View - U
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | U_16214 | Sales promotion measure | D | KONA |
2 | U_16224 | Material grouping - sales status | D | TVMS |
3 | U_16239 | Customer delivery group type | D | TVSA |
4 | U_16242 | Customer delivery group | D | VBSK |
5 | U_16243 | Customer delivery group - customer delivery - assignment | D | VBSS |
6 | U_16250 | Transportation planning point | D | TTDS |
7 | U_16251 | Transport Type | D | TVTK |
8 | U_16252 | Transport | D | VTTK |
9 | U_16253 | Outbound shipment item | D | VTTP |
10 | U_16254 | Stage of Shipment | D | VTTS |
11 | U_16255 | Shipment item - shipment stage - assignment | D | VTSP |
12 | U_16257 | Milestone type - transport | D | TVTZ |
13 | U_16258 | Shipment stage - leg | D | VTTS |
14 | U_16259 | Shipment stage - border crossing point | D | VTTS |
15 | U_16260 | Shipment stage - load transfer point | D | VTTS |
16 | U_16261 | Inbound shipment | D | VTTK |
17 | U_16263 | Outbound shipment | D | VTTK |
18 | U_16264 | Inbound shipment item | D | VTTP |
19 | U_16270 | Customer rental contract | D | VBAK |
20 | U_16274 | Contract validity period category | D | TVLZ |
21 | U_16275 | Contract cancellation rule | D | TVKR |
22 | U_16276 | Contract cancellation schema | D | TVKS |
23 | U_16277 | Contract cancellation schema item | D | TVKUS |
24 | U_16278 | Date determination rule | D | TVRG |
25 | U_16280 | Customer outline agreement item - billing plan date | D | FPLT |
26 | U_16281 | Billing plan type | D | TFPLA |
27 | U_16282 | Billing plan type - date type | D | TFPLT |
28 | U_16285 | Contract activity | D | TVAS |
29 | U_16291 | Material grouping - export product classification | D | T606H |
30 | U_16293 | Importing country grouping | D | T606E |
31 | U_16298 | Foreign trade customs area | D | T604G |
32 | U_16299 | Border customs office | D | T615 |
33 | U_16303 | Material grouping - commodity code | D | T604 |
34 | U_16304 | Material grouping - export/import | D | TVFM |
35 | U_16305 | Material grouping - export control | D | T606B |
36 | U_16345 | Alternative route - assignment | D | TROAL |
37 | U_16370 | Product proposal - sales and distribution | D | VBAK |
38 | U_16402 | Competitor Material | D | MARA |
39 | U_16481 | Tax district - city | D | T005G |
40 | U_16611 | Main. order oper. - external - service specif. outline level | D | ESLL |
41 | U_16612 | Maintenance order operation - external - service line | D | ESLL |
42 | U_16613 | Main. order oper. - ext. - serv. spec. outl. level hierarchy | D | ESLL |
43 | U_16614 | Maint. order operation - external - service value limit | D | ESUH |
44 | U_16615 | PM order op.-Ext.-Purchasing contract service value limit | D | ESUC |
45 | U_16621 | Service order oper. - exter. - service spec. outline level | D | ESLL |
46 | U_16622 | Service order operation - external - service line | D | ESLL |
47 | U_16623 | Service order op. - ext. - serv. spec. outl. level hierarchy | D | ESLL |
48 | U_16624 | Service order operation - external - service value limit | D | ESUH |
49 | U_16625 | Service order op.-Ext.Purch. contract service value limit | D | ESUC |
50 | U_16631 | PM task list oper. - External - service spec. outline level | D | ESLL |
51 | U_16632 | Maintenance task list operation - External - Service line | D | ESLL |
52 | U_16633 | PM task list op. - ext. - ser. spec. outline level hierarchy | D | ESLL |
53 | U_16634 | PM task list operation - External - service value limit | D | ESUH |
54 | U_16635 | PM task list op.-Ext.-Purch. contract service value limit | D | ESUC |
55 | U_16671 | Release group | D | T16FG |
56 | U_16672 | Release strategy | D | T16FS |
57 | U_16673 | Release type | D | T16FC |
58 | U_16674 | Release strategy point | D | T16FS |
59 | U_16675 | Release prerequisite | D | T16FV |
60 | U_16677 | Release status | D | T16FK |
61 | U_16678 | Processor determination | D | T16FW |
62 | U_16700 | Quality control chart type | D | QPSH |
