SAP ABAP Application Component - Index C, page 4
Application Component - Index C, page 4 (37 records shown)
# Application Component ID Short Description First Release Date First Release Application Component
1 CS-AG-SLA Service Level Agreements 19990224 46A ALR0002254
2 CS-AG-WA Warranties 19980423 45A ALR0000133
3 CS-BD Basic Data 19980415 45A ALR0000082
4 CS-BD-BP Business Partners 19980422 45A ALR0000116
5 CS-BD-LOC Regional Locations 19980422 45A ALR0000117
6 CS-BD-SO Service Organization 19980422 45A ALR0000119
7 CS-BD-SP Service Products 19980422 45A ALR0000118
8 CS-BS Billing and Settlement 19990224 46A ALR0002256
9 CS-BS-BI Billing 19980423 45A ALR0000134
10 CS-BS-RR Deferred Revenue 19980423 45A ALR0000135
11 CS-BS-STL Settlement 19990224 46A ALR0002257
12 CS-CI Customer Interaction 19980422 45A ALR0000112
13 CS-CI-CIC Customer Interaction Center 19980423 45A ALR0000137
14 CS-CI-CTI Computer Telephony Integration 19980423 45A ALR0000136
15 CS-CI-SLF Self-Service 19980423 45A ALR0000138
16 CS-CM Call Management 19980422 45A ALR0000113
17 CS-CM-ESC Escalation 19980423 45A ALR0002152
18 CS-CM-HD Help Desk 19980423 45A ALR0000140
19 CS-CM-KB Knowledge Base 19980423 45A ALR0000139
20 CS-CM-MON Response Time Monitoring 19980423 45A ALR0002151
21 CS-CM-SN Service Notifications 19960327 30D HLA0009594
22 CS-ES Enterprise Services in Customer Service 20080226 701 E4A0000022
23 CS-IB Installed Base Management 19950221 30A HLA0006659
24 CS-IB-CF Configuration 19980422 45A ALR0000121
25 CS-IB-IN Installed Bases 19980422 45A ALR0000120
26 CS-IB-MC Measuring Points and Counters 19980422 45A ALR0000122
27 CS-IS Information System 19980422 45A ALR0000115
28 CS-IS-DC Data Collection 19980423 45A ALR0002159
29 CS-IS-EWS Early Warning System 19980423 45A ALR0002160
30 CS-IS-LIS Interface to Logistics Information Library (LIL) 19980423 45A ALR0002158
31 CS-IS-PLN Planning 19980423 45A ALR0002157
32 CS-IS-REP Reporting 19980423 45A ALR0002156
33 CS-SE Service Processing 19960327 30D HLA0009595
34 CS-SE-CON Confirmations 19980423 45A ALR0002155
35 CS-SE-DR Depot Repair 19980423 45A ALR0002154
36 CS-SE-FS Field Service 19980423 45A ALR0002153
37 CS-SE-SD Scheduling and Planning 19990224 46A ALR0002255