SAP ABAP Table BAPI1010_P (Transfer Structure 1010/Individual Parameters)
BBPCRM (Software Component) BBPCRM
   CRM (Application Component) Customer Relationship Management
     CRM_APPLICATION (Package) All CRM Components Without Special Structure Packages
       FBAS (Package) Financial accounting 'Basis'
Basic Data
Table Category INTTAB    Structure 
Structure BAPI1010_P   Table Relationship Diagram
Short Description Transfer Structure 1010/Individual Parameters    
Delivery and Maintenance
Delivery Class      
Data Browser/Table View Maintenance     Display/Maintenance Allowed with Restrictions 
Field Key Data Element Domain Data
Length Decimal
Short Description Check
1 CR_PY_ONLY REGUL_CM XFELD CHAR 1   0   FI checks only against current payer  
2 AL_AG_DAYS ERLTA NUM2 NUMC 2   0   Permitted Ageing in Days  
3 AL_AG_HOUR ERLST NUM2 NUMC 2   0   Permitted Ageing in Hours  
4 H_DU_LEVEL DUNNG_CM MAHNS NUMC 1   0   Highest dunning level allowed  
5 AL_DY_TOL PDTOL_CM ANZTA NUMC 3   0   Number of days for considering open items  
Last changed by/on SAP  20050411 
SAP Release Created in