View - /
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | /MAP/M_D_CHA | MAP: Database View of Active Characteristic InfoObjects | D | RSDIOBJ |
2 | /MAP/M_D_CLOSING | MAP: View of Influencing Factors of Type Event or Exit | D | /MAP/M_FIF |
3 | /MAP/M_D_COEFF | MAP: View as Foreign Key for Regression Coefficients | D | RSDKYF |
4 | /MAP/M_D_FIF_NSD | MAP: View as Foreign Key for Infl. Factor Not #Sales Days | D | /MAP/M_FIF |
5 | /MAP/M_D_KYF | MAP: View as Foreign Key for Forecastable Key Figure IO | D | RSDKYF |
6 | /MAP/M_D_SDAYS | MAP: View of Influencing Factors with Effect #Sales Days | D | /MAP/M_FIF |
7 | /MAP/M_D_TODS | MAP: View as Foreign Key for Transactional ODS Objects | D | RSDODSO |
8 | /MAP/M_V_FCMOD | Forecast Model Basic Data | C | /MAP/M_FCMOD |
9 | /MAP/M_V_FCMOD_F | Influencing Factors Assignment | C | /MAP/M_FCMOD_FIF |
10 | /MAP/M_V_FCMOD_L | Forecast Level | C | /MAP/M_FCMOD_LEV |
11 | /MAP/M_V_FIF_BPS | Settings for Influencing Factor Type BPS Key Figure | C | /MAP/M_FIF |
12 | /MAP/M_V_FIF_EV | Settings for Influencing Factor Type Event | C | /MAP/M_FIF |
13 | /MAP/M_V_FIF_EX | Settings for Influencing Factor Type Exit | C | /MAP/M_FIF |
14 | /MAP/M_V_FIF_SD | Settings for Influencing Factor Type #Sales Days | C | /MAP/M_FIF |
15 | /MAP/V_AD_CUST | General Settings for Assortment Maintenance | C | /MAP/TC_AD_CUST |
16 | /MAP/V_AD_DIMEN | Settings for Dimensions | C | /MAP/TC_AD_DIMEN |
17 | /MAP/V_FISCYV | Retail: Maintenance of Fiscal Year Variants | C | /MAP/TC_FISCYV |
18 | /MAP/V_QUOTSCL | MAP: Quota Scale Customzing | C | /MAP/TC_QUOTSCL |
19 | /MAP/V_RMP_CUST | MAP: General Settings | C | /MAP/TC_RMP_CUST |
20 | /MAP/V_SSM01 | Settings for Markdown Control | C | /MAP/TC_SSM01 |
21 | /MAP/V_SSMA1 | Values for Characteristic 1 of a Markdown Profile | C | /MAP/TC_SSMA1 |
22 | /MAP/V_SSMA1DB | Extractor for Flexible Characteristic 1 of Markdown Profile | D | /MAP/TC_SSMA1 |
23 | /MAP/V_SSMA2 | Value for Characteristic 2 of a Markdown Profile | C | /MAP/TC_SSMA2 |
24 | /MAP/V_SSMA2DB | Extractor for Flexible Characteristic 2 of Markdown Profile | D | /MAP/TC_SSMA2 |
25 | /MAP/V_SSMA3 | Values for Characteristic 3 of a Markdown Profile | C | /MAP/TC_SSMA3 |
26 | /MAP/V_SSMA3DB | Extractor for Flexible Characteristic 3 of Markdown Profile | D | /MAP/TC_SSMA3 |
27 | /MRSS/E_ASS | Lock Object for Assignments | /MRSS/T_ASSIGNMENT_EXT | |
28 | /MRSS/E_CAG_CG_H | Capacity Graph Type: H | /MRSS/D_CAG_CG_H | |
29 | /MRSS/E_CH_DEM | Lock Object for Demand Change tables | /MRSS/D_CH_DEM | |
30 | /MRSS/E_COMMENT | Lock for Comments | /MRSS/T_RM_COMMENT_LCK | |
31 | /MRSS/E_DEMAND_H | Lock Object for Demands (HEADER, COMPLEX DEMANDS) | /MRSS/D_DEM_H | |
32 | /MRSS/E_DEMAND_I | Lock Object for Demands (ITEM, SINGLE DEMAND) | /MRSS/D_DEM_ADM | |
33 | /MRSS/E_DEM_PROF | Lock Object for Demand Profile | /MRSS/D_SQP_PROF | |
34 | /MRSS/E_DESTSLOT | Sperrobjekt für RCCF Zieladressenbelegungen | /MRSS/D_DESTSLOT | |
35 | /MRSS/E_EMP_PROF | Lock Object for Employee Profile | /MRSS/D_SQP_PROF | |
36 | /MRSS/E_LINK | Lock Object for Links | /MRSS/D_LINK | |
37 | /MRSS/E_NN_RES | Lock for MRS resources | /MRSS/T_NN_RES_LOCK | |
38 | /MRSS/E_NOTE | Lock object for Note | /MRSS/T_NOTELOCK | |
39 | /MRSS/E_RESOURCE | Lock Object for Resources | /MRSS/T_GUID_W_DATE_LOCK | |
40 | /MRSS/E_RES_NOTE | Enqueue Resource Note | /MRSS/T_RES_GUID_USERID_LOCK | |
41 | /MRSS/E_RES_ONLY | Locking of resource irrespective of time period | /MRSS/T_GUID_W_DATE_LOCK | |
42 | /MRSS/E_RES_TP | Lock Object for Template | /MRSS/D_RES_TP | |
43 | /MRSS/E_RES_ZIPA | Maintain Postal Code Areas for Resources | /MRSS/D_RES_ZIPA | |
44 | /MRSS/E_RI | Lock Object - Resource Integration | /MRSS/D_SGE_RI | |
45 | /MRSS/E_SGW_VAR | Lock object for Variant | /MRSS/D_VARIANT | |
46 | /MRSS/E_SQM_CAT | Qualifications Catalog | /MRSS/D_SQM_KH | |
47 | /MRSS/E_SQM_CATF | Qualification Catalog: Personal Filter | /MRSS/D_SQM_KH | |
48 | /MRSS/E_SQM_CATO | Qualification Catalog: Organization-Specific Filter | /MRSS/D_SQM_KH | |
49 | /MRSS/E_SQM_MAT | Qualification Matrix | /MRSS/D_SQM_MH | |
50 | /MRSS/E_SQM_POSI | Qualification number | /MRSS/T_SQM_POSID_STRUC | |
51 | /MRSS/E_SQP_PROF | Profile Lock Object | /MRSS/D_SQP_PROF | |
52 | /MRSS/E_SRVA | Lock object for Service Area | /MRSS/D_SRVA | |
53 | /MRSS/E_TENDER | Lock for Tender Demand | /MRSS/D_TENDER | |
54 | /MRSS/E_TIMESPEC | Lock Object for Time Allocations | /MRSS/T_TIMESPEC | |
55 | /MRSS/E_USR_CPOS | Lock object for user persistent control info | /MRSS/D_USR_CPOS | |
56 | /MRSS/MV_ABSTAT | Abstract Status | C | /MRSS/C_ABSTAT |
57 | /MRSS/MV_MOB_ABS | Abstrakte Einsatzzustände mobile Integration | C | /MRSS/C_MOB_ABS |
58 | /MRSS/RMS_VROGRP | View for Request Owner Groups | H | HRP1000 |
59 | /MRSS/RM_T006_NW | IS-H*MED: View Determine Units of Measurement for Time | D | T006 |
60 | /MRSS/VRM_CAND | View for RM Candidates | D | /MRSS/D_PARTNER |
61 | /MRSS/V_1TO1_REL | 1:1 Relationship Between Assignment and Demand | C | /MRSS/C_1TO1_REL |
62 | /MRSS/V_ABROLE | Abstract Partner Role | C | /MRSS/C_ABROLE |
63 | /MRSS/V_ABROLE_R | Relevant for Demand Based Resource Determination | C | /MRSS/C_ABROLE |
64 | /MRSS/V_ABSTAT | Abstract Status | H | /MRSS/C_ABSTAT |
65 | /MRSS/V_AIG | Maintain Date Interval Group | C | /MRSS/C_AIG |
