SAP ABAP Table - Index E, page 4
Table - E
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 EMKT_ESTM_CONS_I Marketing: Trigger for Consumption Extraction (Insert) TRANSP A
2 EMKT_ESTM_CONS_P Marketing: Extrapolation Index for Mass Activity TRANSP A
3 EMKT_ESTM_CONS_U Marketing: Trigger for Consumption Extraction (Update) TRANSP A
4 EMMAC_BASIC Basic Settings for EMMA TRANSP S
5 EMMAC_BPA Business Process Area Customizing TRANSP C
6 EMMAC_BPC Business Process Code Customizing TRANSP C
7 EMMAC_BPC_PROCID Log Process ID of Action Box Transaction TRANSP C
9 EMMAC_CANCODET Text for Reversal Reason TRANSP C
11 EMMAC_CCAT_CND Conditions for Case Determination or Priority TRANSP C
12 EMMAC_CCAT_COB Object Container TRANSP C
13 EMMAC_CCAT_HDR Clarification Case Categories TRANSP C
14 EMMAC_CCAT_HDRT Short Texts for Clarification Case Categories TRANSP C
15 EMMAC_CCAT_MOB Assignment of Business Objects (or Field Values) to Case Cat TRANSP C
16 EMMAC_CCAT_MSG Message Pool for Case Category TRANSP C
17 EMMAC_CCAT_PRI Extended Case Determination and Priority TRANSP C
18 EMMAC_CCAT_SOP Solution Processes TRANSP C
19 EMMAC_CCAT_SOP_B Data Flow for Solution Methods TRANSP C
20 EMMAC_CREACODE Forwarding Reasons TRANSP C
21 EMMAC_CREACODET Texts for Forwarding Reasons TRANSP C
23 EMMAC_CTYPET Short Description of Case Types TRANSP C
24 EMMAC_CWL_BTN Case List: Shortcut Buttons TRANSP C
25 EMMAC_CWL_BTNT Texts for Shortcut Buttons TRANSP C
26 EMMAC_CWL_SHL Layout of Case Processing List TRANSP C
27 EMMAC_CWL_SHLT Text for Layout of Case Processing List TRANSP C
28 EMMAC_FWM Methods for Forwarding Cases TRANSP C
29 EMMAC_FWMT Short Description of Methods for Forwarding Cases TRANSP C
30 EMMAC_MSGSUPRS Handling of Messages During Preparation TRANSP C
31 EMMAC_MSG_OBJ Message Objects TRANSP E
32 EMMAC_MSG_SUPRES Suppression of Messages during Preparation (Do Not Use) TRANSP C
33 EMMA_BPA Business Process Area TRANSP E
34 EMMA_BPAT Text Table for Business Process Area TRANSP E
35 EMMA_BPC Business Process Code TRANSP E
36 EMMA_BPCT Text for Business Process Code TRANSP E
37 EMMA_CACTOR Clarification Case Processor TRANSP A
38 EMMA_CACTOR_CD Processor Assignments (Only for Change Documents) TRANSP L
39 EMMA_CASE Clarification Case TRANSP A
41 EMMA_COBJECT Objects and Field Values for Case TRANSP A
42 EMMA_COBJECT_CD Objects and Field Values for Case(Only for Change Documents) TRANSP L
43 EMMA_CSOLP Case Solution Path TRANSP A
45 EMMA_INT Job Intervals TRANSP L
46 EMMA_JOBRUNIDMSG Monitoring Mass Run: Buffer for Messages (INDX) TRANSP L
47 EMMA_MASSACT_INF Read Interval Info of Application Log Object TRANSP E
48 EMMA_TCODE Transaction Codes for Application Log Monitoring TRANSP E
49 EMRACC JBP: Shift Meter Reading Dates per Meter Reading Reason TRANSP S
50 EMRCLASS Allocate Action Meter Reading + Technical Operations Group TRANSP S
51 EMRDETAIL IDE: detailed information on MR results (ISU_USAGE_DATA) TRANSP A
52 EMRP_RUN Blocking argument for MRP TRANSP L
53 EMRSHIFT Test BIN DAI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRANSP S
54 EMSERVER Assignment of External Mail Server to User TRANSP C
55 EMVM_SEARCHFIELD Search Fields (Selections) Vehicle Search (for Profile) TRANSP A
56 ENH4DELTAB Table for Cleanup After Import Object Deletion TRANSP S
57 ENHA_TMDIR Table for Managing the Enhancement Methods of a Class TRANSP W
58 ENHCOMPCHILDCOMP Children of an Enhancement Composite TRANSP W
59 ENHCOMPCHILDENH Children of an Enhancement Composite TRANSP W
60 ENHCOMPHEADER Enhancement Composite Header Data TRANSP W
61 ENHCONTRACTCONT Contract Data: Content of Complete Main Source Object TRANSP S
62 ENHCONTRACTTOOL Table of Contract Tools TRANSP W
63 ENHCONTRACTTYP Enhancement Contract Type TRANSP S
