SAP ABAP Table - Index SLASH
Table - /
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 /1BEA/BBEA_BDH Billing Header of application BBEA TRANSP A
2 /1BEA/BBEA_BDI Billing Item of application BBEA TRANSP A
3 /1BEA/BBEA_DLI Billing Due List Item of application BBEA TRANSP A
4 /1BEA/CNPL_PDL Price List Due List Item of application CNPL TRANSP A
5 /1BEA/CNPL_PLH Price List Header of application CNPL TRANSP A
6 /1BEA/CNPL_PLI Price List Item of application CNPL TRANSP A
7 /1BEA/CRMB_BDH Billing Header of application CRMB TRANSP A
8 /1BEA/CRMB_BDI Billing Item of application CRMB TRANSP A
9 /1BEA/CRMB_DLI Billing Due List Item of application CRMB TRANSP A
12 /1BEA/CRMR_RCON Extract Conditions of application CRMR TRANSP A
13 /1BEA/CRMR_RDLD Drill-Down of application CRMR TRANSP A
14 /1BEA/CRMR_RDLH Settlement Due List - Header of application CRMR TRANSP A
15 /1BEA/CRMR_RDLI Settlement Due List - Item of application CRMR TRANSP A
16 /1BEA/CRMR_RDLP Settlement Due List - Period Information of application CRMR TRANSP A
17 /1BEA/CRMR_REXH Transaction Data - Header of application CRMR TRANSP A
18 /1BEA/CRMR_REXI Transaction Data - Item of application CRMR TRANSP A
19 /1BEA/CRMR_RPDH Settlement Document - Header of application CRMR TRANSP A
20 /1BEA/CRMR_RPDI Settlement Document - Item of application CRMR TRANSP A
21 /1BEA/CRMR_RPDV Settlement Document - Value Information of application CRMR TRANSP A
22 /1BEA/FBCB_BDH Billing Header of application FBCB TRANSP A
23 /1BEA/FBCB_BDI Billing Item of application FBCB TRANSP A
24 /1BEA/FBCB_DLI Billing Due List Item of application FBCB TRANSP A
25 /1BEA/IPMI_BDH Billing Header of application IPMI TRANSP A
26 /1BEA/IPMI_BDI Billing Item of application IPMI TRANSP A
27 /1BEA/IPMI_DLI Billing Due List Item of application IPMI TRANSP A
28 /1BEA/IPMI_DLSK IPM: Content Key - BDL Item of application IPMI TRANSP A
29 /1BEA/IPMO_BDH Billing Header of application IPMO TRANSP A
30 /1BEA/IPMO_BDI Billing Item of application IPMO TRANSP A
31 /1BEA/IPMO_BDSP IPM: Multiple Payees in BD of application IPMO TRANSP A
32 /1BEA/IPMO_DLI Billing Due List Item of application IPMO TRANSP A
33 /1BEA/IPMO_DLSC IPM: Cross Contract Advances of application IPMO TRANSP A
34 /1BEA/IPMO_DLSI IPM: BDL Splitting Item of application IPMO TRANSP A
35 /1BEA/IPMO_DLSK IPM: Content Key - BDL Item of application IPMO TRANSP A
36 /1BEA/IPMO_DLSP IPM: Multiple Payees of application IPMO TRANSP A
37 /1BEA/IPMO_DLSS IPM: Price agreement data Sh Tiering of application IPMO TRANSP A
38 /1BEA/IPMO_DLST IPM: accumulation per tier sequence of application IPMO TRANSP A
39 /1BEA/IPMO_DPLI IPM:Single Settlement Item of application IPMO TRANSP A
40 /1BS/TEST_TABLE Table for Unit Tests of ABQI Query Engine (with ABAP namesp) TRANSP L
41 /1BS/TEST_T_FK Test table used via fk TRANSP S
42 /1CN/C3DSAP00002 Application/Object Type/Transaction Type/Item Category TRANSP A
43 /1CN/C3DSAP00003 Application/Billing Item Category TRANSP A
44 /1CN/C3DSAP00005 Application/Billing Item Category TRANSP A
45 /1CN/C3DSAP00006 Application/Billing Item Category TRANSP A
46 /1CN/C3DSAP00007 Application/Flow Category/Bill. Item Cat. TRANSP A
47 /1CN/C3DSAP00008 Application/Billing Itm Category TRANSP A
48 /1CN/C3DSAP17001 Application/Billing Item Type -> Accrual Item Item TRANSP A
49 /1CN/CAASAP00001 Sales Org./Acc.Ass.Gp/AccountGrp/CTypAccDet TRANSP A
50 /1CN/CAASAP00002 Sales Organization/Acct Assgmt Group/Cond.Type:Acc.Determ TRANSP A
51 /1CN/CAASAP00003 Sales Organization/Cond.Type:Acc.Determ TRANSP A
52 /1CN/CAASAP00004 Entitlements: Billing Org./Process Code/Strategy TRANSP A
53 /1CN/CAASAP00005 Sales Organization/Expense Type/Condition Type TRANSP A
54 /1CN/CBASAP00001 Action Profile Determination by Billing Type/Billing Unit TRANSP A
55 /1CN/CBBSAP00001 Conditions for Multi-Level Intercompany Billing TRANSP A
56 /1CN/CBPSAP001 Vendor/product TRANSP A
57 /1CN/CBPSAP016 Contract Item TRANSP A
58 /1CN/CBPSAP019 Contract header TRANSP A
59 /1CN/CBPSAP068 Location-dependent TRANSP A
60 /1CN/CBPSAP118 Product TRANSP A
61 /1CN/CBPSAP12000 GUID/Sales Org./Dis. Chan./Division/Prod. GUID TRANSP A
62 /1CN/CBPSAP13008 Sales Org./Dis. Chan./Prod. GUID/Acct. Ind. TRANSP A
63 /1CN/CBPSAP18001 Item GUID/Business Partner GUID TRANSP A
64 /1CN/CBPSAP40005 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Res.Vl.Prod.Grp TRANSP A