66 | /MRSS/V_AIG_INT | Date Interval based on Time Interval ID | C | /MRSS/C_AIG_INT |
67 | /MRSS/V_AIG_INTD | Date Interval based on Duration | C | /MRSS/C_AIG_INTD |
68 | /MRSS/V_ALERTS | Alert Monitor Messages | C | /MRSS/C_ALERTS |
69 | /MRSS/V_AL_PAST | Customizing View for alert creation in past | C | /MRSS/C_AL_PAST |
70 | /MRSS/V_AL_PROF | Maintenance of Alert Profiles | C | /MRSS/C_AL_PROF |
71 | /MRSS/V_AL_TYPE | Alerttypen | C | /MRSS/C_AL_TYPE |
72 | /MRSS/V_AL_TYP_N | Non-Relevant Alert Types | C | /MRSS/C_AL_TYP_N |
73 | /MRSS/V_ANON_RES | Anonymous Resources Name | C | /MRSS/C_ANON_RES |
74 | /MRSS/V_APPOINT | Customizing for Appointment Offerings | C | /MRSS/C_APPOINT |
75 | /MRSS/V_APPT_STG | Appointment Strategies | C | /MRSS/C_APPT_STG |
76 | /MRSS/V_APPT_TYP | Maintain Appointment booking type | C | /MRSS/C_APPT_TYP |
77 | /MRSS/V_APP_CANC | Status to cancel Appointment | C | /MRSS/C_APP_CANC |
78 | /MRSS/V_APP_HOLD | Status Customizing for Remote Service Area | C | /MRSS/C_APP_HOLD |
79 | /MRSS/V_APP_MAT | Appointment Offering: Total Matching | C | /MRSS/C_APP_MAT |
80 | /MRSS/V_APP_NOTE | Time Constraints | C | /MRSS/C_APP_NOTE |
81 | /MRSS/V_APP_PROC | General Settings for Appointment Booking | C | /MRSS/C_APP_PROC |
82 | /MRSS/V_APT_TRVD | Travel time determination for appointments | C | /MRSS/C_APT_TRVD |
83 | /MRSS/V_AUT_ASGR | Control Automatic Assignment Creation Based On Resource Type | C | /MRSS/C_AUT_ASGR |
84 | /MRSS/V_AUT_ASGS | Control Automatic Assignment Creation Based On Status Type | C | /MRSS/C_AUT_ASGS |
85 | /MRSS/V_BACK_INT | Back Integration of Data | C | /MRSS/C_BACK_INT |
86 | /MRSS/V_BAS_TA | Maintain Time Allocation Type | C | /MRSS/C_BAS_TA |
87 | /MRSS/V_BP_ROLE | Mapping Role type to BP role | C | /MRSS/C_BP_ROLE |
88 | /MRSS/V_BRK_SHDL | Maintenance for Break Schedule | C | /MRSS/C_BRK_SHDL |
89 | /MRSS/V_BUND_CRT | Bundling Rule | C | /MRSS/C_BUND_CRT |
90 | /MRSS/V_BUND_GRP | Bundle Groups | C | /MRSS/C_BUND_GRP |
91 | /MRSS/V_BUND_MSG | Message Type for Bundling Messages | C | /MRSS/C_BUND_MSG |
92 | /MRSS/V_BUND_STA | User Status to Be Excluded from Bundling | C | /MRSS/C_BUND_STA |
93 | /MRSS/V_BUT_NAVI | Navigation buttons to launch transactions | C | /MRSS/C_BUT_NAVI |
94 | /MRSS/V_BUT_NAVT | Database view to read button texts | D | /MRSS/C_BUT_NAVI |
95 | /MRSS/V_BUT_PAR | Parameters for transactions | C | /MRSS/C_BUT_PARA |
96 | /MRSS/V_CAG_CUST | Include Capacitive Assignments During Slot-Based Avail. Det. | C | /MRSS/C_CAG_CUST |
97 | /MRSS/V_CAG_EXCU | Exclude Demands from Capacity Calculation Based on Status | C | /MRSS/C_CAG_EXC |
98 | /MRSS/V_CAG_PROC | Process Customizing for Planning Node Capacity Calculation | C | /MRSS/C_CAG_PROC |
99 | /MRSS/V_CAND | View for RM Candidates | D | /MRSS/D_PARTNER |
100 | /MRSS/V_CAP_DATE | Capacitive Assignment - Dates | C | /MRSS/C_CAP_DATE |
101 | /MRSS/V_CAP_RES | Definition of Capacity Reserve | C | /MRSS/C_CAP_RES |
102 | /MRSS/V_CAR_CAL | First Weekday in Capacity and Demand Overview | C | /MRSS/C_CAR_CAL |
103 | /MRSS/V_CAR_UNIT | Day Unit Conversion | C | /MRSS/C_CAR_UNIT |
104 | /MRSS/V_CD_OPPOR | Maintainance view for CD Opportunity | C | /MRSS/C_CD_OPPOR |
105 | /MRSS/V_CHECK_AC | Scheduling Engine: Active Checks | C | /MRSS/C_CHECK_AC |
106 | /MRSS/V_CHECK_CL | Definition of Check Classes | C | /MRSS/C_CHECK_CL |
107 | /MRSS/V_CHECK_P | Check Profile for Resource Planning Tool | C | /MRSS/C_CHECK_P |
108 | /MRSS/V_CHECK_PO | Check for Percentage of Completion | C | /MRSS/C_CHECK_PO |
109 | /MRSS/V_CHECK_T | Parameters for Time Difference Checks | C | /MRSS/C_CHECK_T |
110 | /MRSS/V_CHNG_FRM | Classes for handling the Change Framework | C | /MRSS/C_CHNG_FRM |
111 | /MRSS/V_CM_INACT | Disable Context Menu Entries | C | /MRSS/C_CM_INACT |
112 | /MRSS/V_COLL | Collision Settings | C | /MRSS/C_COLL |
113 | /MRSS/V_CRM_ASG | Assignment Status Integration | C | /MRSS/C_CRM_ASG |
114 | /MRSS/V_CSG_CTRL | Order rel for CRM Service orders | C | /MRSS/C_CSG_CTRL |
115 | /MRSS/V_CSG_LOC | Location of service | C | /MRSS/C_CSG_LOC |
116 | /MRSS/V_CSG_ORG | Origin of Organizational Unit Information in Service Order | C | /MRSS/C_CSG_ORG |
117 | /MRSS/V_CSG_PROF | Demand window profile | C | /MRSS/C_CSG_PROF |
118 | /MRSS/V_CSG_SL | Unit of Measurement for Slots | C | /MRSS/C_CSG_SL |
119 | /MRSS/V_CSG_WNDW | Demand window | C | /MRSS/C_CSG_WNDW |
120 | /MRSS/V_CUP_RT | Residence Time of Deletion Objects | C | /MRSS/C_CUP_RT |
121 | /MRSS/V_CUSTPARM | RCCF: Experteneinstellungen | C | /MRSS/C_CUSTPARM |
122 | /MRSS/V_CUST_AT | Customer Attribute | C | /MRSS/C_CUST_AT |
123 | /MRSS/V_CUST_ATH | Customer Atrribute | C | /MRSS/C_CUST_ATH |
124 | /MRSS/V_CUST_ATT | Customer Attribute Text Maintenance | C | /MRSS/C_CUST_ATT |
125 | /MRSS/V_DAG_CALC | Total Demand Calculation | C | /MRSS/C_DAG_CALC |
126 | /MRSS/V_DEF_FRZN | Define Frozen Period based on the Resource Group | C | /MRSS/C_DEF_FRZN |
127 | /MRSS/V_DEMSCHED | Demand Scheduling Active? | C | /MRSS/C_DEMSCHED |
128 | /MRSS/V_DEM_AS | Assignment of the Demand Item Categories to Subobjects | C | /MRSS/C_DEM_AS |
129 | /MRSS/V_DEM_GRP | Demand Group and PM Activity Details | C | /MRSS/C_DEM_GRP |
130 | /MRSS/V_DEM_ITEM | Subobjects of demand items | D | /MRSS/D_DEM_PLR |
