SAP ABAP Transaction Code - Index T
Transaction Code - T
# | Transaction code | Short Description | Corresponding Report (if exist) |
1 | T108 | Change tactical standard planning | |
2 | T109 | Change tactical spring/summer plng | |
3 | T110 | Change tactical fall/winter planning | |
4 | T111 | Change operational standard planning | |
5 | T112 | Change oper. spring/summer planning | |
6 | T113 | Change operational fall/winter plng | |
7 | T114 | Change OTB | |
8 | T115 | Promotion planning | |
9 | T123 | Number Range Maintenance: TT123 | SAPMSNUM |
10 | TAANA | Table Analysis | SAPLARCH_ANA_ADMIN |
11 | TAANA_AV | Table Analysis: Analysis Variants | SAPLARCH_ANA_ADMIN |
12 | TAANA_VF | Table Analysis: Virtual Fields | SAPLARCH_ANA_ADMIN |
13 | TABLE_SCANNER | Search Several Tables | TABLE_SCANNER |
14 | TABR | Settle | FTR_STAV_SET_STATUS |
15 | TAC1 | Number range maintenance: FTA_GSART | SAPMSNUM |
16 | TAC2 | Number range maintenance: FTA_KLAMMR | SAPMSNUM |
17 | TAC3 | Number range maintenance: FTR_REFNR | SAPMSNUM |
18 | TAC4 | Number Range Maintenance: FTA_MAID | SAPMSNUM |
19 | TAC5 | Number Range Maintenance: FTA_AWKEY | SAPMSNUM |
20 | TACD | Trader: Change Documents | RFTBTRA2 |
21 | TAISC0 | Company Code Customizing | |
22 | TAISC1 | Product Type Customizing | |
23 | TAISC2 | Transaction Types Customizing | |
24 | TAISC3 | Acct Assignment Reference Customizg | |
25 | TAISC5 | Update Type Customizing | |
26 | TAISC6 | Valuation Class Customizing | |
27 | TAISC7 | Valuation Class Customizing | |
28 | TAISC8 | Valuation Class Customizing | |
29 | TAMO | Translation Analysis Monitor | RS_TMSSTATS_DISPLAY |
30 | TAV1 | Fix Average Rate | RFTBRF00 |
31 | TAV2 | Reset Average Rate Fixing | RFTBRF01 |
32 | TA_FITV_IMG_VIEWSAVE | Transaction Called to Save View Data | |
33 | TB.5 | FC valuation of hedged documents | SAPF109 |
34 | TB01 | Create forex hedge | SAPMF70D |
35 | TB02 | Change forex hedge | SAPMF70D |
36 | TB03 | Display forex hedge | SAPMF70D |
37 | TB04 | Delete forex hedge | SAPMF70D |
38 | TB0A | TR: Maintenance view swap rates | |
39 | TB10 | Process hedge requests | RFTBSI00 |
40 | TB11 | Create Object Hedge | SAPMF70D |
41 | TB12 | Change object hedge | SAPMF70D |
42 | TB13 | Display object hedge | SAPMF70D |
43 | TB14 | Reverse object hedge | SAPMF70D |
44 | TB18 | Hedged underlyings | RFTBSI18 |
45 | TB19 | Forex Hedges - Collective Processing | RFTBSI10 |
46 | TB20 | Unallocated forex transactions | RFTBSI20 |
47 | TB21 | Allocated forex transactions | RFTBSI25 |
48 | TB30 | List of open items FI | RFTBSI30 |
49 | TB35 | Reconciliation of cleared items | RFTBSI35 |
50 | TB60 | List of processed hedge requests | RFTBSI60 |
51 | TBA1 | TR:Maint. Change trans. category | |
52 | TBA2 | TR:Maint. Change processing cat. | |
53 | TBA3 | TR: Maint. Change TCODES Menu TIMN | |
54 | TBA4 | TR:Maint. Change processing cat. | |
55 | TBA5 | TR:Maint.Chnge | |
56 | TBA6 | TR: Maint. Change flow/cond. cat. | |
57 | TBA7 | TR:Maint.ChngeAlloc.App./Flw.CondCat | |
58 | TBA8 | TR: Maint. Change act.proc/def. | |
59 | TBB1 | Execute postings | RFTBBB00 |
60 | TBB1_LC | Flag Flows as Posted | RFTBBB00_LEGACY_CONVERSION |
61 | TBB1_LC_OP_ONLY | Flag flows as posted (before migr.) | RFTBBB00_OP_ONLY_LEGACY_CONV |
62 | TBB1_OP_ONLY | Perform postings (before migration) | RFTBBB00_OP_ONLY |
63 | TBB2 | Reverse postings | RFTBBS00 |
64 | TBB2_OP_ONLY | Reverse postings | RFTBBS00 |
