SAP ABAP Message Class UC (FI/CO Data transfer: errors during transfer)
Basic Data
SAP_ABA (Software Component) Cross-Application Component
   CA-GTF-DCM (Application Component) Data Transfer
     BKD (Package) Tools for (external) data transfer
Message class UC
Short Description FI/CO Data transfer: errors during transfer  
Changed On 20130531 
Last Changed At 092228 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 001 &1 &2 &3 &4 Space: object requires documentation
2 002 Sender structure &1 does not exist  
3 003 Incorrect formula, field = &1  
4 004 Enter either a variable or a currency translation type  
5 005 A rule exists, but no receiver information exists for field &1  
6 006 No transfer rules are defined for sender structure &1  
7 007 Field &1 does not exist in the field catalog  
8 008 Translation key &1 for field &2 does not exist  
9 009 Reference field &1 does not exist in the sender structure  
10 010 Date field &1 does not exist in the sender structure  
11 011 Currency information could not be determined  
12 012 Characteristic value &1 of the field &2 is not permitted  
13 013 No value could be assigned to the field &1  
14 014 No unit could be determined for the field &1 Space: object requires documentation
15 015 Unit &1 is not maintained for field &2 Space: object requires documentation
16 016 Unit for field &1 cannot be converted from &2 to &3  
17 017 No currency could be determined for field &1 Space: object requires documentation
18 018 The currency translation date for field &1 could not be determined  
19 019 Currency translation date is &1, fiscal year variant is &2  
20 020 Exchange rate for field &1 with date &2 not found  
21 021 From cur. &1 to cur. &2 at exchange rate type &3 with inverse flag &4  
22 022 Conversion exit &1 does not exist  
23 023 Currency information in field &1 of table &2 cannot be read Space: object requires documentation
24 024 Enter a letter for the second character  
25 025 Enter a description  
26 026 Enter a fixed value  
27 027 Currency translation type &1 does not exist  
28 028 Global variable &1 does not exist for field &2  
29 029 Field &1 no. &2 in record &3 is not filled acc. to type. Content: &4 Space: object requires documentation
30 030 The summarization program for sender structure &1 cannot be generated Space: object requires documentation
31 031 No data exists Space: object requires documentation
32 032 External data transfer completed with no technical problems. Space: object requires documentation
33 033 Error occurred during posting Space: object requires documentation
34 034 Data was deleted Space: object requires documentation
35 035 Data saved Space: object requires documentation
36 036 The summarization program for the sender structure could not be generated Space: object requires documentation
37 037 The external log number cannot be determined Space: object requires documentation
38 038 The receiver record number &1 exists more than once in the database Space: object requires documentation
39 039 The sender record leads to double keys Space: object requires documentation
40 040 An error has occurred. Check the log Space: object requires documentation
41 041 Rule name is already in use: sender structure &1, field &2 Space: object requires documentation
42 042 The rule is used in sender structure &1 for field &2 Space: object requires documentation
43 043 The variable name &1 is not valid for receiver field &2 Space: object requires documentation
44 044 The general rule &1 does not exist or is inconsistent Space: object requires documentation
45 045 The general rule belongs to another application Space: object requires documentation
46 046 Deletion terminated: rule &1 is still used in sender structure &2 Space: object requires documentation
47 047 General rule is now defined by sender structure &1 receiver field &2 Space: object requires documentation
48 048 General rule &1 for field &2 could not be found Space: object requires documentation
49 049 You can either apply or define a general rule Space: object requires documentation
50 050 The default "SUM" is set for the total operation Space: object requires documentation
51 051 Data transfer initialized for &1 from &2 Space: object requires documentation
52 052 CPIC data transfer, conversion ID &1 Space: object requires documentation
53 053 Open file &1 Space: object requires documentation
54 054 Start of derivation Space: object requires documentation
55 055 No general rule is defined Space: object requires documentation
56 056 General rule &1 is not in use Space: object requires documentation
57 057 Messages written with log number &1 Space: object requires documentation
58 058 No rules exist for &1 Space: object requires documentation
59 059 The rule will not be transferred because no constant has been entered Space: object requires documentation
60 060 The rule will not be transferred because no variable has been entered Space: object requires documentation
61 061 The rule will not be transferred because no sender field has been entered Space: object requires documentation
62 062 The rule will not be transferred because no general rule has been entered Space: object requires documentation
63 063 The handling of nonassigned values has been set to default Space: object requires documentation
64 064 Segment name &1 and conversion rule &2 do not match Space: object requires documentation
65 065 The definition of the conversion rules in segment &1 is not correct Space: object requires documentation
66 066 Check conversion rules for &1: segment &2 Space: object requires documentation
67 067 Record type of record no. &1 could not be determined Space: object requires documentation
68 068 Enter a value for the receiver field Space: object requires documentation
69 069 Enter a value for the sender field Space: object requires documentation
70 070 The value makes no sense without specifying the sender field Space: object requires documentation
71 071 Data transfer can only be performed for one sender program per run Space: object requires documentation
72 072 Structure &1 does not exist. Create new structure in namespace RKCTnnn Space: object requires documentation
73 073 &1 has not been transported Space: object requires documentation
