Data Element list used by SAP ABAP Table BGCHK_P (Warranty Check - Item)
SAP ABAP Table BGCHK_P (Warranty Check - Item) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Data Element  AENKZ Change indicator
2 Data Element  ANZDZ Number of Decimal Places
3 Data Element  ATDIM Exponent display
4 Data Element  ATVOR Value with Plus or Minus Sign
5 Data Element  CUOBJ Configuration (internal object number)
6 Data Element  DATUV Valid-From Date
7 Data Element  GAART Warranty type
8 Data Element  GAZWT Warranty counter value
9 Data Element  IMRC_DECIM Number of Decimal Places for Number Display
10 Data Element  IMRC_EXPON Power of Ten Exponent for Floating Point Display
11 Data Element  INEXCL Inclusive/Exclusive Condition
12 Data Element  J_OBJNR Object number
13 Data Element  KZITX Indicator individual text
14 Data Element  KZKFG Configurable Material
15 Data Element  KZKOF Indicator: Configuration Exists
16 Data Element  KZLTX Indicator: More long text exists
17 Data Element  KZMLA Primary language indicator for text segment
18 Data Element  LSTNR Service number
19 Data Element  LVORM Deletion Indicator
20 Data Element  MANDT Client
21 Data Element  MGANR Master warranty number
22 Data Element  MSEHI Unit of Measurement
23 Data Element  POSNM Warranty item number
24 Data Element  POSNM Warranty item number
25 Data Element  POSTY Warranty item category
26 Data Element  PRTKZ Print Indicator
27 Data Element  PSART Warranty item type
28 Data Element  RANGF Sorting order
29 Data Element  SPRAS Language Key
30 Data Element  SUBRC Subroutines for return code
31 Data Element  SUBRC Subroutines for return code
32 Data Element  SUBRC Subroutines for return code
33 Data Element  SUBRC Subroutines for return code
34 Data Element  TXT40 Text, length 40
35 Data Element  TXT40 Text, length 40
36 Data Element  TXT40 Text, length 40
37 Data Element  VGLZA Comparison operator warranty counter
38 Data Element  XFELD Checkbox
39 Data Element  XFELD Checkbox