63 | U_16701 | Quality Control Chart | D | QASH |
64 | U_16702 | Sampling result - evaluation structure - diagram | D | QAST |
65 | U_16703 | Sampling result - evaluation structure - diagram - type | D | QPST |
66 | U_16704 | Sampling result - evaluation object type | D | QPSP |
67 | U_16705 | Inspection operation - planned activity | D | AFVC |
68 | U_16714 | Inspection operation inspection point | D | QAPP |
69 | U_16719 | In. req. - in. lot - mat. - single unit - p. of e. - assign. | D | OBJK |
70 | U_16721 | Vendor quot. request item - service specif. outline level | D | ESLL |
71 | U_16722 | Item of RFQ issued to vendor-service line | D | ESLL |
72 | U_16723 | Vend. quot. req. item - serv. spec. outline level hierarchy | D | ESLL |
73 | U_16724 | Vendor quotation item - service specification outline level | D | ESLL |
74 | U_16725 | Vendor quotation item - service line | D | ESLL |
75 | U_16726 | Vendor quot. item - service spec. outline level hierarchy | D | ESLL |
76 | U_16727 | Purchase contract item - service specific. outline level | D | ESLL |
77 | U_16728 | Purchase contract item - service line | D | ESLL |
78 | U_16729 | Purch. contract item - service spec. outline level hierarchy | D | ESLL |
79 | U_16730 | Entry of services performed - posting specification | D | ESKN |
80 | U_16731 | Purchase requis. item - service specification outline level | D | ESLL |
81 | U_16732 | Purchase requisition item - service line | D | ESLL |
82 | U_16733 | Purch. req. item - service specs. outline levels - hierarchy | D | ESLL |
83 | U_16734 | Purchase order item - service specification outline level | D | ESLL |
84 | U_16735 | Purchase order item - service line | D | ESLL |
85 | U_16736 | Pur. order item - service specs. outline levels - hierarchy | D | ESLL |
86 | U_16738 | Purchase order item - service value limit | D | ESUH |
87 | U_16739 | Purchase order item - purchase contract service value limit | D | ESUC |
88 | U_16740 | Service entry sheet line - posting specification | D | ESKL |
89 | U_16741 | Performed Service Recording | D | ESSR |
90 | U_16742 | Service entry sheet line | D | ESLL |
91 | U_16743 | Service entry sheet outline level | D | ESLL |
92 | U_16746 | Purchase requisition item - service value limit | D | ESUH |
93 | U_16747 | Purch. requisn. item - purchase contract service value limit | D | ESUC |
94 | U_16748 | Vendor quotation item - service value limit | D | ESUH |
95 | U_16749 | Vendor quotation item - purch. contract service value limit | D | ESUC |
96 | U_16750 | Hazardous material regulation validity area | D | T646R |
97 | U_16753 | Quality notification type | D | TQ80 |
98 | U_16755 | Service entry sheet outline levels - hierarchy | D | ESLL |
99 | U_16757 | Service entry sheet line - purchase order | D | ESLL |
100 | U_16758 | Service entry sheet line - purchase contract | D | ESLL |
101 | U_16759 | Service entry sheet line - service | D | ESLL |
102 | U_16767 | Quality information - shipping | D | QVDM |
103 | U_16768 | Performed services acceptance | D | MKPF |
104 | U_16801 | Assortment | D | WRS1 |
105 | U_16807 | Seasonal material | D | MARA |
106 | U_16810 | Material allocation table sub-item - plant | D | AUFI |
107 | U_16811 | Material allocation table sub-item - plant - schedule line | D | AULW |
108 | U_16818 | Material Allocation Subitem - Distribution Center | D | AUVZ |
109 | U_16819 | Mat. allocat. table sub-item - distr. center - schedule line | D | AUVW |
110 | U_16821 | Material allocation table type | D | T620 |
111 | U_16822 | Season category | D | T6WSP |
112 | U_16823 | Purchasing area | D | T026 |
113 | U_16827 | Generic material | D | MARA |
114 | U_16828 | Generic material - variant | D | MARA |
115 | U_16829 | Value-only material | D | MARA |
116 | U_16832 | Material grouping - labeling | D | TWEA |
117 | U_16833 | Prepack | D | MARA |
118 | U_16834 | Display | D | MARA |
119 | U_16835 | Sales set | D | MARA |
120 | U_16836 | Full product | D | MARA |