65 | TBB3 | Flag Flows as Reversed | RFTBBS01 |
66 | TBB3_OP_ONLY | Flag flows as reversed (before migr) | RFTBBS01_OP_ONLY |
67 | TBB4 | Accrual/deferral | RFTBAB00 |
68 | TBB5 | Reverse accrual/deferral | RFTBAB01 |
69 | TBB6 | Realized Gains/Losses | RFTBBE00 |
70 | TBB7 | Run Key Date Valuation | RFTBBE01 |
71 | TBB8 | Reverse Key Date Valuation | RFTBBE02 |
72 | TBC0 | TR: Maintain manual reversal type | |
73 | TBC1 | Datafeed: Define variants | SAPMS38E |
74 | TBC2 | Datafeed: adjust workflow | |
75 | TBC3 | Define standard role | |
76 | TBC5 | Responsibilities for Agent Assgnment | |
77 | TBC6 | Transaction Release: Adjust Workflow | |
78 | TBCA | Index Definition | |
79 | TBCB | Maintain Index Rate Type | |
80 | TBCC | Exchanges | |
81 | TBCD | Treasury: Change Docs Transactions | RFTBCD00 |
82 | TBCF | Exchange rate volatilities | |
83 | TBCI | View Master data G/L account | |
84 | TBCJ | Maint.Planning Types for Trans.Types | |
85 | TBCK | Check account determination | RFTBBP00 |
86 | TBCL | Maintenance View Hedge-Relev. Curr. | |
87 | TBCM | Maintenance View Unit Types | |
88 | TBCN | Maintenance: Note for Transaction | |
89 | TBCO | Security price type | |
90 | TBCP | Retransfer of activity transition | |
91 | TBCQ | Alloc. ValuationFlowTypes-Transactn | |
92 | TBCR | TR: Maintain fixing attributes FX | |
93 | TBCS | Automatic fixing processing | RFTX70SO |
94 | TBCU | Check Account Determination: Forex | |
95 | TBCV | Check Acct Determination: Money Mkt | |
96 | TBCW | Check Acct Determination:Derivatives | |
97 | TBCX | Maintain Acct Determination: Forex | RFTBBC00 |
98 | TBCY | Maintain Acct Determination: MM | RFTBBC00 |
99 | TBCZ | Maintain Acct Determination: DE | RFTBBC00 |
100 | TBD0 | Datafeed: Adminster Archives | |
101 | TBD1 | Datafeed: Table structure VTB_DFCU | RFTBDF03 |
102 | TBD2 | Datafeed: Datafeed Customizing | RFTBDF05 |
103 | TBD3 | Datafeed: Market data administration | RFTBDF00 |
104 | TBD4 | Datafeed: Updated market data | RFTBDF07 |
105 | TBD5 | Datafeed: Import market data file | RFTBDF06 |
106 | TBD6 | Datafeed: Log file administration | RFTBDF02 |
107 | TBD7 | Datafeed: Check Customizing | RFTBDF08 |
108 | TBD8 | Datafeed: Archive | |
109 | TBD9 | Datafeed: Reload archives | |
110 | TBDA | Datafeed: Real-Time Initialization | RFTBDF14 |
111 | TBDB | Datafeed: Read archives | RFTBDF10 |
112 | TBDC | Datafeed: Real-Time monitor | RFTBDF15 |
113 | TBDD | Datafeed: Feed/Mode/Destination | |
114 | TBDE | Datafeed:Text tables operating modes | |
115 | TBDF | Datafeed: View permitted feeds | |
116 | TBDG | Datafeed: Text table feeds | |
117 | TBDH | Datafeed: Text table instr.classes | |
118 | TBDI | Datafeed: View Classes Allowed | |
119 | TBDJ | Datafeed: Historical Market Data | RFTBDF04 |
120 | TBDK | Datafeed: Code Conversion Program | RFTBDF01 |
121 | TBDM | Market Data File Interface INPUT | RFTBFF00 |
122 | TBDN | Market Data File Interface - OUTPUT | RFTBFF01 |
123 | TBDO | Market Data File: Code Conversion | RFTBFF03 |
124 | TBEX | Spreadsheet for Market Data | RFTBDF_OLE |
125 | TBEXN | Spreadsheet Upload of Market Data | RFTBDF_OLE |
126 | TBI1 | Standg instrns Maintain pmnt details | RFTBST01 |
127 | TBI1D | Display SI Payment Details | RFTBST01 |
128 | TBI2 | Standing instns Alloc. pmnt details | RFTBST02 |
129 | TBI5 | Maintain Correspondence SI | RFTBST01 |
130 | TBI5D | Display SI Correspondence | RFTBST01 |
