SAP ABAP Interface IF_RECA_WB_OBJECT (Object (Type) in Workbench (RE80))
EA-FIN (Software Component) EA-FIN
   RE-FX (Application Component) Flexible Real Estate Management
     RE_CA_WB (Package) RE: Workbench (Object Manager)
Meta Relationship - Used By
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  CL_RECA_WB_OBJECT Browswer Object - Default Implementation 20070115
Short Description Object (Type) in Workbench (RE80)    
General Data
Package RE_CA_WB   RE: Workbench (Object Manager) 
Created 20070115   SAP 
Last changed 20100310   SAP 
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
# Type group / Object type Type Type Description
1 ABAP Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)  Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)
2 RECA1 Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)  Type group use (TYPE-POOLS tp)
Interface IF_RECA_WB_OBJECT has no interface.
Interface IF_RECA_WB_OBJECT has no friend.
# Attribute Level Visibility Read only Typing Associated Type Initial Value Description Created on
1 MS_WBTYPE Instance attribute Public Type reference (TYPE) RECAC_WBTYPE Object Type for Browser Objects 20070115
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 F4_HELP Instance method Public Method Calls Input Help for Object 20070425
2 FILL_DRAG_INFORMATION Instance method Public Method Filling of Drag Information for Drag and Drop 20071011
3 GET_ICON Instance method Public Method Gets Icon for a Workbench Object 20070125
4 GET_IDENT Instance method Public Method Gets ID of Workbench Object (for Display) 20070425
5 GET_WB_KEY Instance method Public Method Gets Identifying Key of Workbench Object 20070129
6 GUI_KEYSEL_POPUP Instance method Public Method Call Popup for Creating New Object (Key Fields) 20070125
7 GUI_OBJSEL_GET_SUBSCREEN Instance method Public Method Gets Subscreen for Object Selection 20070125
8 GUI_OBJSEL_HANDLE_FCODE Instance method Public Method Function Code Processing from Object Selection Popup 20070125
9 IS_ACTIVE Instance method Public Method Checks If Workbench Object Type of Object Is Active 20070115
10 IS_GUI_OBJSEL_SUPPORTED Instance method Public Method Is Selection Popup Supported? 20070125
Interface IF_RECA_WB_OBJECT has no event.
Interface IF_RECA_WB_OBJECT has no local type.
Method Signatures

Method F4_HELP Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ET_WB_OBJECT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RE_T_WB_OBJECT Workbench Objekte 20070425
2 Importing ID_WBIDENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RECA_WB_OBJECT-WBIDENT Identifikation eines WB Objekts 20070425
3 Importing IF_MULTI Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL ABAP_FALSE Mehrfachauswahl 20070425
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 ERROR Fehler bei der Suchhilfe aufgetreten 20070425


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Importing ID_WBIDENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RECAWBIDENT Identifikation eines WB Objekts 20071011
2 Importing IO_DATA_CONTAINER Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_RECA_DATA_CONTAINER Container mit bisherigen Drag Daten 20071011

Method FILL_DRAG_INFORMATION on Interface IF_RECA_WB_OBJECT has no exception.

Method GET_ICON Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RD_ICON Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) RECAICON Ikone mit Quickinfo 20070125

Method GET_ICON on Interface IF_RECA_WB_OBJECT has no exception.

Method GET_IDENT Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ED_WBOBJIDENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RECAWBOBJIDENT Objekt-ID eines Objekts im Browser (z.B. 0001/1/1 oder TEST) 20070425
2 Exporting ED_XOBJECT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RECADESCRIPTION Objektbezeichnung 20070425
3 Importing ID_WBIDENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RECAWBIDENT Identifikation eines WB Objekts 20070425

Method GET_IDENT on Interface IF_RECA_WB_OBJECT has no exception.

Method GET_WB_KEY Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting ED_WBIDENT Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RECAWBIDENT Identifikation eines WB Objekts 20070129
2 Exporting ED_WBOBJTYPE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) RECAWBOBJTYPE Objektart eines Objekts im Browser 20070129
3 Importing IO_OBJECT Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) OBJECT Objekt 20070129

Method GET_WB_KEY on Interface IF_RECA_WB_OBJECT has no exception.

Method GUI_KEYSEL_POPUP Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EO_OBJECT Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) OBJECT Objektreferenz 20070125
2 Importing IO_DATA_CONTAINER Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_RECA_DATA_CONTAINER Mögliche übergebene Daten 20070125
3 Importing IO_OBJECT Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) OBJECT Mögliche "Vorlage" 20070125
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 ERROR Fehler 20070125


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RS_SUBSCREEN Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) RECASCREEN Subscreen Objektauswahl 20070125

Method GUI_OBJSEL_GET_SUBSCREEN on Interface IF_RECA_WB_OBJECT has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting EO_OBJECT Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) OBJECT Objektreferenz# 20070125
2 Importing ID_FCODE Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) SYUCOMM FCode aus Objektauswahl-Popup (siehe reca2_busobj_sel_fcode) 20070125
3 Importing IF_NO_ACTION Call by reference Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL ABAP_FALSE Keine Aktionen (Anlegen, Ändern usw.) ausführen, nur eo_buso 20070125
4 Importing IO_MSGLIST Call by reference Object reference (TYPE REF TO) IF_RECA_MESSAGE_LIST Fehlerliste (wird gefüllt) 20070125
# Exception Resumable Description Created on
1 ERROR Fehler 20070125

Method IS_ACTIVE Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RF_ACTIVE Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL Aktiv 20070115

Method IS_ACTIVE on Interface IF_RECA_WB_OBJECT has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Returning RF_SUPPORTED Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ABAP_BOOL Auswahlpopup unterstützt 20070125

Method IS_GUI_OBJSEL_SUPPORTED on Interface IF_RECA_WB_OBJECT has no exception.
Last changed by/on SAP  20100310 
SAP Release Created in 700