS43 | Activate AS for Acct Bal. Int. Calc. | |
VYAUG | Clrg Restrictions for Transactions | |
VYBEZ | Item Is Regarded as Cleared, if: | |
VYBT | Field Status Setting for Doc Cat. | |
VYCA | Customizing: Cancel. Reason | |
VYCB | Customizing: Posting reasons | |
VYCC | Customizing: Document type | |
VYCD | Bank Acct Customizing | |
VYCE | Customizing Selection for Clearing | |
VYCF | Customizing: Invoice Types | |
VYCG | Customizing: TKKVABGRB | |
VYCH | Customizing: Notes to the Clerk | |
VYCM | Customizing: Doc Dunning Procedure | |
VYCO | Posting Specs for Coins. Shares | |
VYCOV004 | Create Insurance Invoices | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VYCOV008 | Create Insurance Quotations | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VYCOV018 | Create Tax Office Certificates | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VYCOV032 | Create Balanced Contract Statements | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VYCOV033 | Create Ins. Balance Notifications | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VYCQ | Customizing: Doc Type Deter. | |
VYCR | Customizing: Returns Reasons | |
VYCS | Customizing: Line Table TKKVSPAR | |
VYCU | Customizing for Sublines of Bus. | |
VYCV | Customizing: Summarization | |
VYCW | Customizing - Money Laundering Rptg | |
VYCX | Maintain Customer LR Enhancements | |
VYEV | Define External Transactions | |
VYFS | Cust Structures for Post Data Transf | SAPRVVFS |
VYIE | Assign External Transactions | |
VYIV | Define Internal Transactions | |
VYKO | Open Item Accounting Carryforward | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VYM10 | Contract Dun. Status | SAPRVV99 |
VYM7 | FI-CA Dunning History Archvg | |
VYM9 | Define Dunning Archiving Runtime | |
VYSA | Reconcil. Progr. for Posting Run | SAPRVVSA |
VYSP | Parallelized Debit Entry | SAPMVVSP |
VYSPA | Insurance Debit Entry | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
VYT1 | Note to Clerk from Clearing | |
VYTAX01 | Doc. Evaluation for Ins. Tax. Reptg | SAPRVVTAXREP_IT_PREP |
VYTAX02 | List Creation for Tax Report | SAPRVVTAXREP_IT |
VYTAX1 | Insurance Tax Schedule Specs | |
VYTAX2 | Transaction-Relevant Tax Code | |
VYTAX3 | Main/Subtransaction for Payt on Acct | |
VYZ0 | Customizing: Bank Clearing Accts | |
VYZ1 | Customizing: Payment Frequency | |
VYZ10 | Customizing POKEN -> Payt lock rsn | |
VYZ2 | Customizing: Automatic Payments | |
VYZ3 | Customizing: FMs for Due Dates | |
VYZ6 | Customizing Act. Commission | |
VYZ9 | Start Workflows for Clarif. Cases | SAPRVV76 |
VY_TT_1 | Transaction for TKKV_T1 | |
VY_V011 | Cust. Receivables/Payables | |
VY_V021 | Cust. Revenues/Expenses | |
VY_V050 | Customizing Posting Area V050 | |
VY_V131 | Transaction-Relevant Tax Code | |
VY_V132 | Activity Code/Distribution Type Arg. | |
VY_V133 | Classification Determination (Taxes) | |
V_AUGL_AS | Clearing for Oldest Debt | SAPLFKKAKTIV2 |
Software Component | INSURANCE | SAP Insurance | |
SAP Release Created in | 462 | ||
Application Component | FS-CD (I250008802) | Collections/Disbursements | |
Package | ISCDFUN | FS-CD: Collections/Disbursements Functionality |