131 | TBI5_COPY | Copy Standing Instruct. for Corresp. | RFTBCOSI2 |
132 | TBI5_DELE | Delete Standing Instr. for Corresp. | RFTBCOSI2_DEL |
133 | TBI6 | Authorization - maintain SI | RFTBST01 |
134 | TBI6D | Authorization - display SI | RFTBST01 |
135 | TBI6_COPY | Copy SI for Transaction Authorizat. | RFTBCOSI3 |
136 | TBI6_DELE | Delete SI for Trans. Authorization | RFTBCOSI3_DEL |
137 | TBI7 | SI Maintain Derived Flows | RFTBST01 |
138 | TBI7D | Display SI Derived Flows | RFTBST01 |
139 | TBI7_COPY | Copy SI for Derived Flows | RFTBCOSI4 |
140 | TBI7_DELE | Delete SI for Derived Flows | RFTBCOSI4_DEL |
141 | TBI8 | Standing Instructions: Evaluations | RFTBSTR1 |
142 | TBIR | Mass Release of Interim Limits | RFTBLMR2 |
143 | TBK1 | TR: Cust. loan acct assignment ref. | |
144 | TBK2 | TR: Cust. Acc.Ass.Ref. Securities | |
145 | TBK4 | TR: Cust. Acc.Ass.Ref. Forex | |
146 | TBK5 | TR: Cust. Acc.Ass.Ref. Money Market | |
147 | TBK6 | TR: Cust. Acc.Ass.Ref. Derivatives | |
148 | TBL1 | Limits: Change/Display | RFTBLV01 |
149 | TBL10 | Treasury: Delete Limits | RFTBLD03 |
150 | TBL2 | Limits: Change Documents | RFTBLR02 |
151 | TBL3 | Limits: Overview | RFTBLL01 |
152 | TBL4 | Limit Utilization: Overview | RFTBLE01 |
153 | TBL6 | Limit Utilization: Delete | RFTBLD01 |
154 | TBL7 | Limit Type: Delete Data | RFTBLD02 |
155 | TBL8 | Reorganize STC Logs | RFTBREOP |
156 | TBL9 | Display STC Logs | RFTBLP01 |
157 | TBLA | TR: Limit Maintenance for VC_ATLA | |
158 | TBLARC | Archiving: Limits and Utilizations | |
159 | TBLA_BANKING | TR: Limit Maint. VC_ATLA_BANKING | |
160 | TBLA_CFM | TR: Limit Maint. VC_ATLA_CFM | |
161 | TBLB | Limit Utilization: Overview | RFTBLE02 |
162 | TBLC | Lock/Unlock Limits | RFTBLPA2 |
163 | TBLC01 | Check of Determination Procedure | RFTBLC01 |
164 | TBLD | Lock/Unlock Countries | RFTBLPA2 |
165 | TBLE | Limit Management: Lock Entries | RFTBLENQ |
166 | TBLM | Flow List | RFTBLE03 |
167 | TBLPECC | Change Posting Deadline | |
168 | TBLP_CANC | Cancel Transfer/Loan | TBLP_CANCEL_LIST |
169 | TBLP_COST | Cost Transfer/Loan | TBLP_COSTING_LIST |
170 | TBLP_CUST | Customizing Transfer/Borrow/Loan | |
171 | TBLP_INFO | Transfer/Loan/Payback Info-Report | TBLP_ANALYZE_REP |
172 | TBLP_M2M | Create Mat. to Mat. Group Transfer | TBLP_MAT2MAT |
173 | TBLP_PBCK | Pay Back Loan | TBLP_PAYBACK_LIST |
174 | TBLP_TRLO | Create Transfer/Loan | TBLP_STOCK_LIST |
175 | TBLR | Release Limits | RFTBLMR1 |
176 | TBLT01 | Limit: Generate Table for Lim. Types | RFTBLT01 |
177 | TBLT02 | Limit: Move Data to Generated Table | RFTBLT02 |
178 | TBLT03 | Limit: Delete Generated Table | RFTBLT03 |
179 | TBLT04 | Limit: Reorganiz. of Analysis Char. | RFTBLT04 |
180 | TBLT05 | Limit: Check Analysis Characterist. | RFTBLT05 |
181 | TBLT06 | Check/Correct Consist. of Gen.Tables | RFTBLT06 |
182 | TBLW1 | Review: Send | RFTBLRSM |
183 | TBLW2 | Review: Change Review Recipient | RFTBLCHR |
184 | TBM1 | Treasury: Create Mast.Agreement | RFTBMA00 |
185 | TBM2 | Treasury: Chg. Mast. Agreement | RFTBMA00 |
186 | TBM3 | Treasury: Displ. Mast. Agreement | RFTBMA00 |
187 | TBM4 | Treasury: Master Agreement Changes | RFTBMA01 |
188 | TBM5 | Treasury: Assign Mast. Agreement | SAPMF70Z |
189 | TBM6 | Treasury: Vol. Check for Master Agr. | RFTBMA02 |
190 | TBM7 | Master Agreement: Maintain Memo IDs | |
191 | TBMN | Currency Hedges | MENUTBMN |
192 | TBR0 | Posting journal | RFTBBB01 |
193 | TBR1 | Treasury: Create netting | RFTBCM00 |
