SAP ABAP Table - Index B, page 5
Table - B
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 BIZC_TASK_DOCU Business Content: Template Management for Configuration TRANSP A
2 BIZC_TASK_INDEX Business Content: Index of Tasks in Task List TRANSP L
3 BIZC_TASK_RUN Business Content: Internal Runtime Management TRANSP L
4 BIZC_TASK_USAGE Business Content: Usage of Tasks TRANSP L
5 BIZC_TEMPLATE Business Content: Template Management for Configuration TRANSP A
6 BIZC_TEMPLATE_T Business Content: Template Management for Configuration TRANSP A
7 BKDF Document Header Supplement for Recurring Entry TRANSP A
8 BKK01D Bank area: Posting Date Payment Transactions/Balancing TRANSP A
9 BKK02 Key Date for Archiving TRANSP A
10 BKK21 Business Partner Aliases TRANSP A
11 BKK40 Current Account Master Data: General TRANSP A
12 BKK40_ENQ_HY Dummy Block Table for Accounts for Hierarchy Creation TRANSP L
13 BKK42 Current Account Master Data: Operative Data TRANSP A
14 BKK42ENQ Current Account: Block Fields TRANSP L
15 BKK42_CC BCA Account Master Data: Currency Changeover TRANSP A
16 BKK42_NTC Master Data for Notice and Allowances TRANSP A
17 BKK43 BCA: Reference Accounts TRANSP A
18 BKK44 Current Account Master Data: Blocks TRANSP A
19 BKK45 Relationship: Current Account - Business Partner TRANSP A
20 BKK45_CORR Correspondence Receiver Administration TRANSP A
21 BKK45_DISP_MAP Map Format and Dispatch Type to Dispatch Control TRANSP C
22 BKK45_HISTORY History Table for BCA - BP relationship TRANSP A
23 BKK46 Current Account Master Data: Customer Appends TRANSP A
24 BKK47 BCA: Direct Debit Orders TRANSP A
25 BKK48 Control Indicator for Account Balancing TRANSP A
26 BKK50 Account balance TRANSP A
27 BKK51 Subj.Fin.Pay. Balance TRANSP A
28 BKK54 Account Balance of Hierarchies TRANSP A
29 BKK55 Subject to Final Payment Balance of Hierarchies TRANSP A
30 BKK56 Account Resubmission TRANSP A
31 BKK58 Master Data Savings Prod: Fxd-Term Deposit, Installmnt Savgs TRANSP A
32 BKK600 Account Hierarchy: Account Relationships TRANSP A
33 BKK610 Account Hierarchy: Assignment of Root Account to Tree Number TRANSP A
34 BKK615 Data for External Root Accounts Cash Concentration TRANSP A
35 BKK620 Account Hierarchy: Amount Definitions for Cash Concentration TRANSP A
36 BKK621 Cash Concentration: Different Amount Defintions TRANSP A
37 BKK622 Cash Concentration: Balancing Date of Last Execution TRANSP A
38 BKK623 Enhancement Fields for Cash Concentration / Hierarchies TRANSP A
39 BKK625 Assign. of Int. No. to Ext. Root Acct. for Change Document TRANSP A
40 BKK62_CC Value Date Transaction Figures for Cash Concentration TRANSP A
41 BKK633 Enhancement Fields for Cash Pooling / Hierarchies TRANSP A
42 BKK640 Extension Fields for Comb. Flexible Balances/Hierarchies TRANSP A
43 BKK81 Bank Condition TRANSP A
44 BKK81T Texts for Bank Conditon TRANSP A
45 BKK82 Bank Condition Item TRANSP A
46 BKK83 Bank Condition Determination TRANSP A
47 BKK84 Bank Account - Individual Condition TRANSP A
48 BKK84T Texts for Bank Account Individual Condition TRANSP A
49 BKK85 Bank Account - Individual Condition Position TRANSP A
50 BKK8RK Standard Conditions: Retroactive Condition Changes TRANSP A
51 BKK91 Value Date Transaction Figures TRANSP A
52 BKK92 Account Balancing (Interest and Charges) TRANSP A
53 BKK93 Oldest Period for Return Posting TRANSP A
54 BKK94 Number of Items TRANSP A
55 BKK95 Account Specific Amount Limits for Graduated Conditions TRANSP A
56 BKK96 Account Balancing Detail Data TRANSP A
57 BKK97 Acct Balancing: Posting Data (Temporary Data)(for Deletion) TRANSP L
58 BKK98 Dispatch Expenses Number of Items TRANSP A
59 BKK99 Date of Early Balancing and End Date of Period TRANSP A
