View - J
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | J_3RSHV_DP_CNUM | SH view for search help for contract # in PD | H | VBAK |
2 | J_3RS_CCD_DOC | CCD Documents Selection by Class | H | J_3RSCCDHEADER |
3 | J_3RS_CCD_FI_V | Define Posting Rules for Customs Fees and Duties | C | J_3RS_CCD_FIPOST |
4 | J_3RS_SH_DP_CCD | SH for Deal Passport with Sold-to-Party | H | J_3RSCCDHEADER |
5 | J_3RTAX_OPERV | Assign Operation Codes to Tax Codes | C | J_3RTAX_OPER |
6 | J_3RTSE_AUXILIAV | Maintenance of links betweem FI items and SD/MM items | C | J_3RTSE_AUXILIAR |
7 | J_3RVDEPB_BWASL | Depreciation bonus: Transaction types | C | J_3RFDEPB_BWASL |
8 | J_3RVDEPB_CHART | Depreciation bonus:Chart of depreciation level | C | J_3RFDEPB_CHART |
9 | J_3RVRETDB_BWASL | Retirement Transaction Types for Depreciation Bonus Restore | C | J_3RFRETDB_BWASL |
10 | J_3RV_PBU_SETCLS | Set Classes Assignment to Source Tables Fields | C | J_3R_PBU_SETCLS |
11 | J_3RV_TAX_FRMT | Electronic Tax Format Version Entries | C | J_3RFTAX_FRMT |
12 | J_3RV_TAX_FRMTS | Electronic TAX Format Versions | C | J_3RFTAX_FRMTS |
13 | J_3RV_TAX_FRMTSD | Database view for Electronic TAX Format versions | D | J_3RFTAX_FRMTS |
14 | J_3R_CAUTHV | Maintenance view for Authorization (M2) | C | J_3R_CAUTH |
15 | J_3R_CLFT10TXTV | Maintenance view for TORG-10 | C | J_3R_CLFT10TXT |
16 | J_3R_COMPANYV | Maintenance view for company settings of Legal Forms | C | J_3R_CLFORMCMP |
17 | J_3R_FORMV | Maintenance view for Legal Forms | C | J_3R_CLFORM |
18 | J_3R_INV26_SETV | Maint/ view of Grouping of General Ledger Accounts | C | J_3R_INV26_SET |
19 | J_3R_INVDIFFGRV | Groups of Inventory differences | C | J_3R_INVDIFFGR |
20 | J_3R_INVDIFFMATV | Material group assignment to group of inventory difference | C | J_3R_INVDIFFMAT |
21 | J_3R_LO_OUT | Additional Customizing for Output Types | C | TNAPR |
22 | J_3R_V_DIFFOBJ | Difference objects | C | J_3R_PBU_DIFFOBJ |
23 | J_3R_V_HIER | Hierarchy of difference objects | C | J_3R_PBU_HIER |
24 | J_3R_V_PBUOBJSEL | View for tax object selections with tax object sign | D | J_3RFTAX_OBJSEL |
25 | J_3R_V_T004 | Charts of accounts | C | J_3R_PBU_T004 |
26 | J_3R_V_T030K | Accounts | C | J_3R_T030K |
27 | J_3R_V_T056P | Interest rates | C | J_3R_T056P |
28 | J_7LC01_V | REA Company Codes | C | J_7LC01 |
29 | J_7LC02_F4 | REA Input Help: Company Codes | H | J_7LC02 |
30 | J_7LC02_V | REA Company Codes: Define Common Company Codes | C | J_7LC02 |
31 | J_7LC03_V | REA Data Filter: Billing Types | C | J_7LC03 |
32 | J_7LC04_F4 | REA Input Help: Sales Organization / Distribution Channel | H | J_7LC04 |
33 | J_7LC04_V | REA Data Filters: Sales Areas | C | J_7LC04 |
34 | J_7LC05_V | REA Data Filter: Material Types | C | J_7LC05 |
35 | J_7LC06_V | REA Data Filter: Product Hierarchies | C | J_7LC06 |
36 | J_7LC07_V | REA Data Filter: Material Groups | C | J_7LC07 |
37 | J_7LC10_F4 | REA Input Help: Country Grouping | H | J_7LC10 |
38 | J_7LC10_V | REA Countries: Country Grouping | C | J_7LC10 |
39 | J_7LC11_F4 | REA F4 Input Help: Criteria for Declarations | H | J_7LC11 |