194 | TBR2 | Treasury: Change netting | RFTBCM00 |
195 | TBR3 | Treasury: Display netting | RFTBCM00 |
196 | TBR4 | Treasury: Reverse netting | RFTBCM00 |
197 | TBR5 | Treasury: Netting proposal list | RFTBCM10 |
198 | TBR6 | Treasury: Create reference | RFTBCM00 |
199 | TBR7 | Treasury: Change reference | RFTBCM00 |
200 | TBR8 | Treasury: Display reference | RFTBCM00 |
201 | TBR9 | Treasury: Reverse Reference | RFTBCM00 |
202 | TBRL | Treasury: Coll. proc. references | RFTBCM20 |
203 | TBRULESET_CD | FTR Rule Management: Change Documnts | RFTBRULESET01 |
204 | TBSI_TOOLS | Tools for Standing Instructions | RFTBCOSI |
205 | TBT1 | Transaction Authorizat. for Traders | RFTBTRA1 |
206 | TBT1D | Display Trans. Auth. for Traders | RFTBTRA1 |
207 | TBX2 | Conversion of SEC Corresp. Customiz. | RFTBCO_TRANS_SE |
208 | TBZ1 | Output Correspondence | RFTBCO00 |
209 | TBZ11 | Correspondence Monitor | RFTBCO20_MONITOR |
210 | TBZ12 | Overview of Reset Counterconfirmatn | RFTBCO_CHECK02 |
211 | TBZ13 | Printer Override Function | RFTBCO32 |
212 | TBZ14 | Exception Processing IDoc (Inbound) | RFTBCO_IDOC02 |
213 | TBZ15 | Status Monitor - IDoc Confirmations | RFTBCO_IDOC01 |
214 | TBZ16 | Maintain IDoc FTRCON Postprocessor | |
215 | TBZ17 | SWIFT Code -> Partner - Assignment | |
216 | TBZ2 | Incoming Confirmations Forex | RFTBCI01 |
217 | TBZ3 | Money Market: Incoming Confirmations | RFTBCI01 |
218 | TBZ3A | Money Market: Incoming Confirmations | RFTBCI01 |
219 | TBZ4 | Incoming Confirmations Forex Options | RFTBCI01 |
220 | TBZ5 | List of Days Overdue Counterconf. | RFTBCO10 |
221 | TBZ6 | Match Incoming SWIFT Confirmation | RFTXI300 |
222 | TBZ7 | Delete corr. planned records | RFTBCO_DEL |
223 | TBZ8 | Correspondence - Overview | RFTBCO20 |
224 | TC02 | Number range maint.: FTI_UGSART | SAPMSNUM |
225 | TCL1 | Define Lines of Credit | |
226 | TCL2 | Display Lines of Credit | |
227 | TCLSVERS | Default Values Logistic Switch | |
228 | TCMK | Funds Management | MENUTCMK |
229 | TCMN | Funds Management | MENUTCMN |
230 | TCO | Start a TR in Parameter TCX | SAPLDSYS |
231 | TCOM | Evaluate offers | FTR_COMPBID00 |
232 | TCURMNT | Maintain Exchange Rates | SAPMCURR |
233 | TC_INCASH_M340_ES | Historical Data for Incash Payment | |
234 | TC_RENT_M340_ES | Maintain Rented Buisness Offices | |
236 | TDMN | Cash management | MENUTDMN |
237 | TDMN_DIST | Distribution of TR Cash Mgt Data | MENUTDMN_DIST |
239 | TDMS_ACT_SICF | SAP TDMS Work Center SICF Activation | |
240 | TDMS_CFGCHK | SAP TDMS Work Center Config Check | |
242 | TDMS_PACK_UPGRADE | T.code for switching HCM packages | CNV_TDMS_UPGR_EXECUTION |
243 | TDMS_PARAMS | SAP TDMS Parameter | |
244 | TDMS_SAPGUI | SAP Test Data Migration Server | |
245 | TEM1 | Master Data Exposure Plng Profile | EXPOSURE_PLANPROFILE_START_UI |
246 | TEM10 | Display and Maint. of Raw Exposures | RTEM_RAW_EXPOSURE_MAINTAIN |
247 | TEM11 | Display Raw Exposures | RTEM_RAW_EXPOSURE_DISPLAY |
248 | TEM15 | Generate Version | RTEM_VERSION_CREATE |
249 | TEM19 | Versions Display | RTEM_VERSION_DISPLAY |
250 | TEM20 | Exposure Analysis | RTEM_ANALYZE |
251 | TEM30 | Delete Last Version | RTEM_VERSION_DELETE |
252 | TEMN_EXPOS | Number Range Maintenance: TEMN_EXPOS | SAPMSNUM |
253 | TER1 | SAPterm: Changing Status of Terms | FS000100 |
254 | TERMO | Terminology Monitor | RS_TERMO_DISPLAY |
255 | TERR_SM | Territory Subscription Maintenace | SNES_TERRITORY_MANAGEMENT |