131 | /MRSS/V_DEM_SO | Subobjects of demand items | C | /MRSS/C_DEM_SO |
132 | /MRSS/V_DEM_TY | Demand Types | C | /MRSS/C_DEM_TY |
133 | /MRSS/V_DEM_TYI | Demand Item Categories | C | /MRSS/C_DEM_TYI |
134 | /MRSS/V_DEM_WL_F | WL fields as Gantt cols in Demand View | C | /MRSS/C_DEM_WL_F |
135 | /MRSS/V_DISTRBTR | Distributor | C | /MRSS/C_DISTRBTR |
136 | /MRSS/V_DLY_W_SD | Maintenance for Daily Work Schedule | C | /MRSS/C_DLY_W_SD |
137 | /MRSS/V_DM_ABROL | Partner Types for Assignment-Based Resource Selection | C | /MRSS/C_DM_ABROL |
138 | /MRSS/V_DPR_ACCL | Color code for Assignment Calendar | C | /MRSS/C_DPR_ACCL |
139 | /MRSS/V_DPR_ASG | Degree of Coverage of Demands | C | /MRSS/C_DPR_ASG |
140 | /MRSS/V_DPR_FORM | Forms for Communication via E-Mail and Groupware | C | /MRSS/C_DPR_FORM |
141 | /MRSS/V_DPR_ORDR | MRSS/DPR: View to display Org ID for Item Demand | D | /MRSS/D_DEM_ADM |
142 | /MRSS/V_DPR_REJ | Reason for rejection of candidates: Customizing | C | /MRSS/C_DPR_REJ |
143 | /MRSS/V_DPR_ROLE | Customizing: MRS relevant setting for the project role type | C | /MRSS/C_DPR_ROLE |
144 | /MRSS/V_DPR_STAT | To store the status for CPRO | C | /MRSS/C_DPR_STAT |
145 | /MRSS/V_DPR_UI | View for configuration of UI elements in C Projects | C | /MRSS/C_DPR_UI |
146 | /MRSS/V_DWS_VAR | Display Daily Work Schedule Variant in substitution details | C | /MRSS/C_DWS_VAR |
147 | /MRSS/V_EMP_PRNT | Employee profiles smartforms | C | /MRSS/C_EMP_PRNT |
148 | /MRSS/V_ENGINES | Externe Engines im RCCF | C | /MRSS/C_ENGINES |
149 | /MRSS/V_ENG_DEST | RCCF: Destinationen für Engines | C | /MRSS/C_ENG_DEST |
150 | /MRSS/V_FAV_LINK | Links in Left Frame | C | /MRSS/C_FAV_LINK |
151 | /MRSS/V_FIL_UPLD | Define File Upload Settings | C | /MRSS/C_FILE_UPL |
152 | /MRSS/V_GANTT_CL | Gantt Classes | C | /MRSS/C_GANTT_CL |
153 | /MRSS/V_GANT_DES | Gantt Class names | D | /MRSS/C_GANTT_CL |
154 | /MRSS/V_GEOLOC | Maintain RFC Destination for Geographical Service | C | /MRSS/C_GEOLOC |
155 | /MRSS/V_GEO_CODE | Define settings for GEO coding | C | /MRSS/C_GEO_CODE |
156 | /MRSS/V_GEO_MAP | Map Profiles | C | /MRSS/C_GEO_MAP |
157 | /MRSS/V_GEO_SYS | Define settings for Geo Information System | C | /MRSS/C_GEO_SYS |
158 | /MRSS/V_GIS_ACT | Active GIS Connectors | C | /MRSS/C_GIS_ACT |
159 | /MRSS/V_GIS_CONN | Configuration of GIS connectors | C | /MRSS/C_GIS_CONN |
160 | /MRSS/V_HIER_EVA | Maintainance view for Evaluation path | C | /MRSS/C_HIER_EVA |
161 | /MRSS/V_HRES_DAT | Define Communication Data for Resources | C | /MRSS/C_HRES_DAT |
162 | /MRSS/V_HR_ACTI | Maintain HR Subtype for Hiring and Termination | C | /MRSS/C_HR_ACTI |
163 | /MRSS/V_INT_QUEU | OBSOLETE - Inbound Queue Processing | C | /MRSS/C_INT_QUEU |
164 | /MRSS/V_LN_ATTR | View for Logical Node Attributes | C | /MRSS/C_LN_ATTR |
165 | /MRSS/V_LN_OBJ | View for Objects of a Demand at header level and item level | C | /MRSS/C_LN_OBJ |
166 | /MRSS/V_LN_SGR | View for Status Group for Status Combination | C | /MRSS/C_LN_SGR |
167 | /MRSS/V_LN_SGRS | View for Individual Status of Status Group | C | /MRSS/C_LN_SGRS |
168 | /MRSS/V_MATCHING | Customizing table for general qualification matching | C | /MRSS/C_MATCHING |
169 | /MRSS/V_MAT_CHK | MRS Material Availability Check Customizing | C | /MRSS/C_MAT_CHK |
170 | /MRSS/V_MAT_L_RS | Mapping between Res.Stocks and Storage Location | C | /MRSS/C_MAT_L_RS |
171 | /MRSS/V_MAT_RS | MRS Material Availability Resource Stock | C | /MRSS/C_MAT_RS |
172 | /MRSS/V_MAT_RS_R | MRS Material Availability: Mapping of Resources to Res.Stock | C | /MRSS/C_MAT_RS_R |
173 | /MRSS/V_MIMETYPE | Maintenance View: Allowed MIME Types | C | /MRSS/C_MIMETYPE |
174 | /MRSS/V_MOB_ABS | Abstract Status for Mobile Transfer | H | /MRSS/C_MOB_ABS |
175 | /MRSS/V_MULT_DEM | Demand Settings for Multiday Scheduling | C | /MRSS/C_MULT_DEM |
176 | /MRSS/V_MULT_RES | Resource Settings for Scheduling of Multiday Assignments | C | /MRSS/C_MULT_RES |
177 | /MRSS/V_M_WEIGHT | Rating factors for matching criteria | C | /MRSS/C_M_WEIGHT |
178 | /MRSS/V_NW_ABS_A | Customizing for Abstract Assignments | C | /MRSS/C_NW_ABS_A |
179 | /MRSS/V_NW_AFD | Assignment follows Demand (NW Addon) | C | /MRSS/C_NW_AFD |
180 | /MRSS/V_NW_AVAIL | Control creation of concretization attributes(Netweaver dem) | C | /MRSS/C_NW_AVAIL |
181 | /MRSS/V_NW_CAP_A | Capacitive planning | C | /MRSS/C_NW_CAP_A |
182 | /MRSS/V_NW_MAPRO | Map Partner roles to abstract roles | C | /MRSS/C_NW_MAPRO |
183 | /MRSS/V_NW_MAPST | Abstract Status Mapping | C | /MRSS/C_NW_MAPST |
184 | /MRSS/V_NW_STCTR | Status Control for Assignment Operations | C | /MRSS/C_NW_STCTR |
185 | /MRSS/V_NW_STR_A | Stretched assignments allowed ? | C | /MRSS/C_NW_STR_A |
186 | /MRSS/V_NW_SUPVI | Site Supervisor Indicator(Netweaver demands) | C | /MRSS/C_NW_SUPVI |
187 | /MRSS/V_NW_TRV_T | MAintnance View for table /MRSS/C_NW_TRV_T | C | /MRSS/C_NW_TRV_T |
188 | /MRSS/V_NW_TZONE | Time Zone To Be Used for the Integration of Demands | C | /MRSS/C_NW_TZONE |
189 | /MRSS/V_ONCALL | Maintain On Call Types | C | /MRSS/C_ONCALL |
190 | /MRSS/V_ONCALL_D | On call Type Determination | C | /MRSS/C_ONCALL_D |
191 | /MRSS/V_ONCALL_H | On Call Types | D | /MRSS/C_ONCALL |
192 | /MRSS/V_ONCL_TSP | On call types for particular time allocations | C | /MRSS/C_ONCL_TSP |
