SAP ABAP Transaction Code - Index A
Transaction Code - A
# | Transaction code | Short Description | Corresponding Report (if exist) |
3 | AACCOBJ | Display Active Acct Assgnmt Elements | RAACCOBJ01 |
4 | AARC | Archiving Asset Accounting | |
5 | AART | Reading of Archive Data | RAARCH_TEST_READ_BY_ID |
6 | AATENV1 | Create Data Collection | FAA_TENV_RETRIEVE_DATA_COLLECT |
9 | AAVN | Recalculate base insurable value | RAVRSN00 |
10 | AB01 | Create asset transactions | SAPMA01B |
11 | AB01L | Create asset transactions | SAPLAMDPS2I |
12 | AB02 | Change asset document | SAPLAB01 |
13 | AB03 | Display Asset Document | SAPLAB01 |
14 | AB08 | Reverse Line Items | SAPLAB01 |
15 | ABAA | Unplanned depreciation | SAPMA01B |
16 | ABAAL | Unplanned depreciation | SAPLAMDPS2I |
17 | ABAD | Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer | SAPMF05A |
18 | ABAD0 | Derivation: Initial Screen | SAPMABADR |
19 | ABAD_OLD | Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer | SAPMF05A |
20 | ABAKL | Last Retirement on Group Asset | SAPLAMDPS2I |
21 | ABAKN | Last Retirement on Group Asset | SAPLAMDP |
22 | ABAO | Asset Sale Without Customer | |
23 | ABAOL | Asset Sale Without Customer | SAPLAMDPS2I |
24 | ABAON | Asset Sale Without Customer | SAPLAMDP |
25 | ABAPDOCU | Display ABAP Documentation | ABAP_DOCU_START |
26 | ABAPHELP | Search ABAP Documentation | ABAP_DOCU_START |
27 | ABAP_DOCU_SHOW | Call ABAP Keyword Documentation | SAPLABAP_DOCU |
28 | ABAP_TRACE | ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis | SAPLS_ABAP_TRACE_DATA |
29 | ABAV | Asset Retirement by Scrapping | SAPMA01B |
30 | ABAVL | Asset Retirement by Scrapping | SAPLAMDPS2I |
31 | ABAVN | Asset Retirement by Scrapping | SAPLAMDP |
32 | ABAW | Balance sheet revaluation | SAPMA01B |
33 | ABAWL | Revaluation | SAPLAMDPS2I |
34 | ABAWN | New value method | SAPLAMDP |
35 | ABB1 | Correction of Asset Accounts | SAPMF05A |
36 | ABCO | Adjustment Posting to Areas | SAPMA01B |
37 | ABCOL | Adjustment Posting to Areas | |
38 | ABDBG_TRACE | Debugger Trace | ABDBG_TRACE |
39 | ABF1 | Post Document | SAPMF05A |
40 | ABF1L | Post Document in Ledger Group | SAPMF05A |
41 | ABGF | Credit Memo in Year after Invoice | SAPMA01B |
42 | ABGFL | Credit Memo in Year after Invoice | SAPLAMDPS2I |
43 | ABGL | Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoice | SAPMA01B |
44 | ABGLL | Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoice | SAPLAMDPS2I |
45 | ABIF | Investment support | SAPMA01B |
46 | ABIFL | Investment Support | SAPLAMDPS2I |
47 | ABMA | Manual depreciation | SAPMA01B |
48 | ABMAL | Manual Depreciation | SAPLAMDPS2I |
49 | ABMR | Manual transfer of reserves | SAPMA01B |
50 | ABMRL | Manual transfer of reserves | SAPLAMDPS2I |
51 | ABMW | Reverse asset trans. using doc. no. | SAPLAB01 |
52 | ABNA | Post-capitalization | SAPMA01B |
53 | ABNAL | Post-Capitalization | SAPLAMDPS2I |
54 | ABNAN | Post-Capitalization | SAPLAMDP |
55 | ABNC | Enter post-capitalization | SAPMA01B |
56 | ABNE | Subsequent Revenue | SAPMA01B |
57 | ABNEL | Subsequent Revenue | SAPLAMDPS2I |
58 | ABNK | Subsequent Costs | SAPMA01B |
59 | ABNKL | Subsequent Costs | SAPLAMDPS2I |
60 | ABNV | Number range maint: FIAA-BELNR | SAPMSNUM |
61 | ABSE61 | SE61 for ABAP, ABEN and DYNP Objects | ABAP_DOCU_EDIT |
62 | ABSO | Miscellaneous Transactions | SAPMA01B |
63 | ABSOL | Miscellaneous Transactions | |
64 | ABSO_OLD | Miscellaneous Transactions | SAPMA01B |
65 | ABST | Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA | RAABST01 |
66 | ABST2 | Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA | RAABST02 |
67 | ABSTL | Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA | FAA_GL_RECON |
