View - H
# View Name Short Description View Type Basis Table
1 H_QDPS Inspection Stages for a Dynamic Modification Rule- Help View H QDPS 
2 H_QDSA QSS: Customizing QDSA/QDSAT Help View H QDSA 
3 H_QDSV Sampling Procedure Help View H QDSV 
4 H_REAJINDXPOINT Index Points for Index Series Without Base Year H T094P 
8 H_REBDAONOE Search Help for Arch. Object by Address D VIBDAO 
9 H_REBDAONOFL Search Help for Arch. Object by Functional Location D VIBDOBJASS 
11 H_REBDAREAUNIT Area Units H T006 
12 H_REBDRONRA General Rental Objects H VIBDRO 
13 H_REBDRONROC Rental Object by Availability H VIBDROOCC 
14 H_REBDROUSG Usage Types per Rental Object Type H TIVBDUSGROTYPE 
15 H_REBDUSGFUNC Function of Usage Objects H TIVBDUSGFUNC 
16 H_REBDUSGOBJTYPE Relevant Object Types of Usage View H TIVCAOBJTYPE 
17 H_REBPFORROLE Partners by BP Role D BUT000 
18 H_RECAAPPLSWITCH Switchable Subapplications H TIVCAAPPL 
19 H_RECAAROBJTYPE Archiving Objects H ARCH_OBJ 
23 H_RECAOBJTYPEAUT Object Types for Authorization Groups H TIVCAOBJTYPE 
24 H_RECAOBJTYPEDEL Object Types That Allow Deletion Without Archiving H TIVCAOBJTYPE 
26 H_RECAOBJTYPESTA Object Types with Status Management H TIVCAOBJTYPE 
27 H_RECASHSTRATSYS Active System-Defined Search Strategy H TIVCASHSTRATSYS 
28 H_RECASHSTRATUSR Active System-Defined User Strategy H TIVCASHSTRATUSR 
29 H_RECNCNTYPE Contract Type H TIV26 
30 H_RECNOBJECTTYPE Permitted Object Types for Contracts H TIVCAOBJTYPE 
31 H_RECNTPDEPOSIT Help View for Security Deposit Agreement Types H TIVCNCCTADD 
32 H_REEXOBJTYPECO Object Types for Default Settlement Profile H TIVCAOBJTYPE 
33 H_REITTCNOA Search Help: Correction Object H VIITTC 
34 H_RELMJLA Notice of Assessment - General H VILMJL 
35 H_RELMLRA Land register general H VILMLR 
36 H_RELMNAA Notice of Assessment - General D VILMNA 
37 H_RELMPEA Other Public Register - General H VILMPE 
38 H_RELMPECSA Public Register: Contamin./Non-Hazardous Waste - General H VILMPE 
39 H_RELMPECSB Public Register: Contamin./Non-Hazardous Waste - General H VILMPECS 
40 H_RELMPEDPA Public Register: Development Plan - General H VILMPE 
41 H_RELMPEERA Public Register: Easement Register - General H VILMPE 
42 H_RELMPEERB Public Register:Easement Type H VILMPEER 
43 H_RELMPELOCHIER Hierarchical Location for Other Public Registers H TIVBDLOCHIER 
44 H_RELMPEPSA Public Register: Site Protection - General H VILMPE 
45 H_RELMPLA General Parcel H VILMPL 
46 H_RELMPLLOCHIER Hierarchical Location for Parcels H TIVBDLOCHIER 
47 H_RELMRCA Parcel Update - General H VILMRC 
48 H_RELMUSGOBJTYPE Object Types of LUM Relevant for Function H TIVCAOBJTYPE 
49 H_REORCHARACT Fixt./Fittings Characteristic for Real Estate Search H TIVORCHARACT 
50 H_REORMPA General Move Plan H VIORMP 
51 H_REOROFA Contract Offer - General H VIOROF 
52 H_REOROOA Offered Object - General H VIOROO 
53 H_REORRRA General RE Search Request H VIORRR 
54 H_REORRSA General Reservation H VIORRS 
55 H_REORRSRECA Recurring Reservation (General) H VIORRSREC 
56 H_RERAINVNO Invoice Number D VIRAINV 
58 H_RERAOPACT Help View: Posting Activity for One-Time Postings H TIVRAOPACT 
59 H_RERAOPCC Helpview: Company Code/Mandate by Company Code Type H T001 
61 H_RERAPROIDREV Identifier of a Process H VICAPROCESSID 
62 H_RESCCCA View for Search Help RESCCCA D VISCCC 
