SAP ABAP Transaction Code - Index P, page 10
Transaction Code - P
# Transaction code Short Description Corresponding Report (if exist)
1 PZ07 Participation Overview SAPMPZ07
2 PZ08 Taxes SAPMPZ02
3 PZ09 Time accounts SAPMPZ09
4 PZ10 Tax Deductions Form (W-4) SAPMPZ02
5 PZ11 Remuneration Statement SAPMESSREP
6 PZ11_OLD Payroll Results SAPMPZ04
7 PZ11_PDF Remuneration Statement SAPMESSREP
8 PZ12 Family/Related Person SAPMPZ02
9 PZ13 Personal Data SAPMPZ02
10 PZ14 Enrollment SAPMPZ14
11 PZ15 New Hire Data SAPMPZ15
12 PZ16 Employment and Salary Verification SAPMPZ16
13 PZ17 Work Schedule SAPMESSREP
14 PZ17_OLD Work Schedule SAPMPZ04
15 PZ18 Emergency Contact SAPMPZ02
16 PZ19 ESS Time Management SAPMPZ02
17 PZ20 Notification of Marriage SAPMPZ02
18 PZ21 Employment Opportunities SAPMPW12
19 PZ21_TC Employment Opportunities SAPMPW12_TC
20 PZ22 Application status SAPMPW03
21 PZ22_TC Application status SAPMPW03_TC
22 PZ23 My Preferences SAPMPZ23
23 PZ24 Who's Who SAPMPZ01
24 PZ25 ESS Australian Taxes SAPMPZ25
25 PZ26 Organizational Chart SAPMPZ26
26 PZ26_NEW Org.Cart Using Tree Control SAPMPZ26_NEW
27 PZ27 ESS Superannuation Australia SAPMPZ27
28 PZ28 ESS Previous Employers SAPMPZ28
29 PZ29 ESS External Bank Transfer Australia SAPMPZ29
30 PZ30 My Photo SAPMPZ30
31 PZ31 Advanced HR: Access Profile Maint. SAPMRHPE_WWW_DEMO
32 PZ31_EWT Advanced HR: Access Profile Maint. RHPE_QUALI_MYPROFILE
33 PZ32 Advanced HR: Profile Maintenance SAPMRHPE_WWW
34 PZ34 ESS Time Management RPTEDT00
35 PZ35 Who's Who (Flow Logic) SAPMPZ01
36 PZ35_MA ESS Who's Who MiniApp (dummy) SAPMPZ01
37 PZ36 ESS Change YEA (Korea) SAPMPZ02
38 PZ38 ESS - Medical expense for DME (KR) SAPMPZ02
39 PZ39 Personal ID Information SAPMPZ39
40 PZ40 FSA Claims SAPMPZ40
41 PZ41 Capital Formation Germany SAPMPZ02
42 PZ42 ESS Alternative Name SAPMPZ42
43 PZ43 Retirement Benefits SAPMPZ43
44 PZ49 Start ESS SAPMPZ49
45 PZ50 Change Who's Who Data SAPMPZ50
46 PZ51 ESS: Tax Thailand SAPMPZ25
47 PZ52 ESS Change Address SAPMPZ52
48 PZ53 ESS for Prior Service Public Sector SAPMPZ52
49 PZ54 ESS for Leave Public Sector AU SAPMPZ52
50 PZ56 Additional Personal Data SAPMPZ02
51 PZ58 Deferred Compensation Germany SAPMPZ02
52 PZ60 ESS benefit requests SAPMPZ60
53 PZ61 Benefit request query report SAPMESSREP
54 PZ63 Enrollment SAPMPZ63
55 PZ64 Participation Overview SAPMPZ64
56 PZ67 ESS for Commuting Allowance SAPMPZ02
57 PZ68 ESS for Process request management SAPMPZ02
58 PZ70 ESS Donation Expense (Korea) SAPMPZ02
59 PZ80 ESS Investment detls - IT585 -Sec80 SAPMPZ02
60 PZ81 ESS Expense Information(Korea) SAPMPZ02
61 PZ88 ESS Sec 80C Deduction details- IT586 SAPMPZ02
62 PZBBPST01 Business-to-Business Procurement SAPMBBPST01
63 PZFOTO ESS Photo MiniApp (dummy) SAPMPZ01
64 PZLE ESS Life Event (Dummy) SAPMPZ01
65 PZLE_01 ESS Life Event - New Hire (Dummy) SAPMPZ01
66 PZLE_02 ESS Life Event - New Hire (Dummy) SAPMPZ01
67 PZLE_03 ESS Life Event - New Hire (Dummy) SAPMPZ01
68 PZLE_04 ESS Life Event - Marriage (Dummy) SAPMPZ01
69 PZLE_05 ESS Life Event - Birth/Adoption SAPMPZ01
70 PZLE_06 ESS Life Event - New Hire (Dummy) SAPMPZ01
71 PZLE_07 ESS Life Event - New Hire (Dummy) SAPMPZ01
72 PZM0 ESS Start Menu SAPMPZ00
73 PZM1 ESS Start Menu 1 SAPMPZ00
74 PZM2 ESS Start Menu SAPMPZM2
75 PZM3_START_MA ESS Start Menu - Authorization SAPMPZ01
76 PZPR Password Reminder SAPMPWREMIND
77 PZSU53 ESS Display Authorization Errors SAPMESSREP
79 PZUSFB ESS MiniApp Photograph/Birthday RHESSUSERSET
81 PZWHOC ESS Who's Who: Customizing SAPMPZWHOC