68 | ABT1 | Intercompany Asset Transfer | SAPLAMDP_OLD |
69 | ABT1N | Intercompany Asset Transfer | SAPLAMDP |
70 | ABUB | Transfer between areas | SAPLABUM |
71 | ABUBN | Transfer between areas | SAPLAMDP |
72 | ABUM | Transfer From | |
73 | ABUML | Transfer within Company Code | SAPLAMDPS2I |
74 | ABUMN | Transfer within Company Code | SAPLAMDP |
75 | ABUZSM | Maintain Line Item Schema | |
76 | ABZE | Acquisition from in-house production | SAPMA01B |
77 | ABZEL | Acquisition from In-House Production | SAPLAMDPS2I |
78 | ABZK | Acquisition from purchase w. vendor | SAPMF05A |
79 | ABZO | Asset acquis. autom. offset. posting | SAPMA01B |
80 | ABZOL | Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry | SAPLAMDPS2I |
81 | ABZON | Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry | SAPLAMDP |
82 | ABZP | Acquistion from affiliated company | SAPMA01B |
83 | ABZPL | Acquistion from Affiliated Company | SAPLAMDPS2I |
84 | ABZS | Enter write-up | SAPMA01B |
85 | ABZU | Write-up | SAPMA01B |
86 | ABZUL | Writeup | SAPLAMDPS2I |
87 | ABZV | Asset Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acct | SAPMF05A |
88 | AC00 | Service Master | MENUAC00 |
89 | AC01 | Service Master | SAPLBAS0 |
90 | AC02 | Service Master | SAPLBAS0 |
91 | AC03 | Service Master | SAPLBAS0 |
92 | AC04 | Service Master | SAPLBAS0 |
93 | AC05 | List Processing: Service Master | RXASMD10 |
94 | AC06 | List Display: Service Master | RXASMD10 |
95 | AC08 | Send service | RBDSESRV |
96 | AC10 | Class Hierarchy with Services | RMMLCLST |
97 | ACACACT | Calculate and Post Accruals | ACAC_PERIODIC_POSTING |
98 | ACACAD | ACE Account Assignment | ACEPSCALLBKEDR |
99 | ACACADCONT01 | Accrl Acct Detmn: Mntn Entry Area 01 | ACEPS_ACCDET |
100 | ACACADCONT02 | Acct Determntn: Mntn Entries Area 02 | ACEPS_ACCDET |
101 | ACACADMETA01 | Acct Determntn: Define Rule Area 01 | ACEPS_ACCDET |
102 | ACACADMETA02 | Acct Determntn: Define Rule Area 02 | ACEPS_ACCDET |
103 | ACACADMETASGL | Act Dtmn: Define Simple Set of Rules | ACEPS_ACCDET |
104 | ACACAD_MAIN | Acct Determination: Maintain Entries | ACEPSCALLBKEDR |
105 | ACACAD_META | Account Determination: Rule Definitn | ACEPSCALLBKEDR |
106 | ACACARCHPREP | Preparation of the Archiving Run | ACAC_ARCHIVING_PREPARE |
107 | ACACCARRYFORWARD | Balance Carryforward | ACAC_CARRY_FORWARD |
108 | ACACDATADEL | Deletion of Data in the Accrl Engine | ACE_LEGACY_DATA_DELETE |
110 | ACACDSITEMS | Reporting Accrual Objects ACAC | ACAC_DSITEMS |
111 | ACACDSPARAMS | Reporting ACE Object Parameter ACAC | ACAC_DSPARAMS |
112 | ACACFIRECON | Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation | ACAC_FI_RECONCILIATION |
113 | ACACFISCYEAR | Open/Lock Fiscal Years in ACE | |
114 | ACACIMG | Accrual Accounting IMG | ACAC_IMG |
115 | ACACPPLOG | Display Periodic Posting Runs | |
117 | ACACPSITEMS | Display Totals Values in ACAC | ACAC_PSITEMS |
118 | ACACREVERS | Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs | ACAC_REVERSAL_POSTING |
119 | ACACTRANSFER | Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting | ACAC_POSTINGS_2_ACC_TRANSFR |
120 | ACACTRANSFERCUST | Settings for data collection | |
121 | ACACTREE01 | Create Accrual Objects | ACAC_BASISDATA_CREATE |
122 | ACACTREE02 | Edit Accrual Objects | ACAC_BASISDATA_SEL_FOR_MAIN |
123 | ACAC_ACEPS_APPLLOG | Number Range Maintenance: ACEAPPLLOG | SAPMSNUM |
124 | ACAC_NUMOBJ | Number Range Maintenance: ACAC_OBJ | SAPMSNUM |
125 | ACB1 | Compact Account Balance Display | SAPLFACB1000 |
126 | ACBD | Display Shared Buffer: ATP Check | ATPBD001 |
127 | ACC01 | Account Maintenance FI-AA | |
128 | ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_CD | access sequence for App CRM usage CD | |