63 H_RESCLOCKEY Regional Location Key for Heating Value Days H TIVA2 
64 H_RESCPROCESSID Identifier for a Settlement H VICAPROCESSID 
65 H_RESCPROCID_MM Identifier for a Settlement H VICAPROCESSID 
66 H_RESCSETTLIDCN Identifier for a Settlement H VISCS_RENT 
67 H_RESRPROCESSID Identifier for a Settlement H VICAPROCESSID 
71 H_RESRSETTLIDCN Identifier for a Settlement H VISRSTATUS 
72 H_RETPR2 Application Category H TPR2 
73 H_REWTY Help view: Entitlement withdrawal type H T7HK3E 
74 H_REXCFRPROID Identifier of a Process H VIXCFRPROCID 
75 H_REXCITCADOBJTY Object Types Relevant for Cadastral Merge/Split H TIVCAOBJTYPE 
78 H_RF180 Help View: Posting Runs for Balance Sheet Readjustment H RF180 
80 H_RFCDEST_T Help view for RFC destinations of type T (= TCP/IP) H RFCDES 
81 H_RFP Route schedule H BORRTTS 
82 H_RLKEY Search help for release key H TCC10 
83 H_RMA_VORGA Repair procedure: Action H TVRMAVK 
84 H_RODELTAM BW Delta Method: Help View for Input Help H RODELTAM 
85 H_RSIS DBView InfoSource D RSIS 
86 H_SDOCHLPF Connection: data element supplement / screen H THLPF 
87 H_SDOKIOTY Help view for BOR object types from info objects H SDOKIOTYPE 
88 H_SDOKLOCL Help view for classes for logical info objects H SDOKLOCL 
89 H_SDOKPHCL Help view for classes for physical info objects H SDOKPHCL 
90 H_SDOKRECL Help view for classes for links between info objects H SDOKRECL 
91 H_SETCLS Help View for Set Classes H SETCLS 
92 H_SITE_LIST View for Site Details - Queue Blocker Viewer D SMOHSITEID 
93 H_SKB1_PCA EC-PCA: G/L Accounts in the Company Code D SKB1 
95 H_SNUM Help View of BOM Explosion Number H SNUM 
97 H_STSMA Help view for status profile for object category H TJ21 
99 H_SUBSHLP Search Help Included H DD31S 
100 H_SUBSHLP_CDS Erzeugt aus Ddl Source SDSH_CDS_SUBSHLP D DD30T 
101 H_SWOTDV_M Methods for an Object Type H SWOTDV 
102 H_SWT_ACT Workflow: Actions for Workflow Trace H SWT_ACT 
103 H_SZENARIO Possible Entries for Scenarios H VTVSZKO 
104 H_S_UNIT Help view for units with dimension H T006 
105 H_T000 Generated help view for check table T000 H T000 
106 H_T001 "Help View for Company Codes" H T001 
107 H_T001F Help View: Company Code-Dependent Forms H T001F 
108 H_T001G Help View: Company Code-Dependent Standard Texts H T001G 
109 H_T001K Help View for Check Table T001K H T001K 
110 H_T001K_MLACT Input Help for Valuation Areas Where Material Ledger Active H T001K 
111 H_T001L Possible Entries for Storage Locations H T001L 
112 H_T001P Help View for Personnel Subareas H T001P 
113 H_T001P_JUPER Personnel Subarea and Legal Person H T001P 
114 H_T001S Help View for Accounting Clerks H T001S 
115 H_T001W Possible Entries for Plants H T001W 
116 H_T001W_BUKRS Input help for plants in a company code H T001W 
117 H_T001Y Help View for Table T001Y H T001Y 
118 H_T002 Language flag H T002 
119 H_T003 Help View for Document Types H T003 
120 H_T003O Help View for Validation Table T003O H T003O 
121 H_T003_FIAA Help View for Search Help SH_BELART_FIAA H T003 
122 H_T004 Chart of accounts help view H T004 
123 H_T004F Help view for field status groups H T004F 
124 H_T004R Help View H T004R 
125 H_T004V Help View for Field Status Variants H T004V 
126 H_T005 Help View for Countries H T005 
127 H_T005A Helpview generated for check table T005A H T005A 
128 H_T005E Helpview T005E H T005E 