65 /1CN/CBPSAP40006 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Residual Value Curve TRANSP A
66 /1CN/CBPSAP40007 Sales Organization/Tax departure country TRANSP A
67 /1CN/CBPSAP40012 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Item Category TRANSP A
68 /1CN/CCASAP00001 Sold-to party TRANSP A
69 /1CN/CCASAP00002 Sales Org./Dis. Chan./Division/Trans.Type/Customer TRANSP A
70 /1CN/CCASAP00003 Transaction Type/Sold-to party TRANSP A
71 /1CN/CCASAP00004 Transaction Type TRANSP A
72 /1CN/CCASAP00005 Sold-to party/Input Channel TRANSP A
73 /1CN/CCBSAP00001 Sales Org. ID/Distribution Channel/Customer/Product GUID TRANSP A
74 /1CN/CCBSAP00002 Sales Organization ID/Distribution Channel/Sold-to party TRANSP A
75 /1CN/CCBSAP12100 CGPL_GUID/Sold-to party/Product GUID TRANSP A
76 /1CN/CCBSAP12102 CGPL_GUID/Sold-to party/Product GUID TRANSP A
77 /1CN/CCBSAP12103 CGPL_GUID/Sold-to party/Category GUID TRANSP A
78 /1CN/CCBSAP12104 CGPL_GUID/Sold-to party/Product Group 1 TRANSP A
79 /1CN/CCBSAP12105 CGPL_GUID/Sold-to party/Main group/Group/Low group TRANSP A
80 /1CN/CCBSAP12110 CGPL_GUID/Hierarchy Node GUID/Product GUID TRANSP A
82 /1CN/CCBSAP12112 CGPL_GUID//Product Group 1 TRANSP A
84 /1CN/CCBSAP12114 CGPL_GUID//Main group/Group/Low group TRANSP A
85 /1CN/CCBSAP12120 CGPL_GUID/Target Group GUID/Product GUID TRANSP A
86 /1CN/CCBSAP12121 CGPL_GUID/Target Group GUID/Category GUID TRANSP A
87 /1CN/CCBSAP12122 CGPL_GUID/Target Group GUID/Product Group 1 TRANSP A
88 /1CN/CCBSAP12123 CGPL_GUID/Target Group GUID/Main group/Group/Low group TRANSP A
89 /1CN/CCBSAP12124 GUID/Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/Prod. GUID TRANSP A
90 /1CN/CCBSAP12125 GUID/Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/PH1/PH2/PH3 TRANSP A
91 /1CN/CCBSAP12126 GUID/Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/Cat. GUID TRANSP A
92 /1CN/CCBSAP12127 GUID/Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/Prod.Grp 1 TRANSP A
93 /1CN/CCBSAP12130 Product TRANSP A
94 /1CN/CCBSAP12131 ERP Product Category TRANSP A
95 /1CN/CCBSAP12132 Product Group 1 TRANSP A
96 /1CN/CCBSAP12200 Sales Org. ID/Distribution Channel/Customer/Product GUID TRANSP A
97 /1CN/CCBSAP12202 Sales Org. ID/Distribution Channel/Customer/Product Group 1 TRANSP A
98 /1CN/CCBSAP12204 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Customer/PH1/PH2/PH3 TRANSP A
99 /1CN/CCBSAP12210 Sales Organization ID/Distribution Channel//Product GUID TRANSP A
100 /1CN/CCBSAP12212 Sales Organization ID/Distribution Channel//Product Group 1 TRANSP A
101 /1CN/CCBSAP12214 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Hierchy BP/PH1/PH2/PH3 TRANSP A
102 /1CN/CCBSAP12220 Sales Organization ID/Distribution Channel/Product GUID TRANSP A
103 /1CN/CCBSAP12222 Sales Organization ID/Distribution Channel/Product Group 1 TRANSP A
104 /1CN/CCBSAP12224 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./PH1/PH2/PH3 TRANSP A
105 /1CN/CCCSAPH0FOR CPE Condition Table: Formula Key (Header) TRANSP A
106 /1CN/CCCSAPH1FDT CPE Condition Table: Formula Details (Header) TRANSP A
107 /1CN/CCCSAPH1FFX CPE Condition Table: Formula Fixed Amount (Header) TRANSP A
108 /1CN/CCCSAPH2TGR CPE Condition Table: Term Grouping (Header) TRANSP A
109 /1CN/CCCSAPH2TRM CPE Condition Table: Term Key (Header) TRANSP A
110 /1CN/CCCSAPH3TCT CPE Condition Table: Term Calculation Type (Header) TRANSP A
111 /1CN/CCCSAPH3TUS CPE Condition Table: User-Defined Term Part (Header) TRANSP A
112 /1CN/CCCSAPH4TFX CPE Condition Table: Term Fixed Amount (Header) TRANSP A
113 /1CN/CCCSAPH4TQU Condition Table TRANSP A
114 /1CN/CCCSAPH4TRF Condition Table TRANSP A
115 /1CN/CCCSAPH4TRU Condition Table TRANSP A
116 /1CN/CCCSAPH5TCR Condition Table TRANSP A
117 /1CN/CCCSAPH5TPC Condition Table TRANSP A
118 /1CN/CCCSAPH5TPQ Condition Table TRANSP A
119 /1CN/CCCSAPH5TSU Condition Table TRANSP A
120 /1CN/CCCSAPI0FOR Condition Table TRANSP A
121 /1CN/CCCSAPI1FDT Condition Table TRANSP A
122 /1CN/CCCSAPI1FFX Condition Table TRANSP A
123 /1CN/CCCSAPI2TGR Condition Table TRANSP A
124 /1CN/CCCSAPI2TRM Condition Table TRANSP A
125 /1CN/CCCSAPI3TCT Condition Table TRANSP A
126 /1CN/CCCSAPI3TUS Condition Table TRANSP A
127 /1CN/CCCSAPI4TFX Condition Table TRANSP A
128 /1CN/CCCSAPI4TQU Condition Table TRANSP A