60 BKK9A Posting and Value Date Balances Carried Forward TRANSP A
61 BKK9ACC Interest Accrual/Deferral (Accounts With No Result) TRANSP A
62 BKK9AI Carryforward of Interest Penalty TRANSP A
63 BKK9B Value Date Transaction Figures TRANSP A
64 BKK9B_CC Value Date Transaction Figures for Cash Concentration TRANSP A
65 BKK9C Acct Balancing (Interest and Charges) Enhancement to BKK92 TRANSP A
66 BKK9IW Variant Condition Fixings TRANSP A
67 BKK9RK Oldest Period for Retroactive Condition Changes TRANSP A
68 BKKA1 Position Manangement: General Data TRANSP A
69 BKKA2 Additional Data Checks TRANSP A
70 BKKA4 Current Account: Position Types Checks TRANSP A
71 BKKA5 Means of Payt Mgmt: Stack Mgmt - Available Checks TRANSP A
72 BKKA6 Means of Payt Mgmt: Stack Mgmt - Issued/Blocked Checks TRANSP A
73 BKKA7 Locations of a Position TRANSP A
74 BKKA7T Texts on the Locations TRANSP A
75 BKKA8 Location-Dependent Settings in Position Management TRANSP A
76 BKKARCHDATE To Date of Archiving TRANSP A
77 BKKARCHDATEBUF Temporary Database Buffer for Admin. of Archived Periods TRANSP L
78 BKKARCHDATEF Archived Periods per Archiving Run TRANSP A
80 BKKARCPERIODFILE Archived Periods per Archive File TRANSP A
81 BKKBENCH Benchmark Results TRANSP A
82 BKKBENCHACBAL Benchmark Results Account Balancing TRANSP A
83 BKKBENCHBKSTAT Benchmark Results Bank Statement TRANSP A
84 BKKC01 Gen.Ledger: Reconciliation Key Accounting Documents TRANSP A
85 BKKC01C Gen.Ledger: Commitments Reconciliation Key Acctg. Documents TRANSP A
86 BKKC02 General Ledger: Posting Totals for FI TRANSP A
87 BKKC03 Gen.Ledger: Assignment Process-><reconciliation Key TRANSP A
88 BKKC10 Gen. Ledger: Balances in FI per BCA Cust.Acct. / Bal.Sh.Prep TRANSP A
89 BKKC11 Gen. Ledger: BCA Balances per GL Transac. for Bal.Sh.Prep. TRANSP A
90 BKKC12 Gen. Ledger: New Balances for Bal. Sheet Preparation TRANSP A
91 BKKC12_ITEM GL: New Balances for Balance Sheet Preparation (Items) TRANSP A
92 BKKC13 Gen.Ledger: Changes GL Fields in Account Master TRANSP A
93 BKKC20 Last Balance Sheet Preparation TRANSP A
94 BKKC20_BPRUN Table that Saves Currently Running Balance Sheet Preparation TRANSP L
95 BKKC30 Gen. Ledger: Log for Transfer Postings (Bal.Sh.Prep., etc.) TRANSP A
96 BKKCNOITGL Table of Items not Updated on the Account TRANSP A
97 BKKCORRACCNT Auxiliary Table: Accounts for Adjustments TRANSP L
98 BKKCORRITEM Auxiliary Table: Payment Items for Adjustments TRANSP L
99 BKKCVA Administration Table Individual Value Adjustment TRANSP A
100 BKKE1 Current Account: Limits TRANSP A
101 BKKI3 Turnover Items Not Posted for Last Bank Statement TRANSP A
102 BKKI4 Totals Records from Payment Transactions TRANSP L
103 BKKI5 Totals Records from Payment Transactions TRANSP L
104 BKKINDX BCA: Cluster Table TRANSP A
105 BKKIT Payment Item TRANSP A
106 BKKITADR Payment Item: Address of Transferring Party TRANSP A
107 BKKITAI Info Items for Interest Penalty at Balancing TRANSP A
108 BKKITENQ Blocked Payment Items TRANSP A
109 BKKITGL Gen. Ledger: Payment Item Data TRANSP A
110 BKKITNTC Notice: Payment Item with Notice Lock Period > 0 TRANSP A
111 BKKITPRE Parked Payment Items TRANSP A
112 BKKITREL Payment Item TRANSP A
113 BKKITRETREL Payment Item Return to be released TRANSP L
114 BKKITTMP Planned Payment Items TRANSP A
115 BKKITTMP_DEL Planned Payment Items - Completed TRANSP A
116 BKKM1 BCA: Bank Statement Data TRANSP A
117 BKKM2 Account Time Periods TRANSP A
118 BKKM2_NP nonperiodic runs for periodic applications TRANSP A
119 BKKM3 BCA: Parameters for Mass Runs in Parallel Processing TRANSP A
120 BKKM4 BCA: Job Table for Parallel Processing of Acct. Balancings TRANSP A