129 H_T005G Helpview T005G H T005G 
130 H_T005Q Withholding Tax Country H T005Q 
131 H_T005S Generated Help View for Check Table T005S H T005S 
132 H_T005S_CH_UI Help View for Search Help for Canton H T005S 
133 H_T005S_PADES Country provinces H T005S 
134 H_T005_2 Help view for countries H T005 
135 H_T006 Help view for T006 H T006 
136 H_T006C Help View for 6-Char. Units of Measure H T006 
137 H_T006D Help view for check table T006D H T006D 
138 H_T006I ISO codes H T006I 
139 H_T006_BSP_UI Help View for T006 for CRM BSP UI H T006 
140 H_T006_DG Help View for Units of Measure with Several Dimensions H T006 
141 H_T006_EXP Help View for T006 (with enhancement select. dim-exponents) H T006 
142 H_T006_KZKEH Help View for T006: Business Units H T006A 
143 H_T006_LEINT Help View for T006 H T006 
144 H_T006_LVS Help View for T006 (With WM Extension Selection Dimension) H T006 
145 H_T006_MASS_VOL EHS: T006 with Dimension Restrictions: MASS and VOLUME H T006 
146 H_T006_PI Help View for Units with Dimension H T006 
147 H_T006_TIME Help View for T006 With Time Units H T006 
148 H_T006_TIME_SRV Help View for T006 with Time Units for Service H T006 
149 H_T006_TRM Help View for T006 (With TRM Extension Selection Dimension) H T006 
150 H_T006_USAGE Help View for T006 With Usage Units H T006 
151 H_T007A Help View for T007A H T007A 
152 H_T009 "Help View for Fiscal Year Variants" H T009 
153 H_T011 Balance sheet/profit and loss help view H T011 
154 H_T012 Help View for Table T012 H T012 
155 H_T012K Help View for Table T012K H T012K 
156 H_T014 "Help View Generated For Check Table T014" H T014 
157 H_T015L Help View for Table T015L H T015L 
158 H_T015W Help View for T015W H T015W 
159 H_T016 "Industry Texts" H T016 
160 H_T021B "Help View Generated for Check Table T021B" H T021B 
161 H_T022 Generated Help View for Check Table T022 H T022 
162 H_T023 Generated Help View for Check Table T023 H T023 
163 H_T024 Input Help for Purchasing Group H T024 
164 H_T024A Help View for T024A H T024A 
165 H_T024B "Help View For Credit Man.Credit Representative Group" H T024B 
166 H_T024C CAPP planner group H T024C 
167 H_T024D Help View for T024D - MRP Controllers H T024D 
168 H_T024E Input Help for Purchasing Organization H T024E 
169 H_T024F Help View for T024F H T024F 
170 H_T024I Maintenance planning group H T024I 
171 H_T024L Laboratory/Office H T024L 
172 H_T025 Help View for Check Table T025 H T025 
173 H_T025K Account Category Reference H T025K 
174 H_T027A Generated Help View for Check Table T027A H T027A 
175 H_T028D Help View for T028D H T028D 
176 H_T028G Help view for T038G H T028G 
177 H_T028H Help View for T028H H T028H 
178 H_T030S Help view for T030S H T030S 
179 H_T030_BIL Search help view for balance carried forward account H T030 
180 H_T033I Help View for T033I H T033I 
181 H_T033O "Help View for T033O" H T033O 
182 H_T035 Help View For Planning Groups H T035 
183 H_T035D Help View for Cash Management Account Names (Cash Mgmt) H T035D 
184 H_T036 Help View for Cash Management and Forecast Levels H T036 
185 H_T037 Help for Planning Types H T037 
186 H_T037A Help for Archiving Categories H T037A 
187 H_T037S Acct assignment ref. H T037S 
188 H_T038 Help for Cash Management and Forecast Groupings H T038 
189 H_T038V Help for Cash Management and Forecast Distribution H T038V 
