SAP ABAP Table - Index U, page 5
Table - U
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 UPX_CUST_CONSTR Customizing Components Constraints TRANSP A
2 UPX_CUST_FCTRY Customizing Framework: Factories TRANSP S
3 UPX_CUST_FCTRY_T Customizing Framework: Factories - Text Tables TRANSP S
4 UPX_CUST_STEP Customizing Framework: Steps TRANSP S
5 UPX_CUST_STEP_T Customizing Framework: Steps - Text Table TRANSP S
6 UPX_DSRC_CHANM UPX: Data Sources - Header TRANSP C
7 UPX_DSRC_HEAD UPX: Data Sources - Header TRANSP C
8 UPX_EVAL_BPS KPI Valuation for Alert TRANSP C
10 UPX_GENERAL UPX: Settings Specific to Sales Planning TRANSP C
12 UPX_HEAD Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: General Fields TRANSP C
13 UPX_HEAD_TEXT Texts for Key Figure Schemes TRANSP C
14 UPX_KFS_CKF Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: Calculated Key Figs TRANSP C
15 UPX_KFS_COMMON Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: General Fields TRANSP C
16 UPX_KFS_LKF Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: Layout Key Figures TRANSP C
17 UPX_KFS_PARAM Function Parameters TRANSP C
18 UPX_KFS_SHIFT Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: Relative Addresses TRANSP C
19 UPX_KFS_TEXT Texts for Key Figure Schemes TRANSP C
21 UPX_KPI_EVALBUF KPI Valuation for Alert: Result Buffer TRANSP A
22 UPX_LAYOUT Enhanced Planning Layouts: Main Table TRANSP C
23 UPX_LAYOUT_OFF BDOC: Offline Versions of the Layouts TRANSP C
24 UPX_PLTASK Settings for Planning Task TRANSP C
25 UPX_RESP_SRC_VAR UPX: Data Sources - Header TRANSP C
26 UPX_SLC_MAIN Configuration of Lead Columns TRANSP C
27 UPX_SLC_SPREAD Lead Columns: Distribution Techniques TRANSP C
28 UPX_SLC_TEXT Configuration of Lead Columns: Text Table TRANSP C
29 UPX_SLC_TIME Time Characteristics TRANSP C
30 UPX_STATUS UPX: Permitted Statuses TRANSP W
31 UPX_STATUST UPX: Permitted Statuses - Text Table TRANSP W
32 UPX_STATUS_DATA UPX: Status of the LaunchPad Item TRANSP A
33 UPX_UNITS Unit Assignment TRANSP C
34 UPX_VARIABLE UPX: Variable Assignment to Sales Planning TRANSP C
35 UPX_VERSION UPX: Settings Specific to Sales Planning for 0VERSION TRANSP C
36 UQFIELDVALUE Field Values of differend forms TRANSP L
37 UQFORM Contain all availalbe forms for Ultimate Questionnaire TRANSP A
39 UQUSERFORM Allocation table user forms TRANSP L
40 URBAPILINK Default BAPI link for central user administration TRANSP W
41 URBWF Realigner Connection to BW Field Properties TRANSP S
42 URBWL Realigner: DataSources TRANSP E
43 URBWLF Realigner: Fields in the DataSources TRANSP E
44 URBWLG Realigner: Status Information for DataSource TRANSP C
45 URBWLOG Activity Log Extractor for Realigner TRANSP L
46 URBWLT Realigner: DataSource Texts TRANSP E
47 URBWLX UR_BW: Debugging Transaction Data Extractor TRANSP L
48 URBWLY Realigner: Special Settings Read from DataSource TRANSP E
49 URBWTS Realigner: Processed Time Intervals TRANSP L
50 URCHAR Field Catalog: Characteristics TRANSP C
51 URCORD01 Selection Conditions in a Realignment Request TRANSP A
52 URCORD02 Conversion Rules in a Realignment Request TRANSP A
53 URCORD0C Realignment Requests TRANSP A
54 URCRUN01 Jobs in a Realignment Run TRANSP L
55 URCRUN02 Detail for Executing a Run TRANSP L
56 URCRUN0C Realignment Runs TRANSP A
57 URENVID Reassignment of Derivation Strategy <-> Realigner-ID TRANSP A
58 UREXECFLOCO Parallelized Process Control TRANSP L
59 UREXECFLOCOX Drag Temporarilly for Chunk Numbers TRANSP L
60 UREXECTRC Trace Option for Realignment Runs TRANSP L
61 UREXECTRCI Trace Option for Realignment Runs TRANSP L
62 URKEY Field Catalog: Document Key TRANSP C
63 URKEYF Field Catalog: Key Figure TRANSP C
65 URLAPI_APP_T URL API - Application (Translation Table) TRANSP S
66 URLAPI_A_PARAM URL API - Application Parameters TRANSP S