121 BKKM5 BCA: Periods of Account Balancing to be Calculated (New) TRANSP A
122 BKKMACCUNR Blocked Objects of a Mass Run TRANSP A
123 BKKMAPPLDATA Application Parameter for Parallel Process. (Cluster Table) TRANSP A
124 BKKMBALNOT BCA: Balance Notification Data TRANSP A
125 BKKMDISPHD Header Data for Dispatcher TRANSP L
126 BKKMDISPINTERV Interval Data for Parallel Processing TRANSP L
127 BKKMDISPJOBS Jobs Started by Dispatcher TRANSP L
128 BKKMDISPLOOP Data on Interval Groups TRANSP L
129 BKKMDISPOBJECTS Objects in Parallel Processing TRANSP L
130 BKKMDISPTASK Data on Parallel Tasks TRANSP L
131 BKKMHEADER Header data for parallel processing (temporary data) TRANSP A
132 BKKMHEADERCURR Flow data for interval scheduling (parallel processing) TRANSP L
133 BKKMINTERV Interval data for parallel processing (temporary data) TRANSP A
134 BKKMINTVAREAHOST Interval areas processed with priority by host TRANSP L
135 BKKMPABANKAREA Bank Areas in Parallel Processing TRANSP L
136 BKKMPABANKAREAHD Bank Areas in Parallel Processing (Header Data) TRANSP L
137 BKKMPARUN Data for Current Runs of an Application Process TRANSP L
138 BKKMPARUNHD General Data for Mass Runs (Header) TRANSP L
139 BKKMPARUNKEYS Key Issue for Processes in Parallel Processing TRANSP A
140 BKKMPARUNOBJGRP Object Groups per Mass Run TRANSP L
141 BKKMPERSMNGT Persistence Management for Process Objects TRANSP L
142 BKKMPROCESSES Processes (in End of Day Processing) TRANSP L
143 BKKMPROCESSREL Predecessor<-> Successor Relationships in End of Day Proc. TRANSP L
144 BKKMREPCURR Data for End of Day Processing Reports TRANSP A
145 BKKMREPCURRHD Header Data on End of Day Processing Reports TRANSP A
146 BKKMREPORTS Data for End of Day Processing Reports TRANSP A
147 BKKMREST Objects of a Mass Run for Postprocessing TRANSP L
148 BKKMWORK Objects of a Mass Run being Edited TRANSP L
149 BKKMWORKLCNT Number of Objects in Parallel Processing TRANSP L
150 BKKM_TS Bank statement time stamp TRANSP A
151 BKKNT Purpose TRANSP A
152 BKKNTC Notice: Partial Amount and Full Amount Notice TRANSP A
153 BKKNTTMP Payment Notes of Planned Payment Items TRANSP A
154 BKKOVR_ACCNT Item Table: Accounts with Tolerated Overdraft TRANSP A
155 BKKOVR_HD Header Table Administration Accts with Tolerated Overdraft TRANSP A
156 BKKPAYMEX_HD Header Table of EFT Management: Outgoing Payt Transactions TRANSP A
157 BKKPAYMEX_IT EFT Management: Items in Outgoing Payment Transactions TRANSP A
158 BKKPAYMEX_PYNOT Payment Notes in Outgoing Payment Transactions TRANSP A
159 BKKPAYMIN_HD Header Table of EFT Management TRANSP A
160 BKKPAYMIN_IT Table of Imported Items TRANSP L
161 BKKPAYMIN_PYNOT BCA: Table of Payment Notes TRANSP L
163 BKKPOGISA EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Segm. E1IDMU5 TRANSP A
164 BKKPOGISH EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Segm E1IDKU6 TRANSP A
165 BKKPOGISL EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Seg. E1IDT02 TRANSP A
166 BKKPOGISP EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Segm. E1EDLA1 TRANSP A
167 BKKPOHD Payment Order, Header Data TRANSP A
168 BKKPOHD_TMP Planned Payment Order, Header Data TRANSP A
169 BKKPOHD_TMP_DEL Planned Payment Order, Header Data TRANSP A
170 BKKPOIT Item in Payment Order TRANSP A
171 BKKPOIT_TMP Items in Planned Payment Order TRANSP A
172 BKKPOIT_TMP_DEL Items in Planned Payment Order TRANSP A
173 BKKPONT Payment Order, Application of Funds TRANSP A
174 BKKPONT_TMP Planned Payment Order, Payment Details TRANSP A
175 BKKPONT_TMP_DEL Planned Payment Order, Payment Details TRANSP A
176 BKKPOREFA References for EDI Payments, Position, Amount Segment TRANSP A