40 | J_7LC11_V | REA - Selection Criteria for Declarations | C | J_7LC11 |
41 | J_7LC13_V | REA Data Filters: Transaction Types | C | J_7LC13 |
42 | J_7LC14_V | REA Data Filter: Movement Types | C | J_7LC14 |
43 | J_7LC15_V | REA Data Filter: Material Document Types | C | J_7LC15 |
44 | J_7LC17_F4 | REA Input Help: Packaging Type (All) | H | J_7LC17 |
45 | J_7LC17_F4_GEENT | REA Input Help: Packaging Type (Weight-Dep.Fee-Relevant) | H | J_7LC17 |
46 | J_7LC17_F4_STENT | REA Input Help: Packaging Type (Item-Dep.Fee-Relevant) | H | J_7LC17 |
47 | J_7LC17_V | REA Packaging Types | C | J_7LC17 |
48 | J_7LC18_V | REA Change Fields | C | J_7LC18 |
49 | J_7LC200_V | REA Customizing: Packaging Levels Dependent on R-Partner | C | J_7LC200 |
50 | J_7LC20_F4 | REA F4 Input Help: Packaging Levels | H | J_7LC20 |
51 | J_7LC20_V | REA Packaging Levels | C | J_7LC20 |
52 | J_7LC21_F4 | REA Input Help: Special Condition Types | H | J_7LC21 |
53 | J_7LC21_V | REA Special Condition Types | C | J_7LC21 |
54 | J_7LC23_V | REA Customizing: Assignments for Automatic Article Managemnt | C | J_7LC23 |
55 | J_7LC24_V | REA Form Routines in Declaration System | C | J_7LC24 |
56 | J_7LC25_V | REA Form Groups | C | J_7LC25 |
57 | J_7LC26_V | REA Data Filter: BOM Usage | C | J_7LC26 |
58 | J_7LC27_V | REA Data Filter: BOM Item Category | C | J_7LC27 |
59 | J_7LC28_V | REA Data Filter: Sales Document Item Category | C | J_7LC28 |
60 | J_7LC29_V | REA Data Filter: Packaging Material Type | C | J_7LC29 |
61 | J_7LC31_V | REA Customizing: General Interface Default Settings | C | J_7LC31 |
62 | J_7LC32_V | REA Data Filters: Customer Industry Key | C | J_7LC32 |
63 | J_7LC33_V | REA Dynamic Screen Control: Single Fields | C | J_7LC33 |
64 | J_7LC34_V | REA Field Control for Data Medium Exchange | C | J_7LC34 |
65 | J_7LC35V | View for Selection of Data and Short Texts | D | J_7LC35 |
66 | J_7LC35_V | REA Dynamic Screen Control: Field Catalog | C | J_7LC35 |
67 | J_7LC36T_V | REA Condition types: Short texts | C | J_7LC36T |
68 | J_7LC36_V | REA Condition Types | C | J_7LC36 |
69 | J_7LC39_V | REA Weighting Factors for Units of Measure of Packaging | C | J_7LC39 |
70 | J_7LC40_V | REA Info System: Recycling Partner-Spec. LIS Update | D | J_7LC40 |
71 | J_7LC43_V | REA Data Filters: Define Data Filter Types | C | J_7LC43 |
72 | J_7LC46_V | REA Groups for Material Characteristics and Price Form. Use | C | J_7LC46 |
73 | J_7LC47_V | REA Maintenance View for Customer-Defined Enhancements | C | J_7LC47 |
74 | J_7LC48_V | REA Data Filter: Field Definition Charact. Material Master | C | J_7LC48 |
75 | J_7LC50_V | REA Data Filters: Definition Access Sequence Hierarchy Eval. | C | J_7LC50 |
76 | J_7LC51_V | REA Data Filters: Access Sequences - Accesses | C | J_7LC51 |
77 | J_7LC52_V | REA Company Codes: Assigned Plants for Bills of Material | C | J_7LC52 |
78 | J_7LC53_F4 | REA Input Help: Access Sequences Customer Hierarchy | H | J_7LC50 |
79 | J_7LC53_V | REA Data Filters: Assignment Access Sequences Customer Hier. | C | J_7LC53 |
80 | J_7LC54_F4 | REA Input Help: Access Sequences Vendor Hierarchy | H | J_7LC50 |