121 | U_16838_1 | Promotion item - additional - assignment | D | WTADAB |
122 | U_16839 | Promotion item - hierarchy | D | WAKP |
123 | U_16844 | Promotion item | D | WAKP |
124 | U_16845 | Promotion product catalog | D | WAZW |
125 | U_16901 | Purchasing Organization Vendor - Business Partner Assignment | D | WYT3 |
126 | U_16906 | Retail site layout section | D | TWGLV |
127 | U_16907 | Product catalog layout area | D | TWGLV |
128 | U_16915 | Assortment list type | D | TWBB |
129 | U_16952 | Layout module | D | TWML |
130 | U_16953 | Layout section - area share | D | TWWV |
131 | U_16954 | Layout area schema | D | TWGF |
132 | U_16957 | Store | D | T001W |
133 | U_16958 | Distribution center | D | T001W |
134 | U_16989 | Assortment list item | D | WBBP |
135 | U_16990 | Supplying plant | D | T001W |
136 | U_16991 | Receiving plant | D | T001W |
137 | U_16995 | Rebate agreement - business partner employee - assignment | D | KOPA |
138 | U_16996 | Rebate agreement - employee - assignment | D | KOPA |
139 | U_16998 | Purchasing organization vendor - employee - assignment | D | WYT3 |
140 | U_16999 | Purchasing Organization Vendor-Vendor Employee-Assignment | D | WYT3 |
141 | U_17002 | Position | D | PLOGI |
142 | U_17006 | Person - personal data | D | PA0002 |
143 | U_17010 | Person - Education | P | PA0022 |
144 | U_17012 | School type | P | T517T |
145 | U_17013 | Branch of study | D | T517Y |
146 | U_17014 | School type - branch of study - assignment | P | T517Z |
147 | U_17015 | Certificate type | P | T519T |
148 | U_17016 | School type - certificate type - assignment | P | T517A |
149 | U_17020 | Organizational plan unit - reporting org. plan unit | D | HRP1001 |
150 | U_17025 | Org. plan unit - pers. cost assignment guideline - portion | D | HRP1001 |
151 | U_17027 | Position - personnel cost assignment guideline - portion | D | PLOGI |
152 | U_17028 | Position - reporting position | D | HRP1001 |
153 | U_17029 | Organizational plan unit - managerial position | D | HRP1001 |
154 | U_17031 | Position - work center - assignment | D | HRP1001 |
155 | U_17044 | Item subdivision for staff assignments | D | HRP1001 |
156 | U_17054 | Person - previous job/sideline job | P | PA0023 |
157 | U_17055 | Organizational plan unit - personnel subarea - specification | D | PLOGI |
158 | U_17057 | Position - personnel subarea/EE subgroup - specification | D | PLOGI |
159 | U_17059 | Personnel area | P | T500P |
160 | U_17060 | Personnel subarea | P | T001P |
161 | U_17061 | Personnel administrator | P | T526 |
162 | U_17068 | Personnel administrator group | P | T526 |
163 | U_17069 | Employee - personnel administrator - specification | P | PA0001 |
164 | U_17071 | Pers. administrator - pers. administrator group - assignment | P | T526 |
165 | U_17076 | Person - private address | D | PA0006 |
166 | U_17077 | Personnel action | P | PA0000 |
167 | U_17093 | Person - bank details/payment specification | P | PA0009 |
168 | U_17096 | Employee - planned payment - item | D | PA0008 |
169 | U_17099 | Primary wage type - permissibility | D | T511 |
170 | U_17100 | Applicant | P | PB4000 |
171 | U_17101 | Application | P | PB4001 |
172 | U_17104 | Job advertisement - item | P | T750A |
173 | U_17105 | Applicant group | D | T750K |
174 | U_17106 | Applicant range | P | T750F |
175 | U_17107 | Unsolicited application group | D | T750G |
176 | U_17108 | Applicant - vacancy - assignment | P | PB4002 |
177 | U_17110 | Recruitment instrument - medium | D | T750D |
178 | U_17111 | Recruitment instrument | P | T750C |
179 | U_17112 | Job advertisement | P | T750B |
180 | U_17115 | Applicant status | D | T751A |
181 | U_17117 | Applicant status reason | D | T751D |
182 | U_17120 | Applicant activity type | D | T750J |
183 | U_17129 | Applicant - organizational specification | P | PB0001 |
184 | U_17130 | Vacancy - employee responsible - specification | P | T750X |
185 | U_17144 | Applicant action type | D | T751E |