64 ENHCROSS Cross Reference for ENH Object TRANSP L
65 ENHCROSSINXSPOT Cross-Reference Table Hooks for Points TRANSP S
66 ENHDEPENDENT Table of Dependent Enhancements TRANSP S
67 ENHHEADER Enhancement Header Table TRANSP W
68 ENHHOOKMIGRTEMP Table for Migration Support for Change of Hook ID TRANSP L
69 ENHINCINX Enhancement: Table on Program Enhancements TRANSP W
70 ENHKNOWNENHS Other enhancement objects already named TRANSP S
71 ENHLOADINVAL Programs whose load is invalidated at import TRANSP W
72 ENHLOG Enhancement Log TRANSP S
73 ENHNAME_TYPE Enhancement Header Table TRANSP W
74 ENHOBJ Enhancement Objects TRANSP S
75 ENHOBJCONTRACT Enhancement Objects TRANSP S
76 ENHSORT Enhancement: Table on Program Enhancements TRANSP W
77 ENHSPOTCOMPCOMP Enhancement Spot Composite Children Composites TRANSP W
78 ENHSPOTCOMPHEAD Enhancement Composite Header Data TRANSP W
79 ENHSPOTCOMPSPOT Enhancement Spot Composite Children Spots TRANSP W
81 ENHSPOTHEADER Enhancement Spot Header Data TRANSP W
82 ENHSPOTNAME_TYPE Enhancement Spot Header Data TRANSP W
83 ENHSPOTOBJ Enhancement Spot Objects TRANSP S
84 ENHSPOTTOOLS Registry for Enhancement - Tools TRANSP S
85 ENHSPOTTOOLST Registry for Enhancement - Tools TRANSP S
86 ENHTAB Enhancements for Tables TRANSP S
87 ENHTEXT Text Table for Enhancements TRANSP S
88 ENHTOOLS Registry for Enhancement - Tools TRANSP S
89 ENHTOOLST Registry for Enhancement - Tools TRANSP S
90 ENHTOOLS_UVL Registry for Enhancement - Tools TRANSP S
91 ENH_DY_FCODES Enhancement Screen Processing FCODE Control TRANSP S
92 ENH_DY_GROUP Enhancement Screen Group TRANSP S
93 ENH_DY_SUBS Enhancement Screen Processing SUBSCREENs TRANSP S
94 ENLFDIR Additional Attributes for Function Modules TRANSP W
96 ENOTE Allocation of Object to Note for Field Service TRANSP A
97 ENOTET Text Table for Field Service Notes TRANSP A
98 ENTCOPY00 Valid Domains for Entity Copier TRANSP S
99 ENTCOPY01 Object Assignments for Entity Copier TRANSP S
100 ENTCOPY02 User Exits for Entity Copier TRANSP S
101 ENTCOPY03 ECOP: Permitted maintenance views to be processed TRANSP S
102 EOHNEEINZ IS-U Rsn for Move-Out W/O Move-In TRANSP C
103 EOHNEEINZT IS-U Texts: Reason for Move-Out W/O Move-In TRANSP C
104 EOPAREA Operational area TRANSP C
105 EOPAREADET Allocate operational area TRANSP A
106 EOPAREAT Operational Area Text TRANSP C
107 EOPGROUP Operand Groups TRANSP C
108 EOPGROUPT Operand Group (Text) TRANSP C
109 EORD Purchasing Source List TRANSP A
110 EOUTL_ACTION Acitivities for Billing Outline Agreements TRANSP C
111 EOUTL_ACTIONT Texts for Activities for Billing Outline Agreements TRANSP C
112 EOUTL_ACT_ASS Assign Activities to a Rule Group TRANSP C
113 EOUTL_ASSIGN Assigne Contracts to Outline Agreement TRANSP A
114 EOUTL_CON IS-U Outline Agreement TRANSP A
115 EOUTL_FACTGR Fact Groups for Defining Fixed Values TRANSP C
116 EOUTL_FUNC_ASS Assign Function Module to an Activity TRANSP C
117 EOUTL_RULEGR Rule Groups in Cross-Contract Billing TRANSP C
118 EOUTL_RULEGRT Texts for Rule Groups in Cross-Contract Billing TRANSP C
119 EOUTL_STATUS Status of Outline Contract TRANSP A
120 EPAYFRQ_METHOD Allocation of Paymt Procedure and Frequency f. Serv.Provider TRANSP A
121 EPAYTHP IDE: transfer records for third party payments TRANSP A
122 EPDCRMPRODADD IS-U Master Data Generator for Integration of CRM Products TRANSP E
123 EPDCRMPRODPARAM Table for Paramaters for Product Ident. of CRM Products TRANSP E
124 EPDCRMPRODPIPS Contains the CRM Product-Identifying Parameters TRANSP E
125 EPDESC IS-U MD template description: header entries TRANSP E
126 EPDESCH IS-U MD template description: hierachy TRANSP E
127 EPDESCPTR IS-U MD template description: product category allocation TRANSP E
128 EPDESCPTRB IS-U MD template description: product cat. allocations: data TRANSP E