190 H_T039 Help for Cash Management and Forecast Source Symbols H T039 
191 H_T040 "Help View Generated For Check Table T040" H T040 
192 H_T040S "Help View Generated For Check Table T040S" H T040S 
193 H_T041A "Help View Generated for Check Table T041A" H T041A 
194 H_T042Z Help View for Payment Methods H T042Z 
195 H_T043G Help_View for Customer/Vendor Tolerance Groups H T043G 
196 H_T044A "Help View Generated for Check Table T044A" H T044A 
197 H_T046 "Help View Generated for Check Table T046" H T046 
198 H_T047A "Help View Generated for Check Table T047A" H T047A 
199 H_T047M Help View T047M H T047M 
200 H_T048 Help_Views for Correspondence Types H T048 
201 H_T048K Help View Generated for Check Table T048K H T048K 
202 H_T049L Lockbox H T049L 
203 H_T055G Help View for Field Groups (Master Data) H T055G 
204 H_T056 Texts For Interest Indicators H T056 
205 H_T056R Interest Reference H T056R 
206 H_T059A Types of Recipient H T059A 
207 H_T059M Help_View for T059M H T059M 
208 H_T059Q Help_View for Table T059Q H T059Q 
209 H_T064A Generated Help View for Check Table T064A H T064A 
210 H_T064B Help View: Physical Inventory Stock Types H T064B 
211 H_T069 Generated Help View for Check Table T069 H T069 
212 H_T074U Help_View for T074U H T074U 
213 H_T077D Help_View for T077D H T077D 
214 H_T077K Help_View for Table T077K H T077K 
215 H_T082A Generated helpview for check table T082A H T082A 
216 H_T082B Generated Help View for Check Table T082B H T082B 
217 H_T082E Help view for views H T082E 
218 H_T085 Investment support measures H T085 
219 H_T086 Help View for Sort Versions in AA Reporting H T086 
220 H_T087 Help View for Table T087 H T087 
221 H_T087G Help View for 8 Character Evaluation Groups H T087G 
222 H_T087I Reason for investment H T087I 
223 H_T090 Generated Help View for Check Table T090 H T090 
224 H_T090C External Depreciation Keys H T090C 
225 H_T090R Period control Rules H T090R 
226 H_T090X Help View for Simulation Versions in Reporting H T090X 
227 H_T091 Generated Help View for Check Table T091 H T091 
228 H_T092 Property classification key H T092 
229 H_T093 Depreciation areas T093 H T093 
230 H_T093A Real Depreciation Areas T093A H T093A 
231 H_T094B Help view for base years/index types H T094B 
232 H_T094C "Index Classes with Text" H T094C 
233 H_T096 Help view for charts of depreciation H T096 
234 H_T097 Help view for property indicator H T097 
235 H_T098 Help-view: base manual property valuation H T098 
236 H_T099 Insurance types H T099 
237 H_T099A Help view for insurance companies H T099A 
238 H_T099B Help view for: insurance premiums H T099B 
239 H_T100A Help view for T100A H T100T 
240 H_T100SA Help View for Search Help T100SA H T100SA 
241 H_T132 Generated Help View for Check Table T132 H T132 
242 H_T134 Generated Help View for Check Table T134 H T134 
243 H_T136 Help View for Table T136 H T136 
244 H_T136A Generated Help View for Check Table T136A H T136A 
245 H_T136E Help View for Table T136E H T136E 
246 H_T136F Help View for Table T136F H T136F 
247 H_T137 Generated Help View for Check Table T137 H T137 
248 H_T141 Generated Help View for Check Table T141 H T141 
249 H_T142 Storage Conditions H T142 
250 H_T143 Temperature Conditions H T143 
251 H_T144 Container Requirements H T144 
252 H_T148 Special Stock Indicator H T148 
