View - M
# View Name Short Description View Type Basis Table
1 MA06V Material Master: DB View for Purchasing D MARA 
2 MA07V Material Master: DB View for Inventory Management D MARA 
3 MA29V MARA View on Bills of Materials P MARA 
4 MA61V Material Master: DB View for MRP D MARA 
5 MAANLF For Elementary Search Help AANLF (Fund, Functional Area) D ANLZ 
6 MACKU Material Valuation View for Costing D MARA 
7 MACKV Material Plant View on Costing D MARA 
8 MACKW Material Plant View on Costing D MARA 
9 MAFRUC View for matchcode ID AFRU-C D AFRU 
10 MAPOV Material view RL-VAS D MARA 
11 MARA1 View on Base Unit of Measure, Material Type, and so on D MARA 
12 MARAP CO-PCA: View of Table MARA D MARA 
13 MARAV View Table for Logical DB MGM D MARA 
14 MARA_MATNR MARA Material Numbers Only P MARA 
15 MARCE Existence Check for MARC D MARC 
16 MARCP EC-PCA: View of Table MARC D MARC 
17 MARCU Projection of MARC from Which Material Master Maint. Updated D MARC 
18 MARCV View for Logical Database MSM S MARC 
19 MARCW View for Logical Database S MARC 
20 MARC_DISP "View of MARC, MARA for Writing MRP Record" D MARC 
21 MARC_WERK Plants with Maintenance Status for Plant Input Values P MARC 
22 MARDE Existence Check View for MARD D MARD 
23 MARDP EC-PCA: Projection View of Table MARD P MARD 
24 MARDU Projection of MARD of Fields Updated in Matl Master Maint. D MARD 
25 MARD_F4HELP RMPU Help View from MARD & MARA for F4 Help ELORT H MARD 
26 MARD_LGORT Storage Locations with Maintenance Status for Input Help P MARD 
27 MARU Projection of MARA of Fields Updated in Matl Master Maint. D MARA 
28 MASSCONTHEAD Header Data Customer Contract D VBAK 
29 MASSCONTPOSVBKD Sales Document (Customer Contract): Commercial Item Data D VBKD 
30 MASSCONTVBAP Item Data Customer Contract D VBAP 
31 MASSD_VW_TABLES Mass Maintenance Dialog: View for Tables of a Bus. Object D MASSTAB 
32 MASSEKKO Purchasing Order Header D EKKO 
34 MASSEKKOSCHAGREE Scheduling Agreement Header D EKKO 
35 MASSEKKO_A Request for Quotation Header D EKKO 
37 MASSEKPASCHAGREE Scheduling Agreement Partner D EKKO 
38 MASSEKPO Purchase Order Item D EKPO 
40 MASSEKPOSCHAGREE Scheduling Agreement Item D EKPO 
41 MASSKNVK Customer Master Contact Partner D KNVK 
42 MASSLFB5 Vendor Master Dunning Data D LFB5 
43 MASSQUOTHEAD Header Data Customer Quotation D VBAK 
44 MASSQUOTPOSVBKD Sales Document (Customer Quotation): Commercial Item Data D VBKD 
45 MASSQUOTVBAP Item Data Customer Quotation D VBAP 
46 MASSSDHEAD Sales order header data D VBAK 
47 MASSSDPOSVBKD SD document: Business item data D VBKD 
48 MASSUSERVARIANTS View on Mass Maintenance Variant Names for User Variants D MASSVARIANT 
49 MASSVBAP Sales Order Item Data D VBAP 
50 MASS_V_PARALLEL Mass Parallel Settings C MASS_C_PARALLEL 
51 MAT1 Find Material Number   MARA 
52 MAT2 Find product groups   MARA 
53 MATERIALIDT Material number + short texts D MATERIALID 
54 MATERIAL_MARA Material numbers with material master D MATERIALID 
55 MATPT_BW_V View of Machine Type Text for BW D TMATT 
56 MATV_WWW Material short catalogue (WWW) D MARA 
57 MAVO1 Read View for Work Scheduling D MARC 
58 MAWEV Material/Plant/Sales View D MARA 
59 MB61V Material Master: View of MBEW for MRP P MBEW 
60 MBAN Purchase requisition matchcodes   EBAN 
61 MBEWE Existence Check for MBEW D MBEW 
62 MBEWHU Update View for MBEWH from Material Master D MBEWH 
63 MBEWU Projection of MBEW from Which Material Master Maint. Updated D MBEW 
64 MBEWUN Projection on MBEW for Update from Mat. Master Maintenance D MBEW 
65 MBEWV View for Logical Databases S MBEW 
66 MBEW_BWKEY Val.Key for Input Help: Valuation Area/Plant/Company Code P MBEW 
67 MBMP Matchcodes for mat. document item   MSEG 
68 MBRK Matchcodes for Reservation Doc.Header   RKPF 
69 MBWA General application   BP030 
70 MBWG Commercial application   BP030 