256 | TEST0002 | Test 0002 | RFTBUAU1 |
257 | TEST6999 | Number range maintenance: TEST38 | SAPMSNUM |
258 | TEST999 | Test 9999 | RFTBUAU1 |
259 | TESTIP1 | test for profile gen | CMS_IP_PROFILE_GENERATION |
260 | TEST_ALEXANDER | Number Range Maintenance: Test | SAPMSNUM |
261 | TEST_CLEAR | Test API Data Cleansing | COM_CLEAR_CASE_TEST |
262 | TEST_CREATE | Create Test Message | TEST_MESSAGE_REPORT_SOCM |
263 | TEST_FRONT_SERVICES | Testing of frontend services | TEST_FRONT_SERVICES |
264 | TEST_SOFT_MOD | Test "Soft" Modifications | RJBR_TEST_SOFT_MODIFICATIONS |
265 | TEST_TEXTEDIT | Test for TextEdit Wrapper | SAPMSTEXTEDIT_TEST |
266 | TEST_TF | Test time field class | TZTF_TEST_TIMEFIELD2 |
267 | TEST_TF2 | Test time field | TZTF_TEST_TIMEFIELD2 |
268 | TF00 | Collective Processing for Repos | RFTR_COLL_PROC_REPO_FORWARDS |
269 | TF01 | Create Forward Contract | RFTB_FORWARD_01 |
270 | TF02 | Change Forward Contract | RFTB_FORWARD_01 |
271 | TF03 | Display Forward Contract | RFTB_FORWARD_01 |
272 | TF04 | Settle Forward Contract | RFTB_FORWARD_01 |
273 | TF05 | Forward Contract Due Date | RFTB_FORWARD_01 |
274 | TF06 | Reverse Forward Contract | RFTB_FORWARD_01 |
275 | TF08 | History | RFTB_FORWARD_01 |
276 | TF10 | Display Forward Contract | RFTB_FORWARD_01 |
277 | TFBWD | Customizing Table TFBWD | |
278 | TFBWE | Customizing Table TFBWE | |
279 | TFMN | Cash Flow | MENUTFMN |
280 | TFSCD_ACTIVATE_OPORD | Classification Key and Direct Input | FSCD_ACTIVATE_OPORD |
281 | TFWB | Maintain Mini-Templates | SAPLTFWB_BASE_UI |
282 | TFWCLEANUP | Cleanup the database | TFW_DB_CLEANUP_UTIL |
283 | TFWFEAT | Maintain features for rating | |
284 | TFWKEYGEN | Generate Table for Key Values | TFW_GEN_BO_KEYMAP_TABLE |
285 | TFWPRED | Maintain tag predicates | |
286 | TF_01 | Create Forward | SAPMF73E |
287 | TF_02 | Change Forward | SAPMF73E |
288 | TF_03 | Display Forward | SAPMF73E |
289 | TF_04 | Reverse Forward | SAPMF73E |
290 | TF_05 | Settle Forward | SAPMF70M |
291 | TF_06 | Fixing Forward | SAPMF73E |
292 | TF_07 | Fixing Settle Forward | SAPMF73E |
293 | TF_08 | Terminate Forward | SAPMF73E |
294 | TF_09 | Settle Termination Forward | SAPMF73E |
295 | TF_10 | History Forward | SAPMF70M |
296 | TF_10H | History Forward | SAPMF73E |
297 | TF_15 | Settle Contract Forward | SAPMF73E |
298 | TF_76 | Forward - History | SAPMF70M |
299 | TF_WS453012160001 | Query About a Flight Booking | |
300 | TF_WS700004380001 | AbsenceRequestCreate | |
301 | TF_WS770001350001 | Leave request | |
302 | TGANL | Create Separation Allowance | SAPMP56PS_TRG |
303 | TGANZ | Display Separation Allowance Event | SAPMP56PS_TRG |
304 | TGMOD | Change Separation Allowance | SAPMP56PS_TRG |
305 | TGPER | Edit Separation Allowance | SAPMP56T |
306 | THIPAA | For checking past certificates | SAPMPHIPAA1 |
307 | THM10 | Exposure Expiration | RTHMHR_EXPOSURE_EXPIRY |
308 | THM11 | Reverse Exposure Expiration | RTHMHR_REVERSE_EXPOS_EXPIRE |
309 | THM12 | Hedge Plan Expiration | RTHMHR_PLANNER_EXPIRE |
310 | THM14 | Hedging Relationship Dedesignation | RTHMHR_HR_SETTLEMENT |
311 | THM15 | Reverse HR dedesignations | RTHMHR_REVERSE_HR_DEDES |
312 | THM30 | Define NPVs on Inception Date | RTHMHR_NPV_ON_INCEP_DATE |
313 | THM35 | Adjustment of the interest rates | RTHM_ADJUST_INT_TRANSACTIONS |
314 | THM50 | Transfer Prospect. Effect.Assessment | RTHMHR_PROSP_ASSESSMENT |
315 | THM51 | Reverse Trans. Prospect.Eff.Assess. | RTHMHR_REVERSE_PROSP |
