SAP ABAP Table - Index I, page 5
Table - I
# Table name Short Description Table Category Delivery Class
1 IWB5PHF KW: Physical Information Object Files TRANSP E
2 IWB5PHHR KW: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects TRANSP E
3 IWB5PHHRPR EPF: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships TRANSP E
4 IWB5PHIO KW: Instances of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
5 IWB5PHNM KW: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
6 IWB5PHNMPR EPF: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships TRANSP E
7 IWB5PHPR KW: Physical Information Object Attributes TRANSP E
8 IWB5PHRE KW: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
9 IWB5PHREPR EPF: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs TRANSP E
10 IWB5PHRI KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects TRANSP E
11 IWB5PHRIPR EPF: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs TRANSP E
12 IWB7CHKF SAP KW: File Name of Last Check-Out TRANSP L
13 IWB7CHKO SAP KW: Check-Out Data of Physical Info Object TRANSP L
14 IWB7IDXSTA SDOK: Status Table for Document Indexing: IWB1 TRANSP E
15 IWB7LOIO SAP KW: Instances of Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
16 IWB7LOIOT SAP KW: Description of Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
17 IWB7LOPR SAP KW: Attributes of Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
18 IWB7LORE SAP KW: Outgoing Links of Logical Info Objects TRANSP E
19 IWB7LORI SAP KW: Incoming Links of Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
20 IWB7NODE Node Table for General Structure Storage TRANSP E
21 IWB7NODER General Structure Storage References TRANSP E
22 IWB7NODET General Structure Storage Node Names TRANSP E
23 IWB7PHF SAP KW: Physical Info Object Files TRANSP E
24 IWB7PHHR SAP KW: Outgoing Links of Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
25 IWB7PHHRPR EPF: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships TRANSP E
26 IWB7PHIO SAP KW: Instances of Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
27 IWB7PHNM SAP KW: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects TRANSP E
28 IWB7PHNMPR EPF: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships TRANSP E
29 IWB7PHPR SAP KW: Attributes of Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
30 IWB7PHRE SAP KW: Outgoing Links of Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
31 IWB7PHREPR EPF: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs TRANSP E
32 IWB7PHRI SAP KW: Incoming Links of Physical Info Objects TRANSP E
33 IWB7PHRIPR EPF: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs TRANSP E
34 IWBAPDEL KW: Instances of Deleted Physical Information Objects TRANSP L
35 IWBARDEL SDOK: Relation with both partners TRANSP L
36 IWBENTRY_M IWB: Info Object Browser defaults TRANSP L
37 IWBENTRY_S KEn: Info Object Browser Defaults TRANSP L
38 IWBENTRY_U KEn: Info Object Browser Defaults TRANSP L
39 IWBENTRY_V KEn: Info Object Browser Defaults TRANSP L
40 IWBKEP KEP Data for Scheduling Training TRANSP L
41 IWBKEP2 KEP Data for Scheduling Training: Context TRANSP L
42 IWBKEPDEST KEPlicator Data for Logical Destinations TRANSP L
43 IWBKEYWRD Info Workbench: Keywords (language-independent information) TRANSP S
44 IWBKEYWRDT Info Workbench: Keywords (language-dependent information) TRANSP S
45 IWBKMIG Statistics for keyword migration TRANSP L
46 IWBREORG KEn: Status of Reorganization TRANSP L
47 IWBREORG_S Reorg report settings TRANSP E
48 IWBSETTING KEN: Settings (valid versions, etc.) TRANSP S
49 IWBSTATEHIER Used to hierarchize table IWPROPVAL TRANSP C
50 IWBUUIDVAL Values with Generated Key (GUID) TRANSP L
51 IWBWFATTR Attributes of the Info Objects in the Workflow Package TRANSP L
52 IWBWFHEAD Workflow Package TRANSP L
53 IWB_ADMIN IWB: Administration Information TRANSP L