68 URLAPI_A_WDEMB URL API - Application Web Dynpro Embedded TRANSP S
71 URLAPI_GROUP_T URL API - Group (Translation Table) TRANSP S
72 URLAPI_GRP_APP URL API - Application/Group (Joining Table) TRANSP S
73 URLAPI_GRP_GRP URL API - Group/Group (Joining Table) TRANSP S
75 URL_DEFINE Definition of global URLs TRANSP W
76 URL_EXITS Definition of workplace node types TRANSP E
77 URL_EXTXT Texts for the URL Exits TRANSP S
78 URL_TEXTS Global URL texts TRANSP W
79 UROBJNR_NR_SUB Subobjects of the Number Range for the Object Number TRANSP C
80 UROPALLOW Permitted Operations Dependent on Status TRANSP S
81 URPARALLEL Personalization for Parallelization of Realignments TRANSP A
82 URREALIGNER Realigner Entity Table TRANSP C
83 URREALIGNER01 Attribute Realigner TRANSP C
84 USADDEF Default company address TRANSP A
85 USADDEFS Shadow table: Default company address TRANSP L
86 USAGR_SYS GUM: Assignment of Role/Position to System (Type) TRANSP C
87 USAPPLREF CUA: Assignment of Users to Application Objects TRANSP A
88 USARC_CD Not Required: Archived User Data -> Change Documents TRANSP L
89 USARC_CDRED Reloaded Archived Change Documents for User Data TRANSP A
90 USATOWNS All Cities in the USA TRANSP A
91 USATTRDEF Directory of Additional User Attributes TRANSP E
92 USATTRDEFT Directory of Additional User Attributes TRANSP E
93 USBAPILINK CUA: Default BAPI Link for Central User Administration TRANSP W
94 USCDLOIO USC Documents: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
95 USCDLOIOT USC Documents:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
96 USCDLOPR USC Dokumente:: Attribute Values of Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
97 USCDLORE USC Documents: Outbound Relationships of Logical Information TRANSP E
98 USCDLOREPR USC Documents:: Outbound Relationship Attributes of LOIOs TRANSP E
99 USCDLORI USC Dokumente:: Inbound Relationships of Logical Information TRANSP E
100 USCDLORIPR USC Documents:: Inbound Relationship Attributes of LOIOs TRANSP E
101 USCMLOIO USC Mails:: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
102 USCMLOIOT USC Mails:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
103 USCMLOPR USC Mails:: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
104 USCMLORE USC Mails:: Outbound Relationships of Logical InfoObjects TRANSP E
105 USCMLOREPR USC Mails:: Outbound Relationship Attributes of LOIOs TRANSP E
106 USCMLORI USC Mails:: Inbound Relationships of Logical InfoObjects TRANSP E
107 USCMLORIPR USC Mails:: Inbound Relationship Attributes of LOIOs TRANSP E
108 USCNLOIO USC Profile Documents:: Instances of Logical InfoObjects TRANSP E
109 USCNLOIOT USC Profile Documents:: Descriptions of Logical InfoObjects TRANSP E
110 USCNLOPR USC Profile Documents:: Attribute Values of Logical InfoObj TRANSP E
111 USCNLORE USC Profile Documents:: Outbound Relationships of logical IO TRANSP E
112 USCNLOREPR USC Profile Documents:: Outbound Relationship Attributes TRANSP E
113 USCNLORI USC Profile Documents:: Inbound Relationships of logical IOs TRANSP E
114 USCNLORIPR USC Profile Documents:: Attributes of Inbound Relationships TRANSP E
115 USCOMPANY Company in user's address TRANSP A
117 USCRAUIDT Short Texts for Critical Authorizations TRANSP E
118 USCRAUTH Authorization Data for Critical Authorizations TRANSP E
119 USCRAUTHID Critical Authorizations TRANSP E
120 USCRCOMID Part List for Critical Combinations of Authorizations TRANSP E
121 USCTLOIO USC Document Templates:: Instances of Logical InfoObjects TRANSP E
122 USCTLOIOT USC Document Templates:: Descriptions of Logical InfoObjects TRANSP E
123 USCTLOPR USC Document Templates:: Attribute Values of Logical InfoObj TRANSP E
124 USCTLORE USC Document Templates:: Outbound Relationships of LOIOs TRANSP E