186 | U_17146 | Applicant action | P | PB4000 |
187 | U_17162 | Position - planned payment basis | D | PLOGI |
188 | U_17163 | Job - planned payment basis | D | PLOGI |
189 | U_17170 | Benefit Plan | D | T5UBA |
190 | U_17175 | Benefit Area | D | T5UC3 |
191 | U_17176 | Benefits plan type | D | T5UB1 |
192 | U_17177 | Employee grouping - benefits program 1 | D | T5UBT |
193 | U_17178 | Benefits Program | D | T5UBU |
194 | U_17179 | Benefits eligibility provision variant | D | T5UDV |
195 | U_17180 | Dependent coverage | D | T5UBF |
196 | U_17181 | Benefits plan - health plan option | D | T5UCE |
197 | U_17182 | Health plan option - dependent coverage - assignment | D | T5UBB |
198 | U_17184 | Employee - benefits - health plan | D | PA0167 |
199 | U_17185 | Employee - benefits - insurance | D | PA0168 |
200 | U_17186 | Employee - benefits - savings plan | D | PA0169 |
201 | U_17187 | Employee - benefits - credit plan | D | PA0236 |
202 | U_17188 | Employee - benefits - flexible spending account | D | PA0170 |
203 | U_17189 | Benefits plan status | D | T5UB2 |
204 | U_17190 | Benefits Parameter Group | D | T5UBY |
205 | U_17192 | Benefits provision parameters - age group | D | T5UBL |
206 | U_17193 | Benefits provision parameters - seniority group | D | T5UBM |
207 | U_17194 | Benefits provision parameters - wage group | D | T5UBK |
208 | U_17195 | Employee Grouping - Benefits Eligibility Provision | D | T5UB4 |
209 | U_17196 | Benefits eligibility provision | D | T5UBV |
210 | U_17197 | Benefits cost provision variant | D | T5UBH |
211 | U_17198 | Benefits cost provision | D | T5UBI |
212 | U_17199 | Benefits plan - insurance option | D | T74FA |
213 | U_17202 | Employee - performance appraisal | P | PA0025 |
214 | U_17203 | Performance appraisal group | P | T513G |
215 | U_17204 | Performance appraisal criterion | D | T513H |
216 | U_17205 | Collective agreement provision - performance val. parameter | P | T510B |
217 | U_17206 | Employee - tax specifications | D | PA0012 |
218 | U_17207 | Employee - social insurance specifications | D | PA0013 |
219 | U_17208 | Employee - performance appraisal - item | P | PA0025 |
220 | U_17210 | Challenge group | D | T543 |
221 | U_17211 | Person - challenge | P | PA0004 |
222 | U_17212 | Restriction type | P | T523T |
223 | U_17218 | Employee - personnel cost assignment guideline | P | PA0027 |
224 | U_17219 | Employee - personnel cost assignment guideline - portion | P | PA0027 |
225 | U_17220 | Employee - company car | P | PA0032 |
226 | U_17229 | Date type | D | T548Y |
227 | U_17230 | Employee - date | D | PA0041 |
228 | U_17232 | Work contract element - duration of probationary period | P | PA0016 |
229 | U_17233 | Work contract element - notice period - employer | P | PA0016 |
230 | U_17234 | Work contract element - duration of continued pay | P | PA0016 |
231 | U_17235 | Work contract element - sideline job approval | P | PA0016 |
232 | U_17236 | Work contract element - non competition clause | P | PA0016 |
233 | U_17237 | Work Contract Type | D | T547V |
234 | U_17238 | Employee - power of attorney | P | PA0030 |
235 | U_17239 | Work contract | P | PA0016 |
236 | U_17241 | Power of attorney type | D | T591A |
237 | U_17242 | Employee - deadline | P | PA0019 |
238 | U_17243 | Relationship type | D | T591A |
239 | U_17244 | Person - family member | P | PA0021 |
240 | U_17246 | Deadline type | D | T531 |
241 | U_17247 | Employee - object on loan | P | PA0040 |
242 | U_17248 | Object on loan type | D | T591A |
243 | U_17249 | Employee - workplace | P | PA0032 |
244 | U_17250 | Employee - planned payment | D | PA0008 |
245 | U_17252 | Examination type | D | T591A |
246 | U_17253 | Subject of examination | D | T578Z |
247 | U_17254 | Specific diagnosis - value | D | T578X |
248 | U_17255 | Global diagnosis | P | T578Y |
249 | U_17256 | Employee - work related medical examination | P | PA0028 |
250 | U_17257 | Employee - work related medical exam. - specific diagnosis | P | PA0028 |
