SAP ABAP Search Help - Index R
Search Help - R
# | Search Help Name | Short Description | Package |
1 | R05_BSLT1 | Decision | PAOC_PAD_UI_NL |
2 | RASTER | Find shift programs (TC38A) with group PW (picking waves) | VL |
3 | RATETYPE_F4 | Empty Collective Search Help for Appending | BTREASURY |
4 | RB_FIND | Legal rel. search help | ISCDFUN |
5 | RCCSD_APP | Search Help for RCCF Engine IDs | RCC_CUST |
6 | RCCSD_COMDEST | Communication Connection | RCC_CUST |
8 | RCCSD_DESTID | Engine Destinations | RCC_CUST |
9 | RCCSD_ENG_LOG | RCCF: Search Help for Engine Logentries | RCC_COMMON |
10 | RCM_REC_FPROFILE_ID | RCM Record: ID of a Function Profile | SRM_XML_BR_MD_FP |
11 | RCM_WD_STATE_I | RCM: Find Web Dynpro State Using INT | SRM_FRAMEWORK_WDA_STATE |
12 | RCPE_AENNR1 | Search Help for Change Numbers Recipes | RMSRCPDIA |
13 | RCPE_AENNR1A | Change Numbers for iPPE Variant | RMSRCPDIA |
14 | RCPE_CLAS | RMS-RCP: SHLP for Classes (Copy of CLAS, KLART Disabled) | RMSRCPMSC |
15 | RCPE_CLAS_KLART | RMS-RCP: SHLP for Classes (Copy of CLAS, KLART Disabled) | RMSRCPMSC |
16 | RCPE_CLSTATUS | RMS-RCP: Search Help for the Classification Status | RMSRCPMSC |
17 | RCPE_CPNTYPE_RCP | Search by Node Type | RMSRCPCST |
20 | RCPE_PNTYPE_SPECTYPE_EQR | Search for Specification Types for an 'EQR' Node | RMSRCPCST |
21 | RCPE_PNTYPE_SPECTYPE_POB | Search for Specification Types for a 'POB' Node | RMSRCPCST |
22 | RCPE_PNTYPE_SPECTYPE_RCP | Search for Specification Types for an 'RCP' Node | RMSRCPCST |
23 | RCPE_PP_ID_SH | Process Parameter Search Help | RMSRCPDIA |
24 | RCPE_PP_SHLP_CHRC_102 | Characteristics with Assignmt to Classes of Class Type 102 | RMSRCPCST |
25 | RCPE_RATING_RCP | Used for Searching for Ratings | RMSRCPCST |
26 | RCPE_RECIPE | Collective Search Help for Recipe | RMSRCPMSC |
27 | RCPE_RECIPE_SES | Collective Search Help for Recipe Using Search Engine | RMSRCPMSC |
28 | RCPE_RECIPE_SES_ADVANCED | Extended Search for Recipe Using Search Engine | RMSRCPMSC |
29 | RCPE_RECIPE_SES_SIMPLE | Simple Search for Recipe Using Search Engine | RMSRCPMSC |
30 | RCPE_RECIPE_VRS | RMS-RCP: Search Help for Recipe (with Versioning) | RMSRCPMSC |
31 | RCPE_SRC_PARA_PNAME_ACTION | RMS-RCP: Search Parameters - Action Building Block | RMSRCPSRC |
32 | RCPE_SRC_PARA_PNAME_EQR | RMS-RCP: Search Parameters - Equipment Requirements | RMSRCPSRC |
33 | RCPE_SRC_PARA_PNAME_OPERATION | RMS-RCP: Search Parameters - Operation Building Block | RMSRCPSRC |
34 | RCPE_SRC_PARA_PNAME_PROCESS | RMS-RCP: Search Parameter - Process Building Block | RMSRCPSRC |
35 | RCPE_SRC_PARA_PNAME_STAGE | RMS-RCP: Search Parameters - Stage Building Block | RMSRCPSRC |
36 | RCPE_SRC_PARA_PP_CLS_EQR | RMS-RCP: Process Parameters - Equip. Requirements Structure | RMSRCPSRC |
37 | RCPE_SRC_PARA_PP_CLS_RCP | RMS-RCP: Process Parameters - Recipe Structure | RMSRCPSRC |
38 | RCPE_SRC_PARA_QUNIT_LOM | RMS-RCP: Units of Measure in Material View | RMSRCPSRC |
39 | RCPE_SRC_PARA_QUNIT_LOM_LORS | RMS-RCP: Units of Measure in Material, Subst., & Totals View | RMSRCPSRC |
40 | RCPE_SRC_PARA_QUNIT_RCP | RMS-RCP: Units of Measure in Recipe | RMSRCPSRC |
41 | RCPE_SUBCAT_RCP | Search for Specification Types of the Category 'RECIPE' | RMSRCPCST |
42 | RCPE_SUBCAT_TCG31 | EHS: Search Help for Specification Types | RMSRCPMSC |
43 | RCPE_SUBCAT_TCG32 | RMS-RCP: Search Help for Specification Type | RMSRCPMSC |
44 | RCPE_UNIT_SRC | RMS-RCP: Search Help for Units of Measure | RMSRCPCST |
45 | RCV_SHLP_ADDRESS | Address Number Selection for Correspondence Recipient | FS_CORR_RECEIVER |
46 | RDPT_F4_SET | Get Set Info from Customizing | FTBAS |
47 | RDPT_F4_SET_TYPE | Get Set Type | FTBAS |
48 | REAJADJMTASKTYPE | Type of Adjustment Measure | RE_AJ_BD |
49 | REAJADJMVARINTPOL | Variable Name for Interpolation | RE_AJ_ME |
50 | REAJADJMVARUSE | Variable name | RE_AJ_ME |
51 | REAJAT | Adjustment Measure | RE_AJ_BD |
52 | REAJATA | Adjustment Measure - General | RE_AJ_BD |
