SAP ABAP Class CL_ISHMED_DATAPROVIDER (IS-H*MED: Data Provider; Selection Services)
BBPCRM (Software Component) BBPCRM
   CRM (Application Component) Customer Relationship Management
     CRM_APPLICATION (Package) All CRM Components Without Special Structure Packages
       NORD (Package) R/3MED: Services processing EDV-G
Meta Relationship - Using
# Relationship type Using Short Description Created on
1 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  IF_ISH_CONSTANT_DEFINITION IS-H: Definition of General Constants 20031003
2 Interface implementation (CLASS c. INTERFACES i_ref)  IF_ISH_OBJECT_TYPES IS-H: Definition of Types 20050223
Meta Relationship - Used By
# Relationship type Used by Short Description Created on
1 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_ISH_MASTER_DP IS-H: Selection Services for Master Data 20020327
2 Inheritance (c INHERITING FROM c_ref)  CL_ISH_RUN_DP IS-H: Data Provider; Selection Services 20020327
Short Description IS-H*MED: Data Provider; Selection Services    
Super Class    
Instantiability of a Class 2  Public 
General Data
Message Class    
Program status     
Category 0   
Package NORD   R/3MED: Services processing EDV-G 
Created 20010504   SAP 
Last change 20050301   SAP 
Shared Memory-enabled    
Fixed point arithmetic    
Unicode checks active    
Forward declarations
Class CL_ISHMED_DATAPROVIDER has no forward declaration.
# Interface Abstract Final Description Created on
1 IF_ISH_CONSTANT_DEFINITION IS-H: Definition of General Constants 20031003
2 IF_ISH_OBJECT_TYPES IS-H: Definition of Types 20050223
Class CL_ISHMED_DATAPROVIDER has no friend class.
# Attribute Level Visibility Read only Typing Associated Type Initial Value Description Created on
1 ACTIVE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
2 CO_ADM_CAPACITY Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 009 Admission Capacity 20010612
3 CO_ALL Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 014 No Constraint 20010620
4 CO_APPLAN Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 066 Plans (Plan Release) 20041004
5 CO_APPOINTMENT Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 001 Appointment 20010612
6 CO_APPOINTMENT_PAT Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 019 Appointment - Patient 20010704
7 CO_APP_CONSTRAINT Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 053 Appointment Template 20031119
8 CO_ATT_PHYSICIAN Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 023 Attn.Phy. 20010730
9 CO_BEWTY Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 012 Movement Category 20010620
10 CO_CASE Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 022 Case 20010719
11 CO_CONTEXTTYPE_TEXT Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 026 Context Type Text 20020325
12 CO_CONTEXT_OBJ Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 027 Context - Object (Assignment) 20020402
13 CO_CORDER Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 064 Clinical Order 20031016
14 CO_DATEOFFER_MODIFY Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 063 Time Slot Modification 20030930
15 CO_DAY_PROG Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 006 Day Program 20010612
16 CO_DEP_OU Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 004 Department 20010612
17 CO_DIAGNOSE Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 020 Diagnosis 20010704
18 CO_DISPLAY_OP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
19 CO_DISPLAY_WPOOL_OP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
20 CO_DOCUMENT Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 021 Document 20010712
21 CO_DSPOBJ_APPOINTMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
22 CO_DSPOBJ_FREELINE_PLAN Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
23 CO_DSPOBJ_OPERATION Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
24 CO_EINRI Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 011 Institution 20010620
25 CO_INPATIENT_DSPTY Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 007 Inpatient Scheduling Type 20010612
26 CO_INPATIENT_DSPTY_TXT Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 008 Text for Inpatient Scheduling Types 20010612
27 CO_MEDICATION Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 065 Medication 20040322
28 CO_MODE_DELETE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
29 CO_MODE_ERROR Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
30 CO_MODE_INSERT Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
31 CO_MODE_UNCHANGED Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
32 CO_MODE_UPDATE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
33 CO_MOVEMENT Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 018 Movement 20010703
34 CO_MOVEMENT_TYPETEXT Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 013 Movement Type Text 20010620
35 CO_NONE_OO_FREELINE_PLAN Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
36 CO_NONE_OO_NBEW Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
37 CO_NONE_OO_NDOC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
38 CO_NONE_OO_NFAL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
39 CO_NONE_OO_NPAT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
40 CO_PLANNING_AUTHORITY Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 029 Planning Authority 20030827
41 CO_PREREG Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 015 Preregistration 20010621
42 CO_PROBLEM Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 067 Problem 20050113
43 CO_PROCEDURE Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 028 Procedure 20020409
44 CO_REQUEST Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 016 Request 20010626
45 CO_SERVICE Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 002 Service 20010612
46 CO_SERVICE_MASTER Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 024 Service Master Data 20020104
47 CO_SERVICE_STATETEXT Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 017 Service Status Text 20010627
48 CO_SPRAS Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 010 Language Key 20010620
49 CO_SURGERY Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 025 Surgeries 20020226
50 CO_TRANSPORT_ORDER Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 003 Transport Request 20010612
51 CO_TYPE_ADDRESS Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
52 CO_TYPE_ADM_SERVICE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
53 CO_TYPE_ANCHOR_SRV Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
54 CO_TYPE_AN_FINDING Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
55 CO_TYPE_AN_GRAPHIC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
56 CO_TYPE_AN_TEMPLATE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
57 CO_TYPE_APPLAN Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
58 CO_TYPE_APPOINTMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
59 CO_TYPE_APPOINTMENT_OFFER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
60 CO_TYPE_APPOINTMENT_SIMPLE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
61 CO_TYPE_APP_CONSTRAINT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
62 CO_TYPE_APP_CONSTRAINT_D Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
63 CO_TYPE_APP_ENVIRONMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
64 CO_TYPE_APP_OFFER_HANDLING Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
65 CO_TYPE_APP_OFFER_HANDLING_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
66 CO_TYPE_BASEITEM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
67 CO_TYPE_BASEITEMCAT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
68 CO_TYPE_BASEITEMTYPE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
69 CO_TYPE_BASIS_TEXTMODULE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
70 CO_TYPE_CASE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
71 CO_TYPE_CMETHSTA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
72 CO_TYPE_COMPCON_DWS_MEDSRV Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
73 CO_TYPE_COMPCON_MEDSRV Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
74 CO_TYPE_COMPDEF Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
75 CO_TYPE_COMPONENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
76 CO_TYPE_COMPONENT_BASE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
77 CO_TYPE_COMPONENT_CONFIG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
78 CO_TYPE_COMPONENT_CUST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
79 CO_TYPE_COMPONENT_STD Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
80 CO_TYPE_COMP_ADMISSION Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
81 CO_TYPE_COMP_COMMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
82 CO_TYPE_COMP_CONTEXT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
83 CO_TYPE_COMP_CORDER_USER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
84 CO_TYPE_COMP_DWS_MEDSRV Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
85 CO_TYPE_COMP_INSURANCE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
86 CO_TYPE_COMP_MEDSRV_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
87 CO_TYPE_COMP_MED_DATA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
88 CO_TYPE_COMP_ORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
89 CO_TYPE_COMP_ORDER_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
90 CO_TYPE_COMP_PATIENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
91 CO_TYPE_COMP_PATIENT_AGGREG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
92 CO_TYPE_COMP_PROCEDURES Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
93 CO_TYPE_COMP_RADIOLOGY Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
94 CO_TYPE_COMP_REFERRAL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
95 CO_TYPE_COMP_SERVICES Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
96 CO_TYPE_COMP_STRUCMEDREC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
97 CO_TYPE_COMP_SURGERY_CHAR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
98 CO_TYPE_COMP_SURGERY_TEAM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
99 CO_TYPE_COMP_TRANS_ORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
100 CO_TYPE_COMP_TRANS_TYPE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
101 CO_TYPE_COMP_WAITING_LIST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
102 CO_TYPE_CONFIG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
103 CO_TYPE_CONFIG_ALV_GRID Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
104 CO_TYPE_CONFIG_ALV_TREE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
105 CO_TYPE_CONFIG_HTML Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
106 CO_TYPE_CONFIG_SPLITTER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
107 CO_TYPE_CONTEXT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
108 CO_TYPE_CONTEXT_MEDSRV Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
109 CO_TYPE_CONTEXT_OBJ Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
110 CO_TYPE_CONT_CANCEL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
111 CO_TYPE_CONT_CASE_CHG_ISH Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
112 CO_TYPE_CONT_CASE_CHG_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
113 CO_TYPE_CONT_COMMON Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
114 CO_TYPE_CONT_ENVIRONMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
115 CO_TYPE_CONT_MANAGER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
116 CO_TYPE_CON_AO_LIST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
117 CO_TYPE_CON_AO_LIST_M Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
118 CO_TYPE_CON_APP_EDITOR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
119 CO_TYPE_CON_APP_EDITOR_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
120 CO_TYPE_CON_APP_EDITOR_MULTI Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
121 CO_TYPE_CON_APP_EDITOR_MULTI_M Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
122 CO_TYPE_CON_APP_EDITOR_PG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
123 CO_TYPE_CON_APP_EDITOR_PL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
124 CO_TYPE_CON_APP_LIST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
125 CO_TYPE_CON_APP_LIST_M Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
126 CO_TYPE_CON_CORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
127 CO_TYPE_CON_CORDER_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
128 CO_TYPE_CON_MEDSRV_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
129 CO_TYPE_CON_ME_EVENT_LIST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
130 CO_TYPE_CON_PLANGRID_WP014 Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
131 CO_TYPE_CON_PLANNING_GRID Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
132 CO_TYPE_CON_PLANNING_LIST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
133 CO_TYPE_CON_SCR_MEDSRV_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
134 CO_TYPE_CON_SRC_MEDSRV_WRK_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
135 CO_TYPE_CORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
136 CO_TYPE_CORDER_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
137 CO_TYPE_CORDPOS_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
138 CO_TYPE_CORDTAV Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
139 CO_TYPE_CORDTAV_GPA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
140 CO_TYPE_CORDTAV_OU Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
141 CO_TYPE_CORDTS Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
142 CO_TYPE_CORDTSTA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
143 CO_TYPE_CORDTTR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
144 CO_TYPE_CORDTTR_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
145 CO_TYPE_CORDTYP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
146 CO_TYPE_CORDTYPA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
147 CO_TYPE_CORDTYP_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
148 CO_TYPE_CUSTOMER_OBJECTS Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
149 CO_TYPE_CYCLE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
150 CO_TYPE_CYCLEDEF Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
151 CO_TYPE_DATA_OBJECT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
152 CO_TYPE_DATEOFFER_MODIFY Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
153 CO_TYPE_DAYREF_PLAN_AUTH Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
154 CO_TYPE_DD_OBJ_DISPLAY Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
155 CO_TYPE_DD_OBJ_SCR_TEAM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
156 CO_TYPE_DESEL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
157 CO_TYPE_DIAGNOSE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
158 CO_TYPE_DOCUMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
159 CO_TYPE_DRUG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
160 CO_TYPE_DRUGEVENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
161 CO_TYPE_DRUGEVENT_CONNECTION Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
162 CO_TYPE_DWS_COMP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
163 CO_TYPE_DWS_COMP_CTX Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
164 CO_TYPE_DWS_COMP_PV Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
165 CO_TYPE_DWS_COMP_WL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
166 CO_TYPE_DWS_GROUP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
167 CO_TYPE_DWS_INFO Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
168 CO_TYPE_DWS_PATIENTVIEWER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
169 CO_TYPE_DWS_PATTERN Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
170 CO_TYPE_DWS_PROCESS Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
171 CO_TYPE_DWS_PROFILE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
172 CO_TYPE_DWS_SITUATION Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
173 CO_TYPE_DYN_CONTAINER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
174 CO_TYPE_ESTAT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
175 CO_TYPE_FATTR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
176 CO_TYPE_FATTR_TYPE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