193 | /MRSS/V_OPT_DEM | Bedarfsabhängige Kosten-Parameter für Optimierung | C | /MRSS/C_OPT_DEM |
194 | /MRSS/V_OPT_DPRI | Zuordnung von Bedarfsprioritäten zu Faktoren | C | /MRSS/C_OPT_DPRI |
195 | /MRSS/V_OPT_FIL | Demand Filter Definition for Optimization | C | /MRSS/C_OPT_FIL |
196 | /MRSS/V_OPT_LOG | Logging Settings | C | /MRSS/C_OPT_LOG |
197 | /MRSS/V_OPT_MSG | Customizing for individual error level of optimizer messages | C | /MRSS/C_OPT_MSG |
198 | /MRSS/V_OPT_QUAL | Qualification based costs for assignments | C | /MRSS/C_OPT_QUAL |
199 | /MRSS/V_OPT_RES | Resource-Dependent Optimization Parameters | C | /MRSS/C_OPT_RES |
200 | /MRSS/V_OPT_SCE | Optimization Scenarios | C | /MRSS/C_OPT_SCE |
201 | /MRSS/V_OPT_SYS | Define Optimization Profile | C | /MRSS/C_OPT_SYS |
202 | /MRSS/V_PHASE | Maintain Phases | C | /MRSS/C_PHASE |
203 | /MRSS/V_PHASE_RL | Define Phases | C | /MRSS/C_PHASE_RL |
204 | /MRSS/V_PLANSTAT | Determination of Planning Status for a Demand | C | /MRSS/C_PLANSTAT |
205 | /MRSS/V_PLBOMGR | Settings for Planning Board Manager | C | /MRSS/C_PLBOMGR |
206 | /MRSS/V_PLB_UNIT | Time unit for planning board profile | C | /MRSS/C_PLB_UNIT |
207 | /MRSS/V_PN_BREAK | Break information for Planning nodes | C | /MRSS/C_PN_BREAK |
208 | /MRSS/V_PN_CAPA | Define Distribution of Demand Work | C | /MRSS/C_PN_CAPA |
209 | /MRSS/V_PN_CONF | Automatic Routing for Demand Confidentiality | C | /MRSS/RM_PN_CONF |
210 | /MRSS/V_PN_TEAM | Customizing to specify how to link Team to Planning Node | C | /MRSS/C_PN_TEAM |
211 | /MRSS/V_POT_INTV | Maintain Capacity Pot Time Intervals | C | /MRSS/C_POT_INTV |
212 | /MRSS/V_POT_PHPR | Define Mapping Between Phase and Priority | C | /MRSS/C_POT_PHPR |
213 | /MRSS/V_POT_PROC | Customizing to indicate Pot sceanrio | C | /MRSS/C_POT_PROC |
214 | /MRSS/V_POT_QCAT | Define Qualification Category and Hierarchy | C | /MRSS/C_POT_QC |
215 | /MRSS/V_POT_SLAP | Define SLA Priority | C | /MRSS/C_POT_SLAP |
216 | /MRSS/V_POT_TZN | Maintenance of Time Zones for Capacity Pots | C | /MRSS/C_POT_TZN |
217 | /MRSS/V_PRD_W_SD | Maintenance for Periodic Work Schedule | C | /MRSS/C_PRD_W_SD |
218 | /MRSS/V_PREF_TEC | Preferred Resource for Second Visit | C | /MRSS/C_PREF_TEC |
219 | /MRSS/V_PRO_SERV | Maintainance View of Project Service | C | /MRSS/C_PRO_SERV |
220 | /MRSS/V_QUEUEPAR | Parameters for Queue processing | C | /MRSS/C_QUEUEPAR |
221 | /MRSS/V_RAL_DSEL | Data Selection in Resource Assignment List | C | /MRSS/C_RAL_DSEL |
222 | /MRSS/V_REL_INT | Relationship Integration | C | /MRSS/C_REL_INT |
223 | /MRSS/V_REL_UNIT | Time Units to Be Used for Relationships | C | /MRSS/C_REL_UNIT |
224 | /MRSS/V_REQ_ONCA | View: Req Profile and On Call type description | D | /MRSS/D_SQP_RHDR |
225 | /MRSS/V_REQ_PRNT | Requirement profiles smartforms | C | /MRSS/C_REQ_PRNT |
226 | /MRSS/V_REQ_RWL | Regional Worklist View | D | /MRSS/C_REQ_RWK |
227 | /MRSS/V_REQ_RWLM | Maintenance View for Regional Worklists | C | /MRSS/C_REQ_RWK |
228 | /MRSS/V_REQ_STAT | View to get status based Portal data | D | /MRSS/D_TENDER |
229 | /MRSS/V_REQ_WL | Worklist Keys | C | /MRSS/C_REQ_WK |
230 | /MRSS/V_REQ_WUSD | Whereused list execution | C | /MRSS/C_REQ_WUSD |
231 | /MRSS/V_RESSTAT | Possible Resource Status | C | /MRSS/C_RESSTAT |
232 | /MRSS/V_RESSTATT | Short and Longtexts for Resource Status | C | /MRSS/C_RESSTATT |
233 | /MRSS/V_RES_GRP | Maintenance of Resource Group | C | /MRSS/C_RES_GRP |
234 | /MRSS/V_RES_PLAN | Base Resources from Explicit Planning Node | C | /MRSS/C_RES_PLAN |
235 | /MRSS/V_RES_SLOT | Slot Maintenance | C | /MRSS/C_RES_SLOT |
236 | /MRSS/V_RES_TA | Assignment of Resource Types and Time Allocation Types | C | /MRSS/C_RES_TA |
237 | /MRSS/V_RES_TYP | Maintain the resource | C | /MRSS/C_RES_TYP |
238 | /MRSS/V_RES_ZIPA | Assignment of Postal Code Areas to Resources | C | /MRSS/D_RES_ZIPA |
239 | /MRSS/V_RMORG | Responsible RM Orgs | C | /MRSS/C_RM_ORG |
240 | /MRSS/V_RMS_CAND | Candidate Status Profiles | C | /MRSS/C_RM_CAND |
241 | /MRSS/V_RM_ACSU | Maintenance view for Automatic candidate status updation | C | /MRSS/C_RM_ACSU |
242 | /MRSS/V_RM_ADDNL | Additional Broadcast Targets | C | /MRSS/C_RM_ADDNL |
243 | /MRSS/V_RM_AGNFL | Database view for Assignment filter | D | /MRSS/C_RM_ASSFL |
244 | /MRSS/V_RM_ALERT | DB View for MRS Alert data | D | /MRSS/D_COMPO |
245 | /MRSS/V_RM_ASG_S | Map Booking Types to MRS Assignment Status | C | /MRSS/C_RM_ASG_S |
246 | /MRSS/V_RM_ASSFL | Assignment Filters | C | /MRSS/C_RM_ASSFL |
247 | /MRSS/V_RM_ASSGC | Maintain Colors for Assignments Display | C | /MRSS/C_RM_ASSGC |
248 | /MRSS/V_RM_AT | Assignment Types | C | /MRSS/C_RM_AT |
249 | /MRSS/V_RM_BCCON | Broadcast Information for Countries | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BCCON |
250 | /MRSS/V_RM_BCOAC | View for Trigger action for Other RM Targets/Groups | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BCOAC |
251 | /MRSS/V_RM_BCOT2 | Other RM Targets/Groups | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BCOT2 |
252 | /MRSS/V_RM_BCOTH | Other RM Targets/Groups | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BCOTH |
253 | /MRSS/V_RM_BCPRT | Portal Broadcast Details | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BCPRT |
254 | /MRSS/V_RM_BCRMC | RM Groups for Countries | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BCRMC |