253 H_T148K Help View for T148K H T148K 
254 H_T148Z Help view for table T148Z H T148Z 
255 H_T149 Help View for Check Table T149 H T149 
256 H_T149C Generated Help View for Check Table T149C H T149C 
257 H_T149D Possible Entries for Valuation Types H T149D 
258 H_T151 Helpview Generated for Check Table T151 H T151 
259 H_T156 Generated Help View for Check Table T156 H T156 
260 H_T157D Generated Help View for Check Table T157D H T157D 
261 H_T157O Help View for Table T1570 - Display Rule H T157P 
262 H_T157Q Help View for Table T157Q - Display Rule H T157Q 
263 H_T158B Generated Help View for Check Table T156 H T158B 
264 H_T158V Help View for Transaction/Event Type H T158V 
265 H_T159G Help View for Inventory Sampling Profile H T159G 
266 H_T159O Text: Application Object H T159O 
267 H_T159P Printer Location H T159P 
268 H_T159Q Help View for T159Q H T159Q 
269 H_T160L Generated Help View for Check Table T160L H T160L 
270 H_T160M Message Control: Purchasing H T160M 
271 H_T160S Generated Help View for Check Table T160S H T160S 
272 H_T161 Generated Help View for Check Table T161 H T161 
273 H_T161E Input Help for Release Codes H T161E 
274 H_T161S Generated Help View for Check Table T161S H T161S 
275 H_T161_MR11 Help View of Purchasing Docu. Cat. for GR/IR Accnt Mainten. H T161 
276 H_T162 Help View for T162 H T162 
277 H_T162Y Help View for T162Y H T162Y 
278 H_T163 Help View for T163 H T163 
279 H_T163B Generated Help View for Check Table T163B H T163B 
280 H_T163K Generated Help View for Check Table T163K H T163K 
281 H_T168F Help View for T168F H T168F 
282 H_T169E Generated Help View for Check Table T169E H T169E 
283 H_T171 Helpview generated for check table T171 H T171 
284 H_T173 Helpview Generated for Check Table T173 H T173 
285 H_T176 Helpview Generated for Check Table T176 H T176 
286 H_T178 Helpview Generated for Check Table T178 H T178 
287 H_T179 Helpview Generated for Check Table T179 H T179 
288 H_T180B Helpview Generated for Check Table T180B H T180B 
289 H_T188 Helpview Generated for Check Table T188 H T188 
290 H_T189 Helpview Generated for Check Table T189 H T189 
291 H_T237A Generated Helpview for Check Table T237A H T237A 
292 H_T239 Generated Helpview for Check Table T239 H T239 
293 H_T241W Helpview for Value Types (T241W) H T242W 
294 H_T242I SAP-EIS: Sender Programs H T242I 
295 H_T242P View for the Pages in Report Portfolio Reports H T242P 
296 H_T242Q Currency translation key --> T242Q H T242Q 
297 H_T242V Helpview T242V data areas H T242V 
298 H_T242Z View for User Groups H T242Z 
299 H_T2512 Generated Helpview for Check Table T2512 H T2512 
300 H_T2514 Generated Helpview for Check Table T2514 H T2514 
301 H_T300 Help View for Check-Table T300 Warehouse Number H T300 
302 H_T301 Help View for Check-Table T301 H T301 
303 H_T302 Generated Help View for Check-Table T302 H T302 
304 H_T303 Generated Help View for Check-Table T303 H T303 
305 H_T304 Generated Help View for Check-Table T304 H T304 
306 H_T305 Generated Help View for Check-Table T305 H T305 
307 H_T306 Help View for Table T306 H T306 
308 H_T307 Generated Help View for Check-Table T307 H T307 
309 H_T308 Help View for Check Table T308 H T308 
310 H_T309 Generated Help View for Check-Table T309 H T309 
311 H_T311 Help View for Table T311 H T311 