129 | ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_FG | Access Sequences for Free Goods | |
130 | ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_LI | Access Sequ. for Listing & Exclusion | |
131 | ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_PD | Access Sequences for Product Determ. | |
132 | ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_PR | CRM PR Access Sequence | |
133 | ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_SL | Access Sequence for Usage SL | |
134 | ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_VD | CRM PR Access Sequence | |
135 | ACCMAP | Convert Depreciation Areas | |
136 | ACCN | Nummernkreispflege: ACCR_BELNR | SAPMSNUM |
137 | ACCR | Personal Menu Volker Hofmann | MENUACCR |
138 | ACCR01 | Create Accrual/Deferral Document | SAPMACCR01 |
139 | ACCR02 | Change Accrual/Deferral Document | SAPMACCR01 |
140 | ACCR03 | Display Accrual/Deferral Document | SAPMACCR01 |
141 | ACCR04 | Execute Accruals/Deferrals | RACCRPROCESS |
142 | ACCR05 | Display Accruals/Deferrals Log | RACCRAPPLOG |
143 | ACCR06 | Delete Accruals/Deferrals Log | RACCRAPPLOGDEL |
144 | ACCR07 | Reverse Accruals/Deferrals | RACCRREVERSAL |
145 | ACCT_DETER | Report for Account Determination | RFVD_ACCT_DETERMINATION |
146 | ACC_CHECK | Accessibility Checktool CRM PC UI | CHECK_ACCESSIBILITY |
147 | ACC_CUST_CALL | Call Customizing Transaction | ACC_CUST_CALL |
149 | ACC_ECS_ACP04_CONF | Minimum Amount for ECS Items | RGLE_ECS_ACP04_CONF |
151 | ACC_ECS_AGING | Aging List for ECS Items | RGLE_ECS_AGING |
152 | ACC_ECS_ARC_CUST | Customizing Object GLE_ECS | |
153 | ACC_ECS_BALANCING | Differences btw ECS and GL Balances | RGLE_ECS_BALANCING |
154 | ACC_ECS_DCT_CONF | Define First-Level Checks | RGLE_ECS_DCT001_CONF |
155 | ACC_ECS_DIR_INPUT_PP | Document Posting as Parallel Job | RGLE_ECS_DIRECT_INPUT_PP |
156 | ACC_ECS_FILE_EDITOR | ECS File Editor | |
157 | ACC_ECS_IF_CONF | ECS: Define Parameters | RGLE_ECS_IF001_CONF |
158 | ACC_ECS_LIST | List of ECS Items (All Criteria) | RGLE_ECS_LIST |
159 | ACC_ECS_LOG_DISPLAY | Display ECS Application Logs | RGLE_ECS_MSG_LOG_DISPLAY |
160 | ACC_ECS_MAINTAIN | Edit Error Correction Items | RGLE_ECS_UI_DIALOG |
161 | ACC_ECS_MASS_REVERSE | Mass Reversal of Documents | RGLE_ECS_REVERSE_BY_RUNID |
162 | ACC_ECS_RECONC | Reconcilation Report | RGLE_ECS_RECONC |
164 | ACC_ECS_RUNADM | ECS Run Administration | RGLE_ECS_RUNADM |
165 | ACC_ECS_SNUM_AWREF | ECS: Maintain Number Ranges AWREF | |
166 | ACC_ECS_SNUM_RUNID | ECS Number Range Maintenance Run ID | |
167 | ACC_ECS_STAFF | Corrections/Deletions by User | RGLE_ECS_STAFF |
168 | ACC_ECS_STATISTIC | Statistics for ECS Items | RGLE_ECS_STATISTIC |
169 | ACC_ECS_TREND | Trend for Past 6 Months | RGLE_ECS_TREND |
170 | ACC_PERIOD | Open and Close Periods | |
171 | ACC_SYSTEM_SELECTION | Accounting Selections | ACC_SYSTEM_SELECT |
172 | ACC_SYSTEM_SET | Set Accounting System | ACC_SYSTEM_SET |
174 | ACEACM | Accrual Methods | |
175 | ACEADET | Accrual Engine: Acct Determination | |
176 | ACEADETCUST | Accrual Engine: Acct Determination | |
177 | ACEADETCUST_D | Accrual Engine: Acct Determn Display | |
178 | ACEADETCUST_DISP | Accrual Engine: Acct Determn Display | |
179 | ACEADET_D | Accrual Engine: Change Acct Detrmntn | |
180 | ACEADET_DISP | Accrual Engine: Change Acct Detrmntn | |
181 | ACEARCHPREP | Preparation of the Archiving Run | ACE_ARCHIVING_PREPARE |
182 | ACEC | Accrual Engine - IMG | ACE_IMG |
183 | ACECOMP | Components Setup | |
184 | ACEDATADEL | Deletion of Data in the Accrl Engine | ACE_LEGACY_DATA_DELETE |
187 | ACEPP | Accrual Engine - Periodic Postings | ACEPS_PERIODIC_POSTING |