316 | THM52 | Retrospective Assessment | RTHMHR_DISSOLVE_WHEN_INEFF |
317 | THM53 | Reverse Retrospective Eff. Ass. | RTHMHR_REVERSE_RETRO |
318 | THM54 | Manual OCI Reclassification | RTHMHR_MANUAL_OCI_RECLASS |
319 | THM55 | Reverse Manual OCI Reclassification | RTHMHR_MANUAL_OCI_RECLASS_REV |
320 | THM56 | Fair value changes to be posted | RTHMHR_POST_FAIR_VALUE_CHG |
321 | THM57 | Reverse FV Changes to be Posted | RTHMHR_REVERSE_FV_CHANGES |
322 | THM58 | Automatic EC Reclassification | RTHMHR_AUTO_EQU_RECLASS |
323 | THM59 | Reversal of Automatic EC Reclass. | RTHMHR_AUTO_EQU_RECLASS_REV |
324 | THM80 | Effectiveness test | RTHMHR_EFFECTIVENESS_TEST |
325 | THM81 | OCI per hedging relationship | RTPM_DTIL_OCI_POSTINGS |
326 | THM82 | Hedge plan overview | RTHMHR_OVERVIEW_PLANNER |
327 | THM83 | Hedging Relationships per Derivative | RTHMHR_HRPER_DER |
328 | THM84 | Prematurely Reclassified OCI | RTHMHR_EXCEPTION |
329 | THM85 | Change documents for Hedge Managemnt | RTHMHR_CHANGE_DOCUMENT |
330 | THMEX | Hedge Management: Application | RTHMEX_FRONTEND |
331 | THMFLOWT_DER | FX_Flowtypes Hedge Management | |
332 | THMFLOWT_FX | DER_Flowtypes Hedge Management | |
333 | THMMM | Exposure Upload from Money Market | RTHMEX_INTF_MM2FAS133 |
334 | THMR1 | Reverse single HR dedesignation | RTHMHR_REVERSE_DEDESIGNATION |
335 | THMR2 | Reverse single HR dissolve | RTHMHR_REVERSE_DISSOLVE |
336 | THMRO | Exposure Upload From External Source | RTHM_UPDATE_EX_VIA_RO |
337 | THMST | Hedging Relationship Status Overview | RTHMHR_HR_STATUS |
338 | THM_COCO_SETTING | Number range for hedges | |
339 | THM_COCO_SETTING1 | Number range for hedging rel.ships | |
340 | THM_COCO_SETTING2 | Comp.-code settings for hedge mgmt | |
341 | THM_NR_HEDGE | Define number ranges for hedges | |
342 | THM_NR_HR | Define number ranges for HR | |
343 | THM_NR_PLAN | Number range maintenance: THM_PLAN | SAPMSNUM |
344 | THM_NR_TRANS | Number range maintenance: THM_TRANS | SAPMSNUM |
345 | TI-3 | Display Currency Option | SAPMF73F |
346 | TI00 | Collective Processing for Futures | RFTR_COLL_PROC_FUTURES |
347 | TI10 | Create Interest Rate Adjustment | TRIA_MANUAL_FIXING |
348 | TI11 | Change Interest Rate Adjustment | TRIA_MANUAL_FIXING |
349 | TI12 | Display Interest Rate Adjustment | TRIA_MANUAL_FIXING |
350 | TI35 | Collect.Processing: Listed Options | RFTIJL02 |
351 | TI37 | Reverse Interest Rate Adjustment | TRIA_MANUAL_FIXING |
352 | TI40 | Currency Option Fast Entry | SAPMF73F |
353 | TI49 | Change Currency Option | SAPMF73F |
354 | TI4A | Forex Fast Entry | SAPMF73F |
355 | TI4B | Currency Option Entry - Spread | SAPMF73F |
356 | TI55 | Create Future Master Record | RFTBOF01 |
357 | TI56 | Chg.Futures Master | RFTBOF01 |
358 | TI57 | Displ.Futures Master | RFTBOF01 |
359 | TI5AN | Options/Futures: Create Transaction | RFTB_FUTURES_01 |
360 | TI5BN | Options/Futures: Change Transaction | RFTB_FUTURES_01 |
361 | TI5CN | Options/Futures: Display Transaction | RFTB_FUTURES_01 |
362 | TI5DN | Options/Futures: Execute Order | RFTB_FUTURES_01 |
363 | TI5EN | Options/Futures: Order Expiration | RFTB_FUTURES_01 |
364 | TI5FN | Options/Futures: Settle Contract | RFTB_FUTURES_01 |
365 | TI5GN | Options/Futures: Reverse | RFTB_FUTURES_01 |
366 | TI5HN | Options/Futures: Display History | RFTB_FUTURES_01 |
367 | TI5W | Display Option Master | RFTBOF02 |
368 | TI5X | Create Option Master | RFTBOF02 |
