SAP ABAP Program SAPMKAL1 (Allocations: Maintenance Program CO-OM-CCA, FI-SL, CO-PA)
BBPCRM (Software Component) BBPCRM
   CRM (Application Component) Customer Relationship Management
     CRM_APPLICATION (Package) All CRM Components Without Special Structure Packages
       KALC (Package) Cost Accounting allocations RK-S
Basic Data
Program SAPMKAL1 Allocations: Maintenance Program CO-OM-CCA, FI-SL, CO-PA  
Program Type M Module Pool  
Status P SAP Standard Production Program  
Application K Cost Accounting  
Authorization Group  
Logical database  
Selection screen  
Editor lock Fixed point arithmetic  
Unicode checks active Start using variant  
Transaction Code
Transactions reference to this program
# Transaction Code Short Description
1 3KE1 EC-PCA: Create Actual Assessment 
2 3KE2 EC-PCA: Change Actual Assessment 
3 3KE3 EC-PCA: Display Actual Assessment 
4 3KE4 EC-PCA: Delete Actual Assessment 
5 3KE7 EC-PCA: Create Plan Assessment 
6 3KE8 EC-PCA: Change Plan Assessment 
7 3KE9 EC-PCA: Display Plan Assessment 
8 3KEA EC-PCA: Delete Plan Assessment 
9 4KE1 EC-PCA: Create Actual Distribution 
10 4KE2 EC-PCA: Change Actual Distribution 
11 4KE3 EC-PCA: Display Actual Distribution 
12 4KE4 EC-PCA: Delete Actual Distribution 
13 4KE7 EC-PCA: Create Plan Distribution 
14 4KE8 EC-PCA: Change Plan Distribution 
15 4KE9 EC-PCA: Display Plan Distribution 
16 4KEA EC-PCA: Delete Plan Distribution 
17 CPC1 Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. 
18 CPC2 Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. 
19 CPC3 Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. 
20 CPC4 Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. 
21 CPC7 Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan 
22 CPC8 Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan 
23 CPC9 Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan 
24 CPCA Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan 
25 CPP1 Create Actual Assess. for Processes 
26 CPP2 Change Actual Assess. for Processes 
27 CPP3 Display Actual Assess.for Processes 
28 CPP4 Delete Actual Assess. for Processes 
29 CPP7 Create Plan Assess. for Processes 
30 CPP8 Change Plan Assess. for Processes 
31 CPP9 Display Plan Assess. for Processes 
32 CPPA Delete Plan Assessment for Processes 
33 CPV1 Create Actual Process Distribution 
34 CPV2 Change Actual Distribution Process 
35 CPV3 Display Actual Process Distribution 
36 CPV4 Delete Actual Process Distribution 
37 CPV7 Create Plan Process Distribution 
38 CPV8 Change Plan Process Distribution 
39 CPV9 Display Plan Process Distribution 
40 CPVA Delete Plan Process Distribution 
41 FAGLGA11 General Ledger: Create Act. Assessmt 
42 FAGLGA12 General Ledger: Change Act. Assessmt 
43 FAGLGA13 Gen. Ledger: Display Act. Assessment 
44 FAGLGA14 Gen. Ledger: Delete Act. Assessment 
45 FAGLGA27 Gen. Ledger: Create Plan Assessment 
46 FAGLGA28 Gen. Ledger: Change Plan Assessment 
47 FAGLGA29 Gen. Ledger: Display Plan Assessment 
48 FAGLGA2A Gen. Ledger: Delete Plan Assessment 
49 FAGLGA31 Gen. Ledger: Create Act.Distribution 
50 FAGLGA32 Gen. Ledger: Change Act.Distribution 
51 FAGLGA33 Gen. Ledger:Display Act.Distribution 
52 FAGLGA34 Gen. Ledger: Delete Act.Distribution 
53 FAGLGA47 Gen. Ledger:Create Plan Distribution 
54 FAGLGA48 Gen. Ledger:Change Plan Distribution 
55 FAGLGA49 Gen. Ledger:Display PlanDistribution 
56 FAGLGA4A Gen. Ledger:Delete Plan Distribution 
57 GA11 Create FI-SL Actual Assessment 
58 GA12 Change FI-SL Actual Assessment 
59 GA13 Display FI-SL actual assessment 
60 GA14 Delete FI-SL Actual Assessment 
61 GA27 Create FI-SL Planned Assessment 
62 GA28 Change FI-SL Planned Assessment 
63 GA29 Display FI-SL Planned Assessment 
64 GA2A Delete FI-SL Planned Assessment 
65 GA31 Create FI-SL actual distribution 
66 GA32 Change FI-SL actual distribution 
67 GA33 Display FI-SL actual distribution 
68 GA34 Delete FI-SL actual distribution 
69 GA47 Create FI-SL Planned Distribution 
70 GA48 Change FI-SL Planned Distribution 
71 GA49 Display FI-SL Planned Distribution 
72 GA4A Delete FI-SL Planned Distribution 
73 GJF1 Create JV assessment cycle - actual 
74 GJF2 Change JV assessment cycle - actual 
75 GJF3 Display JV assessment cycle - actual 
76 GJF4 Delete JV assessment cycle - actual 
77 GJF7 Create JV assessment cycle - plan 
78 GJF8 Change JV assessment cycle - plan 