129 /1CN/CCCSAPI4TRF Condition Table TRANSP A
130 /1CN/CCCSAPI4TRU Condition Table TRANSP A
131 /1CN/CCCSAPI5TCR Condition Table TRANSP A
132 /1CN/CCCSAPI5TPC Condition Table TRANSP A
133 /1CN/CCCSAPI5TPQ Condition Table TRANSP A
134 /1CN/CCCSAPI5TSU Condition Table TRANSP A
135 /1CN/CCDSAP12000 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/Customer/Prod. GUID/GUID TRANSP A
136 /1CN/CCDSAP12001 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/Node GUID/Prod. GUID/GUID TRANSP A
137 /1CN/CCDSAP12002 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/TG GUID/Prod. GUID/GUID TRANSP A
138 /1CN/CCDSAP12003 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/Customer/Prod.segm. TRANSP A
139 /1CN/CCDSAP12004 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/Node GUID/Prod.segm. TRANSP A
140 /1CN/CCDSAP12100 Sales Org. ID/Distribution Channel/Customer/Product GUID TRANSP A
141 /1CN/CCDSAP12101 Sales Org. ID/Distribution Channel/Customer/Category GUID TRANSP A
142 /1CN/CCDSAP12102 Sales Org. ID/Distribution Channel/Customer/Product Group 1 TRANSP A
143 /1CN/CCDSAP12104 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Customer/PH1/PH2/PH3 TRANSP A
144 /1CN/CCDSAP12110 Sales Org. ID/Distribution Channel/Node GUID/Product GUID TRANSP A
145 /1CN/CCDSAP12111 Sales Org. ID/Distribution Channel/Node GUID/Category GUID TRANSP A
146 /1CN/CCDSAP12112 Sales Org. ID/Distribution Channel/Node GUID/Product Group 1 TRANSP A
147 /1CN/CCDSAP12113 Sales Organization ID/Distribution Channel//Product GUID TRANSP A
148 /1CN/CCDSAP12114 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Hierchy BP/PH1/PH2/PH3 TRANSP A
149 /1CN/CCDSAP12115 Sales Organization ID/Distribution Channel//Product Group 1 TRANSP A
150 /1CN/CCDSAP12120 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./TG GUID/Prod. GUID TRANSP A
151 /1CN/CCDSAP12121 Customer/Distribution Channel/Target Grp GUID/Category GUID TRANSP A
152 /1CN/CCDSAP12122 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./TG GUID/Prod.Grp 1 TRANSP A
153 /1CN/CCDSAP12124 Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./TG GUID/PH1/PH2/PH3 TRANSP A
154 /1CN/CCDSAPSUNIL GUID/Dis. Chan./Prod. GUID/Sls Org ID/Customer TRANSP A
155 /1CN/CCFSAP010 SOrg/ DtChnl/ Sold-to Pty/ Product TRANSP A
156 /1CN/CCFSAP12000 GUID/Sls Org ID/Dis. Chan./Division/Prod. GUID TRANSP A
157 /1CN/CCMSAP002 Sold-to party/Product GUID TRANSP A
158 /1CN/CCMSAP003 Product/Point Type/Tier TRANSP A
159 /1CN/CCMSAP004 Product/Point Type TRANSP A
160 /1CN/CCMSAP005 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Product/Point Type TRANSP A
161 /1CN/CCQSAP001 SOrg/DtChnl/Division/SOffice/SGrp/Resp. v. TRANSP A
162 /1CN/CCQSAP002 Service organization/responsible orgunit (service) TRANSP A
163 /1CN/CCQSAP004 Business Transaction Type TRANSP A
164 /1CN/CCQSAP005 Partner function TRANSP A
165 /1CN/CCUSAP00004 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Product TRANSP A
166 /1CN/CCUSAP00005 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Sold-to Party/Prod TRANSP A
167 /1CN/CCUSAP00090 Item GUIDProduct TRANSP A
169 /1CN/CEPSAP00510 Entitlment Partner ID TRANSP A
170 /1CN/CEPSAP00511 Product GUID TRANSP A
171 /1CN/CEPSAP00514 Entitlment Partner ID/Product GUID TRANSP A
172 /1CN/CEPSAP00515 Dis. Chan./Division/Sls Org ID/En Part/Prod. GUID TRANSP A
173 /1CN/CEPSAP00516 Prog. Type/Def.Clear./Proc. Code/En Part/ProgScheme TRANSP A
174 /1CN/CLISAP00001 Sold-to party TRANSP A
175 /1CN/CLISAP00002 Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Sold-to party TRANSP A
176 /1CN/CLISAP00003 Hierarchy Node GUID TRANSP A
177 /1CN/CLISAP00004 Sales Org. ID/Distribution Channel/Node GUID TRANSP A
178 /1CN/COASAP00001 Condition Table TRANSP A
179 /1CN/COASAP00002 Condition Table TRANSP A
180 /1CN/COASAP00003 Hierarchy Node GUID/Item Category/Item GUID TRANSP A
181 /1CN/COASAP00004 Business Partner GUID/Item Category/Item GUID TRANSP A
182 /1CN/COASAP00005 Financing prod. GUID/Category GUID/Item Category/Item GUID TRANSP A
183 /1CN/COASAP00006 Product GUID/Category GUID/Item Category/Item GUID TRANSP A
184 /1CN/COASAP00011 Inclusive Business Partner Hierarchy + FP Cat. TRANSP A
185 /1CN/COASAP00012 Inclusive Business Partner + FP Cat. TRANSP A
186 /1CN/COASAP00050 Business Partner Check in Outline Agreement TRANSP A
187 /1CN/CPASAP00001 Input Product TRANSP A