188 | ACEPS | Posting Schema for Accruals | |
189 | ACEPSAD | ACE Account Assignment | ACEPSCALLBKEDR |
190 | ACEPSADCONT01 | Acct Determntn: Maintn Entry Step 01 | ACEPS_ACCDET |
191 | ACEPSADCONT02 | Acct Determntn: Maintn Entry Step 02 | ACEPS_ACCDET |
192 | ACEPSADFILA1 | ACE Acct Determination: FILA Area 1 | |
193 | ACEPSADFILA1CUST | ACE Acct Determination: FILA Area 1 | |
194 | ACEPSADFILA2 | ACE Acct Determination: FILA Area 2 | |
195 | ACEPSADFILA2CUST | ACE Acct Determination: FILA Area 2 | |
196 | ACEPSADMETA01 | Acct Determntn: Define Rule Step 01 | ACEPS_ACCDET |
197 | ACEPSADMETA02 | Acct Determntn: Define Rule Step 02 | ACEPS_ACCDET |
198 | ACEPSADMETASGL | Acct Detrmn: Define Single-Step Rule | ACEPS_ACCDET |
199 | ACEPSAD_MAIN | Acct Determination: Maintain Entries | ACEPSCALLBKEDR |
200 | ACEPSAD_META | Acct Determination: Define Rules | ACEPSCALLBKEDR |
201 | ACEPS_ACEDOCNR | Number Range Maintenance: ACEPSDOCNR | SAPMSNUM |
202 | ACEPS_APPLLOG | Number Range Maintenance: ACEAPPLLOG | SAPMSNUM |
203 | ACEPS_AWREF | Number Range Maintenance: ACE | SAPMSNUM |
204 | ACEPS_RUNID | Number Range Maint: ACE Posting Run | |
205 | ACEPS_RUNID_TST | Number Range: Test Posting Run ACE | |
206 | ACEPS_TRANS | Transfer ACE Documents to Accounting | ACEPS_POSTINGS_2_ACC_TRANSFER |
207 | ACEREV | Reverse Postings | ACEPS_REVERSAL_POSTING |
209 | ACE_CHECKOFF | Extended Data Checks off | ACE_EXTENDED_CHECK |
210 | ACE_CHECKON | Extended Data Check on | ACE_EXTENDED_CHECK |
211 | ACE_COMP_SET | Set the Component in Accrual Engine | ACE_COMPONENT_SET |
212 | ACE_DESIGN | ACE design data overview | CRM_ACE_REPORT_DESIGN |
213 | ACE_RUNTIME | ACE Runtime Data Overview | CRM_ACE_REPORT_RT |
214 | ACE_UPDATE | ACE update tool | CRM_ACE_REFRESH_TOOLS |
215 | ACF_WHITELIST_SETUP | Install ACF Security List | WDR_ACF_WL_INSTALL |
216 | ACLA | Define Archiving Classes | |
217 | ACNR | No. Range Maintenance: Ext. Service | SAPMSNUM |
218 | ACO1 | Activities for Authorization Check | |
219 | ACO2 | Authorization Check Object Types | |
220 | ACO3 | Allowed Activities per Object Type | |
221 | ACO4 | Change Documents for ACO Objects | |
222 | ACOMPXPD | Progress Tracking Evaluations | RCOMPANALYSIS |
223 | ACO_ADMIN_OTYPE | Object Category for Auth. Admin. | |
224 | ACO_PROXY | SAP ACO Proxy generation | CREATE_ACO_PROXY |
225 | ACPTOOL | for admin cock pit sanity check tool | RSTCT_ADM_CP_CHECK_TOOL |
226 | ACSET | Maint.Acct Types for Acct Asgmt Obj. | |
227 | ACTEXP_APPR | Approve Working Times and Trips | R_APPROVE_ACTIVITIES_EXPENSES |
228 | ACTEXP_APPR_LITE | Approve Working Times and Trips | R_APPROVE_ACTIVITIES_EXPENSES |
229 | ACTIVATE | Activation of DDIC Object | RBCA_ACTIVATE_DDIC |
230 | ACTL | INTERNAL: Work List | SAPLKAZB |
232 | ACT_MIGR | Activity Migration | ACT_MIGR |
234 | AC_ALRT_DOC | Call alert documentation editor | AC_ALRT_DOC |
235 | AD08 | Enter G/L Account Posting | SAPMSD08 |
236 | AD0M | New A&D functionality | MENUAD0M |
237 | AD1T | Clear down payment requests | AD01DPR2 |
238 | AD20 | Search help maintenance (for IMG) | SAPLSD30 |
239 | AD21 | Matchcode maintenance (for IMG) | SAPMSD20 |
240 | AD31 | Plan data handling | AD03PDH1 |
241 | AD32 | Costs-to-complete evaluation | AD03CTC1 |
242 | AD3P | Plan data handling profile | |
243 | AD3V | Version type and text maintenance | |
244 | AD43 | Assessment Preprocessor with rollup | AD04CSF3 |
245 | AD4P | Customize assessment: stat.key figs. | |
246 | ADAA | Activity Allocation Conversion | AD02ACTV |
247 | ADA_COCKPIT_LVC | liveCache im DBA Cockpit | RSLVCADM |
248 | ADA_COCKPIT_VOL | liveCache Volumes in DBA Cockpit | RSLVCADM |
251 | ADBOS01 | SD-SRV Reporting: Quantity Flow | RADBOS01 |
