SAP ABAP Message Class SEPM_EXCEPTIONS (EPM: Exception Messages)
Basic Data
SAP_BASIS (Software Component) SAP Basis Component
   BC-SRV-NWD (Application Component) NetWeaver Demonstration
     S_EPM_COMMON (Package) EPM Common Objects
Short Description EPM: Exception Messages  
Changed On 20140121 
Last Changed At 103755 
# Message Message Short Text Documentation status Authorization check
1 001 Data type does not match buffer type The short text describes the object sufficiently
2 002 BO name &1 is invalid The short text describes the object sufficiently
3 003 Invalid query parameter value. Parameter = &1, Value = &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
4 004 BO node '&1' has no parent node The short text describes the object sufficiently
5 005 DB table '&1' does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
6 006 Node key is initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
7 007 '&1' is not an EPM DB table The short text describes the object sufficiently
8 008 Duplicate key '&1' The short text describes the object sufficiently
9 009 Operation '&1' has failed. Reason: &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
10 010 Parent key is initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
11 011 Table of node keys is empty The short text describes the object sufficiently
12 012 Edit mode '&1' is invalid The short text describes the object sufficiently
13 013 Table of data is empty The short text describes the object sufficiently
14 014 Message Buffer is invalid The short text describes the object sufficiently
15 015 Node key field name ( &1 ) for DB table &2 does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
16 016 Too many selection parameters ( &1 )specified for DB table &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
17 017 Selection parameter field name &1 does not exist with DB table &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
18 018 Invalid value ( &1 ) for parameter 'Maximum number of rows to select' The short text describes the object sufficiently
19 019 Field name ( &1 ) does not exist for DB table &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
20 020 Invalid sort order ( &1 ) specified for field ( &2 ) of DB &3 The short text describes the object sufficiently
21 021 Contradictory paging options specified for DB table &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
22 022 Parent key '&1' does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
23 023 Table of alternative keys is empty The short text describes the object sufficiently
24 024 Alternative key field '&1' does not exist for BO node '&2' The short text describes the object sufficiently
25 025 Root data buffer has no parent The short text describes the object sufficiently
26 026 Alternative key is initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
27 027 Invalid sort field name ( &1 ) specified for DB &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
28 028 Invalid selection field name ( &1 ) specified for DB &2 The short text describes the object sufficiently
29 029 Message Buffer Table is invalid The short text describes the object sufficiently
30 030 Message is invalid The short text describes the object sufficiently
31 031 Entity name of the property '&1' is invalid The short text describes the object sufficiently
32 032 Property name '&1' is invalid The short text describes the object sufficiently
33 033 Property '&1' is not allowed to be set dynamically The short text describes the object sufficiently
34 034 Bool value '&1' is invalid The short text describes the object sufficiently
35 035 Property value '&1' conflicts with other dynamic property The short text describes the object sufficiently
36 036 This method can only be called on the root buffer The short text describes the object sufficiently
37 037 Service Interface &1 could not be created The short text describes the object sufficiently
38 038 Messsage sending via service interface &1 failed The short text describes the object sufficiently
39 039 BO node name '&1' represents no EPM BO node The short text describes the object sufficiently
40 040 BO name '&1' represents no EPM BO The short text describes the object sufficiently
41 041 Invalid SAM precondition '&1' The short text describes the object sufficiently
42 042 Message Class: '&1' does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
43 043 BO node '&1' has no data buffer The short text describes the object sufficiently
44 044 BO node '&1' has no field '&2' The short text describes the object sufficiently
45 045 Too many filter parameters specified (&1, maximum is &2) The short text describes the object sufficiently
46 046 Node key '&1' doesn't exist in buffer The short text describes the object sufficiently
47 047 Set property delete disabled is not allowed when parents are not. The short text describes the object sufficiently
48 048 Get property create enabled without keys is not allowed for child buffers The short text describes the object sufficiently
49 049 Get create enabled root properties with node keys is not allowed. The short text describes the object sufficiently
50 050 BO node name '&1' is invalid The short text describes the object sufficiently
51 051 Property is empty The short text describes the object sufficiently
52 052 Field '&1' is not a key field The short text describes the object sufficiently
53 053 Mime type is initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
54 054 Invalid number range number '&1' The short text describes the object sufficiently
55 055 End before start date The short text describes the object sufficiently
56 056 Invalid language '&1' The short text describes the object sufficiently
57 057 ABAP class '&1' does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
58 058 Content is initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
59 059 Node key '&1' does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
60 060 Parameter CHANGED_FIELDS does not suite parameter IT_DATA The short text describes the object sufficiently
61 061 Language is initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
62 062 ECM: Consumer node name / node key specification is missing The short text describes the object sufficiently
63 063 ECM: Display name missing The short text describes the object sufficiently
64 064 ECM: Attachment content is not expected when creating a folder The short text describes the object sufficiently
65 065 ECM: Attachment content has not been specified The short text describes the object sufficiently
66 066 Operation '&1' has failed, node ='&2', node key = '&3' The short text describes the object sufficiently
67 067 Operation '&1' of node '&2' is only allowed in batch mode The short text describes the object sufficiently
68 068 Action parameters are missing The short text describes the object sufficiently
69 069 Parent node ( node key = '&1' ) is not an attachment folder The short text describes the object sufficiently
70 070 Consumer node specification differs from parent folder ('&1'/'&2') The short text describes the object sufficiently
71 071 Non unique field '&1' The short text describes the object sufficiently
72 072 Action '&1' does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
73 073 Method '&1' does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
74 074 Switching the processor context in a session is not allowed The short text describes the object sufficiently
75 075 Cannot obtain lock for Unit Test: '&1' The short text describes the object sufficiently
76 076 Inconsistent message payload The short text describes the object sufficiently
77 077 Invalid Org Unit The short text describes the object sufficiently
78 078 Unspported filter option '&1' The short text describes the object sufficiently
79 079 Invalid Org Unit name &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
80 080 More than 1 Company record found The short text describes the object sufficiently
81 081 Field name is initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
82 082 List of e-mail recipients is empty The short text describes the object sufficiently
83 083 E-mail subject line is empty The short text describes the object sufficiently
84 084 E-mail body is empty The short text describes the object sufficiently
85 085 E-mail attachment is initial The short text describes the object sufficiently
86 086 E-mail attachment type is iniitial The short text describes the object sufficiently
87 087 E-mail attachment type must be specified The short text describes the object sufficiently
88 088 Unknown user &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
89 089 Named attachment &1 does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
90 090 E-mail attachment name must be specified The short text describes the object sufficiently
91 091 Invalid recipient address &1 The short text describes the object sufficiently
92 092 Error sending e-mail The short text describes the object sufficiently
93 093 Circular message definition The short text describes the object sufficiently
94 094 Association '&1' does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
95 095 Alternative key '&1' does not exist The short text describes the object sufficiently
96 096 Definition of alternative key '&1' is invalid ( elements are missing ) The short text describes the object sufficiently
97 097 DB table '&1' is forbidden The short text describes the object sufficiently
98 098 Invalid time specification: From ('&1') >= To ('&2') The short text describes the object sufficiently
99 099 Conversion method missing for alternative key '&1' The short text describes the object sufficiently
Last changed on/by 20140121  SAP 
SAP Release Created in   720