54 IWB_BF_EHP_IOA Assignments Between BF/EHP/Structures in Application System TRANSP E
55 IWB_BF_EHP_IOH Assignments Between BF/EHP and KW Structures TRANSP E
56 IWB_BF_EHP_IOV Assignments Between BF/EHP and KW Structures (History) TRANSP E
57 IWB_BF_F4 Value Table for Business Functions (for IWB_BF_EHP_IOH) TRANSP E
58 IWB_BF_SID Combination of Active BFs and System ID TRANSP L
59 IWB_EHP_CONTEXTH Assignments Between EHP / SP / APPL and KW Contexts TRANSP E
60 IWB_EHP_CONTEXTV Assignments: EHP / SP / APPL and KW Contexts (History) TRANSP E
62 IWB_EHP_SWC Assignment of Enhancement Package to Software Component TRANSP A
63 IWB_MACRO_PARA Parameter Table for Macro Control TRANSP S
64 IWB_NEWREL REORG: Save newly created Relation TRANSP L
65 IWB_SID_E18 Combination of LOIOs of the SAP Library and System ID TRANSP L
66 IWB_WF_IO Info Objects in the Workflow Package TRANSP L
67 IWCLTYPE IWB: Assignment of I/O classes to I/O types TRANSP E
68 IWCODEPAGE KEN Codepage info (which CP is used for a language) TRANSP G
69 IWCOMP_OBJ The Comparative Objects with Context and Destination TRANSP L
70 IWCOMP_RES KW System Results for Comparision of Content TRANSP L
71 IWDISPLAY Info Workbench: Categories TRANSP E
72 IWDISPLAYT Info Workbench: Category texts TRANSP E
73 IWDOCFRMT Document Formats that are Supported in KW TRANSP G
74 IWEXADD HTML Export: Export Alias and Structure Object (ID + Class) TRANSP L
75 IWEXDEST KEn: Html Export Destinations TRANSP C
76 IWEXDONE KEn: Html Export History TRANSP L
77 IWEXEXOPTS KEn: Html Export Options TRANSP S
78 IWEXEXOPTT KEn: Html Export Options (Text) TRANSP S
79 IWEXINDX KEn: Html Export Analysis Data (INDX) TRANSP L
80 IWEXPHIO HTML Export Services Phio List of HTML Generation TRANSP L
81 IWEXRTAB KEn: Html Export Number Areas for File Names TRANSP E
82 IWEXRTABT KEn: Html Export Number Areas for File Names (Text) TRANSP E
83 IWEXRULES KEn: Html Export Dispatching Rules TRANSP C
84 IWEXSERVER KEn: Html Export Systems TRANSP C
85 IWEXSTATUS KEn: Html Export Status TRANSP L
86 IWEXTEND Enhancement Information: Add-On and Customer TRANSP G
87 IWEXTENDT Enhancement Information - Text Table TRANSP G
88 IWEXTODO KEn: Html Export Request List TRANSP L
89 IWEXTSYMBS KEn: Html Export Text Symbols TRANSP S
90 IWEXTSYMBT KEn: Html Export Text Symbols TRANSP S
91 IWFLDRGRP Folder groups TRANSP G
92 IWFLDRGRPT Folder groups TRANSP G
93 IWFTRANS Folders and IOs Scheduled for Translation TRANSP C
94 IWH_31_LNK 3.1: Help Links (only for customer solution for 3.1) TRANSP S
95 IWICON IWB: Icon store TRANSP S
96 IWIKS2STAT IWB: IO Info Read per User TRANSP L
97 IWIKSVAR KW: Template Variables for IKS Replacement TRANSP G
98 IWIKSVART KW: Template Variables for IKS Replacement (Description) TRANSP G
99 IWINDUSTRY KEN: Industry sectors and their root sectors TRANSP G
100 IWNODEICON IWB: Structure display icon management TRANSP S
101 IWNODETDEF IWB: Default node classification (environment-specific) TRANSP S
102 IWOBJECT IWB: Repository for Info Objects TRANSP L
103 IWOT_HEAD Assignment of Header Data Screens for External Labels TRANSP S
104 IWOT_HEADT Assignment of Header Data Screens for External Labels: Texts TRANSP S
105 IWOT_LNK Assignment of View Profiles TRANSP C
106 IWOT_PROF View Profiles for Basic Order View TRANSP C
107 IWOT_PROFN Assignment of Pushbuttons to Tab Pages TRANSP C
108 IWOT_PROFT View Profile Texts for Basic Order View TRANSP C
109 IWOT_PROF_HEAD Header Data Format for Basic Order View TRANSP C
110 IWOT_PROF_SUB Tab Pages for View Profiles TRANSP C
111 IWOT_PROF_SUBT Tab Page Titles for View Profiles TRANSP C
112 IWOT_SUB Assignment of Subscreens to External Labels TRANSP S
113 IWOT_SUBT Assignment of Subscreens to External Labels: Texts TRANSP S
114 IWPROPVAL Valid Attribute Values (Classes or Area-Specific) TRANSP E
115 IWPROPVALT Valid Attribute Values (Classes or Area-Specific) TRANSP E
