SAP ABAP Transaction Code - Index N, page 2
Transaction Code - N
# | Transaction code | Short Description | Corresponding Report (if exist) |
1 | NE11 | IS-H: Maintain Copayment | SAPMNEX1 |
2 | NE15 | IS-H: Transfer Copayment | RNZUZU00 |
3 | NE16 | IS-H: Write off Copayment Requests | RNZUZS00 |
4 | NE17 | IS-H: Generate copayment | RNZUZBI1 |
5 | NE18 | IS-H: Post copayment back | RNZUZR00 |
6 | NE20 | IS-H: Maintain Down Payment | SAPMNEX1 |
7 | NE21 | IS-H: Display Down Payment | SAPMNEX1 |
8 | NE22 | IS-H: Down Payment Overview | RNAANZ00 |
9 | NE23 | IS-H: Down Payment Monitor | RNAANZ01 |
10 | NEDI | EDI Workbench | SAPLNC13 |
11 | NEDIIN | IS-H EDI Inbound Worklist | RNC301I2 |
12 | NEDIOUT | IS-H EDI Outbound Worklist | RNC301U2 |
13 | NEDIW | EDI Worklist | RNCEDIWORK2 |
15 | NEFE | Statistical Setup: SFIS / Versions | RMCFCSCP |
16 | NEO01 | IS-H: Create External Order | SAPMNEO01 |
17 | NEO02 | IS-H: Maintain External Order | SAPMNEO01 |
18 | NEO03 | IS-H: Display External Order | SAPMNEO01 |
19 | NEO04 | IS-H: Ext.Order- Create Order Placer | SAPMNEO02 |
20 | NEO05 | IS-H: Ext.Order- Change Order Placer | SAPMNEO02 |
21 | NEO06 | IS-H: Ext.Order-Display Order Placer | SAPMNEO02 |
22 | NEOAB | IS-H: External Order - Billing | RNABEO00 |
23 | NEODR | IS-H: External Order - Mass Print | RNDREO00 |
24 | NEOST | IS-H: Ext.Order - Cancel Billing Doc | RNSTEO00 |
25 | NEWTON | Mathematical Tests | SAPLFF08 |
26 | NEW_SERP | Report Tree Maintenance | SAPLBMEN |
27 | NG01 | IS-H: Create General Bus. Partner | SAPMNG10 |
28 | NG02 | IS-H: Change General Bus. Partner | SAPMNG10 |
29 | NG03 | IS-H: Display General Bus. Partner | SAPMNG10 |
30 | NG04 | IS-H: Create Bus. Partner Employee | SAPMNG10 |
31 | NG05 | IS-H: Change Bus. Partner Employee | SAPMNG10 |
32 | NG06 | IS-H: Display Bus. Partner Employee | SAPMNG10 |
33 | NG07 | IS-H: Create B.Partner Ins. Provider | SAPMNG10 |
34 | NG08 | IS-H: Change B.Partner Ins. Provider | SAPMNG10 |
35 | NG09 | IS-H: Display B.Partner Ins.Provider | SAPMNG10 |
36 | NG10 | IS-H: Create Bus. Partner Customer | SAPMNG10 |
37 | NG11 | IS-H: Change Bus. Partner Customer | SAPMNG10 |
38 | NG12 | IS-H: Display Bus. Partner Customer | SAPMNG10 |
39 | NG13 | IS-H: Create Bus. Partner Employer | SAPMNG10 |
40 | NG14 | IS-H: Change Bus. Partner Employer | SAPMNG10 |
41 | NG15 | IS-H: Display Bus. Partner Employer | SAPMNG10 |
42 | NG16 | IS-H: Create Bus. Partner Hospital | SAPMNG10 |
43 | NG17 | IS-H: Change Bus. Partner Hospital | SAPMNG10 |
44 | NG18 | IS-H: Display Bus. Partner Hospital | SAPMNG10 |
45 | NG30 | IS-H: Create Bus.Partner RP Employee | SAPMNG10 |
46 | NG40 | IS-H: Maintain Ins. Prov. Types | RNVIEWT2 |
47 | NG41 | IS-H: Display Guarantor Types | RNVIEWT2 |
48 | NGLM | Customizing and Performance Monitor | NEWGL_MONITOR |
49 | NGM0 | (empty) | MENUNGM0 |
50 | NIAPPS | IS-H: Visit Scheduling at Web - Demo | SAPMNPB2 |
51 | NK01 | IS-H: Maintain IV request (coll.ent) | SAPMNPK1 |
52 | NK02 | IS-H: Display IV request (coll.ent.) | SAPMNPK1 |
53 | NK06 | IS-H: Maintain IV Confm.(Coll.Entry) | SAPMNPK1 |
54 | NK19 | IS-H: Print request for IV - outpt. | RNNKOS14 |
55 | NK20 | IS-H: Print Insurance Verif. request | RNNKOS11 |
56 | NK21 | IS-H: Dun Insurance Verification | RNNKOS10 |
57 | NK22 | IS-H: Generate outpatient ins.verif. | RNILKO01 |
58 | NK23 | IS-H: Generate IV f. inpatients | RNILKO00 |
59 | NK24 | IS-H: Monitoring of IV Requests | RNNKOS12 |
60 | NK25 | IS-H: Monitoring Insurance Verifictn | RNNKOS13 |
61 | NK26 | IS-H: Extend request for ins.verif. | RNNKOS15 |