177 CO_TYPE_FATTR_VALUE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
178 CO_TYPE_FCT_AC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
179 CO_TYPE_FCT_AC_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
180 CO_TYPE_FCT_AN_FINDING Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
181 CO_TYPE_FCT_AN_TEMPLATE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
182 CO_TYPE_FCT_APPLAN Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
183 CO_TYPE_FCT_CORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
184 CO_TYPE_FCT_CORDER_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
185 CO_TYPE_FCT_DWS_MEDSRV Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
186 CO_TYPE_FCT_GL_ASSIGN Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
187 CO_TYPE_FCT_GL_BASE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
188 CO_TYPE_FCT_GL_MONITOR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
189 CO_TYPE_FCT_GL_PATH Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
190 CO_TYPE_FCT_GL_TREATMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
191 CO_TYPE_FCT_GUIDELINE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
192 CO_TYPE_FCT_MEDSRV_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
193 CO_TYPE_FCT_ME_STATUS Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
194 CO_TYPE_FCT_MVM4APP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
195 CO_TYPE_FCT_MVM4APP_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
196 CO_TYPE_FCT_PLANNING Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
197 CO_TYPE_FCT_PLANNING_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
198 CO_TYPE_FCT_STRUCMEDREC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
199 CO_TYPE_FCT_TEAM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
200 CO_TYPE_FIELD_VALUES Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
201 CO_TYPE_FREE1 Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
202 CO_TYPE_FREE2 Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
203 CO_TYPE_FREE3 Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
204 CO_TYPE_GL_BASEITEM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
205 CO_TYPE_GL_BASE_SUBTYPE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
206 CO_TYPE_GL_DESCRIPTION Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
207 CO_TYPE_GL_DIAGNOSIS Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
208 CO_TYPE_GL_PROCEDURE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
209 CO_TYPE_GL_PROPERTY Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
210 CO_TYPE_GL_SVG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
211 CO_TYPE_GL_TM_SCHEDULE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
212 CO_TYPE_GL_TM_STEP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
213 CO_TYPE_GL_URL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
214 CO_TYPE_GRID_BUTTON Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
215 CO_TYPE_GRID_BUTTONDEF Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
216 CO_TYPE_GRID_BUTTONHANDLER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
217 CO_TYPE_GRID_CELLMERGER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
218 CO_TYPE_GRID_KEYBUTTON Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
219 CO_TYPE_GRID_KEYBUTTONDEF Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
220 CO_TYPE_GRID_LISTBOXHANDLER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
221 CO_TYPE_GRID_LTXBUTTON Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
222 CO_TYPE_GRID_LTXBUTTONDEF Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
223 CO_TYPE_GRID_SELECTOR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
224 CO_TYPE_GRID_TOGGLEBUTTON Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
225 CO_TYPE_GRID_TOGGLEBUTTONDEF Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
226 CO_TYPE_GUIDELINE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
227 CO_TYPE_INPAT_ADMIS Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
228 CO_TYPE_INPAT_ADMIS_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
229 CO_TYPE_ITEM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
230 CO_TYPE_LINK Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
231 CO_TYPE_MASTER_DATA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
232 CO_TYPE_MED_SERVICE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
233 CO_TYPE_ME_AGENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
234 CO_TYPE_ME_BDCC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
235 CO_TYPE_ME_DC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
236 CO_TYPE_ME_DRUGDOC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
237 CO_TYPE_ME_EADDOC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
238 CO_TYPE_ME_EDRUG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
239 CO_TYPE_ME_EPREPDOC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
240 CO_TYPE_ME_EVENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
241 CO_TYPE_ME_FORMULARY Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
242 CO_TYPE_ME_FSOURCE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
243 CO_TYPE_ME_ODRUG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
244 CO_TYPE_ME_ORATE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
245 CO_TYPE_ME_ORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
246 CO_TYPE_ME_PRESCRIPTION Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
247 CO_TYPE_ME_PRPRINT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
248 CO_TYPE_ME_TPGROUP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
249 CO_TYPE_MOVEMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
250 CO_TYPE_MSCHED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
251 CO_TYPE_N1WPLACE_PG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
252 CO_TYPE_N1WPLACE_PG_USZ Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
253 CO_TYPE_N1WVIEW_PG_CL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
254 CO_TYPE_N1WVIEW_PG_DT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
255 CO_TYPE_N1WVIEW_PG_DT_OU Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
256 CO_TYPE_N1WVIEW_PG_OU Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
257 CO_TYPE_N1WVIEW_PG_PO Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
258 CO_TYPE_NWPLACE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
259 CO_TYPE_NWPLACET Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
260 CO_TYPE_NWPLACET_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
261 CO_TYPE_NWPLACE_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
262 CO_TYPE_NWVIEW Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
263 CO_TYPE_NWVIEWT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
264 CO_TYPE_NWVIEWT_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
265 CO_TYPE_NWVIEW_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
266 CO_TYPE_OFFICE_DOCUMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
267 CO_TYPE_OUTPAT_VISIT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
268 CO_TYPE_OUTPAT_VISIT_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
269 CO_TYPE_PATIENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
270 CO_TYPE_PLANNING_GRID Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
271 CO_TYPE_PLANNING_LIST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
272 CO_TYPE_PLANNING_LIST_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
273 CO_TYPE_PRC_AC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
274 CO_TYPE_PRC_AC_DIALOG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
275 CO_TYPE_PRC_AC_DIALOG_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
276 CO_TYPE_PRC_AC_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
277 CO_TYPE_PRC_ADMISSION Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
278 CO_TYPE_PRC_APPLAN Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
279 CO_TYPE_PRC_APPLAN_DIALOG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
280 CO_TYPE_PRC_COMMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
281 CO_TYPE_PRC_CORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
282 CO_TYPE_PRC_CORDER_AGGREG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
283 CO_TYPE_PRC_CORDER_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
284 CO_TYPE_PRC_INSURANCE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
285 CO_TYPE_PRC_MEDSRV_DIALOG_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
286 CO_TYPE_PRC_MEDSRV_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
287 CO_TYPE_PRC_MED_DATA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
288 CO_TYPE_PRC_ME_ADMIN_EVENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
289 CO_TYPE_PRC_ME_ORDER_DIALOG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
290 CO_TYPE_PRC_ME_STATUS Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
291 CO_TYPE_PRC_MVM4APP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
292 CO_TYPE_PRC_MVM4APP_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
293 CO_TYPE_PRC_ORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
294 CO_TYPE_PRC_PATIENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
295 CO_TYPE_PRC_PLANNING Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
296 CO_TYPE_PRC_PLANNING_DIALOG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
297 CO_TYPE_PRC_PLANNING_DIALOG_MD Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
298 CO_TYPE_PRC_PLANNING_FUNC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
299 CO_TYPE_PRC_PLANNING_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
300 CO_TYPE_PRC_POPUP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
301 CO_TYPE_PRC_POPUP_GPOE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
302 CO_TYPE_PRC_PROCEDURES Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
303 CO_TYPE_PRC_RADIOLOGY Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
304 CO_TYPE_PRC_REFERRAL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
305 CO_TYPE_PRC_SERVICES Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
306 CO_TYPE_PRC_SET_CASE_REF Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
307 CO_TYPE_PRC_SET_CASE_REF_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
308 CO_TYPE_PRC_STRUCMEDREC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
309 CO_TYPE_PRC_STRUCMEDREC_DIALOG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
310 CO_TYPE_PRC_SURGERY_CHAR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
311 CO_TYPE_PRC_SURGERY_TEAM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
312 CO_TYPE_PRC_TEAM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
313 CO_TYPE_PRC_TRANS_ORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
314 CO_TYPE_PRC_TRANS_TYPE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
315 CO_TYPE_PRC_WAITING_LIST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
316 CO_TYPE_PREREG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
317 CO_TYPE_PREREG_DIAGNOSIS Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
318 CO_TYPE_PREREG_PROCEDURE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
319 CO_TYPE_PRESCRIPTION Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
320 CO_TYPE_PROBLEM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
321 CO_TYPE_PROCEDURE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
322 CO_TYPE_PROGRESS_DOCUMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
323 CO_TYPE_PROGRESS_ENTRY Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
324 CO_TYPE_PROV_INSURANCE_POLICY Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
325 CO_TYPE_PROV_PATIENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
326 CO_TYPE_RADIOLOGY Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
327 CO_TYPE_REQUEST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
328 CO_TYPE_RUN_DATA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
329 CO_TYPE_SCREEN Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
330 CO_TYPE_SCREEN_COLLAPSIBLE_STD Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
331 CO_TYPE_SCREEN_CUST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
332 CO_TYPE_SCREEN_STD Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
333 CO_TYPE_SCRM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
334 CO_TYPE_SCR_AC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
335 CO_TYPE_SCR_AC_D Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
336 CO_TYPE_SCR_AC_D_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
337 CO_TYPE_SCR_AC_HANDLER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
338 CO_TYPE_SCR_AC_HANDLER_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
339 CO_TYPE_SCR_AC_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
340 CO_TYPE_SCR_ADMISSION Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
341 CO_TYPE_SCR_ALV_CONTROL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
342 CO_TYPE_SCR_ALV_GRID Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
343 CO_TYPE_SCR_ALV_GRID_SIMPLE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
344 CO_TYPE_SCR_ALV_TREE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
345 CO_TYPE_SCR_APPDTZT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
346 CO_TYPE_SCR_APPLAN Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
347 CO_TYPE_SCR_APPOINTMENT_LIST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
348 CO_TYPE_SCR_APPTXT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
349 CO_TYPE_SCR_APP_AO_LIST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
350 CO_TYPE_SCR_APP_AO_LIST_M Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
351 CO_TYPE_SCR_APP_BASIC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
352 CO_TYPE_SCR_APP_BASIC_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
353 CO_TYPE_SCR_APP_COMMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
354 CO_TYPE_SCR_APP_DATA_HANDLER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
355 CO_TYPE_SCR_APP_DATA_HANDLER_M Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
356 CO_TYPE_SCR_APP_NOTIFICATION Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
357 CO_TYPE_SCR_APP_NOTIF_PROT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
358 CO_TYPE_SCR_APP_NOTIF_PROT_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
359 CO_TYPE_SCR_APP_PROTOCOL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
360 CO_TYPE_SCR_CAUSE_CHANGE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
361 CO_TYPE_SCR_COMMENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
362 CO_TYPE_SCR_COMPCON_MEDSRV Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
363 CO_TYPE_SCR_CONTEXT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
364 CO_TYPE_SCR_CONTROL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
365 CO_TYPE_SCR_CORDER_GPOE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
366 CO_TYPE_SCR_CORDER_USER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
367 CO_TYPE_SCR_CORDHEAD_COLL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
368 CO_TYPE_SCR_CORDHEAD_DETAIL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
369 CO_TYPE_SCR_CORDHEAD_SHORT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
370 CO_TYPE_SCR_CORDPOS_APP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
371 CO_TYPE_SCR_CORDPOS_CASE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
372 CO_TYPE_SCR_CORDPOS_COLL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
373 CO_TYPE_SCR_CORDPOS_DETAIL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
374 CO_TYPE_SCR_CORDPOS_SHORT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
375 CO_TYPE_SCR_CORDPOS_SHORT_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
376 CO_TYPE_SCR_CORD_DESEL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
377 CO_TYPE_SCR_CYCLE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
378 CO_TYPE_SCR_DIV_HW Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
379 CO_TYPE_SCR_DWS_CCON_MEDSRV Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
380 CO_TYPE_SCR_DWS_MEDSRV Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