116 IWP_APT_IPRV_MAP Mapping between Audit Package template and Source Infoprov TRANSP G
117 IWP_AREA_F Audit Area Fields TRANSP G
118 IWP_AREA_R (obsolete) Relations of an Audit Area TRANSP G
119 IWP_AREA_S Audit Area Tables TRANSP G
120 IWP_AREA_V (obsolete) Views of an Audit Area TRANSP G
121 IWP_AUTH_IOBJ Definition of Infoobjects to be used for authorization TRANSP C
122 IWP_BI_OBJECTNUM Numbers of Objects to be created in BI TRANSP C
123 IWP_CONF_MESSAGE Adopt Messages in Message Log TRANSP C
124 IWP_DATA_DELIVER Metadata from Archive Object SN_META TRANSP L
125 IWP_DB_AREA Audit Areas TRANSP G
126 IWP_DB_AREAT Description of audit areas TRANSP G
127 IWP_DB_AREA_ND Hierachy of the audit area TRANSP G
128 IWP_DB_AREA_NDT Description of a folder in the hierachy TRANSP G
129 IWP_DB_REPOS Retention Warehouse: Repository TRANSP E
130 IWP_DB_REPOST Retention Warehouse: Repository Description TRANSP E
131 IWP_DB_REPOS_F Retention Warehouse: Repository Fields TRANSP E
132 IWP_DB_REPOS_FT Retention Warehouse: Repository field description TRANSP E
133 IWP_DB_REPOS_S Retention Warehouse: Repository structures TRANSP E
134 IWP_DB_REPOS_ST Retention Warehouse: Repository structure description TRANSP E
135 IWP_DB_SET Set of tables TRANSP E
136 IWP_DB_SETT Set description TRANSP E
137 IWP_DB_SET_F Fields of the set TRANSP E
138 IWP_DB_SET_S Structures of a set TRANSP E
139 IWP_DP_AP_EV_DIR Generated Exit Views directory TRANSP A
140 IWP_DP_AP_GENTAB Audit Package/gen.table relations TRANSP A
141 IWP_DP_AP_LS Audit Package Level Load Status in provisioning layer TRANSP A
142 IWP_DP_AP_LV_DIR Generated Views directory TRANSP A
143 IWP_DP_AP_PV_DIR Audit Package References TRANSP A
144 IWP_DP_AP_URI_AS Audit Package URI Assignment TRANSP A
145 IWP_DP_AP_URI_ID Audit Package URI Structure Loadstat TRANSP A
146 IWP_DP_CURR_REF CURR and CUKY Ref table and Ref field mapping for legacy tab TRANSP L
147 IWP_DP_DESCR Data Descriptor TRANSP A
148 IWP_DP_RW_RENVTN Retention Warehouse Optimization Switch Values TRANSP C
149 IWP_DP_TAB_DIR Generated Tables Directory TRANSP A
150 IWP_DP_URI_DICT Resource Identifier Dictionary TRANSP A
151 IWP_GEN_CONFIG Configuration of BI extraction TRANSP C
152 IWP_GEN_SETTINGS Define Settings for Parallelization TRANSP C
153 IWP_HDB_CUST Customizing for generating ILM content on HANA TRANSP C
154 IWP_HDB_MODELS VDM's for HANA Model Replication TRANSP L
155 IWP_HDB_QUERY_V Contains mapping of Reporting package to Query Views TRANSP A
156 IWP_HDB_RP ILM Reporting Package/Perspective TRANSP A
157 IWP_HDB_STRUC Structures included in Reporting/Work Package for HANA TRANSP A
158 IWP_HDB_TAB_GEN Stores HDB name, schema and package information TRANSP C
159 IWP_HDB_TAB_MAP Contains mapping of tables from DDIC to HANA ILM tables TRANSP A
160 IWP_HDB_URI_ID Resource Identifier Dictionary TRANSP A
161 IWP_HDB_URI_LOAD Audit Package URI Structure Loadstat TRANSP A
162 IWP_HDB_VIEW_MAP Contains mapping of package's structures to HANA views TRANSP A
163 IWP_HIER_PROP Properties of a hierarchy TRANSP G
164 IWP_IOBJASS Definition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects TRANSP G
165 IWP_IOBJASS_CP Definition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects (copies) TRANSP G
166 IWP_IOBJA_APT Definition of Audit Area Template specific Infoobjects TRANSP G
167 IWP_IOBJA_APT_CP Definition of Audit Area Template specific Infoobj. (copies) TRANSP G
168 IWP_IOBJA_PT Definition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects TRANSP G
169 IWP_IOBJA_PT_CP Definition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects (copies) TRANSP G
170 IWP_IOBJ_CUST Definition of Customer specific Infoobjects TRANSP C
171 IWP_IOBJ_CUST_CP Definition of Customer specific Infoobjects (copies) TRANSP C
172 IWP_KEYMOD Adoption of the key field order TRANSP G
173 IWP_LR_OP_FIELDS Output fields selected during Local Reporting TRANSP A