125 USCTLOREPR USC Document Templates:: Outbound Relationships Attributes TRANSP E
126 USCTLORI USC Document Templates:: Inbound Relationships of Logical IO TRANSP E
127 USCTLORIPR USC Document Templates:: Inbound Relationship Attributes of TRANSP E
128 USC_CHKF USC Documents:: File Name of Last Check-Out TRANSP L
129 USC_CHKO USC Documents:: Check-Out Data of a Physical Information Obj TRANSP L
130 USC_COMM_TYPES Default Communication Types for Contact Categories TRANSP C
131 USC_CONTACT SRM Contact: Central Storage of Contacts TRANSP A
132 USC_CONT_ADD SRM Contact: Event Info TRANSP A
133 USC_CONT_DOC SRM Contact: Documents TRANSP A
134 USC_CONT_KWD SRM Contact: Keywords TRANSP A
135 USC_CONT_KWT SRM Contact: Keyword Catalog TRANSP A
136 USC_CONT_PERSON Customizing Contacts: Contact Person in IR Department TRANSP C
137 USC_CONT_REL SRM Contact: Related Contacts TRANSP A
138 USC_CONT_STH SRM Contact: Stakeholders TRANSP A
139 USC_CONT_TXT SRM Contacts: Texts TRANSP A
140 USC_IDXSTA USC Documents:: Status Table for Indexing of Documents TRANSP E
141 USC_MAILPROVIDER Contacts: Service Provider for Mass Mailing TRANSP C
142 USC_PHF USC Documents:: Files of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
143 USC_PHHR USC Documents:: Outbound Hyperlinks from Physical Objects TRANSP E
144 USC_PHHRPR USC Documents:: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships TRANSP E
145 USC_PHIO USC Documents:: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
146 USC_PHNM USC Documents:: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
147 USC_PHNMPR USC Documents:: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships TRANSP E
148 USC_PHPR USC Documents:: Attributes of Physcial Information Objects TRANSP E
149 USC_PHRE USC Documents:: Outbound Relationships of Physical InfoObj TRANSP E
150 USC_PHREPR USC Documents:: Outbound Relationship Attributes of PHIOs TRANSP E
151 USC_PHRI USC Documents:: Inbound Relationships of Physical InfoObject TRANSP E
152 USC_PHRIPR USC Documents:: Inbound Relationship Attributes of PHIOs TRANSP E
153 USC_TEMPLATE Forms / SmartForms by Communication Type TRANSP C
154 USEG Retail Revaluation Document: Revaluation Segment TRANSP A
156 USERSET Table for Storing User-Specific Settings TRANSP A
157 USERS_ORG User settings TRANSP L
158 USERS_SSM Allowed menus for the Session Manager TRANSP C
159 USERS_TMP Time stamp for user menus TRANSP E
160 USERVAR User variables that can be used in roles TRANSP C
161 USERVART User Variable: Texts TRANSP C
162 USER_CATT Profile Generator in CATT counter table TRANSP L
163 USER_COMP Current Component of User TRANSP W
164 USER_DIR Table used to store user def. directories to be used in al11 TRANSP L
165 USER_KOMP Current Component of User TRANSP W
167 USER_TOOL User Tools (System Specific) TRANSP E
168 USER_VAR User-Dependent Start Variants TRANSP C
169 USEXIT Individual Maint. Dialog for Authorization Field - Exit FM TRANSP S
170 USGRP User Groups TRANSP A
171 USGRPT Text table for USGRP (User groups) TRANSP A
172 USGRP_USER Assignment of Users to User Groups TRANSP A
173 USH02 Change history for logon data TRANSP L
174 USH02_ARC_TMP Change History for Logon Data: Last Entries from Archive TRANSP L
175 USH04 Change history for authorizations TRANSP L
176 USH04_ARC_TMP Authorizations Change History: Last Entries from Archive TRANSP L
177 USH10 Change history for authorization profiles TRANSP L
178 USH10_ARC_TMP Change History for Profile Data: Last Entries from Archive TRANSP L
179 USH12 Change history for authorization values TRANSP L
180 USH12_ARC_TMP Change History for Authorizations: Last Archive Entries TRANSP L
181 USKRI Critical combination of authorizations for transactions TRANSP G
182 USKRIA Entry of Critical Auths for Report RSUSR009 TRANSP C
183 USKRIAT Text table for USKRIA TRANSP C