381 CO_TYPE_SCR_DWS_MEDSRV_PROP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
382 CO_TYPE_SCR_DWS_MEDSRV_WORK Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
383 CO_TYPE_SCR_HTML Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
384 CO_TYPE_SCR_INSURANCE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
385 CO_TYPE_SCR_LISTBOX Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
386 CO_TYPE_SCR_MEDSRV_CTX Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
387 CO_TYPE_SCR_MEDSRV_HITLS_DEF Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
388 CO_TYPE_SCR_MEDSRV_HITLS_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
389 CO_TYPE_SCR_MEDSRV_INFO_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
390 CO_TYPE_SCR_MEDSRV_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
391 CO_TYPE_SCR_MEDSRV_PRE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
392 CO_TYPE_SCR_MEDSRV_PROP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
393 CO_TYPE_SCR_MEDSRV_WORK_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
394 CO_TYPE_SCR_MED_DATA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
395 CO_TYPE_SCR_MED_TEXT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
396 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_ADDITIVE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
397 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_AGENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
398 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_AGENT_GRID Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
399 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_DA_EMARTAB Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
400 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_DOSECALC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
401 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_DOSECALC_COMP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
402 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_DOSECALC_IV Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
403 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_DOSEC_HEAD Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
404 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EMAR_ADDINFO Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
405 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EMAR_DOCHD Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
406 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EMAR_HDR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
407 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EMAR_MDA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
408 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EMAR_MDA_GRID Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
409 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EMAR_SIG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
410 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EMAR_STD Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
411 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EVENT_DATA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
412 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EVENT_GRID Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
413 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EVENT_LIST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
414 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EVENT_LIST_OS Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
415 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EXPORDERH Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
416 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_EXTEMP_COMP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
417 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_INFUSION Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
418 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_INGRED_GRID Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
419 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_ORADE_GRID Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
420 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_ORATE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
421 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_ORATE_PCA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
422 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_ORATE_VOL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
423 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_ORDER_DETAIL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
424 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_ORDER_GRID Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
425 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_PRESCR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
426 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_PUMPRATE_GRID Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
427 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_RATE_CHANGE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
428 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_SHOW_TIMELINE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
429 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_STANDARD Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
430 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_TMPL_DESCR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
431 CO_TYPE_SCR_ME_TPN Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
432 CO_TYPE_SCR_ORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
433 CO_TYPE_SCR_ORDER_MED Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
434 CO_TYPE_SCR_PARTNER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
435 CO_TYPE_SCR_PATIENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
436 CO_TYPE_SCR_PATIENT_ADDON Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
437 CO_TYPE_SCR_PATIENT_AGGREG Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
438 CO_TYPE_SCR_PATIENT_COLLAPS Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
439 CO_TYPE_SCR_PAT_HTML_HEADER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
440 CO_TYPE_SCR_PLANNER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
441 CO_TYPE_SCR_PLN_LIST_APP_DET Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
442 CO_TYPE_SCR_PLN_LIST_TABSTR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
443 CO_TYPE_SCR_PRIO_TRANSP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
444 CO_TYPE_SCR_PROCEDURES Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
445 CO_TYPE_SCR_PUSHBUTTON Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
446 CO_TYPE_SCR_RADIOLOGY Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
447 CO_TYPE_SCR_REFERRAL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
448 CO_TYPE_SCR_REGISTER_PATIENT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
449 CO_TYPE_SCR_SERVICES Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
450 CO_TYPE_SCR_SERVICE_DETAIL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
451 CO_TYPE_SCR_SPLITTER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
452 CO_TYPE_SCR_SPLITTER_SIMPLE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
453 CO_TYPE_SCR_STRUCMEDREC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
454 CO_TYPE_SCR_SURGERY_CHAR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
455 CO_TYPE_SCR_SURGERY_TEAM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
456 CO_TYPE_SCR_TABSTRIP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
457 CO_TYPE_SCR_TASK Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
458 CO_TYPE_SCR_TEAM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
459 CO_TYPE_SCR_TRANS_ORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
460 CO_TYPE_SCR_TRANS_TYPE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
461 CO_TYPE_SCR_WAITING_LIST Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
462 CO_TYPE_SCR_WDISP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
463 CO_TYPE_SCR_WPTINP Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
464 CO_TYPE_SNAPSHOT_HANDLING Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
465 CO_TYPE_SRV_CHOICE_LIST_CONT Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
466 CO_TYPE_STATUS Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
467 CO_TYPE_STRUCMEDREC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
468 CO_TYPE_STRUCTURE_MEDREC Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
469 CO_TYPE_STSMA Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
470 CO_TYPE_SURGERY Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
471 CO_TYPE_TEAM Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
472 CO_TYPE_TRANSPORT_ORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
473 CO_TYPE_TRANS_ORDER Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
474 CO_TYPE_URL Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
475 CO_TYPE_VITPAR Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
476 CO_TYPE_WL_ABSENCE Instance attribute Protected Attribute reference (LIKE) 20050223
477 CO_VCODE_DISPLAY Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
478 CO_VCODE_INSERT Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
479 CO_VCODE_UPDATE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
480 CO_VITALPARAMETERS Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 026 Vital Signs 20020328
481 CO_WEEK_PROG Constant Protected Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE 005 Week Program 20010612
482 CV_AUSTRIA Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
483 CV_CANADA Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
484 CV_FRANCE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
485 CV_GERMANY Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
486 CV_ITALY Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
487 CV_NETHERLANDS Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
488 CV_SINGAPORE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
489 CV_SPAIN Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
490 CV_SWITZERLAND Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
491 FALSE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
492 GT_ANCHOR_NLEI Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEI_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEI_OP 20020226
493 GT_ANCHOR_NLEM Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEM_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEM_OP 20020226
494 GT_AN_ANCHOR_NLEI Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEI_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEI_OP 20020226
495 GT_AN_ANCHOR_NLEM Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEM_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEM_OP 20020226
496 GT_BUFFERED_INFORMATION Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_BUFFERD_INFORMATION Information for Buffered Data 20010509
497 GT_CONTEXT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISH_T_CONTEXT IS-H: Contexts (with Assignment and Type and Status Data) 20020402
498 GT_DAYPGM_FOR_DATE_POB Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1DATPOBTGP Day Program per Date and Planning Object 20021025
499 GT_DRAW Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_DRAW IS-H*MED Table Type DRAW 20030717
500 GT_INTRAOP_SRV_NLEI Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEI_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEI_OP 20020226
501 GT_INTRAOP_SRV_NLEM Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEM_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEM_OP 20020226
502 GT_N1ANF Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1ANF Requests 20010626
503 GT_N1ANFTYP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1ANFTYP Request Categories 20010620
504 GT_N1ANF_OP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_N1ANF_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_N1anf_OP 20020318
505 GT_N1APCN Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1APCN Appointment Templates 20031119
506 GT_N1APPLAN Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1APPLAN Task Lists 20040913
507 GT_N1BEZY Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1BEZY Buffered Cycles 20020916
508 GT_N1CORDER Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1CORDER IS-H*Med: Table Type VN1CORDER 20031016
509 GT_N1CORDTYP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_CORDTYP Table Type for N1CORDTYP 20040127
510 GT_N1CORDTYPT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_CORDTYPT Table Type for N1CORDTYPT 20040127
511 GT_N1EDIVKADOKSTAT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1EDIVKADOKSTAT Table Type for N1EDIVKADOKSTAT 20080122
512 GT_N1FAT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1FAT Buffered Transport Orders 20010522
513 GT_N1LSSTT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1LSSTT Service Status Text 20010627
514 GT_N1LSSTZ_OP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_N1LSSTZ_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_N1LSSTZ_OP 20020226
515 GT_N1MEEVENT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1MEEVENT IS-H*MED: Medication Event, Table Type for N1MEEVENT 20040322
516 GT_N1MEORDER Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1MEORDER IS-H*MED: Table Type for n1meorder 20040322
517 GT_N1PLATH Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1PLATH Day-Related Planning Authority 20021025
518 GT_N1PTI Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1PTI Inpatient Admission Scheduling Types 20010605
519 GT_N1PTIT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1PTIT Description for Inpatient Admission Scheduling Types 20010605
520 GT_N1STRUCMEDREC Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1STRUCMEDREC Table Type for Structured Med. Patient Record 20050202
521 GT_N1STRUCMEDRECCAT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1STRUCMEDRECCAT IS-H*MED: Table Type for Health Problems Catalog 20050215
522 GT_N1STRUCMEDRECOBJ Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1STRUCMEDRECOBJ Table Type for Structured Med Pat Record Assign. 20050113
523 GT_N1TPGA Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1TPGA Admission Capacities 20010605
524 GT_N1TPGO Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1TPGO Planning Authority 20021025
525 GT_N1VKG Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1VKG Preregistrations 20010621
526 GT_N1VKG_CO Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1VKG Clinical Order Items 20031020
527 GT_N1VKG_OP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_N1VKG_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_N1VKG_OP 20020318
528 GT_N1VP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1VP Vital Signs 20020311
529 GT_N1XLEI Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1XLEI GT_N1XLEI 20020416
530 GT_N2DO_HAUPT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_RN2N2DO IS-H*MED: Table Type N2DO 20020319
531 GT_N2DO_NEBEN Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_RN2N2DO IS-H*MED: Table Type N2DO 20020319
532 GT_NAPP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNAPP Buffered Resource Commitments 20010509
533 GT_NATM Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNATM IS-H*MED: Table Type NATM 20030930
534 GT_NBEW Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISH_YT_VNBEW IS-H: Table Movement Data Update 20010703
535 GT_NCTO Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISH_T_RNCTO_CNT IS-H: Context-to-Object Assignment (with Counter/Number) 20020402
536 GT_NCTX Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISH_T_NCTX IS-H*MED: Table Type Contexts 20020402
537 GT_NCXST Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NCXST IS-H: Table Type for Context Statuses 20020327
538 GT_NCXSTT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NCXSTT IS-H: Table Type for Name of Context Statuses 20020327
539 GT_NCXTY Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_CONTEXTTYP IS-H*MED: Table Type for Context Type 20020325
