Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Program RCP_DEFEXPL_SET_FORMS (Include RCP_TXT_XPRA_FORMS)
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  CPNTYPE - APPLOBJ_TYPE iPPE Application Object Type
2 Table/Structure Field  DD02L - TABNAME Table Name
3 Table/Structure Field  FRMLC01 - FRML_LEVEL View of a Formula
4 Table/Structure Field  FRMLS_ITEM - PO_FLG Primary Output
5 Table/Structure Field  FRMLS_PVFRMDD - PO_FLG Primary Output
6 Table/Structure Field  FRMLS_PVFRMDD - PVGUID_ALGRP PVS Identifier of Variant of Alt. Grp with Common Attributes
7 Table/Structure Field  FRMLS_PVFRMDD - PGUID_FRML Identifier of Formula Access Node in PVS
8 Table/Structure Field  FRMLS_PVFRMMD - DEF_EXPL_FLG Standard Explosion
9 Table/Structure Field  FRMLS_PVFRMSD - DEF_EXPL_FLG Standard Explosion
10 Table/Structure Field  FRMLS_RCP_FRML_AGGR - FRML_RECN RMS-FRM: Object Identifier
11 Table/Structure Field  FRMLS_RCP_FRML_AGGR - RCP_GUID PVS Node Identifier
12 Table/Structure Field  PNODID - APPLOBJ_TYPE iPPE Application Object Type
13 Table/Structure Field  PNODID - PNGUID Internal Number of iPPE Node
14 Table/Structure Field  PNODID - PNTYPE iPPE Node Type
15 Table/Structure Field  PNPOBS - PNGUID Internal Number of iPPE Node
16 Table/Structure Field  POSVID - APPLOBJ_TYPE iPPE Application Object Type
17 Table/Structure Field  POSVID - PNGUID Internal Number of iPPE Node
18 Table/Structure Field  POSVID - PVGUID Internal Number of the PVS Variant
19 Table/Structure Field  POSVID - PVNAME Variant
20 Table/Structure Field  PRELD - APPLOBJ_TYPE1 iPPE Application Object Type
21 Table/Structure Field  PRELD - APPLOBJ_TYPE2 iPPE Application Object Type
22 Table/Structure Field  PRELD - GUID1 Internal Identification for PVS Objects
23 Table/Structure Field  PRELD - GUID2 Internal Identification for PVS Objects
24 Table/Structure Field  PRELID - GUID2 Internal Identification for PVS Objects
25 Table/Structure Field  PRELID - APPLOBJ_TYPE2 iPPE Application Object Type
26 Table/Structure Field  PRELID - APPLOBJ_TYPE1 iPPE Application Object Type
27 Table/Structure Field  PRELID - GUID1 Internal Identification for PVS Objects
28 Table/Structure Field  PRPOBS - APPLOBJ_TYPE1 iPPE Application Object Type
29 Table/Structure Field  PRPOBS - APPLOBJ_TYPE2 iPPE Application Object Type
30 Table/Structure Field  PRPOBS - GUID1 Internal Identification for PVS Objects
31 Table/Structure Field  PRPOBS - GUID2 Internal Identification for PVS Objects
32 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMD - PGUID_FRML Identifier of Formula Access Node in PVS
33 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMD - PO_FLG Primary Output
34 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMD - PVCDCNT Internal Counter of PVS Variant Table Entries
35 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMD - PVGUID PVS Variant Identifier
36 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMD - PVGUID_ALGRP PVS Identifier of Variant of Alt. Grp with Common Attributes
37 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMH - AENNR Change Number
38 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMH - PVGUID PVS Variant Identifier
39 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMH - PVCSCNT Internal Counter of PVS Variant Table Entries
40 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMH - PVCMCNT Internal Counter of PVS Variant Table Entries
41 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMH - PVCDCNT Internal Counter of PVS Variant Table Entries
42 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMH - MANDT Client
43 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMM - DEF_EXPL_FLG Standard Explosion
44 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMM - PVCMCNT Internal Counter of PVS Variant Table Entries
45 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMM - PVGUID PVS Variant Identifier
46 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMS - PVGUID PVS Variant Identifier
47 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMS - PVCSCNT Internal Counter of PVS Variant Table Entries
48 Table/Structure Field  PVFRMS - DEF_EXPL_FLG Standard Explosion
49 Table/Structure Field  PVRCPD - AENNR Change Number
50 Table/Structure Field  PVRCPD - PVGUID Internal Number of the PVS Variant
51 Table/Structure Field  PVRCPD - PREF_RCP_FLG Preferred Recipe
52 Table/Structure Field  PVRCPDD - PREF_RCP_FLG Preferred Recipe
53 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_ERROR - ERRORCLASS Message Class
54 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_ERROR - ERRORNUMBER Message Number
55 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_ERROR - ERRORPARAM1 Message Variable
56 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_ERROR - ERRORPARAM2 Message Variable
57 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_ERROR - ERRORPARAM3 Message Variable
58 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_ERROR - ERRORTYPE Message Type
59 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_KEY - GUID Internal Identification for PVS Objects
60 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_PST - AENNR_ROOT Change Number
61 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_PST - GUID_ROOT Internal Identification for PVS Objects
62 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_PST - GUID Internal Identification for PVS Objects
63 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_RCP - AENNR Change Number
64 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_RCP - GUID Internal Identification for PVS Objects
65 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_RCP - NAM Complete Key of an Object Version
66 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_RCP - PREF_RCP_FLG Preferred Recipe
67 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_RCP - PVGUID Internal Number of the PVS Variant
68 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_RCP - VALFROM Valid-From Date
69 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_REL_FRM - GUID_FRM Internal Number of iPPE Node
70 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_REL_FRM - GUID Internal Identification for PVS Objects
71 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_STRD - AENNR Change Number
72 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_STRD - AENNR_ROOT Change Number
73 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_STRD - GUID Internal Identification for PVS Objects
74 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_API_STRD - GUID_ROOT Internal Identification for PVS Objects
75 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_ENTITY_FLAGS - FLG_PST General Flag
76 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_ENTITY_FLAGS - FLG_RCP General Flag
77 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_ENTITY_FLAGS - FLG_REL_FRM General Flag
78 Table/Structure Field  RCPS_PVRCPDD_3 - PREF_RCP_FLG Preferred Recipe
79 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - LEVEL Log Level
80 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - VAR4 Message Variable
81 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - VAR3 Message Variable
82 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - VAR2 Message Variable
83 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - VAR1 Message Variable
84 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - SEVERITY Error severity(' ',W(arning),E(rror),A(bnormal termination))
85 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - NEWOBJ New Section
86 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - MSGNR Message number
87 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - LANGU Language Key
88 Table/Structure Field  SPROT_U - AG Application Area
89 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
90 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DBCNT ABAP System Field: Edited Database Table Rows
91 Table/Structure Field  SYST - TABIX ABAP System Field: Row Index of Internal Tables
92 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UZEIT ABAP System Field: Current Time of Application Server