312 H_T329F Generated Help View for Check-Table T329F H T329F 
313 H_T329P Help View for Table T329P H T329P 
314 H_T330 Generated Help View for Check-Table T330 H T330 
315 H_T333 Generated Help View for Check-Table T333 H T333 
316 H_T333A Generated Help View for Check-Table T333A H T333A 
317 H_T336 Generated Help View for Check-Table T336 H T336 
318 H_T337A Help View for Table T337A H T337A 
319 H_T338 Help View for Bulk Storage Indicators H T338 
320 H_T354B Help view for T354B-VRGNG H T354B 
321 H_T356 Priorities H T356 
322 H_T357 Plant section help view H T357 
323 H_T370B Help view for technical object authorization group H T370B 
324 H_T370C ABC indicator H T370C 
325 H_T370F Functional location category H T370F 
326 H_T370FLT Help View: Fleet Object Types (Subset of Equipment Types) H T370FLT 
327 H_T370K Equipment type H T370K 
328 H_T370N Network Categories H T370N 
329 H_T370O Help View: ObjCategories Allowed for MeasPoints & Documents H T370O 
330 H_T370R Reference functional location category H T370R 
331 H_T370S Functional Location Structure Indicators H T370S 
332 H_T370T EquipCategories H T370T 
333 H_T372M Help View for V_T372M H T372M 
334 H_T399I Planning plant help view H T399I 
335 H_T405 Help View for T405 H T405 
336 H_T411 Help View for T411: "Usages" H T411 
337 H_T412 Help View for T412: "Status" H T412 
338 H_T413 Spare Part Indicator Help View H T413 
339 H_T415S BOM Status Help View H T415S 
340 H_T416 BOM Usage Help View H T416 
341 H_T417 Material Provision Indicator Help View H T417 
342 H_T418 Item Categories Help View H T418 
343 H_T418F Variable-Size Item Formula Help View H T418F 
344 H_T419S Change Master Status Help View H T419S 
345 H_T421 Help View for T412: "Wage Groups" H T421 
346 H_T423 Help View for T423: "Qualifications Keys" H T423 
347 H_T425 Help View for T425: "Setup Group Keys " H T425 
348 H_T426 Help View for T426: "Setup Group Categories" H T426 
349 H_T428 Help View for T428: "Setup Type Keys" H T428 
350 H_T429 Help View for T429: "Types of Std. Value Determination" H T429 
351 H_T430 Help View for T430: "Control Keys" H T430 
352 H_T433 "View for Table T433" H T433 
353 H_T435 Help View for T435: "Standard Text Keys" H T435 
354 H_T436A Floats for Scheduling H T436A 
355 H_T437E View of Withdrawal Sequence Group H T437E 
356 H_T437P Planning IDs H T437P 
357 H_T438A Generated Help View for Check Table T438A H T438A 
358 H_T438M T438M ( MRP Group ) H T438M 
359 H_T439A Lot-Sizing Procedures H T439A 
360 H_T439G Help View: PP Planning Periods (MRPPP Domains) H T439G 
361 H_T439L Storage Cost Percentage for Optimum Lot Size H T439L 
362 H_T439P Splitting Forecast Requirements in MRP H T439P 
363 H_T440P Forecast profiles H T440P 
364 H_T441R Checking Rule H T441R 
365 H_T445G Help view for planning macros H T445N 
366 H_T445O Language-Dependent Operation Description H T445O 
367 H_T445T Helpview for Planning Types H T445P 
368 H_T449A Period Split H T449A 
369 H_T450U User exit control key material selection - MRP H T450U 
370 H_T457A Processing Key for Planning Runs H T457A 
371 H_T457G Evaluation Profiles H T457G 
372 H_T457L Help View: MPS Evaluation Texts H T457L 
373 H_T458A Generated Help View for Check Table T458A H T458A 
374 H_T459 Helpview Generated for Check Table T459 H T459 