177 BKKPOREFD References to EDI Payments, Item, Date Segment TRANSP A
178 BKKPOREFL References for EDI Payments, Header data, Long Texts TRANSP A
179 BKKPOREFN References for EDI Payments, Header Data, Doc.Number Segment TRANSP A
180 BKKPOREFR References for EDI Payments, Position, Ref. Data Segment TRANSP A
181 BKKSO BCA: Standing Orders TRANSP A
182 BKKSONT Payment Notes of Standing Orders TRANSP A
183 BKKSO_PACK Saving Packages for Standing Order Posting TRANSP L
184 BKKSO_PAORN BCA: Payment Orders of a Standing Order TRANSP A
185 BKKSO_VAR_AMNT Standing Order: Variable Amounts TRANSP A
186 BKKTERM Term Agreement for Fixed-Term Deposit and Installmt Savings TRANSP A
187 BKKTERMPPRC Term Agreements in Postprocessing Status TRANSP A
188 BKKVRS Available Balance Series TRANSP A
189 BKK_4EYES_CLOS Account Closure Principle of Dual Control TRANSP C
190 BKK_ACCL_DC_REAS Account Closure: Rejection Reasons for Release TRANSP C
191 BKK_ACCL_DC_REAT Account Closure: Texts on Rejection Reasons TRANSP C
192 BKK_DIALOG_CF Check Table Field Names TRANSP S
193 BKK_FA_USED Utilization of Allowance TRANSP A
194 BKK_MIN_DEP Minimum Deposit for Each Product TRANSP C
195 BKK_PAR_INTERVAL Assigned Intervals TRANSP L
196 BKK_RATE Master Data for Installment Savings TRANSP A
197 BKORM Accounting Correspondence Requests TRANSP A
198 BKORR Accounting correspondence requests TRANSP A
199 BKPF Accounting Document Header TRANSP A
200 BKPF_ADD Accounting Document Header TRANSP A
201 BL01_INDX Store variants TRANSP A
202 BLEND1 checked combinations opsys and blended codepage TRANSP A
203 BLIC_BILT_BP Billing Procedure Items TRANSP E
204 BLIC_BILT_BPD Billing Procedure TRANSP E
205 BLIC_BILT_BPDT Texts for Billing Procedure TRANSP E
206 BLIC_BILT_BPT Texts for Billing Procedure Items TRANSP E
207 BLIC_TEXT_ID Invoice Transfer - Assignment of Text IDs TRANSP E
208 BLK_REASON Blocking Reason in Purchase Order TRANSP C
209 BLK_REASON_TX Text Table for Blocking Reason in Purchase Order TRANSP C
210 BLPK Document log header TRANSP A
211 BLPP Document log item TRANSP A
212 BLPR Document Log Index and Planned Order (Backflush) TRANSP A
213 BMA_BM OLD CFM Benchmarking: BM Central Master Data TRANSP A
214 BMA_BMBM OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Relationships TRANSP A
215 BMA_BMLAYER OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Layer TRANSP A
216 BMA_BMLAYERDET OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Layer TRANSP A
217 BMA_BMLAYERT OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Layer (TEXTS) TRANSP A
218 BMA_BMM OLD CFM Benchmarking: Master Data for Market Benchmark TRANSP A
219 BMA_BMT OLD CFM Benchmarking: BM Central Master Data TRANSP A
220 BMA_CH OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characteristics TRANSP A
221 BMA_CHT OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characteristics (TEXTS) TRANSP A
222 BMA_CHVAL OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characteristic Values TRANSP A
223 BMA_CHVALT OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characateristic Values (TEXTS) TRANSP A
224 BMA_CONS BOR Migration: Usage of BOR Constants in Programs TRANSP S
225 BMA_EXCE BOR Migration Assistant: Non-Migrated Objects TRANSP S
226 BMA_GUIDIDX OLD <<Boundary>> CFM-BM: Assignment of BMGUID Index TRANSP A
227 BMA_GUIDRANL OLD <<Boundary>> CFM-BM: Assignment of BMGUID-WPKN TRANSP A
228 BMA_PROT BOR Migration: Log Table for Conversion Process TRANSP S
229 BMA_WLST BOR Migration Assistant: Global Worklist TRANSP S
230 BMENTTREE Definition Table for Structures TRANSP E
231 BMENTTREET Name of a Structure TRANSP E
232 BMTNODE01 Structure repository for process model objects: Node table TRANSP S