184 USL04 CUA: Assignment of Users to Local Profiles TRANSP A
185 USLA04 CUA: Assignment of Users to Roles TRANSP A
186 USMD0015 Data Model: Reuse Active Areas TRANSP E
187 USMD0015T Active Area: Text Table TRANSP E
188 USMD0016 Prefix for Temporary Keys TRANSP C
189 USMD001C Data Model: Check Table TRANSP E
190 USMD001T Data Model: Text Table TRANSP E
191 USMD0020 Data Model: Entity Types TRANSP E
192 USMD0020T Data Model: Entity Types, Descriptive Text TRANSP E
193 USMD0021 Data Model: Permitted External Entity Types in Hierarchies TRANSP E
194 USMD0022 Data Model: Attributes of Ent.Types w/Generated Persistence TRANSP E
195 USMD0022T Data Model: Attributes of Ent.Types w/Gen.Persistence, Descr TRANSP E
196 USMD0023 Data Model: Relationships of Entity Types TRANSP E
197 USMD0023T Data Model: Relationships of Entity Types, Descriptive Texts TRANSP E
198 USMD0024 Data Model: Hierarchy Attributes TRANSP E
199 USMD0025 Data Model: Relationships for Deriving Hierarchy Attributes TRANSP E
200 USMD0026 Data Model: Foreign Key Definition TRANSP E
201 USMD0030 Authorizations for Entities of a Data Model TRANSP C
202 USMD0031 Authorization-Relevant Attributes TRANSP C
203 USMD003C Authorizations per Data Model TRANSP C
204 USMD003P Authorization Relevance for Primary Persistence TRANSP C
205 USMD0041 Packages for Generated Structures on Model Level TRANSP E
206 USMD0043 Packages for Customer Includes (CI) TRANSP E
207 USMD004C Generated Structures TRANSP E
208 USMD004M Assignment of SMT Mappings to Entity Types TRANSP E
209 USMD0050 Business Object Type for Entity Types TRANSP E
210 USMD0051 Entity Type to Be Used for Business Object Type TRANSP E
211 USMD0060 UI Properties for Modeled Fields TRANSP E
212 USMD0061 UI Properties of Entity Types (Technical Entity Type) TRANSP E
213 USMD0070 Obsolete - Do Not Use TRANSP C
214 USMD0070C Status of an Entity Type TRANSP C
215 USMD0071 Obsolete - Do Not Use TRANSP C
216 USMD0071C Status of an Attribute TRANSP C
217 USMD0072 Obsolete - Do Not Use TRANSP C
218 USMD0072C Status of a Relationship TRANSP C
219 USMD0080 Relevancy of Entity Types per Change Request Type and WFS TRANSP C
220 USMD0081 Relevancy of Attributes per Change Request Type, ET and WFS TRANSP C
221 USMD0082 Workflow Step per Change Request TRANSP C
222 USMD0082T Workflow Step TRANSP C
223 USMD0090 User Interface Dependent on Workflow Step TRANSP C
224 USMD0101 Type of Edition TRANSP C
225 USMD0102 Type of Edition: Data Slices TRANSP C
226 USMD010C Type of Edition TRANSP C
227 USMD010T Type of Edition TRANSP C
228 USMD020C Edition TRANSP A
229 USMD020T Edition TRANSP A
230 USMD020U Edition TRANSP A
231 USMD050C Hierarchy Version: Check Table TRANSP C
232 USMD050T Hierarchy Version: Text Table TRANSP C
233 USMD100C UI Model: Check Table TRANSP C
234 USMD100T UI Model: Text Table TRANSP C
235 USMD101C UI Model: Layout of Web Interface TRANSP C
236 USMD101T UI Model: Layout of Web Interface TRANSP C
237 USMD1020 UI Model: Customer-Defined Web Dynpro Component TRANSP C
238 USMD1021 UI Model: Hierarchy Relationships TRANSP C
239 USMD1022 UI Model: Sets TRANSP C
240 USMD1101 Type of Change Request TRANSP C
241 USMD1102 Define Service Level Agreement for Change Request Types TRANSP C
242 USMD110C Type of Change Request TRANSP C
243 USMD110T Type of Change Request TRANSP C
244 USMD120C Change Request TRANSP A
245 USMD1210 Change Request: Notes TRANSP A
246 USMD1211 Change Request: Attachments TRANSP A
247 USMD1212 Change Request: Content of Attachments TRANSP A
248 USMD1213 Change Request: Objects TRANSP A
249 USMD1214 Change Request: Objects (Hierarchy Parent Nodes) TRANSP A
250 USMD1215 Change Request: Objects (ISR Change Request) TRANSP A
251 USMD1216 Change Request: Receiver Systems TRANSP A