188 /1CN/CPNSAP00001 Business Partner/Product (GUID) TRANSP A
189 /1CN/CPTSAP00001 Business Partner/Product Group TRANSP A
190 /1CN/CPTSAP00004 Business Partner/Product GUID TRANSP A
191 /1CN/CPTSAP00005 Business Partner/Product Group/Product GUID TRANSP A
192 /1CN/CPTSAP00006 Business Partner TRANSP A
194 /1CN/CRMSAP_CONN Airline/Connection Number TRANSP A
196 /1CN/CSLSAP00001 Fuel/Int./Ext./Option Buy/Intl/Prod. GUID/Prod. GUID TRANSP A
197 /1CN/CSLSAP00002 Prod. GUID/Tire Stor./SummrTires/WintrTires/Hubcap (W) TRANSP A
198 /1CN/CSLSAP00003 Product GUID/Reference Product TRANSP A
199 /1CN/CTXSAPD0001 Deductibility : Cost Center / Usage TRANSP A
200 /1CN/CTXSAPD0002 Deductibility : Order / Usage TRANSP A
201 /1CN/CTXSAPD0003 Country/Product Usage TRANSP A
202 /1CN/CTXSAPD0004 Default Value TRANSP A
203 /1CN/CTXSAPD0201 Tax Code TRANSP A
204 /1CN/CTXSAPR0100 Product Tax Group / Partner Tax Group TRANSP A
205 /1CN/CTXSAPR0103 Product Tax Group TRANSP A
206 /1CN/CTXSAPR0104 Country TRANSP A
207 /1CN/CTXSAPR0105 Country / Tax Transaction TRANSP A
208 /1CN/CTXSAPR0106 Region / Product Tax Group / Partner Tax Group TRANSP A
209 /1CN/CTXSAPR0107 Tax Event / Tax Jurisdiction Code TRANSP A
210 /1CN/CTXSAPR0108 Country/Region/Product Tax Group TRANSP A
211 /1CN/CTXSAPR0110 Vendor / Recipient Jurisd. Lv. 1 TRANSP A
212 /1CN/CTXSAPR0111 Vendor / Recipient Jurisd. Lv. 2 TRANSP A
213 /1CN/CTXSAPR0112 Vendor / Recipient Jurisd. Lv. 2 / Tax Tariff Code TRANSP A
214 /1CN/CTXSAPR0113 Vendor / Recipient Jurisd. Lv. 2 / Product Tax Group TRANSP A
215 /1CN/CTXSAPR0120 Tax Tariff Code TRANSP A
216 /1CN/CTXSAPR0130 Ship-To Party / Jurisdiction Lv. 3 TRANSP A
217 /1CN/CTXSAPR0131 Jurisdiction Lv. 3 / Product Tax Group TRANSP A
218 /1CN/CTXSAPR0140 IJM US/CA Country/Tax Event/Jurisdiction Code TRANSP A
219 /1CN/CTXSAPR0201 Tax Code TRANSP A
220 /1CN/CTXSAPR0202 Country/Exemption Reason TRANSP A
222 /1CN/CTXSAPRBR02 Product Tax Group TRANSP A
223 /1CN/CTXSAPRBR03 Product Tax Group / Partner Tax Group TRANSP A
224 /1CN/CTXSAPRBR10 Vendor / Recipient Jurisd. Lv. 1 TRANSP A
225 /1CN/CTXSAPRBR11 Vendor / Recipient Jurisd. Lv. 2 / Tax Tariff Code TRANSP A
226 /1CN/CTXSAPRBR12 Vendor / Recipient Jurisd. Lv. 2 / Product Tax Group TRANSP A
227 /1CN/CTXSAPRBR20 Recipient / Jurisdiction Lv. 2 TRANSP A
228 /1CN/CTXSAPRBR21 Jurisdiction Lv. 2/ Product Tax Group TRANSP A
229 /1CN/CTXSAPRIN03 Country/Tax Tariff Code/Business Partner ID TRANSP A
230 /1CN/CTXSAPRIN04 Recipient Country/Tax Tariff Code/Business Partner ID TRANSP A
231 /1CN/CTXSAPRIN06 Country/Spl Reg./Rec Region/Tax Group/Tax Group TRANSP A
232 /1CN/CTXSAPRIN07 Country/Partner ID/Recip. Tax Region/Tax Group TRANSP A
233 /1CN/CTXSAPS0100 Stamp Duty TRANSP A
234 /1CN/CTXSAPS0101 Country/Bus. Transaction TRANSP A
235 /1CN/CTXSAPS0102 Country/Bus. Transaction TRANSP A
236 /1CN/CTXSAPW0201 Country/Tax Code TRANSP A
237 /1CN/CTXSAPW0202 Country/Business Partner Tax Group TRANSP A
238 /1CN/CTXSAPX0100 Tax Region TRANSP A
239 /1CN/CTXSAPX0101 Vendor / Customer TRANSP A
240 /1CN/CTXSAPX0102 Partner Tax Group TRANSP A
241 /1CN/CTXSAPX0103 Vendor / Customer / Product Tax Group TRANSP A
242 /1CN/CTXSAPX0104 Region / Location Relationship TRANSP A
243 /1CN/CTXSAPX0105 Country/Product Tax Group 1 TRANSP A
244 /1CN/CTXSAPX0106 Country/Region/Product Tax Group 1 TRANSP A
245 /1CN/CTXSAPX0107 Country/Exemption Reason TRANSP A
246 /1CN/CTXSAPX0140 IJM US/CA Country/Product Tax Group/Jurisdiction Code TRANSP A
247 /1CN/CTXSAPX0141 IJM US/CA Country/BP Tax Group/Jurisdiction Code TRANSP A
248 /1CN/CTXSAPX0146 IJM US/CA Country/Product Tax Group/Region TRANSP A
249 /1CN/CTXSAPX0147 IJM US/CA Country/Partner Tax Group/Region TRANSP A
250 /1CN/CTXSAPX0148 IJM US/CA Full Tax Base TRANSP A
252 /1CN/CTXSAPXBR02 Product Tax Group TRANSP A
253 /1CN/CTXSAPXBR03 Product Tax Group / Partner Tax Group TRANSP A
254 /1CN/CTXSAPXBR11 Vendor / Recipient Jurisd. Lv. 2 / Tax Tariff Code TRANSP A
255 /1CN/LBPSCALEDEF Scale Table - Fixed Part of a Scale TRANSP A
256 /1CN/LBPSCALEDIM Scale Table - Scale Dimensions TRANSP A
257 /1CN/LBPSCALEEVL Scale Table - Fixed Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
258 /1CN/LBPSCALEV01 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
259 /1CN/LBPSCALEV02 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