369 | TI5Y | Change Option Master | RFTBOF02 |
370 | TI70 | Create Order | SAPMF70M |
371 | TI71 | Create OTC Option | SAPMF70M |
372 | TI72 | Change Transaction | SAPMF70M |
373 | TI73 | Display Transaction | SAPMF70M |
374 | TI74 | Reverse Contract | SAPMF70M |
375 | TI75 | Settle Contract | SAPMF70M |
376 | TI76 | OTC Transaction: History | SAPMF70M |
377 | TI77 | Terminate Transaction | SAPMF70M |
378 | TI78 | Execute Own Offer | SAPMF70M |
379 | TI79 | Settle Termination | SAPMF70M |
380 | TI7A | Order Expiration | SAPMF70M |
381 | TI7B | Display Interest Settlements | SAPMF70M |
382 | TI80 | Create OTC Option | SAPMF73E |
383 | TI81 | Change OTC Option | SAPMF73E |
384 | TI82 | OTC option: Display | SAPMF73E |
385 | TI83 | OTC Option: Create Contract | SAPMF73E |
386 | TI84 | OTC Option: Execute Offer | SAPMF73E |
387 | TI85 | OTC Option: Settle Contract | SAPMF73E |
388 | TI86 | Exercise OTC Option | SAPMF73E |
389 | TI87 | OTC Option: Settle Exercise | SAPMF73E |
390 | TI88 | OTC Option: Expired | SAPMF73E |
391 | TI89 | OTC Option: Settle Expiration | SAPMF73E |
392 | TI8A | OTC Option: Reverse Activity | SAPMF73E |
393 | TI8B | OTC Option: Order Expiry | SAPMF73E |
394 | TI8C | OTC Option: Display Activity | SAPMF73E |
395 | TI8D | Terminate OTC Option | SAPMF73E |
396 | TI8E | OTC Option: Settle Termination | SAPMF73E |
397 | TI8F | OTC Option Knock-In | SAPMF73E |
398 | TI8G | OTC Option Knock-Out | SAPMF73E |
399 | TI8H | Settle OTC Knock-Out Option | SAPMF73E |
400 | TI8I | Settle OTC Knock-In Option | SAPMF73E |
401 | TI90 | Posting Release | RFTBBF01_VERSION2 |
402 | TI91 | Collective Processing OTC Options | RFTBJL02 |
403 | TI91_MS | OTC Options | RFTBJL02_NEW |
404 | TI92 | Collect.Processing-Int.Rate Instrum. | RFTBJL03 |
405 | TI93 | Manual Posting Block | RFTBBF01_VERSION2 |
406 | TI94 | Collective Monitoring of Options | RFTBJL04 |
407 | TIC1 | Number Range Maintenance: FTI_OPTFUT | SAPMSNUM |
408 | TIDX1 | Simulate Price Index | SAPLFVW8 |
409 | TIMECUST | Profile for Time Functions | |
410 | TIMECUSTEV | Symbolic Names for Dates | |
411 | TIMEPROF | Profile for Time Functions | |
412 | TIMN | (empty) | MENUTIMN |
413 | TIS1 | Overview - Positions | |
414 | TIS50 | Issue Position | |
415 | TJ01 | Journal of transactions | RFTBJL00 |
416 | TJ02 | Collective editing of options | RFTBJL02 |
417 | TJ04 | Payment Plan | RFTBFL02 |
418 | TJ05 | Automatic Interest Rate Adjustment | TRIA_AUTO_FIXING |
419 | TJ05_REV | Reverse Automatic Int. Rate Adjust. | TRIA_AUTO_FIXING |
420 | TJ06 | Option Expiration | RFTBFL03 |
421 | TJ07 | Interest Rate Adjustment Schedule | TRIA_ADJUSTMENT_LISTING |
422 | TJ08 | Transaction Release: Work Item List | RFTR_RELEASE_WRKITEM_DEAL_LIST |
423 | TJ09 | Update Planned Records | TRIA_AUTO_FIXING |
424 | TJ10 | Summary Journal Fin. Transctions | RFTBJL10 |
425 | TJ11 | Display Single Transaction | RFTBTIS2 |
426 | TJ12 | Journal: Transactions w. Cash Flows | RFTBCF00 |
427 | TJ13 | Update Interest Rate Adjustmt Date | TRIA_AUTO_FIXING |
428 | TK11 | Create condition (shipment costs) | SAPMV13A |
429 | TK12 | Change condition (shipment costs) | SAPMV13A |
430 | TK13 | Display condition (shipment costs) | SAPMV13A |
431 | TK14 | Create condition with ref. | SAPMV13A |
432 | TKCS | Start transaction sender programs | SAPMKCIS |
433 | TKLFZ01MD | Facilities: Master Data Reporting | RKLFZMD01 |
434 | TKLFZDT01 | Detail Reporting for Facilities | RKLFZDT01 |