71 MBWP Private application   BP030 
72 MB_MDBS View of PO Item/PO Item Schedule Line (Inventory Mgmt) D EKPO 
73 MB_SIT_OBDLV SiT: Deliveries with Stock in Issuing Stock in Transit D MSKA 
74 MB_SIT_OBDLV_INI SiT-Relevant Deliveries, Goods Issue Not Yet Posted D LIPS 
75 MB_SIT_PODATA Relevant Purchase Order Data for Stock in Transit D EKPO 
76 MC29V Data Base View from MARA and MARC on Bills of Materials D MARA 
77 MCA1 Matchcode for main asset number   ANLA 
78 MCA2 Matchcode for asset sub-number   ANLA 
79 MCACS_AB Generated Code for Matchcode ID Bundle D CACS_CTRTBDL 
80 MCACS_BVA Bundle Contract Type D CACS_CTRTBDLT 
81 MCACS_P Generated Code for Matchcode ID Contract D BUT000 
82 MCACS_S Generated Code for Matchcode ID Standard Contract D CACS_CTRTST 
85 MCAE Settlement unit with period   VIAK25 
86 MCBE Correction Items   VIBEBE 
87 MCBM Matchcode for rent adjustment as a result of construction   VIMI27 
88 MCEA Identification of owner settlement   VIEA05 
89 MCEM Settlement unit recipient   VIAK03 
90 MCES Recipient key for settlement units   VIAK05 
91 MCEV Matchcode for events for manager contract   VIVW08 
92 MCF_STAT_PROFILE Status Profiles Assigned to Multichannel Scenario Campaigns D CRMC_MKTPL_CTYPE 
93 MCGB Matchcode for land register   VIGBUCH 
94 MCGU Matchcode for rent adjustment expert report   VIMI41 
95 MCH1 Find batches (from 3.0)   MCH1 
96 MCHA Find batches   MCHA 
97 MCHBE Existence Check View for MCHB D MCHB 
98 MCHB_CHARG Batch View P MCHB 
99 MCHB_F4HELP RMPU Help View from MCHB & MARA for F4 Help ELORT H MCHB 
100 MCHS Batches (valuation types) of material   MCHA 
101 MCHX Search for dummy batches (valuation types) of material   MCHA 
102 MCHZ Heating systems   VIAK08 
105 MCIX Index series / Base years   T094A 
106 MCNK Settlement identifications   VIAK16 
107 MCOB Test mass activator   ALIINCL 
108 MCON "Material Master View for Inventory Controlling (INVCO)" D MARA 
109 MCPA RE: Partner   BP000 
110 MCRA Rooms in building   VIOB22 
111 MCSIV View on MCSI for Performance Display of All SelecVersions D MCSI 
112 MCSL Matchcode via debit position ID   VISLID 
113 MCSY System status   TJ02T 
114 MCVL Matchcode for input tax runs   VISLID 
115 MCVW Matchcode for management contracts   VIVW01 
116 MDBP Read View PP - Document Log D BLPK 
117 MDBPK View of Document Log Header for Kanban P BLPK 
118 MDBPM View of Document Log Header for Assembly Order P BLPK 
119 MDBPN Document Log Header Record for RESB Object P BLPK 
120 MDBPP View of Document Log Header Record for Production Lots P BLPK 
121 MDBPS View of Document Log Header for Repetitive Manufacturing P BLPK 
122 MDBS Material View of Order Item/Schedule Line D EKPO 
123 MDFA Data Base View of Production Order for MD D AFPO 
124 MDFK Repetitive Manufacturing View of AUFK P AUFK 
125 MDFV View of the Calendar (Production Version) P MKAL 
126 MDGIV_OTC_BS Define Business Objects C MDGI_OTC_BS 
127 MDGV_BP_SYS_PAR View for table MDG_BP_SYS_PAR (MDG data replication param.) C MDG_BP_SYS_PAR 
128 MDGV_BUS_ATTR Attributes per Business System / BO / Communication Channel C MDG_BUS_SYS_ATTR 
129 MDGV_BUS_BO BO related information per Business System C MDG_BUS_SYS_BO 
130 MDGV_BUS_TECH Define Technical Settings for Business Systems C MDG_BUS_SYS_TECH 
131 MDGV_CCODEMAP Define Code-Mapping (Client-Dependent) C MDGD_CCODEMAP 
132 MDGV_CMAPCONTEXT Assign Code Lists (Client-Dependent) C MDGD_CMAPCONTEXT 
133 MDGV_CODELISTP Define Codelist Provider Implementations C MDGD_CODELISTP 
134 MDGV_CODEMAP Define Code-Mapping C MDGD_CODEMAP 
135 MDGV_CP_BO_SYS CPs per BOs and business systems D MDGD_CP 
136 MDGV_DOMAIN_MAP Mapping of "Official" Internal to Domain-Specific Code List C MDGD_DOMAIN_MAP 
137 MDGV_ELEMENT Maintain Value Mapping Fields C MDGD_ELEMENT 
138 MDGV_IDM_BO Customize Business Objects for Key Mapping C MDGC_IDM_BO 
