Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program RPCHUDIZ (Vis. delle tabelle con la struttura PC26O , Italia)
SAP ABAP Program RPCHUDIZ (Vis. delle tabelle con la struttura PC26O , Italia) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  HRVSCHED - DAYNR Day number (type P)
2 Table/Structure Field  P0011 - WAERS Currency Key
3 Table/Structure Field  P0016 - BEGDA Start Date
4 Table/Structure Field  P0016 - CTTYP Contract Type
5 Table/Structure Field  P0016 - ENDDA End Date
6 Table/Structure Field  P0154 - BEGDA Start Date
7 Table/Structure Field  P0154 - CDC1 Contribution indicator
8 Table/Structure Field  P0154 - ENDDA End Date
9 Table/Structure Field  P0154 - MODMN Calculation grouping DM10
10 Table/Structure Field  P0154 - SEDEL Place of work indicator
11 Table/Structure Field  P0154 - TPA1 Taxation type
12 Table/Structure Field  P2001 - ABWTG Attendance and Absence Days
13 Table/Structure Field  P2001 - BEGDA Start Date
14 Table/Structure Field  P2001 - ENDDA End Date
15 Table/Structure Field  P2001 - SUBTY Subtype
22 Table/Structure Field  PC205 - AKTIVJN Indicator: Active
23 Table/Structure Field  PC205 - BEGDA Start Date
24 Table/Structure Field  PC205 - BSGRD Capacity Utilization Level
25 Table/Structure Field  PC205 - ENDDA End Date
26 Table/Structure Field  PC205 - PERSG Employee Group
27 Table/Structure Field  PC205 - PERSK Employee Subgroup
28 Table/Structure Field  PC205 - TRFAR Pay scale type
29 Table/Structure Field  PC205 - TRFGB Pay Scale Area
30 Table/Structure Field  PC205 - TRFGR Pay Scale Group
31 Table/Structure Field  PC207 - ANZHL HR payroll: Number
32 Table/Structure Field  PC207 - BETPE Payroll: Amount per unit
33 Table/Structure Field  PC207 - BETRG HR Payroll: Amount
34 Table/Structure Field  PC207 - LGART Wage Type
35 Table/Structure Field  PC20I - ABRST Payroll hours
36 Table/Structure Field  PC20I - AWART Attendance or Absence Type
37 Table/Structure Field  PC20I - BEGDA Start Date
38 Table/Structure Field  PC20I - ENDDA End Date
39 Table/Structure Field  PC261 - FPBEG Start date of payroll period (FOR period)
40 Table/Structure Field  PC261 - FPEND End of payroll period (for-period)
41 Table/Structure Field  PC261 - FPPER For-period for payroll
42 Table/Structure Field  PC261 - INPER In-period for payroll
43 Table/Structure Field  PC261 - JUPER Legal Person
44 Table/Structure Field  PC26I - BEGDA Start Date
45 Table/Structure Field  PC26I - ENDDA End Date
46 Table/Structure Field  PC26I - TPEVE Personnel action type
47 Table/Structure Field  PC2BA - DATUM Date
48 Table/Structure Field  PC2BA - FTKLA Public holiday class
49 Table/Structure Field  PC2BA - STDAZ Number of hours
50 Table/Structure Field  PC2BF - ANZHL Number of hours per wage type
51 Table/Structure Field  PC2BF - DATUM Date
52 Table/Structure Field  PC2BF - LGART Wage Type
53 Table/Structure Field  PC2R4 - CDC1 Contribution indicator
54 Table/Structure Field  PC2R4 - CDC2 Contribution indicator
55 Table/Structure Field  PC2R4 - TPA1 Taxation type
56 Table/Structure Field  PC2R4 - TPA2 Taxation type
57 Table/Structure Field  PCNAT - XDATE National table for cluster PC
58 Table/Structure Field  PERNR - PERNR Personnel Number
59 Table/Structure Field  PME68 - MOLGA Country Grouping
60 Table/Structure Field  PME68 - PERNR Personnel Number
61 Table/Structure Field  PRELP - PERNR Personnel Number
62 Table/Structure Field  PS0011 - WAERS Currency Key
63 Table/Structure Field  PS0016 - CTTYP Contract Type
64 Table/Structure Field  PS0154 - CDC1 Contribution indicator
65 Table/Structure Field  PS0154 - INPSC INPS indicator
66 Table/Structure Field  PS0154 - MODMN Calculation grouping DM10
67 Table/Structure Field  PS0154 - SEDEL Place of work indicator
68 Table/Structure Field  PS0154 - TPA1 Taxation type
69 Table/Structure Field  PS2001 - ABWTG Attendance and Absence Days
70 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - BEGDA Start Date
71 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - ENDDA End Date
72 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - PERNR Personnel Number
73 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - SUBTY Subtype
74 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - BEGDA Start Date
75 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - ENDDA End Date
76 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - PERNR Personnel Number
77 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - SUBTY Subtype
79 Table/Structure Field  PTM_TIME_RESULTS - BEGDA Start Date
80 Table/Structure Field  PTM_TIME_RESULTS - ENDDA End Date
83 Table/Structure Field  PTPRG - STDAZ Number of hours
84 Table/Structure Field  PTPSP - DATUM Date
85 Table/Structure Field  PTPSP - FTKLA Public holiday class
86 Table/Structure Field  PTPSP - STDAZ Number of hours
87 Table/Structure Field  RPXEUDI0 - DATEPRN Date for view cluster reading