252 | ADBOS02 | SD-SRV Reporting: BOS w. Hierarchy | RADBOS02 |
253 | ADBOS03 | SD-SRV Reporting: BOS w/o Hierarchy | RADBOS03 |
254 | ADBT | ORF: Stock Calculation (Batch) | ADSPC_IP |
255 | ADCO99 | Closure of SM Orders | RSETSTATSM02 |
256 | ADCPL1 | Maintain CMC FFFC Parameters | |
257 | ADCPL10 | Display CMC UserStatus Setup | |
258 | ADCPL2 | Display CMC FFFC Parameters | |
259 | ADCPL3 | Maintain CMC Settings | |
260 | ADCPL4 | Display CMC Settings | |
261 | ADCPL5 | Maintain Inventory Group Customizing | |
262 | ADCPL6 | Display Inventory Group Customizing | |
263 | ADCPL7 | Maintain CMC Profile | |
264 | ADCPL8 | Display CMC Profile | |
265 | ADCPL9 | Maintain CMC User Status Setup | |
267 | ADEX | Order-material transfer posting | ADEXMAIN |
268 | ADFSHM01 | Flight Scheduling: Aircraft Types | |
269 | ADFSHM010 | Flight Scheduling: Flight Status | |
270 | ADFSHM011 | Flight Scheduling: Flight Route | |
271 | ADFSHM012 | Flight Scheduling: Terminals | |
272 | ADFSHM013 | Flight Scheduling: Maintain profiles | |
273 | ADFSHM014 | Maintain fields fields for profile | |
274 | ADFSHM02 | Flight Scheduling: Aircraft Category | |
275 | ADFSHM03 | Flight Scheduling: Airline Code | |
276 | ADFSHM04 | Flight Scheduling: Airport Master | |
277 | ADFSHM05 | Flight Scheduling: Bays | |
278 | ADFSHM06 | Flight Scheduling: Flight Category | |
279 | ADFSHM07 | Flight Scheduling: Mode of Operation | |
280 | ADFSHM08 | Flight Scheduling: Flight Type | |
281 | ADFSHM09 | Flight Scheduling: Flight Sectors | |
282 | ADFSH_CUST | Flight scheduling view maintenance | ADFSHCUST |
283 | ADIP | SPEC 2000: Initial Provisioning | ADSPC_IP |
284 | ADJNR | Number range maintenance: ADJNR | SAPMSNUM |
285 | ADMSP_CIFCUST | MSP CIF Customizing | |
286 | ADPMPS | PM/PS Integration | |
287 | ADPMPS2 | PM/PS Integration | PM_PS_INTEGRATION |
288 | ADPRCP | Copy Partner Profiles for SPEC 2000 | ADSPC_PARTNER_PROF |
289 | ADPT | Component Maintenance Cockpit | SAPADMROBENCH |
290 | ADRE | ORF: Results Report | ORF1 |
291 | ADRF | ORF: Stock Calculation | ADSPC_IP |
292 | ADS2KARCH | SPEC2000 IP Data Archiving | |
293 | ADS2KIPUPL_CUST | SPEC2000 IP Upload: Gen. Customizing | |
294 | ADS2KIP_PROF | User Profile | |
295 | ADS2KSTAT | Update IP status after creating mast | |
296 | ADS2KUPL | SPEC2000 Initial Provisioning Upload | ADS2KIPUPL_START_UPLOAD |
297 | ADS2KUPL1 | Resume Upload | ADS2KIPUPL_RESUME_UPLOAD |
298 | ADSPCIP | SPEC 2000: File Upload To ERP | S2K_IP_UPLOAD |
299 | ADSPCIP_EXCELMAP | SPEC2000: Settings to RSPL File | S2K_IP_SET_EXCEL_MAP |
300 | ADSPCIP_RSPL | SPEC2000:RSPL File Upload | S2K_IP_READ_EXCEL |
302 | ADTBOS01 | Maintenance: SD-SRV Valid Reports | |
303 | AD_SPC_MOI | Customizing: Model ID Codes | |
304 | AD_SPC_S1S | Customizing: Doc. Type f. Stock Inq. | |
305 | AEAN | Trigger Group Message Determination | |
306 | AEUB | Limit transaction types | |
307 | AFAB | Post depreciation | RAPOST2000 |
308 | AFABN | Post Depreciation | RAPOST2000 |
309 | AFAF | Assets with errors | RAT08400 |
310 | AFAMA | View Maint. for Deprec. Key Method | RAVCLUST |
311 | AFAMD | View Maint. Declining-Bal. Method | RACSTABL |
312 | AFAMH | Maintain Maximum Amount Method | RAVCLUST |
313 | AFAMP | View Maint. Period Control Method | RACSTABL |
314 | AFAMR | View Maintenance Base Method | RACSTABL |
315 | AFAMS | View Maint. Multi-Level Method | RAVCLUST |
316 | AFAMSK | Method: Levels in Calendar Years | RAVCLUST |
317 | AFAM_093B | View Default Values for Valuation | RACSTABL |
318 | AFAM_093C | Company Code Default Values | RACSTABL |
319 | AFAR | Recalculate Depreciation | RAAFAR00 |
320 | AFBN | Include New Depreciation Area | RAFABNEW |