139 MDGV_IDSTC_ATTR Assign Key Structures to Object Identifiers C MDGI_IDSTC_ATTR 
140 MDGV_IDSTC_BS Define Object Identifiers C MDGI_IDSTC_BS 
141 MDGV_KM_OTC Assign Business Objects to Main Contexts D MDGD_OTC_MCTX_BS 
143 MDGV_ONTC Define Object Nodes C MDGI_ONTC 
144 MDGV_OTC_ATTR Assign Filter Objects to Business Objects C MDG_OTC_ATTR 
145 MDGV_OTC_BOR Define relationship between Object Type and BOR Object C MDGD_OTC_BOR 
146 MDGV_OTC_MCTX_BS Assign Business Objects to Main Contexts C MDGD_OTC_MCTX_BS 
147 MDGV_REPL_OITC DB View for OITC for replication maintenance D MDGI_IDSTC_BS 
148 MDGV_VM_CODELIST Assign Code Lists to Elements and Systems C MDGC_VM_CODELIST 
149 MDG_BS_MAT_DV_MV Database View for MATNR / WERKS D MARC 
150 MDG_BS_MAT_DV_VV Database View for MATNR / VKORG / VTWEG D MVKE 
151 MDG_BS_MAT_V_DC View for retrieving distribution channel information D TVTA 
152 MDG_BS_MAT_V_MVV Help View for Material No./Sales Org./Distribution Channel H MVKE 
153 MDG_BS_MAT_V_MW Value Help for MATNR - WERKS H MARC 
154 MDG_BS_MAT_V_PC Help View for Planing Cycle D T439H 
155 MDG_BS_MAT_V_VV Help View for combination of VKORG and VTWEG H TVTA 
156 MDG_BS_MAT_V_WER Help View for WERKS H T001W 
157 MDG_GN_ENQ_EXBP Lock on Blueprint   MDG_GN_TEXBP 
158 MDG_GN_ENQ_GOBJ Lock on a Generated Object (Generator)   MDG_GN_V_GOBJ 
159 MDG_GN_VCONFIG Configuration of the Generator C MDG_GN_TCONFIG 
160 MDG_LG_T002CV Activatable Languages H T002C 
161 MDG_LG_TCATV Objects for Activating Languages C MDG_LG_TCAT 
164 MDG_TR_CCM1V Transport Tool: Client Copy - Administration C MDG_TR_CCM 
165 MDG_TR_CCMV Transport Tool: Client Copy - Protection Status Postprocess. C MDG_TR_CCM 
166 MDG_TR_CCOV Transport Tool: Client Copy - Object Status Postprocessing C MDG_TR_CCO 
167 MDG_TR_DELIVV Transport Tool: Delivery of Container Data C MDG_TR_DELIV 
168 MDG_TR_DESTV Transport Tool: RFC Destination for Transport Methods C MDG_TR_DEST 
169 MDG_TR_TAPPLV Transport Tool: Applications C MDG_TR_TAPPL 
170 MDG_TR_TCATALV Transport Tool: Local Settings for Transport Objects C MDG_TR_TCATAL 
171 MDG_TR_TCATATTR Attributes for Transport Objects C MDG_TR_TCATA 
172 MDG_TR_TCATAV Transport Tool: Attributes for Transport Objects C MDG_TR_TCATA 
173 MDG_TR_TCATOV Transport Tool: Attributes of Obsolete Transport Objects C MDG_TR_TCATO 
174 MDG_TR_TCATV Transport Tool: Transport Objects C MDG_TR_TCAT 
175 MDG_TR_TXTHV Transport Tool: Header Table for Texts (Content Translation) C MDG_TR_TXT_H 
176 MDG_TR_TXT_KV Transport Tool: Keys of Generic Texts C MDG_TR_TXT_K 
177 MDG_TR_TXT_V Transport Tool: Texts of Generic Text Table C MDG_TR_TXT 
178 MDG_VMSGAPPL01 Message Processing: Deviating Message Type per Application C MDG_TMSGAPPL01 
179 MDG_VMSGAPPL02 Message Processing: Collect Messages per Application Context C MDG_TMSGAPPL02 
180 MDG_VMSGAPPL0C MessageProcessing: Runtime Behavior when Collecting Messages C MDG_TMSGAPPL0C 
182 MDKMSV_KEY_MAP Mapping Enhancement ID C MDKMSD_KEY_MAP 
183 MDKMSV_OTEC Object Type-Element Combination C MDKMSD_OTEC 
184 MDKS Cost Collector Search in AFPO D AFPO 
185 MDLA Material View of Order Item/Schedule Line D EKPO 
186 MDPB Read View of Plnnd Ind. Reqmts for MRP (see also MDPBDB) D PBIM 
187 MDPBDB View plnnd independent reqmts for MRP area in MRP (as MDPB) D PBID 
188 MDQM MRP View of the QM Inspection Lot D QALS 
189 MDRELA Confirmations in Case of Returns D EKUB 
190 MDRI Requirements total records D RQHD 
191 MDRR Backlogs / Reprocessing Records RESB P RESB 
192 MDRS Reading View of Dep.Reqmnt/Material Reservation D RESB 
193 MDRV View of Outline Purchase Agreement D EKKO 
194 MDSA MRP View of the Run Schedule (Table SAFK) D SAFK 
195 MDSB Dependent Reqmts View of Reser./Dep. Reqmts D RESB 
196 MDSEV_TREE_IMPL Implementation Settings for Master Data Tree C MDSEC_TREE_IMPL 