62 | NK30 | IS-H: Maintain Pre-Approved Ins. | RNCSTABL |
63 | NK31 | IS-H: Display Pre-Appr.IV Confmtn. | RNCSTABL |
64 | NK35 | IS-H: Maintain IV Default Values | RNCSTABL |
65 | NK36 | IS-H: Display IV Default Values | RNCSTABL |
66 | NK50 | IS-H: Create IV declaration (AT) | SAPMNK50 |
67 | NK51 | IS-H: Change IV declaration (AT) | SAPMNK50 |
68 | NK52 | IS-H: Display IV declaration (AT) | SAPMNK50 |
69 | NKA1 | IS-H*MED: VBUND: Leistungsang. anzei | SAPLN1AR_MC |
70 | NKA2 | IS-H*MED: VBUND: Leistungsang. änder | SAPLN1AR_MC |
71 | NKA3 | IS-H*MED: VBUND: Leistungsang. anleg | SAPLN1AR_MC |
72 | NKBS | Nummernintervalle Bestand xSFGDT | |
73 | NKBV | KV-Abrechnung | RNABDT02 |
74 | NKEY | Non Key attribute details (Frontend) | SAPSXFTH |
75 | NKM0 | IS-H: Menu Catalogs | MENUNKM0 |
76 | NKRS | IS-H: Number Ranges | SAPMNKRS |
77 | NKRT | Nummernintervalle Risikoträger | |
78 | NKSL | Nummernintervalle Simulationslauf | |
79 | NKVWS1 | IS-H: Change PPA Work Station | RNV2000_CALL |
80 | NKVWS2 | IS-H: Display PPA Work Station | RNV2000_CALL |
81 | NL01N | IS-H: Service Entry for all Cases | SAPMNSERV01 |
82 | NL04N | IS-H: Service Entry - OU-Related | SAPMNSERV01 |
83 | NL10 | IS-H: Maintain Service Entry | SAPMNL01 |
84 | NL10N | IS-H: Case-Related Service Entry | SAPMNL01 |
85 | NL11 | IS-H: Display service entry | SAPMNL01 |
86 | NL11N | IS-H: Case-Related Service Display | SAPMNL01 |
87 | NL20 | IS-H: Maintain prelim. service entry | SAPMNL03 |
88 | NL21 | IS-H: Display prelim. service entry | SAPMNL03 |
89 | NL22 | IS-H: Maintain Prelim. Entry by OU | SAPMNL03 |
90 | NL23 | IS-H: Display Prilim. Entry by OU | SAPMNL03 |
91 | NL28 | IS-H: Transfer Svces from PE by OU | RNAGETVO |
92 | NL29 | IS-H: Transfer srvs from prel. entry | RNAGETVE |
93 | NLDBC_S | Reopen closed DBC | SAPMNNLDBC_S |
99 | NLKSPI | Iterative Plantarifermittlung | RNNL_KSPI |
100 | NLKSS2 | Istkostensplittung: Kostenstellen | SAPLNLKSS2 |
101 | NLKSS4 | Plankostensplittung ausführen | SAPMNLKSS4 |
102 | NLPMD | Startreport portal PMD transaktion | RNNL_PMD_PORTAL |
103 | NLPROFILE | Bearbeiten kostenart profile | RNNL_HCO_PROFILE |
104 | NLSCHEIN_ANDERN | Behandlungsscheine ändern | SAPMNNLSCHEIN |
105 | NLSCHEIN_ANZEIGEN | Behandlungsscheine anzeigen | SAPMNNLSCHEIN |
106 | NLT_MIGR | transaction code for unlinked target | NON_LINKED_TARGET |
107 | NL_KUM_ALK | Startreport kum ALK | RNNL_PMD_KUM_PORTAL |
108 | NL_NV2000_PORTAL | Startreport fur Portal NV2000 | RNNL_NV2000_PORTAL |
109 | NM00 | (empty) | MENUNM00 |
110 | NM01 | (empty) | MENUNM01 |
111 | NM02 | (empty) | MENUNM02 |
112 | NM03 | (empty) | MENUNM03 |
113 | NM07 | (empty) | MENUNM07 |
114 | NM10 | (empty) | MENUNM10 |
115 | NM20 | (empty) | MENUNM20 |
116 | NM30 | IS-H: HCO Int.controlling area menu | MENUNM30 |
117 | NM40 | IS-H Communication | MENUNM40 |
118 | NM44 | IS-H: Communication Menu | RNCTT100 |
119 | NMA0 | (empty) | MENUNMA0 |
120 | NMA1 | (empty) | MENUNMA1 |
121 | NMA4 | (empty) | MENUNMA4 |
122 | NMAA | (empty) | MENUNMAA |
123 | NMAB | (empty) | MENUNMAB |
124 | NMAC | (empty) | MENUNMAC |
125 | NMAD | (empty) | MENUNMAD |
126 | NMAE | (empty) | MENUNMAE |
127 | NMC1 | (empty) | MENUNMC1 |
128 | NMC2 | (empty) | MENUNMC2 |
129 | NMC3 | (empty) | MENUNMC3 |
130 | NMC4 | (empty) | MENUNMC4 |
131 | NMCO1 | IS-H MM: Transfer Matl. Consumption | RNMCO000 |
132 | NMCO2 | IS-H MM: Data Transfer Matl.Consumpt | RNIMCONS0 |
133 | NMCOL | IS-H MM: List Material Consumptions | RNLMCONS0 |
134 | NMG1 | IS-H*MED: Menu Service facility mgmt | MENUNMG1 |