88 Table/Structure Field  RPXEUDI0 - LOGSEZ3 Flag used to activate trace of section 3 of CUD 2003
89 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
90 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
91 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
92 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
93 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
94 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
95 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
96 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TFILL ABAP System Field: Number of Rows in Internal Tables
97 Table/Structure Field  T001P - MOABW Personnel subarea grouping for absence and attendance types
98 Table/Structure Field  T500C - WAERS Currency Key
99 Table/Structure Field  T503 - TRFKZ ES grouping for collective agreement provision
100 Table/Structure Field  T510I - BEGDA Start Date
101 Table/Structure Field  T510I - ENDDA End Date
102 Table/Structure Field  T510I - MOLGA Country Grouping
103 Table/Structure Field  T510I - TRFAR Pay scale type
104 Table/Structure Field  T510I - TRFGB Pay Scale Area
105 Table/Structure Field  T510I - TRFKZ ES grouping for collective agreement provision
106 Table/Structure Field  T510I - TRWAZ Weekly Pay Scale Working Time in Hours
107 Table/Structure Field  T549A - PERMO Period Parameters
108 Table/Structure Field  T554Q - ABSTY Attendance/absence type
109 Table/Structure Field  T554S - ABSTP Absence/attendance category
110 Table/Structure Field  T5ITCS - CASSA Fund
111 Table/Structure Field  T5ITCS - ENTEC Contribution body
112 Table/Structure Field  T5ITI3 - ABSTY Percentage type
113 Table/Structure Field  T5ITI3 - BEGDA Start Date
114 Table/Structure Field  T5ITI3 - ENDDA End Date
115 Table/Structure Field  T5ITI3 - MOABW Personnel subarea grouping for absence and attendance types
116 Table/Structure Field  T5ITI3 - PERCE Percentage
117 Table/Structure Field  T5ITIE - AWART Attendance or Absence Type
118 Table/Structure Field  T5ITIE - BEGDA Start Date
119 Table/Structure Field  T5ITIE - ENDDA End Date
120 Table/Structure Field  T5ITIE - MOABW Personnel subarea grouping for absence and attendance types
121 Table/Structure Field  T5ITIE - PANPA Paid/Not paid
122 Table/Structure Field  T5ITIE - TPEVE Personnel action type
123 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNB - BEGDA Start Date
124 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNB - ENDDA End Date
125 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNB - INPSC INPS indicator
126 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNB - INPSM INPS registration number
127 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNB - MODMN Calculation grouping DM10
128 Table/Structure Field  T5ITND - MODMN Calculation grouping DM10
129 Table/Structure Field  T5ITND - REGIO Region (State, Province, County)
130 Table/Structure Field  T5ITND - SEDEL Place of work indicator
131 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - ASSCA Insurance covered by INPDAI
132 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - ASSCO Insurances covered by INPS
133 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - BEGDA Start Date
134 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - CDRAI INPDAI relation type
135 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - CDRAP Contribution Type (INPS Relation Indicator)
136 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - CODQU INPS pay scale indicator 1
137 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - CONTR INPS Pay Scale Indicator 3
138 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - CRINP INPS contract indicator
139 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - CTTYP Contract Type
140 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - ENDDA End Date
141 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - MATAI INPDAI registration no.
142 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - TPCNR INPS contract - second part
143 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - TRFAR Pay scale type
144 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - TRFGB Pay Scale Area
145 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNG - TRFKZ ES grouping for collective agreement provision
146 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNV - CIQIN INPS wage level indicator
147 Table/Structure Field  T5ITNV - TRFGR Pay Scale Group
148 Table/Structure Field  T5ITW5 - CDMODU Module for forms
149 Table/Structure Field  T5ITW5 - CDQUA Sections on the Italian modules
150 Table/Structure Field  T5ITW5 - CODE Code
151 Table/Structure Field  T5ITW5 - LASTV Sum of items or the last item of the period
152 Table/Structure Field  T5ITW5 - SEGNO Calculation type (+/-)
153 Table/Structure Field  T5ITW5 - VOCIR1 Wage Type
154 Table/Structure Field  TCURX - CURRDEC Number of decimal places
155 Table/Structure Field  TCURX - CURRKEY Currency Key