79 GJF9 Display JV assessment cycle - plan 
80 GJG1 Create JV distribution cycle -actual 
81 GJG2 Change JV distribution cycle -actual 
82 GJG3 Display JV distribution cycle-actual 
83 GJG4 Delete JV distribution cycle -actual 
84 GJG7 Create JV distribution cycle -plan 
85 GJG8 Change JV distribution cycle - plan 
86 GJG9 Display JV distribution cycle-plan 
87 KEG1 Create Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. 
88 KEG2 Change Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. 
89 KEG3 Display Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. 
90 KEG4 Delete Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. 
91 KEG7 Create Indirect Plan Acty Alloc. 
92 KEG8 Change Indirect Plan Acty Alloc. 
93 KEG9 Display Indirect Plan Acty Alloc. 
94 KEGA Delete Indirect Plan Acty Alloc. 
95 KEU1 Create Actual Transfer of CCtr Costs 
96 KEU2 Change Actual Transfer of CCtr Costs 
97 KEU3 Display Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs 
98 KEU4 Delete Actual Transfer of CCtr Costs 
99 KEU7 Create Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs 
100 KEU8 Change Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs 
101 KEU9 Display Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs 
102 KEUA Delete Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs 
103 KOW1 Create Periodic Reposting 
104 KOW2 Change Periodic Reposting 
105 KOW3 Display Periodic Reposting 
106 KOW4 Delete Periodic Reposting 
107 KSC1 Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. 
108 KSC2 Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. 
109 KSC3 Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. 
110 KSC4 Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. 
111 KSC7 Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan 
112 KSC8 Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan 
113 KSC9 Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan 
114 KSCA Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan 
115 KSU1 Create Actual Assessment 
116 KSU2 Change Actual Assessment 
117 KSU3 Display Actual Assessment 
118 KSU4 Delete Actual Assessment 
119 KSU7 Create Plan Assessment 
120 KSU8 Change Plan Assessment 
121 KSU9 Display Plan Assessment 
122 KSUA Delete Plan Assessment 
123 KSV1 Create Actual Distribution 
124 KSV2 Change Actual Distribution 
125 KSV3 Display Actual Distribution 
126 KSV4 Delete Actual Distribution 
127 KSV7 Create Plan Distribution 
128 KSV8 Change Plan Distribution 
129 KSV9 Display Plan Distribution 
130 KSVA Delete Plan Distribution 
131 KSW1 Create Periodic Reposting 
132 KSW2 Change Periodic Reposting 
133 KSW3 Display Periodic Reposting 
134 KSW4 Delete Periodic Reposting 
135 KSW7 Create Plan Periodic Reposting 
136 KSW8 Change Plan Periodic Reposting 
137 KSW9 Display Plan Periodic Reposting 
138 KSWA Delete Plan Periodic Reposting 
# Screen Short Description
1 0102  Create CO-CCA Cycle 
2 0103  Maintain CO-CCA Cycle 
3 0104  Create FI-GLX Cycle 
4 0105  Initial Maintenance for FI-GLX Cycle 
5 0106  Create Cycles for Assmnt CCtr Costs to CO-PA: Initial Screen 
6 0107  Cycle Maintenance for Assessment after CO-PA Start 
7 0114  Create EC-PCA Cycle 
8 0115  Maintain Cycle EC-PCA Start 
9 0201  Maintain Cycle: Header Data 
10 0202  Cycle Maintenance: CO-PA Header Data 
11 0300  Segment Maintenance: Main Screen 
12 0306  Segment Maintenance: Allocation Characteristics 
13 0307  Segment Header: Assessment 
14 0308  Segment Header: Distribution 
15 0309  Segment Header: Assessment to CO-PA 
16 0310  Segment Header: Indirect Activity Allocation 
17 0311  Segment Header: Indirect Activity Allocation to CO-PA 
18 0333  Complex Search Header Screen 
19 0334  Display Search Objects Found 
20 0401  Maintain Sender Values for CO-CCA: Fixed Amounts 
21 0402  Maintain Sender Values CO-CCA 
22 0403  Maintain Sender Values 1-Column; Fixed Qty CO-CCA InvActAllc 
23 0404  Maintain 2-column Sender Values; Fixed Qty CO-CCA InvActAllc 
24 0411  Disp./Maint. Receiver Tracing Factors; 1-Column, Rec.Rule 2 
25 0412  Disp./Maint. Receiver Tracing Factors; 2-col., Rec. Rule 2 
26 0421  Disp./Maint. Receiver Tracing Factors; 1-col., Rec.Rule 3,4 
27 0422  Disp./Maint. Receiver Tracing Factors; 2-col., Rec.Rule 3,4 
28 0431  Maintain Sender Values CO-CCA: Fixed Prices 
29 0432  Maintain Sender Values CO-CCA 
30 0433  Maintain Sender Values CO-CCA - ind. activity alloc. 