198 MDSV_CMPT_DSET Datasets for comparison C MDSE_CMPT_DSET 
199 MDSV_CMPT_DSET_A Active Datasets for Compare process C MDSC_CMPT_DSET_A 
200 MDSV_CMPT_DSET_M Map the Dataset IDs to the dynpro IDs C MDSE_CMPT_DSET_M 
201 MDSV_CMPT_ID_FL Field names for selection C MDSE_CMPT_ID_FL 
204 MDSV_CMP_MAP_FLD View : Existing field mapping for synchronized objects C MDSE_CMP_MAP_FLD 
205 MDSV_CMP_PREP_UI View: Implementing class for preparing data to display on UI C MDSE_CMP_PREP_UI 
208 MDSV_CTRL_OBJ Synchronization Objects C MDSE_CTRL_OBJ 
209 MDSV_CTRL_OBJPPO Activation of the PPOs in the Dialog for Platform Objects C MDSC_CTRL_OBJPPO 
210 MDSV_CTRL_OPT Synchronization Options C MDSE_CTRL_OPT 
211 MDSV_CTRL_OPT_A Active Synchronization Options C MDSC_CTRL_OPT_A 
212 MDSV_CTRL_OPT_B Activate/Deactivate Synchronization (Platform <> ECC) C MDSC_CTRL_OPT_A 
213 MDSV_PPO_WF_USER Recipient for Postprocessing Work Items C MDSC_PPO_WF_USER 
214 MDSV_SYNC_ID_FL Field Names for Load History Selection C MDSE_SYNC_ID_FL 
216 MDSV_SYNC_PPOOBJ PPO Objects for Synchronization Objects C MDSE_SYNC_PPOOBJ 
217 MDSV_SYNC_PROG Programs for Initial Load C MDSE_SYNC_PROG 
218 MDSV_SYNC_SELTAB Table Names for Load History Selection C MDSE_SYNC_SELTAB 
219 MDUA View for Stock Transfer Purchase Requisition's Reqmts D EBUB 
220 MDUB Reading View of Stock Transport Order for Release Order D EKUB 
221 MDUP View Between PLPW and PLAF D PLPW 
222 MDUR Reading View of Stock Transfer Reservations D REUL 
223 MDU_V_APPLCTS Master Data Update: Customizing for Calling Applications C MDU_APPLCTS 
224 MDU_V_APPLOBJ Master Data Update: Customizing for Calling Applications C MDU_APPLOBJ 
225 MDU_V_SUBOBJ MDU: Maintainable Subobjects for Application Object Cust. C MDU_SUBOBJ 
226 MDVM_0_BAM View to Primary Index of MDVM P MDVM 
227 MDZE View of Indep. Reqmts for Allocation to Planning Marerial P VBBE 
228 MEBO Rebate Arrangements (Purchasing)   KONA 
229 MEIN Matchcode for Purchasing Information   EINA 
230 MEKK Matchcodes for purchasing document   EKKO 
231 MEMON_TECH_VIEW AGS:View for the content of the technical monitor D MEMON_TECH 
232 MEMSD Mobile Component Descriptor   MEMSD 
233 MEREP601602SM Properties of a Synchronization Run (Smart Sync) D MEREP_601 
234 MEREP604601 Error View for Table merep_604/601 D MEREP_604 
235 MEREP604ERR Error View for Table merep_604 D USR21 
236 MEREP_207 Lock Object for Table MEREP_207(Used as Dummy)   MEREP_DMY1 
237 MEREP_401 Table MEREP_401 (SyncBO)   MEREP_401 
238 MEREP_4019 MEREP_401 & MEREP_409 D MEREP_401 
239 MEREP_401HV Help View for MEREP_401 H MEREP_401 
240 MEREP_501 Lock Object for Inbound Device Sequence Number   MEREP_501 
241 MEREP_502 Lock Object for Outbound Device Sequence Number   MEREP_502 
242 MEREP_503 Enqueue Sender Device Worklist   MEREP_503 
243 MEREP_504 Lock Object for Table MEREP_504   MEREP_504 
244 MEREP_505 Lock Object for Table MEREP_505   MEREP_505 
245 MEREP_507 Lock Object for Table MEREP_507   MEREP_507 
246 MEREP_601 Lock Object for Job Table   MEREP_601 
247 MEREP_605 Device Control   MEREP_605 
248 MEREP_607 Lock Object for Table MEREP_607   MEREP_607 
249 MEREP_608 Lock Object for Table MEREP_608   MEREP_608 
250 MEREP_609 Lock Object for Table MEREP_609   MEREP_609 
251 MEREP_610 Lock Object for Table MEREP_610   MEREP_610 
253 MEREP_ENQ Generic Enqueue   MEREP_ENQ 
254 MEREP_RFCV View for RFC Destination D RFCDES 
255 MERK Matchcode for characteristics   CABN 
256 MESCR_V_PARTNER Vendor Partner H WYT3 
257 MESCR_V_SC_PART Partner in a Scheduling Agreement H EKPA 
259 METH Matchcode for methods   VMETK 
260 MEV_V_CCODE Global Company-Code-Dependent Settings C MEV_C_CCODE 
261 MEV_V_CCODE_MM Company-Code-Dependent Settings (MM) C MEV_C_CCODE_MM 
262 MEV_V_CCODE_SD Company-Code-Dependent Settings (SD) C MEV_C_CCODE_SD 
