Function Module list used by SAP ABAP Class CL_ICL_SUBROGITEM_AL (Subro/Recovery Item: Application Logic)
SAP ABAP Class CL_ICL_SUBROGITEM_AL (Subro/Recovery Item: Application Logic) is using
# Object Type Object Name Object Description Note
1 Function Module  BUS_OKCODE_GET Determine current OK code
2 Function Module  ICL_ADJUST_SUBRO_RESERVE Aktualisiert oder erzeugt Reserven für Regresse im Schaden
3 Function Module  ICL_ADJUST_SUBRO_RESERVE Aktualisiert oder erzeugt Reserven für Regresse im Schaden
4 Function Module  ICL_DATA_COMPLETE_WITH_HISTORY Bereitet Änderungen in der Datenbank vor
5 Function Module  ICL_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_SEND ICL: Send the system-message to bus_message_store
6 Function Module  ICL_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_SEND ICL: Send the system-message to bus_message_store
7 Function Module  ICL_GET_RESERVE_CURR Reservewährung holen
8 Function Module  ICL_MEM_KEY_GET Zuordnung endgültige zu temporärer Schadennummer
9 Function Module  ICL_SUBCL_GET Fetch a subclaim from memory
10 Function Module  ICL_SUBCL_GET Fetch a subclaim from memory
11 Function Module  ICL_SUBCL_SET Overwrite a single subclaim in memory
12 Function Module  ICL_SUBROGITEM_DB_SAVE Regresspos. sichern auf DB
13 Function Module  ICL_TOTAL_PAYMENT_N_RESERVE Summe aller Zahlungen und Reserven pro Teilfall
14 Function Module  POPUP_TO_CONFIRM Standard Dialog Popup
15 Function Module  SYSTEM_UUID_C_CREATE Generates UUID in character format