135 | NMGS | (empty) | MENUNMGS |
136 | NMGX | IS-H*MED: Menü Leistungsstellenmanag | MENUNMGX |
137 | NMM0 | Material Requisition | MENUNMM0 |
138 | NMM1 | IS-H: Create Material Req. by OU | SAPMNM03 |
139 | NMM2 | IS-H: Maintain OU-Rel. Material Req. | SAPMNM03 |
140 | NMM3 | IS-H: Display Material Req. by OU | SAPMNM03 |
141 | NMM4 | IS-H: Collective Proc. Material Req. | RNMMANF0 |
142 | NMM5 | IS-H: Create Case-Rel. Material Req. | SAPMNM02 |
143 | NMM6 | IS-H: Display Case-Rltd Mat. Requis. | SAPMNM02 |
144 | NMM7 | IS-H: Maintain Case-Rel. Goods Issue | SAPMNM02 |
145 | NMM8 | IS-H: Display Case-Rltd Goods Issue | SAPMNM02 |
146 | NMM9 | IS-H: Pick List | RNMPICK0 |
147 | NMMC1 | IS-H MM: Maintain Matl Consumption | RNV2000_CALL |
148 | NMMC2 | IS-H MM: Display Matl Consumption | RNV2000_CALL |
149 | NMMD | IS-H*MED: Basic data: medical d | MENUNMMD |
150 | NMMO | IS-H*MED Basic Data: Surgery System | MENUNMMO |
151 | NMMP | IS-H*MED: Nursing | MENUNMMP |
152 | NMMS | IS-H*MED: Basic data srvc processing | MENUNMMS |
153 | NMND | IS-H: Reset Client | RNUMNDT0 |
154 | NMO1 | (empty) | MENUNMO1 |
155 | NMO2 | (empty) | MENUNMO2 |
156 | NMO3 | (empty) | MENUNMO3 |
157 | NMO4 | (empty) | MENUNMO4 |
158 | NMO9 | ISH: Customizing patient management | MENUNMO9 |
159 | NMOA | (empty) | MENUNMOA |
160 | NMOB | (empty) | MENUNMOB |
161 | NMOC | Custom. Billing Service Entry | MENUNMOC |
162 | NMOE | (empty) | MENUNMOE |
163 | NMOF | Customizing pat. acctg. srv convers. | MENUNMOF |
164 | NMOG | (empty) | MENUNMOG |
165 | NMOH | (empty) | MENUNMOH |
166 | NMOI | ISH: Custom. Copayment Processing | MENUNMOI |
167 | NMOJ | (empty) | MENUNMOJ |
168 | NMOK | IS-HCM Customizing communication | MENUNMOK |
169 | NMOL | IS-HCO: Settings link to Controlling | MENUNMOL |
170 | NMR0 | (empty) | MENUNMR0 |
171 | NMS1 | Patient accounting | MENUNMS1 |
172 | NMS2 | Inpatient Management | MENUNMS2 |
173 | NMS3 | Outpatient Management | MENUNMS3 |
174 | NMS4 | Nurse Station Management | MENUNMS4 |
175 | NMS5 | Medical / Nursing Documentation | MENUNMS5 |
176 | NMS6 | Medical Record Administration | MENUNMS6 |
177 | NMS7 | Hospital Structure | MENUNMS7 |
178 | NMS8 | Service Master | MENUNMS8 |
179 | NMS9 | Business Partners | MENUNMS9 |
180 | NMT0 | IS-H: Basic data: srv. master data | MENUNMT0 |
181 | NN1L | Menu Service facility management | MENUNN1L |
182 | NN2L | IS-H*MED: Menu Service facility mgmt | MENUNN2L |
183 | NNIH | IS-H NL: Customizing Dutch tables | MENUNNIH |
184 | NNL0 | IS-H: Additional NL transactions | MENUNNL0 |
185 | NNL1 | _ | SAPMNNL1 |
186 | NNL2 | _ | SAPMNNL1 |
187 | NNL6 | IS-H NL: Anlegen/Anzeigen Scheine | RNNLCERT |
188 | NNLA | IS-H NL: Anwesendheitsanpasser | RNANLABW |
189 | NNT1 | IS-H NL: | |
190 | NNT2 | IS-H NL: Tabelle NNLTP pflegen | |
191 | NODE_TYPE_DEFINITION | Maintain Table URL_EXITS | |
192 | NOM0 | (empty) | MENUNOM0 |
193 | NOR_GL | Norway: G/L Account Line Items | RFITEMGL_NO |
194 | NOR_GLOLD | Norway: G/L Account Line Items | RFITEMOLDGL_NO |
195 | NOTES_MIGR | Notes migration | NOTES_MIGR |
196 | NOTIF_CREATE | Create Support Message | RDSWP_NOTIF_CREATE |
197 | NOTIF_CREATE_BSP | Create CRM Service Procedure (Web) | |
198 | NP01 | IS-H: Create patient master data | SAPMNPA2 |
199 | NP02 | IS-H: Change patient master data | SAPMNPA2 |
200 | NP03 | IS-H: Display patient master data | SAPMNPA2 |
201 | NP04 | IS-H: Maintain risk factors | SAPMNPA2 |
202 | NP05 | IS-H: Display risk factors | SAPMNPA2 |
203 | NP06 | IS-H: Merging patients | RNJOIN00 |