174 IWP_LR_SEL_FIELD Local Reporting Selection Criteria fields TRANSP A
175 IWP_NAV_ATTR Definition of Navigational Attributes for Master Data TRANSP G
176 IWP_NAV_ATTR_VP Definition of Navigational Attributes for Virtual Providers TRANSP G
177 IWP_PARA Application Parameters TRANSP C
178 IWP_PERIOD_TABLE Table where keyfigures are period based (example 'GLT0') TRANSP E
179 IWP_REPOS_BW Available Tables for BW TRANSP E
180 IWP_REPOS_BW_C Available Tables for BW - Customer adoptions TRANSP C
181 IWP_REPOS_BW_V Available Views for BW TRANSP E
182 IWP_REPOS_BW_V_C Available Views for BW - Customer adoption TRANSP E
183 IWP_REPOS_F Retention Warehouse: Repository Fields TRANSP E
184 IWP_REPOS_FT Retention Warehouse: Repository Field Description TRANSP E
185 IWP_REPOS_OT_S Retention Warehouse Repository: Structures ILM Objects TRANSP E
186 IWP_REPOS_S Retention Warehouse: Repository Structures TRANSP E
187 IWP_REPOS_ST Retention Warehouse: Repository Structure Description TRANSP E
188 IWP_SNMETA Metadata from Archive Object SN_META TRANSP L
189 IWP_TABLE_DIR Directory of generated tables for data transfer TRANSP A
190 IWP_TABTYP Table attributes TRANSP G
191 IWP_TEXTTAB Assignment of Texttables to Definitiontables TRANSP G
192 IWP_TRANS_ATTRIB Transferattributes of a table TRANSP G
193 IWP_VP_CUST Field mapping for Virtual Providers TRANSP G
194 IWP_WP Audit Packages TRANSP A
195 IWP_WPP Audit Package Template TRANSP G
196 IWP_WPPT Audit Package Template TRANSP G
197 IWP_WPP_F Fields of an Audit Package Template TRANSP G
198 IWP_WPP_R Relations of an Audit Package Template TRANSP G
199 IWP_WPP_S Structures of an Audit Package Template TRANSP G
200 IWP_WPP_V Views of an Audit Package Template TRANSP G
201 IWP_WPT Work Package Texts TRANSP A
202 IWP_WP_AREA Areas Assigned to Audit Packages TRANSP A
203 IWP_WP_FILELIST File List to create a work package TRANSP C
204 IWP_WP_IOBJ InfoObjects of an Audit Package TRANSP A
205 IWP_WP_IOBJT InfoObjects of an Audit Package TRANSP A
206 IWP_WP_IOBJ_ST Definition structures of an Infoobject TRANSP A
207 IWP_WP_IPRV InfoProviders of an Audit Package TRANSP A
208 IWP_WP_IPRVT Text Table: InfoProviders of an Audit Package TRANSP A
209 IWP_WP_JOB Jobs for the Backgroundprocessing TRANSP A
210 IWP_WP_LOG Log for Backgroundprocessing TRANSP A
212 IWP_WP_PATH Paths of an Audit Package TRANSP A
213 IWP_WP_PTH_STRC Structures of the Pathes of an Audit Package TRANSP A
214 IWP_WP_QUERY_MAP Query name mapping for generating/copying queries TRANSP C
215 IWP_WP_RELA Relations and Domain Values of an Audit Package TRANSP A
216 IWP_WP_STRUC Tables of an Audit Package TRANSP A
217 IWP_WP_STRUCT Describtion: Tables of an Audit Package TRANSP A
218 IWP_WP_URI Audit Package URI TRANSP A
219 IWP_WP_VIEW Views of an Audit Package TRANSP A
220 IWR3LFOLD Folders with Context and Destination for Help Links Check TRANSP L
221 IWR3LRES Results of Help Links Check TRANSP L
224 IWREFERENC IWB: Info Object Where-Used References TRANSP E
227 IWR_31_PRM IWR: System Parameters (Only for Cust. Solution for 3.1) TRANSP C
228 IWSTDGRAF KEn: Standard Graphics TRANSP E
229 IWSTDGRAFT KEn: Standard Graphic - Text TRANSP E
230 IWSTRANS Structures Designated for Translation TRANSP C
231 IWSUBSCR KW: Info objects Subscription TRANSP L
232 IWSYSTEM KEN: Where-used list maintenance systems TRANSP L
233 IWSYSTEMT KEN: Where-used list (texts) maintenance systems TRANSP L
234 IWTESTFCTS Supported KEN test functions TRANSP L
235 IWTESTFCTT KEn: Supported test functions - Short description TRANSP L
236 IWTESTUSER KEN: KEN user in test mode TRANSP L
237 IWTREFERENC IWB: Info Object Where-Used References TRANSP L
238 IWWO Pervasive Service: Cluster with Internet Data TRANSP A
239 IXDIT Index Directory Texts TRANSP E
240 IXTYP Index Types TRANSP E
241 IXTYT Index Type Texts TRANSP E