252 USMD1217 Change Request: Entity List TRANSP A
253 USMD1220 Change Request: Drafts (Data of Entity) TRANSP L
254 USMD1221 Change Request Block List TRANSP A
255 USMD1240 Change Request: Systems TRANSP A
256 USMD130C Status of Change Request TRANSP E
257 USMD130T Status of Change Request TRANSP E
258 USMD140C Single Processing: Forms TRANSP C
259 USMD150C General Settings TRANSP C
260 USMD151C MDG UI Applications TRANSP E
261 USMD1601 Business Activity: Type of Change Request TRANSP C
262 USMD160C Business Activity: Definition TRANSP E
263 USMD160T Business Activity: Text Table TRANSP E
264 USMD167C Business Activity: Determination TRANSP S
265 USMD167C_C Business Activity: Determination TRANSP C
266 USMD170C Action TRANSP E
267 USMD170T Action Texts TRANSP E
268 USMD180C Navigation TRANSP S
269 USMD180C_C Navigation TRANSP C
270 USMD1M900C Change Documents for Hierarchies - Dummy Table TRANSP L
271 USMD1M901C Change Documents for Hierarchies - Dummy Table TRANSP L
272 USMD2000 Personalization: Default Data Model TRANSP A
273 USMD2001 Personalization: Default Data Model TRANSP C
274 USMD2002 Personalization: Default UI Model for Each Data Model TRANSP A
275 USMD2003 Personalization: Default UI Model for Each Data Model TRANSP C
276 USMD2004 Personalization: User-depend. Personalization per Data Model TRANSP A
277 USMD2005 Personalization: Role-depend. Personalization per Data Model TRANSP C
278 USMD2010 Assignment of Processors to Workflow Step Number TRANSP C
279 USMD201C_SSW Service Name Definition in RBWF TRANSP E
280 USMD201T_SSW Service Name Definition in RBWF: Text Table TRANSP E
281 USMD2022 Validation - Check type at Change Request Step Level TRANSP C
282 USMD202C Definition of Workflow Steps TRANSP E
283 USMD202C_2 Definition of Workflow Steps TRANSP E
284 USMD202C_SSW Step Definition for SSWF TRANSP C
285 USMD202T Definition of Workflow Steps TRANSP E
286 USMD202T_2 Definition of Workflow Steps TRANSP E
287 USMD202T_SSW Step Definition Text for SSWF TRANSP C
288 USMD203C Stored Search Criteria (by User and Entity Type) TRANSP A
289 USMD2041 Search Apps: Assignment of Search Type - Search Help TRANSP E
290 USMD2041T Search Apps: Assignment of Search Type - Search Help TextTbl TRANSP E
291 USMD2042 Search Apps: Assignment of Search Type - Model - Entity TRANSP E
292 USMD204C Search Applications: Definition TRANSP E
293 USMD204T Search Applications: Text Table TRANSP E
294 USMD210C Change Request: Priority TRANSP C
295 USMD210T Change Request: Priority TRANSP C
296 USMD211C Change Request: Reason TRANSP C
297 USMD211T Change Request: Reason TRANSP C
298 USMD212C Change Request: Reason for Rejection TRANSP C
299 USMD212T Change Request: Reason for Rejection TRANSP C
300 USMD213C_SSW RBWF: Link Change Request Type to Generated BRF+ Appl. ID TRANSP C
301 USMD220C Actions TRANSP E
302 USMD220T Texts for Actions TRANSP E
303 USMD2301 Action Assignments to Workflow Step Types TRANSP E
304 USMD230C Workflow Step Types TRANSP E
305 USMD230T Texts for Workflow Step Types TRANSP E
306 USMD2400 Mapping from top workitem to change request TRANSP L
307 USMD600C Data Transfer / Variant: Check Table TRANSP C
308 USMD600T Data Transfer: Texts TRANSP C
309 USMD600X Data Transfer / Variant - Variant Stored in XML TRANSP C
310 USMD6010 Data Transfer: Technical Settings TRANSP C
311 USMD6011 Data Transfer: Internal Structure TRANSP C
312 USMD6100 Mapping for Distribution Service TRANSP C
313 USMD610C Replication Service TRANSP C
314 USMD610T Distribution Service Texts TRANSP C
315 USMD6110 Download Parameters for Distribution Service TRANSP C
316 USMD6200 Master Data Packages: Steps in Processing TRANSP C
317 USMD6201 Master Data Packages: Related Entity Types TRANSP C
318 USMD620C Master Data Packages TRANSP C
319 USMD620T Texts of Master Data Packages TRANSP C