53 | REAJATAC | Adjustment Measure - Additional CEA | RE_AJ_BD |
54 | REAJATB | Adjustment Measure for Rental Object | RE_AJ_BD |
55 | REAJATEO | Adjustment Measure - Expert Opinion | RE_AJ_BD |
56 | REAJATFR | Adjustment Measure - Custom | RE_AJ_BD |
57 | REAJATMC | Adjustment Measure - Main CEA | RE_AJ_BD |
58 | REAJATMO | Adjustment Measure - Modernization | RE_AJ_BD |
59 | REAJATOA | Adjustment Measure Using Assignments | RE_AJ_BD |
60 | REAJATPC | Adjustment Measure - Partial CEA | RE_AJ_BD |
61 | REAJBLOCKREASON | Reason for Adjustment Lock | RE_AJ_CA |
62 | REAJCG | Comparative Group of Apartments | RE_AJ_BD |
63 | REAJCGA | General Comparative Group of Apartments | RE_AJ_BD |
64 | REAJCGB | Comparative Group for Comparative Apartment | RE_AJ_BD |
65 | REAJCGOA | Comparative Group Using Assignments | RE_AJ_BD |
66 | REAJCGSE1 | Simple Search for Comparative Group | RE_AJ_BD |
67 | REAJCGSE2 | Advanced Search for Comparative Group | RE_AJ_BD |
68 | REAJCOMBMETH | Combinable Adjustment Method | RE_AJ_CA |
69 | REAJCOMBRULE | Combinable Adjustment Rules | RE_AJ_CA |
70 | REAJCONDPURPRO | Condition Purpose of Rental Object | RE_AJ_ME |
71 | REAJFSVARAT | Field Status Variant for Adj. Measure Type | RE_AJ_BD |
72 | REAJINDXPOINT | Index Points | RE_AJ_ME |
73 | REAJMETH | Adjustment Method | RE_AJ_CA |
74 | REAJMETHPROCESS | Adjustment Method | RE_AJ_CA |
75 | REAJNOCOMBMETH | Non-Combinable Adjustment Method | RE_AJ_CA |
76 | REAJNOCOMBRULE | Non-Combinable Adjustment Rules | RE_AJ_CA |
77 | REAJPROCESSCEAEXTID | Adjustment Run by Title (CEA) | RE_AJ_PR |
78 | REAJPROCESSCEAEXTID_C | Collective Search Help CEA Adjustment | RE_AJ_PR |
79 | REAJPROCESSEXTID | Adjustment Run by Title | RE_AJ_PR |
80 | REAJPROCESSEXTIDALL | Adjustment Run by Title | RE_AJ_PR |
81 | REAJPROCESSEXTIDALLMETH | Adjustment Run by Title and Method | RE_AJ_PR |
82 | REAJPROCESSEXTIDALL_C | Collective Search Help for External ID of Adjustment | RE_AJ_PR |
83 | REAJPROCESSEXTIDMETH | Adjustment Run by Title and Method | RE_AJ_PR |
84 | REAJPROCESSEXTIDMETHSCSE | Adjustment Run by Title and SCS Procedure | RE_AJ_PR |
85 | REAJPROCESSEXTID_C | Collective Search Help for Ext. ID of Adjustment w/o CEA | RE_AJ_PR |
86 | REAJPROCESSID | Adjustment Identification | RE_AJ_PR |
87 | REAJPROCMODE | Adjustment Method | RE_AJ_PR |
88 | REAJREASON | Adjustment Reason | RE_AJ_CA |
89 | REAJRLRA | Base Rep. List of Rents | RE_AJ_ME |
90 | REAJRULE | Adjustment Rules | RE_AJ_CA |
91 | REAJRULECOMP | Adjustment Rules for Method COMP | RE_AJ_ME |
92 | REAJRULEINDX | Adjustment Rules for INDX Method | RE_AJ_ME |
93 | REAJRULERLRA | Adjustment Rules for Method RLRA | RE_AJ_ME |
94 | REAJRULETASK | Adjustment Rules for Method TASK | RE_AJ_ME |
95 | REAOCHARACT | RE: Search Help For Fixtures/Fittings Key | REAO |
96 | REAOOBJGROUPC | RE: REsearch - Object Groups In "Commercial" Category | REAO |
97 | REAOOBJGROUPP | RE: REsearch - Object Groups In The "Residential" Category | REAO |
98 | REAOOBJTYPEC | RE: Rental Objects In The "Commercial" Category | REAO |
99 | REAOOBJTYPEP | RE: Rental Objects In The "Residential" Category | REAO |
100 | REAOVIAR03 | RE: REsearch - Search Help For The Web-User Table | REAO |
101 | REBDAOID | Architechtural Object by ID | RE_BD_AO |
102 | REBDAONO | Architectural Object | RE_BD_AO |
103 | REBDAONOE | Architectural Object by Address | RE_BD_AO |
104 | REBDAONOP | Architectural Object for Functional Location | RE_BD_AO |
105 | REBDAONOSE1 | Simple Search for Architectural Object | RE_BD_AO |
106 | REBDAONOSE2 | Advanced Search for Architectural Object | RE_BD_AO |
107 | REBDAONR | Architectural Object by Number | RE_BD_AO |
108 | REBDAOTYPE | Architectural Object Type | RE_BD_AO |
109 | REBDAREAMEAS | Area Types | RE_BD_CA |
110 | REBDAREAUNIT | Area Units | RE_BD_CA |
111 | REBDBEFX_APP | RE-FX Search Help for Business Entity | RE_BD_BE |
112 | REBDBENO | Business Entity | RE_BD_BE |