81 | J_7LC54_V | REA Data Filters: Asgmt Access Sequences Vendor Hierarchy | C | J_7LC54 |
82 | J_7LC55_V | REA Data Filters: Trade Level Combinations | C | J_7LC55 |
83 | J_7LC56_V | REA Data Filters: Trade Level Combinations - Transactions | C | J_7LC56 |
84 | J_7LC57_V | REA Data Filters: Transaction Keys | C | J_7LC57 |
85 | J_7LC58_V | REA Customizing: Posting of Accruals Corrections | C | J_7LC58 |
86 | J_7LC59_V | REA Customizing: Assignment of Accruals Correction Posting | C | J_7LC59 |
87 | J_7LC60_V | REA Customizing: Condition Types for Accruals Correction | C | J_7LC60 |
88 | J_7LC61_V | REA Data Filters: Access Sequence Doc. Flow Evaluation | C | J_7LC61 |
89 | J_7LC62_V | REA Data Filters: Doc. Flow Evaluation-to-Billing Type Asgmt | C | J_7LC62 |
90 | J_7LC63_V | REA Data Filters: Document Flow Evaluation Path | C | J_7LC63 |
91 | J_7LC64_V | REA Data Filters: Access Sequence Doc. Flow Eval. - Paths | C | J_7LC64 |
92 | J_7LC65_V | REA Data Filters: Accesses in Document Flow Evaluation Path | C | J_7LC65 |
93 | J_7LC66_V | REA Data Filters: Doc. Flow Evaluation Single Access | C | J_7LC66 |
94 | J_7LC671_V | REA Data Filters: Doc. Flow Evaluation Sales Doc. Type | C | J_7LC671 |
95 | J_7LC672_V | REA Data Filters: Document Flow Evaluation Billing Type | C | J_7LC672 |
96 | J_7LC673_V | REA Data Filters: Document Flow Evaluation Delivery Type | C | J_7LC673 |
97 | J_7LC67_V | REA Data Filters: Filter Definition for Doc. Flow Evaluation | C | J_7LC67 |
98 | J_7LC68_V | REA Customizing: RePartner-Dep. Consistency Check Header | C | J_7LC68 |
99 | J_7LC69_V | REA Customizing: RePartner-Dep. Consistency Check Items | C | J_7LC69 |
100 | J_7LC70_V | REA Customizing: Log File Control for Declarations | C | J_7LC70 |
101 | J_7LE00_F4 | REA Input Help: Recycling Partner Name (Indep.) | H | J_7LE00 |
102 | J_7LE01_E02 | DB View E01 E02 | D | J_7LE01 |
103 | J_7LE01_E02_R | DB View E01 E02 C02 C10 | D | J_7LE01 |
104 | J_7LE01_F4 | REA Input Help: Recycling Partner (LAND1-Dep.) | H | J_7LE01 |
105 | J_7LE02_F4 | REA Input Help: Recycling Partner (BUKRS-, LAND1-Dep.) | H | J_7LE02 |
106 | J_7LE04_F4 | REA Input Help: Vol./Area Classes (ENTNR-, LAND1-Dep.) | H | J_7LE04 |
107 | J_7LE06_F4 | REA Input Help: Additional Info Keys (ENTNR-, LAND1-Dep.) | H | J_7LE06 |
108 | J_7LE07_F4 | REA Input Help: Content Ident. Keys (ENTNR-, LAND1-Dep.) | H | J_7LE07 |
109 | J_7LE09_F4 | REA Input Help: Document Types (ENTNR-, LAND1-Dep.) | H | J_7LE09 |
110 | J_7LE10_V | REA: Document Types for Company Code | D | J_7LE10 |
111 | J_7LE11_F4 | REA Input Help: Selection Groups for Consecutive Docs | H | J_7LE11 |
112 | J_7LE13_EF4 | REA Trade Levels | H | J_7LE13 |
113 | J_7LE13_F4 | REA F4 Input Help: Trade Levels | H | J_7LE13 |
114 | J_7LE13_V | REA: Database view trade levels | D | J_7LE13 |
115 | J_7LE15_F4 | REA F4-Help: Formulars for fee calculation | H | J_7LE15 |
116 | J_7LE16_F4 | REA Input Help: Packaging Category Fraction | H | J_7LE16 |
117 | J_7LE17_F4 | REA F4 Help: Price Formulas | H | J_7LE17 |