204 | NP07 | IS-H: Find Similar Patients | RNUPATCMP |
205 | NP10 | IS-H: Call Case Overview | SAPMNPA6 |
206 | NP10D | IS-H: Call Case Overview Display | SAPMNPA6 |
207 | NP11 | IS-H: Create inpatient admiss. data | SAPMNPA2 |
208 | NP12 | IS-H: Change inpatient admiss. data | SAPMNPA2 |
209 | NP13 | IS-H: Display inpatient admiss. data | SAPMNPA2 |
210 | NP20 | IS-H: Maintain delivery data | SAPMNPA2 |
211 | NP21 | IS-H: Display delivery data | SAPMNPA2 |
212 | NP22 | IS-H: Maintain newborn admission | SAPMNPA2 |
213 | NP23 | IS-H: Display newborn admission | SAPMNPA2 |
214 | NP24 | IS-H: Maintain gen. case/case asgmt | SAPMNPA2 |
215 | NP25 | IS-H: Display gen. case/case asgmt | SAPMNPA2 |
216 | NP26 | IS-H: Maintain comp. case/case asgmt | SAPMNPA2 |
217 | NP27 | IS-H: Display comp. case/case asgmt | SAPMNPA2 |
218 | NP28 | IS-H: Maintain newb. case/case asgmt | SAPMNPA2 |
219 | NP29 | IS-H: Display newb. case/case asgmt | SAPMNPA2 |
220 | NP30 | IS-H: Maintain companion admission | SAPMNPA2 |
221 | NP31 | IS-H: Display companion admission | SAPMNPA2 |
222 | NP32 | IS-H: Maintain person assignment | SAPMNPA2 |
223 | NP33 | IS-H: Display person assignment | SAPMNPA2 |
224 | NP36 | IS-H: Create surgery (case) | SAPMNPA1 |
225 | NP37 | IS-H: Create surgery (visit) | SAPMNPA1 |
226 | NP38 | IS-H: Change surgery | SAPMNPA1 |
227 | NP39 | IS-H: Display surgery | SAPMNPA1 |
228 | NP40 | IS-H: Create outpatient case | SAPMNPA1 |
229 | NP41 | IS-H: Create outpatient visit | SAPMNPA1 |
230 | NP42 | IS-H: Change outpatient visit | SAPMNPA1 |
231 | NP43 | IS-H: Display outpatient visit | SAPMNPA1 |
232 | NP44 | IS-H: Maintain treatment certificate | SAPMNPA1 |
233 | NP45 | IS-H: Display treatment certificate | SAPMNPA1 |
234 | NP46 | IS-H: Treatment certificate evaluat. | RNLCOT00 |
235 | NP47 | IS-H: Maintain Procedures for Case | SAPMNP47 |
236 | NP48 | IS-H: Display Procedures for Case | SAPMNP47 |
237 | NP51 | IS-H: Maintain nurs. acuity per case | SAPMNFKL |
238 | NP52 | IS-H: Display patient group per case | SAPMNFKL |
239 | NP53 | IS-H: Maintain patient group per OU | SAPMNFKL |
240 | NP54 | IS-H: Display patient group per OU | SAPMNFKL |
241 | NP55 | IS-H: Maintain case classif.per case | SAPMNFKL |
242 | NP56 | IS-H: Display case classif. per case | SAPMNFKL |
243 | NP57 | IS-H: Maintain case classif. per OU | SAPMNFKL |
244 | NP58 | IS-H: Display case classific. per OU | SAPMNFKL |
245 | NP61 | IS-H: Maintain Diagn. Doc. by Case | SAPMNDIA |
246 | NP62 | IS-H: Display Diagn. Doc. by Case | SAPMNDIA |
247 | NP63 | IS-H: Maintain Diagnosis Doc. by OU | SAPMNDIA |
248 | NP64 | IS-H: Display Diagnosis Doc. by OU | SAPMNDIA |
249 | NP71 | IS-H: Maintain medical grounds | SAPMNBEG |
250 | NP72 | IS-H: Display medical grounds | SAPMNBEG |
251 | NP91 | IS-H: Create absence | SAPMNPA5 |
252 | NP92 | IS-H: Change leave of absence | SAPMNPA5 |
253 | NP93 | IS-H: Display leave of absence | SAPMNPA5 |
254 | NP94 | IS-H: Generate leave of absence | RNABSGEN |
255 | NP97 | IS-H: Create discharge | SAPMNPA8 |
256 | NP98 | IS-H: Change discharge | SAPMNPA8 |
257 | NP99 | IS-H: Display discharge | SAPMNPA8 |
258 | NPDRG1 | IS-H: Display DRG Data | SAPMNDRG |
259 | NPDRG2 | IS-H: Maintain DRG Data | SAPMNDRG |
260 | NPDRG3 | IS-H: DRG Grouping of Multiple Cases | RNUDRG0A |
261 | NPFA | IS-H: Public List | RNLPFOR0 |
262 | NPFL | IS-H: Religious list | RNLPFARR |
263 | NPLNC01 | IS-H: Change Statistical Occ.Chrctst | |
264 | NPLNC02 | IS-H: Display Statist. Occ. Chrctst | |
265 | NPPR | IS-H: Nurs. Acuity Classific. Eval. | RNVPPR01 |