113 | REBDBENOA | Business Entities | RE_BD_BE |
114 | REBDBENOE | Selection by Address and Function | RE_BD_BE |
115 | REBDBENOF | Selection by Address | RE_BD_BE |
116 | REBDBENOO | Selection via Order (Direct Allocation) | RE_BD_BE |
117 | REBDBENOOA | Business Entities by Assignments | RE_BD_BE |
118 | REBDBENOP | Business entities for functional location | RE_BD_BE |
119 | REBDBENOSE1 | Simple Search for Business Entity | RE_BD_BE |
120 | REBDBENOSE2 | Advanced Search for Business Entity | RE_BD_BE |
121 | REBDBEOBJNRA | Business Entities | RE_BD_BE |
122 | REBDBEOBJNRB | Business Entities by Address | RE_BD_BE |
123 | REBDBUFX_APP | RE-FX Search Help for Building | RE_BD_BU |
124 | REBDBUNO | Building | RE_BD_BU |
125 | REBDBUNOA | Buildings in a business entity | RE_BD_BU |
126 | REBDBUNOE | Selection via address | RE_BD_BU |
127 | REBDBUNOG | Building for a Municipality | RE_BD_BU |
128 | REBDBUNOO | Building to Order (Direct Allocation) | RE_BD_BU |
129 | REBDBUNOOA | Buildings Using Assignments | RE_BD_BU |
130 | REBDBUNOP | Building for Functional Location | RE_BD_BU |
131 | REBDBUNOSE1 | Simple Search for Building | RE_BD_BU |
132 | REBDBUNOSE2 | Advanced Search for Building | RE_BD_BU |
133 | REBDBUOBJNRE | Buildings | RE_BD_BU |
134 | REBDBUOBJNRF | Buildings by Address | RE_BD_BU |
135 | REBDFIXFITCHARACT | Fixtures and Fittings Characteristics | RE_BD_CT |
136 | REBDFIXFITCHARACTAO | Fixtures/Fittings Chars for Each Architectural Object Type | RE_BD_AO |
137 | REBDIDENTOBJASS | IDENT and Object Number by Object Assignment | RE_BD_OA |
138 | REBDLOCHIER | Location Key in Location Structure | RE_BD_LC |
139 | REBDLOCHIERO | Location Key in Location Structure by Object Type | RE_BD_LC |
140 | REBDLOCITEM | Level in Hierarchical Location Structure | RE_BD_LC |
141 | REBDLOCOBJ | Allowed Hier. Location Structures per Object Type | RE_BD_LC |
142 | REBDMEAS | Measurement Type | RE_BD_MS |
143 | REBDMEASAO | Measurement Type for Each Architectural Object Type | RE_BD_AO |
144 | REBDOBJNR | Object Number for Master Data (BE/BU/PR/RO) | RE_BD_CA |
145 | REBDOBJTYPEASSUSES | Real Estate Object Types | RE_BD_OA |
146 | REBDPMREOBJTYPE | Allowed Object Types for PM Integration | RE_BD_PM |
147 | REBDPRFX_APP | RE-FX Search Help for Land | RE_BD_PR |
148 | REBDPRNO | Land | RE_BD_PR |
149 | REBDPRNOA | Land in General | RE_BD_PR |
150 | REBDPRNOE | Land by Address | RE_BD_PR |
151 | REBDPRNOG | Land by Municipality | RE_BD_PR |
152 | REBDPRNOO | Land by Order (Direct Assignment) | RE_BD_PR |
153 | REBDPRNOOA | Land Using Assignments | RE_BD_PR |
154 | REBDPRNOP | Land by Functional Location | RE_BD_PR |
155 | REBDPRNOSE1 | Simple Search for Land | RE_BD_PR |
156 | REBDPRNOSE2 | Advanced Search for Land | RE_BD_PR |
157 | REBDPROBJNRI | Land | RE_BD_PR |
158 | REBDPROBJNRJ | Land by Address | RE_BD_PR |
159 | REBDROAVAILABLE | Rental Objects by Availability | RE_BD_RO |
160 | REBDROFX_APP | RE-FX Search Help for Rental Object | RE_BD_RO |
161 | REBDRONO | Rental Object | RE_BD_RO |
162 | REBDRONOA | General Rental Objects | RE_BD_RO |
163 | REBDRONOB | Rental Objects for Building | RE_BD_RO |
164 | REBDRONOC | Rental Objects for Property | RE_BD_RO |
165 | REBDRONOD | Rental Objects by Business Entity | RE_BD_RO |
166 | REBDRONOE | Rental Objects by Address | RE_BD_RO |
167 | REBDRONOG | Rental Objects for Building/Municipality | RE_BD_RO |
168 | REBDRONOH | Rental Objects for Property/Municipality | RE_BD_RO |
169 | REBDRONOMS | Rental Objects by Measurement | RE_BD_RO |
170 | REBDRONOO | Rental Object for Order (Direct Assignment) | RE_BD_RO |
171 | REBDRONOOA | Rental Objects Using Assignments | RE_BD_RO |
172 | REBDRONOOC | Rental Objects by Availability | RE_BD_RO |
173 | REBDRONOOO | Offered Rental Objects | RE_BD_RO |
174 | REBDRONOP | Rental Objects for Functional Location | RE_BD_RO |
175 | REBDRONOSE1 | Simple Search for Rental Object | RE_BD_RO |