260 /1CN/LBPSCB__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
261 /1CN/LBPSCC__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
262 /1CN/LBPSCD__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
263 /1CN/LBPSCE__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
264 /1CN/LBPSCF__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
265 /1CN/LBPSCL__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
266 /1CN/LBPSCM__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
267 /1CN/LBPSCN__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
268 /1CN/LBPSCO__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
269 /1CN/LBPSCP__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
270 /1CN/LBPSCR__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
271 /1CN/LBPSCS__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
272 /1CN/LBPSCTC1LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
273 /1CN/LCBSCALEDEF Scale Table - Fixed Part of a Scale TRANSP A
274 /1CN/LCBSCALEDIM Scale Table - Scale Dimensions TRANSP A
275 /1CN/LCBSCALEEVL Scale Table - Fixed Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
276 /1CN/LCBSCALEV01 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
277 /1CN/LCBSCB__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
278 /1CN/LCBSCC__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
279 /1CN/LCBSCD__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
280 /1CN/LCBSCE__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
281 /1CN/LCBSCF__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
282 /1CN/LCBSCL__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
283 /1CN/LCBSCM__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
284 /1CN/LCBSCN__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
285 /1CN/LCBSCO__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
286 /1CN/LCBSCP__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
287 /1CN/LCBSCR__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
288 /1CN/LCBSCS__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
289 /1CN/LCBSCTC1LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
290 /1CN/LCFSCALEDEF Scale Table - Fixed Part of a Scale TRANSP A
291 /1CN/LCFSCALEDIM Scale Table - Scale Dimensions TRANSP A
292 /1CN/LCFSCALEV01 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
293 /1CN/LCFSCA__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
294 /1CN/LPNSCALEDEF Scale Table - Fixed Part of a Scale TRANSP A
295 /1CN/LPNSCALEDIM Scale Table - Scale Dimensions TRANSP A
296 /1CN/LPNSCALEV01 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
297 /1CN/LPNSCA__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
298 /1CN/LPTSCALEDEF Scale Table - Fixed Part of a Scale TRANSP A
299 /1CN/LPTSCALEDIM Scale Table - Scale Dimensions TRANSP A
300 /1CN/LPTSCALEEVL Scale Table - Fixed Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
301 /1CN/LPTSCALEV01 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
302 /1CN/LPTSCALEV02 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
303 /1CN/LPTSCB__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
304 /1CN/LPTSCC__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
305 /1CN/LPTSCD__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
306 /1CN/LPTSCE__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
307 /1CN/LPTSCF__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
308 /1CN/LPTSCL__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
309 /1CN/LPTSCM__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
310 /1CN/LPTSCN__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
311 /1CN/LPTSCO__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
312 /1CN/LPTSCP__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
313 /1CN/LPTSCR__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
314 /1CN/LPTSCS__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
315 /1CN/LPTSCTC1LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
316 /1CN/LRMSCALEDEF Scale Table - Fixed Part of a Scale TRANSP A
317 /1CN/LRMSCALEDIM Scale Table - Scale Dimensions TRANSP A
318 /1CN/LRMSCALEV01 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
319 /1CN/LRMSCALEV02 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
320 /1CN/LRMSCALEV03 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