118 | J_7LFPL_MA | REA: Attributes of FostPlus mandators | D | KNA1 |
119 | J_7LIF0_V | REA View: Info Systems for Material Master Record | D | J_7LS01 |
120 | J_7LIM0_V | REA View: Info Systems for Article Master Record | D | J_7LM01 |
121 | J_7LIMR0_V | REA View: Info Systems for Article Master Rec.: Ref.Article | D | J_7LM08 |
122 | J_7LIMV_VG | REA Infosystems Re.Part-Dep.Asgmt Packaging to Article View | D | J_7LM04 |
123 | J_7LIP0_V | REA View: Info Systems for Price List Master Record | D | J_7LE01 |
124 | J_7LIPAA_RV | REA Info Systems: Pricing Analysis Reference Article View | D | J_7LM01 |
125 | J_7LIPAA_V | REA Info Systems: Pricing Analysis Article View | D | J_7LM01 |
126 | J_7LIPAV_V | REA Info Systems: Packaging Pricing Analysis View | D | MARA |
127 | J_7LIPAV_V_CW | REA Info Systems: Packaging Pricing Analysis View | D | J_7LE01 |
128 | J_7LIR0_V | REA View: Info Systems for Re.Partner Master Record | D | J_7LE00 |
129 | J_7LIV01_V | REA Info Systems Packaging Master Allocation R-Partner | D | J_7LV01 |
130 | J_7LIV01_V_CW | REA Info Systems Packaging Master CwoMM Assgmt Recyc.Partner | D | J_7LV01 |
131 | J_7LIV0_V | REA View: Info Systems for Packaging Master Record | D | J_7LV01 |
132 | J_7LIV0_V_CW | REA Info Systems View: Packaging Master CwoMM | D | J_7LV01 |
133 | J_7LIVG_V | REA View: Info Systems for Packaging Groups | D | J_7LV01 |
134 | J_7LIVG_V_CW | REA View: Info Systems for Packaging Groups | D | J_7LV01 |
135 | J_7LIZAFG | REA Info Systems: Article Fraction Packaging Groups Asgmt | D | J_7LM04 |
136 | J_7LIZAFGR | REA Info Systems: Assignm.Art.Material Type Pack. Groups Ref | D | J_7LM08 |
137 | J_7LIZAFV | REA Info Systems: Assignm.Art.Material Type Packaging Number | D | J_7LM04 |
138 | J_7LIZAFVR | REA Info Systems: Assignm.Art.Material Type Pack.No.Referenc | D | J_7LM08 |
139 | J_7LIZARFR_V | REA Info System: Article to Re.Part.Mat.Type Asgmt(Ref.View) | D | J_7LM03 |
140 | J_7LIZARF_V | REA Info Systems: Article to Re.Part.Material Type Asgmt | D | J_7LM03 |
141 | J_7LIZFV_V | REA View: Info Systems: Assignm. Material Type <=> Packaging | D | J_7LS01 |
142 | J_7LIZFV_V_CW | REA Info Systems View: Fraction/Packaging Assignment CwoMM | D | J_7LS01 |
143 | J_7LIZFV_V_VPK | REA View: Info Systems: Assignm. Material Type <=> Packaging | D | J_7LS01 |
144 | J_7LIZFV_V_VPKCW | REA Info Systems View: Fraction/Packaging Assignment CwoMM | D | J_7LS01 |
145 | J_7LIZMRRV | REA View: Info Systems: Assignm. Material Re.Partner Ref. | D | J_7LM08 |
146 | J_7LIZMR_V | REA View Info Systems: Assignm. Re.Partner to Article | D | J_7LM05 |
147 | J_7LIZMVRV | REA View: Info Systems: Assignm. Packaging to Article | D | J_7LM08 |
148 | J_7LIZMV_V | REA View: Info Systems: Assignm. Packaging to Article | D | J_7LM01 |
149 | J_7LIZMV_V2 | REA Info Systems Re.Part-Dep.Asgmt Packaging to Article View | D | J_7LM01 |
150 | J_7LIZMV_VG | REA Info Systems: Packaging Group-to-Article Asgmt View | D | J_7LM01 |
151 | J_7LIZMV_VG2 | REA Info Systems: RePart.Tab.PackGroup-to-Article Asgmt View | D | J_7LM01 |