74 074 DDIC information for &1 cannot be read Space: object requires documentation
75 075 Field value &1 from &2 cannot be assigned to a packed number Space: object requires documentation
76 076 The rules for &1 cannot be deleted Space: object requires documentation
77 077 Import not possible. The structure of the receiver has changed Space: object requires documentation
78 078 Import not possible. The record structure has changed. Space: object requires documentation
79 079 No rule exists for field &1 Space: object requires documentation
80 080 Receive new packet of sender records Space: object requires documentation
81 081 Data transfer to R/3 terminated Space: object requires documentation
82 082 Restart: Update of receiver records Space: object requires documentation
83 083 Restart: Repeat of sender record import Space: object requires documentation
84 084 Restart: Repeat of incorrect sender record import Space: object requires documentation
85 085 Recipient &1: &2 Space: object requires documentation
86 086 The fiscal year variant cannot be determined. Data area: &1 Space: object requires documentation
87 087 Data transfer in test run mode Space: object requires documentation
88 088 Division by 0 occurred in field &1 during formula evaluation Space: object requires documentation
89 089 Error occurred during formula evaluation for field &1 Space: object requires documentation
90 090 Sender field &1 is in logical sender structure but not in physical one Space: object requires documentation
91 091 An error occurred when reading info on &1 to ABAP Dict. Space: object requires documentation
92 092 Sender program &1 has been started for variant &2 by CPIC Space: object requires documentation
93 093 Data will be written to the database Space: object requires documentation
94 094 File already imported from &1 on &2 for sender structure &3 Space: object requires documentation
95 095 Check the currency translation key &1 Space: object requires documentation
96 096 The general rule &1 cannot be reassigned to &2 Space: object requires documentation
97 097 The length of the transferred structure and the sender structure differ Space: object requires documentation
98 098 Sender field and converted sender field are of different type Space: object requires documentation
99 099 Enter either a sender field or a value for the constant Space: object requires documentation
100 100 Monitor information for data transfer *********************************** Space: object requires documentation
101 101 End of posting: &1 Space: object requires documentation
102 102 Number of sender records with errors: &1 Space: object requires documentation
103 103 Number of receiver records with errors: &1 Space: object requires documentation
104 104 &1 sender records imported at &2 Space: object requires documentation
105 105 The transfer rules for &1 are inconsistent Space: object requires documentation
106 106 &1 receiver records created at &2 Space: object requires documentation
107 107 &1 logs were deleted, &2 could not be deleted Space: object requires documentation
108 108 Transfer completed with errors at &1 Space: object requires documentation
109 109 << Recipient structure fields >> Space: object requires documentation
110 110 - field &1 type &2 length &3 decim. &4 Space: object requires documentation
111 111 << Sender structure fields >> Space: object requires documentation
112 112 << Recipient field: &1 >> Space: object requires documentation
113 113 - Validation is activated Space: object requires documentation
114 114 - special conversion routine: &1 Space: object requires documentation
115 115 - non-assigned fields are indicated as errors Space: object requires documentation
116 116 - variable: &1 Space: object requires documentation
117 117 - general rule &1 is used Space: object requires documentation
118 118 - the values on the database are overwritten Space: object requires documentation
119 119 - total operation: &1 Space: object requires documentation
120 120 - target currency: &1 Space: object requires documentation
121 121 - target unit: &1 Space: object requires documentation
122 122 - source unit: &1 Space: object requires documentation
123 123 - reference field: &1 Space: object requires documentation
124 124 - conversion unit: &1 Space: object requires documentation
125 125 - formula: &1 Space: object requires documentation
126 126 - recipient field value (unconverted): &1 Space: object requires documentation
127 127 - rule: &1 Space: object requires documentation
128 128 - option group: &1 Space: object requires documentation
129 129 - sender field: &1 Space: object requires documentation
130 130 - from offset: &1 Space: object requires documentation
131 131 - to length: &1 Space: object requires documentation
132 132 - option: Sign &1 option &2 from &3 bis &4 Space: object requires documentation
133 133 A receiver record exists more than once Space: object requires documentation
134 134 Incorrect formula component: &1 Space: object requires documentation
135 135 &1 already being processed by &2 Space: object requires documentation
136 136 Data transfer can only be performed for one sender program per run Space: object requires documentation
137 137 Receive new packet of sender records Space: object requires documentation
138 138 Data transfer to R/3 terminated Space: object requires documentation
139 139 Max. sender structure length of 4096 bytes was exceeded Space: object requires documentation
140 140 QUEUE could not be opened Space: object requires documentation
141 141 TRANSFER TO QUEUE or CLOSE QUEUE failed RC: &1 Space: object requires documentation
142 142 Data transfer to R/3 terminated Space: object requires documentation
143 143 Only time bases 1,2,3 and 5 are supported Space: object requires documentation
144 144 Enter a source currency field or a fixed source currency Space: object requires documentation
145 145 Enter a date field or a key date Space: object requires documentation
146 146 Check if field &1 is contained in table &2 Space: object requires documentation
147 147 Enter a time base Space: object requires documentation
148 148 &1 in record nr. &2 cannot be converted to a packed number Space: object requires documentation