31 0434  Maintain Sender Values CO-CCA - ind. activity alloc. 
32 0441  Maintain Cycle: receiver reassignment 1-column 
33 0442  Maintain Cycle: receiver reassignment 2-column 
34 0443  Cycle Maintenance: Receiver Reassignment (One-Line) MRULE 
35 0444  Cycle Maintenance: Receiver Reassignment (Two Lines) MRULE 
36 0451  Display/maintain sender values; posted amounts 
37 0461  Display/Maintain Receiver Tracing Factors; Variable Portions 
38 0462  Display/Maintain Tracing Factor; Variable Portions 
39 0463  Display/maintain receiver tracing factors; variable portions 
40 0471  Disp./maint. receiver tracing factors; 1 col. IndAA, RRule2 
41 0472  Disp./MaintainReceiver Tracing Factors; 2 Cols IndAA, RRule2 
42 0481  Display/Maintain Receiver Weighting Factors; Single-Column 
43 0482  Display/Maintain Receiver Weighting Factors; Double Column 
44 0601  Copy Segment: CCA 
45 0602  Copy Segment: FI-SL 
46 0603  Copy Segment: CO-PA 
47 0700  Header Screen for Cycle Run Group 
48 0701  Create New Cycle Run Group 
49 0702  Delete Cycle Run Group 
GUI Status
# GUI Status Short Description
1 0100  Display results list for search 
2 0311  Status of additional field dialog box 
3 0501  Status of additional field dialog box 
4 0700  Status of header screen for the cycle processing group 
5 0701  Create Status for New Cycle Run Group 
6 0702  Delete Cycle Run Group 
7 2XXD  Display status of GL cycle header 
8 2XXI  Change status of GL cycle header 
9 333  Status of complex search 
10 334  Display results list for search 
11 3XXD  Display status of GL segment screen 
12 3XXI  Change status of GL segment screen 
13 4XXD  Display status of GL (not active from 4.5A) 
14 4XXI  Change status of GL (not active from 4.5A) 
15 6XX  Status? 