233 BMTNODE01R Structure repository for process model objects: References TRANSP S
234 BMTNODE01T Structure Repository for Process Model Objects: Node Names TRANSP S
235 BNKA Bank master record TRANSP A
236 BNKAIN Bank Master (Additional Fields for BNKA) TRANSP A
238 BNK_BATCH_ITEM Batch Payment Items TRANSP A
239 BNK_BTCH_STPAYLD Batch status payload TRANSP A
240 BNK_BTCH_STREF Status reference TRANSP A
242 BNK_FILE_TYPE Define types of files TRANSP S
243 BNK_LOG_LYR Log layer maintenance TRANSP S
244 BNK_META_LOG Meta Table: Logs for Signature Bank Communication TRANSP A
245 BNK_SIGN_USER Users for signing the Batch approval log TRANSP A
246 BNK_STSRP_CNT Control table TRANSP S
247 BNK_TIMEOUT Timeout for Batch between two status TRANSP C
248 BNK_XSTAT_MSG External Status Message TRANSP A
249 BNK_XSTAT_RSN Status Reason Information TRANSP A
250 BNK_XSTAT_TX Status: Transaction Information TRANSP A
251 BNMAT Assignment of Material No.-Number Range for Batch No. Assgmt TRANSP C
252 BOM_HANA_EXPL Determine Explosion Mode for BOM in HANA system TRANSP C
253 BONARCH Archiving: Billing Documents Subject to Volume-Based Rebate TRANSP L
254 BON_ENH_CDOC Settings for Indirect Billing Documents TRANSP C
255 BON_ENH_CGEN Settings for the Update of Indirect Sales TRANSP A
256 BON_ENH_CSEQ Extended Rebate: VAKEY Structure TRANSP C
257 BON_ENH_CSEQ_S Extended Rebate: VAKEY Structure, Shadow Table TRANSP A
258 BON_ENH_LEDGER Reconciliation Accounts for Rebate Credit Memos TRANSP C
259 BON_MAPC_INF_DNL Agreements Exchange: Temporary Management Data TRANSP L
260 BOOKINGS ABAP book: Flight bookings TRANSP A
261 BORGR_DIALOG_CFG User-Specific Configuration: Multi-Level Goods Receipt TRANSP C
262 BORGR_DIALOG_PRO Configuration of Multi-Level Goods Receipt per Profile TRANSP G
263 BORGR_DIALOG_T Profile Texts: Configuration of Multi-Level Goods Receipt TRANSP G
264 BORGR_EVENTS Table for Dialog Sychronization Two-Step GR Automotive TRANSP L
265 BORGR_FCODE Inb. Del. Tracking: Internal Error Codes for Dialog Control TRANSP S
266 BORGR_FCODE_FUNC Inbound Delivery Tracking: Assignment ECode to User Function TRANSP S
267 BORGR_FCODE_KEY Inb. Del. Tracking: Assignment ECode Status to ECode Intern. TRANSP S
268 BORGR_FCODE_KEYT BOR: Text Table for Assignment Status-Ecodes - int. ECode TRANSP S
269 BORGR_FILTER_PRO Bordero: Filter Profile TRANSP G
270 BORGR_FILTER_T Bordero Filter Profiles: Texts TRANSP G
271 BORGR_FUNC Inbound Delivery Tracking: User Functions TRANSP S
272 BORGR_FUNCT Inbound Delivery Tracking: Texts for User Functions TRANSP S
273 BORGR_GROUP_PROF Goods Receipt Automotive: Profiles for User Group TRANSP A
274 BORGR_PROFCODE Inbound Delivery Tracking: Functions of a Profile TRANSP G
275 BORGR_PROFCODE_H Bordero: Functions of Profile Header Table TRANSP G
276 BORGR_PROFCODE_T Bordero Functions of Profile Header Table: Texts TRANSP G
277 BORGR_PROFILE Goods Receipt Automotive: Profiles TRANSP G
278 BORGR_PROFILET Goods Receipt Automotive: Descriptions for Profiles TRANSP G
279 BORGR_PROFOBJ Inbound Delivery Tracking: Subscreens of Objects TRANSP G
280 BORGR_PROFOBJ_H Border Subscreens of Objects Header Table TRANSP G
281 BORGR_PROFOBJ_T Bordero Subscreens of Objects Header Table: Texts TRANSP G
282 BORGR_PROF_SEL Goods Receipt Automotive: Selection Conditions in Profile TRANSP G
283 BORGR_PROF_SEL_H Bordero: Header Table for Selection Conditions TRANSP G
284 BORGR_PROF_SEL_T Bordero: Header Table for Selection Conditions: Texts TRANSP G
285 BORGR_TREE_COL Bordero: Profiles for Columns in Tree TRANSP G
286 BORGR_TREE_COLFD Bordero: Profiles for Columns in Tree - Fields TRANSP G