263 MEV_V_DOCTYPE_MM Assign Accounting Document Type C MEV_C_GENCUST_MM 
264 MEWFCON Visible Action Box configurations D EWFCON 
265 MEWFCON_COMPACT Visible Action Box configurations D EWFCON 
266 ME_EBUB_RESCHED Rescheduling: Read View - Open Stock Transfer Requisitions D EBUB 
267 ME_EKUB_RESCHED Rescheduling: Read View - Open Stock Transfer Orders/SAs D EKUB 
268 ME_HVIEW_T100 Mobile Infrastructure Messages: Smart Synchronization H T100 
269 ME_HVIEW_T100T Mobile Infrastructure Message Classes H T100T 
270 ME_VIEW_T100T Mobile Engine Message Classes D T100T 
271 MFAUF Material Plant View on Production Order D MARA 
272 MGVEDITT134 Maintenance of version fields in T134 C T134 
273 MGVMARA Some MARA fields + external numbers D MATERIALID 
275 MGVSAPM_M_AUFM_E View of AUFM with Debit Indicator D AUFM 
276 MGVT134 Material types for number ranges D T134 
277 MGV_01MARD_F4HEL RMPU Help View from MARD & MARA for F4 Help ELORT D MARD 
278 MGV_01MCHB_F4HEL RMPU Help View from MCHB & MARA for F4 Help ELORT D MCHB 
279 MGV_01MKOL_F4HEL RMPU Help View from MKOL & MARA for F4 Help ELORT D MKOL 
280 MGV_01MSKA_F4HEL RMPU Help View from MSKA & MARA for F4 Help ELORT D MSKA 
281 MGV_03MSPR_F4HEL RMPU Help View from MSPR & MARA for F4 Help ELORT D MSPR 
282 MGV_BEV1_RBDA_V Generated View for Matchcode ID /BEV1/RBD -A D /BEV1/RBMS 
283 MGV_BEV1_RBEA_V Generated View for Matchcode ID /BEV1/RBE -A D MVKE 
284 MGV_BEV1_RE_MAT1 Materials for Rental Items via Item Category Group D MARA 
285 MGV_BEV2_EDSMATN Search Help Selection - Material Master ED D /BEV2/EDMAA 
286 MGV_CKMLHD Material Ledger: Header Record D CKMLHD 
287 MGV_CKMLMV001 Selection CKMLMV001 with material ver. s.: http://material ? D CKMLMV001 
288 MGV_COCH Selection COCH with material ver. s.: http://material ? D COCH 
289 MGV_EBEW Selection EBEW witm material version, see: http://material ? D EBEW 
290 MGV_EHSWAV_DIS_C F4 As Disposer in Disposal Channel D EHSWAT000 
291 MGV_EHSWAV_GEN F4-Waste Generation/Disposal/Transport D EHSWAT000 
292 MGV_EHSWAV_GEN_C F4 As Generator in Disposal Channel D EHSWAT000 
293 MGV_EHSWAV_MAT_C View Generated for Matchcode ID MAT1 D MARA 
294 MGV_EHSWAV_VALID MD: Valid Generator D EHSWAT000 
295 MGV_EKPO Selection EKPO wit material version, see: http://material ? D EKPO 
296 MGV_HBSRLS2 Selection HBSRLS with material version, see: http://material D HBSRLS 
297 MGV_HV_T8A60 Search Help: Choose Representative Material Numbers D T8A60 
298 MGV_H_KO_STBLG Help View - Reversible Account Maintenance Document Number D RBKP 
299 MGV_H_LRMEI_WS Help view for proportion/product units for material D MARM 
300 MGV_H_MARC Help View for Material/Plant D MARC 
301 MGV_H_MARD Help View for Material Number/Plant/Storage Location D MARD 
302 MGV_H_MGEF Copy Help View H_MGEF D MGEF 
303 MGV_H_MLGN Help View for Material Number/Warehouse Number D MLGN 
304 MGV_H_MLGT Help View for Material Number/Warehouse Number/Storage Type D MLGT 
305 MGV_H_MVKE Help View for Material No./Sales Org./Distribution Channel D MVKE 
306 MGV_H_SNUM Help View of BOM Explosion Number D SNUM 
307 MGV_H_V_MARC Selection Methods Plants for Matl Search Help H_Werks_Matnr D MARC 
308 MGV_H_WERKS View for Search Help H_WERKS D MARC 
309 MGV_JITMA2 Selection JITMA with material version, see: http://material D JITMA 
310 MGV_KDST Selection KDST with material version, see: http://material D KDST 
311 MGV_KNMT_REF Test - Search Help for KNMT D KNMT 
312 MGV_L_LAG1M View for Matchcode ID LAG1-M D LQUA 
313 MGV_MARA1 Selection MARA with material version, see: http://material D MARA 
314 MGV_MARD_F4HELP RMPU Help View from MARD & MARA for F4 Help ELORT D MARD 
315 MGV_MAST Mat. No. copy table MAST D MAST 
316 MGV_MAT1MPN View for Manuf. Part Number Management w/o AMPL Management D MARA 
317 MGV_MAT2PIC View Instead of Table for MAT2PIC D MARA 