152 | J_7LIZRF_V | REA View: Info Systems: Assignm. Re.Partner <=> Mater. Type | D | J_7LS03 |
153 | J_7LIZRF_V2 | REA Info Systems Re.Partner-to-Material Type Asgmt(no_stofe) | D | J_7LS03 |
154 | J_7LIZRV_V | REA View: Info Systems: Assignment Recycl. Partner/Packaging | D | J_7LV01 |
155 | J_7LIZRV_V_CW | REA View: Info Systems: Assignment Recycl. Partner/Packaging | D | J_7LV01 |
156 | J_7LM01_F4 | REA Input Help: Article Master Short Texts (w/o Ref.Art.) | D | J_7LM01 |
157 | J_7LM03_F4 | REA Input Help: Article Master Short Texts (w/o Ref.Art.) | D | MARA |
158 | J_7LM03_F4_E | REA Input Help: Article Master Short Texts (w/o Ref.Art.) | D | J_7LM03 |
159 | J_7LM03_F4_I | REA Input Help: Article Master Short Texts (w/o Ref.Art.) | D | J_7LM01 |
160 | J_7LM03_F4_VRKME | REA Input Help: Sales Units | H | J_7LM03 |
161 | J_7LM07_F4 | REA Input Help: Reference Article Master Short Texts | H | J_7LM07 |
162 | J_7LM11_V | REA Declaration Keys | D | J_7LM11 |
163 | J_7LMS_V1K_M11_V | REA: Declaration keys (not cancelled) with company code | D | J_7LM11 |
164 | J_7LMS_VMART | REA DME: Volume and mass for base unit of measure | D | J_7LM03 |
165 | J_7LMXE01_V | REA Price Modules: Selection of Trade Level Combinations | D | J_7LM04 |
166 | J_7LP01_F4 | REA Input Help: Price List Version(ENTNR-,LAND1-,BUKRS-Dep.) | H | J_7LP01 |
167 | J_7LP02_F4 | REA Input Help: Price List Items (Price List-Dependent) | H | J_7LP02 |
168 | J_7LPRINTER_F4 | REA F4 Input Help: Printer List for Form Printing (Jetform) | H | TSP03 |
169 | J_7LS01_F4 | REA Input Help: Internal Fractions | H | J_7LS01 |
170 | J_7LS02_F4 | REA Input Help: Re.Partner Fraction (ENTNR-, LAND1-Dep.) | H | J_7LS02 |
171 | J_7LV01V01T_F4_V | Language-Dependent Short Texts CwoMM | H | J_7LV01T |
172 | J_7LV01_F4 | REA Input Help: Packaging Short Text | D | J_7LV01 |
173 | J_7LV01_V01T_V | Language-Dependent Short Texts CwoMM | D | J_7LV01 |
174 | J_7LV01_V03 | General DB View V01 -V03 | D | J_7LV01 |
175 | J_7LV04_F4 | REA Input Help: Packaging Groups | H | J_7LV04 |
176 | J_7LV1P_F4 | REA F4 Input Help: Item Data of REA Declaration | H | J_7LV1P |
177 | J_7L_F01_V | Maintenance View for Favorites Key | C | J_7L_F01 |
178 | J_7L_F02_V | Maintenance View for Favorites Field Catalog | C | J_7L_F02 |
179 | J_7L_F10_V | Maintenance View Favorites Management Header Table | C | J_7L_F10 |
180 | J_7L_F11_V | Maintenance View Favorites Management Menu Entries | C | J_7L_F11 |
181 | J_7L_F12_V | Maintenance View Favorites Management Entries | C | J_7L_F12 |
182 | J_7L_F13_V | Favorites Management: User Referencing | C | J_7L_F13 |
183 | J_7L_FPL_MANDATE | REA: Attributes of FostPlus mandators | D | KNA1 |
184 | J_7L_V01_M | View of Packaging Master and Material Master (MARA) | D | J_7LV01 |
185 | J_7L_V01_MARA | View of Packaging Master and Material Master (MARA/MAKT) | D | J_7LV01 |
186 | J_PROJ01 | VMC-Testobjekt | P | J_TRANS01 |
187 | J_VIEW01 | VMC-Testobjekt | D | J_TRANS01 |
188 | J_VIEW_FULL01 | VMC-Testobjekt | D | J_TRANS01 |
189 | J_VIEW_GEN01 | VMC-Testobjekt | D | J_TRANS01 |
190 | J_VIEW_SINGLE01 | VMC-Testobjekt | D | J_TRANS01 |