540 GT_NCXTYT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NCXTYT IS-H*MED: Table Type for NCXTYT 20020325
541 GT_NDIA Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNDIA Buffered Diagnoses 20010529
542 GT_NDOC Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RNDOC Documents 20010712
543 GT_NFAL Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NFAL Buffered Cases 20010529
544 GT_NFPZ Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNFPZ IS-H: Assignment of a Case to a Person 20010730
545 GT_NICP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISH_NICP_TAB IS-H: Table with Procedures 20020409
546 GT_NICP_OP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NICP_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NICP_OP 20020409
547 GT_NKDI Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NKDI IS-H*MED: Table Type - Table NKDI 20040422
548 GT_NLEI Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNLEI_HASH Buffered Services 20010509
549 GT_NLEI_ADM Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNLEI_HASH IS-H Services 20061025
550 GT_NLEM Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNLEM_HASH Buffered Services, Med. 20010509
551 GT_NLICZ_OP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLICZ_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLICZ_OP 20020226
552 GT_NLLZ Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNLLZ Buffered Assignment 20020916
553 GT_NLLZ_OP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLLZ_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLLZ_OP 20020226
554 GT_NOCTY Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NOCTY IS-H*MED: Table Type for Context Type - Object Type Assignmt 20020329
555 GT_NORG Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NORG Organizational Units 20020524
556 GT_NPOB Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NPOB Planning Objects 20010611
557 GT_NPRT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NPRT GT_NPRT 20020409
558 GT_NPRTL Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NPRTL GT_NPRTL 20020416
559 GT_NPRTO Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NPRTO GT_NPRTO 20020412
560 GT_NPRTT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NPRTT GT_NPRTT 20020409
561 GT_NPRTV Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NPRTV GT_NPRTV 20020412
562 GT_NTMN Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNTMN Buffered Appointments 20010509
563 GT_NTMN_CO Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNTMN Clinical Order Appointments 20031023
564 GT_NTPGK Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NTPGK Day Programs for Admission Planning 20010605
565 GT_NTPGP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NTPGP Day Program 20021025
566 GT_NTPK Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NTPK Service Master Data 20020104
567 GT_NWPG Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NWPG Week Program for Admission Planning 20010605
568 GT_POSTOP_SRV_NLEI Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEI_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEI_OP 20020226
569 GT_POSTOP_SRV_NLEM Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEM_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEM_OP 20020226
570 GT_PREOP_SRV_NLEI Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEI_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEI_OP 20020226
571 GT_PREOP_SRV_NLEM Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEM_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEM_OP 20020226
572 GT_SCND_OP_SRV_NLEI Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEI_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEI_OP 20020226
573 GT_SCND_OP_SRV_NLEM Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEM_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEM_OP 20020226
574 GT_SEL_CASP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_CASP Selection: Cases 20010720
575 GT_SEL_CONTEXT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_CONTEXT Selection: Contexts for Objects 20020402
576 GT_SEL_CORDTYPID Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_CORDTYPID Selection: Read Cord Type 20040127
577 GT_SEL_EDIVKADOKSTAT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_EDIVKADOKSTAT Selection: Read EDIVKADOKSTAT 20080122
578 GT_SEL_ME_ROFC Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RM Selection: Medication: Read Orders For Cases 20040322
579 GT_SEL_OP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_OP Selection: Read Surgery Data 20020227
580 GT_SEL_PLAN Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_PLAN Selection: Plans 20040913
581 GT_SEL_PREREG_OU Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_PREREG_OU GT_SEL_PREREG_OU 20020417
582 GT_SEL_PREREG_SRV Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_PREREG_SRV GT_SEL_PREREG_SRV 20020415
583 GT_SEL_PREREG_TYPES Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_PREREG_TYPES GT_SEL_PREREG_TYPES 20020415
584 GT_SEL_PRTID Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_PRTID GT_SEL_PRTID 20020409
585 GT_SEL_RAC Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RAC Selection: Read Admission Capacity 20010710
586 GT_SEL_RADD Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RADD Selection: Read Appointment Dependent Data 20010705
587 GT_SEL_RAFP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RAFP Selection: Read Appointments For Patient 20010710
588 GT_SEL_RAP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RAP Selection: Read Admission App 20010710
589 GT_SEL_RAPFC Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RM Selection: Read Att. Physician For Cases 20010730
590 GT_SEL_RCFO Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RCFO Selection: Read Context For Objects 20020329
591 GT_SEL_RCOP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RCOP Selection Read COrder 20031016
592 GT_SEL_RCS Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RCS Selection: Read Context Status 20020327
593 GT_SEL_RCT Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RCT Selection: Read Context Type Text 20020325
594 GT_SEL_RCUFD Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RCUFD Selection: Read Care Unit For Department 20020524
595 GT_SEL_RD Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RAFP Selection: Read Documents 20010712
596 GT_SEL_RDFC Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RM Selection: Read Diagnosis For Cases 20010710
597 GT_SEL_RDFDP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RDFDP Selection: ReadDaypgmForDatePob 20030717
598 GT_SEL_RDM Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RDM Selection Time Slot Modification 20030930
599 GT_SEL_RID Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RID Selection: Read Inpatient Schedule Type 20010710
600 GT_SEL_RM Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RM Selection: Read Movements 20010710
601 GT_SEL_ROFC Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_ROFC Selection: Read Object For Context 20020503
602 GT_SEL_RPAFA Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RPAFA Selection: Read Prereg App For Adm 20010709
603 GT_SEL_RPAP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RPAP GT_SEL_RPAP 20010719
604 GT_SEL_RPFP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_RPFP Selection: ReadPobForPlanoe 20030701
605 GT_SEL_RPLA Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_RPLA Selection: Read Planning Authority 20021025
606 GT_SEL_RPO Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RPO Selection: Read Planning Object 20020709
607 GT_SEL_RR Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RAFP Selection: Read Requests 20010711
608 GT_SEL_RS Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RAFP Selection: Read Services 20010712
609 GT_SEL_RSUR Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_RAFP Selection: Read Surgeries 20020123
610 GT_SEL_SERV_M Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_SERV_M Selection: Service Master 20020104
611 GT_SEL_TN11O Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_TN11O Selection: Read TN11O 20050606
612 GT_SEL_VITAL Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_SEL_VITAL Selection Vital Signs 20020328
613 GT_SRV_NLEI Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEI_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEI_OP 20020226
614 GT_SRV_NLEI_NEBEN Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEI_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEI_OP 20020322
615 GT_SRV_NLEM Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEM_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEM_OP 20020226
616 GT_SRV_NLEM_NEBEN Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1PO_NLEM_OP IS-H*MED: Table Type RN1PO_NLEM_OP 20020322
617 GT_TEMP Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_TEMP Table for Data in Intermediate Memory 20010625
618 GT_TMNID Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) TYT_TMNID ASDF 20010710
619 GT_TN10H Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_TN10H Hierarchy of Organizational Units 20020524
620 GT_TN10I Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_TN10I Inter-Departmental Bed Assignment 20020524
621 GT_TN11O Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_TN11O IS-H*MED: Building Unit-to-Organizational Unit Assignment 20050606
622 GT_TN14U Static Attribute Protected Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_TN14U Movement Type Text 20010619
623 INACTIVE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
624 NO Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
625 OFF Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20031003
626 ON Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20031003
627 TRUE Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
628 YES Instance attribute Public Attribute reference (LIKE) 20041206
# Method Level Visibility Method type Description Created on
1 ADJUST_APPOINTMENTS_MEMORY Static method Public Method Compare Data with Memory 20010530
2 ADJUST_BUFFER Static method Protected Method Adjust Buffer 20010509
3 ADJUST_BUFFER_FROM_MEMORY Static method Protected Method Work Memory Data into the Buffer 20010625
4 ADJUST_DATAS_MEMORY Static method Public Method Compare Data with Memory 20010530
5 ADJUST_INFORMATION Static method Protected Method Info 20010608
6 ADJUST_PATIENT_PROVI_MEMORY Static method Public Method Compare Provisional Patient with Memory 20010804
7 ADJUST_PREREGISTRATIONS_MEMORY Static method Public Method Compare Preregistrations with Memory 20010804
8 ADJUST_SERVICES_MEMORY Static method Public Method Compare Services with Memory 20010530
9 CHECK_SELECTION Static method Protected Method Check Whether Selection has Already Run 20010709
10 FILL_RANGETAB_EXT_SRV_STATES Static method Protected Method Fill Range Tab with Ext. Service Status 20010509
11 REFRESH_BUFFER Static method Public Method (Partially) Initialize Buffer 20010525
12 RESET_BUFFER_FROM_MEMORY Static method Protected Method Delete Data of the Memory from the Buffer 20010626
Class CL_ISHMED_DATAPROVIDER has no event.
# Type Visibility Typing Associated Type Description Created on Type Source
1 TYT_BEHFA Protected See coding Table Type for Treating Department 20010612 tyt_behfa TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_behfa
2 TYT_CONTEXTTYPE Protected See coding TYT_CONTEXTTYPE 20020325 tyt_contexttype TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_contexttype
3 TYT_CONTEXT_STATUS Protected See coding TYT_CONTEXT_STATUS 20020327 tyt_context_status TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_context_status
4 TYT_FALNR Protected See coding TYT_FALNR 20010704 tyt_falnr TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_falnr
5 TYT_INPATIENT_DSPTY Protected See coding Table Type for Outpatient Scheduling Type 20010620 tyt_inpatient_dspty TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_inpatient_dspty
6 TYT_PLAN Protected See coding Selection: Plans 20040913 tyt_plan TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_plan
7 TYT_POBNR_INFO Protected See coding Table Type for Planning Object Number 20010612 tyt_pobnr_info TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_pobnr_info
8 TYT_RPFP Protected See coding Selection: ReadPobForPlanoe 20030701 tyt_rpfp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_rpfp
9 TYT_RPLA Protected See coding Selection: Read Planning Authority 20021025 tyt_rpla TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_rpla
10 TYT_SEL_CASP Protected See coding TYT_SEL_CASP 20010720 tyt_sel_casp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_casp
11 TYT_SEL_CONTEXT Protected See coding TYT_SEL_CONTEXT 20020402 tyt_sel_context TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_context
12 TYT_SEL_CORDTYPID Protected See coding TYT_SEL_CORDTYPID 20040127 tyt_sel_cordtypid TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_cordtypid
13 TYT_SEL_EDIVKADOKSTAT Protected See coding 20080122 tyt_sel_edivkadokstat TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_edivkadokstat
14 TYT_SEL_OP Protected See coding TYT_SEL_OP 20020227 tyt_sel_op TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_op
15 TYT_SEL_PREREG_OU Protected See coding TYT_SEL_PREREG_OU 20020417 tyt_sel_prereg_ou TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_prereg_ou
16 TYT_SEL_PREREG_SRV Protected See coding TYT_SEL_PREREG_SRV 20020415 tyt_sel_prereg_srv TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_prereg_srv
17 TYT_SEL_PREREG_TYPES Protected See coding TYT_SEL_PREREG_TYPES 20020415 tyt_sel_prereg_types TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_prereg_types
18 TYT_SEL_PRTID Protected See coding TYT_SEL_PRTID 20020409 tyt_sel_prtid TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_prtid
19 TYT_SEL_RAC Protected See coding TYT_SEL_RAC 20010710 tyt_sel_rac TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rac
20 TYT_SEL_RADD Protected See coding TYT_SEL_RADD 20010705 tyt_sel_radd TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_radd
21 TYT_SEL_RAFP Protected See coding TYT_SEL_RAFP 20010710 tyt_sel_rafp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rafp
22 TYT_SEL_RAP Protected See coding TYT_SEL_RAP 20010710 tyt_sel_rap TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rap
23 TYT_SEL_RCFO Protected See coding TYT_SEL_RCFO 20020329 tyt_sel_rcfo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rcfo
24 TYT_SEL_RCOP Protected See coding TYT_SEL_RCOP 20031016 tyt_sel_rcop TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rcop
25 TYT_SEL_RCS Protected See coding TYT_SEL_RCS 20020327 tyt_sel_rcs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rcs
26 TYT_SEL_RCT Protected See coding Selection: Read Context Type Text 20020325 tyt_sel_rct TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rct
27 TYT_SEL_RCUFD Protected See coding Selection: Read Care Unit For Department 20020524 tyt_sel_rcufd TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rcufd
28 TYT_SEL_RDFDP Protected See coding Selection: ReadDaypgmForDatePob 20030717 tyt_sel_rdfdp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rdfdp
29 TYT_SEL_RDM Protected See coding Selektion: ReadDateofferModificationForPobDate 20030930 tyt_sel_rdm TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rdm
30 TYT_SEL_RID Protected See coding TYT_SEL_RID 20010710 tyt_sel_rid TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rid
31 TYT_SEL_RM Protected See coding TYT_SEL_RM 20010710 tyt_sel_rm TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rm
32 TYT_SEL_ROFC Protected See coding TYT_SEL_ROFC 20020503 tyt_sel_rofc TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rofc
33 TYT_SEL_RPAFA Protected See coding TYT_SEL_RPAFA 20010709 tyt_sel_rpafa TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rpafa
34 TYT_SEL_RPAP Protected See coding TYT_SEL_RPAP 20010719 tyt_sel_rpap TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rpap