321 /1CN/LRMSCA__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
322 /1CN/LTXSCALEDEF Scale Table - Fixed Part of a Scale TRANSP A
323 /1CN/LTXSCALEDIM Scale Table - Scale Dimensions TRANSP A
324 /1CN/LTXSCALEEVL Scale Table - Fixed Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
325 /1CN/LTXSCALEV01 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
326 /1CN/LTXSCALEV02 Scale Table - Variable Data Part of a Scale TRANSP A
327 /1CN/LTXSCB__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
328 /1CN/LTXSCC__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
329 /1CN/LTXSCD__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
330 /1CN/LTXSCE__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
331 /1CN/LTXSCF__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
332 /1CN/LTXSCL__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
333 /1CN/LTXSCM__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
334 /1CN/LTXSCN__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
335 /1CN/LTXSCO__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
336 /1CN/LTXSCP__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
337 /1CN/LTXSCR__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
338 /1CN/LTXSCS__LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
339 /1CN/LTXSCTC1LIN Scale Table - Variable Part of a Scale TRANSP A
340 /1CN/SBPSAP001 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
341 /1CN/SBPSAP016 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
342 /1CN/SBPSAP019 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
343 /1CN/SBPSAP068 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
344 /1CN/SBPSAP118 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
345 /1CN/SBPSAP12000 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
346 /1CN/SBPSAP13008 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
347 /1CN/SBPSAP18001 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
348 /1CN/SBPSAP40005 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
349 /1CN/SBPSAP40006 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
350 /1CN/SBPSAP40007 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
351 /1CN/SBPSAP40012 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
352 /1CN/SCBSAP00001 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
353 /1CN/SCBSAP00002 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
354 /1CN/SCBSAP12100 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
355 /1CN/SCBSAP12102 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
356 /1CN/SCBSAP12103 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
357 /1CN/SCBSAP12104 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
358 /1CN/SCBSAP12105 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
359 /1CN/SCBSAP12110 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
360 /1CN/SCBSAP12111 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
361 /1CN/SCBSAP12112 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
362 /1CN/SCBSAP12113 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
363 /1CN/SCBSAP12114 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
364 /1CN/SCBSAP12120 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
365 /1CN/SCBSAP12121 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
366 /1CN/SCBSAP12122 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
367 /1CN/SCBSAP12123 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
368 /1CN/SCBSAP12124 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
369 /1CN/SCBSAP12125 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
370 /1CN/SCBSAP12126 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
371 /1CN/SCBSAP12127 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
372 /1CN/SCBSAP12130 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
373 /1CN/SCBSAP12131 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
374 /1CN/SCBSAP12132 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
375 /1CN/SCBSAP12200 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
376 /1CN/SCBSAP12202 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
377 /1CN/SCBSAP12204 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
378 /1CN/SCBSAP12210 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
