Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program RMCVNEFD (Read Report: Billing Documents for Statistical Setup (Archive))
SAP ABAP Program RMCVNEFD (Read Report: Billing Documents for Statistical Setup (Archive)) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BOOLE - BOOLE Data element for domain BOOLE: TRUE (='X') and FALSE (=' ')
2 Table/Structure Field  EWUCUR - PAKET Number of the changeover package
3 Table/Structure Field  EWUMESG - MSGNO Message Number
4 Table/Structure Field  EWUMESG - MSGTY Message Type
5 Table/Structure Field  EWUMESG - MSGV1 Message Variable
6 Table/Structure Field  EWUMESG - MSGV2 Message Variable
7 Table/Structure Field  EWUMESG - MSGV3 Message Variable
8 Table/Structure Field  EWUMESG - MSGV4 Message Variable
9 Table/Structure Field  EWUMESG - PRTLVL Log Level
10 Table/Structure Field  EWUMESG - MSGID Message Class
11 Table/Structure Field  EWUPAK - DATUM Changeover date
12 Table/Structure Field  EWUPAK - PAKET Number of the changeover package
13 Table/Structure Field  EWUPAK - PHASE Conversion phases
14 Table/Structure Field  EWUPAK - PRODFLAG Indicator: Changeover/runtime forecast
15 Table/Structure Field  LIKP - VBELN Delivery
16 Table/Structure Field  LIKP - ERDAT Date on which the record was created
17 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - POSNR Delivery Item
18 Table/Structure Field  LIPS - VBELN Delivery
19 Table/Structure Field  MCCONTROL - ALELOC Set up only in the local system, no distribution
20 Table/Structure Field  MCCONTROL - ALESYS System in which the statistic set up is to be distributed
21 Table/Structure Field  MCCONTROL - MODUS Mode of info structure updating in LIS
22 Table/Structure Field  MCSOINF - OPTION OPTION field in structure of SELECT-OPTIONS tables
23 Table/Structure Field  MCSOINF - SIGN SIGN field in creation of SELECT-OPTIONS tables
24 Table/Structure Field  S001 - VRSIO Version number in the information structure
25 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGNO ABAP System Field: Message Number
26 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UZEIT ABAP System Field: Current Time of Application Server
27 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
28 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV4 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
29 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV3 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
30 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV1 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
31 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGTY ABAP System Field: Message Type
32 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGID ABAP System Field: Message ID
33 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
34 Table/Structure Field  SYST - MSGV2 ABAP System Field: Message Variable
35 Table/Structure Field  T001 - BUKRS Company Code
36 Table/Structure Field  T881 - LOGSYS Logical system
37 Table/Structure Field  TCURC - WAERS Currency Key
38 Table/Structure Field  TCURF - KURST Exchange rate type
39 Table/Structure Field  TCURF - TFACT Ratio for the "to" currency units
40 Table/Structure Field  TCURF - GDATU Date from which the entry is valid
41 Table/Structure Field  TCURF - FFACT Ratio for the "from" currency units
42 Table/Structure Field  TCURN - FCURR From currency
43 Table/Structure Field  TCURN - GDATU Date As of Which the Exchange Rate Is Effective
44 Table/Structure Field  TCURN - NOTATION Quotation type for currency translation
45 Table/Structure Field  TCURN - TCURR To-currency
46 Table/Structure Field  TCURR - FCURR From currency
47 Table/Structure Field  TCURR - GDATU Date As of Which the Exchange Rate Is Effective
48 Table/Structure Field  TCURR - TCURR To-currency
49 Table/Structure Field  TCURR - UKURS Exchange Rate
50 Table/Structure Field  TCURV - KURST Exchange rate type
51 Table/Structure Field  TCURX - CURRDEC Number of decimal places
52 Table/Structure Field  TMC4 - MCINF Name of information structure
53 Table/Structure Field  TMCAE - MCAPP Number of application
54 Table/Structure Field  TMCW3 - LAUFNAME Character Field Length = 10
55 Table/Structure Field  TVKOV - VKORG Sales Organization
56 Table/Structure Field  UPDKZ - UPDKZ Update indicator
57 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - ERDAT Date on which the record was created
58 Table/Structure Field  VBAK - VBELN Sales Document
59 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - ERDAT Date on which the record was created
60 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - POSNR Sales Document Item
61 Table/Structure Field  VBAP - VBELN Sales Document
62 Table/Structure Field  VBFAD - UPDKZ Update indicator
63 Table/Structure Field  VBFAVB - UPDKZ Update indicator
64 Table/Structure Field  VBKD - FBUDA Date When Services Rendered
65 Table/Structure Field  VBKD - VBELN Sales and Distribution Document Number
66 Table/Structure Field  VBKD - POSNR Item number of the SD document
67 Table/Structure Field  VBKD - LCNUM Financial doc. processing: Internal financial doc. number
68 Table/Structure Field  VBPAD - UPDKZ Update indicator
69 Table/Structure Field  VBPAVB - UPDKZ Update indicator
70 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - WAERK SD document currency
71 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - VBTYP SD document category
72 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - VBELN Billing document
73 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - STWAE Statistics currency
74 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - KURST Exchange Rate Type
75 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - FKDAT Billing date for billing index and printout
76 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - KURRF_DAT Translation date
77 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - CMWAE Currency key of credit control area
78 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - CMKUF Credit data exchange rate at billing document rate
79 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - BUKRS Company Code
80 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - AKWAE Currency key for letter-of-credit procg in foreign trade
81 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - AKKUR Exchange rate for letter-of-credit procg in foreign trade
82 Table/Structure Field  VBRK - KURRF Exchange rate for FI postings
83 Table/Structure Field  VBRKD - UPDKZ Update indicator
84 Table/Structure Field  VBRKVB - UPDKZ Update indicator
85 Table/Structure Field  VBRP - KURSK_DAT Translation date
86 Table/Structure Field  VBRP - VGTYP Document category of preceding SD document
87 Table/Structure Field  VBRP - VGPOS Item number of the reference item
88 Table/Structure Field  VBRP - VGBEL Document number of the reference document
89 Table/Structure Field  VBRP - VBELN Billing document
90 Table/Structure Field  VBRP - STCUR Exchange rate for statistics (Exch.rate at time of creation)
91 Table/Structure Field  VBRP - PRSDT Date for pricing and exchange rate
92 Table/Structure Field  VBRP - KURSK Exchange Rate for Pricing and Statistics
93 Table/Structure Field  VBRP - ERDAT Date on which the record was created
94 Table/Structure Field  VBRP - AKKUR Exchange rate for letter-of-credit procg in foreign trade
95 Table/Structure Field  VBRPD - UPDKZ Update indicator
96 Table/Structure Field  VBRPVB - UPDKZ Update indicator
97 Table/Structure Field  VBUK - VBELN Sales and Distribution Document Number
98 Table/Structure Field  VBUKVB - UPDKZ Update indicator