255 | /MRSS/V_RM_BCRMO | RM Groups for Other Groups | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BCRMO |
256 | /MRSS/V_RM_BCRMV | RM Groups for Vendor Groups | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BCRMV |
257 | /MRSS/V_RM_BCVEN | Assigned Vendors | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BCVEN |
258 | /MRSS/V_RM_BCVGP | Vendor Group Details | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BCVGP |
259 | /MRSS/V_RM_BOOK | Map Booking Type to Candidate Statuses | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BOOK |
260 | /MRSS/V_RM_BT | Broadcast Targets | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BT |
261 | /MRSS/V_RM_BTNV | UI Settings | C | /MRSS/C_RM_BTNV |
262 | /MRSS/V_RM_CAND | View for RM Candidates | D | /MRSS/D_PARTNER |
263 | /MRSS/V_RM_CATEG | View of Req/Role Categories | C | /MRSS/C_RM_CAT |
264 | /MRSS/V_RM_CC | Corporate Companies | C | /MRSS/C_RM_CC |
265 | /MRSS/V_RM_CDOPR | CD Opportunities | C | /MRSS/C_RM_CDOPR |
266 | /MRSS/V_RM_CDRF | Activate Refinement E-Mail | C | /MRSS/C_RM_CDRF |
267 | /MRSS/V_RM_CO | Corporate Organizations | C | /MRSS/C_RM_CO |
268 | /MRSS/V_RM_COLS | Column Display for WDA ALV | C | /MRSS/C_RM_COLS |
269 | /MRSS/V_RM_CRMOP | CRM Probability | C | /MRSS/C_RM_CRMOP |
270 | /MRSS/V_RM_CT | Contract Types | C | /MRSS/C_RM_CT |
271 | /MRSS/V_RM_CUST | Custom Fields for RM | C | /MRSS/C_RM_CUST |
272 | /MRSS/V_RM_CVUI | Configure Consultant View | C | /MRSS/C_RM_CVUI |
273 | /MRSS/V_RM_DEMDT | MRS Demands view | D | /MRSS/D_DEM_H |
274 | /MRSS/V_RM_DEMRO | MRS Demands view | D | /MRSS/D_DEM_H |
275 | /MRSS/V_RM_DT | RM Default Date Ranges | C | /MRSS/C_RM_DT |
276 | /MRSS/V_RM_ET | Escalation Types | C | /MRSS/C_RM_ET |
277 | /MRSS/V_RM_FD | Flow Down Terms | C | /MRSS/C_RM_FD |
278 | /MRSS/V_RM_HTF | Call Filters | C | /MRSS/C_RM_HTF |
279 | /MRSS/V_RM_HTFIL | Maint. View for Hard To Fill Flag | C | /MRSS/C_RM_HTF |
280 | /MRSS/V_RM_INTP | Portal broadcasts | C | /MRSS/C_RM_INTP |
281 | /MRSS/V_RM_IOL | Maintenance view for /MRSS/D_RM_IOL | C | /MRSS/D_RM_IOL |
282 | /MRSS/V_RM_JT | Job Texts | C | /MRSS/C_RM_JT |
283 | /MRSS/V_RM_KRED | Help View for Vendors | H | /MRSS/C_RM_BCVGP |
284 | /MRSS/V_RM_LOB | Lines of Business | C | /MRSS/C_RM_LOB |
285 | /MRSS/V_RM_MBODY | Smart Forms for E-Mail Message Body | C | /MRSS/D_RM_MBODY |
286 | /MRSS/V_RM_MDATA | Settings for Resource Management | C | /MRSS/D_RM_MDATA |
287 | /MRSS/V_RM_MDISC | Smart Forms for E-Mail Message Disclaimer | C | /MRSS/D_RM_MDISC |
288 | /MRSS/V_RM_MRWL | Maintenance View for Regional Worklist | C | /MRSS/C_RM_RWL |
289 | /MRSS/V_RM_MSUBJ | Smart Forms for E-Mail Message Subject | C | /MRSS/D_RM_MSUBJ |
290 | /MRSS/V_RM_MTRIG | E-Mail Triggers | C | /MRSS/D_RM_MTRIG |
291 | /MRSS/V_RM_NNRES | N.N. Resource Settings | C | /MRSS/C_RM_NNRES |
292 | /MRSS/V_RM_OP | Order Probability (PTC) | C | /MRSS/C_RM_OP |
293 | /MRSS/V_RM_OR | Request Origins | C | /MRSS/C_RM_OR |
294 | /MRSS/V_RM_ORG | Responsible RM Group | C | /MRSS/C_RM_ORG |
295 | /MRSS/V_RM_PA | Role Activity Types | C | /MRSS/C_RM_PA |
296 | /MRSS/V_RM_PRC | Candidate Rejection Codes | C | /MRSS/C_RM_PRC |
297 | /MRSS/V_RM_PRSRV | Maintainance View of Project Service | C | /MRSS/C_RM_PRSRV |
298 | /MRSS/V_RM_PS | Partner (Candidate) Statuses | C | /MRSS/C_RM_PSTAT |
299 | /MRSS/V_RM_PSRV | Project Services | C | /MRSS/C_RM_PRSRV |
300 | /MRSS/V_RM_PSTA2 | Candidate Status | C | /MRSS/C_RM_PSTA2 |
301 | /MRSS/V_RM_P_BT | Broadcast Targets | D | HRP1000 |
302 | /MRSS/V_RM_QK_C | Quick Save Configuration | C | /MRSS/C_RM_QK_C |
303 | /MRSS/V_RM_QUAL | Help view for Structured Qualifications | D | /MRSS/D_SQM_MH |
304 | /MRSS/V_RM_RC | Codes for Closing Reasons | C | /MRSS/C_RM_RC |
305 | /MRSS/V_RM_RT | Request Types | C | /MRSS/C_RM_RT |
306 | /MRSS/V_RM_RTE | View for Routing Table | C | /MRSS/C_RM_ROUTE |
307 | /MRSS/V_RM_RTY | Role Types | C | /MRSS/C_RM_RTY |
308 | /MRSS/V_RM_RWL | Regional Worklist View | D | /MRSS/C_RM_RWL |
309 | /MRSS/V_RM_SCALE | Scales for HR skills | D | T77SP |
310 | /MRSS/V_RM_SCEN | PS integration Scenario with RM | C | /MRSS/C_RM_SCEN |
311 | /MRSS/V_RM_SLA | SLA Exclusion Codes | C | /MRSS/C_RM_SLA |
312 | /MRSS/V_RM_SR | Sub-Regions for Countries | C | /MRSS/C_RM_SR |
313 | /MRSS/V_RM_SRCHC | Colors for Search Results | C | /MRSS/C_RM_SRCHC |
314 | /MRSS/V_RM_STAT | Additional Status information | C | /MRSS/C_RM_STAT |
315 | /MRSS/V_RM_T005S | Regions | D | T005S |
316 | /MRSS/V_RM_TRULE | Default Values for Time Rules | C | /MRSS/C_RM_TRULE |
317 | /MRSS/V_RM_UNIT | Duration Units | C | /MRSS/C_RM_UNIT |
318 | /MRSS/V_RM_USR | Unstructured Qualification Types | C | /MRSS/C_RM_USR |
319 | /MRSS/V_RM_VALI | Activation of Validation E-Mail | C | /MRSS/C_RM_VALI |
320 | /MRSS/V_RM_WF_IC | Alert Icon Configuration | C | /MRSS/C_RM_WF_IC |
321 | /MRSS/V_RM_WL | Worklist View | C | /MRSS/C_RM_WL |
322 | /MRSS/V_RQ_WK_ST | Maintaing worklsit status | C | /MRSS/C_RQ_WK_ST |
323 | /MRSS/V_RSG_STAT | Maintenance view for status object | C | /MRSS/C_RSG_STAT |
324 | /MRSS/V_SCEN_ACT | Active scenario | C | /MRSS/C_SCEN_ACT |
325 | /MRSS/V_SGE_CD | Collision Definition | C | /MRSS/C_SGE_CD |
326 | /MRSS/V_SGE_CH | Activate Creation of Change Documents | C | /MRSS/C_SGE_CH |