251 | U_17258 | Instruction type | D | T591A |
252 | U_17259 | Employee - instruction | P | PA0035 |
253 | U_17260 | Work contract element - notice period - employee | P | PA0016 |
254 | U_17261 | Work contract element - sick pay | P | PA0016 |
255 | U_17262 | Information Type | D | T582A |
256 | U_17263 | Information subtype | D | T591A |
257 | U_17264 | Information type sequence | D | T588D |
258 | U_17265 | Information type sequence - item | P | T588D |
259 | U_17275 | Employee - personnel time recording system information | D | PA0050 |
260 | U_17277 | Personnel Time Event Type Group | D | T705F |
261 | U_17283 | Employee - personnel time transfer specification | D | PA2012 |
262 | U_17285 | Employee - personnel time event | D | TEVEN |
263 | U_17297 | Employee Status - Personnel Time Management | D | T555U |
264 | U_17308 | Daily work schedule group | D | T550A |
265 | U_17309 | Daily work schedule | D | T550A |
266 | U_17312 | Work break schedule | P | T550P |
267 | U_17313 | Work break | D | T550P |
268 | U_17315 | Employee - planned working time specification - long-term | P | PA0007 |
269 | U_17325 | Daily work schedule selection rule - work schedule | D | T550X |
270 | U_17347 | Absence type grouping - absence valuation rule | D | T554L |
271 | U_17360 | Employee - absence quota statement | P | PA2006 |
272 | U_17361 | Employee - absence specifications - actual | P | PA2001 |
273 | U_17365 | Birth type | P | T554G |
274 | U_17366 | Special leave rule - maternity protection | P | T554M |
275 | U_17368 | Employee - maternity protection information | P | PA0080 |
276 | U_17370 | Employee - attendance quota statement | P | PA2007 |
277 | U_17371 | Employee - attendance specifications - actual | P | PA2002 |
278 | U_17386 | Employee - availability for duty | D | PA2004 |
279 | U_17389 | Special Leave Rule - Military/Non Military Service | D | T554W |
280 | U_17391 | Employee - Military/Non Military Service Information | P | PA0081 |
281 | U_17394 | Employee - shift schedule specifications | D | PA2003 |
282 | U_17395 | Employee - overtime specifications - actual | D | PA2005 |
283 | U_17401 | Personnel calculation schema | P | T52CC |
284 | U_17407 | Primary Wage Type | D | T511 |
285 | U_17428 | Payroll Evaluation | P | PEVST |
286 | U_17429 | Payroll - Posting Document | P | PPDHD |
287 | U_17431 | Average value calculation rule | D | T51AV_A |
288 | U_17432 | Wage Type - Average Value Calc. Basis Wage Type - Assignment | P | T51AV_2W |
289 | U_17433 | Average value calculation basis cumulation rule | P | T51AV_B |
290 | U_17434 | Average value calculation basis cumulation rule - item | P | T51AV_B |
291 | U_17435 | Average value calculation basis adjustment rule | D | T51AV_C |
292 | U_17444 | Position - planned payment | D | T528B |
293 | U_17445 | Position - planned payment - item | D | T528C |
294 | U_17446 | Time wage type selection rule group | D | T510S |
295 | U_17451 | Wage Type Grouping | D | T52D2 |
296 | U_17459 | Profit center manager | D | CEPC |
297 | U_17502 | Clinic | D | NORG |
298 | U_17513 | Week Program | D | NWPG |
299 | U_17520 | Department | D | NORG |
300 | U_17522 | Organizational Unit - Hospital - Statistical Bed Figures | D | TN10B |
301 | U_17524 | Day Program Variant | D | NTPGK |
302 | U_17528 | Cost center determination - hospital - activity allocation | D | NOEK |
303 | U_17529 | Cost center determination - hospital - revenue accounting | D | NO2K |
304 | U_17530 | Service catalog item - activity type - assignment | D | NLAZ |
305 | U_17531 | Patient characteristic | D | TN31M |
306 | U_17532 | Statistic Key Figure - Hospital | D | TN30K |
307 | U_17533 | Day program variant item | D | NTPGP |
308 | U_17536 | Available Appointment Type | D | TN40B |
309 | U_17540 | Appointment Planning Object | D | NPOB |
310 | U_17543 | Department catalog item | D | TNKFA |
311 | U_17548 | Booked Time Slot | D | NAPP |
312 | U_17552 | Provisional appointment - building unit | D | NAPP |
