Table/Structure Field list used by SAP ABAP Function Module HR_ESS_HDADETAIL_13_PBS (Higher Duties - Detail)
SAP ABAP Function Module HR_ESS_HDADETAIL_13_PBS (Higher Duties - Detail) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Table/Structure Field  BAPIPAKEY - EMPLOYEENO Personnel Number
2 Table/Structure Field  BAPIPAKEY - LOCKINDIC Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record
3 Table/Structure Field  BAPIPAKEY - OBJECTID Object Identification
4 Table/Structure Field  BAPIPAKEY - RECORDNR Number of Infotype Record With Same Key
5 Table/Structure Field  BAPIPAKEY - SUBTYPE Subtype
6 Table/Structure Field  BAPIPAKEY - VALIDBEGIN Start Date
7 Table/Structure Field  BAPIPAKEY - VALIDEND End Date
8 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRETURN1 - ID Message Class
9 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRETURN1 - MESSAGE_V1 Message Variable
10 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRETURN1 - MESSAGE_V2 Message Variable
11 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRETURN1 - MESSAGE_V3 Message Variable
12 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRETURN1 - MESSAGE_V4 Message Variable
13 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRETURN1 - NUMBER Message Number
14 Table/Structure Field  BAPIRETURN1 - TYPE Message type: S Success, E Error, W Warning, I Info, A Abort
15 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - ABKRS Payroll Area
16 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - ABKRS Payroll Area SOURCE VALUE(PAYROLLAREA) LIKE P0001-ABKRS
17 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - ENAME Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant
18 Table/Structure Field  P0001 - ENAME Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant SOURCE VALUE(NAME) LIKE P0001-ENAME
19 Table/Structure Field  P0003 - ABRDT Accounted to
20 Table/Structure Field  P0003 - ABRDT Accounted to SOURCE VALUE(ACCOUNTEDTO) LIKE P0003-ABRDT
21 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - BEGDA Start Date
22 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - BTRTL Personnel subarea of the higher duty position
23 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - CDRHD Percentage of cost distribution for high duty cost centre
24 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - CDRNO Percentage of cost distribution for nominal cost centre
25 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - CTAPP Count actual period of performance
26 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - CTHFD Count Half day as Full day
27 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - DISHF Discard if higher duty performed for less than half day
28 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - DRVAL Direct Valuation
29 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - EMPCT Employment Percentage on Higher duty
30 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - ENDDA End Date
31 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - INFTY Infotype
32 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - INVAL Indirect Valuation
33 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - OBJPS Object Identification
34 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - PERNR Personnel Number
35 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - PERSG Employee group of the higher duty position
36 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - PERSK Employee subgroup of the higher duty position
37 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - PERTG Percentage of allowance
38 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - PLANS Higher duty position
39 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - REACD Reason code for performing higher duty
40 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - SADAT Superannuation approval date
41 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - SAIND S17A indicator mentions allowance is part of Superannuation
42 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - SEQNR Number of Infotype Record With Same Key
43 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - SPRPS Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record
44 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - SUBTY Subtype
45 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - TRFAR Pay scale type of the higher duty position
46 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - TRFGB Pay scale area of the higher duty position
47 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - TRFGR Pay scale group of the higher duty position
48 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - TRFST Pay scale level of the higher duty position
49 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - UPHDA Unpaid Higher duty allowance indicator
50 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - VPERN Personnel number for whom higher dty is going to be performd
51 Table/Structure Field  P0509 - WERKS Personnel area of the higher duty position
52 Table/Structure Field  PS0001 - ABKRS Payroll Area SOURCE VALUE(PAYROLLAREA) LIKE P0001-ABKRS
53 Table/Structure Field  PS0001 - ABKRS Payroll Area
54 Table/Structure Field  PS0001 - ENAME Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant
55 Table/Structure Field  PS0001 - ENAME Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant SOURCE VALUE(NAME) LIKE P0001-ENAME
56 Table/Structure Field  PS0001_SAP - ABKRS Payroll Area SOURCE VALUE(PAYROLLAREA) LIKE P0001-ABKRS
57 Table/Structure Field  PS0001_SAP - ABKRS Payroll Area
58 Table/Structure Field  PS0001_SAP - ENAME Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant SOURCE VALUE(NAME) LIKE P0001-ENAME
59 Table/Structure Field  PS0001_SAP - ENAME Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant
60 Table/Structure Field  PS0003 - ABRDT Accounted to
61 Table/Structure Field  PS0003 - ABRDT Accounted to SOURCE VALUE(ACCOUNTEDTO) LIKE P0003-ABRDT
62 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - BTRTL Personnel subarea of the higher duty position
63 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - CDRHD Percentage of cost distribution for high duty cost centre
64 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - CDRNO Percentage of cost distribution for nominal cost centre
65 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - CTAPP Count actual period of performance
66 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - CTHFD Count Half day as Full day
67 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - DISHF Discard if higher duty performed for less than half day
68 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - DRVAL Direct Valuation
69 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - EMPCT Employment Percentage on Higher duty
70 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - INVAL Indirect Valuation
71 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - PERSG Employee group of the higher duty position
72 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - PERSK Employee subgroup of the higher duty position
73 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - PERTG Percentage of allowance
74 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - PLANS Higher duty position
75 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - REACD Reason code for performing higher duty
76 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - SADAT Superannuation approval date
77 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - SAIND S17A indicator mentions allowance is part of Superannuation
78 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - TRFAR Pay scale type of the higher duty position
79 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - TRFGB Pay scale area of the higher duty position
80 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - TRFGR Pay scale group of the higher duty position
81 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - TRFST Pay scale level of the higher duty position
82 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - UPHDA Unpaid Higher duty allowance indicator
83 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - VPERN Personnel number for whom higher dty is going to be performd
84 Table/Structure Field  PS0509 - WERKS Personnel area of the higher duty position
85 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - BEGDA Start Date
86 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - ENDDA End Date
87 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - INFTY Infotype
88 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - OBJPS Object Identification
89 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - PERNR Personnel Number
90 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - SEQNR Number of Infotype Record With Same Key
91 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - SPRPS Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record
92 Table/Structure Field  PSHDR - SUBTY Subtype
93 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - BEGDA Start Date
94 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - ENDDA End Date
95 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - INFTY Infotype
96 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - OBJPS Object Identification
97 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - PERNR Personnel Number
98 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - SEQNR Number of Infotype Record With Same Key
99 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - SPRPS Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record
100 Table/Structure Field  PSKEY - SUBTY Subtype
101 Table/Structure Field  RS38M - ITEX132 Text Symbol length 132
102 Table/Structure Field  RS38M - ITEX132 Text Symbol length 132 SOURCE VALUE(INFOLINE) LIKE RS38M-ITEX132 OPTIONAL
103 Table/Structure Field  SYST - DATUM ABAP System Field: Current Date of Application Server
104 Table/Structure Field  SYST - LANGU ABAP System Field: Language Key of Text Environment
105 Table/Structure Field  SYST - UCOMM ABAP System Field: PAI-Triggering Function Code
106 Table/Structure Field  T513J - MODUS Single-Character Flag
107 Table/Structure Field  T513J - MODUS Single-Character Flag SOURCE VALUE(MODUS_0100) LIKE T513J-MODUS
108 Table/Structure Field  T591A - OBJRQ Object identification permitted for subtype
109 Table/Structure Field  T591A - ZEITB Time Constraint
110 Table/Structure Field  T5QPBS1BT - REACD Reason code for performing higher duty
111 Table/Structure Field  T5QPBS1BT - SPRSL Language Key