375 H_T459A Generated Help View for Check Table T459A H T459A 
376 H_T459K Helpview generated for check table T459K H T459K 
377 H_T459S Period Split H T459S 
378 H_T459V Versions H T459V 
379 H_T460A Special Procurement H T460A 
380 H_T460C Order Types for Processing Planned Orders H T460C 
381 H_T461S Planning Strategies H T461S 
382 H_T476 Helpview generated for checking table T476 H T476 
383 H_T499Q Help View for T499Q H T499Q 
384 H_T499R Help View for T499R: Reduction Levels H T499R 
385 H_T499S "Location" H T499S 
386 H_T500L_ELETTER Countries usable for eLetter H T500L_CUST 
387 H_T500P Help View for Table T500P (Personnel Areas) H T500P 
388 H_T500W_MOLGA Helpview for searchhelp H T500W 
389 H_T500W_PERNR helpview for Search Help HR_T500W_FROM_PERNR H T500W 
390 H_T501T Help View for Employee Groups H T501T 
391 H_T502T Helpview T502T (marital status) H T502T 
392 H_T503 Help View for Table T503 H T503 
393 H_T503T Help View for Employee Subgroups H T503T 
394 H_T503Z Help View for Table T503Z H T503Z 
395 H_T505K Help View for T505K H T505K 
396 H_T505M Generated Help View for Check Table T505M H T505M 
397 H_T505R Generated Help View for Check Table T505R H T505R 
398 H_T505U Generated Help View for Check Table T505U H T505U 
399 H_T505X Generated Help View for Check Table T505X H T505X 
400 H_T505Z Help View for T505Z H T505Z 
401 H_T506T Help View for Loan Terms H T506T 
402 H_T508A Help View for Work Schedule Rules H T508A 
403 H_T508A_UI_DE Help View for Work Schedule Rules H T508A 
404 H_T508T Help View for Employee Subgroup Grouping for Work Schedules H T508T 
405 H_T508Z Help View for Eligibility of PS Grpg for Work Schedules H T508Z 
406 H_T510 Help View for T510 H T510 
407 H_T510A Help View for Pay Scale Types H T510A 
408 H_T510G Help View for Pay Scale Areas H T510G 
409 H_T510O Help View for Cost-of-Living Allowances (Civil Service) H T510O 
410 H_T510P Help View for Eligibility of Premium Indicators H T510P 
411 H_T510T Help View for Eligibility of Premium Numbers H T510T 
412 H_T510V Help View: Processing Types H T510V 
413 H_T511 Help View for Table T511 H T511 
414 H_T511K Help View for Payroll Constants H T511K 
415 H_T511M Help View for Wage Type Models H T511M 
416 H_T512E Helpview for Evaluation Classes H T52D3 
417 H_T512P Helpview for Processing Classes H T52D1 
418 H_T512Z Help View for Wage Type Permissibility H T512Z 
419 H_T512Z_B Help View T512Z (not all infotypes) H T512Z 
420 H_T513 Help View for Jobs H T513 
421 H_T513C Help View for Secondary Employment Activities H T513C 
422 H_T513G Help View for Appraisal Groups H T513G 
423 H_T513H Help View for Appraisal Criteria H T513H 
424 H_T513P Help View for Pension Reserve Groups H T513P 
425 H_T513_1 View for table T513 D T513 
426 H_T514D Forms of Classes TEDT and TELU H T514D 
427 H_T514F Form Class and Description H T514F 
428 H_T515A Help View for Fund Types H T515A 
429 H_T516T Religious Denominations H T516T 
430 H_T517T Help View for Educational Establishment Type Designations H T517T 
431 H_T517Y Generated Help View for Check Table T517Y H T517Y 
432 H_T518A Generated Help View for Check Table T518A H T518A 
433 H_T518D Generated Help View for Check Table T518D H T518D 
434 H_T519T Help View for Final Certificates H T519T 
435 H_T51B3 Help View for Archiving Groups H T51B1 