313 | U_17553 | Provisional appointment - person | D | NAPP |
314 | U_17555 | Provisional appointment - organizational unit | D | NAPP |
315 | U_17556 | Appointment planning object - building unit | D | NPOB |
316 | U_17558 | Appointment planning object - person | D | NPOB |
317 | U_17563 | Case surgery | D | NLOP |
318 | U_17565 | Outpatient Clinic | D | NORG |
319 | U_17566 | Medical Record Archive | D | NORG |
320 | U_17567 | Appointment planning object - organizational unit | D | NPOB |
321 | U_17568 | Service Facility | D | NORG |
322 | U_17569 | Building unit category | D | TN11B |
323 | U_17571 | Building unit type | D | TN11B |
324 | U_17573 | Payer type - hospital | D | TN18 |
325 | U_17575 | Patient case type treatment - service cat. item - assignment | D | TN24L |
326 | U_17576 | Material catalog - hospital | D | NMKAT |
327 | U_17577 | Material catalog item - hospital | D | NMKAP |
328 | U_17590 | Material catalog - organizational unit - hospital - asgmt | D | NMKAO |
329 | U_17592 | Material set - hospital | D | NMSET |
330 | U_17594 | Patient Case Type - Treatment | D | TN24 |
331 | U_17598 | Function of patient case-to-case assignment | D | TN15B |
332 | U_17599 | Material set item - hospital | D | NMSEP |
333 | U_17607 | Material requisition - OU-related | D | NMATO |
334 | U_17608 | Material requisition - case-related | D | NMATP |
335 | U_17610 | Organizational unit - hospital - departmental | D | NORG |
336 | U_17613 | Material set - organizational unit - hospital - assignment | D | NMSEO |
337 | U_17614 | Organizational unit - hospital - nursing | D | NORG |
338 | U_17615 | Material - Organizational Unit - Hospital - Assignment | D | NMHIT |
339 | U_17624 | Billing type - hospital | D | TN21 |
340 | U_17628 | Patient case classification type | D | TNKLA |
341 | U_17629 | Patient case classification category | D | TNKTY |
342 | U_17631 | Patient Case Type - Accommodation | D | TN15A |
343 | U_17632 | Material Requisition Approval Type | D | TNM10A |
344 | U_17635 | Organizational unit - hospital - hierarchy | D | TN10H |
345 | U_17637 | Department catalog item hierarchy | D | TNKFH |
346 | U_17680 | Organizational unit - hospital | D | NORG |
347 | U_17683 | Organizational unit category - hospital | D | TN10A |
348 | U_17685 | Payer - Hospital | D | NKTR |
349 | U_17771 | Business partner employee | D | KNVK |
350 | U_18400 | Service Grouping Type | D | TNT0 |
351 | U_18401 | Grouping of service catalog items - hospital | D | NTPZ |
352 | U_18402 | Service grouping type - use | D | TN00Q |
353 | U_18406 | Service grouping type - service catalog hospital - asgmt | D | TNT0 |
354 | U_19013 | Language tables view | D | T002 |
355 | U_19035 | Unit of measurement | D | T006 |
356 | U_19036 | Country | D | T005 |
357 | U_22030 | Bank Condition Differentiation Value | D | BKK81 |
358 | U_22041 | Bank Account Hierarchy Entry | D | BKK600 |
359 | U_22050 | Bank Account Status | D | TBKK47 |
360 | U_22053 | Means of Payment Position Category | D | DD07T |
361 | U_22065 | Payment Transaction Medium | P | TBKKG1T |
362 | U_22067 | Payment Transactions - Functionality Group | P | TBKKG4T |
363 | U_22081 | Bank Account Balancing Item | P | BKK92 |
364 | U_22085 | Charge Transaction Type Determination | D | TBKK8H |
365 | U_22088 | Assignment Posting Category <-> PT Transaction Type | D | TBKKM3 |
366 | U_22095 | Direct Debit Order | D | BKK47 |
367 | U_22098 | Interest Transaction Type Assignment | D | TBKK8I |
368 | U_22105 | Direct Debit Order Item | D | BKK47 |
369 | U_22107 | Means of Payment Position Status | D | DD07T |
370 | U_22500 | Rental unit | D | VIMI01 |
371 | U_22501 | Business entity | D | VIOB01 |
372 | U_22502 | Settlement unit | D | VIAK03 |
373 | U_22503 | Rental application | D | VIMI11 |
374 | U_22504 | Rental request | D | VIMI12 |
375 | U_22505 | Encumbrance/restriction type | D | TIVA9 |
376 | U_22507 | Comparative group of apartments - rental unit - assignment | D | VIMI20 |