327 | /MRSS/V_SGE_HCMD | RFC Destination des HCM | C | /MRSS/C_SGE_HCMD |
328 | /MRSS/V_SGE_HCMI | Function Modules for MRS Transfer to HR | C | /MRSS/C_SGE_HCMI |
329 | /MRSS/V_SGE_NOTE | Note Management Settings | C | /MRSS/C_NOTE |
330 | /MRSS/V_SGE_PREB | Pre-Booking Status | C | /MRSS/C_SGE_PREB |
331 | /MRSS/V_SGE_PRNT | Activate Printing for Demand Types | C | /MRSS/C_SGE_PRNT |
332 | /MRSS/V_SGE_PROC | Business Process Customizing | C | /MRSS/C_SGE_PROC |
333 | /MRSS/V_SGE_PR_D | Determination of Planning Board Profile | C | /MRSS/C_SGE_PR_D |
334 | /MRSS/V_SGE_PR_R | Maintenance of Scheduling Engine Profile | C | /MRSS/C_SGE_PR |
335 | /MRSS/V_SGE_RFC | Define RFC for Logical System | C | /MRSS/C_SGE_RFC |
336 | /MRSS/V_SGE_SCAC | Define Resource Planning Nodes and Evaluation Paths | C | /MRSS/C_SGE_SCAC |
337 | /MRSS/V_SGE_TECH | Technical Settings for the Resource Selection | C | /MRSS/C_SGE_TECH |
338 | /MRSS/V_SGU_ABRS | Assignment-Based Resource Selection | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_ABRS |
339 | /MRSS/V_SGU_ATXT | Assignment description/tooltip in planning board Gnatt | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_ATXT |
340 | /MRSS/V_SGU_CFLD | To customize fieldname & corresponding value for a color key | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_CFLD |
341 | /MRSS/V_SGU_CNTR | Maintain container positions in the layout | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_CNTR |
342 | /MRSS/V_SGU_COLR | To display different colors in hotlist | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_COLR |
343 | /MRSS/V_SGU_CON | Maintain container items in layout | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_CON |
344 | /MRSS/V_SGU_CONT | Maintain container positions in the layout | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_CON |
345 | /MRSS/V_SGU_CPRO | MRSS/DPR: View to display Org ID for Item Demand | D | /MRSS/D_DEM_ADM |
346 | /MRSS/V_SGU_CVAR | Screen content items | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_CVAR |
347 | /MRSS/V_SGU_DEF | Default Settings for Planning Board | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_DEF |
348 | /MRSS/V_SGU_ENH | Customer Menu Entries | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_ENH |
349 | /MRSS/V_SGU_GANT | UI Planning Profile: Gantt Charts | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_GANT |
350 | /MRSS/V_SGU_GRPH | Customizing of Graphic Elements in GANTT chart | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_GRPH |
351 | /MRSS/V_SGU_LAY | Container layout name | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_LAY |
352 | /MRSS/V_SGU_LAYO | Container layout view | D | /MRSS/C_SGU_LAY |
353 | /MRSS/V_SGU_LTS | Display Time Allocations | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_LTS |
354 | /MRSS/V_SGU_PRO | Status Maintenance View | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_PRO |
355 | /MRSS/V_SGU_RES | Cusotmizing View: Resource list fields on Resource Gantt | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_RES |
356 | /MRSS/V_SGU_SGD | Status groups for Demands | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_SGD |
357 | /MRSS/V_SGU_SGDS | Individual status in status groups | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_SGDS |
358 | /MRSS/V_SGU_SGR | Status groups | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_SGR |
359 | /MRSS/V_SGU_SGRS | Individual status in status groups | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_SGRS |
360 | /MRSS/V_SGU_SORT | Sort Resource Based on Resource Type | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_SORT |
361 | /MRSS/V_SGU_SRTG | Sort groups | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_SRTG |
362 | /MRSS/V_SGU_SRTP | Features of sort groups | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_SRTP |
363 | /MRSS/V_SGU_STT | Status Maintenance View: Time Data | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_STT |
364 | /MRSS/V_SGU_VIE | Maintenance View for Planning Board Views | C | /MRSS/C_SGU_VIE |
365 | /MRSS/V_SGW_CUST | Maintain the Webdynpro Component for Additional Attributes | C | /MRSS/C_SGW_CUST |
366 | /MRSS/V_SGX_CTPO | Maintain Color Positions | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_CTPO |
367 | /MRSS/V_SGX_CTYP | Maintain Color Definitions | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_CTYP |
368 | /MRSS/V_SGX_DV_F | Worklist Fields to Be Added in Demand View | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_DV_F |
369 | /MRSS/V_SGX_LTYP | Maintain Text Formatting | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_LTYP |
370 | /MRSS/V_SGX_NTYP | Maintain Bar Types | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_NTYP |
371 | /MRSS/V_SGX_PRBK | Pre Bookings | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_PRBK |
372 | /MRSS/V_SGX_TTYP | Maintain Text Templates | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_TTYP |
373 | /MRSS/V_SGX_WCOL | Collision Types: Graphical Element Allocation | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_WCOL |
374 | /MRSS/V_SGX_WDGS | Demand Status Groups | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_WDGS |
375 | /MRSS/V_SGX_WGNT | View for Customizing Functions | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_WGNT |