287 BORGR_TREE_COLT Bordero: Profiles for Columns in Tree - Texts TRANSP G
288 BORGR_TREE_COL_H Bordero Profiles for Columns in Tree Header Table TRANSP G
289 BORGR_TREE_COL_T Bordero Profiles for Columns in Tree Header Table: TEXTS TRANSP G
290 BORGR_UGROUP User Groups Goods Receipt Dialog Automotive TRANSP A
291 BORGR_UGROUPT User Groups Goods Receipt Dialog Automotive TRANSP A
292 BORGR_USR_GROUP Goods Receipt Automotive: Groups for User TRANSP A
293 BORGR_VTTP_NOEX New inbound deliveries with references TRANSP A
294 BORRTFI Regular tour determinatin (route schedule inbound delivery) TRANSP C
295 BORRTTI Time for route schedule (new) TRANSP C
296 BORRTTS Route schedule header (new) TRANSP C
297 BORRTTSID External (new) route schedule ID TRANSP C
298 BORRTTSIDT Text to external (new) route schedule ID TRANSP C
299 BOSASN Allocation of Lines from Different Subpackages TRANSP A
300 BOSPS_ASSIGNMENT BOSPS: PS object links to the specified sales document TRANSP A
301 BOSPS_ATTRBOS BOS PS Object link attribute references TRANSP A
302 BOSPS_BATCH Profile for Batch Cost Transfer to Project TRANSP G
303 BOSPS_CLUSTER BOSPS Data Cluster for variants etc TRANSP A
304 BP000 Business Partner Master (General Data) TRANSP A
305 BP001 FS-Specific Attributes; Organization TRANSP A
306 BP002 Treasury attributes natural person TRANSP A
307 BP011 Employment Data TRANSP A
308 BP021 Fiscal Year Information TRANSP A
309 BP030 BP: Business partner - address TRANSP A
310 BP1000 BP: Business Partner - Role TRANSP A
311 BP1010 Creditworthiness Data TRANSP A
312 BP1012 Ratings TRANSP A
313 BP1013 Differentiated Attributes TRANSP A
314 BP1020 BP: Business Partner - Fiscal Data TRANSP A
315 BP1030 BP: Business partner - reporting data TRANSP A
316 BP1040 Business partner: Reporting data in company code TRANSP A
317 BP1050 Business Partner: General Control Data TRANSP A
318 BP1060 OBSOLETE: Business Partner: Company Code Control Data TRANSP A
319 BP1070 Do Not Use! Liability Risks for Business Partner TRANSP A
320 BP2000 BP: Business Partner - Business Partner - Relationship TRANSP A
321 BP3000 BP: Additional Data (from Darwin-BP) TRANSP A
322 BP3010 Additional Data TRANSP A
323 BP3100 Additional information TRANSP A
324 BPABAPJOB Background job table for ABAP jobs TRANSP L
325 BPBK Doc.Header Controlling Obj. TRANSP A
326 BPBPCA BPCA for Business Partner TRANSP A
327 BPCA_MAPPING Mappings from Transport Objects to Runtime Objects TRANSP S
328 BPCA_MAPPING_K Mappings from Transport Objects to Runtime Objects for Keys TRANSP S
329 BPCC_MIGCS_MAP Assignment of Rating Procedure/Rating to Institution/Rating TRANSP C
330 BPCC_MIGCS_RULE Merging: Rule Procedure for Clashes TRANSP C
352 BPCG Controlling Object, by Year TRANSP A
353 BPCJ Controlling Object, by Year TRANSP A
354 BPCK Controlling objects, activated objects TRANSP A
355 BPCONSTANTS FS BP Constants Table: Adopted Values (Internal) TRANSP A
356 BPCTOBJTR Customer Contact: Transformation Rules for Object Catgories TRANSP E
357 BPCTPOSFORM Object Relationships for BP Contact: Attribute Values TRANSP A
358 BPCTSRGBINREL Business Partner Contact: Generic Binary Relationships TRANSP A
359 BPCT_CRM_CLASS Display Contact Type/Class on CRM Activities TRANSP C
360 BPCT_CRM_DIRECT Creation of Contact Direction from Contact -> Activity TRANSP C
361 BPCT_CRM_GUIDS Assignment: Contact Key -> Activity GUID TRANSP A
362 BPCT_CRM_PRIO Creation of Priority Contact -> Activity TRANSP C
363 BPCT_CRM_TDID Creation of Text ID Contact -> Activity TRANSP C
364 BPC_DISTCRT_ROLE Partial Distribution: Distribution Criterion Role Category TRANSP C
365 BPC_FIL_ROLE Table for Filtering Roles (in Inbound) TRANSP C