176 | REBDRONOSE2 | Advanced Search for Rental Object | RE_BD_RO |
177 | REBDRONOT | Rental Objects for Participation Group | RE_BD_RO |
178 | REBDRONO_NOPOOL | Choose Rental Object from Contract | RE_BD_RO |
179 | REBDROOBJNRM | Rental Objects | RE_BD_RO |
180 | REBDROOBJNRN | Rental Objects by Address | RE_BD_RO |
181 | REBDTDO9 | Heritable building rights for collateral objects | RE_BD_CA |
182 | REBDUSAGETYPE | Usage Types per Rental Object Type | RE_BD_RO |
183 | REBDUSGFUNC | Function of Usage Objects | RE_BD_CA |
184 | REBDUSGOBJTYPE | Relevant Object Types of Usage View | RE_BD_CA |
185 | REBFGENBUSNAME | Business Object | RE_BF_CR |
186 | REBFGENCLSNAME | Class Name | RE_BF_CR |
187 | REBFGENTEMPLATE | Template for Generating | RE_BF_CR |
188 | REBFOBJNAME | Object Name (Source Object) | RE_BF_CR |
189 | REBPADDRTYPE | Address Type | RE_BP_BP |
190 | REBPAPPL | Application categories | RE_BP_BP |
191 | REBPBANKDETAILID | Business Partner: Bank Type | RE_BP_BP |
192 | REBPFORROLE | Partners by BP Role (Internal/External) | RE_BP_BP |
193 | REBPINDUSTRY | Industry to Standard Industry System | RE_BP_BP |
194 | REBPPARTNERA | Partner by Address (Transfer of Selection Parameters) | RE_BP_BP |
195 | REBPPARTNERAR | Partner by Address and Role | RE_BP_BP |
196 | REBPPARTNERBANK | Partner by Bank Details | RE_BP_BP |
197 | REBPPARTNERBANKR | Partner by Bank Details and Role | RE_BP_BP |
198 | REBPPARTNERMNDT | Partner by SEPA Mandate and Name | RE_BP_BP |
199 | REBPPARTNERN | Partners by Name (Transfer Selection Parameters) | RE_BP_BP |
200 | REBPPARTNERNR | Partner by Name and Role | RE_BP_BP |
201 | REBPROLE | Business Partner: Role Category | RE_BP_BP |
202 | REBPSEPAMANDATE | Business Partner: SEPA Mandates | RE_BP_BP |
203 | RECAAPPLSWITCH | Switchable Subapplications | RE_CA_AP |
204 | RECAAROBJTYPE | Archiving Object | RE_CA_AR |
205 | RECAAUTHGRP | Authorization Groups | RE_CA_AP |
206 | RECABCICON | Icons with Picture and Text | RE_CA_BC |
207 | RECABDCNOBJNR | Object Number for Master Data (Incl. RE Contract) | RE_CA_AP |
208 | RECACTBASEDT | Translation Base Date per Process | RE_CA_CT |
209 | RECACTRULECNTYPE | Input Help for Translation Rule by Contract Type | RE_CA_CT |
210 | RECACTRULEUSTYPE | Input Help for Translation Rule by Usage Type | RE_CA_CT |
211 | RECACUCHECKID | Customizing Check | RE_CA_CU |
212 | RECADOCUOBJECT | Search by Document ID | RE_CA_BC |
213 | RECAEHNDCLNAME | Class for Results Handling | RE_CA_BC |
214 | RECAFUNCNAME | Function Module | RE_CA_BC |
215 | RECAIMKEY_APP | Append Search Help for IMKEY | RE_EX_AA |
216 | RECAIMPLCFNAME | Factory Class | RE_CA_BC |
217 | RECAIMPLCLNAME | Implementing Class | RE_CA_BC |
218 | RECAIMPLIFNAME | Interface | RE_CA_BC |
219 | RECAOBJNRALL | Object Number for Master Data (Incl. RE Contract/SU) | RE_CA_AP |
220 | RECAOBJTYPE | Relevant Object Types | RE_CA_AP |
221 | RECAOBJTYPEACCTASS | Postable Object Types | RE_CA_AP |
222 | RECAOBJTYPEALL | Object Types | RE_CA_AP |
223 | RECAOBJTYPEAUTHGRP | Object Types for Authorization Groups | RE_CA_AP |
224 | RECAOBJTYPEDELETABLE | Object Types That Allow Deletion Without Archiving | RE_CA_AR |
225 | RECAOBJTYPERE | Real Estate Object Types | RE_CA_AP |
226 | RECAOBJTYPESTATUS | Object Types with Status Management | RE_CA_AP |
227 | RECAPROCITYPE | Type of Process (Further Breakdown of a Process) | RE_CA_PR |
228 | RECAPROCMODE | Mode of Process with Multiple Steps | RE_CA_PR |
229 | RECARGSTATE_WLVISIBLE | Object Status (Visible Entries in Worklist) | RE_CA_RG |
230 | RECARSOBJTYPE | Supported Object Types | RE_CA_RS |
231 | RECARSREASON | Resubmission Reasons | RE_CA_RS |
232 | RECARSRULE | Resubmission Rules | RE_CA_RS |
233 | RECASHSTRATSYS | Active System-Defined Search Strategy | RE_CA_SH |
234 | RECDCALCRULE | Calculation Formula | RE_CD_CD |
235 | RECDCALCRULEEXT | External Calculation Formula | RE_CD_CD |
236 | RECDCALCRULEINT | Internal Calculation Formula | RE_CD_CD |