379 /1CN/SCBSAP12212 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
380 /1CN/SCBSAP12214 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
381 /1CN/SCBSAP12220 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
382 /1CN/SCBSAP12222 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
383 /1CN/SCBSAP12224 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
384 /1CN/SPTSAP00001 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
385 /1CN/SPTSAP00004 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
386 /1CN/SPTSAP00005 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
387 /1CN/SPTSAP00006 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
388 /1CN/STXSAPD0001 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
389 /1CN/STXSAPD0002 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
390 /1CN/STXSAPD0003 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
391 /1CN/STXSAPD0004 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
392 /1CN/STXSAPD0201 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
393 /1CN/STXSAPR0100 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
394 /1CN/STXSAPR0103 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
395 /1CN/STXSAPR0104 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
396 /1CN/STXSAPR0105 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
397 /1CN/STXSAPR0106 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
398 /1CN/STXSAPR0107 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
399 /1CN/STXSAPR0108 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
400 /1CN/STXSAPR0110 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
401 /1CN/STXSAPR0111 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
402 /1CN/STXSAPR0112 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
403 /1CN/STXSAPR0113 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
404 /1CN/STXSAPR0120 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
405 /1CN/STXSAPR0130 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
406 /1CN/STXSAPR0131 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
407 /1CN/STXSAPR0140 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
408 /1CN/STXSAPR0201 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
409 /1CN/STXSAPR0202 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
410 /1CN/STXSAPRBR01 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
411 /1CN/STXSAPRBR02 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
412 /1CN/STXSAPRBR03 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
413 /1CN/STXSAPRBR10 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
414 /1CN/STXSAPRBR11 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
415 /1CN/STXSAPRBR12 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
416 /1CN/STXSAPRBR20 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
417 /1CN/STXSAPRBR21 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
418 /1CN/STXSAPRIN03 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
419 /1CN/STXSAPRIN04 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
420 /1CN/STXSAPRIN06 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
421 /1CN/STXSAPRIN07 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
422 /1CN/STXSAPS0100 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
423 /1CN/STXSAPS0101 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
424 /1CN/STXSAPS0102 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
425 /1CN/STXSAPW0201 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
426 /1CN/STXSAPW0202 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
427 /1CN/STXSAPX0100 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
428 /1CN/STXSAPX0101 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
429 /1CN/STXSAPX0102 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
430 /1CN/STXSAPX0103 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
431 /1CN/STXSAPX0104 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
432 /1CN/STXSAPX0105 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
433 /1CN/STXSAPX0106 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
434 /1CN/STXSAPX0107 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
435 /1CN/STXSAPX0140 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
436 /1CN/STXSAPX0141 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