320 USMD6300 Assignment of Master Data Packages to Systems TRANSP C
321 USMD6400 Status of Distribution Processes TRANSP A
322 USMD6500 Status Table for Distribution Steps (with History) TRANSP A
323 USMD6510 Status Table for eSOA Messages TRANSP A
324 USMD6800 Selection Condition TRANSP C
325 USMD680C Master Data of Named Selection Condition TRANSP C
326 USMD680G Selection Condition TRANSP C
327 USMD680T Selection Condition Texts TRANSP C
328 USMD6820 Hierarchy Info TRANSP C
329 USMD6821 Higher-Level Fields Hierarchy Name TRANSP C
330 USMD6822 Higher-Level Fields Node TRANSP C
331 USMD6900 SMT Mapping - Cluster Table TRANSP C
332 USMDA1FCRS Hierarchy Names for FinancialConsolidationReportingStructure TRANSP A
333 USMDA1FRS Hierarchy Names for FinancialReportingStructure TRANSP A
334 USMDA42010C FMDM Processor Determination Depends on Entity Type TRANSP C
335 USMDPARAM Financial MDM: Customizing Parameters TRANSP C
336 USMDWDPARAM Parameter Passing in WebDynpro TRANSP L
337 USMDZ1FCRS Hierarchy Names for FinancialConsolidationReportingStructure TRANSP A
338 USMDZ1FRS Hierarchy Names for FinancialReportingStructure TRANSP A
339 USMDZ42010C FMDM Processor Determination Depends on Entity Type TRANSP C
340 USMDZ5100 Data Model TRANSP G
341 USMDZ5101 Assignment of Entity Types to InfoObjects TRANSP E
342 USMDZ5102 Assignment of Keys of Entity Types to InfoObjects TRANSP E
343 USMDZ5103 Assignment of Attributes of Entity Types to InfoObjects TRANSP E
344 USMDZ5104 Virtual InfoProvider TRANSP E
345 USMDZ5105 Selection rules TRANSP E
346 USMDZ5106 Relationships of Entity Types TRANSP E
347 USMDZ5107 Assignment of Metadata to InfoObjects TRANSP S
348 USMDZ5200 Determination Entity Type Depending on DataSource TRANSP E
349 USMDZ5201 Determination Entity Type Depending on Refer. Characteristic TRANSP E
350 USMDZ5202 Determination Entity Type/InfoObject Depending on Ref. Char. TRANSP E
351 USMDZ6001C Key Mapping Data Model TRANSP C
352 USMDZ60020C Key Mapping Entity Types TRANSP C
353 USMDZ6201C Key Mapping Distribution Packages TRANSP C
354 USMDZ6300C Key Mapping System TRANSP C
355 USMDZ6E201C Key Mapping Parent Entity Types TRANSP C
356 USMDZ7CHKTYPC Check Levels of Validation TRANSP S
357 USMDZ7CHKTYPT Check Levels of Validation: Texts TRANSP S
358 USMDZ7DMSCTRLC Control of Data Model Message Class for Validation TRANSP C
359 USMDZ7MSGCTRLC Control of Message Number for Validation TRANSP C
360 USMDZ7MTYCTRLC Control of Message Type for Check Level for Validation TRANSP C
361 USMD_CMM_CONFIG Configuration TRANSP W
362 USMD_CR_BLOCK Blocking of Change Requests After Activation of Data Model TRANSP L
363 USMD_DM_ACT_LOG Changes During the Most Recent Data Model Activations TRANSP L
364 USMD_DUPCHK_MOD Duplicate Check Mode For Particular Data Model TRANSP C
365 USMD_ENQ_HRYNODE FIN-MDM: Enqueue/Dequeue Table for Hierarchy Nodes TRANSP L
366 USMD_PP_CD Change Document for Active Area TRANSP A
367 USOBAUTHINACTIVE Start authorization check inactive ('X') or active (SPACE) TRANSP G
368 USOBAUTHSTART Registration of the TADIR Start Authorizations TRANSP S
369 USOBHASH Authorization Trace for Services: Hash Values TRANSP W
370 USOBJEXIT Individual Maint. Dialog for Authorization Object - Exit FM TRANSP E
371 USOBRESP Person Responsible for SU22 Maint.:Non-Transactional Service TRANSP L
372 USOBT Relation transaction > authorization object TRANSP W
373 USOBT_BACK Backup Table USOBT for Modified SU25 TRANSP C
374 USOBT_C Relation Transaction > Auth. Object (Customer) TRANSP C
375 USOBT_CD Change History for Field Values TRANSP L
376 USOBT_C_BACK Backup Table USOBT_C for Modified SU25 TRANSP C
377 USOBT_DUP Modification log for table USOBT. For SAP only TRANSP W
378 USOBT_TSTMP Local Time Stamp of Last SAP Change (USOBT) TRANSP C