266 | NPRT | LIS/setup/log | RMCSNPRT |
267 | NPSY | IS-H: BFS-Statistik/Psychodaten | RNWCHPSYCHO |
268 | NR00 | IS-H: Report selection | RNREPO00 |
269 | NR11 | IS-H: Care Unit Overview (List) | SAPMNPB1 |
270 | NR12 | IS-H: Care Unit Overview Graphic | SAPMNPB1 |
271 | NR13 | IS-H: Occupancy Overview | SAPMNPB1 |
272 | NR14 | IS-H: Outpatient Clinic Management | SAPMNPB2 |
273 | NR16 | IS-H: Visit Scheduling | SAPMNPB2 |
274 | NR17 | IS-H: Move Appointments | RNUAPPMV |
275 | NR19 | IS-H: Apptmnt Lists Outp.Clinic.Mgmt | RNLAPPDL |
276 | NR20 | Change Planning Object | SAPMNPB2 |
277 | NR21 | Display Planning Object | SAPMNPB2 |
278 | NR22 | Maintain Available Time Slots | SAPMNPB2 |
279 | NR23 | Display Time Slots | SAPMNPB2 |
280 | NR24 | IS-H: List Planning Objects | RNLPOB01 |
281 | NR25 | Create Planning Object | SAPMNPB2 |
282 | NR26 | IS-H: Collective Print of Appts | RNPRAMB1 |
283 | NRAM | IS-H: Outpatient admission inquiry | RNREPORT |
284 | NRAU | IS-H: Inpatient admission inquiry | RNREPORT |
285 | NRBA | IS-H: Report Ctrl. Other Basic Data | RNREPORT |
286 | NRBG | IS-H: Report Ctrl. Business Partner | RNREPORT |
287 | NRBL | IS-H: Report Ctrl. Service Master | RNREPORT |
288 | NRBS | IS-H: Report Ctrl. Hospital Struc. | RNREPORT |
289 | NRC3 | IS-H Report ctrl data exchange §301 | RNREPORT |
290 | NRCM | IS-H: Communication report control | RNREPORT |
291 | NRCPB | IS-H: Information Clin.Proc. Builder | RNREPORT |
292 | NRCQ | IS-H: Report control monitoring | RNREPORT |
293 | NREDOMA1 | Change Renewable Document Management | RNV2000_CALL |
294 | NREDOMA2 | Display Renewable Document Mgmt | RNV2000_CALL |
295 | NREN | IS-H: Inquiry on discharge | RNREPORT |
296 | NREP | IS-H: General report control | RNREPORT |
297 | NRKV | Medical records adm. inquiry | RNREPORT |
298 | NRMA | IS-H: Outpatient dept. mgmt. inquiry | RNREPORT |
299 | NRMP | IS-H: Med.Nur.Evaluations Rep.Contr. | RNREPORT |
300 | NRPA | IS-H: Patient accctg report control | RNREPORT |
301 | NRPP | IS-H: Nurs. Acuity Classific. Eval. | RNVPPR01 |
302 | NRPV | IS-H: Patient Mgmt report control | RNREPORT |
303 | NRSM | IS-H: Nurse station managem. inquiry | RNREPORT |
304 | NRSS | IS-H: Report contr. Other Statistics | RNREPORT |
305 | NRST | IS-H: Report contr. govt-mandated st | RNREPORT |
306 | NRVE | IS-H: Inquiry on transfer | RNREPORT |
307 | NS01 | IS-H: Midnight Census Statistics | RNSMNS01 |
308 | NS02 | IS-H: Geographics Statistics | RNSEZG01 |
309 | NS03 | IS-H: S1 Bed Assignment Figures | RNSS101 |
310 | NS04 | IS-H: S4 Perf. Fig. of Departments | RNSS401 |
311 | NS10 | IS-H: Data Collection Diagnoses | RNSSA9_2004 |
312 | NT01 | IS-H: Create Services in Catalog | SAPMNT11 |
313 | NT02 | IS-H: Change Services in Catalog | SAPMNT11 |
314 | NT03 | IS-H: Display Services in Catalog | SAPMNT11 |
315 | NT07 | IS-H: Display Service Catalog | RNLLST00 |
316 | NT08 | Additional srv data Germany | RNCSTABL |
317 | NT09 | IS-H: Planned Values by Service / OU | |
318 | NT10 | ISH: View Maint. Charge Catalog Asgm | RNVIEWT1 |
319 | NT11 | ISH: View Maint. Charge Asgmt. (No.) | RNVIEWT1 |
320 | NT12 | IS-H: Assign Services to SurgPrcds | RNUNTPZ1 |
321 | NT13 | IS-H: Assign SrgPrcds to Services | RNUNTPZ2 |
322 | NT32 | IS-H: Maintain Service Group | SAPMNT31 |
323 | NT33 | IS-H: Display Service Group | SAPMNT31 |
324 | NT34 | IS-H: Maintain Dynamic Srv. Groups | |
325 | NT42 | IS-H*MED: Create Personnel Qualif. | SAPL0NT40 |
326 | NT43 | IS-H*MED: Change Personnel Qualif. | SAPL0NT40 |