129 EPDESCT IS-U MD template description: text TRANSP E
130 EPDESCTYP IS-U MD template description: MDT category TRANSP E
131 EPDESCTYPI IS-U MD template description: MDT category interface TRANSP E
132 EPDESCTYPT IS-U MD template description: MDT category text TRANSP E
133 EPDESCV IS-U MD template description: values TRANSP E
134 EPDPROD IS-U Master Data Generator: Master Data Template TRANSP E
135 EPDPRODA IS-U Master Data Generator: Attribute TRANSP E
136 EPDPRODH IS-U Master data Generator: Master Data Template Hierarchy TRANSP E
137 EPDPRODHT IS-U Master data Generator: Master Data Template Hierarchy TRANSP E
138 EPDPRODIDSEL MD Template: Selection Criteria for Environment Analyzer TRANSP E
139 EPDPRODT IS-U Master Data Generator: Master Data Template Text TRANSP E
140 EPDSETTINGS MDG: General Settings for Master Data Generator TRANSP C
141 EPDTYPE IS-U Master Data Generator: Master Data Template Category TRANSP E
142 EPDTYPEA IS-U Master Data Generator: Master Data Template Attributes TRANSP E
143 EPDTYPEH IS-U Master Data Generator: Hierarchy for MDT Category TRANSP E
144 EPDTYPEHT IS-U Master Data Generator: Hierarchy for MDT Category TRANSP E
145 EPDTYPET IS-U Master Data Generator: Text for MD Template Category TRANSP E
146 EPERDET Periods to set up from DYPERCON and PBASCAT TRANSP C
147 EPIC_ABC_WAIT EPIC ABC wait status of payment item TRANSP L
148 EPIC_AS_APPR Approval Step: List of Possible Approvers TRANSP A
149 EPIC_AS_ITM_ATTR Approval Step: Item Approval Status (Temp.) TRANSP A
150 EPIC_BACOM_DAT Bank Communication Program Data TRANSP A
151 EPIC_BACOM_MSG Bank Communication Messages TRANSP A
152 EPIC_BACOM_XML Bank Communication XML Messages TRANSP A
153 EPIC_BACO_DAT Bank Communication Program Data (XML Files) TRANSP A
154 EPIC_BACO_MSG Bank Communication Program Messages TRANSP A
155 EPIC_BCP_PT Parameter Transfer Table for Program EPIC_BANK_COMM_PROG TRANSP L
156 EPIC_BC_UA EPIC: User Assignment Bank Communication TRANSP A
157 EPIC_BC_UD EPIC: User for Bank Communication TRANSP A
158 EPIC_BRS_EBS_BUF epic: brs ebs line item value date period snap shot TRANSP A
159 EPIC_BRS_FI_BUFF EPIC: Bank Reconciliation Statement Buff FI balance table TRANSP A
160 EPIC_BRS_HEADER EPIC: Bank Reconciliation Statement TRANSP A
161 EPIC_BRS_SEGMENT EPIC: Bank Reconciliation Statement TRANSP A
162 EPIC_CBC EPIC:Cash budgeting control consumption table TRANSP A
163 EPIC_CBC_EBR Cash Budgeting Control of Bank Receipt TRANSP A
164 EPIC_CB_CYCLE EPIC: Cash budget cycle TRANSP A
165 EPIC_CB_CYC_TYP EPIC: Cash budget cycle type TRANSP A
166 EPIC_CB_LQITEM EPIC: Cash budget control liquidity item TRANSP A
167 EPIC_CB_ORG EPIC: Cash budgeting orgunit TRANSP A
168 EPIC_CB_PLAN EPIC: Cash Budgeting planning DB Table TRANSP A
169 EPIC_C_BCD Bank Communication Details TRANSP C
170 EPIC_C_BCS Bank Communication Steps TRANSP C
171 EPIC_C_BCT Bank Communication Types TRANSP C
172 EPIC_C_BCTT Textes for Bank Communication Types TRANSP C
173 EPIC_C_BPSOTC Define Service Operation Type Codes for Queries TRANSP C
174 EPIC_C_BPSOTCT EPIC: Texts for Bank Payment Service Operation Type Code TRANSP C
175 EPIC_C_BPSOTC_AS EPIC: Bank Payment Service Operation Type Code Assignment TRANSP C
176 EPIC_C_BST Bank Statement Format TRANSP C
177 EPIC_C_FORMCONF EPIC: PDF Printing Form Configuration TRANSP C
178 EPIC_C_HB_COMM Electronic Payment Integration: House Bank Commun. Settings TRANSP C
179 EPIC_DUM_BAL Balance of Dummy Bank TRANSP A
180 EPIC_DUM_SIGN EPIC Dummy Bank Signature TRANSP A
181 EPIC_DUM_TRANSAC Transactions of Dummy Bank TRANSP A
182 EPIC_EBR_AV Additional Data on Payment Advice Line Item for Bank Receipt TRANSP A
183 EPIC_EBR_FEB Additional Data on Bank Statement Line Item for Bank Receipt TRANSP A