321 | AFBP | Create depreciation posting log | RAPOST2001 |
322 | AFO_AP_LOAN_MMIG | FO Integration: Loans - Migration | RAFO_FOI_LOAN_MIGRATION_MMIG |
323 | AFO_AP_LOAN_MUPD | FO Integration: Loans - Mass Proc. | RAFO_FOI_LOAN_MIGRATION_AP |
324 | AFO_AP_POS1_MMIG | FO Int.: Class SA - Migration | RAFO_FOI_POS1_MIGRATION_MMIG |
325 | AFO_AP_POS1_MUPD | FO Int.:Class SA - Mass Proc. | RAFO_FOI_POS1_MIGRATION_AP |
326 | AFO_AP_POS2_MMIG | FO Int.: Class FA - Migration | RAFO_FOI_POS2_MIGRATION_MMIG |
327 | AFO_AP_POS2_MUPD | FO Int.:Class FA - Mass Proc. | RAFO_FOI_POS2_MIGRATION_AP |
328 | AFO_AP_TRTM_MUPD | FO Integ.: Open TRTM - Mass Process. | RAFO_FOI_TRTM_MIGRATION_AP |
329 | AFO_CFUPDATE | Update Cash Flow Management | RAFO_CFUPD_UPDATE |
330 | AFO_FOI_DER_DERIVA | FO Integ.: Derivation - Derivatives | RCFADRD01 |
331 | AFO_FOI_DER_FAZ | FO Int.: Derivation from Facilities | RRMFAZ01 |
332 | AFO_FOI_DER_FX | FO Integration: Derivation - Forex | RCFADRF01 |
333 | AFO_FOI_DER_LOAN | FO Integration: Derivation - Loans | RCFADRL01 |
334 | AFO_FOI_DER_MONEY | FO Integ.: Derivation - Money Market | RCFADRM01 |
335 | AFO_FOI_DER_POS1 | FO Int.: Deriv. - Class Pos. in SA | RAFODR_POS101 |
336 | AFO_FOI_DER_POS2 | FO Int.: Deriv. - Class Pos. in FA | RAFODR_POS201 |
337 | AFO_FOI_FIELD_EXPT | FO Integ.: Exceptions for Character. | |
338 | AFO_FOI_PD | FO Integration - Log Display | RAFO_FOI_PROT_DISPLAY |
339 | AFO_FOI_PP | FO Integration: Postprocessing | RAFO_FOI_POSTPROCESS |
340 | AFO_FOI_RULE_DERIVA | Derivatives: Maintain Rule Entries | RCFADRD02 |
341 | AFO_FOI_RULE_FAZ | Facility: Maintain Rule Entries | RRMFAZ02 |
342 | AFO_FOI_RULE_FX | Forex: Maintain Rule Entries | RCFADRF02 |
343 | AFO_FOI_RULE_LOAN | Loans: Maintian Rule Entries | RCFADRL02 |
344 | AFO_FOI_RULE_MONEY | Money Market: Maintain Rule Entries | RCFADRM02 |
345 | AFO_FOI_RULE_POS1 | Class Pos. in SA: Define Rule Values | RAFODR_POS102 |
346 | AFO_FOI_RULE_POS2 | Class Pos. in FA: Define Rule Values | RAFODR_POS202 |
347 | AFO_PA_LOAN_MUPD | FOI PA Part for Loan - Mass Process. | RAFO_FOI_LOAN_MIGRATION_PA |
348 | AFO_PA_TRTM_MUPD | Edit Fin. Object for Fin. Trans. | RAFO_FOI_TRTM_MIGRATION_PA |
349 | AFO_UPDSAVE_DEL | Delete Admin. Data for Night Run | RAFO_CFUPD_GLOBDEL |
350 | AFO_UPDSAVE_SHOW | Display Admin. Data for Night Run | RAFO_CFUPD_GLOBSHOW |
351 | AFO_WORK_SHOW | Display Worklist for Fin. Object | RAFO_WORK_STOCK_SHOW |
352 | AFO_WP_CONV | Conversion of Financial Objects | RAFO_FWTR_JBDOBJ1_CONVERT |
353 | AFWA | Create Maintain Analysis Structures | SAPMJBRA |
354 | AFWBM | Edit Master Data for Benchmark | SAPMAFWBM |
355 | AFWBMPH | Assign Benchmark to PH Nodes | SAPMAFWBM |
356 | AFWFL | AFWCH: Filter Maintenance | SAPMAFWCH_FL |
357 | AFWFLT | AFWCH: Filter Maintenance | SAPMAFWCH_FL |
358 | AFWKF_MD | Master Data Reporting for RDB | RAFWKF_MD_SHOW |
359 | AFWKF_OV | Keyfigure overview | RAFWKF_OVERVIEW |
360 | AFWKF_OV_PA | Keyfigure overview - Portf. Analyzer | RAFWKF_OVERVIEW |
361 | AFWKF_OV_RA | Keyfigure overview - Risk Analyzer | RAFWKF_OVERVIEW |
362 | AFWKF_PA | Key Figures and Eval. Procedures | SAPLAFWKF_MAIN |
363 | AFWKF_RA | Key Figures and Eval. Procedures | SAPLAFWKF_MAIN |
364 | AFWO1 | Single Records Procedure: Monitoring | RAFWGO_SHOWEP1 |
365 | AFWO2 | Final Results Procedure: Monitoring | RAFWGO_SHOWEP2 |
366 | AFWOBM | Final Results Procedure: Monitoring | RAFWGO_SHOWBM |
367 | AFWPH | Portfolio Hierarchies | |
368 | AFWPHD | Portfolio Hierarchies (Display) | |
369 | AFWS | Maintain Segment Level Characterist. | SAPMAFWCH_SEGMCHAR |
370 | AFW_ACT1 | Anal. Struct.: Activ.Sample Settings | RAFWCH_SAMPLE_STR_ACT |
371 | AFW_ACT2 | Anal. Struct: Activate Customizing | RAFWCH_SAMPLE_CUS_ACT |