327 | NT44 | IS-H*MED: Display Personnel Qualif. | SAPL0NT40 |
328 | NT45 | IS-H*MED: Maintain Material Proposal | SAPMNT31 |
329 | NT46 | IS-H*MED: Display Material Proposal | SAPMNT31 |
330 | NT50 | Maintain Billing Types | |
331 | NT51 | Display Billing Types | |
332 | NT60 | IS-H*MED: Create service spectrum | SAPL0N1B |
333 | NT61 | IS-H*MED: Change service spectrum | SAPL0N1B |
334 | NT62 | IS-H*MED: Display service spectrum | SAPL0N1B |
335 | NT70 | IS-H: Maintain service categories | RNCSTABL |
336 | NT75 | IS-H: Maintain rules for charge prop | RNCSTABL |
337 | NT76 | IS-H: Display rules for comp.prop. | RNCSTABL |
338 | NTP1 | IS-H: Maintain model transaction | SAPMNTPL |
339 | NTP2 | IS-H: Display model transaction | SAPMNTPL |
340 | NTRB | Transport Building Units | RNUTRBE0 |
341 | NTRL | Transport Service Master | RNUTRLK0 |
342 | NTRO | Transport Organizational Units | RNUTROE0 |
343 | NTWXPD | Progress Tracking:Networks | REXPDSEL_NTW |
344 | NV01 | IS-H: Create inpatient admission | SAPMNPA2 |
345 | NV02 | IS-H: Change inpatient admission | SAPMNPA2 |
346 | NV03 | IS-H: Display inpatient admission | SAPMNPA2 |
347 | NV04 | IS-H: Create quick inpatient admiss. | SAPMNPA2 |
348 | NV05 | IS-H: Change quick inpatient admiss. | SAPMNPA2 |
349 | NV06 | IS-H: Display quick inpatient admis. | SAPMNPA2 |
350 | NV07 | IS-H: Create emergency inpat. adm. | SAPMNPA2 |
351 | NV08 | IS-H: Change emergency inpat. adm. | SAPMNPA2 |
352 | NV09 | IS-H: Display emergency inpat. adm. | SAPMNPA2 |
353 | NV10 | IS-H: Inpatient companion admission | SAPMNPA2 |
354 | NV11 | IS-H: Create transfer | SAPMNPA3 |
355 | NV12 | IS-H: Change transfer | SAPMNPA3 |
356 | NV13 | IS-H: Display transfer | SAPMNPA3 |
357 | NV20 | IS-H: Inpatient newborn admission | SAPMNPA2 |
358 | NV2000 | IS-H: Clinical Process Builder | SAPMNPA10 |
359 | NV2000_AMB | IS-H: SAP ACM - Complete | |
360 | NV2000_AMB_BG | IS-H: SAP ACM - Workers Comp.Variant | |
361 | NV2000_AMB_KV | IS-H: SAP ACM - PPA Variant | |
362 | NV2000_AMB_NA | IS-H: SAP ACM - Emergency Admission | |
363 | NV2000_AMB_PV | IS-H: Private Insured Variant | |
364 | NV2000_EMERGENCY | IS-H: Emergency Admission | |
365 | NV2001 | IS-H: Clinical Process Builder | SAPMNPA10 |
366 | NV2001_AMB | IS-H: SAP ACM - Complete | |
367 | NV2002 | IS-H: Clinical Process Builder | SAPMNPA10 |
368 | NV2003 | IS-H: Clinical Process Builder | SAPMNPA10 |
369 | NV2004 | IS-H: Clinical Process Builder | SAPMNPA10 |
370 | NV2005 | IS-H: Clinical Process Builder | SAPMNPA10 |
371 | NV2006 | IS-H: Clinical Process Builder | SAPMNPA10 |
372 | NV2007 | IS-H: Clinical Process Builder | SAPMNPA10 |
373 | NV2008 | IS-H: Clinical Process Builder | SAPMNPA10 |
374 | NV22 | IS-H: Maintain insurance relatshp | SAPMNPA4 |
375 | NV23 | IS-H: Display insurance relationship | SAPMNPA4 |
376 | NV25 | IS-H: Maintain insurance relatshp | SAPMNPA4 |
377 | NV26 | IS-H: Display insurance relationship | SAPMNPA4 |
378 | NV31 | IS-H: Maintain insurance relatshp | SAPMNPA1 |
379 | NV32 | IS-H: Display insurance relationship | SAPMNPA1 |
380 | NV33 | IS-H: Maintain insurance relatshp | SAPMNPA1 |
381 | NV34 | IS-H: Display insurance relationship | SAPMNPA1 |
382 | NV35 | IS-H: Maintain Guarantors | SAPMNPA1 |
383 | NV36 | IS-H: Display Guarantors | SAPMNPA1 |
384 | NV41 | IS-H: Create outpatient admission | SAPMNPA1 |
385 | NV42 | IS-H: Change outpatient admission | SAPMNPA1 |
386 | NV43 | IS-H: Display outpatient admission | SAPMNPA1 |
387 | NV44 | IS-H: Create quick outpat. admission | SAPMNPA1 |