379 USOBX Check table for table USOBT TRANSP W
380 USOBXFLAGS Temporary table for storing USOBX/T* changes TRANSP L
381 USOBX_BACK Backup Table USOBX for Modified SU25 TRANSP C
382 USOBX_C Check Table for Table USOBT_C TRANSP C
383 USOBX_CD Change History for Check Indicator TRANSP L
384 USOBX_C_BACK Backup Table USOBX_C for Modified SU25 TRANSP C
385 USOBX_DUP Modification log for table USOBX. Only for SAP TRANSP W
386 USOBX_MOD Check table for table USOBT TRANSP L
387 USOBX_REV Contains Incorrect Traces from USOBX TRANSP L
388 USOBX_TSTMP Local Time Stamp of Last SAP Change (USOBX) TRANSP C
389 USOB_AUTHVALTRC Authorization Trace Result: Objects and Values TRANSP L
390 USOB_CONTAINER Container Object: Assignment to Referenced Object TRANSP W
392 USOB_FLAGS Indicators for SU22, SU24, SU25 TRANSP C
393 USOB_MOD Applications for Upgrade Profile Generator (TCODE_MOD) TRANSP C
394 USOB_SM Control Table SU22: Auth. Obj. Maint. for Transact./Service TRANSP W
395 USOB_TIMESTAMP Application Time Stamp for Default Data TRANSP C
396 USOGR Object groups for TCode < > Auth. object assignment TRANSP E
397 USOGT Texts for object groups TRANSP E
398 USORG Org. levels for profile generator TRANSP S
399 USOTT Relation transaction > authorization object TRANSP W
400 USPPT Common User Table for Sequencing and REM Planning Table TRANSP A
401 USR01 User master record (runtime data) TRANSP A
402 USR02 Logon Data (Kernel-Side Use) TRANSP A
403 USR03 User address data TRANSP A
404 USR04 User master authorizations TRANSP A
405 USR05 User Master Parameter ID TRANSP A
406 USR06 Additional Data per User TRANSP A
407 USR06SYS System-Specific User Classification (License-Related) TRANSP A
408 USR07 Object/values of last authorization check that failed TRANSP L
409 USR08 Table for user menu entries TRANSP A
410 USR09 Entries for user menus (work areas) TRANSP A
411 USR10 User master authorization profiles TRANSP E
412 USR11 User Master Texts for Profiles (USR10) TRANSP E
413 USR12 User Master Authorization Values TRANSP E
414 USR13 Short Texts for Authorizations TRANSP E
415 USR14 Surchargeable Language Versions per User TRANSP A
416 USR15 External User Name (Replaced By Table USRACL) TRANSP A
417 USR16 Values for Variables for User Authorizations TRANSP L
418 USR20 Date of last user master reorganization TRANSP L
419 USR21 User Name/Address Key Assignment TRANSP A
420 USR21S Shadow table: Assignment of user name to address key TRANSP A
421 USR22 Logon data without kernel access TRANSP A
422 USR30 Additional Information for User Menu TRANSP A
423 USR40 Table for illegal passwords TRANSP C
424 USR41 User master: Additional data TRANSP L
425 USR41_MLD Transaction Data for USR41 TRANSP L
426 USRACL SNC Access Control List (ACL): User TRANSP A
427 USRACLEXT Extended SNC Access Control List (ACL) for Users TRANSP A
428 USRARCSTAT Reloaded Archiving Runs TRANSP A
429 USRATTR Additional Attributes for Users TRANSP A
430 USRBF User Buffer Contents for Fast RFC Logon TRANSP L
431 USRBF2 User buffer content for fast RFC logon - new TRANSP L
432 USRBF3 User Buffer Content for Fast RFC Logon - New TRANSP L
433 USRCERTMAP Certificate Mapping TRANSP A
434 USRCERTRULE Active Rules for Rule-Based Certificate Logon TRANSP C
435 USRCERTRULEMIG Migration table for rule based certificate mapping TRANSP L
436 USRCOBJ Object Filters for Exploding Product Structures TRANSP L
437 USRCOMB Critical Combinations of Authorizations TRANSP E
438 USRCOMBT Short Texts for Critical Combinations of Authorizations TRANSP E
439 USRCRCOMB Part List of Variants for Critical Combinations of Auths TRANSP E
440 USREFUS Reference user for internet applications TRANSP A
441 USREFUSVAR Assignment of Reference User Variabe to Reference User TRANSP C