376 | /MRSS/V_SGX_WLDB | Demand Bar Properties | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_WLDB |
377 | /MRSS/V_SGX_WLLK | Link Settings | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_WLLK |
378 | /MRSS/V_SGX_WLTS | Bind Time Allocation Types | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_WLTS |
379 | /MRSS/V_SGX_WNAV | Navigatable demand types | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_WNAV |
380 | /MRSS/V_SGX_WPRO | Maintain Profiles of the Web-Based User Interface | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_WPRO |
381 | /MRSS/V_SGX_WSCA | Maintain Scales | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_WSCA |
382 | /MRSS/V_SGX_WSGR | Bind Assignment Status Groups | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_WSGR |
383 | /MRSS/V_SGX_WSGS | Maintain Assignment Status Groups | C | /MRSS/C_SGX_WSGS |
384 | /MRSS/V_SHIFTS | Determination of Standard Shift Schedule | C | /MRSS/D_SHIFTS |
385 | /MRSS/V_SMS_BP | Communication Types for Short Messages | C | /MRSS/C_SMS_BP |
386 | /MRSS/V_SMS_DEST | Communication Types for Short Messages | C | /MRSS/C_SMS_DEST |
387 | /MRSS/V_SPAREPRT | Maintain the Item Category for Spare parts | C | /MRSS/C_SPAREPRT |
388 | /MRSS/V_SQE_DEF | Define Default Plant for Qualifications | C | /MRSS/C_SQE_DEF |
389 | /MRSS/V_SQE_OBJ | Organisational Unit | H | HRP1000 |
390 | /MRSS/V_SQE_ONCA | Define fulfillment values for matching on-call types | C | /MRSS/C_SQE_ONCA |
391 | /MRSS/V_SQE_PSEL | Preselection of Employee Qualification Check | C | /MRSS/C_SQE_PSEL |
392 | /MRSS/V_SQE_TREX | Enter RFC destination of TREX interface | C | /MRSS/C_SQE_TREX |
393 | /MRSS/V_SQE_UQLG | Define language for matching unstructured qualifications /M | C | /MRSS/C_SQE_UQLG |
394 | /MRSS/V_SQM_CAT | Define system parameters for qualification catalogs | C | /MRSS/C_SQM_CAT |
395 | /MRSS/V_SQM_CH | Activate Creation of Change Documents for Master Data | C | /MRSS/C_SQM_CH |
396 | /MRSS/V_SQM_MNT | Maintenance Groups | C | /MRSS/C_SQM_MNT |
397 | /MRSS/V_SQP_HRTY | Mapping of subtype for HR infotype 0105 (webuser) | C | /MRSS/C_SQP_HRTY |
398 | /MRSS/V_SQP_RHDR | Database View to combine Header and Text Information | D | /MRSS/D_SQP_RHDR |
399 | /MRSS/V_SQP_RPRF | Profile Details with the Requirement Profile Header | D | /MRSS/D_SQP_PROF |
400 | /MRSS/V_SQP_RSTR | Requirements profile structured qualifications | D | /MRSS/D_SQP_RSTR |
401 | /MRSS/V_SQP_WFC | Approval Workflow: Define Infotypes and Fields | C | /MRSS/C_SQP_WFC |
402 | /MRSS/V_SQP_WURL | Portal Settings for Web UI | C | /MRSS/C_SQP_WURL |
403 | /MRSS/V_SQU_USRT | Unstructured Qual Types | C | /MRSS/C_SQU_USR |
404 | /MRSS/V_SRCHHELP | Search Helps for Resources and Demands | C | /MRSS/C_SRCHHELP |
405 | /MRSS/V_STATUSES | Pushbutton for User Status | C | /MRSS/C_STATUSES |
406 | /MRSS/V_STAT_ACT | MRS: Customizing for mapping of Status to Action on Assignm. | C | /MRSS/C_STAT_ACT |
407 | /MRSS/V_STAT_ORG | Status Origins | D | DD07T |
408 | /MRSS/V_STAT_PRG | Assignments in Progress | C | /MRSS/C_STAT_PRG |
409 | /MRSS/V_STAT_TAB | Customizing table for Tab Strips | C | /MRSS/C_STAT_TAB |
410 | /MRSS/V_SUMBAR | Assignment Totals Bar | C | /MRSS/C_SUMBAR |
411 | /MRSS/V_S_CUST | Partner Function of a S-Customer | C | /MRSS/C_S_CUST |
412 | /MRSS/V_TBS_RES | REsource fields to be displayed on TBS | C | /MRSS/C_TBS_RES |
413 | /MRSS/V_TBS_WL_F | WL fields in Table Based Scheduling | C | /MRSS/C_TBS_WL_F |
414 | /MRSS/V_THRESHLD | Define Thresholds | C | /MRSS/C_THRSHOLD |
415 | /MRSS/V_TJ30HLP | Help View for TJ30 | H | TJ30 |
416 | /MRSS/V_TOBJ_INT | Technical Object Integration | C | /MRSS/C_TOBJ_INT |
417 | /MRSS/V_TOUR | Calculation of Travel Route Midpoint | C | /MRSS/C_TOUR |
418 | /MRSS/V_TRAVEL_P | Database view for Travel-type profiles | D | /MRSS/C_TRV_PROF |
419 | /MRSS/V_TRV_PROF | Customizing for Travel-type profiles | C | /MRSS/C_TRV_PROF |
420 | /MRSS/V_TRV_RES | Travel time relevant parameters per resource | C | /MRSS/C_TRV_RES |
421 | /MRSS/V_TRV_SYS | General Travel Time Settings | C | /MRSS/C_TRV_SYS |
422 | /MRSS/V_UNIT_T | Time Units | H | T006 |
423 | /MRSS/V_WFM_DEST | RFC Destination of WFM Core | C | /MRSS/C_WFM_DEST |
424 | /MRSS/V_WFM_TOLT | Time Allocation Type for Tools | C | /MRSS/C_WFM_TOLT |
425 | /MRSS/V_WL_CSTAT | Customer status | C | /MRSS/C_WL_CSTAT |
426 | /MRSS/V_WL_F | Maintenance of Worklist Attributes | C | /MRSS/C_WL_F |
427 | /MRSS/V_WL_FPR | Assignment of Worklist Attributes to Profile | C | /MRSS/C_WL_FPR |
428 | /MRSS/V_WL_F_CL | Classes for Determination of Worklist Fields | C | /MRSS/C_WL_F_CL |
429 | /MRSS/V_WL_F_DAT | Attributes of Dates in the Worklist | C | /MRSS/C_WL_F_DAT |
430 | /MRSS/V_WL_F_G | Origin of Worklist Fields from Generic Demand | C | /MRSS/C_WL_F_G |
431 | /MRSS/V_WL_PR | Maintenance of Worklist Profiles | C | /MRSS/C_WL_PR |
432 | /MRSS/V_WRK_RSV | View for Work Reserve Object Type | C | /MRSS/C_WRK_RSV |
433 | /MRSS/V_W_SCD_RL | Maintenance for Work Schedule Rule | C | /MRSS/C_W_SCD_RL |
434 | /MRSS/V_ZIPAREA | Postal Code Areas | C | /MRSS/C_ZIPA_DT |
435 | /NFM/EPROVMAS | Provision Master for NF Metals | /NFM/TPROVMAS | |
436 | /NFM/EPROVMOV | Lock for Re-Editing Incorrect Provision Postings | /NFM/TPROVMOV | |
437 | /NFM/ETBASIC | NF Metals: Basic Settings | /NFM/TBASIC | |