372 | AFW_BP1 | BP Conversion: Field Catalog Entries | RAFWCH_BP_FCAT |
373 | AFW_BP2 | BP Conversion: Portfolio Hierarchies | RAFWCH_BPMIG_PH |
374 | AFW_BP3 | BP Conversion: Character.Hierarchies | RAFWCH_BPMIG_CH |
375 | AFW_BP4 | BP Conversion:: Encode PH Value | RAFWCH_BPMIG_PH_VALUE |
376 | AFW_BP5 | BP Conv. with Ident.Numbers: BPMIG=3 | RAFWCH_BPMIG_NO_VALUE_CHANGE |
377 | AFW_BP6 | Set Status to "Completed" | RAFWCH_BPMIG_FORCE_COMPLETE |
378 | AFX_ACT_SNUM | Number Range Maint.: AFX_ACT Object | |
379 | AFX_CUST_CHECK | Check: Archiving Customizing | AFX_CUSTOMIZING_CHECK |
380 | AFX_CUST_DEPL | Distribute Global Ctrl Customizing | AFX_CUSTOMIZING_DEPLOY |
381 | AFX_FMOD | AFX Function Modules | |
382 | AFX_GLOBAL_CTRL | Control Archiving: Check Table | |
383 | AFX_GLOBAL_CUST | Archiving Control: Settings | |
384 | AFX_GLOBAL_PBP | Archiving Ctrl: Package Form. Procs | |
385 | AFX_MONITOR | Archiving Monitor | AFX_MONITOR |
386 | AFX_OBJDATA_KEY | Key Terms for Runtime Data | |
387 | AFX_OBJDATA_TYP | Cat. Values (Items) for Runtime Data | |
388 | AFX_PSED_GLOBAL_CTRL | Global Control from WB: Control | |
389 | AFX_PSED_GLOBAL_CUST | Global Control from WB: Settings | |
390 | AFX_PSED_GLOBAL_PBP | Package Formation Procedures from WB | |
391 | AFX_PSED_PP_APPLREL | Maintain Locks: PP Application Types | |
392 | AFX_PSED_PP_JOBDISTR | Maintain Job Distribution for PP | |
393 | AFX_TEXTPOOL | Text Pool for Program Templates | |
394 | AFX_TREEDEF | Hierarchy Tree Definition | |
395 | AFX_WZ_ARCHOBJ | Call Up AOBJ from Wizard | |
396 | AFX_WZ_PPDEF | Call Up PP Customizing from Wizard | |
398 | AGS_QC_LPCONFIG | Logical Port for Quality Center | |
400 | AGS_RBE_KEY | Enter Key for Sol. Docu. Assistant | AGS_RBE_KEY |
401 | AGS_SISE_SS_DOC | Create Microsoft Office document | AGS_SISE_SS_CREATE_DOC |
402 | AGS_SISE_SS_DSA | Run DSA in Self Services | AGS_SISE_SS_DSA |
403 | AGS_SISE_SS_HTML | Download and open HTML report | AGS_SISE_HTML_DOWN_OPEN |
404 | AGS_SISE_SS_PDF | Produce PDF from HTML conversion | AGS_SISE_SS_CONVERT_HTML_2_PDF |
405 | AGS_TMT_USER_CONFIG | External Testing Tool Com. User | SAPLAGS_TMT_CONFIGURATION |
406 | AGS_UPDATE | Service Content Update | RAGS_DSWP_SERV_CONTENT_UPDATE |
407 | AGS_WORK_LAUNCHER | Solution Manager WorkC: Launcher | RAGS_WORK_LAUNCHER |
408 | AIAB | AuC Assignment of Dist. Rule | SAPMA15B |
409 | AIAO | C AM Maint. list vers. gen. line itm | SAPMV76A |
410 | AIAZ | Display Dist. Rule Allocation | SAPMA15B |
411 | AIBU | Transfer Asset under Const. | SAPMA12B |
412 | AIBW01 | Corp. IM: Def. Strat.Characteristics | RAIBWCHAR |
413 | AIBW02 | Corp. IM: Check Strat.Char. Unique | RAIBWCHECKIP |
414 | AIDMM | Create Material Master Data IDocs | RLABIMTNR |
415 | AIDNR | Create EPC Number Range IDocs | RLABINRNG |
416 | AIDNR_MASTER | Define EPC Serial Number Ranges | |
417 | AIIO | C AM Maintain List Version AuC | SAPMV76A |
419 | AISF | FX Exposure | RJBRSVAC |
420 | AISFSS | Single Value Analysis: FX Exposure | RJBRSVAC |
421 | AISPL | P & L - Single Value Analysis | RJBRSVAC |
422 | AISS | Single Val. Analysis - Sensitivities | RJBRSVAC |
423 | AIST | Reverse Settlement of AuC | SAPMA12B |
424 | AISUSER | SAP Support Portal User Maintenance | SMBI_AISUSER |
425 | AIS_FORMULA_DEF | Define Formulas for AIS | |
426 | AIS_LAY_DEF | Define Initial Layout | |
427 | AIS_STDREP | Standard Reporting on Results DB | RAIS_STDREP_RDB |
429 | AI_CRM_CPY_PROCTYPE | Copying/updating transaction types | AI_CRM_CPY_PROCTYPE |
430 | AI_CRM_CPY_PTYPE_LOG | Evaluate DB tab log | AI_CRM_CPY_PROCTYPE_LOG |
431 | AI_CRM_CPY_PTYPE_WEB | Copying/updating transaction types | AI_CRM_CPY_PROCTYPE |