237 | RECDCALCRULEPARA1 | Parameter 1 for Calculation Rule | RE_CD_CD |
238 | RECDCALCRULEPARA2 | Parameter 2 for Calculation Rule | RE_CD_CD |
239 | RECDCHGREAS | Reason for Change | RE_CD_CD |
240 | RECDCONDGROUP | Condition Group of Default Conditions | RE_CD_DC |
241 | RECDDISTRULE | Distribution Formula | RE_CD_CD |
242 | RECDDISTRULEEXT | External Distribution Formula | RE_CD_CD |
243 | RECDDISTRULEINT | Internal Distribution Formula | RE_CD_CD |
244 | RECDDISTRULEPARA1 | Parameter 1 for Distribution Rule | RE_CD_CD |
245 | RECDDISTRULEPARA2 | Parameter 2 for Distribution Rule | RE_CD_CD |
246 | RECLFXBE | Matchcode for business entity search | FVVI |
247 | RECLFXBU | Search Help RE: Building (Classic RE and by Append RE-FX) | FVVI |
248 | RECLFXCAIMKEY | Real Estate Object (IMKEY) | FVVI |
249 | RECLFXCAIMKEY_APP | Search Help for IMKEY | RE_CA_AP |
250 | RECLFXCN | Real Estate Contract Search | FVVI |
251 | RECLFXPR | Matchcode Property Search | FVVI |
252 | RECLFXRO | Rental Unit | FVVI |
253 | RECLFXSU | Settlement Unit | FVVI |
254 | RECLFXTC | Matchcode für Suche Berichtigungsobjekt | REIT |
255 | RECN | Real Estate Contract Search | FVVICN |
256 | RECNA | All Contracts | FVVICN |
257 | RECNADJT | General Real Estate Contract Adjustment Type | FVVICN |
258 | RECNALOBJECTTYPE | Permitted Object Types for Contracts | RE_CN_CN |
259 | RECNB | Active Contracts | FVVICN |
260 | RECNC | Non-Active Contracts | FVVICN |
261 | RECNCN | Contract | RE_CN_CN |
262 | RECNCNA | All Contracts | RE_CN_CN |
263 | RECNCNB | Active Contracts | RE_CN_CN |
264 | RECNCNC | Non-Active Contracts | RE_CN_CN |
265 | RECNCND | Contracts by Partner with Address | RE_CN_CN |
266 | RECNCNE | Contracts by Rental Object | RE_CN_CN |
267 | RECNCNF | Contracts by Business Entity | RE_CN_CN |
268 | RECNCNFX_APP | RE-FX Search Help for RE Contract | RE_CN_CN |
269 | RECNCNG | Contracts by Property | RE_CN_CN |
270 | RECNCNH | Contracts by Building | RE_CN_CN |
271 | RECNCNI | Contracts by Resubmit Date | RE_CN_CN |
272 | RECNCNJ | Archived Contracts | RE_CN_CN |
273 | RECNCNK | Contracts by Adjustment Rules | RE_CN_CN |
274 | RECNCNOA | Contracts Using Assignments | RE_CN_CN |
275 | RECNCNP | Contracts by Partner Without Address | RE_CN_CN |
276 | RECNCNSE1 | Simple Search for Contract | RE_CN_CN |
277 | RECNCNSE2 | Advanced Search for Contract | RE_CN_CN |
278 | RECNCONTRACTTYPE | Contract Type | RE_CN_CN |
279 | RECND | Contracts by Partner/Vendor/Customer | FVVICN |
280 | RECNE | Contracts for Real Estate Object | FVVICN |
281 | RECNGSART | Search Help for Real Estate Product Type | FVVICN |
282 | RECNNTREASON | Reason for Notice | RE_CN_NT |
283 | RECNOBJNRA | All Contracts | RE_CN_CN |
284 | RECNSCS | All Contracts | FVVICNZ |
285 | RECNTIVCN09AUTO | RE: Search Help for Renewal Options Not Subject To Approval | FVVICN |
286 | RECNTIVCN09OPTN | RE: Search Help for Renewal Options Not Subject To Approval | FVVICN |
287 | RECNTOBJECT | Possible Text Objects for Contractual Notes | FVVICN |
288 | RECNTPDEPOSIT | Contract Type of Security Deposit Agreement | RE_CN_DP |
289 | RECNTYPE | General Real Estate Contract Type | FVVICN |
290 | RECN_TI | Real Estate Contract Search | FVVI |
291 | RECPCPACT | Active Correspondence Activities | RE_CP_SF |
292 | RECPOIOBJTYPE | Supported Object Types | RE_CP_OI |
293 | RECPOIOBJTYPEFLT | Object Types | RE_CP_OI |
294 | RECPSFOBJTYPE | Supported Object Types | RE_CP_SF |
295 | RECPSORTVER | Sort Variants | RE_CP_SF |
296 | RECPTMINCLNO | Flexibly Includable Text Modules | RE_CP_SF |
297 | RECPTMNAME | Text Modules | RE_CP_SF |
298 | RECP_INVOICENO | Invoice Number | FVVI |
299 | RECP_PAYMED | Form ID for Attached Payment Medium | FVVI |
300 | RECP_PAYMTH | Payment Method | FVVI |
301 | RECP_POSTRUNREFN | Reference Number for Posting Run | FVVI |
302 | REEXACCOUNT | Account (G/L Account or Cost Element) | RE_EX_FI |
303 | REEXACCTASSOBJ | Account Assignment Object | RE_EX_CO |