35 TYT_SEL_RPO Protected See coding Selection: Read Planning Object 20020709 tyt_sel_rpo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_rpo
36 TYT_SEL_SERV_M Protected See coding TYT_SEL_SERV_M 20020104 tyt_sel_serv_m TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_serv_m
37 TYT_SEL_TN11O Protected See coding 20050606 tyt_sel_tn11o TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_tn11o
38 TYT_SEL_VITAL Protected See coding TYT_SEL_VITAL 20020328 tyt_sel_vital TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sel_vital
39 TYT_TEMP Protected See coding TYT_TEMP 20010625 tyt_temp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_temp
40 TYT_TMNID Protected See coding TYT_TMNID 20010612 tyt_tmnid TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_tmnid
41 TYT_TMN_PAT Protected See coding TYT_TMN_PAT 20010704 tyt_tmn_pat TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_tmn_pat
42 TYT_VKG Protected See coding Table Type for Preregistrations (INSTI, PREID) 20010621 tyt_vkg TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_vkg
43 TY_ANFTY Protected See coding TY_ANFTY 20010620 BEGIN OF ty_anfty, anfty TYPE n1anftyp-anfty, END OF ty_anfty
44 TY_BEHFA Protected See coding Treating Department 20010612 BEGIN OF ty_behfa, behfa TYPE n1tpga-behfa, END OF ty_behfa
45 TY_BWART_TEXT Protected See coding TY_BWART_TEXT 20010620 BEGIN OF ty_bwart_text, spras TYPE tn14u-spras, einri TYPE tn14u-einri, bewty TYPE tn14u-bewty, bwart TYPE tn14u-bwart, END OF ty_bwart_text
46 TY_CONTEXTTYPE Protected See coding TY_CONTEXTTYPE 20020325 BEGIN OF ty_contexttype, cxtyp TYPE ncxty-cxtyp, END OF ty_contexttype
47 TY_CONTEXT_STATUS Protected See coding TY_CONTEXT_STATUS 20020327 BEGIN OF ty_context_status, cxtyp TYPE ncxty-cxtyp, cxsta TYPE ncxst-cxsta, END OF ty_context_status
48 TY_FALNR Protected See coding TY_FALNR 20010704 BEGIN OF ty_falnr, falnr TYPE nbew-falnr, END OF ty_falnr
49 TY_INPATIENT_DSPTY Protected See coding Inpatient Scheduling Type 20010620 BEGIN OF ty_inpatient_dspty, spras TYPE n1ptit-spras, einri TYPE n1ptit-einri, ptinp TYPE n1pti-ptinp, END OF ty_inpatient_dspty
50 TY_PLAN Protected See coding Selection: Plans 20040913 BEGIN OF ty_plan, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, pobnrs TYPE ishmed_t_pobnr, pobnrs_x TYPE ish_move_field, orgids TYPE ishmed_t_orgid, orgids_x TYPE ish_move_field, dates TYPE ishmed_t_date, dates_x TYPE ish_move_field, time TYPE sy-uzeit, time_x TYPE ish_move_field, time_to TYPE sy-uzeit, time_to_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_plan
51 TY_POBNR_INFO Protected See coding Planning Object Number 20010612 BEGIN OF ty_pobnr_info, pobnr TYPE npob-pobnr, yearcw TYPE rn1yearcw, END OF ty_pobnr_info
52 TY_RPFP Protected See coding Selection: ReadPobForPlanoe 20030701 BEGIN OF ty_rpfp, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, orgids TYPE ishmed_t_orgid, orgids_x TYPE ish_move_field, dates TYPE ishmed_t_date, dates_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_rpfp
53 TY_RPLA Protected See coding Selection: Read Planning Authority 20021025 BEGIN OF ty_rpla, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, pobnrs TYPE ishmed_t_pobnr, pobnrs_x TYPE ish_move_field, orgids TYPE ishmed_t_orgid, orgids_x TYPE ish_move_field, dates TYPE ishmed_t_date, dates_x TYPE ish_move_field, res_date TYPE ishmed_t_resource_date, res_date_x TYPE ish_move_field, active TYPE ish_on_off, active_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_rpla
54 TY_SEL_CASP Protected See coding TY_SEL_CASP 20010720 BEGIN OF ty_sel_casp, info TYPE ty_sel_info, patnrs TYPE ishmed_t_patnr, patnrs_x TYPE ish_move_field, einri TYPE RANGE OF tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, cancelled_datas TYPE rnt40-mark, cancelled_datas_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_casp
55 TY_SEL_CONTEXT Protected See coding TY_SEL_CONTEXT 20020402 BEGIN OF ty_sel_context, info TYPE ty_sel_info, object TYPE ishmed_t_cx_objects, object_x TYPE ish_move_field, cancelled_datas TYPE rnt40-mark, cancelled_datas_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_context
56 TY_SEL_CORDTYPID Protected See coding TY_SEL_CORDTYPID 20040127 BEGIN OF ty_sel_cordtypid, info TYPE ty_sel_info, cordtypids TYPE ishmed_t_cordtypid, cordtypids_x TYPE ish_move_field, spras TYPE spras, spras_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_cordtypid
57 TY_SEL_EDIVKADOKSTAT Protected See coding 20080122 BEGIN OF ty_sel_edivkadokstat, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, dtid TYPE n2_dtid, dtid_x TYPE ish_move_field, dtvers TYPE n2_vers, dtvers_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_edivkadokstat
58 TY_SEL_INFO Protected See coding TY_SEL_INFO 20010705 BEGIN OF ty_sel_info, method(30) TYPE c, object_types TYPE ishmed_t_n1object_type, buffer TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_info
59 TY_SEL_OP Protected See coding TY_SEL_OP 20020227 BEGIN OF ty_sel_op, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE RANGE OF tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, lnrls TYPE ishmed_t_lnrls, lnrls_x TYPE ish_move_field, cancelled_datas TYPE rnt40-mark, cancelled_datas_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_op
60 TY_SEL_PREREG_OU Protected See coding TY_SEL_PREREG_OU 20020417 BEGIN OF ty_sel_prereg_ou, info TYPE ty_sel_info, prtids TYPE ishmed_t_prtid, prtids_x TYPE ish_move_field, etroe TYPE n1vkg-etroe, etroe_x TYPE ish_move_field, erboe TYPE n1vkg-orgid, erboe_x TYPE ish_move_field, date TYPE sy-datum, date_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_prereg_ou
61 TY_SEL_PREREG_SRV Protected See coding TY_SEL_PREREG_SRV 20020415 BEGIN OF ty_sel_prereg_srv, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, erboe TYPE nprgou, erboe_x TYPE ish_move_field, date TYPE sy-datum, date_x TYPE ish_move_field, prtids TYPE ishmed_t_prtid, prtids_x TYPE ish_move_field, tervkz TYPE n1tervkz, tervkz_x TYPE ish_move_field, more_srv TYPE ish_on_off, more_srv_x TYPE ish_move_field, consider_delkz TYPE ish_on_off, consider_delkz_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_prereg_srv
62 TY_SEL_PREREG_TYPES Protected See coding TY_SEL_PREREG_TYPES 20020415 BEGIN OF ty_sel_prereg_types, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, etroe TYPE n1vkg-etroe, etroe_x TYPE ish_move_field, erboe TYPE n1vkg-orgid, erboe_x TYPE ish_move_field, date TYPE sy-datum, date_x TYPE ish_move_field, tervkz TYPE n1tervkz, tervkz_x TYPE ish_move_field, plvis TYPE n1plvis, plvis_x TYPE ish_move_field, avlexbp TYPE nprtavlexbp, avlexbp_x TYPE ish_move_field, avlweb TYPE nprtavlweb, avlweb_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_prereg_types
63 TY_SEL_PRTID Protected See coding TY_SEL_PRTID 20020409 BEGIN OF ty_sel_prtid, info TYPE ty_sel_info, prtids TYPE ishmed_t_prtid, prtids_x TYPE ish_move_field, spras TYPE spras, spras_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_prtid
64 TY_SEL_RAC Protected See coding TY_SEL_RAC 20010710 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rac, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, orgids TYPE ishmed_t_orgid, orgids_x TYPE ish_move_field, from_date TYPE sy-datum, from_date_x TYPE ish_move_field, to_date TYPE sy-datum, to_date_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rac
65 TY_SEL_RADD Protected See coding TY_SEL_RADD 20010705 BEGIN OF ty_sel_radd, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, tmnids TYPE ishmed_t_tmnid, tmnids_x TYPE ish_move_field, service_states(50) TYPE c, service_states_x TYPE ish_move_field, cancelled_datas TYPE rnt40-mark, cancelled_datas_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_radd
66 TY_SEL_RAFP Protected See coding TY_SEL_RAFP 20010710 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rafp, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE RANGE OF tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, patnrs TYPE ishmed_t_patnr, patnrs_x TYPE ish_move_field, papids TYPE ishmed_t_papid, papids_x TYPE ish_move_field, cancelled_datas TYPE rnt40-mark, cancelled_datas_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rafp
67 TY_SEL_RAP Protected See coding TY_SEL_RAP 20010710 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rap, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, date_from TYPE sy-datum, date_from_x TYPE ish_move_field, time_from TYPE sy-uzeit, time_from_x TYPE ish_move_field, date_to TYPE sy-datum, date_to_x TYPE ish_move_field, time_to TYPE sy-uzeit, time_to_x TYPE ish_move_field, orgids TYPE ishmed_t_orgid, orgids_x TYPE ish_move_field, cancelled_datas TYPE rnt40-mark, cancelled_datas_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rap
68 TY_SEL_RCFO Protected See coding TY_SEL_RCFO 20020329 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rcfo, info TYPE ty_sel_info, spras TYPE langu, spras_x TYPE ish_move_field, del_data TYPE ish_on_off, del_data_x TYPE ish_move_field, assgn TYPE nocty-assgn, assgn_x TYPE ish_move_field, cxtyp TYPE nocty-cxtyp, cxtyp_x TYPE ish_move_field, cx_objects TYPE ishmed_t_cx_objects, cx_objects_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rcfo
69 TY_SEL_RCOP Protected See coding TY_SEL_RCOP 20031016 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rcop, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE RANGE OF tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, patnrs TYPE ishmed_t_patnr, patnrs_x TYPE ish_move_field, papids TYPE ishmed_t_papid, papids_x TYPE ish_move_field, cancelled_datas TYPE rnt40-mark, cancelled_datas_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rcop
70 TY_SEL_RCS Protected See coding TY_SEL_RCS 20020327 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rcs, info TYPE ty_sel_info, spras TYPE langu, spras_x TYPE ish_move_field, cx_typ_sta TYPE ishmed_t_cx_typ_sta, cx_typ_sta_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rcs
71 TY_SEL_RCT Protected See coding Selection: Read Context Type Text 20020325 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rct, info TYPE ty_sel_info, spras TYPE langu, spras_x TYPE ish_move_field, cxtyps TYPE ishmed_t_cxtyp, cxtyps_x TYPE ish_move_field, del_data TYPE ish_on_off, del_data_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rct
72 TY_SEL_RCUFD Protected See coding Selection: Read Care Unit For Department 20020524 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rcufd, info TYPE ty_sel_info, orgids TYPE ishmed_t_orgid, orgids_x TYPE ish_move_field, date TYPE sy-datum, date_x TYPE ish_move_field, del_data TYPE ish_on_off, del_data_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rcufd
73 TY_SEL_RDFDP Protected See coding Selection: ReadDaypgmForDatePob 20030717 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rdfdp, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, pobnrs TYPE ishmed_t_pobnr, pobnrs_x TYPE ish_move_field, dates TYPE ishmed_t_date, dates_x TYPE ish_move_field, res_date TYPE ishmed_t_resource_date, res_date_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rdfdp
74 TY_SEL_RDM Protected See coding Selektion: ReadDateofferModificationForPobDate 20030930 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rdm, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, pobnrs TYPE ishmed_t_pobnr, pobnrs_x TYPE ish_move_field, dates TYPE ishmed_t_date, dates_x TYPE ish_move_field, cancelled_datas TYPE rnt40-mark, cancelled_datas_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rdm
75 TY_SEL_RID Protected See coding TY_SEL_RID 20010710 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rid, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, spras TYPE langu, spras_x TYPE ish_move_field, date TYPE sy-datum, date_x TYPE ish_move_field, ptinps TYPE ishmed_t_ptinp, ptinps_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rid
76 TY_SEL_RM Protected See coding TY_SEL_RM 20010710 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rm, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE RANGE OF tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, falnrs TYPE ishmed_t_falnr, falnrs_x TYPE ish_move_field, cancelled_datas TYPE rnt40-mark, cancelled_datas_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rm
77 TY_SEL_ROFC Protected See coding TY_SEL_ROFC 20020503 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rofc, info TYPE ty_sel_info, del_data TYPE ish_on_off, del_data_x TYPE ish_move_field, assgn TYPE nocty-assgn, assgn_x TYPE ish_move_field, objty TYPE nocty-objty, objty_x TYPE ish_move_field, objtyid TYPE nocty-objtyid, objtyid_x TYPE ish_move_field, context TYPE ishmed_t_cxtyp, context_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rofc
78 TY_SEL_RPAFA Protected See coding TY_SEL_RPAFA 20010709 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rpafa, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, ids TYPE ishmed_t_rn1dp_preregapp, ids_x TYPE ish_move_field, read_prereg_for_app TYPE rnt40-mark, read_prereg_for_app_x TYPE ish_move_field, cancelled_datas TYPE rnt40-mark, cancelled_datas_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rpafa
79 TY_SEL_RPAP Protected See coding TY_SEL_RPAP 20010719 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rpap, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, date_from TYPE sy-datum, date_from_x TYPE ish_move_field, date_to TYPE sy-datum, date_to_x TYPE ish_move_field, wltyp TYPE ishmed_t_wltype, wltyp_x TYPE ish_move_field, wlsta TYPE ishmed_t_wlsta, wlsta_x TYPE ish_move_field, wlrrn TYPE ishmed_t_wlrrn, wlrrn_x TYPE ish_move_field, falar TYPE ishmed_t_falar, falar_x TYPE ish_move_field, orgpf TYPE ishmed_t_orgid, orgpf_x TYPE ish_move_field, orgfa TYPE ishmed_t_orgid, orgfa_x TYPE ish_move_field, behoe TYPE ishmed_t_orgid, behoe_x TYPE ish_move_field, cancelled_datas TYPE rnt40-mark, cancelled_datas_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rpap
80 TY_SEL_RPO Protected See coding Selection: Read Planning Object 20020709 BEGIN OF ty_sel_rpo, info TYPE ty_sel_info, pobnrs TYPE ishmed_t_pobnr, pobnrs_x TYPE ish_move_field, orgids TYPE ishmed_t_orgid, orgids_x TYPE ish_move_field, planning_ressources TYPE ishmed_t_planning_ressources, planning_ressources_x TYPE ish_move_field, active TYPE ish_on_off, active_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_rpo
81 TY_SEL_SERV_M Protected See coding TY_SEL_SERV_M 20020104 BEGIN OF ty_sel_serv_m, info TYPE ty_sel_info, einri TYPE tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, zotyp TYPE ntpz-zotyp, zotyp_x TYPE ish_move_field, tarif TYPE ntpk-tarif, tarif_x TYPE ish_move_field, talst TYPE RANGE OF ntpk-talst, talst_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_serv_m
82 TY_SEL_TN11O Protected See coding 20050606 BEGIN OF ty_sel_tn11o, info TYPE ty_sel_info, orgid TYPE norg-orgid, orgid_x TYPE ish_move_field, bauid TYPE nbau-bauid, bauid_x TYPE ish_move_field, date TYPE tn11o-enddt, date_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_tn11o
83 TY_SEL_VITAL Protected See coding TY_SEL_VITAL 20020328 BEGIN OF ty_sel_vital, info TYPE ty_sel_info, patnrs TYPE ishmed_t_patnr, patnrs_x TYPE ish_move_field, einri TYPE RANGE OF tn01-einri, einri_x TYPE ish_move_field, cancelled_datas TYPE rnt40-mark, cancelled_datas_x TYPE ish_move_field, END OF ty_sel_vital
84 TY_SRVSTATE_TEXT Protected See coding TY_SRVSTATE_TEXT 20010627 BEGIN OF ty_srvstate_text, spras TYPE spras, einri TYPE einri, lsstae TYPE n1lsstae, END OF ty_srvstate_text
85 TY_TEMP Protected See coding TY_TEMP 20010625 BEGIN OF ty_temp, structure_name TYPE lvc_rtname, datas TYPE n1anystructure, mode(3) TYPE c, END OF ty_temp
86 TY_TMNID Protected See coding TY_TMNID 20010612 BEGIN OF ty_tmnid, tmnid TYPE ntmn-tmnid, END OF ty_tmnid
87 TY_TMN_PAT Protected See coding TY_TMN_PAT 20010704 BEGIN OF ty_tmn_pat, patnr TYPE npat-patnr, END OF ty_tmn_pat
88 TY_VKG Protected See coding Preregistrations (INSTI, PREID) 20010621 BEGIN OF ty_vkg, einri TYPE n1vkg-einri, vkgid TYPE n1vkg-vkgid, END OF ty_vkg
Method Signatures