377 | U_22508 | Real estate object address | D | SANS1 |
378 | U_22509 | Service charges apportionment item | D | VIAK13 |
379 | U_22510 | Land | D | VIOB02 |
380 | U_22511 | Building | D | VIOB03 |
381 | U_22513 | Management contract settlement | D | VISLID |
382 | U_22514 | Rental unit debit position | D | VISLID |
383 | U_22515 | Collective Lease-Out | D | VIMIMV |
384 | U_22516 | Room | D | VIOB22 |
385 | U_22517 | Room area division | D | VIOB23 |
386 | U_22519 | Rental unit - area share | D | VIOB40 |
387 | U_22520 | Land register | D | VIGBUCH |
388 | U_22521 | Section I - land register entry | D | VIGBA1 |
389 | U_22522 | Section II - land register entry | D | VIGBA2 |
390 | U_22523 | Section III - land register entry | D | VIGBA3 |
391 | U_22524 | Real estate register entry | D | VIGBSTD |
392 | U_22525 | Parcel of Land | D | VIGBFLS |
393 | U_22526 | Property appreciation/depreciation | D | VIGBZAB |
394 | U_22527 | Section II - land register entry - change | D | VIGB2A |
395 | U_22528 | Section III - land register entry - change | D | VIGB3A |
396 | U_22530 | Room fixtures and fittings | D | VIOB21 |
397 | U_22531 | Room - rental unit - assignment | D | VIOB11 |
398 | U_22535 | Service charge key | D | TIV05 |
399 | U_22536 | Single-storey heating key | D | TIVA2 |
400 | U_22539 | Service charge settlement participation - grouping | D | VIAK23 |
401 | U_22540 | Serv. charge settle. part. - grouping - rental unit - assign | D | VIAK24 |
402 | U_22541 | Service charge settlement partic. - grouping - determination | D | VIAK05 |
403 | U_22542 | Heating oil supply | D | VIAK22 |
404 | U_22543 | Fixed/variable heating costs | D | VIAK21 |
405 | U_22544 | DME Settlement Unit | D | VIAK08 |
406 | U_22545 | Heating system - settlement unit - assignment | D | VIAK09 |
407 | U_22547 | Settlement unit - settlement variants - determination | D | VIAK04 |
408 | U_22548 | Settlement unit - cost collector | D | VIAK25 |
409 | U_22549 | Settlement unit - option rate | D | VIAK07 |
410 | U_22552 | Storey type | D | TIV37 |
411 | U_22553 | Linked rental unit | D | VIMI01 |
412 | U_22559 | Business entity - option rate | D | VIOB07 |
413 | U_22560 | Maintenance district | P | TIV16 |
414 | U_22561 | Property - option rate | D | VIOB06 |
415 | U_22562 | Building - property - assignment | D | VIOB27 |
416 | U_22564 | Building hierarchy | D | VIOB03 |
417 | U_22565 | Building fixtures and fittings characteristic | D | VIOB04 |
418 | U_22566 | Building - option rate | D | VIOB05 |
419 | U_22567 | Building fixtures and fittings | D | VIOB20 |
420 | U_22576 | Comparative group of apartments | D | VIMI15 |
421 | U_22578 | Compar. group of apart. - comparative apartment - assignment | D | VIMI20 |
422 | U_22579 | Comparative apartment - external | D | VIOB18 |
423 | U_22580 | Comparative apartment - fixtures and fittings characteristic | D | VIMI19 |
424 | U_22582 | Number of rooms | D | VIOB10 |
425 | U_22583 | Rental unit - apportionment factor | D | VIMI08 |
426 | U_22584 | Rental unit fixtures and fittings characteristic | D | VIMI02 |
427 | U_22585 | Input tax - correction items | D | VIBEBE |
428 | U_22586 | Rental unit - input tax correction items - assignment | D | VIBEME |
429 | U_22592 | Rental agreement debit position | D | VISLID |
430 | U_22594 | Heating system - fuel quantity | D | VIAK10 |
431 | U_22601 | Real estate control. obj. - controlling object - assignment | D | VIOBOV |
432 | U_22603 | Rental unit debit position flow | D | VIBEPP |
433 | U_22604 | Rental agreement debit position flow | D | VIBEPP |
434 | U_22605 | Controlling object - management contract | D | ONR00 |
435 | U_22606 | Controlling object - settlement unit - cost collector | D | ONR00 |
436 | U_22607 | Rental agreement debit position flow - actual | D | VIBEPP |
437 | U_22608 | Controlling object - rental unit | D | ONR00 |
438 | U_22609 | Rental agreement debit position flow - planned | D | VIBEPP |
