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   CRM (Application Component) Customer Relationship Management
     CRM_APPLICATION (Package) All CRM Components Without Special Structure Packages
       FVVW (Package) Treasury Management: Securities
IMG Activity
Transaction Code S_ALR_87004374   IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUFWMCFZCT 
Created on 19981222    
Customizing Attributes SIMG_CFMENUFWMCFZCT   Define Flow Types 
Customizing Activity SIMG_CFMENUFWMCFZCT   Define flow types 
Document Class SIMG   Hypertext: Object Class - Class to which a document belongs.

In this step you define the flow types.

The cash flow and postings are controlled by two indicators, which have to be assigned to each flow type:

  • Flow category:
    The flow category controls position management and the internal program logic.
  • Calculation category:
    The calculation category controls processing in the cash flow.

The flow categories and calculation categories are predefined in the system.

Here, you define the flow types for all the flows you want to generate in the securities area. This also includes the flows that are required in transaction management. In Define Flow Types for Transaction in Customizing for securities, you define the underlying flow types for transaction management. However, you must then clearly assign the transaction flow types to the flow types defined here for transaction processing by choosing Assign Transaction Flow Types to Securities Flow Types, since position management in the securities area is based on these flow types.

Examples for flows in the cash flow

  • Purchase
  • Sale
  • Nominal interest
  • Final repayment
  • Charges

Standard settings

SAP supplies flow types for all common transactions. You can use these without making any adjustments.


Before making any changes to flow types, you are advised to print out the current status. To do this, choose Table view -> Print -> Standard list or Variable list.

Flow types are used in a variety of different Customizing tables and so you need to make the corresponding adjustments there too.

See also:


SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part.


To define new flow types, carry out the following steps:

  1. Choose New entries. The New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen appears.
  2. Enter a unique key (max. 4 characters) and a short name for the new flow type.

    You now need to enter the settings for the new flow type. These settings are divided into the following main groups:

    • Grouping
    • Effective interest
    • Settings relevant for posting
    • Other
  3. Grouping:
    1. Use the F4 help to select an appropriate flow category and calculation category, making sure that the flow category matches the calculation category.
    2. Assign the flow type to a flow type group (FlowTypeGrp).
    3. In the activity indicator field, use the F4 help to assign an activity indicator to the flow type.
    4. The activity indicator is important in the various contexts.
      In the securities area, it is included, for example, when calculating the position-relevant values, such as the book value in local currency and position currency, and the acquisition value in local currency and position currency. In doing this, the activity indicator is not solely responsible for changing the relevant values, but impacts together with the flow category defined with the flow type.
      Make sure you enter 04 for all incoming payment flows and that all the receivables flow types in the securities area are assigned activity indicator 01 (see the 'Receivables' area in the Customizing delivered with the system).
      Cash management interprets the activity indicators 01-04 as follows:
      - 01 = Debit
      - 02 = Debit
      - 03 = Credit
      - 04 = Credit
      Use the Customizing settings delivered with the system as a reference when you assign the activity indicator.
    5. Set the debit/credit indicators according to the activity indicator:

Activity indicator     Debit/credit indicator

01 Receivable    D

02 Outgoing payment    D

05 Expense    D

07 Internal debit posting    D

09 Cost center debit    D

03 Payable    C

04 Incoming payment    C

06 Revenue    C

08 Internal credit posting    C

10 Cost center credit    C

  1. Effective interest:
    1. The +/- sign field controls how the flow is considered for the effective interest calculation, for instance inflows are positive, outflows are negative.
    2. The general direction does not influence the effective rate calculation, but is relevant for the interest scale.
    3. The indicator determines whether a flow type is included in the effective interest calculation. If so, you assign a calculation category for the cash flow to the flow.
  2. Settings relevant for posting:
    1. The Posting control field indicates whether a flow type can be posted using the automatic posting function.
    2. The Incoming payment field controls the generation of incoming payment flows.
    3. The Relevant to posting indicator determines whether a flow type is relevant for posting or is only used as a statistical value (in other words, is not posted).
    4. Note: If you indicate a flow type as not relevant for posting, you do not need to make any settings for this flow type in the account determination.
  3. Other:
    1. The Relevant to CM indicator controls whether flows of this type are transferred to Cash Management. Cash Management must be active in order for this to happen.
    2. Set the Forward transaction indicator if you have a relevant flow type.

Further notes

Since setting parameters for flow types is complex, you should copy an existing flow type and make the necessary changes to it if you want to create a new flow type. We recommend that you print out the current definitions before you make any changes to the flow types. Also remember that flow types are used in various Customizing tables. If you change flow types, you must change them in all the relevant tables.

In this table you also see the flow types for the transaction. The fields are gray, since you cannot maintain these flow types here.

Business Attributes
ASAP Roadmap ID 204   Establish Functions and Processes 
Mandatory / Optional 1   Mandatory activity 
Critical / Non-Critical 1   Critical 
Country-Dependency A   Valid for all countries 
Assigned Application Components
Documentation Object Class Documentation Object Name Current line number Application Component Application Component Name
SIMG SIMG_CFMENUFWMCFZCT 0 KFM0000011 Transfer to Financial Accounting 
Maintenance Objects
Maintenance object type C   Customizing Object 
Assigned objects
Customizing Object Object Type Transaction Code Sub-object Do not Summarize Skip Subset Dialog Box Description for multiple selections
VTZB0AN V - View SM30 0000000000 Call view maintenance 
Last changed by/on SAP  20011120 
SAP Release Created in