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_N1FAT Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1FAT Fahraufträge 20010530
2 Changing CT_N1FSZ Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1FSZ Fahrauftrag-Status-Zuordnung 20010530
3 Changing CT_NAPP Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNAPP Ressourcenbindungen 20010530
4 Changing CT_NTMN Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNTMN Termine 20010530
5 Changing C_ERRORHANDLER Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISHMED_ERRORHANDLING Instanz zur Fehlerbehandlung 20010530
6 Exporting E_RC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_METHOD_RC Returncode 20010530
7 Importing I_ENVIRONMENT Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISH_ENVIRONMENT Abgleich mit Dateninhalt der Environment-Klasse 20010530


Method ADJUST_BUFFER Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing C_ERRORHANDLER Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISHMED_ERRORHANDLING Instanz zur Fehlerbehandlung 20010509
2 Exporting E_RC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_METHOD_RC Returncode 20010509
3 Importing IT_DATAS Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1BUFFER Tabelle mit zu puffernden Daten 20010509

Method ADJUST_BUFFER on class CL_ISHMED_DATAPROVIDER has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_N1ANF Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1ANF Anforderungen 20010709
2 Changing CT_N1APCN Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1APCN Terminvorgaben 20031119
3 Changing CT_N1APPLAN Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1APPLAN Pläne (Terminfreigabe) 20041004
4 Changing CT_N1BEZY Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1BEZY Zyklen 20020916
5 Changing CT_N1CORDER Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1CORDER Klinische Aufträge 20031016
6 Changing CT_N1FAT Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1FAT Fahraufträge 20010709
7 Changing CT_N1MEORDER Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1MEORDER IS-H*MED: Tabellentyp für n1meorder 20040322
8 Changing CT_N1STRUCMEDREC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1STRUCMEDREC IS-H*MED: Tabellentyp für Strukturierte med.. Patientenakte 20050202
9 Changing CT_N1STRUCMEDRECOBJ Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1STRUCMEDRECOBJ IS-H*MED: Tabellentyp für Zuord. Strukturierte med. Patakte 20050113
10 Changing CT_N1VKG Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1VKG Vormerkungen 20010709
11 Changing CT_N1VKG_CO Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1VKG Positionen klin. Auftrag 20031020
12 Changing CT_N1VP Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1VP Vitalparameter 20020328
13 Changing CT_NAPP Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNAPP Ressourcenbindungen 20010709
14 Changing CT_NATM Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNATM Terminangebotsmodifikationen 20030930
15 Changing CT_NBEW Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_YT_VNBEW Bewegungen 20010710
16 Changing CT_NCTO Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_T_RNCTO_CNT Zuordnung Kontext - Objekt (mit Zähler/Nummer) 20020402
17 Changing CT_NCTX Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_T_NCTX Kontexte 20020402
18 Changing CT_NDIA Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNDIA Diagnosen 20010710
19 Changing CT_NDOC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RNDOC Dokumente 20010712
20 Changing CT_NFAL Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NFAL Fälle 20010719
21 Changing CT_NFPZ Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNFPZ beh. Arzt 20010730
22 Changing CT_NLEI Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNLEI Leistungen 20010709
23 Changing CT_NLEM Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNLEM Leistungen, med. 20010709
24 Changing CT_NLLZ Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNLLZ Zuordnungen 20020916
25 Changing CT_NTMN Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNTMN Termin 20010709
26 Changing CT_NTMN_CO Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNTMN IS-H*MED: Verbucherstruktur-Tabelle für die NTMN 20031023
27 Changing C_ERRORHANDLER Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISHMED_ERRORHANDLING Instanz zur Fehlerbehandlung 20010625
28 Exporting E_RC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_METHOD_RC Returncode 20010625
29 Importing I_ENVIRONMENT Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISH_ENVIRONMENT "Speicher" 20010625
30 Importing I_MODE_REQUESTED Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_ON_OFF OFF Mode requested (KZ in V-Strukturen) -> ON/OFF 20040325



# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_N1FAT Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1FAT Fahraufträge 20010530
2 Changing CT_N1FSZ Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1FSZ Fahrauftrag-Status-Zuordnung 20010530
3 Changing CT_NAPP Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNAPP Ressourcenbindungen 20010530
4 Changing CT_NLEI Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNLEI Leistungen 20010530
5 Changing CT_NLEM Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNLEM Leistungen, med. 20010530
6 Changing CT_NTMN Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNTMN Termine 20010530
7 Changing C_ERRORHANDLER Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISHMED_ERRORHANDLING Instanz zur Fehlerbehandlung 20010530
8 Exporting E_RC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_METHOD_RC Returncode 20010530
9 Importing I_ENVIRONMENT Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISH_ENVIRONMENT Abgleich mit Dateninhalt der Environment-Klasse 20010530

Method ADJUST_DATAS_MEMORY on class CL_ISHMED_DATAPROVIDER has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Exporting E_EXISTS Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) RNT40-MARK Eintrag bereits vorhanden 20010612
2 Exporting E_RC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_METHOD_RC Returncode 20010612
3 Importing I_KEY Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ANY Struktur 20010608
4 Importing I_OBJECT_TYPE Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE Objekttyp 20010612
5 Importing I_READ_OBJECT Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE gelesener Objekttyp 20010612



# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_NPAP Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_NPAP Vorläufige Patienten 20010804
2 Changing C_ERRORHANDLER Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISHMED_ERRORHANDLING Instanz zur Fehlerbehandlung 20010804
3 Exporting E_RC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_METHOD_RC Returncode 20010804
4 Importing I_ENVIRONMENT Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISH_ENVIRONMENT Abgleich mit Dateninhalt der Environment-Klasse 20010804



# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_N1VKG Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VN1VKG Vormerkungen 20010804
2 Changing C_ERRORHANDLER Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISHMED_ERRORHANDLING Instanz zur Fehlerbehandlung 20010804
3 Exporting E_RC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_METHOD_RC Returncode 20010804
4 Importing I_ENVIRONMENT Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISH_ENVIRONMENT Abgleich mit Dateninhalt der Environment-Klasse 20010804



# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_NLEI Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNLEI Leistungen 20010530
2 Changing CT_NLEM Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_VNLEM Leistungen, med. 20010530
3 Changing C_ERRORHANDLER Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISHMED_ERRORHANDLING Instanz zur Fehlerbehandlung 20010530
4 Exporting E_RC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_METHOD_RC Returncode 20010530
5 Importing I_ENVIRONMENT Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISH_ENVIRONMENT Abgleich mit Dateninhalt der Environment-Klasse 20010530


Method CHECK_SELECTION Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing CT_SEL_DONE Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) STANDARD TABLE Tabelle mit bisherigen Selektionen 20010709
2 Exporting ET_READ_OBJECTS Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1OBJECT_TYPE gelesene Objekttypen 20010709
3 Exporting E_SELECTION_EXISTS Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) RNT40-MARK Selektion bereits erfolgt 20010709
4 Importing IT_FIELDS Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_T_FIELDNAME Tabelle mit Feldnamen 20031104
5 Importing I_METHOD Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) CHAR30 Methodenname 20010709
6 Importing I_SELECTION Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ANY Selektionskriterien 20010709

Method CHECK_SELECTION on class CL_ISHMED_DATAPROVIDER has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing C_ERRORHANDLER Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISHMED_ERRORHANDLING Instanz zur Fehlerbehandlung 20010509
2 Exporting ET_EXT_STATE Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_RN1RANGE Rangetab mit ext. Leistungsstatus 20010509
3 Exporting E_RC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_METHOD_RC Returncode 20010509
4 Importing I_EINRI Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) TN01-EINRI Einrichtung 20010509
5 Importing I_SERVICE_STATES Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ANY einschränkung auf bestimmte Leistungsstatus 20010509


Method REFRESH_BUFFER Signature

# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing C_ERRORHANDLER Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISHMED_ERRORHANDLING Instanz zur Fehlerbehandlung 20010525
2 Exporting E_RC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_METHOD_RC Returncode 20010525
3 Importing IT_OBJECT_TYPES Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISHMED_T_N1OBJECT_TYPE zu initialisierende Objekttypen 20010525
4 Importing I_ALL Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) RNT40-MARK 'X' kompletten Puffer initialisieren 20010525
5 Importing I_OBJECT_TYPE Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) N1OBJECT_TYPE zu initialisierender Objekttyp 20010525

Method REFRESH_BUFFER on class CL_ISHMED_DATAPROVIDER has no exception.


# Type Parameter Pass Value Optional Typing Method Associated Type Default value Description Created on
1 Changing C_ERRORHANDLER Value transfer Object reference (TYPE REF TO) CL_ISHMED_ERRORHANDLING Instanz zur Fehlerbehandlung 20010626
2 Exporting E_RC Value transfer Type reference (TYPE) ISH_METHOD_RC Returncode 20010626

Last changed by/on SAP  20050301 
SAP Release Created in 463