SAP ABAP Table FICA_PAYMENT_STR_PAYM_DOC (Payment Document Header)
FI-CA (Software Component) FI-CA
   FI-CA (Application Component) Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
     FKKC (Package) Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable: Correspondence
Basic Data
Table Category INTTAB    Structure 
Structure FICA_PAYMENT_STR_PAYM_DOC   Table Relationship Diagram
Short Description Payment Document Header    
Delivery and Maintenance
Delivery Class      
Data Browser/Table View Maintenance     Display/Maintenance Allowed with Restrictions 
Field Key Data Element Domain Data
Length Decimal
Short Description Check
1 WA_PAYM_DOC FKKKO   STRU 0   0    
2 MANDT MANDT MANDT CLNT 3   0   Client  
3 OPBEL OPBEL_KK OPBEL_KK CHAR 12   0   Number of Contract Accts Rec. & Payable Doc.  
4 FIKEY FIKEY_KK FIKEY_KK CHAR 12   0   Reconciliation Key for General Ledger  
5 APPLK APPLK_KK APPLK_KK CHAR 1   0   Application area  
6 BLART BLART_KK BLART_KK CHAR 2   0   Document Type  
7 HERKF HERKF_KK HERKF_KK CHAR 2   0   Document Origin Key  
8 ERNAM ERNAM USNAM CHAR 12   0   Name of Person who Created the Object  
9 CPUDT CPUDT DATUM DATS 8   0   Accounting document entry date  
10 CPUTM CPUTM UZEIT TIMS 6   0   Time of data entry  
11 WAERS BLWAE_KK WAERS CUKY 5   0   Transaction Currency  
12 BLDAT BLDAT DATUM DATS 8   0   Document Date in Document  
13 BUDAT BUDAT_KK DATUM DATS 8   0   Posting Date in the Document  
14 WWERT WWERT_D DATUM DATS 8   0   Translation date  
15 XBLNR XBLNR_KK XBLNR_KK CHAR 16   0   Reference document number  
16 RLGRD RLGRD_KK RLGRD_KK CHAR 3   0   Return reason  
17 ABGRD BUGRD_KK BUGRD_KK CHAR 2   0   Posting Reason (For Write-Offs And Transfer Postings)  
18 XEIBH XEIBH_KK XFELD CHAR 1   0   Create Separate Document in General Ledger  
19 XBWER XBWER_KK XBWER_KK CHAR 1   0   Document Created by Foreign Currency Valuation or Reclass.  
20 AWTYP AWTYP AWTYP CHAR 5   0   Reference procedure  
21 AWKEY AWKEY AWKEY CHAR 20   0   Object key  
22 STBEL STBEL_KK OPBEL_KK CHAR 12   0   Number of Reversed Document  
23 STMET STMET_INT_KK STMET_INT_KK CHAR 1   0   Reversal Method Selected Internally  
24 BLTYP BLTYP_KK BLTYP_KK CHAR 1   0   Document Class  
25 AGINF AGINF_KK AGINF_KK CHAR 1   0   Clearing Information  
26 STBUK STBUK_KK BUKRS CHAR 4   0   Tax Company Code  
27 STORB STORB_KK OPBEL_KK CHAR 12   0   Number of Reversal Document  
28 APPDX APPDX_KK APPDX_KK CHAR 1   0   Existing document supplements  
29 XMBEL XMBEL_KK XFELD CHAR 1   0   Sample document  
30 AWSYS AWSYS LOGSYS CHAR 10   0   Logical system of source document  
31 VERSN VERSN_KK CHAR3 CHAR 3   0   Version Number  
32 BRANCH J_1BBRANC_ J_1BBRANCH CHAR 4   0   Business Place  
33 C4EYE C4EYE_KK C4EYE_KK CHAR 2   0   Check Reason for Workflows Acc. to Dual Control Principle  
34 C4EYP C4EYP_KK C4EYP_KK CHAR 1   0   Editing Process To Be Confirmed  
35 TATYP TATYP_KK TATYP_KK CHAR 1   0   Transaction Class of Document  
36 HBBLA HBBLA_KK BLART CHAR 2   0   Document Type for Transfer to General Ledger  
37 PRTID PRTID_KK CHAR32 CHAR 32   0   Identification of Partner Message from SAP Credit Management  
38 .INCLUDE       0   0    
39 .INCLUDE       0   0   Insurance Include Doc Header  
40 .INCLUDE       0   0    
41 .INCLUDE       0   0   Public Sector: Header Data for Contract Account Document  
42 .INCLUDE       0   0    
43 .INCLUDE       0   0    
Last changed by/on SAP  20050411 
SAP Release Created in 600