318 MGV_MBEW Selection MBEW with material version, see: http://material D MBEW 
319 MGV_MCHA Selection MCHA with material version, see: http://material D MCHA 
320 MGV_MCHB_F4HELP RMPU Help View from MCHB & MARA for F4 Help ELORT D MCHB 
321 MGV_MCHUWL User-Specific Batch Worklist D MCHUWL 
322 MGV_MIXRATIO_LOO Help view: Existing mixing ratios D CKMLMV003 
323 MGV_MKAL Selection MKAL with material version, see: http://material D MKAL 
324 MGV_MKOL_F4HELP RMPU Help View from MKOL & MARA for F4 Help ELORT D MKOL 
325 MGV_MLLIFNR Search View for Vendor For Material (OBEW) D CKMLHD 
326 MGV_MSEG Selection MSEG with material version, see: http://material D MSEG 
327 MGV_MSKA_F4HELP RMPU Help View from MSKA & MARA for F4 Help ELORT D MSKA 
328 MGV_MSPR_F4HELP RMPU Help View from MSPR & MARA for F4 Help ELORT D MSPR 
329 MGV_MVD_V_CUST Maintenance View: Customizing for Material Versions Overview C MVD_CUST 
330 MGV_M_CRIDA Generated View for Matchcode ID CRID-A D COCH 
331 MGV_M_EQSNS Generated View for Matchcode ID EQSN-S D EQUI 
332 MGV_M_EQUIO Generated View for Matchcode ID EQUI-O D EQUI 
333 MGV_M_KBLME Generated view for matchcode ID KBLM -E D KBLK 
334 MGV_M_KKPKE Generated View for Matchcode ID KKPK -E D CKPH 
335 MGV_M_KMATA Generated View for Matchcode ID KMAT -A D MARA 
336 MGV_M_KREDM Generated view for matchcode ID KRED -M D EINA 
337 MGV_M_MAT1A Generated view for matchcode ID MAT1 -A D MARA 
338 MGV_M_MAT1B Generated View for Matchcode ID MAT1 -B D MAKT 
339 MGV_M_MAT1C Generated view for matchcode ID MAT1 -C D MAKT 
340 MGV_M_MAT1E Generated view for matchcode ID MAT1 -E D MARA 
341 MGV_M_MAT1F Generated view for matchcode ID MAT1-F D MAKT 
342 MGV_M_MAT1H Generated view for matchcode ID MAT1 -H D MARA 
343 MGV_M_MAT1I Generated View for Matchcode ID MAT1 -I D EINA 
344 MGV_M_MAT1J Generated view for matchcode ID MAT1 -J D MARA 
345 MGV_M_MAT1L Generated view for matchcode ID MAT1 -L D MARA 
346 MGV_M_MAT1M Generated View for Matchcode ID MAT1 -M D MAKT 
347 MGV_M_MAT1MPN View for Manuf. Part Number Management w/o AMPL Management D MARA 
348 MGV_M_MAT1N Generated View for Matchcode ID MAT1 -N D MEAN 
349 MGV_M_MAT1P Generated View for Matchcode ID MAT1 -P D MVKE 
350 MGV_M_MAT1R Generated View for Matchcode ID MAT1 -R D MAKT 
351 MGV_M_MAT1S Generated View for Matchcode ID MAT1 -S D MAKT 
352 MGV_M_MAT1T Generated view for matchcode ID MAT1 -T D MARA 
353 MGV_M_MAT1V Generated View for Matchcode ID MAT1 -V D PKHD 
354 MGV_M_MAT1W Generated View for Matchcode ID MAT1 -W D MAKT 
355 MGV_M_MAT2D Generated View for Matchcode ID MAT2 -D D MARC 
356 MGV_M_MAT2M Generated view for matchcode ID MAT2 -M D MAKT 
357 MGV_M_MAT2MPN View for Manufacturer Part No. Management w. AMPL Management D MARA 
358 MGV_M_MAT2W Generated view for matchcode ID MAT2 -W D MARC 
359 MGV_M_MBANM Generated View for Matchcode ID MBAN -M D EBAN 
360 MGV_M_MBEWM View for valuation types for material D T001W 
361 MGV_M_MCH1F Generated view for matchcode ID MCH1 -F D MCHA 
362 MGV_M_MCH1L Generated View for Matchcode ID MCH1 -L D MCH1 
363 MGV_M_MCH1M Generated view for matchcode ID MCH1 -M D MCH1 
364 MGV_M_MCH1V Generated view for matchcode ID MCH1 -V D MCHA 
365 MGV_M_MCHAF Generated view for matchcode ID MCHA -F D MCHA 
366 MGV_M_MCHAL Generated View for Matchcode ID MCH1 -W D MCHA 
367 MGV_M_MCHSK Generated View for Matchcode ID MCHS-K D MCHA 
368 MGV_M_MCHSV Generated View for Matchcode ID MCHS-V D MCHA 
369 MGV_M_MCHSW Generated View for Matchcode ID MCHS-W D MCHA 
370 MGV_M_MCHXB Generated View for Matchcode ID MCHX-B D MCHA 
371 MGV_M_MEINL Generated View for Matchcode ID MEIN -L D EINA 
372 MGV_M_MEINM Generated View for Matchcode ID MEIN -M D EINA 
373 MGV_M_MEKKM Generated View for Matchcode ID MEKK -M D EKPO 
374 MGV_M_MEORV View of Source List Records for Agreement Item D EORD 