433 | AI_SDK_001 | Reported by Me | |
434 | AI_SDK_002 | Unsent Messages | |
435 | AI_SDK_003 | My Messages at Support | |
436 | AI_SDK_005 | Author Action | |
437 | AI_SDK_006 | Proposed Solution from Support | |
438 | AI_SDK_007 | Open Messages | |
439 | AI_SDK_009 | Escalated Messages | |
440 | AI_SDK_020 | For Processing by Me | |
441 | AI_SDK_022 | My Specialist Areas | |
442 | AI_SDK_024 | Messages at SAP | |
443 | AI_SDK_025 | Completed Today | |
444 | AI_SDK_026 | My Team | |
445 | AI_SDK_050 | Assignment to Specialist Areas | AI_SDK_PERSONAL_COMPONENTS |
446 | AI_SDK_EFFORT | Calculate Effort in Messages | AI_SDK_REPORT_EFFORT |
447 | AJAB | Year-End Closing | RAJABS00 |
448 | AJRW | Fiscal Year Change | RAJAWE00 |
449 | AJT_MIGR | transaction code for AJ target | ACT_TAR_MIGR |
450 | AKAB | List purchasing arrangements | SAPMWAKA |
451 | AKE1 | Create Condition | SAPMV13A |
452 | AKE10 | Transfer Prices: Display Overhead | SAPMV13A |
453 | AKE2 | Change Condition | SAPMV13A |
454 | AKE3 | Display Condition | SAPMV13A |
455 | AKE4 | Copy Condition | SAPMV13A |
456 | AKE5 | PCA Transfer Prices: Create Prices | SAPMV13A |
457 | AKE6 | PCA Transfer Prices: Change Prices | SAPMV13A |
458 | AKE7 | PCA Transfer Prices: Display Prices | SAPMV13A |
459 | AKE8 | Transfer Prices: Create Overhead | SAPMV13A |
460 | AKE9 | Transfer Prices: Change Overhead | SAPMV13A |
461 | AKKO | Promotion pur. pr. conditions | SAPMWAKA |
462 | AKOF | C FI Maintain Table TAKOF | |
463 | AKVA | List sales arrangements | SAPMWAKA |
464 | AKVK | Promotion sales price conditions | SAPMWAKA |
465 | AL08 | Users Logged On | RSUSR000 |
466 | AL08_OLD | List of All Users Logged On | RSUSR000 |
467 | AL11 | Display SAP Directories | RSWATCH0 |
468 | AL11_OLD | Display SAP Directories | RSWATCH0_OLD |
469 | AL12 | Display Table Buffer (Exp. Session) | RSDBBUFF |
470 | AL13 | Display Shared Memory (Expert Mode) | RSTUNSHM |
471 | AL15 | Customize SAPOSCOL destination | RSHOSTLD |
472 | ALLOC_BATCH_RUN | To run Allocation in the batch mode | GHO_BATCH_ALLOCATION_RUN |
473 | ALM99 | JBALMCTRL Control Tables | |
474 | ALM_01 | ALM: Assign CF Type to CF Indicator | RJBACFART2KNZ |
475 | ALM_ME_DEBUG | MAM Debugging Settings | |
476 | ALM_ME_GENERAL | Smartsync Settings | |
477 | ALM_ME_INVENTORY | Inventory Management Profile | |
478 | ALM_ME_NOTIF | Notification Processing Profile | |
479 | ALM_ME_ORDER | Order Processing Profile | |
480 | ALM_ME_ORDER_STATUS | Change Mobile Status for Order | RALM_ME_ORDER_STATUS |
481 | ALM_ME_PUSH | MAM PUSH Control | |
482 | ALM_ME_SCENARIO | Mobile Asset Management Scenario | |
483 | ALM_ME_USER | User-specific settings | |
484 | ALO1 | Determine ASH/DOREX Relationships | RASHLO00 |
485 | ALRTCATDEF | Editing Alert Categories | |
486 | ALRTCATDEF_SEL | Define Alert Category | RSALERTCATDEF |
487 | ALRTDISP | Display Alerts | RSALERTDISP |
488 | ALRTINBOX | Alert Inbox | RSALERTINBOX |
489 | ALRTMON | Alert Monitor | RMPAALRTMONITOR |
490 | ALRTPERS | Personalize Alert Delivery | RSALERTPERSONALIZE |
491 | ALRTPROC | Process Alerts | RSALERTPROC |
492 | ALRTSUBSCR | Subscribe to Alert Categories | RSALERTSUBSCRIBE |
493 | ALVIEWER | ArchiveLink Viewer in the Web | ARCHIVELINK_VIEWER |
494 | AM04 | Changes to Asset Classes | SAPMA01A |
495 | AM05 | Lock Asset Class | RACSTABL |
496 | AMADEUS | Amadeus Direct | RFTP_BYPASS |
497 | AMC_LOG_ADMIN | Administration of ABAP Messaging Cha | RS_AMC_LOG_ADMIN |
498 | AMC_LOG_PROCESSING | Selection of AMC Log Entries | RS_AMC_LOG_PROCESSING |
499 | AMC_SHOW_LOG_LIST | Show List of activated AMC Logs | RS_AMC_SHOW_LOG_LIST |
500 | AMDP_UTIL | Run All AMDP Reports | RS_AMDP_UTIL |