304 | REEXASSREOBJ | Buildings, Properties Assigned to Asset | RE_EX_AA |
305 | REEXCOCOSTELEM | Cost Elements | RE_EX_CO |
306 | REEXFIDUNNAREA | RE Dunning Area | RE_EX_FI |
307 | REEXFIEXTAXCODE | Assignment of Tax Code to RE Tax Type and Group | RE_EX_FI |
308 | REEXFIPYMTMETH | Payment Method Divided into Incoming/Outgoing Payment Method | RE_EX_FI |
309 | REEXFITAXGROUP | Assignment to Tax Group in FI | RE_EX_FI |
310 | REEXOBJTYPECOSRULE | Object Types with Default for Settlement Profile | RE_EX_CO |
311 | REEXSTATKYF | Statistical Key Figures with Measurement Assigned | RE_EX_CO |
312 | REFXCLSNKSL | Service Charge Key for Classic RE and RE-FX | RERA |
313 | REGIOGROUP | Regional Structure Group | EE02 |
314 | REISPFID | Report Profile | RE_IS_PF |
315 | REISRMOBJTYPE | Supported Object Types | RE_IS_RM |
316 | REITORCALC | Option Rate Determination Run | RE_IT_OR |
317 | REITORCALCPARA | Option Rate Determination Run: Single Search Help All Params | RE_IT_OR |
318 | REITTCNO | Correction Object | RE_IT_TC |
319 | REITTCNOA | Correction Objects - General | RE_IT_TC |
320 | REITTCNOB | Correction Object by Allowed Orig. Account Assignment | RE_IT_TC |
321 | REITTCNOC | Correction Object by Account Assignment Object | RE_IT_TC |
322 | REITTCNOD | Correction Object by Object for Option Rate Determination | RE_IT_TC |
323 | REKUNNRCN | Customer By Real Estate Contract | RE_EX_FI |
324 | RELATIONDIR | Search Help Using Relationship Category Descriptions | S_BUPA_GENERAL |
325 | RELDBD | Optimizing of Selection in Logical DB REBD | RE_LD_LD |
326 | RELDSGENRSUP | Buildings by Criteria of Higher-Level Objects in Hierarchy | RE_LD_LD |
327 | RELDSMENRSUP | Rental Obj. by Criteria of Higher-Level Objects in Hierarchy | RE_LD_LD |
328 | RELE | Search Help for R/3 Releases | SQLRM |
329 | RELIFNRCN | Vendor by Real Estate Contract | RE_EX_FI |
330 | RELMJL | Joint Liability | RE_LM_JL |
331 | RELMJLA | General Joint Liability | RE_LM_JL |
332 | RELMLR | Land Register | RE_LM_LR |
333 | RELMLRA | Land Register (General) | RE_LM_LR |
334 | RELMLRC | Land Register Using Partner | RE_LM_LR |
335 | RELMLRD | Land Register Using Parcel | RE_LM_LR |
336 | RELMLRDIST | Land Register District | RE_LM_LR |
337 | RELMNA | Notice of Assessment | RE_LM_NA |
338 | RELMNAA | Notice of Assessment - General | RE_LM_NA |
339 | RELMNAB | Search Term | RE_LM_NA |
340 | RELMNAC | Notice of Assessment Using Parcels | RE_LM_NA |
341 | RELMNAD | Assessed Values by Partner with Address | RE_LM_NA |
342 | RELMNAE | Notice of Assessment: Basis for Determination | RE_LM_NA |
343 | RELMNAF | Notice of Assessment: Annual Values | RE_LM_NA |
344 | RELMNAG | Notice of Assessment: Measurements | RE_LM_NA |
345 | RELMNAOA | Notice of Assessment Based on Assignments | RE_LM_NA |
346 | RELMPE | Other Public Register | RE_LM_PE |
347 | RELMPEA | Other Public Register - General | RE_LM_PE |
348 | RELMPEB | Parcels | RE_LM_PE |
349 | RELMPEC | Buildings | RE_LM_PE |
350 | RELMPECS | Other Public Register - Contamination/Non-Hazardous Waste | RE_LM_PE |
351 | RELMPECSA | Contamination/Non-Hazardous Waste | RE_LM_PE |
352 | RELMPECSB | Easement Type | RE_LM_PE |
353 | RELMPECSC | Parcels | RE_LM_PE |
354 | RELMPECSD | Buildings | RE_LM_PE |
355 | RELMPECSE | Rental Object | RE_LM_PE |
356 | RELMPECSF | Partners | RE_LM_PE |
357 | RELMPECSTYPE | Type of Contamination/Non-Hazardous Waste | RE_LM_PE |
358 | RELMPED | Rental Object | RE_LM_PE |
359 | RELMPEDP | Other Public Register - Development Plan | RE_LM_PE |
360 | RELMPEDPA | Development Plan | RE_LM_PE |
361 | RELMPEDPB | Servient Tenements | RE_LM_PE |
362 | RELMPEDPF | Partners | RE_LM_PE |
363 | RELMPEER | Other Public Register - Easement Register | RE_LM_PE |
364 | RELMPEERA | Page in Easement Register | RE_LM_PE |
365 | RELMPEERB | Easement Type | RE_LM_PE |
366 | RELMPEERC | Servient Tenements | RE_LM_PE |
367 | RELMPEERD | Dominant Tenements | RE_LM_PE |