16 C0100  Status? 
17 G0100  Status? 
18 G0501  Status? 
19 G2XXD  Display Status of RKS, RKE, ABC Cycle Header 
20 G2XXI  Change Status of RKS, RKE, ABC Cycle Header 
21 G3XXD  Display Status of RKS, RKE, ABC Segment Screens 
22 G3XXI  Change Status of RKS, RKE, ABC Segment Screens 
23 G4XXD  Display Status of RKS, RKE, ABC (not active from 4.5A) 
24 G4XXI  Change Status of RKS, RKE, ABC (not active from 4.5A) 
GUI Title
# GUI Title Short Description
1 031  Additional Fields 
2 111  $ Create Actual Assessment Cycle: $ 
3 112  $ Change Actual Assessment Cycle: $ 
4 113  $ Display Actual Assessment Cycle: $ 
5 114  $ Delete Actual Assessment Cycle: $ 
6 116  $ Delete Actual Assessment Cycle: $ 
7 121  $ Create Actual Distribution Cycle: $ 
8 122  $ Change Actual Distribution Cycle: $ 
9 123  $ Display Actual Distribution Cycle: $ 
10 124  $ Delete Actual Distribution Cycle: $ 
11 126  $ Delete Actual Distribution Cycle: $ 
12 131  $ Create Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle: $ 
13 132  $ Change Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle: $ 
14 133  $ Display Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle: $ 
15 134  $ Delete Periodic Transfer Cycle: $ 
16 136  $ Delete Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle: $ 
17 141  $ Create Top-Down Planning Cycle: $ 
18 142  $ Change Top-Down Planning Cycle: $ 
19 143  $ Display Top-Down Planning Cycle: $ 
20 144  $ Delete Top-Down Planning Cycle: $ 
21 146  $ Delete Top-Down Planning Cycle: $ 
22 151  $ Create Actual Assessment Cycle for Business Processes: $ 
23 152  $ Change Actual Assessment Cycle for Business Processes: $ 
24 153  $ Display Actual Assessment Cycle for Business Processes: $ 
25 156  $ Delete Actual Assessment Cycle for Business Processes: $ 
26 161  $ Create Actual Assessment Cycle for Resources: $ 
27 162  $ Change Actual Assessment Cycle for Resources: $ 
28 163  $ Display Actual Assessment Cycle for Resources: $ 
29 166  $ Delete Actual Assessment Cycle for Resources: $ 
30 171  $ Create Actual Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
31 172  $ Change Actual Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
32 173  $ Display Actual Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
33 176  $ Delete Actual Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
34 181  $ Create Actual Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
35 182  $ Change Actual Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
36 183  $ Display Actual Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
37 186  $ Delete Actual Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
38 211  $ Create Plan Assessment Cycle: $ 
39 212  $ Change Plan Assessment Cycle: $ 
40 213  $ Display Plan Assessment Cycle : $ 
41 214  $ Delete Plan Assessment Cycle: $ 
42 216  $ Delete Plan Assessment Cycle : $ 
43 221  $ Create Plan Distribution Cycle: $ 
44 222  $ Change Plan Distribution Cycle: $ 
45 223  $ Display Plan Distribution Cycle: $ 
46 224  $ Delete Plan Distribution Cycle: $ 
47 226  $ Delete Plan Distribution Cycle: $ 
48 231  $ Create Plan Periodic Reposting Cycle: $ 
49 232  $ Change Plan Periodic Reposting Cycle: $ 
50 233  $ Display Plan Periodic Reposting Cycle: $ 
51 234  $ Delete Plan Posting Aid Cycle: $ 
52 236  $ Delete Plan Periodic Reposting Cycle: $ 
53 241  $ Create Top-Down Planning Cycle: $ 
54 242  $ Change Top-Down Planning Cycle: $ 
55 243  $ Display Top-Down Planning Cycle: $ 
56 244  $ Delete Top-Down Planning Cycle: $ 
57 246  $ Delete Top-Down Planning Cycle: $ 
58 251  $ Create Plan Assessment Cycle for Business Processes: $ 
59 252  $ Change Plan Assessment Cycle for Business Processes: $ 
60 253  $ Display Plan Assessment Cycle for Business Processes: $ 
61 256  $ Delete Plan Assessment Cycle for Business Processes: $ 
62 261  $ Create Plan Assessment Cycle for Business Processes: $ 
63 262  $ Change Plan Assessment Cycle for Resources: $ 
64 263  $ Display Plan Assessment Cycle for Resources: $ 
65 266  $ Delete Plan Assessment Cycle for Resources: $ 
66 271  $ Create Plan Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
67 272  $ Change Plan Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
68 273  $ Display Plan Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
69 276  $ Delete Plan Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
70 281  $ Create Plan Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
71 282  $ Change Plan Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
72 283  $ Display Plan Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
73 286  $ Delete Plan Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle: $ 
74 311  & Create Actual Assessment Cycle for Joint Venture: & 
75 312  & Change Actual Assessment Cycle for Joint Venture: & 
76 313  & Display Actual Assessment Cycle for Joint Venture: & 
77 316  & Delete Actual Assessment Cycle for Joint Venture: & 
78 321  & Create Actual Distribution Cycle for Joint Venture: & 
79 322  & Change Actual Distribution Cycle for Joint Venture: & 
80 323  & Display Actual Distribution Cycle for Joint Venture: & 
81 326  Delete Actual Distribution Cycle for Joint Venture: & 
82 333  Find Values Entered 
83 334  Values Found 
84 6XX  Copy Segment 
85 700  Determine Cycle Run Group 
86 701  Create Cycle Run Group 
87 702  Delete Cycle Run Group 
Last changed by/on SAP  00000000 
SAP Release Created in