188 EPIC_ITM_REM EPIC: Comments/Remarks for Payment Items TRANSP A
189 EPIC_PRL_ITEM_EX EPIC PRL Item Extended Information TRANSP A
190 EPIC_ZBUKR_MAP company code map for ccb request sn TRANSP L
191 EPM_CODE Key Management for KPI Values TRANSP A
192 EPM_DATA_COMMENT Comments for Data Points in Trend Analysis TRANSP A
193 EPM_KPICATEGORYT KPI Text (Language-Dependent) TRANSP C
194 EPM_KPI_CATALOG KPIs Available in Company Catalog TRANSP C
195 EPM_KPI_CATALOGH History of KPIs in KPI Catalog TRANSP C
196 EPM_KPI_CATALOGT KPI Text (Language-Dependent) TRANSP C
197 EPM_KPI_CATEGORY Possible KPI Categories TRANSP C
198 EPM_KPI_DATA Current KPI Values TRANSP A
199 EPM_KPI_USER User-Dependent Settings for Individual KPIs TRANSP C
200 EPM_KPI_VIEW Assignment of KPIs to User-Specific Views TRANSP C
201 EPM_TARGETSYSTEM Managing System for Key Figures and Key Figure Values TRANSP C
202 EPM_TARGET_SYS Primary System for KPIs and KPI values TRANSP C
203 EPM_USER_ALERTS User-Dependent Alerts for KPIs TRANSP C
204 EPM_USER_GATES User-Dependent Settings for Individual Threshold Values TRANSP C
205 EPM_USER_TEXTS User-Dependent Settings for Individual KPIs TRANSP C
206 EPM_VIEW User-Specific Combination of KPIs TRANSP C
207 EPOWERF Power Factor for Japanese Billing TRANSP C
208 EPPMDEBT Table for Debts Adjustment Using Prepayment Meter TRANSP A
209 EPPMDEBTOPBELNR Documents Transferred to PPM TRANSP A
210 EPPMHEADER Header Table for Prepayment Meter TRANSP A
211 EPPMINDEX Index Table for Prepayment Meter Entries TRANSP A
212 EPPMRR Repayment Amounts Saved in Meter TRANSP A
213 EPPM_QS03 Request for Automated Meter Reading TRANSP A
214 EPPM_QS06 Request for quotation TRANSP A
215 EPPM_QS07 Supplier Complaint TRANSP A
216 EPPM_QS08 Changes to Meter Rate Data TRANSP A
217 EPPM_QS09 Reason for Meter Removal TRANSP A
218 EPREI Mstr Pricing Table for All Prices TRANSP C
219 EPREIH History Table for All Prices TRANSP C
220 EPREII History Table for All Index Prices TRANSP C
221 EPREIT Mstr Pricing Table for All Prices (Texts) TRANSP C
222 EPRESCL Price Adjustment Clause for All Price Categories TRANSP C
223 EPRESCLH History of Price Adjustment Clause TRANSP C
224 EPRESCLT Description of Price Adjustment Clause TRANSP C
225 EPRINTACT Print Action Record TRANSP A
226 EPRINTACTF Flyers/Standard Texts for Print Action Records TRANSP C
227 EPRINTACTT Table of Links Between Object Types and Form Classes TRANSP E
229 EPROFASS Allocation of Profiles TRANSP A
230 EPROFASSROLE Roles for Profile Allocation TRANSP C
231 EPROFASSROLET Roles for Profile Allocation TRANSP C
232 EPROFCATEGORY Profile Categories TRANSP S
233 EPROFCATEGORYT Profile Categories (Text) TRANSP S
234 EPROFHEAD Profile Header Data TRANSP A
235 EPROFHEADT Profile Header Data (Text) TRANSP A
236 EPROFHEADT_TMP Header Data of Temporary Profile (Text) TRANSP A
237 EPROFHEAD_TMP Header Data of Temporary Profile TRANSP A
238 EPROFINTSIZE Interval Lengths TRANSP E
239 EPROFINTSIZET Interval Lengths for Profiles (Text) TRANSP E
240 EPROFINTTIME Control Table with Interval Times for Profile Values TRANSP E
241 EPROFISPERM Permissibility of Interval Length TRANSP C
243 EPROFTYPET Profile Type (Text) TRANSP C
244 EPROFTYPE_VERS Create Version of Profile Values According to Profile Type TRANSP C
245 EPROFVAL05_1 Profile Values in 5 Minute Intervals - Part 1 TRANSP A
246 EPROFVAL05_1_TMP Temporary Profile Values in 5-Minute Intervals: Part 1 TRANSP A
247 EPROFVAL05_2 Profile Values in 5 Minute Intervals - Part 2 TRANSP A
248 EPROFVAL05_2_TMP Temporary Profile Values in 5-Minute Intervals: Part 2 TRANSP A
249 EPROFVAL10 Profile Values in 10 Minute Intervals TRANSP A
250 EPROFVAL10_TMP Temporary Profile Values in 10-Minute Intervals TRANSP A
251 EPROFVAL15 Profile Values in 15-Minute Intervals TRANSP A