442 USREXTID Assignment of External ID to Users TRANSP A
443 USREXTIDH External ID (Access Using Hash Value) TRANSP A
444 USREXTIDT Values Table for External ID Type TRANSP E
445 USREXTIDTT Values Table for External ID Type (Texts) TRANSP E
446 USREXTID_IDM Table for Provisioning USREXTID Data from IDM TRANSP L
447 USRFLD CUA: Definition of Logical Fields TRANSP E
448 USRFLDDEF CUA: Definition of Logical Field Names of ALE Distrib. Users TRANSP E
449 USRFLDGRP CUA: Field Selection Groups TRANSP E
450 USRFLDSEL CUA: Field Attributes TRANSP W
451 USRFLDT CUA: Text Table to Define Logical Fields TRANSP E
452 USRFLDVAL CUA: Selection Criteria for Field Attributes TRANSP S
453 USRGENPRS Table for General Workplace Personalization Data TRANSP L
454 USRGIFAV iPPE Interface: Favorite TRANSP A
455 USRGIFOL iPPE Interface: Folder TRANSP A
456 USRGIPROFIL User Assignment to an iPPE Profile TRANSP A
457 USRGIPROFIL_WTY Assign User Profile TRANSP A
458 USRGISETTINGS User Settings for the iPPE Workbench TRANSP A
459 USRGISTACK iPPE Workbench: Stack TRANSP A
460 USRLISTPROFILE Variable List Definition in PDM Environment TRANSP L
461 USRLUIPROFILE User Assignments to Profiles in the iPPE Workbench Express TRANSP A
462 USRLUISETTINGS User-Specific Settings of the iPPE Workbench Express TRANSP A
463 USRM0 Material Master User Settings: Screen Reference "User" TRANSP C
464 USRM1 Material Master User Settings: Organizational Levels TRANSP C
465 USRM2 User Settings for the Material Master: Logical Screens TRANSP C
466 USRM3 Material Master User Settings: Retail Organizational Levels TRANSP C
467 USRMM User settings: material master POOL C
468 USROBJECTS Table of Previous Initial Object in Structure Overview TRANSP L
469 USRPDM User-Specific Data in the PDM Environment TRANSP A
471 USRSTAMP Time Stamp for all Changes to the User TRANSP W
472 USRSYSACT CUA: Roles in Distributed Systems TRANSP L
473 USRSYSACTT CUA: Roles in Distributed Systems TRANSP L
474 USRSYSLNG User's Language in a System TRANSP L
475 USRSYSPRF CUA: Profiles in Distributed Systems TRANSP L
476 USRSYSPRFT CUA: Profile Text in Distributed Systems TRANSP L
477 USRSYSUPL CUA: Price Lists in SAP System TRANSP L
478 USRSYSUPPL CUA: Assignment of User Types to Price Lists TRANSP L
479 USRSYSUTPA CUA: System Measurement: User Types with Attributes TRANSP L
480 USRSYSUTYP CUA: Texts for User Types in SAP System TRANSP L
481 USRSYSUZUS CUA: Texts for Special Versions TRANSP L
482 USRTICLASS Class Assignment for Tabular Maintenance of iPPE TRANSP A
483 USRURLPRS Table for Personalization of Services TRANSP A
484 USRURLSVR Logical Web Servers for Logical Systems (User-Specific) TRANSP A
485 USRVAR Variants for Critical Authorizations TRANSP E
486 USRVARCOM Variants of Critical Combinations of Authorizations TRANSP E
487 USRVARCOMT Short Texts for Variants of Critical Combs of Authorizations TRANSP E
488 USRVARID Part List of Variants for Critical Authorizations TRANSP E
489 USRVART Short Texts for Variants of Critical Authorizations TRANSP E
490 USR_CUST Customizing Settings for Users / Authorizations TRANSP C
491 USR_CUST_SYSTEM System Settings for Users / Authorizations TRANSP C
492 USR_DBMS_SYSTEM System Settings for User Administration in DBMS TRANSP L
494 USR_FLAGS Various Flags for Authorization Programs TRANSP S
495 USR_FLGNT Personal User Settings / Without Transport TRANSP C
496 USSDCHKF USS Documents: File Name of Last Check-Out TRANSP L
497 USSDCHKO USS Documents: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information TRANSP L
498 USSDIDXSTA USS Documents: Status Table for Indexing of Documents TRANSP E
499 USSDLOIO USS Documents: Instances of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E
500 USSDLOIOT USS Documents: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects TRANSP E