438 | /NFM/ETCOVMAS | NF Metals Coverage Master | /NFM/TCOVMAS | |
439 | /NFM/ETDEFAULT | NF Metals Default Values | /NFM/TDEFAULT | |
440 | /NFM/ETRATES | NF Rates Table | /NFM/TRATES | |
441 | /NFM/ETRATESPROV | NF Provision Rates | /NFM/TRATESPROV | |
442 | /NFM/ETVGW | NF Charge Weights Lock Object | /NFM/TVGW | |
443 | /NFM/NF | NF Rate Determination Modules and Routines | /NFM/TNFM | |
444 | /NFM/T700_V | /NFM/: Checks on Inbound IDoc Order Confirmation | C | /NFM/T700 |
445 | /NFM/TBOESL_V | Exchange Key | C | /NFM/TBOESL |
446 | /NFM/TBWE_V | Company Code-Dependent NF Reporting Bases | C | /NFM/TBWE |
447 | /NFM/TBWE_V99 | Reporting Base Values for Base Key 99 | C | /NFM/TBWE |
448 | /NFM/TCO_V | Assignment of Controlling Area and Origin to NF Keys | C | /NFM/TCO |
449 | /NFM/TKBB_V | Movement Types for NF Provisions | C | /NFM/TKBB |
450 | /NFM/TNEB_ORG_V | Different Base Key Data on Organizational Level | C | /NFM/TNEB_ORG |
451 | /NFM/TNEB_V | NF Metal Keys and Base Keys | C | /NFM/TNEB |
452 | /NFM/TNES_ORG_V | Different NF Key Data on Organizational Level | C | /NFM/TNES_ORG |
453 | /NFM/TNES_V | NF Metal Keys with Base Quantities | C | /NFM/TNES |
454 | /NFM/TNFS_V | Rate Determination Key: Definition | C | /NFM/TNFS |
455 | /NFM/TNFS_V1 | Field Control for Rate Determination Key | C | /NFM/TNFS_FIELD |
456 | /NFM/TNKTYP_V | Assignment, Condition Type - Cond. Cat./Raw Material Key | C | /NFM/TNKTYP |
457 | /NFM/TTOL_V | Include NF Metal Rates in Invoice Verification Tolerance | C | T169G |
458 | /NFM/T_MM_SD_V | Rate Reference: Purchasing Organization to Sales Org. | C | /NFM/T_MM_SD |
459 | /OLC/V_OLCCUST | OLC: Define OLC (Oper. Level Acc.) f. Order Types and Plants | C | T399X |
460 | /ORM/ORMVCLSF | ILD Attribute Main View | C | /ORM/ORMTCLSF |
461 | /ORM/ORMVCLSFHR | ILD Attributes - HR-org Link | C | /ORM/ORMTCLSFHR |
462 | /ORM/ORMVCLSFIT | ILD Attributes - native items | C | /ORM/ORMTCLSFIT |
463 | /ORM/ORMV_IMP_LT | Maintenance dialog for impact levels | C | /ORM/ORMT_IMP_L |
464 | /ORM/ORMV_PRBDEF | Probability Definitions | C | /ORM/ORMT_PRBDEF |
465 | /ORM/ORMV_PRBLV | Probability Levels | C | /ORM/ORMT_PRBLV |
466 | /ORM/ORMV_PRRITY | Maintain Risk and Opportunity priority IDs | C | /ORM/ORMT_PRRTY |
467 | /ORM/ORMV_RSK_LV | DO NOT USE ANYMORE: Maintain Level Color | C | /ORM/ORMT_RSK_LV |
468 | /ORM/ORMV_RSK_PM | Maintain Risk and Opportunity Priority Matrix | C | /ORM/ORMT_PRY_CT |
469 | /ORM/ORMV_RSP_CM | Maintenance dialog for response type combinations | C | /ORM/ORMT_RSP_CM |
470 | /ORM/ORMV_RSP_TY | Maintenance dialog for response types | C | /ORM/ORMT_RSP_T |
471 | /ORM/ORMV_RS_L_D | Maintain Risk And Opportunity Level Matrix | C | /ORM/ORMT_RS_L_D |
472 | /ORM/ORMV_TIMEFR | Maintenance Dialog for Speed of Onset | C | /ORM/ORMT_TIMEFR |
473 | /ORM/ORMV_TLWAFS | Three-Point Analysis | C | /ORM/ORMT_TLWAFS |
474 | /OSP/E_CJS_J | Lock for journal tables | /OSP/T_CJS_GJ | |
475 | /OSP/V_BHV_ADMIN | Application Behaviour Settings | C | /OSP/T_MDR_SETVL |
476 | /OSP/V_BHV_APPL | Applications | C | /OSP/T_MDR_APPL |
477 | /OSP/V_BHV_SCN | Scenario | C | /OSP/T_MDR_SCN |
478 | /OSP/V_BM_RLV | OSP: Maintainence View - Display Rule violation Types | C | /OSP/T_BM_RLV |
479 | /OSP/V_GD_SETS | OSP: Global definition setting type maintenance | C | /OSP/T_GD_SETNG |
480 | /OSP/V_GD_VALUES | OSP: Global Definitions Setting Values | C | /OSP/T_GD_VALUE |
481 | /OSP/V_RAUI_CHR | OSP: Maintenance View for Chart Report Selection | C | /OSP/T_RAUI_CHR |
482 | /OSP/V_RAUI_CHRD | Database view for chart report details | D | /OSP/T_RAUI_CHR |
483 | /OSP/V_RAUI_CMVD | Database View for chart report multiple values parameter det | D | /OSP/T_RAUI_CMVL |
484 | /OSP/V_RAUI_CMVL | OSP: Maintenance View for Chart Rep Param's Multiple Values | C | /OSP/T_RAUI_CMVL |
485 | /OSP/V_RAUI_CPVD | Database view for chart report parameter details | D | /OSP/T_RAUI_CPVL |
486 | /OSP/V_RAUI_CPVL | OSP: Maintenance View for Chart Report Param's Default Value | C | /OSP/T_RAUI_CPVL |
487 | /OSP/V_RAUI_CSED | Database View for Chart setting. | D | /OSP/T_RAUI_CSET |
488 | /OSP/V_RAUI_CSER | OSP: Maintenance View for Chart Report Series | C | /OSP/T_RAUI_CSER |
489 | /OSP/V_RAUI_CSET | OSP: Maintenance View for Chart Reports Settings | C | /OSP/T_RAUI_CSET |
490 | /OSP/V_RAUI_CTG | OSP: Maintenance View for Report Categories | C | /OSP/T_RAUI_CTG |
491 | /OSP/V_RAUI_DC | OSP: Maintenance View for Data Change Events | C | /OSP/T_RAUI_DC |
492 | /OSP/V_RAUI_DCDB | Database View for datachange in a report | D | /OSP/T_RAUI_RDC |
493 | /OSP/V_RAUI_DELV | Restrict Delivery View | C | /OSP/T_RAUI_DELV |
494 | /OSP/V_RAUI_GRPD | OSP : Database View for Context Group Details | D | /OSP/T_CON_GRP |
495 | /OSP/V_RAUI_MROL | Admin UI Multiple Roles view. | C | /OSP/T_RAUI_ROLE |
496 | /OSP/V_RAUI_MT | OSP: Maintenance View for Mendocino Timepoints | C | /OSP/T_RAUI_MT |
497 | /OSP/V_RAUI_MTD | OSP: DB view for Mendocino Time point selection for Reports | D | /OSP/T_RAUI_MT |
498 | /OSP/V_RAUI_MVDB | Database View for Multiple values | D | /OSP/T_RAUI_MVL |
499 | /OSP/V_RAUI_MVL | OSP: Maintenance View for Report Parameter's Multiple Values | C | /OSP/T_RAUI_MVL |
500 | /OSP/V_RAUI_PBDB | Database View for report parameter details | D | /OSP/T_RAUI_PBH |