252 EPROFVAL15_TMP Temporary Profile Values in 15-Minute Intervals TRANSP A
253 EPROFVAL30 Profile Values in 30-Minute Intervals TRANSP A
254 EPROFVAL30_TMP Temporary Profile Values in 30-Minute Intervals TRANSP A
255 EPROFVAL60 Profile Values in 60-Minute Intervals TRANSP A
256 EPROFVAL60_TMP Temporary Profile Values in 60-Minute Intervals TRANSP A
257 EPROFVALCAT Profile Value Category TRANSP S
258 EPROFVALCATT Profile Value Category (Text) TRANSP S
259 EPROFVALCSTATCST Display for User Status of Profile Values TRANSP C
260 EPROFVALDT Profile Values for Large Intervals (Days, Months, Years) TRANSP A
261 EPROFVALDT_TMP Temp. Profile Values for Large Intervals (Day, Month, Year) TRANSP A
262 EPROFVALMONTH Profile Values for One Month TRANSP A
263 EPROFVALMONTHTMP Temporary Profile Values for One Month TRANSP A
264 EPROFVALSTAT Profile Value Status TRANSP A
265 EPROFVALSTATCUST Display for System Status of Profile Values TRANSP C
266 EPROFVALSTATHIST History of Profile Value Status TRANSP A
267 EPROFVALSTAT_TMP Status of Temporary Profile Values TRANSP A
268 EPROFVERSHEAD Header Data for Profile Version TRANSP A
269 EPROFVERSSTAT Status of Profile Version of Version TRANSP A
270 EPROFVERSVALUE Values for Profile Version TRANSP A
271 EPROP Owner Allocation TRANSP A
272 EPROPC General Settings for Owner Allocation TRANSP C
273 EPROPCA Additional Activity for Automatic Owner Move-In TRANSP C
274 EPROPCAT Additional Activity for Automatic Owner Move-In TRANSP C
275 EPROPH Allocation of Inst. to Ownership TRANSP A
276 EPROP_ADRFLD_SEL Field Selection Control for Address Screen of Property TRANSP C
277 EPRTRANS Transfer Table for Purch. Requistions in Ext. Purch System TRANSP A
278 EPSSA1 EPSS Services: Definition Table for Application TRANSP E
279 EPSSA2 EPPS Methods of Applications for SAPEVENT TRANSP E
280 EPSSC1 EPSS Splitter Segment Configuration TRANSP E
281 EPSSC2 EPSS Splitter Segment Parameter TRANSP E
282 EPSSCHRFRM HTML Tags that Do Not End a Table TRANSP S
283 EPSSGL Global EPSS Settings TRANSP S
284 EPSSU1 EPSS Configuration Parameters for User TRANSP E
285 EPSS_TBC1 EPSS Toolbar Configuration TRANSP E
286 EPSS_TBC1T EPSS Toolbar Configuration Texts TRANSP E
287 EPSS_TBC2 EPSS Toolbar Methods/Classes of Applications TRANSP E
288 EQBS Serial Number Stock Segment TRANSP A
289 EQKT Equipment Short Texts TRANSP A
290 EQSE Serial Number Records TRANSP A
291 EQST Equipment to BOM Link TRANSP A
292 EQUI Equipment master data TRANSP A
293 EQUIPKPI Used to store the Delta values and counters for MTBE calc TRANSP A
294 EQUK Quota File: Header TRANSP A
295 EQUP Quota File: Item TRANSP A
296 EQUZ Equipment time segment TRANSP A
297 ERCH Billing Doc. Data TRANSP A
298 ERCHARC Index for Archivable Billing Documents TRANSP A
299 ERCHC Invoicing/Reversal History: ERCH TRANSP A
300 ERCHC_SHORT Invoicing / Reversal History ERCH - Extract Data - TRANSP A
301 ERCHO Outsorting Table for Billing TRANSP A
302 ERCHP Analysis periods for dynamic period control TRANSP A
303 ERCHV_BW_PROT Log of BW Extraction for Consumptions TRANSP A
304 ERCHV_GEN_PROT Structure Log of Consumption History TRANSP A
305 ERCHZ_RIVA Billing Document Individual Line Item Extract (RIVA) TRANSP A
306 ERCHZ_SHORT Billing Document Individual Lines Extract TRANSP A
307 ERCH_DOC_EXTR Billing Document Extract -Selection Requirements - TRANSP A
308 ERCH_RIVA Header Data for Billing Document Extract (RIVA) TRANSP A
309 ERCH_SHORT Header Data for Billing Document - Extract TRANSP A
310 ERCLASS_LOCAL UDDI local system Classifications, client dependent TRANSP L
311 ERCLASS_NONSAP UDDI Classifications SAP, transportable, client independent TRANSP W
312 ERCLASS_SAP UDDI Classifications SAP, transportable, client independent TRANSP W