375 MGV_M_MWAKB Generated view for matchcode ID MWAK -B D AUPO 
376 MGV_M_ORDBM Generated View for Matchcode ID ORDB -M D AFKO 
377 MGV_M_ORDBW Process Orders for Ingredient/Material Produced D AFPO 
378 MGV_M_PLKSC Generated view for matchcode ID PLKS -C D MAPL 
379 MGV_M_PVB1M Generated view for matchcode ID PVB1-M D PKHD 
380 MGV_M_PVLIA Generated View for Matchcode ID PVLI-A D COCHP 
381 MGV_M_QALSA Generated View for Matchcode ID QALS-A D QALS 
382 MGV_M_QALSD Generated view for matchcode ID QALS -D D QALS 
383 MGV_M_QALSK Generated View for Matchcode ID QALS -K D QALS 
384 MGV_M_QALSM Generated view for matchcode ID QALS -M D QALS 
385 MGV_M_QMELB Generated View for Matchcode ID QMEL -K D QMEL 
386 MGV_M_QMELE Generated View for Matchcode ID QMEL -E D QMEL 
387 MGV_M_QMELK Generated View for Matchcode ID QMEL -K D QMEL 
388 MGV_M_QMELM Generated view for matchcode ID QMEL-M D QMEL 
389 MGV_M_QMELM2 Generated View for Matchcode ID QMEL -M D QMEL 
390 MGV_M_QMELMSM Generated View for Matchcode ID QMEL -M D QMEL 
391 MGV_M_QMELR Generated View for Matchcode ID QMEL -R D QMEL 
392 MGV_M_QVDMB Generated view for matchcode ID QVDM-B D QVDM 
393 MGV_M_QVDMC Generated view for matchcode ID QVDM-C D QVDM 
394 MGV_M_SANVM Generated View for Matchcode ID SANV -M D SAFK 
395 MGV_M_WASVB Generated view for matchcode ID WASV -B D SVKO 
396 MGV_M_WELKA View for Matchcode ID WELK -A D WELK 
397 MGV_M_WKBKA View for matchcode ID WKBK -A D WKBP 
398 MGV_M_WKBKB View for matchcode ID WKBK -B D WKBP 
399 MGV_M_WWKKA View for elem. search help WWKKA in coll. search help WWKK D WWKK 
400 MGV_PABIT JIT call items D PABIT 
401 MGV_PCMO1 Selection PCMO1 with material version, see: http://material D PCMO1 
402 MGV_PKHD Selection PKHD with material version, see: http://material D PKHD 
403 MGV_PKOSA_PROC_A Processes for Product Cost Collector D CKMLMV001 
404 MGV_PKOSA_PROC_B Processes for Production Order D CKMLMV001 
405 MGV_PKOSA_PROC_C Processes for Run Schedule Header D SAFK 
406 MGV_PROC_A Processes for Search Help D CKMLMV001 
407 MGV_PRST Selection PRST with material version, see: http://material D PRST 
408 MGV_PVWTY Sample View for Program TMGV_SHLP_CHANGE D PVWTY 
409 MGV_QBEW Selection QBEW with material version, see: http://material D QBEW 
410 MGV_QCPR Selection QCPR with material version, see: http://material D QCPR 
411 MGV_QINF Selection QINF with material version, see: http://material D QINF 
412 MGV_QPRN Selection QPRN with material version, see: http://material D QPRN 
413 MGV_QPRS Matnr_Ext, copy Tab QPRS D QPRS 
414 MGV_QPRS_SEL_L Search help for phys. sample master record with insp. lot D QPRS 
415 MGV_QPRS_SEL_M Search help for sample master record using material D QPRS 
416 MGV_QPRS_SEL_N Physical Samples Using Sample-Drawing for the Inspection Lot D QPRN 
417 MGV_QVDM Selection QVDM with material version, see: http://material D QVDM 
418 MGV_RMVBBE Abbreviated VBBE for F4 Help D VBBE 
419 MGV_RQHD Selection RQHD with material version, see: http://material D RQHD 
420 MGV_SAPCEM_MAT_B View of Assignment of Material - Catalog (BAL) D /SAPCEM/MATERIAL 
421 MGV_SAPMP_M_AUFM Generated view for matchcode ID MCH1 -F D AUFM 
422 MGV_T023 Selection T023 with material version, see: http://material D T023 
423 MGV_T023V View for Fbst. mgv_wbwgd_shlp_exit D T023 
424 MGV_T372M Selection T372M with material version, see: http://material D MATERIALID 
425 MGV_USEG Selection USEG with material version, see: http://material D USEG 
426 MGV_VEKP Selection VEKP with material version, see: http://material D VEKP 
427 MGV_VLCVEHICLE2 Selection vlcvehicle w/ mat. version, see: http://material D VLCVEHICLE 
428 MGV_VSO_R_V_PAL View for Search Help for Packaging Material (VSO) D MARA 
429 MGV_VTYPE_APP LAMA: View append for view MGVMARA A MGVMARA 
430 MGV_VT_ACTIVATE Read view for activating version types D MARA 