388 | NV45 | IS-H: Change quick outpat. admission | SAPMNPA1 |
389 | NV46 | IS-H: Display quick outpat.admission | SAPMNPA1 |
390 | NV47 | IS-H: Create emergency admission | SAPMNPA1 |
391 | NV48 | IS-H: Change emergency admission | SAPMNPA1 |
392 | NV49 | IS-H: Display emergency admission | SAPMNPA1 |
393 | NV50 | IS-H: Outpatient companion admission | SAPMNPA1 |
394 | NV60 | IS-H: Outpatient newborn admission | SAPMNPA1 |
395 | NVT0 | IS-H: Display Contract. Categories | |
396 | NVT1 | IS-H: Maintain Contract. Categories | |
397 | NVT2 | IS-H: Contract Scheme - Ins. Provs | |
398 | NVT3 | IS-H SG: External Contract Schemes | |
399 | NWATA25 | IS-H AT: Abr.selektion über Besuche | RNWATASEL01 |
400 | NWATA3PR | IS-H AT: Auswerten prot. Fälle LR A3 | RNWATA3PR |
401 | NWATAB00 | IS-H AT: Abrechnung stat. erstellen | RNABAT00 |
402 | NWATADJUST | IS-H AT Kostenübernahme angleichen | RNWAT_KUE_ADJUST |
403 | NWATAMB | IS-H AT: Statistik ambulant | RNWATSTATISTIK_AMB |
404 | NWATELDAAU0 | IS-H AT: ELDAA- Aufträge erstellen | RNWATELDAAU0 |
405 | NWATELDALU0 | IS-H AT: ELDAL- Aufträge erstellen | RNWATELDALU0 |
406 | NWATELDAU0 | IS-H AT: ELDA - Aufträge erst.(stat) | RNWATELDAU0 |
407 | NWATELDAU1 | IS-H AT: ELDA - Aufträge erst. (amb) | RNWATELDAU1 |
408 | NWATFADR | IS-H: Pflege fallbez. Adresse | RNWAT_FALL_ADR |
409 | NWATICD10 | IS-H AT: Diagnosen-Kataloge einsp. | RNWATICD10 |
410 | NWATISV | Intensivdaten bearbeiten | RNWATCALLINTENSIV |
411 | NWATKOS11 | IS-H AT:Druck KÜ Verlängerungsanträg | RNWATKOS11 |
412 | NWATKOS15 | IS-H AT: Kostenübern.-Verlängerung | RNWATKOS15 |
414 | NWATKUMA | IS-H AT: Kostenübernahme-Mahnung | RNWATKOSMA |
415 | NWATKUVL | IS-H AT: Kostenübern.-Verlängerung | RNWATKOS15 |
416 | NWATLR01 | IS-H AT: Ausführen Leistungsregeln | RNWAT_LR01 |
417 | NWATMELBI | IS-H AT: MEL-Leistungen einspielen | RNWATMELBI |
418 | NWATMELMAP | IS-H AT: MEL LeistgsZuord.einspielen | RNWATMELMAP |
419 | NWATMELZUO | IS-H AT: MEL-LeistgsZuordnung einsp. | RNWATMELZUO |
420 | NWATSCO20 | IS-H AT: Scoring Leistungen zum Fall | RNWATSCO20 |
421 | NWATSCO40 | IS-H AT: Scoring Punktehistorie | RNWATSCO40 |
422 | NWATSCO50 | IS-H AT: Scoring Rückübermittlung | RNWATSCO50 |
423 | NWATSCO70 | IS-H AT: Scoring - WIKRAF | RNWATSCO70 |
424 | NWATSCO80 | IS-H AT: Scoring - Massenoptimierung | RNWATSCO80 |
425 | NWATSCO90 | IS-H AT: Scoring - EDI-Messages | RNWATSCO90 |
426 | NWATSCOMSG | IS-H AT: Scoring - Errors/Warnings | RNWATSCOMSG |
427 | NWATSCOU0 | IS-H AT: Scoring - Aufträge erstell. | RNWATSCOU0 |
428 | NWATSCOU1 | IS-H AT: SCOAD - Aufträge erstellen | RNWATSCOU1 |
429 | NWATSCOUD | IS-H AT: Scoring - kons.DatenLöschen | RNWATSCOUD |
430 | NWATSTAT | IS-H AT: Statistiken stationär | RNWATSTATISTIK |
431 | NWATSTKRL | AT: Stern-/Kreuzdiagn.komb. einsp. | RNWATSTERNKR_LOAD |
432 | NWAT_EDIVLU0 | IS-H AT: EDIVKA - Aufträge erstellen | RNWATEDIVLU0 |
433 | NWAT_EDI_LIST | IS-H AT: Evidenzliste Datenaustausch | RNWAT_EDI_LIST |
434 | NWAT_EDI_XML | Anzeige der Nachricht mit Stylesheet | RNWAT_EDI_SHOW_XML |
435 | NWAT_EZG | IS-H AT: Einzugsgebiete einspielen | RNUEZG50 |
436 | NWAT_GIN_DIALOG | IS-H AT: GINA - Verwalten Dialogpool | RNWAT_GIN_DIALOG |
437 | NWAT_GIN_VDAS_CHECK | Vers.datenabfrage für Familienmitgl. | RNWAT_GIN_VDAS_CHECK |
438 | NWAT_LKF_GRUPPEN | IS-H AT: LKF-Gruppen einspielen | RNWAT_LKF_GRUPPEN |
439 | NWAT_NOIMPL | IS-H AT: Funktion noch nicht impl. | RNWAT_NOIMPL |
440 | NWAT_NP53 | IS-H AT: Pat.Grp. je OE pflegen | SAPMNFKL |
441 | NWAT_NP54 | IS-H AT: Pat.Grp. je OE anzeigen | SAPMNFKL |