437 /1CN/STXSAPX0146 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
438 /1CN/STXSAPX0147 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
439 /1CN/STXSAPX0148 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
440 /1CN/STXSAPXBR01 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
441 /1CN/STXSAPXBR02 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
442 /1CN/STXSAPXBR03 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
443 /1CN/STXSAPXBR11 Supplementary Table for a Condition Table TRANSP A
444 /1CR/ICRMBO00001 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field SALES_ORG TRANSP A
445 /1CR/ICRMBO00002 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field DIS_CHANNEL TRANSP A
446 /1CR/ICRMBO00003 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field SOLD_TO_PARTY TRANSP A
447 /1CR/ICRMBO00004 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field PRODUCT TRANSP A
448 /1CR/ICRMBO00005 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field CAMPAIGN_GUID TRANSP A
449 /1CR/ICRMBO00006 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field HIER_CAT_GUID TRANSP A
450 /1CR/ICRMBO00007 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field PRC_GROUP1 TRANSP A
451 /1CR/ICRMBO00008 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field PRODH1 TRANSP A
452 /1CR/ICRMBO00009 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field PRODH2 TRANSP A
453 /1CR/ICRMBO00010 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field PRODH3 TRANSP A
454 /1CR/ICRMBO00011 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field HIER_NODE_GUID TRANSP A
455 /1CR/ICRMBO00012 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field HIER_NO_GUID TRANSP A
456 /1CR/ICRMBO00013 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field TG_BP_GUID TRANSP A
457 /1CR/ICRMBO00014 Extract Index Table for VaKey Field DIVISION TRANSP A
458 /1DF/__GI000 TRANSP A
460 /AIN/ACTTYPEBP Relation of Action Type to Business Process, Device Role TRANSP C
461 /AIN/ACTTYPET Action Type description text table TRANSP E
462 /AIN/ACT_PACKLEV Customized Pack Levels TRANSP C
463 /AIN/ACT_PCKLEVS Default Pack Levels TRANSP S
464 /AIN/BW_SETUP_I Setup table for initial data upload to BW for internal data TRANSP A
466 /AIN/DM_ACT_LK Internal observation (action) link table TRANSP A
467 /AIN/DM_ACT_OBJ Action object TRANSP A
468 /AIN/DM_AOBJ_CTX Action Object Context (tag data history) TRANSP A
469 /AIN/DM_ATBP Relation of Action Type to Business Process TRANSP E
470 /AIN/DM_ATDGR Relation of Action Type to Device Group Role TRANSP E
471 /AIN/DM_CTRLPAR Control parameters TRANSP G
472 /AIN/DM_CTRLPART Description for control parameters TRANSP G
473 /AIN/DM_DEV Device table TRANSP A
474 /AIN/DM_DEVCS Device Common Susbcription table TRANSP A
475 /AIN/DM_DEVCS_AT Attribute List of Common Subscription table TRANSP A
476 /AIN/DM_DEVCS_DG Device Group List of Common Susbcription table TRANSP A
477 /AIN/DM_DEVCS_EV Event List of Common Subscription table TRANSP A
478 /AIN/DM_DEVCS_FI Filter List of Common Subscription TRANSP A
479 /AIN/DM_DEVCTR Device-controller table TRANSP A
480 /AIN/DM_DEVCTRT Device-controller text table TRANSP A
481 /AIN/DM_DEVGRP Device group table TRANSP A
482 /AIN/DM_DEVGRPT Device-group text table TRANSP A
483 /AIN/DM_DEVT Device text table TRANSP A
484 /AIN/DM_DG_TOBJ Device group - top object for conveyor pack TRANSP A
485 /AIN/DM_DOC Table with Document information. TRANSP A
486 /AIN/DM_DOC_CTX Document Context Table TRANSP A
487 /AIN/DM_DOC_ITM Document-item table TRANSP A
488 /AIN/DM_DOC_OBIT Document-object items TRANSP A
489 /AIN/DM_DOC_OBJ Document object information TRANSP A
490 /AIN/DM_DOC_OIAC DO NOT USE (Document-object items Actuals) TRANSP A
491 /AIN/DM_DOC_OQCC Document Object Aggr. Quantity per Characteristic Comb. TRANSP A
492 /AIN/DM_DOC_STA Document status TRANSP A
493 /AIN/DM_DOC_TYP Document Type TRANSP E
494 /AIN/DM_DOC_TYPT Document type TRANSP E
495 /AIN/DM_ETOBS_LK External observation link table TRANSP A
496 /AIN/DM_IDIT_CTX Item context table for inbound deliveries TRANSP A
497 /AIN/DM_LOC Location table TRANSP A
498 /AIN/DM_LOCK_RTY Number of Retries and Wait Times for Critical Resources TRANSP C
499 /AIN/DM_LOCMAP Auto-ID: Location Mapping TRANSP A
500 /AIN/DM_LOCT Locations description TRANSP A