313 ERCLASS_TIMES UDDI Classification Times, not transported, client dependent TRANSP L
314 ERDB Documents for Print Document (ERDK) TRANSP A
315 ERDBBPREQ Dummy Reversal/Request for Dereg. Stat. Budget Billing Items TRANSP A
316 ERDB_SHORT Documents for Print Document (ERDK) - Extraction TRANSP A
317 ERDK Print Document/Header Data TRANSP A
318 ERDK_ARCH Reversal Data for Print Docs Reversed after Archiving TRANSP A
319 ERDK_SHORT Header Data for Print Document - Extract TRANSP A
320 ERDMCANC Reason for Cancellation TRANSP C
321 ERDMCANCT Cancellation Reason (Texts) TRANSP C
322 ERDMSTAT Redemption Status TRANSP E
323 ERDMSTATT Redemption Status (Texts) TRANSP E
324 ERDO Outsorting Table for Invoicing TRANSP A
325 ERDTS Additional Charges and Taxes of a Print Document TRANSP A
326 ERDZ_SHORT Internal Table for Individual Print Doc.Lines -Extract Data TRANSP A
327 ERD_DOC_EXTR Print Document Extract - Selection Conditions - TRANSP A
328 EREC_FORMS Form groupings based on type of Managers and Forms TRANSP G
329 EREC_GENERAL General Requisition Form Settings TRANSP G
330 EREC_ISR_TYPES ISR Requisition Scenario Types TRANSP E
331 EREC_ISR_TYPES_T Text table for ISR Requisition Types TRANSP G
332 EREC_METHODS Start Methods for Requisition Creation TRANSP G
333 EREC_MGR_GRP Grouping of Managers for E-Recruiting scenarios TRANSP E
334 EREC_MGR_GRP_T Text table for manager grouping in E-Recruiting TRANSP G
335 EREDEMP Redemption Document for Loyalty Program TRANSP A
336 EREF Assignment Table: Object/Event TRANSP A
337 EREFDISSUP Reference Between Supplier and Distributor Documents TRANSP A
338 EREMADVCTRL_IDOC IDE: control table - payment data TRANSP A
339 EREN Predefined Event Numbers (Forecast) TRANSP A
340 EREP_FUBA IS-U Device Checker: Allocation Initial Table - Repair FuMo TRANSP S
341 ERESOL Conflict Resolution for Different MetReadings on same Day TRANSP S
342 ERESOL_CUST Customer Table: Different Conflict Resolution Meter Readings TRANSP C
343 ERET Forecast/Event Texts TRANSP A
344 EREV Version in Purchasing TRANSP A
345 EREWARD Reward Item TRANSP C
346 EREWARDT Reward Item (Texts) TRANSP C
347 ERG001 Statistics ergonomics version for Q teams TRANSP L
348 ERKO Event Header TRANSP A
349 ERKOT Event Header - Texts TRANSP A
350 EROB_ADDRFLD_SEL Field Selection Control for Add. Screen of Cleaning Object TRANSP C
351 ERPC_WEC_ADRLAY Web Channel Address Layouts TRANSP E
352 ERPC_WEC_ADRLAYT Web Channel Address Layout Descriptions TRANSP E
353 ERPD_WEC_BP_CP Checkout Profile for a customer TRANSP A
354 ERPD_WEC_CUST_CP Checkout Profile for a customer TRANSP A
355 ERPD_WEC_CU_DFPM Default Payment method for a Customer ( Web Channel ) TRANSP A
356 ERPD_WEC_CU_PAYM Customer Payment Methods ( Web Channel ) TRANSP A
357 ERPL IS-U: Link of Mass Run Interval to Application Log TRANSP L
358 ERPO Event Item TRANSP A
359 ERPTM_IV_DATA TM 8.0 TCM-ERP Invoice Integration Data Table TRANSP A
360 ERP_SLS_LINK Worklist Subset Link TRANSP A
361 ERP_SLS_SA_LOC Portal Targets Sales Assistant TRANSP G
362 ERP_SLS_SA_LOCT Portal Targets Description TRANSP G
363 ERP_SLS_SUBSET Worklist Subset TRANSP A
364 ERP_SLS_WORKSET Worklist Workset TRANSP A
365 ERP_VEND_APPLOG Vendor API Application Log configuration TRANSP A
366 ERP_WEC_ADDR_FOR Web channel: Address format TRANSP G
367 ERP_WEC_UNIT_CST System-dependent constants used in ABAP Unit Tests TRANSP L
368 ERREGISTRY_DATA UDDI Registry Data, not transported, client dependent TRANSP L
369 ERROR_TABLE Fehler-Tabelle für Überprüfung von Salden auf CO-Objekten TRANSP G
370 ERTFND Rate Determination TRANSP C
372 ERTPCOMPCODE Internal Code for Individual Levels of RTP Component TRANSP A
373 ERTPCOMPT Component for RTP Interface (Text) TRANSP C
374 ERTPDAYTYPEX Allocate Exceptions to Day Groups TRANSP C