439 | U_22610 | Rental unit debit position flow - actual | D | VIBEPP |
440 | U_22611 | Rental request - storey type - assignment | D | VIOB30 |
441 | U_22612 | Rental request - room type - assignment | D | VIOB13 |
442 | U_22613 | Rental request - fixtures and fittings characteristic | D | VIMI05 |
443 | U_22614 | Rental request - district - assignment | D | VIOB17 |
444 | U_22615 | Rental request - area type - assignment | D | VIOB12 |
445 | U_22618 | Rental offer status | D | TIV42 |
446 | U_22619 | Rent deposit type | D | TIV18 |
447 | U_22620 | Rental offer | D | VIMI33 |
448 | U_22621 | Building - area share | D | VIOB40 |
449 | U_22622 | Business entity - owner share | D | VIEIGE |
450 | U_22623 | Business entity - work breakdown structure element - assign. | D | VIOB38 |
451 | U_22624 | Business entity - functional location - assignment | D | VIOB39 |
452 | U_22625 | Rental agreement - business partner role - assignment | D | VZGPO |
453 | U_22626 | Rental unit debit position flow - planned | D | VIBEPP |
454 | U_22627 | Lease-Out | D | VIMIMV |
455 | U_22629 | Sales-based lease-out condition | D | VIMIUH |
456 | U_22630 | Index lease-out condition | D | VIMI55 |
457 | U_22632 | Rental agreement condition - adjustment block | D | VIMI56 |
458 | U_22633 | Service charge settlement payable/credit | D | VIAK20 |
459 | U_22634 | Management contract debit position flow - actual | D | VIBEPP |
460 | U_22635 | Management contract debit position flow - planned | D | VIBEPP |
461 | U_22636 | Rental collateral | D | VIMI32 |
462 | U_22637 | Controlling object - business entity | D | ONR00 |
463 | U_22638 | Rent subsidy | D | VZZUSP |
464 | U_22639 | Rental agreement cancellation | D | VIMI26 |
465 | U_22642 | Rental agreement - apportionment factor | D | VIMI08 |
466 | U_22643 | Rental unit inspection | D | VIMI39 |
467 | U_22644 | Fee Type | D | TIV92 |
468 | U_22645 | Event-driven fee type | D | TIV92 |
469 | U_22646 | Fixed amount - fee calculation form | D | TIV96 |
470 | U_22647 | Controlling object - building | D | ONR00 |
471 | U_22648 | Fee calculation form | D | TIV96 |
472 | U_22649 | Selection type | D | TIV95 |
473 | U_22650 | Real estate management - event type | D | TIV97 |
474 | U_22651 | Fee type - condition type - determination | D | TIV86 |
475 | U_22652 | Fee type - flow type - determination | D | TIV99 |
476 | U_22653 | Fee calculation rule | D | TIV87 |
477 | U_22654 | Real estate management - event type - fee type - assignment | D | TIV8Z |
478 | U_22655 | Controlling object - property | D | ONR00 |
479 | U_22656 | Management contract | D | VIVW01 |
480 | U_22657 | Management contract - real estate object | D | VIVW05 |
481 | U_22658 | Real estate management event | D | VIVW08 |
482 | U_22659 | Management contract - settlement item | D | VIVW09 |
483 | U_22662 | Management contract - fee | D | VIVW03 |
484 | U_22663 | Building - asset - assignment | D | VIWEGB |
485 | U_22664 | Property - asset - assignment | D | VIWEGR |
486 | U_22666 | Owner settlement | D | VISLID |
487 | U_22667 | Owner settlement - object transaction figure | D | VIEA03 |
488 | U_22668 | Owner settlement - owner transaction figure | D | VIEA06 |
489 | U_22669 | Building - work breakdown structure element - assignment | D | VIOB38 |
490 | U_22670 | Building - owner share | D | VIEIGE |
491 | U_22671 | Building - functional location - assignment | D | VIOB39 |
492 | U_22672 | Property - owner share | D | VIEIGE |
493 | U_22673 | Property - area share | D | VIOB40 |
494 | U_22674 | Property - work breakdown structure element - assignment | D | VIOB38 |
495 | U_22675 | Property - functional location - assignment | D | VIOB39 |
496 | U_22679 | Real estate owner cost element | D | VIEA01 |
497 | U_22680 | Real estate owner cost type - cost type - assignment | D | VIEA02 |
498 | U_22681 | Rental unit - owner share | D | VIEIGE |
499 | U_22683 | Owner | D | BP1000 |
500 | U_22684 | Land registry | D | BP1000 |