442 | NWAT_PLZ | IS-H AT: Postleitzahlen einspielen | RNUPLZ50 |
443 | NWAT_SCO_HOECHST | IS-H AT: Höchstgrenzen einspielen | RNWAT_SCO_HOECHST |
444 | NWAT_SCO_MSG_LOAD | IS-H AT: LKF Error-/Warning-Codes | RNWAT_SCO_MSG_LOAD |
445 | NWBC | Launch NWBC | |
446 | NWCH02 | IS-H CH: Assign Post. Code to Region | RNCHVSTR |
447 | NWCH03 | IS-H CH: Assign Post. Code to Region | RNCHVSTR |
448 | NWCH04 | IS-H CH: Assign Geog. Area to Canton | RNCHVSTR |
449 | NWCH05 | IS-H CH: Assign Geog. Area to Canton | RNCHVSTR |
450 | NWCH06 | IS-H CH: Canton Tariff | RNCHVSTR |
451 | NWCH07 | IS-H CH: Canton tariff | RNCHVSTR |
452 | NWCH08 | IS-H CH: Convention | RNCHVSTR |
453 | NWCH09 | IS-H CH: Convention | RNCHVSTR |
454 | NWCH10 | IS-H CH: Code Group Pension Ins. No. | RNCHVSTR |
455 | NWCH100 | IS-H CH: anzeigen | RNWCHAUFLIST |
456 | NWCH101 | Honorar für Personalverw. verbuchen | RNWCHLOHNVB |
457 | NWCH102 | Honorarinformationen - Arbeitsliste | RNWCHHONINFO |
458 | NWCH103 | Hon.abrechn. pro Arzt/pro Abrechnung | RNWCHHONARZT |
459 | NWCH104 | Aufstell. in Rechn. gestellte Hon. | RNWCHHONZAHL |
460 | NWCH105 | Honorarsummenkarte | RNWCHSUMK |
461 | NWCH106 | Debitorenausgleich | RNWCHDEBAG |
462 | NWCH107 | IS-H CH: Freigabe/Anz. Codes/Pools | RNWCHHONFRG |
463 | NWCH108 | IS-H CH,AT: Pflege Honoraraufteilung | RNWCHHONCUST |
464 | NWCH108_O | IS-H CH,AT: Pflege Hon.auft. (alt) | RNWCHHONCUST_OLD |
465 | NWCH109 | IS-H CH: Pflege der Limitierung | RNWCHLIMCUST |
466 | NWCH11 | IS-H CH: Code Group Pension Ins. No. | RNCHVSTR |
467 | NWCH110 | Überleitg. stat. Kennz. SA- Aufträge | RNHCO015 |
468 | NWCH111 | IS-H CH: Pflege Zuo. Arzt/Limit/Code | RNWCHAUFTLIMCUST |
469 | NWCH112 | IS-H CH: Freigabe/Anz. Codes/Pools | RNWCHHONFRG_S |
470 | NWCH113 | Pflege d. Erm. d. Aufteilungscodes | RNWCHHONCUST_TNWCH103 |
471 | NWCH114 | Transaktion für Undo-Report Honorar | RNWCHHONUNDO |
472 | NWCH115 | IS-H CH, AT: Bearbeitung von Pools | RNWCHHONCUST_POOL |
473 | NWCH12 | IS-H CH: Patient Category | RNCHVSTR |
474 | NWCH13 | IS-H CH: Patient Category | RNCHVSTR |
475 | NWCH14 | IS-H CH: Patient Type | RNCHVSTR |
476 | NWCH15 | IS-H CH: Patient Type | RNCHVSTR |
477 | NWCH16 | IS-H CH: Absence Rules | RNCHVSTR |
478 | NWCH17 | IS-H CH: Absence Rules | RNCHVSTR |
479 | NWCH18 | IS-H CH: Billing Agreements | |
480 | NWCH19 | IS-H CH: Billing Agreements | |
481 | NWCH20 | IS-H CH: Determine Bill. Agreement | RNCHVSTR |
482 | NWCH21 | IS-H CH: Determine Bill. Agreement | RNCHVSTR |
483 | NWCH22 | IS-H CH: Movement Types | RNCHVSTR |
484 | NWCH23 | IS-H CH: Movement Types | RNCHVSTR |
485 | NWCH24 | IS-H CH: Patient Classes | RNCHVSTR |
486 | NWCH25 | IS-H CH: Patient Classes | RNCHVSTR |
487 | NWCH26 | IS-H CH: Service Rule Billability | RNCHVSTR |
488 | NWCH27 | IS-H CH: Service Rule Billability | RNCHVSTR |
489 | NWCH28 | IS-H CH: Svce Rule for Sve High.Val. | RNCHVSTR |
490 | NWCH29 | IS-H CH: Svce Rule for Sve High.Val. | RNCHVSTR |
491 | NWCH30 | IS-H CH: Svce Rule for Svce Breakdwn | RNCHVSTR |
492 | NWCH31 | IS-H CH: Svce Rule for Svce Breakdwn | RNCHVSTR |
493 | NWCH32 | IS-H CH: Service Generation | RNCHLGE1 |
494 | NWCH33 | IS-H CH: Cancel Service Generation | RNCHLGE2 |
495 | NWCH34 | IS-H CH: Assign Billing Agreement | RNCHABRV |
496 | NWCH35 | IS-H CH: Determine Charge Fact. Val. | SAPMSVMA |
497 | NWCH36 | Fallpreispauschale | RNWCHFPP |
498 | NWCH37 | IS-H CH: Punktwertwermittlung TARMED | |
499 | NWCH38 | IS-H CH: Abrechnungsarten ermitteln | |
500 | NWCH70 | IS-H CH: Manage Insurance Verif. | SAPMNWCH70 |