435 | TL3M | List of curr. supported field names | RTRFIENM |
436 | TL3P | Maintain Variant Group | RKDBATV3 |
437 | TL3Q | Maintain Variants | RKDBAT02 |
438 | TL3R | Schedule Variant Groups | RKDBATV4 |
439 | TL3S | Define Variant Groups | RKDBATV5 |
440 | TLL1 | Limit: Create Limit Transfer | RFTBLL_MASS |
441 | TLL2 | Limit: Change Limit Transfer | RFTBLL_MASS |
442 | TLL3 | Limit: Display Limit Transfer | RFTBLL_MASS |
443 | TLL4 | Limit Transfer: Change Documents | RFTBLL_CDOC |
444 | TLL5 | Limit Transfer: Collective Process. | RFTBLL_MASS |
445 | TLM0 | Execute Report | SAPMKCEE |
446 | TLM1 | Create Report | SAPMKCEE |
447 | TLM2 | Change Report | SAPMKCEE |
448 | TLM3 | Display Report | SAPMKCEE |
449 | TLM4 | Create Form | SAPMKES1 |
450 | TLM5 | Change Form | SAPMKES1 |
451 | TLM6 | Display Form | SAPMKES1 |
452 | TLM7 | Maintain authorization obj. present. | SAPMKEFB |
453 | TLM8 | Display authorization obj.presentatn | SAPMKEFB |
454 | TLMA | Access Report Tree | RKKBRPTR |
455 | TLMB | Maintain Batch Variants | RKDBAT02 |
456 | TLMC | Limit Management: Manage Comments | SAPMKCIC |
457 | TLMD | Split Report | RKDREPDV |
458 | TLMG | Limit Management: Character. Groups | RKE_CALL_VC_TKEP7 |
459 | TLMH | Maintain hierarchy | SAPMKXHI |
460 | TLMJ | Maintain Hierarchy Nodes | RKCHINOD |
461 | TLMK | Maintain Key Figures | RKDMKCIK |
462 | TLMM | Limit Mgmt: Drilldown Test Monitor | SAPMKCB9 |
463 | TLMO | Transport Reports | RKCOBTR2 |
464 | TLMP | Transport Forms | RKCOBTR4 |
465 | TLMQ | Import Reports from Client 000 | RKCOBTR3 |
466 | TLMR | Import Forms from Client 000 | RKCOBTR5 |
467 | TLMS | Display Structure | RKDSTRUC |
468 | TLMT | Translation Tool - Drilldown Report. | RKCTRTX1 |
469 | TLMU | Convert drilldown reports | SAPMKCB9 |
470 | TLMV | Maintain Global Variable | RKES0101 |
471 | TLMW | Maintain Crcy Translation Type TLM | SAPMKCC0 |
472 | TLMX | Reorganize Drilldown Reports | RKDREOBE |
473 | TLMY | Reorganize Report Data | RKDREODA |
474 | TLMZ | Reorganize Forms | RKDREOFO |
475 | TLR0 | Nummernkreispflege: FTLM_RES | SAPMSNUM |
476 | TLR1 | Limit: Create Reservation | RFTBLRS0 |
477 | TLR2 | Limit: Change Reservation | RFTBLRS0 |
478 | TLR3 | Limit: Display Reservation | RFTBLRS0 |
479 | TLR4 | Reservations: Mass Processing | RFTBLRE1 |
480 | TLR5 | Reservations: Change Documents | RFTBLRE2 |
481 | TLR6 | Reservations: Reorganization | RFTBLRE3 |
482 | TLR7 | Limit: Copy Reservation | RFTBLRS0 |
483 | TLTA | Access Report Tree | RKKBRPTR |
484 | TM00 | Money Market: Collective processing | RFTMWRK1 |
485 | TM01 | Create Fixed-Term Deposit | SAPLTM00 |
486 | TM02 | Change Fixed-Term Deposit | SAPLTM00 |
487 | TM03 | Display Fixed-Term Deposit | SAPLTM00 |
488 | TM04 | Roll Over Fixed-Term Deposit | SAPLTM00 |
489 | TM06 | Settle Fixed-Term Deposit | SAPLTM00 |
490 | TM07 | Reverse Fixed-Term Deposit | SAPLTM00 |
491 | TM09 | Fixed-Term Deposit History | SAPLTM00 |
492 | TM0F | Fxd Term Dep. Fast Entry | SAPLTM00 |
493 | TM11 | Create Deposit at Notice | SAPLTM00 |
494 | TM12 | Change Deposit at Notice | SAPLTM00 |
495 | TM13 | Display Deposit at Notice | SAPLTM00 |
496 | TM14 | Roll Over Deposit at Notice | SAPLTM00 |
497 | TM15 | Give Notice on Deposit at Notice | SAPLTM00 |
498 | TM16 | Settle Deposit at Notice | SAPLTM00 |
499 | TM17 | Reverse Deposit at Notice | SAPLTM00 |
500 | TM19 | Deposit at Notice History | SAPLTM00 |