432 MGV_V_BUNDLEFLD Display fields for field packages C MGVFIELDBUNDLE 
433 MGV_V_COVS View of Search Help D VSAUFK_CN 
437 MGV_V_FGROUP Maintenance for field group material versions C MGVFIELDGROUP 
438 MGV_V_FGROUPFLD Maintenance for assignment fields of field groups C MGVFIELDGROUPFLD 
439 MGV_V_H_T8A60 Select Representative Material Numbers D T8A60 
442 MGV_V_MAKT Access material number and short text D MATERIALID 
443 MGV_V_MARM_T006A View of MARM and T006A D MARM 
444 MGV_V_MAT_SERIAL Search help view for material for serial number D EQUI 
445 MGV_V_MPNTMCNV Material Number Display C TMCNV 
446 MGV_V_OUTLM View for Search Help OUTLM D EKPO 
451 MGV_V_PPEPRODVER Database View for PPE Production Versions in R3E D MKAL 
452 MGV_V_PRPMM View for Search Help PRPMM D PRPS 
453 MGV_V_P_MDLV Help View for Table MDLV D MDLV 
454 MGV_V_RLACCT01 View via Table RLPSHPA, RLACCT, RLPSHP, MAKT (only main rel) D RLPSHPA 
455 MGV_V_RLACCT02 View via Table RLPSHPA, RLACCT, RLPSHP (all relationships) D RLPSHPA 
456 MGV_V_RLEKKO_EKP View for contracts above Tables EKKO and EKPO D EKKO 
457 MGV_V_RLRETMAT01 View of table MARA and T134 for return.packaging LAMA vers. D MARA 
458 MGV_V_RPPS2 View: Invoicing Plan <-> Material Component D RESB 
459 MGV_V_SPEC_TYPE Maintain specialization types material master C MGVSPECTYPE 
460 MGV_V_TMCNV Material Number Display C TMCNV 
461 MGV_V_VTYPE Version types C MGVTYPE 
462 MGV_V_VTYPEFIELD Cross-version fields/ field packages C MGVTYPEFIELD 
463 MGV_V_VTYPEFIWRK Cross-version fields/ field packages C MGVTYPEFIELD_WRK 
464 MGV_V_VTYPE_WRK Version types Workarea C MGVTYPE_WRK 
465 MGV_V_WLBM Product catalog item D WWMI 
466 MGV_V_WPCITEMA View for Search Help WPCITEMA D WWMI 
467 MGV_V_WPCITEMC View for Search Help WPCITEMC D WWMI 
468 MGV_V_YMATNR Select material by packaging material type D MARA 
469 MGV_WBHI Selection WBHI with material version, see: http://material D WBHI 
470 MGW_GENERIC_VAR Variants of a Generic Material D MARA 
471 MIGV_COM_VALCLS Conversion Customizing for General Valuation Class C MIGC_COM_VALCLS 
473 MILL_APP Append for IS-MP Fields A MILL_VS_VBUP_PR 
474 MILL_INOB Projection view for INOB P INOB 
475 MILL_MA07V Mill: Enhancements for IBU MPW A MA07V 
477 MILL_SE_TVAP MILL: Item Category for Global Item C TVAP 
478 MILL_VS_VBUP_PR Version Status of Original Item P VBUP 
479 MILL_V_MMIM_CHA Append for Implementation of Batch Level w. Single-Un. Batch A V_MMIM_CHA 
480 MILL_V_QAPO Mill: View of AFVC and AFVV for Reading Operat.in log. DB PG A V_QAPO 
481 MILL_V_T399X Segmentation Order Type H T399X 
482 MIVB Comparative accommodation general   VIMI15 
483 MIVG Comparative apartments general   VIOB18 
484 MIXRATIO_LOOK Help view: Existing mixing ratios H CKMLMV003 
485 MJB2 Account   JBDKKON 
486 MJB3 Position Criteria   JBDBSTD 
487 MJB4 Service   JBDSERV 
488 MJB5 Non-Interest-Bearing Position   JBDUBST 
489 MJBU SAP Banking: Search Using Securities Account ID   TWD01 
490 MJBV IS-B: Suche nach Ordernummer in JBSWPOFF   JBSWPOFF 
491 MJBW IS-B: Suche nach ISB-Objektnummer des Sammelobjektes   JBSSAMOB 
492 MJBX IS-B: Suche nach Hauptbuch-Kontonummer   SKB1 
493 MJBZ IS-B: Suche nach Sammelobjekt-Nummer   JBSSAMOB 
494 MJH_UVEVB IS-M: Search Help: Incompleteness Status of Rev.Object Doc. D TJHE1 
495 MJJVA5 IS-M: View of DD03l DD04T : Texts for GTR Fields D DD03L 
496 MKOL_F4HELP RMPU Help View from MKOL & MARA for F4 Help ELORT H MKOL 
497 MKTRV_AG_DEL_STG Marketing/CRMR: Agreement-Deletion Strag. Customizing View C MKTRC_AG_DEL_STG 
498 MKTRV_AG_TYP_TP Marketing/CRMR: Trade Spend-Agreement Customizing View C MKTRC_AG_TYP_TP 
499 MKTRV_REB_ID External rebate ID's used to generate CRMR Reb. Agreements C MKTRC_REB_ID 
500 MKTRV_REB_PROF Customizing View for Rebate Profile Assignments C BEAC_RPA