368 | RELMPEERF | Partners | RE_LM_PE |
369 | RELMPEF | Partners | RE_LM_PE |
370 | RELMPELOCHIER | Hierarchical Location for Other Public Registers | RE_LM_PE |
371 | RELMPEOA | Public Register Based on Assignments | RE_LM_PE |
372 | RELMPEPS | Other Public Register - Site Protection | RE_LM_PE |
373 | RELMPEPSA | Site Protection | RE_LM_PE |
374 | RELMPEPSB | Parcels | RE_LM_PE |
375 | RELMPEPSC | Buildings | RE_LM_PE |
376 | RELMPEPSF | Partners | RE_LM_PE |
377 | RELMPEPSTYPE | Type of Site Protection | RE_LM_PE |
378 | RELMPL | Parcel | RE_LM_PL |
379 | RELMPLA | General Parcel | RE_LM_PL |
380 | RELMPLB | Parcel Using Address | RE_LM_PL |
381 | RELMPLC | Parcel Using Partner | RE_LM_PL |
382 | RELMPLD | Parcel Using Location | RE_LM_PL |
383 | RELMPLL | Hierarchical Location for Parcels | RE_LM_PL |
384 | RELMPLLOCHIER | Hierarchical Location for Parcels | RE_LM_PL |
385 | RELMPLOA | Parcel Based on Assignments | RE_LM_PL |
386 | RELMPLSHLOCHIER | Hierarchical Locations for Parcel for Search Help | RE_LM_PL |
387 | RELMRC | Parcel Update | RE_LM_RC |
388 | RELMRCA | Parcel Update - General | RE_LM_RC |
389 | RELMRCB | Parcel Update Using Parcel | RE_LM_RC |
390 | RELMRCTYPE | Land Register District | RE_LM_RC |
391 | RELMUSGOBJTYPE | Relevant Object Types of Usage View | RE_LM_CA |
392 | REMMCCCR | Condominium Owner Company Code | RE_MM_MN |
393 | REMMCCMNG | Manager Company Code | RE_MM_MN |
394 | REMMCCREF | Reference Company Code | RE_MM_MN |
395 | REMMMN | Mandate | RE_MM_MN |
396 | REMMMNA | Mandate (General) | RE_MM_MN |
397 | REMMMNB | Active Mandates | RE_MM_MN |
398 | REMMMNC | Inactive Mandates | RE_MM_MN |
399 | REORACCTASSOBJ | Account Assignment Object (Incl. RE Objects) | RE_OR_RS |
400 | REORCHARACT | Fixt./Fittings Characteristics for Real Estate Search | RE_OR_RR |
401 | REORCNOA | Search Help: Outline Agreements Using Assignments | RE_OR_RS |
402 | REORMP | Move Plan | RE_OR_PO |
403 | REORMPA | General Move Plan | RE_OR_PO |
404 | REORNEIGHBORHOOD | Search for Values of Neighborhood Fields | RE_OR_OO |
405 | REOROF | Contract Offer | RE_OR_OF |
406 | REOROFA | General Contract Offer | RE_OR_OF |
407 | REOROFC | Rejected Contract Offers | RE_OR_OF |
408 | REOROFD | Contract Offer by Partner with Address | RE_OR_OF |
409 | REOROFE | Contract Offer by Rental Object | RE_OR_OF |
410 | REOROFOA | Contract Offer Using Assignments | RE_OR_OF |
411 | REOROFR | Contract Offer by RE Search Request | RE_OR_OF |
412 | REOROFSE1 | Simple Search by Contract Offer | RE_OR_OF |
413 | REOROFSE2 | Advanced Search by Contract Offer | RE_OR_OF |
414 | REOROO | Offered Object | RE_OR_OO |
415 | REOROOA | Offered Object - General | RE_OR_OO |
416 | REOROOB | Offered Object for Rental Object | RE_OR_OO |
417 | REOROOPO | Reservation Object for Continuous Occupancy | RE_OR_OO |
418 | REOROORS | Reservation Object | RE_OR_OO |
419 | REOROOSE1 | Simple Search for Offered Object | RE_OR_OO |
420 | REOROOSE2 | Advanced Search for Offered Object | RE_OR_OO |
421 | REORORRTYPE | Type of RE Search Request | RE_OR_RR |
422 | REORPORSOBJTYPE | Reservation Object Type for Continuous Occupancy | RE_OR_RS |
423 | REORRR | RE Search Request | RE_OR_RR |
424 | REORRRA | General RE Search Request | RE_OR_RR |
425 | REORRRD | RE Search Request by Partner with Address | RE_OR_RR |
426 | REORRRSE1 | Simple Search for RE Search Request | RE_OR_RR |
427 | REORRS | Reservation | RE_OR_RS |
428 | REORRSA | General Reservation | RE_OR_RS |
429 | REORRSC | Find Reservation Using Calendar | RE_OR_RS |
430 | REORRSREC | Recurring Reservation | RE_OR_RS |
431 | REORRSRECA | Recurring Reservation (General) | RE_OR_RS |
432 | REORRSRECC | Find Recurring Reservation Using Calendar | RE_OR_RS |
433 | REPID_VK | Search Help for Coinsurance Reporting ID | ISCDFUN |
434 | REPORT_TYPE | Report type in report tree | SM38 |
435 | REQUESTNO | Request Number | SITSAM_CODEGEN |
436 | RERAINVNO | Invoice Number | RE_RA_IV |