149 149 Enter an exchange rate type Space: object requires documentation
150 150 Rule maintenance not possible since data is sent to &1 Space: object requires documentation
151 151 File &1 could not be deleted Space: object requires documentation
152 152 Only the first 90 fields are displayed Space: object requires documentation
153 153 No logs exist Space: object requires documentation
154 154 Could not set the lock for generating the program Space: object requires documentation
155 155 &1 blocks saved Space: object requires documentation
156 170 Choose ONE row for this operation Space: object requires documentation
157 200 Data is not saved, since rules still exist for &1 Space: object requires documentation
158 201 The table is locked by &1 Space: object requires documentation
159 202 Select a row Space: object requires documentation
160 203 Name has already been assigned. Choose another name Space: object requires documentation
161 204 Enter a meaning Space: object requires documentation
162 205 Enter a segment Space: object requires documentation
163 206 Enter a conversion rule Space: object requires documentation
164 322 Structure & does not exist Space: object requires documentation
165 323 Error when deleting structure & Space: object requires documentation
166 324 Object & not in Table TADIR Space: object requires documentation
167 325 Check and amend the transfer rules Space: object requires documentation
168 330 Select a valid line Space: object requires documentation
169 520 Enter exactly three characters from (A,B,...,Y,Z,0,1,..,9) Space: object requires documentation
170 702 Only numeric entries allowed here Space: object requires documentation
171 703 Enter correct date Space: object requires documentation
172 704 Conversion is not supported Space: object requires documentation
173 711 Choose a sender structure or check off & Space: object requires documentation
174 713 Enter either file name or logical file name Space: object requires documentation
175 714 Enter missing formatting entries Space: object requires documentation
176 723 CPIC password error occurred Space: object requires documentation
177 727 CPIC: Communication link dissolved Space: object requires documentation
178 733 CPIC &: Communication link problems - no data received Space: object requires documentation
179 734 CPIC &: Communication link problems - incomplete data received Space: object requires documentation
180 735 Receiver field &1 no longer exists Space: object requires documentation
181 738 The total operation 'COUNT' is not appropriate for currencies Space: object requires documentation
182 741 Characteristic value & is invalid Space: object requires documentation
183 746 Currency translation method incorrect: Target currency field not required Space: object requires documentation
184 747 Currency translation method & does not exist Space: object requires documentation
185 750 Error occurred during conversion from &1 to a field of type &2 Space: object requires documentation
186 754 Offset and length &1 are greater/equal to sender field &3 length &2 Space: object requires documentation
187 755 &1 is an invalid table name or &2 is an invalid field in the DDIC Space: object requires documentation
188 760 Offset should be less than or equal to 55 The short text describes the object sufficiently
189 761 Offset should be less than or equal to &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
190 762 Enter the missing data on sender field &1 Space: object requires documentation
191 766 Enter numerical values only Space: object requires documentation
192 769 Enter values for receiver field &1 and rule 'GROUP' Space: object requires documentation
193 771 Field lengths of receiver &1 and sender field &2 are different Space: object requires documentation
194 772 Field types of receiver &1 and sender field &2 are incompatible Space: object requires documentation
195 776 Field types for characteristic &1 and sender field &2 are different Space: object requires documentation
196 777 Unit/currency is preset -> Translate if necessary Space: object requires documentation
197 778 Unit/currency does not exist in check table & Space: object requires documentation
198 779 Offset is greater than/equal to sender field &2 length &1 Space: object requires documentation
199 780 Error occurred while reading DDIC table &1 Space: object requires documentation
200 782 Sender field &1 is invalid Space: object requires documentation
201 786 Sender fields must be different for multiple 'COMBINE' rules. Space: object requires documentation
202 790 Upper limit must be higher than lower limit Space: object requires documentation
203 792 Selection conditions must not overlap Space: object requires documentation
204 793 Type &1 of sender field &2 not allowed Space: object requires documentation
205 794 Purely numeric sender field names are not allowed Space: object requires documentation
206 795 Rules for characteristic &1 must still be entered. Space: object requires documentation
207 796 Formulas must still be maintained for a key figure Space: object requires documentation
208 797 Rules must still be maintained for a characteristic Space: object requires documentation
209 800 No data exists Space: object requires documentation
210 801 No variant &2 is defined for program &1 Space: object requires documentation
211 802 Variant &2 is not allowed for program &1 Space: object requires documentation
212 803 Report &1 with variant &2 started Space: object requires documentation
213 804 Sender field & no longer exists -> Reorganize rules Space: object requires documentation
214 805 Program start was not possible & & Space: object requires documentation
215 872 Sender structure & does not exist Space: object requires documentation
216 887 Currency translation for &1 not possible Space: object requires documentation
217 900 **** XPRA 4.0 *********************************************************** Space: object requires documentation
218 901 Receiver structure for sender structure &1 cannot be determined Space: object requires documentation
219 902 Sender structure &1 cannot be found Space: object requires documentation
Last changed on/by 20130531  SAP 
SAP Release Created in