375 ERTPDAYTYPEXID Exception to Day Type TRANSP C
376 ERTPDAYTYPEXIDT Daytype Exception Code Text TRANSP C
377 ERTPEXDAY_TO_INS Allocation of Exception Agreement for Installation TRANSP A
378 ERTPFCOMPDATA Data for Flexible RTP Components TRANSP C
380 ERTPFCOMPHEADT Component for RTP Interface (Text) TRANSP C
381 ERTPIFACECOMP Components for RTP Interface TRANSP C
382 ERTPIFACECOMPHIS Components for RTP Interface (Historical Part) TRANSP C
383 ERTPIFACEHIDDENC Hidden Entries: RTP Interface TRANSP A
384 ERTPIFACEINP Allocation of Input Parameters for RTP Interface TRANSP C
385 ERTPIFACEINST Activation of RTP Components for Individual Installations TRANSP A
386 ERTPIFACEINSTPAR Allocation of Parameters to RTP Interface for Indiv. Insts TRANSP A
387 ERTPIFACEOUT Allocation of Output Parameters to RTP Interface TRANSP C
388 ERTPIFACERES Result Parameters for RTP Interface (Text) TRANSP C
389 ERTPIFACEREST Result Parameter for RTP Interface TRANSP C
390 ERTPIFACETEMP Allocation of Reference Parameter to RTP Interface TRANSP C
391 ERTPINFOTYPE Information Types for RTP Interface TRANSP E
392 ERTPINFOTYPET Information Types for RTP Interface (Text) TRANSP E
393 ERTPINTERFACE RTP Interface (Header Data) TRANSP C
394 ERTPINTERFACET RTP Interface (Header Data) TRANSP C
395 ERTRANS_E01 ISU: For Customer-Spec. Tables to Be Transported TRANSP C
396 ERTRANS_EX01 ISU: For Customer-Spec. Tables to Be Transported TRANSP C
397 ERWRDCAT Reward Category TRANSP C
398 ERWRDCATT Reward Category (Texts) TRANSP C
399 ERZU Event Assignment TRANSP A
400 ERZUT Event Assignment TRANSP A
401 ES340_OPRKEY Operation Key in Model - 340 TRANSP C
402 ESALES_PRODAVAIL Availability of a Product TRANSP C
403 ESALES_PRODSALES Profiles of the sales transaction TRANSP C
404 ESALES_PRODSTYPE Allocation of Products to Set Types TRANSP C
405 ESALES_PRODUCTT Utility Product Texts TRANSP C
406 ESALES_PSFIELDS Field Properties for Set Type Attributes for each Product TRANSP C
409 ESALES_SVOFFERS Customizing for Maintenance of Quotation Calculation URL TRANSP C
410 ESALES_UTILPROD Utility products TRANSP C
411 ESCH Billing Schema (Header Data) TRANSP C
412 ESCHS Billing Schema Steps TRANSP C
413 ESCHST Schema Step Notes TRANSP C
414 ESCHT Billing Schema (Texts) TRANSP C
415 ESDADFD Maintenance of Additional Fields for Scheduling Agreement TRANSP A
416 ESDGRP DI 3.0 ESD Maintain Message Groups TRANSP A
417 ESDMSG Definition of Message Groups DI 3.0 ESD TRANSP A
418 ESDUS MM: Dynamic User Settings TRANSP A
419 ESD_ADD_DATA_REG obsolete, - not used any more but already delivered TRANSP W
420 ESD_TOPR Maintenance of Tolerance Profiles TRANSP C
421 ESEASON Season Definitions TRANSP C
423 ESEASONBLOCKDEF Season Group Definition TRANSP C
424 ESEASONBLOCKT Season Group (Text) TRANSP C
425 ESEASONPER Season Periods TRANSP C
426 ESEASONT Season Definitions (Text) TRANSP C
427 ESECWR Move-in: Reason for Exemption from Security Deposit TRANSP C
428 ESECWRT Reason for Exemption from Security Deposit (Texts) TRANSP C
429 ESENDCONTROL Dispatch Control TRANSP C
430 ESENDCONTROLSTR Dispatch Control Line Items TRANSP C
431 ESENDCONTROLT Dispatch Control (Text Table) TRANSP C
432 ESERVICE Point of delivery service TRANSP A
433 ESERVICEDET Determination of Service Types TRANSP A
434 ESERVPROV Service provider TRANSP A
435 ESERVPROVHIST Service Provider (Historical Data) TRANSP A
436 ESERVPROVKONT G/L Accounts and Contract Accounts for Service Provider TRANSP A
437 ESERVPROVP Service provider/vendor TRANSP A
438 ESERVPROVSERVICE Non-Billable Services (Service Types) for Service Provider TRANSP A
439 ESERVPROVT Service Provider (Text) TRANSP A
440 ESERVPROVTAB service provider (text) TRANSP A
441 ESERVPROV_PAY Payment Class for Service Provider TRANSP C