437 | RERAINVPROCESSID | Invoicing Run ID | RE_RA_IV |
438 | RERAOPACT | Search Help: Posting Activity | RE_RA_OP |
439 | RERAOPCC | Search Help: Company Code/Mandate by Company Code Type | RE_RA_OP |
440 | RERAOPPROCTDNAME | Text Modules for Posting Activity | RE_RA_OP |
441 | RERAPROC | Posting Process with Documents | RE_RA_CA |
442 | RERAPROCESSID | Posting Process Identification | RE_RA_CA |
443 | RERAPROIDREV | Posting Process Identification | RE_RA_CA |
444 | RERAREVERSABLEPROCESSID | Identification of Reversible Posting Process | RE_RA_CA |
445 | RERAREVPROC | Posting Process Can Be Reversed | RE_RA_CA |
446 | RERATAXTYPE | Tax Type | RE_RA_CA |
447 | RESCCC | Cost Collector | RE_SC_CC |
448 | RESCCCA | General Cost Collector | RE_SC_CC |
449 | RESCLOCKEY | Regional Location Key for Heating Value Days | RE_SC_MS |
450 | RESCPARAMKEY | Key of Settlement Parameter Record | RE_SC_SE |
451 | RESCPARAMKEY_RECO | Key of Settlement Parameter Record | RE_SC_MM |
452 | RESCPARAMKEY_RETN | Key of Settlement Parameter Record | RE_SC_MM |
453 | RESCPG | Participation Group | RE_SC_PG |
454 | RESCPGA | General Participation Groups | RE_SC_PG |
455 | RESCPGB | Participation Groups Using Rental Object | RE_SC_PG |
456 | RESCPGC | Participipation Groups via Use in Settlement Units | RE_SC_PG |
457 | RESCPGSE1 | Simple Search for Participation Group | RE_SC_PG |
458 | RESCPGSE2 | Advanced Search for Participation Group | RE_SC_PG |
459 | RESCPROCESSID | Settlement ID | RE_SC_SE |
460 | RESCPROCIDCN_MM | Search Help for Process Using Contract | RE_SC_MM |
461 | RESCPROCID_MM | Search Help for Process | RE_SC_MM |
462 | RESCPURPOSE | Purpose of the Measurement | RE_SC_SU |
463 | RESCSCKEY | Service Charge Keys | RE_SC_CA |
464 | RESCSCKEYA | Service Charge Key | RE_SC_CA |
465 | RESCSCKEYB | Service Charge Keys by Groups | RE_SC_CA |
466 | RESCSCKFX_APP | RE-FX Search Help for Service Charge Key | RE_SC_CA |
467 | RESCSETTLIDCN | Settlement ID | RE_SC_SE |
468 | RESCSETTLMODE | Settlement Method | RE_SC_SE |
469 | RESCSETTLMODE_REAA | Settlement Method for Assessment Adjustment | RE_SC_MM |
470 | RESCSETTLMODE_RESA | Settlement Method | RE_SC_AL |
471 | RESCSETTLTYPE | Type of Process (Further Breakdown of a Process) | RE_SC_SE |
472 | RESCSSETTLSTEP | Possible Settlement Steps | RE_SC_SE |
473 | RESCSU | Settlement Unit | RE_SC_SU |
474 | RESCSUA | Settlement Units in General | RE_SC_SU |
475 | RESCSUB | Settlement Unit and External Settlement Company | RE_SC_SU |
476 | RESCSUC | Settlement Units for Participation Groups | RE_SC_SU |
477 | RESCSUFX_APP | RE-FX Search Help Settlement Unit | RE_SC_SU |
478 | RESCSUG | Settlement Units by Service Charge Groups | RE_SC_SU |
479 | RESCSUSE1 | Simple Search for Settlement Unit | RE_SC_SU |
480 | RESCSUSE2 | Advanced Search for Settlement Unit | RE_SC_SU |
481 | RESP_ORG_UNIT | Organization Responsible | IAOM_CPROJECTS |
482 | RESRPARAMKEY | Key of Settlement Parameter Record | RE_SR_SE |
483 | RESRPROCESSID | Settlement ID | RE_SR_SE |
484 | RESRPROCMODE | Settlement Method | RE_SR_SE |
485 | RESRPROCTYPE | Type of Process (Further Breakdown of a Process) | RE_SR_SE |
486 | RESRREPORTFOR | Type of Sales Report | RE_SR_RP |
487 | RESRSALESRULE | Type of Sales Rule | RE_SR_CA |
488 | RESRSALESTYPE | Sales Type | RE_SR_CA |
489 | RESRSETTLIDCN | Settlement ID | RE_SR_SE |
490 | RESRSETTLSTEP | Possible Settlement Steps | RE_SR_SE |
491 | RETMHASXTERMDEF | Term Categories with Proposed Texts for Term Name | RE_TM_CA |
492 | RETMNTPROCTDNAME | Text Modules for Notice Procedure | RE_TM_PE |
493 | RETMNTRULE | Notice Rule | RE_TM_PE |
494 | RETMNTRULEDR | Deadline Regulation | RE_TM_PE |
495 | RETMNTRULEPR | Period Regulation | RE_TM_PE |
496 | RETMRNRULETDNAME | Text Modules for Renewal Rule | RE_TM_PE |
497 | REVI | Search Help for Revision/Minimal Selections | DIWPS |
498 | REVI_1 | General Revision Search Help | DIWPS |
499 | REV_VAPLZ_VAWRK | dsacwde | IWO1_REV |