Where Used List (Table) for SAP ABAP Data Element J_1BNFDIS (Discount value including taxes)
SAP ABAP Data Element J_1BNFDIS (Discount value including taxes) is used by
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Package Structure Package Software Component
1 Table  BAPI_CTE_J_1BNFLIN_ADD - NFDIS Transfer Structure for Nota Fiscal Item Data - Additions J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
2 Table  BAPI_J_1BNFLIN_ADD - NFDIS Transfer Structure for Nota Fiscal Item Data - Additions J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
3 Table  BBPS_J_1B_ITEM_BR - ICC_BR_GRODIS Brazil-specific EBP item fields BBP_ADDON_46B  PI_APPL  SAP_APPL 
4 Table  BBPS_J_1B_TAXVAL_HEADER - ICC_BR_NF_DIS EBP Header information for tax calculation BBP_ADDON_46B  PI_APPL  SAP_APPL 
6 Table  BBPS_J_1B_TAXVAL_ITEM - ICC_BR_GRODIS EBP item values from tax calculation BBP_ADDON_46B  PI_APPL  SAP_APPL 
7 Table  BBPS_J_1B_TAXVAL_ITEM_BR - ICC_BR_GRODIS Brazil-specific EBP item values from tax calculation BBP_ADDON_46B  PI_APPL  SAP_APPL 
8 Table  IDNFBRJ_1BNFLIN - NFDIS Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000 J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
9 Table  ITMF_S_J_1BNFLIN - NFDIS TMF: Structure for communication with Writer transaction INT_TMF_NF_ACCT  APPL  SAP_APPL 
10 Table  J1B_NF_XML_H - VDESC NF-e Block H / Products and Services of the NF-e /Tag: det J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
11 Table  J1B_NF_XML_H1 - VDESC NF-e Block H1 / Products and Services of the NF-e /Tag: prod J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
12 Table  J1B_NF_XML_ITEM - VDESC Nota Fiscal Eletronica / NF-e Data - Item (1:n) J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
13 Table  J_1BDYDOC - NFDIS Dynpro fields for Nota Fiscal header (Edit function) J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
14 Table  J_1BDYLIN - NFDIS Dynpro fields for Nota Fiscal line items (Edit function) J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
15 Table  J_1BINDOC - NFDIS Nota Fiscal header - Add. segment J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
16 Table  J_1BINDOCD - NFDIS Nota Fiscal header - Add. segment - Data J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
17 Table  J_1BINDOCDX - NFDIS Nota Fiscal header - Add. segment - Data J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
18 Table  J_1BINLIN - NFDIS Nota Fiscal line items - Add. segment J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
19 Table  J_1BINLIND - NFDIS Nota Fiscal line items - Add. segment J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
20 Table  J_1BNFEPARKLIN - NFDIS Nota fiscal electronica: Invoice create failed J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
21 Table  J_1BNFE_COMPONENT_RETURN - NFDIS NF-e in: Return of Subcontracting Components J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
22 Table  J_1BNFE_INVOICE - NFDIS NF-e incoming: XML items with purchase order details J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
23 Table  J_1BNFE_IN_GOOD - NFDIS NF-e incoming: Good J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
24 Table  J_1BNFE_IN_INVOICE_W_CTRL - NFDIS NF-e incoming: XML items with PO details for Table Control J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
25 Table  J_1BNFE_MATERIAL_LIN - NFDIS NF-e incoming Material Line J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
26 Table  J_1BNFE_RETURN_PACK - NFDIS NF-e incoming: Returnable Packaging J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
27 Table  J_1BNFLIN - NFDIS Nota Fiscal line items J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
28 Table  J_1BNFLIN_SD - NFDIS Nota Fiscal Line Items and SD Tax Code's Customer Usage J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
29 Table  J_1BPRNFHD - NFDIS NF print: Document header J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL 
30 Table  J_1BPRNFLI - NFDIS NF print: line information J1BA  APPL  SAP_APPL