442 ESERVPROV_PAYT Payment class for service provider- text TRANSP C
443 ESERV_C_BUKRS Allocation of Auxilliary Company Code to Company Code TRANSP C
444 ESERV_C_VGROUP Grouping Characteristic of Aggregated Contract Account TRANSP C
445 ESERV_C_VGROUPT Grouping Characteristic of Aggregated Contract Acc. - Text TRANSP C
446 ESFMC_EXCL_EFD Exception for Budget Control TRANSP C
447 ESFMC_NEW_COMM Activation of Statistical Update for MM Documents TRANSP C
448 ESHDG Block global values TRANSP S
449 ESH_ADM_BIN_DATA ESH Data Buffer for log for binary data TRANSP L
450 ESH_ADM_BIN_DEBG Customizing table for debug mode of binary data TRANSP G
451 ESH_ADM_BIN_ERR detail table for error protocol in case of binary data TRANSP L
452 ESH_ADM_BIN_REOR Customizing table for reorg data for binary error log TRANSP G
453 ESH_ADM_EXCFLDS ESH Cust: Set Textattribute of Node as String-Attribute TRANSP C
454 ESH_ADM_GEN_CONN ESH: Generic Connections TRANSP C
455 ESH_ADM_INDX_REG Registry for Index Schedule TRANSP C
456 ESH_ADM_MDM_CONN ESH: Connections to MDM Servers TRANSP C
457 ESH_ADM_PARAM Parameter for Enterprise Search config TRANSP E
458 ESH_ADM_RFCDEST ESH: RFC Destinations and Assignment of LOGSYS TRANSP C
459 ESH_ADM_RFC_CON1 ESH: RFC Connections to ABAP Backend Systems TRANSP C
460 ESH_ADM_RFC_CONN ESH: RFC Connections to ABAP Backend Systems TRANSP C
461 ESH_ADM_RFC_UIP ESH: UI Technology Parameters for ABAP Backend Systems TRANSP C
462 ESH_ADM_RFC_UIT ESH: UI Technologies ABAP Backend Systems TRANSP C
463 ESH_ADM_SC ESH: Search Connectors and Assignment of LOGSYS TRANSP C
464 ESH_ADM_SC_MAIN Search Connectors TRANSP C
465 ESH_ADM_SC_MON Status Monitor for Search Object Connectors TRANSP C
467 ESH_ADM_STATUS Status of Search Connectors TRANSP C
469 ESH_AT_CONFIG Register connectors for auto tagging TRANSP C
470 ESH_AT_TAGGING Data of last tagging TRANSP C
471 ESH_AU_AUTH_DATA ESH Authorization: User authorization data TRANSP A
472 ESH_AU_PRF_AOB ESH Authorization: Profile Authorization TRANSP A
473 ESH_AU_PSIZE Authorization Indexing Package Size TRANSP L
474 ESH_AU_ROL_PRF ESH Authorization: Role Profile TRANSP A
475 ESH_AU_USR_AUTH ESH Authorization: Authorizations for backend user TRANSP A
476 ESH_AU_USR_MAP ESH Authorization: User Mapping TRANSP A
477 ESH_AU_USR_PRF ESH Authorization: User Profile TRANSP A
478 ESH_AU_USR_ROL ESH Authorization: User Role TRANSP A
479 ESH_AU_USR_UPD ESH Authorization: User to be updated after change TRANSP L
480 ESH_BIN_EXCFLDS ESH Cust: Set Textattribute of Node as Classic Text TRANSP C
481 ESH_BI_USER_EXTR Table for checking if BI user for extraction is defined TRANSP L
482 ESH_BOS_INDEX Status of BOS Search Connectors TRANSP C
483 ESH_BOS_INDEXING Data of last BOS indexing TRANSP C
484 ESH_BOS_NODE_IND Search Object Connector owner for nodes TRANSP C
485 ESH_BOS_SCHEDULE Schedule Data for Indexing of BOS Objects TRANSP C
486 ESH_BOS_STATUS Status of BOS Search Connectors TRANSP C
487 ESH_BP_LOCK Locks for online backup TRANSP L
488 ESH_CA_CLUSTER ESH Cache Storage: INDX-like database for clustered data TRANSP L
489 ESH_CM_SYS_COUP System Coupling for Tagging scenarios TRANSP A
490 ESH_CM_TBO_STAT Tag-by-Object Type Status TRANSP L
491 ESH_CNT_PROC_CHN Generated process chains by content generation TRANSP L
492 ESH_CO_CPOINTER Change Pointer Storage TRANSP L
493 ESH_CO_JOB_INFO Information about background jobs TRANSP L
495 ESH_CO_QLOGQ OBSOLETE: Search Request Log - Query Details TRANSP L
496 ESH_CO_VERSION Enterprise Search Version TRANSP L
497 ESH_CRT_AUTHSTAT Authorization Status TRANSP L
498 ESH_CRT_INDEX Indices of Common Runtime Search Object Connectors TRANSP C
499 ESH_CRT_INDEXING Data of last CRT indexing TRANSP C
500 ESH_CRT_OWNER Owner for indexing technical objects TRANSP C