366 BPDG Total Values Entry Document TRANSP A
367 BPDJ Annual Values Entry Document TRANSP A
368 BPDK Header Entry Document TRANSP A
369 BPDKT Header Text Entry Document TRANSP A
370 BPDP Period Values Entry Document TRANSP A
371 BPDTRG JAPI: Background Date/Time trigger table TRANSP L
372 BPDTTRG Table for date / time triggers TRANSP L
373 BPDZ Line Entry Document TRANSP A
374 BPDZT Text Line Entry Document TRANSP A
375 BPEG Line Item Overall Values Controlling Obj. TRANSP A
376 BPEJ Line Item Annual Values Controlling Obj. TRANSP A
377 BPEP Line Item Period Values Controlling Obj. TRANSP A
378 BPETRG JAPI: Background event trigger table TRANSP L
379 BPEVTRG Table for event triggers TRANSP L
380 BPFRG OBSOLETE TABLE: Business Partner: Roles for Release TRANSP A
381 BPGE Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj. TRANSP A
382 BPGV Prel.entry, overall TRANSP A
383 BPHI Cross-hierarchy Data Controlling obj. TRANSP A
384 BPID001 Additional Partner Numbers TRANSP A
385 BPID002_T Description of Identification Number Category TRANSP E
386 BPID003_E ID Number Category TRANSP E
387 BPIDCONV Assignment of ID Categories/Types and ID Number Categories TRANSP C
388 BPIG Budget Object Index (Overall Budget) TRANSP A
389 BPIJ Budget Object Index (Annual Budget) TRANSP A
390 BPISIS BP: Assign Treasury Partner to IS-IS-Partner TRANSP A
391 BPJA Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj. TRANSP A
392 BPJTRG JAPI: Background after job trigger table TRANSP L
393 BPJV Prel.entry - annual values TRANSP A
394 BPMWIACTMAP BPM BW Extraktors: Mapping table for WI actions/methods TRANSP S
395 BPMWITSTP BPM Extractors: Workitem Last Changed Timestamp TRANSP L
396 BPM_KEYFIG_TEXT BPMon Texts for Key Figure TRANSP L
397 BPM_MONOBJ_TEXT BPMon Texts for Monitoring Object TRANSP L
398 BPM_PARAID_TEXT BPMon Texts for Parameter ID TRANSP L
399 BPOBIMMO Business Partner - Object Relationship: Real Estate TRANSP A
400 BPOBTAB Partner-Object Relationship TRANSP A
401 BPOTRG JAPI: Background operation mode switch trigger table TRANSP L
402 BPO_ENGINES Applications (Such as HR or IS) for System Measurement TRANSP S
403 BPO_ENGINEST Name of an Application (such as an IBU) for System Meas. TRANSP S
404 BPO_MEASBADIN BPO System Measurement: BAdI Name TRANSP L
405 BPO_MEASCTRL System Measurement: Control Table TRANSP L
406 BPO_MEASJOB System Measurement Jobs Scheduled and Running TRANSP L
407 BPO_MEAS_UNIT Units for System Measurement Objects TRANSP S
408 BPO_MEAS_UNITT Name of a Unit for System Measurement Objects TRANSP S
409 BPPE Totals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj. TRANSP A
410 BPR01 Product Version Context TRANSP L
411 BPR02 Context Name TRANSP L
416 BPRCONTENT_PRODV BPR Content: Product Context TRANSP L
417 BPREP_DIM_ASS Assign Account Assignments TRANSP E
418 BPREP_DIM_ASS_C Assign Account Assignments - Customer-Specific Assignments TRANSP C
419 BPREP_HRFPM_BCS Variants of Budget Creation for PBC TRANSP C
420 BPRNODEFLG Attributes for BPR Structure Elements TRANSP L
421 BPR_BUS_ADMIN Administration functionalities to collect data TRANSP L
422 BPR_DEL_ELEMENTS Deleted Elements in BPR TRANSP L
426 BPTAXC Business Partner Tax Compliance TRANSP A
427 BPTC01 Master Data for Total Commitment TRANSP A
428 BPTC02 Flow Data for Total Commitment TRANSP A
429 BPTC03 Contract - Role Category Link in Total Commitment TRANSP A
430 BPTR Object Data Controlling Obj. TRANSP A
431 BPTRGP_ABGL BP: Match Existing and Migrated Partners TRANSP A
432 BPTRGP_ADRE Conversion: TR Addresses - PDC Addresses TRANSP A
433 BPTRGP_OBJADR Conversion: Obj. Addresses - PDC Addr. (Real Estate Objects) TRANSP A
434 BPTRGP_OBJTAB Conversion: Status Table RFZAVP01 TRANSP L
