SAP ABAP Transaction Code - Index K, page 4
Transaction Code - K
# | Transaction code | Short Description | Corresponding Report (if exist) |
1 | KSV1 | Create Actual Distribution | SAPMKAL1 |
2 | KSV1N | Create Actual Distribution | SAPLKAL1 |
3 | KSV2 | Change Actual Distribution | SAPMKAL1 |
4 | KSV2N | Change Actual Distribution | SAPLKAL1 |
5 | KSV3 | Display Actual Distribution | SAPMKAL1 |
6 | KSV3N | Display Actual Distribution | SAPLKAL1 |
7 | KSV4 | Delete Actual Distribution | SAPMKAL1 |
8 | KSV4N | Delete Actual Distribution | SAPLKAL1 |
9 | KSV5 | Execute Actual Distribution | SAPMKGA2 |
10 | KSV6 | Actual Distribution: Overview | SAPMKGA1 |
11 | KSV6N | Actual Distribution: Overview | SAPLKAL1 |
12 | KSV7 | Create Plan Distribution | SAPMKAL1 |
13 | KSV7N | Create Plan Distribution | SAPLKAL1 |
14 | KSV8 | Change Plan Distribution | SAPMKAL1 |
15 | KSV8N | Change Plan Distribution | SAPLKAL1 |
16 | KSV9 | Display Plan Distribution | SAPMKAL1 |
17 | KSV9N | Display Plan Distribution | SAPLKAL1 |
18 | KSVA | Delete Plan Distribution | SAPMKAL1 |
19 | KSVAN | Delete Plan Distribution | SAPLKAL1 |
20 | KSVB | Execute Plan Distribution | SAPMKGA2 |
21 | KSVC | Plan Distribution: Overview | SAPMKGA1 |
22 | KSVCN | Plan Distribution: Overview | SAPLKAL1 |
23 | KSW1 | Create Periodic Reposting | SAPMKAL1 |
24 | KSW1N | Create Periodic Reposting | SAPLKAL1 |
25 | KSW2 | Change Periodic Reposting | SAPMKAL1 |
26 | KSW2N | Change Periodic Reposting | SAPLKAL1 |
27 | KSW3 | Display Periodic Reposting | SAPMKAL1 |
28 | KSW3N | Display Periodic Reposting | SAPLKAL1 |
29 | KSW4 | Delete Periodic Reposting | SAPMKAL1 |
30 | KSW4N | Delete Periodic Reposting | SAPLKAL1 |
31 | KSW5 | Execute Actual Periodic Reposting | SAPMKGA2 |
32 | KSW6 | Periodic Repostings: Overview | SAPMKGA1 |
33 | KSW6N | Periodic Repostings: Overview | SAPLKAL1 |
34 | KSW7 | Create Plan Periodic Reposting | SAPMKAL1 |
35 | KSW7N | Create Plan Periodic Reposting | SAPLKAL1 |
36 | KSW8 | Change Plan Periodic Reposting | SAPMKAL1 |
37 | KSW8N | Change Plan Periodic Reposting | SAPLKAL1 |
38 | KSW9 | Display Plan Periodic Reposting | SAPMKAL1 |
39 | KSW9N | Display Plan Periodic Reposting | SAPLKAL1 |
40 | KSWA | Delete Plan Periodic Reposting | SAPMKAL1 |
41 | KSWAN | Delete Plan Periodic Reposting | SAPLKAL1 |
42 | KSWB | Execute Plan Periodic Reposting | SAPMKGA2 |
43 | KSWC | Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview | SAPMKGA1 |
44 | KSWCN | Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview | SAPLKAL1 |
45 | KSWUSL | Where-Used List: Cycles in CCA | KGALWUSL |
46 | KTPF | View Maint.: Find Template | |
47 | KVA0 | Maintain Assignment Cost Ctr./KF | SAPL0KOZ |
48 | KVA1 | Display Plan Assignment CCtr/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
49 | KVA2 | Maintain Actual Assignment CCtr/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
50 | KVA3 | Display Actual Assignment CCtr/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
51 | KVA4 | Transfer Plan Statistical Key Figure | SAPMKWM1 |
52 | KVA5 | Transfer Actual Stat. Key Figure | SAPMKWM1 |
53 | KVA6 | Copy Assignment CCtr/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
54 | KVB0 | Maintain Plan Assignment Process/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
55 | KVB1 | Display Plan Assignment Process/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
56 | KVB2 | Change Actual Assignment Process/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
57 | KVB3 | Display Actual Assignment Process/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
58 | KVB4 | PROZ: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures | SAPMKWM1 |
59 | KVB5 | PROZ: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures | SAPMKWM1 |
60 | KVB6 | Copy Assignment Processes/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
61 | KVBI | Sales Documents: Line Items Actual | RKAEP000 |
62 | KVBO | Sales Documents: Commit. Line Items | RKAEP000 |
63 | KVC0 | Change Plan Assignment CObj/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
64 | KVC1 | Display Plan Assignment CObj/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
65 | KVC2 | Change Actual Assignment CObj/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
66 | KVC3 | Display Actual Assignment CObj/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
67 | KVC4 | KSRTG: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures | SAPMKWM1 |
68 | KVC5 | KSRTG: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures | SAPMKWM1 |
69 | KVC6 | Copy Assignment Cost Object/Key Fig. | SAPL0KOZ |
70 | KVD0 | Maintain Plan Assignment ATyp/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
71 | KVD1 | Display Plan Assignment ATyp/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
72 | KVD2 | Change Actual Assignment ATyp/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
73 | KVD3 | Display Actual Assignment ATyp/KF | SAPL0KOZ |
74 | KVD4 | LSTAR: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures | SAPMKWM1 |
75 | KVD5 | LSTAR: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures | SAPMKWM1 |
76 | KVD6 | Copy Assignment ActType/Key Figure | SAPL0KOZ |
77 | KW3P | WWW: Internal Price List | SAPLKW3P |
78 | KWSTAT | KW Statistics Functions | KWSTAT_PROJECT_MAN |
79 | KW_IO_DEL | Deletion of KW Contents | KW_CONTENT_DELETION |
80 | KW_IO_DEL_TR | Requests for Deleted Contents | KW_FOLDER_REPORTS |
81 | KW_IO_DISP | Results List or Transaction Call | RSIWB020 |
82 | KXH1 | Create Group (Hierarchical) | SAPLKKHI |
83 | KXH2 | Change Group (Hierarchical) | SAPLKKHI |
84 | KXH3 | Display Hierarchy (Hierarchical) | SAPLKKHI |
85 | KXX3 | Start a CO Display Transaction | CO_OBJECT_DISPLAY |
86 | KZA1 | Select Overhead | SAPMKACZ |
87 | KZB2 | Maintain Calculation Base | |
88 | KZB4 | Calculation Base Cost Ctr/Activ.Type | |
89 | KZE2 | Maintain Credit | |
90 | KZM2 | Maintain quantity-based overhead | |
91 | KZO2 | Maintain Basis of Output Quantity | |
92 | KZS2 | Maintain Costing Sheet | |
93 | KZZ2 | Maintain Percentage Overhead |