436 H_T51D4 Rule Number H T51D4 
437 H_T51D5 Starting Point H T51D5 
438 H_T51R1 Helpview for Transfer Request H T51R1 
439 H_T51R2 Helpview for Transfer Numbers H T51R2 
440 H_T51RK Remittance Rules H T51RK 
441 H_T51T5 Object, for which a tax form will be issued H T51T5 
442 H_T521B Help View for Payee Keys H T521B 
443 H_T521B_FI Help view for payee keys (Finland) H T521B 
444 H_T521C Payee Authorization for Infotypes H T521C 
445 H_T521C_228 Execution offices for garnishments (Finland) H T521B 
446 H_T521C_UI_DE Payee Authorization for Infotypes H T521C 
447 H_T522G_PIQ Search Help for Gender H T522G 
448 H_T522T Help View for T522T (Forms of Address) H T522T 
449 H_T523T Help View for Challenge Types H T523T 
450 H_T525O Calculation Process for Slctn Classes for Evaluation Model H T525O 
451 H_T525TRP Reasons Allowed for Time Specification Type H T525TRP 
452 H_T525Z Permissibility of an Infotype in a Selection Rule H T525Z 
453 H_T526 Help View for Administrators H T526 
454 H_T527O Help View for Organizational Key Validation H T527O 
455 H_T527X Help View for Organizational Units H T527X 
456 H_T528B Help View for Positions H T528B 
457 H_T528B_1 View for table T528B D T528B 
458 H_T528B_A Help View for Positions H T528T 
459 H_T529A Help View for Personnel Action Types H T529A 
460 H_T529U Help View for Action Status H T529U 
461 H_T52B3 Help View for Table T52B3 H T52B3 
462 H_T52BM Help View for Table T52BM H T52BM 
463 H_T52BN Help View for Table T52BN H T52BN 
464 H_T52CD HR-HK: Help view for T52CD H T52CD 
465 H_T52CE Helpview for Table T52CE H T52CE 
466 H_T52D7 Helpview for T52D7 with Texts H T52D7 
467 H_T52G0 Jurisdiction H T52G0 
468 H_T52G2 Garnishment category H T52G2 
469 H_T52G4 Agency H T52G4 
470 H_T52G7 Debt H T52G7 
471 H_T52G9 Model for the gross/net H T52G9 
472 H_T52GB Model for the non-exempt amount H T52GB 
473 H_T52GD Model for the relationship to other debts H T52GD 
474 H_T52GF Calculation rule for the non-exempt amount H T52GF 
475 H_T52OCR Off-Cycle Reasons Depend on Type H T52OCR 
476 H_T530 Help View for Reasons for Actions H T530 
477 H_T530E Help View for Reasons for Change H T530E 
478 H_T530F Help View for Reasons for Changes H T530F 
479 H_T531 Generated Help View for Check Table T531 H T531 
480 H_T533 Help View for Eligibility of Leave Types H T533 
481 H_T535N Help View for Name Affixes H T535N 
482 H_T535T Help View for Professional Status (DUEVO) H T535T 
483 H_T535V Help View for ASB Texts H T535V 
484 H_T536A Help View for Addresses H T536A 
485 H_T536B Help View for Communication Keys H T536B 
486 H_T536T Help View for Education and Training (DUEVO) H T536T 
487 H_T538A Help View for Table T538A H T538A 
488 H_T538A_CMP Helpview for T738A (Not all Values) H T538A 
489 H_T538A_UI_DE Help View for Units H T538A 
490 H_T538B Help View for Units of Time/Measurement H T538B 
491 H_T538C Help View for Table T538C H T538C 
492 H_T538D Help View for Units of Time/Measurement H T538D 
493 H_T539J Helpview T539J H T539J 
494 H_T539R Help View for Wage Maintenance H T539R 
495 H_T541A Helpview for T541A H T541A 
496 H_T542T Help View for Employment Contracts H T542T 
497 H_T543 Generated Help View for Check Table T543 H T543 
498 H_T543A Statistics H T543A 
499 H_T543B Statistical Exceptions H T543B 
500 H_T544A Car rule H T544A