435 BPTRGP_WORK BP: Assign Treasury Partner to IS-IS-Partner TRANSP A
436 BPTRGTYP Background trigger type reference TRANSP L
437 BPTX Budgeting Text TRANSP A
438 BPUM Conversion: Tables/Fields to be Converted TRANSP G
439 BPUM_CTL Business partner: Conversion control TRANSP G
440 BPUM_DEVCL Conversion: Development Classes to be Considered TRANSP G
441 BPUM_DOM Conversion: List of Domains to be Converted TRANSP G
442 BPUM_FUNC Conversion: Function Modules TRANSP G
443 BPUM_REP Conversion: Conversion Sequence Business Partner TRANSP S
444 BPUM_ROL Conversion: Data elements to be converted TRANSP G
445 BPUM_TAB Conversion: Database Tables TRANSP G
446 BPUNOTA Business Partner: Convert Memos TRANSP C
447 BPVK Document Header for Parked Documents TRANSP A
448 BPXCMDJOB Background job table for external command jobs TRANSP L
449 BPXPRGJOB Background job table for external command jobs TRANSP L
450 BPXX_VTYPE Convert OLTP Bus. Trans. to BIW Bus. Trans. (Budget Tables) TRANSP S
451 BPZGP BP: Conversion Table TR BP to SAP BP TRANSP A
452 BRACNTL Industry control table TRANSP L
453 BRALOG Industry log for import/activation of industries TRANSP L
454 BRAN Industry table TRANSP E
455 BRAN1 Assignment of Industry Text Editor to Package TRANSP L
456 BRANT Industry text table TRANSP E
457 BRATEXT Industry texts TRANSP E
463 BREBI_BILLP_T001 Error Code Table TRANSP A
464 BREBI_BILLP_T002 Paramters for Filter Functions TRANSP A
465 BREBI_BILLP_T003 Error Log Table TRANSP A
466 BREBI_BILLP_T005 Auto-Patch Configuration TRANSP A
467 BREBI_BILMS_T003 Error Log Table only for Master Installation TRANSP A
468 BRFMIG_ICLC Maintenance: Assignment of Interfaces f.Implementing Classes TRANSP C
469 BRFMIG_ICLS Maintenance: Assignment of Interfaces f.Implementing Classes TRANSP S
470 BRFWBFAVOR BRF: Selected Objects TRANSP A
471 BRFWBLASTOBJ BRF: User-Specific History TRANSP A
473 BRFWBSETTINGS BRF: User-Specific Settings TRANSP A
474 BRFWBTOOLTYPE BRF: Visualization of WB Tool TRANSP S
475 BRF_PTEST BRF Performance Test TRANSP A
476 BROK_SALD Broker Balance Table TRANSP A
477 BROK_SALDKEY Balance Key: Texts TRANSP C
478 BROK_SALD_CUST Balance Key Assignment - Transactions TRANSP C
479 BROK_SALD_VK Broker Balance Table TRANSP A
480 BRR_ACTIVE Activation Data for a Business Rule TRANSP S
481 BRR_ACTIVE_C Activation Data for a Client-Dependent Business Rule TRANSP S
482 BRR_ATTRIB Custom Attribute or Rule TRANSP S
483 BRR_ATTRIB_C Custom Attribute or Rule TRANSP E
484 BRR_CONT Container of a Business Rule TRANSP S
485 BRR_CONT_C Container of a Client-Specific Rule TRANSP E
486 BRR_HEADER Header Data of a Business Rule (Table Structure) TRANSP S
487 BRR_HEADER_C Client-Specific Business Rule (Table Structure) TRANSP E
488 BRR_TEXT Language-Dependent Rule Text TRANSP S
489 BRR_TEXT_C Text for a Language-Dependent Rule TRANSP E
490 BSACC_HIST_CUST General Settings for Account History TRANSP C
491 BSACC_HIST_GRP Account Groups for Account History TRANSP C
492 BSACC_HIST_GRPT Account Groups for Account History TRANSP C
493 BSACC_HIST_TA Account History: Transaction Types Used TRANSP C
494 BSAD Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers (Cleared Items) TRANSP A
495 BSAD_BAK Accounting: Secondary index for customers (cleared items) TRANSP A
496 BSAK Accounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items) TRANSP A
497 BSAK_BAK Accounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items) TRANSP A
498 BSANLY_BCACT_LOG Activation Log for Content Bundles TRANSP L
499 BSANLY_BCACT_STA Activation Status for Content Bundles TRANSP L
500 BSANLY_BCACT_SYS Source Systems for Content Activation TRANSP L